8 Million Muslim Deaths & Media Denial of New Holocaust

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8 Million Muslim Deaths & Media Denial of New Holocaust

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8 Million Deaths & Media Holocaust Denial
from Media with Conscience
by Dr Gideon Polya


The 6th anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan is approaching. This horrendous war crime was committed ostensibly in response to the 9/11 atrocity in which 3,000 people died.

While the egregiously dishonest and violent Bush Administration asserts that this atrocity was committed by Muslim Men in Caves, nobody has been arraigned and tried and there is a large body of available evidence that the US or US surrogates (Israelis?) were complicit in this crime (e.g. see Scholars for 9/11 Truth: http://st911.org/ ). As a scientist for 4 decades I have great problems with the official version e.g. how did the completely undamaged top 20 floors of the South Tower (the tower last hit, with minimal fires and the first to fall) topple to 30 degrees and then suddenly, in about 10 seconds, all the squillions of tons of concrete and steel of these floors become transformed into fine powder? This is blatantly consistent with the hypothesis of US-complicit explosive demolition (see: here ).

While Mainstream media continue to trumpet the judicially-untested, and reason-, chemistry-and physics-defying “official 9/11 version” of the endlessly lying Bush Administration (aka the OCT, the Official Conspiracy Theory), they ignore the horrendous human consequences of the subsequent Bush II War on Terror – 6 million post-invasion excess deaths as adjudged from the data of world’s best practice, expert UN and American demographers and medical epidemiologists. Indeed the Bush Asian Wars – the continuing US-backed Israeli Occupations (Occupied Lebanon and Occupied Palestine excess deaths 0.4 million), (the Bush I Gulf War (0.2 million Iraqi violent deaths), the Bush I-Clinton I-Bush II Sanctions War (1.7 million excess deaths), the Bush II Iraq War (2.0 million excess deaths), the Bush II Afghan War (3.2 million excess deaths) and the post-2001 world opiate drug deaths due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed opium industry (0.5 million deaths) now yields a total of 8 million deaths in the Bush Family Asian Holocaust.

A bottom-line measure of the consequences of human actions is provided by excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that should not have happened, excess mortality, avoidable mortality). Excess deaths can be violent (from bombs and bullets) or non-violent (due to deprivation). Analysis of the carnage of the Bush Asian Wars is given below (for detailed and documented analyses of excess deaths from violence and deprivation in these conflicts see “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya/).

1. US-backed Apartheid Israeli occupation of Lebanon (much of the 1978-2006 period) [0.07 million] – 1978-2000 excess deaths in Lebanon totalled 60,000; about 10,000 violent killings by Israelis or Israeli surrogates occurred in the period 1978-2006.

2. US-backed Apartheid Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza (1967-2007) [0.31 million] – 1957-2007 excess deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory totalled about 0.3 million; about 10,000 Palestinians were violently killed (5,000 in the 2000-2007 Second Intifada period alone).

3. US Gulf War (1990-1991) [0.2 million] – an estimated 0.2 million violent Iraqi deaths due to the Bush I Gulf War.

4. US Sanctions War (1990-2003) [1.7 million] – an estimated 1.7 million Iraqi excess deaths occurred in the period 1990-2003 under the Bush I-Clinton I-Bush II Sanctions; the number of under-5 infant deaths in this period totalled 1.2 million (roughly 90% of these deaths were avoidable).

5. US Afghanistan War (2001-2007) [3.2 million] - excess deaths from UN Population Division data total 2.5 million; however excess deaths determined from under-5 infant deaths and dividing by 0.7 total 3.2 million (see 'Layperson’s Guide to Counting Iraq Deaths' on MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/ ).

6. US Iraq War (2003-2007) [2.0 million] – 1.2 million post-invasion violent deaths (from the latest UK ORB survey) plus 0.8 million post-invasion non-violent excess deaths (from UNICEFunder-5 year old infant mortality data; see #5 above).

