Southport child killer Axel Rudakubana wanted NOTORIETY Order of Nine Angles, 764 Nazi Satanic style

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Southport child killer Axel Rudakubana wanted NOTORIETY Order of Nine Angles, 764 Nazi Satanic style

Post by TonyGosling »

How Southport killer Axel Rudakubana went from model pupil to mass murderer ... -22414613/

By the time he reached Year 9, Axel Rudakubana was said to be regarded as a ‘model pupil’.

Three years earlier he was portraying a young Doctor Who in a BBC Children in Need advert.

But three years later he was carrying out one of the worst atrocities in modern British criminal history.

So how did the quiet boy with a passion for acting from an ‘unremarkable’ churchgoing family become a bitter loner with a ‘sickening and sustained interest in death and violence’?

The ‘spark’ appears to have been ignited in October 2019, shortly after Rudakubana started in Year 9 at the Range High School in Formby.

He rang Childline claiming he was being racially bullied and was taking a knife into school to protect himself, adding: ‘What should I do if I want to kill somebody?’

In a chilling glimpse at what was to come last summer, Rudakubana later returned to the school armed with a hockey stick and settled his perceived grievances by attacking children he held to have wronged him.

When the police were called, a kitchen knife was found in his backpack.

Prosecutor Deanna Heer KC told his sentencing hearing today: ‘In the days that followed he explained that he hated someone at school who’d bullied him.

‘He felt angry and wanted to kill them. He said he had taken a knife to school but would only use it if the person really annoyed him.’

A classmate told the Daily Mail of that attack: ‘He only stopped when two teachers managed to get hold of him.

‘When we heard it was Axel who had attacked the dance studio, we all said, “Thank goodness it was only a hockey stick he brought in that day”.’

A referral was made to the police, who visited Rudakubana.

‘To them he confirmed that he had indeed taken a knife to school and added that he thought he would use it if he became angry,’ Ms Heer said.

‘The school was informed. By this time, the defendant had been temporarily excluded.

‘But he has admitted taking a knife to school on about 10 occasions, when he did so the school made his exclusion permanent.’

Referrals were made to the Multi-Agency Safeguard Hub (MASH), the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and social services.

On October 17, 2019, Rudakubana was enrolled at The Acorns School, Ormskirk, which is a Pupil Referral Unit.

During his admission meeting, he was asked why he had taken a knife to school. He replied: ‘To use it.’

‘The knife incident and then the hockey stick attack seem to have been the start of him becoming obsessed with the most horrific violence, eventually culminating in the attack on the dance studio,’ the source told the Mail.

‘That was the spark which started everything.’

Rudakubana then attended two specialists schools, The Acorns School in Lancashire and Presfield High School & Specialist College in Southport.

Teachers were concerned about his behaviour there too. His in-person attendance at Presfield was less than 1%.

Rudakubana was known to the local social services, who would request the police come along with them to meetings for their protection.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that following reports of incidents at home, the defendant stopped attending school in May 2021.

Ms Heer said: ‘On March 17, 2022, he was reported missing. He was found by the police in possession of a small kitchen knife.

‘He said that he wanted to stab someone so that he would get into trouble and his Tik Tok account, which contained embarrassing videos that he was unable to delete, would be closed down by the police.

‘He said he had also thought about poisoning people and/or had tried to make poison for the same reason.’

Prosecutor Deanna Heer said in July 2020 he returned to school under two to one supervision.

In February 2021 he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and in April 2021 he received a formal education and healthcare plan (EHCP).

It has now emerged that he was referred to the government anti-extremism scheme Prevent three times before the murders, amid concerns over his fixation with violence.

The first, in November 2019, was made because he had been researching school shootings during an information technology class.

In February 2021, another referral was made following reports that he had uploaded to Instagram two images of Colonel Gadaffi.

And in April 2021, a third referral was made because he had been found researching the London Bridge terror attack.

The teenager was spending his time locked away in his bedroom researching genocide and watching graphic videos of murder.

‘He was absolutely obsessed with genocides,’ one senior official was quoted as saying.

‘He could name every genocide in history and how many people were killed – Rwanda, Genghis Khan, Hitler. It’s all he wanted to talk about.