7. Global opiate drug-related deaths due to US actions [0.5 million] - 0.1 million people die each year around the world (0.6 million over 6 years) from opiate drug-related causes. Accordingly, about 0.5 million have died avoidably since 9/11 from opiate drug-related causes due to the UK-US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from about 5% of world market share in 2001 to a current 93% (see UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, 2007 World Drug Report).

We can thus assess the human cost of the Bush I and Bush II Asian Wars at 0.06 + 0.31 + 0.2 + 1.7 + 3.2 + 2.0 + 0.5 million = 7.97 million = 8 million.

A major contributor to the carnage in Occupied Palestine, Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan is the war criminal failure of the Occupiers to supply life-sustaining requisites as demanded unequivocally by the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Thus, according the World Health Organization (WHO), the “annual total per capita medical expenditure” permitted in Occupied Iraq by the US Coalition is $135 (2004) as compared to $19 (Occupied Afghanistan), $2,560 (UK), $3,123 (Australia) and $6,096 (the US).

The US Alliance Occupier countries are involved in both active genocide and passive genocide in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories - see the recently published “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (editor. Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney 2007; and especially “Australian Complicity in Iraq Mass Mortality” by Dr Gideon Polya) and “Body Count’ (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007).

The Bush Asian Holocaust death toll of 8 million exceeds that of the Jewish Holocaust, the WW2 Nazi German-inflicted Jewish Genocide (6 million deaths, 5 million murdered and 1 million dying from deprivation) and that of the largely un-reported, “forgotten”, man-made, British-inflicted Bengali Holocaust (Bengal Famine, Bengali Genocide) of World War 2 British India (4 million excess deaths).

History ignored yields history repeated. Currently Mainstream media - non- reportage of the Bush Asian Holocaust (8 million victims) coupled with their Zionist- and Racist Bush-ite-beholden, Islamophobic, “terror hysterical” war-mongering is acutely threatening Iran with comparable devastation. Remote, peaceful Iran has a population of over 70 million (three quarters of whom are Women and Children).

Stand up for Humanity - please inform everyone you can before it is too late.
Last edited by Rory Winter on Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by conspiracy analyst »

Its funny a Holocaust right before our eyes yet no movement has called for sanctions.
No journalist. No politician. No publication.

Terrorists are always to be found either abroad or with dark skins within our midst. Its never Harvard or Oxbridge educated dudes with suits.

The modern terrorist is right here at home.

One day humanity will call them to account for genocide and holocaust denial.
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Post by Disco_Destroyer »

conspiracy analyst wrote:Its funny a Holocaust right before our eyes yet no movement has called for sanctions.
No journalist. No politician. No publication.

Terrorists are always to be found either abroad or with dark skins within our midst. Its never Harvard or Oxbridge educated dudes with suits.

The modern terrorist is right here at home.

One day humanity will call them to account for genocide and holocaust denial.
To that end I recomend 'Ass Clowns' by Ministry
Come and see real white collar terrorists living in their own natural habitat
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Post by karlos »


Excellent and very moving post Venceremos
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Looking Back into the Past

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The modern terrorist is right here at home.

One day humanity will call them to account for genocide and holocaust denial.
I too believe this will happen. After the collapse of this so-called civilisation, the folk who will be left to pick up the pieces to carry on, the meek who shall inherit the Earth (or what's left of it), will have learnt a big lesson of humility. I see the day when our children will be taught the history of how Capitalism finally destroyed itself and much of the Earth with it and how, in the last days, there were these great empires which survived only by the propagation of ceaseless brain-washing and Big Lies.

Those children will learn of a final Dark Age which was destroyed by the forces of Mother Earth herself.
Last edited by Rory Winter on Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
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A More Civilised Planet, Please!

Post by Rory Winter »

Excellent and very moving post Venceremos
Ta, Stelios. The pictures really say it all, eh? And yet so many cold-hearted ones will dismiss them and snigger.

If reincarnation is a reality I would like to incarnate on a more civilised planet, please!
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Importance of Truth and Resistance

Post by Rory Winter »

Its funny a Holocaust right before our eyes yet no movement has called for sanctions.
No journalist. No politician. No publication.
Hey, remember that was how it happened in Nazi Germany! The entire horror was kept a secret until the Nazis were defeated.

As long as the West retains the power it will keep this and all its other secrets well-hidden.

It will take a hammering defeat like the one Germany experienced before we are forced to acknowledge the truth.

And that is why we in the Truth Movement are as important in these dark days as were the anti-Hitler resistance movement in those.
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Post by Disco_Destroyer »

US Alliance Afghan Genocide -Six Million Excess Deaths?
By Dr Gideon Polya
Nov 10, 2007, 13:23
http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/a ... 5478.shtml

Post-invasion non-violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan - a month on from the 6th anniversary of the war criminal US invasion and occupation on 7th October 2001 – now total an estimated 3.2 million. However comparisons with Occupied Iraq (1.5-2 million TOTAL post-invasion excess deaths, and 0.8-1.2 million or about 50% of these being VIOLENT deaths) suggest that the post-invasion violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan could total 3 million.

The racist, war criminal US military state that they "don’t do body counts" of Indigenous victims but publicly-accessible UN demographic data allow us to estimate the carnage as outlined below.

Consult UNICEF (see: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/
afghanistan_statistics.html ) and you will find the estimate that 370,000 under-5 year old infants die each year in Occupied Afghanistan. From an exhaustive country-by-country analysis of excess death (avoidable death, death that should not have happened) it can be determined that for impoverished, worst case Third world countries the under-5 infant deaths are about 0.7 of total non-violent excess deaths
(see "Layperson’s "A Layperson’s Guide to counting Iraq deaths": http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/). Accordingly we can estimate that total post-invasion non-violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan after 6.1 years of war total 370,000 x 6.1 / 0.7 = 3.2 million.

ASSUMING roughly 1 violent death for every non-violent avoidable death (as in US-occupied Occupied Iraq as detailed below) yields an estimate of post-invasion VIOLENT excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan of about 3 million and accordingly a total of 3.0 million + 3.2 million = 6.2 million excess deaths - more than the number of Jews who died in the World War 2 Jewish Holocaust (6 million) or the number of Bengalis who died in the man-made, WW2 Bengali Holocaust, the WW2 Bengal Famine in British-ruled India (4 million victims; accompanied by horrendous civilian and military sexual abuse of starving women and girls; associated with a 1940s demographic deficit of over 10 million in Bengal; possibly due to a deliberate British "scorched earth policy" to prevent Japanese invasion of India; and rubbed out of British history books) (see "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability": http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ ).

Occupied Afghanistan is indeed the 21st century Auschwitz of the racist, war criminal US Alliance countries – the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Japan and NATO countries such as France and Germany are complicit in these estimated over 6 million post-invasion violent and non-violent excess Afghan deaths.

Recent authoritative estimates of violence-related post-invasion excess deaths in occupied Iraq are of 1.2 million (from the expert UK ORB polling company) and 0.8 million (from the top US Bloomberg School of Public Health group at Johns Hopkins University who estimated 0.6 million violent deaths as of July 2006).

Authoritative estimates of non-violent post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Iraq as of November 2007 are of 0.7 million (from the latest UN Population Division data) and of 0.8 million (calculated from United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, data on post-invasion under-5 year old infant deaths; for impoverished Third World countries the under-5 infant deaths are about 0.7 of the total excess deaths, as described in "A Layperson’s Guide to counting Iraq deaths": http://mwcnews.net/content/view/5872/26/ ).

From this one can estimate total post-invasion violent and non-violent occupied Iraqi excess deaths and these clearly range from 0.7 million + 0.8 million = 1.5 million (minimum estimate) to 0.8 million + 1.2 million = 2.0 million (upper estimate) (see "Iraq; Genocide by all definition. Bush’s Iraq War. 2 million Iraqi excess deaths": http://mwcnews.net/content/view/17066/42/ ).