‘Just as some children are fixated on football, they know all the players, all their stats, he was the same about genocidal killers and bloody dictators.

‘If you wanted to know about the IRA’s killing campaign or Colonel Gaddafi’s brutal regime, Rudakubana could tell you all about it.

‘He collected books and literature and read up on it obsessively. The nastier it was, the more interesting he found it.

‘It’s just chilling how he went from being an apparently normal Year 9 kid to becoming just uncontrollably evil.’

One former school friend, who didn’t want to be named, told the Guardian he believes Rudakubana was a ‘ticking time bomb’.

Rudakubana has a connection to the genocide in Rwanda through his parents.

A profile of his father, Alphonse Rudakubana, printed in local newspaper the Southport Visiter in 2015 said he was originally from Rwanda, a country that suffered a deadly genocide in the early 1990s, and moved to the UK in 2002.

Rudakubana, the youngest son of the family, was born in Cardiff, where neighbours of the family described a ‘lovely couple’ with a hardworking father and stay-at-home mother to ‘two boisterous boys’.

In 2013 they moved to Banks, just a few miles outside of Southport, where Rudakubana’s father trained with local martial arts clubs.

The family lived in a mid-terrace three-bedroom house in a newly-built cul-de-sac of a dozen or so properties.

A search of their home following his arrest found a substance later confirmed to be ricin, which Rudakubana admitted production of on Monday.

Ms Heer said: ‘There is no antidote (for ricin poisoning) and only a very small amount of it may be deadly.’

An expert at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down concluded that equipment in Rudakubana’s bedroom ‘had been used to make a crude preparation of ricin in sufficient quantities to be lethal’.

They also found a PDF file entitled Military Studies In The Jihad Against The Tyrants, The Al Qaeda Training Manual on a device belonging to the teenager.

Ms Heer said of particular relevance were; a passage referring to assassination and mass murder; a section called ‘Assassinations Using Cold Steel: A: Assassinating with a Knife’ which gave advice on where the ‘enemy’ should be struck in order to kill; and ‘Assassinations with Poison’, which gave information on the production of ricin and explained that it is considered one of the most deadly poisons.

Officers found violent content on Axel Rudakubana’s devices including images of dead bodies, victims of torture, beheadings, cartoons depicting killing, violence and rape or which insulted or mocked different religions, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

The court heard there were numerous images relating to different wars and international conflicts, including in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, Korea, Iraq and the Balkans.

There were also several documents were found which also related to war, weapons and genocide.

These included documents called ‘A concise history of Nazi Germany’, ‘Death and survival during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda’, and ‘Examination of punishments dealt to slave rebels in two 18th Century British Plantation Societies’.

Ms Heer said: ‘The material found on these devices provides, the prosecution suggest, a window into the defendant’s mind at this time.

‘It demonstrates that he was fascinated with violence of an extreme nature, that he had obtained information on killings and how to kill and he had obtained weapons capable of killing.

‘The evidence serves to demonstrates that he had planned to stab and the events at Hart Street were premeditated and had been planned by the defendant for several weeks.’

Bebe King, aged six, was the youngest person to die in the attack (Picture: Merseyside Police/PA Wire)

Despite all that, investigators trying to understand why he carried out the massacre have been left frustrated.

‘He had no religious links whatsoever – he was just pure evil and wanted to hurt people,’ a source said.

‘It was as simple as that.’

Just a week before he went to the dance class in The Hart Space, he booked a taxi to take him to Range High School where he is believed to have been planning a knife attack, but his father stopped him from leaving.

Chilling details of the July 29 rampage have since emerged.

The 26 youngsters – aged six to 11 – were making friendship bracelets when Rudakubana entered brandishing a 20cm blade.

After stabbing the child closest to him, he ‘systematically’ went around the room knifing as many others as he could.

Bebe King, six, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, suffered unsurvivable injuries. Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, managed to run outside after being wounded but died in hospital the following day.

He was assessed by psychiatrists in the cells who found him fit to be detained and interviewed.

While in police custody, Rudakubana said ‘I’m so glad those kids are dead, it makes me happy’.

The court heard several ‘unsolicited comments’ which were recorded on CCTV footage or noted down at the time.