The excess death toll in the Bush I plus Bush II Wars in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan alone (a Bush Asian Holocaust in which my own country Australia is intimately complicit) has thus now reached an upper estimate of 8.2 million – but this of course is NOT reported by racist, lying, holocaust-ignoring Australian or Western mainstream media or politicians.

However this estimate climbs steeply if we add the retrospectively Bush I- and Bush II-complicit excess deaths in Israel’s US-backed wars and occupations of Lebanon (1978-2007; 70,000) and of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (1967-2007; 0.31 million); the US Gulf War (1990-1991; 0.2 million); the US Sanctions War (1990-2003; 1.7 million); and the about 0.5 million who have died avoidably since 9/11 from opiate drug-related causes due to the UK-US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from about 5% of world market share in 2001 to a current 93% (see UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, 2007 World Drug Report: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/world_drug_report.html and "United State Terrorism. 8 million deaths & media holocaust denial": http://mwcnews.net/content/view/17139/42/ ) -. all of this yielding 2.8 million excess deaths, which plus 8.2 million excess deaths for post-invasion Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan yields an estimate of 11 million excess deaths associated with the Bush Asian Wars.

A major cause of the NON-violent deaths is gross Occupier violation of the Geneva Convention that demands unequivocally that an Occupier "to the fullest extent of the means available to it" supplies life-sustaining medical and food requisites to its conquered subjects (see Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/92.htm ).
Consult WHO (see: http://www.who.int/en/ ) and you will discover that the "annual total per capita medical expenditure" permitted in Occupied Iraq by the US Coalition is $135 (2004) as compared to $19 (Occupied Afghanistan), $2,560 (UK), $3,123 (Australia) and $6,096 (the US)
(see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/17139/42/ ).

It gets worse. I am currently working with a fellow Australian academic on a book project about the wider global impact of the Iraq War. In short, 16 million people die avoidably each year (9.6 million of them under-5 year old infants) due to deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease (see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ and
http://mwcnews.net/content/view/1375/247/ ).
The accrual cost of the 21st century part of the Bush Wars has been estimated at $2.5 trillion by the US 2001 Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia) and his Harvard colleague Professor Linda Bilmes (see "Iraq: the hidden cost of the War": http://www.newstatesman.com/200703120024
and "The Cost of War": http://mwcnews.net/content/view/13099/26/ ). This horrendous distortion translates into huge avoidable infant deaths in the US alone (an estimated 160,000 such under-5 year old avoidable American infant deaths in 8 years of the Bush II Administration).

There has clearly also been a big distortion by the Bush War on Terror in relation to matters such as global militarization, foreign aid, Third World debt relief, increased oil prices, biofuel expansion, decreased global food, increased global food prices, and failure to address global warming – all of these areas contributing to16 million global avoidable deaths each year on Spaceship Earth with the First World in charge of the flight deck and Bush II at the controls.

With Racist Zionist-beholden Bush America and Racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel threatening to devastate remote, peaceful, non-invading, non-occupying, non-threatening, non-nuclear armed, democratic Iran (population 70 million, half of them KIDS and three quarters Women and Children), perhaps the best advice about how the World can stop these proto-Nazi, racist war-mongers is that given by outstanding CONSERVATIVE American economist, writer, academic and "Father of Reaganomics" Dr Paul Craig Roberts (see: http://www.counterpunch.org/roberts02122007.html ), QUOTE :

"Dump the Dollar! How the World can stop Bush … If the rest of the world would simply stop purchasing US Treasuries, and instead dump their surplus dollars into the foreign exchange market, the Bush Regime would be overwhelmed with economic crisis and unable to wage war ...The demise of the US dollar is only a question of time. It would save the world from war and devastation if the dollar is brought to its demise before the Bush Regime launches its planned attack on Iran."

Dr Gideon Polya published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003). He has just published "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/1375/247/
and http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com/ ).


Link: www.countercurrents.org/polya081107.htm
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Post by Mark Gobell »

Would that be the same Unicef that at least, helped with the distribution of USAID funded, University of Nebraska produced, school text books for the children of the Mujahideen in the 1980's, that taught a generation of Afghan children how to count and do maths by using pictures of hand grenades, bombs and Kalshnikovs ?
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Post by Rory Winter »

What are you, an MI5 plant or just a plain, ornery troll? Get the hell off my threads, you little sh!tb@g!
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Post by Mark Gobell »

Goodness gracious!

I only asked a question.
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Post by kbo234 »

¡venceremos! wrote:What are you, an MI5 plant or just a plain, ornery troll? Get the hell off my threads, you little sh!tb@g!
Did you misread Mark Gobell's comment, ivenceremos? It wasn't even hostile.
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Post by Rory Winter »

Would that be the same Unicef that at least, helped with the distribution of USAID funded, University of Nebraska produced, school text books for the children of the Mujahideen in the 1980's, that taught a generation of Afghan children how to count and do maths by using pictures of hand grenades, bombs and Kalshnikovs ?
"Wasn't even hostile"? Hey, don't you think I can't detect a snide undertone in a comment which seeks to character-assassinate UNICEF?

Wasn't born yesterday!

Instead of blaming UNICEF, he should be going to the source of just who it was who was supporting the Mujahideen at the time, the US Government, who were just using UNICEF for their convenience!

Mr Gobell (or should I say Goebbels) goes in for this kind of below-the-belt nastiness.
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Post by jahschild »

Great Post Rory.

Yeap people might be a bit more motivated when they realise all this killing is comming home real soon, in your street, your children in the pictures, broadcast round the world, showing their limbs blown off.

The captions will read, 'Nato Nazi's get to taste their own medicine' and the world will cheer, for more madness to continue.

Just get the pictures in your minds, because I have already been receiving premenitions, of the buildings in my street blown out, so you see the Decoration inside your nieghbours house as it titters on the edge of collapse. Just like in Lebonan.

No-one will come to our aid, there will be noone to call then. And those that caused it will be given medals and Country Estates in other Countries for their services to the Vatican

China with 200 million soldiers, will eat America for breakfast, England won't even be a snack for elevens's T-break.
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Post by Rory Winter »

Yes, your premonitions are meaningful.

I am just preparing another blog article on the 8 Million mortality figure, questioning how it is being ignored.

The ironic thing is that even Message Boards like Medialens that have done a lot of good work in the past about correcting the media about not reporting Lancet figures of deaths in Iraq have just ignored Dr Polya's figures ... even though he put them directly on the ML Message Board.

I have put these figures on Muslim websites. Even there they are being ignored!!!

It shows just how the entire population is being tranced-out by the official brainwashing.

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Post by ian neal »

On similar lines from nafeez on the hidden holocausts past and present

http://nafeez.blogspot.com/2007/12/hidd ... html#links

http://nafeez.blogspot.com/2007/11/hidd ... ional.html
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Post by TonyGosling »

This surely deserves to be a permanent front page topic of some sort. I've made it an 'announcement' post.

Some brilliant research and startling/ shocking conclusions.

Well dug out!
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Post by Rory Winter »

Thanks for your promoting this incredible article. It certainly needs all the publicity we can give it. I have already circulated it widely but it's amazing what little reaction it has had so far.

The world needs to be shaken by the scruff of its neck and brought out of the trance it's in.

Let's hope that it's something we can help to do this New Year.

Wishing You and all the Truth Movement a Happy New Year.
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A Happy Nazi New Year to the USUK

With the advent of the Christian-Gregorian New Year it seems a very appropriate time to shake up the 'Alternative Media' by pointing-out that even they have become victim to a global epidemic of Cognitive Dissonance and that a Holocaust has taken place greater even than that that against the Jews without their noticing it.

I refer to the Holocaust of 8 Million Muslims by primarily the US and the UK which took place between 1991 and the present during the presidencies of George Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr.