The others she read to the court were:

‘I don’t care, I’m feeling neutral.’

‘It’s a good thing those children are dead.’

‘Literally, such a good thing those kids are dead, six-years-old …’

‘I’m so glad the children are dead, so glad,’ and

‘So happy, six-years-old. It’s a good thing they are dead, yeah.’
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Re: Southport child killer Axel Rudakubana wanted NOTORIETY Order of Nine Angles, 764 Nazi Satanic style

Post by TonyGosling »

Deleted Internet treasure trove may unlock Axel Rudakubana's Southport attack motives

EXCLUSIVE - Before Southport mass murderer Axel Rudakubana launched his attack he deleted much of his Internet browsing history. Now it's hoped to be unlocked. ... ort-police

Crucial clues into why Axel Rudakubana launched his murderous Southport attack may soon be unmasked - as US tech giants are helping UK police access his deleted search data.

Moments before the twisted killer left home to stab 13 children and adults, Rudakubana deleted the Internet search history on a number of his devices - leaving detectives in the dark on what he had been researching.

Last year Merseyside Police submitted requests to the US-based Google's Chrome and Microsoft's Bing browsers, asking for the information - despite the tragedy not classed as a terror incident, the highest severity.

This week the force confirmed they are still waiting for the data despite using the "correct" UK/US channels - but Google have said they will now work with the force to look into the hold up and help them get it.

On Thursday at Liverpool Crown Court 18 year-old Rudakubana was jailed for life with a minimum of 52 years for his deadly knife attack that saw him stab 13 people, kill three young girls and inflict 300 wounds on his victims.

It's hoped unlocking the Internet history on these deleted devices could help investigators answer the two questions that's so far eluded detectives - why did he decide to murder children and why target specifically The Hart Space in Southport?

Senior investigator of the Southport murders, Detective Chief Inspector Jason Pye, told the Daily Express this week how his team had a mountain of digital information to trawl through after the 29th July 2024 attacks which claimed the lives of Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine; Bebe King, six, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven.

Det Chief Insp Pye explained to us: "Within all of those devices there was 164,000 plus documents that have been downloaded from internet sites, so those were documents that were stored within his actual devices."

But he told us some of Rudakubana's digital devices they were never able to access - and he deleted his Internet search history on multiple devices moments before leaving home to book a taxi to The Hart Space.

This led police to apply to access Google Chrome and Microsoft Bing data last year.

One device only contained one Internet search - as he had deleted all the history - and that search he made just seconds before leaving the house to carry out his attack.

That one search was for a video on X of the infamous 2024 Sydney church attack, in which Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and five others were stabbed.

Det Chief Insp Pye added: "He must have done the delete and then reviewed that, because that was the only thing that we could find on (that) device from the Internet."

Detailing the horror stash of torture, genocide and beheadings that they have already found on Rudakubana's electrical devices, Merseyside Chief Constable Serena Kennedy added: "When his home was searched a number of weapons were recovered including the biological toxin ricin.

"On his computer devices a large number of images and documents demonstrated he had a long-standing obsession with violence, killing and genocide.

"Amongst those documents was a version of the Al-Qaeda training manual, which provides instruction on how to commit acts of terror, including with a knife and with poisons, including ricin.

"Having researched atrocities committed by others the evidence suggests that he set out to emulate them on 29 July.

"There is no evidence that he ascribed to any particular political or religious ideology; he wasn’t fighting for a cause. His only purpose was to kill and he targeted the youngest, most vulnerable in order to spread the greatest level of fear and outrage, which he succeeded in doing."

UK law enforcement agencies have a range of investigatory powers available to them, including under the UK’s Investigatory Powers Act, through international agreements and mechanisms like the CLOUD Act.

These powers provide a number of avenues through which law enforcement can request data from tech companies for various purposes and under different legal frameworks.

Google sources say they do not require requests to be made specifically via the US courts - in cases where a person may be in serious physical danger, they may also voluntarily disclose information needed to prevent the emergency.

In cases involving serious crime or counter terrorism operations, law enforcement agencies can also seek assistance from the UK’s National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC). NTAC is an operational unit that provides support on interception, data recovery, and digital forensics.
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