This Holocaust has been identified by the Australian biochemist, Dr Gideon Polya, and adequately discussed on his website. Dr Polya is author of the book, Body Count - Global Avoidable Mortality since 1950.

Dr Polya has circulated this information widely across the Net. Only to be met by silence.

Why silence? There is only one possible explanation: on the one hand, to date Muslims have been singularly incapable of organizing politically in the way Zionism has to beat its own drum. But, more seriously, it is because the 'Alternative Media' itself is suffering from such a serious epidemic of global Cognitive Dissonance that it appears unable to deal with matters affecting the real world where these matters are controlled tightly by the parameters of unreality being set by the Mainstream Media (MSM) whose purpose is not to report on reality but government propaganda.

We are now in no different a situation to which prevailed in Nazi Germany where the extermination of political dissidents, the physically and mentally handicapped, gypsies and Jews was kept quiet, only to be revealed to a defeated nation by the victors who used the Nuremburg Trials as a political statement as much as a bringing-to-justice.

The USUK still consider themselves to be the victors in their several war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their war criminals still walk free. At least we know that the likes of Bush, Cheney and Blair are war criminals even though they remain untried. But how many know just how enormous is the extent of their war crimes and those of their predecessors? And just how many remain blind and deaf to the enormity of those crimes when they are told of them?

How many in our so-called democracies are prepared to entertain the reality that the crime the West has perpetrated in the Muslim world is actually one proportionally greater than the one committed by Nazi Europe against the Jews?

Well, it's time to wake up ands discover that that is exactly what has happened. And all under the guise of democracy and a compliant MSM. As well as by a self-congratulatory 'Alternative Media' which allowed itself in its complacency to be totally hoodwinked and lied to.

It's time to smash the paradigm of unreality, to allow ourselves to think the unthinkable: we are worse than the Nazis now.
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Post by xmasdale »

Rory Winter wrote:
"Wasn't even hostile"? Hey, don't you think I can't detect a snide undertone in a comment which seeks to character-assassinate UNICEF?

Wasn't born yesterday!

Instead of blaming UNICEF, he should be going to the source of just who it was who was supporting the Mujahideen at the time, the US Government, who were just using UNICEF for their convenience!

Mr Gobell (or should I say Goebbels) goes in for this kind of below-the-belt nastiness.
And you don't think any snide undertone can be detected in your pun about Goebbels?
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Post by Rory Winter »

And you don't think any snide undertone can be detected in your pun about Goebbels?
It's a bit late for that now, Noel. That particular exchange is long past its sell-by-date. :twisted:

But seriously, I got mad at him because he was casting aspersions about UNICEF after reading Polya's Muslim Holocaust article. Sure, UNICEF is misused by various UN member states including, in the context of Mark's mentioning it, the USA when it was backing the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

I once worked for the Maldives Government as a teacher. During my time there I learnt that the Maldives Government was misusing UNICEF money in order to build water-tanks on its atolls. That kind of thing is not uncommon.

But I have no reason to disbelieve UNICEF figures on mortality rates as mentioned by Dr Polya.
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

The Independent
This is what Theresa May refused to tell you in her schoolyard sermon on terror
http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/lon ... 73011.html

The Prime Minister is going to have her ‘embarrassing conversations’ with Britain’s Muslims, who have no power to switch off the evil ideology which Wahhabism represents. She does have that power – but she won’t use it
Robert Fisk Monday 5 June 2017

Theresa May makes a statement outside Downing Street following the attack
Was that really the best Theresa May could do? It was the same old tosh about “values” and “democracy” and “evil ideology”, without the slightest reference to the nation to whom she fawns – Saudi Arabia, whose Wahhabist “ideology” has seeped into the bloodstream of Isis, al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Tony Blair used the same garbage language when he claimed – untruthfully, of course – that the 7/7 London bombings had nothing to do with Iraq. He, too, like George Bush, claimed that they were perpetrated because the bombers hated our values and our democracy, even though Isis would have no idea what these values were if they woke up in bed next to them.

And then there was the patronising monomorphic language that our wretched Prime Minister used, as if everything she says is false. Which it is.

“Enough is enough.” What on earth does that mean? “Terrorism breeds terrorism.” What nonsense. It’s the same baby language as “Brexit means Brexit”, the double emphasis mere proof that May has lost the ability to convince us of anything she says.

Theresa May: The internet provides a safe space for extremist ideologies to breed
Jeremy Corbyn – not, I have to admit, one of my heroes – got it right. May needs to talk to us about the “difficult conversations” she must have with the Saudis and their Gulf allies, not to Muslim British citizens. But she is too gutless, too cowardly, to deal with the Gulf Arab autocrats to whom she sells weapons, whose principal Arabian dictator, the head-chopper-in-chief, is so worthy of our mourning that May’s predecessor lowered the British flag to half-mast on his death.

Yes, to confront this Salafist-Wahhabi state and Gulf citizens’ financial contributions to Isis would be a “difficult conversation” indeed for Theresa May. Instead, she’s going to have her “embarrassing conversations” with Britain’s Muslims who have no power to switch off the “evil ideology” which Wahhabism represents.

She does have that power. But she won’t use it.

It was laughable to hear the Prime Minister utter the awful clichés that she has obviously picked up from the world of business – she spoke of “safe spaces”, for example, three times. Those of us who have been attacked with abuse and hatred on the internet for more than two decades could have told her there was a problem here a long time ago. But she’s only just grasped it. Hence her disturbingly Orwellian intention to “regulate” the internet.

Had she used it in 1998, for example – May was already an MP back then – she would have noticed a sermon by a prominent Wahhabi Muslim clergyman who called upon God “to seize the Jews and Christians in the grip of your punishment … send down upon them a torment most grievous … they have filled the entire world with tyranny, oppression and sins … We seek thy protection against their evil”. This was preached at the Great Mosque in Medina in Saudi Arabia. But this “evil ideology” can still be found on the internet – and nor, I suspect, has Theresa May any intention of “regulating” it now.

A Muslim friend, listening to May’s schoolyard sermon outside Downing Street, wondered if British politicians had not lost their sense of ability to speak with dignity. How dare she talk down to her own people with such childish lessons? And how could one not wince at her reference to British “military action” in the Middle East – the very foreign policy which, along with America, led us into war with the Arabs so many times. One thinks of British “military action” in Palestine and Suez. And now in Iraq and Syria. Yet we continue grovelling to the Gulf monarchies as we assist them in their criminal campaign in Yemen.

And still May will not say what she knows to be true: that Britain can no longer expect to go on foreign adventures and be safe at home.

When Britain fought in the Korean War, no North Korean or Chinese person came to bomb London buses and tube trains. When America waged its bloody campaign in Vietnam, no Vietcong or North Vietnamese person arrived to attack New York or Washington. But those days are over. This is a terrifying lesson because the politicians who support our disastrous wars in the Middle East are safe from its effects. It is the truly innocent – the children, the young, the vulnerable: the very people defined by that incomparable word civilians – who pay the price at the hands of Isis’s insufferable, cruel murderers. It is these innocents who must endure “torment most grievous”.

It is, of course, well past time to change our foreign policy in the Middle East.

Heaven spare us, we shall soon see British politicians, on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, congratulating Israel even as it continues to steal land from Arabs for Jewish colonies on the occupied West Bank. What Britain so sorely lacks is a thorough reappraisal of its entire relationship with the Middle East, especially with the Arab dictators and torturers whom we arm. We may frolic with these men for their money but our dalliance is a disgrace to Britain. “Things need to change,” as May lectured us. But this would need a change of prime minister.

Because such a policy needs real courage. It’s easier to threaten UK Muslims with “embarrassing conversations” than to threaten our “moderate”, autocratic allies. For that would indeed need courage.

Courage needs courage, as our Prime Minister might say. But that, Theresa May does not have.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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