Love of profits vs. the Love of the Prophet (part 2)

Dispelling pernicious myths about Islam, Muslim activists explain and discuss nonviolent spiritual resistance, the Jihad, against New World Order Totalitarianism. NATO/Mossad pseudo-Muslim 'front organisations. Exposing and eradicating the Global Web of Deceit or DAJJAL.

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'Money as Debt' (Brasscheck):
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
moeen yaseen
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Love of profits Vs love of the Prophet(Part 2)

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John Hoefle

When President Richard Nixon took the dollar off the gold reserve standard on Aug. 15, 1971, he effectively ended the Bretton Woods system of fixed currency-exchange rates. Nixon's action, taken at the urging of bankers' boy George Shultz (then director of the Office of Management and Budget), set into motion the creation of the largest financial bubble in history, a bubble the collapse of which is now laying waste to the global banking system and securities markets.

The mantra rising from financial circles after such disasters is that "no one" could have foreseen the "unexpected events" which developed from policies and decisions that "everybody" agreed to at the time. You hear it frequently today, from people ranging from former Federal Reserve chairman Sir Alan Greenspan, to bankers whose allegedly "fundamentally sound" banks vaporize seemingly overnight. Who knew this could happen?

One man did know, and said so at the time, loudly and forcefully. That man is Lyndon LaRouche, who understood the implications of the demise of the Bretton Woods system, and has been campaigning ever since for a return to Bretton Woods-style fixed exchange rates.

LaRouche understood the matter not as a technical one about currencies, but as a fundamental fight between sovereign governments and the imperial oligarchs centered around the British empire and its parasitic Anglo-Dutch Liberal financial system. Any nation which cannot control its own currency is not sovereign, and any nation which is not sovereign is vulnerable to assault and subversion by this oligarchy. Will society be organized for the benefit of all mankind, or will it be organized for the benefit of a small elite who feed off the rest?

LaRouche understood this in 1971, and that understanding formed the basis for the creation of an international political movement to organize mankind to educate and defend themselves. LaRouche scored a stunning victory against prominent economist Abba Lerner at a debate at Queens College in New York, in December 1971, in which he laid bare the fascist roots of Lerner's outlook, and forced Lerner to admit his self-damning belief that had Germany capitulated to the demands of banker Hjalmar Schacht, "Hitler would not have been necessary."

The response from the parasites was immediate and predictable: Never again, they informed LaRouche, would he be allowed to challenge them publicly. Keep your mouth shut and follow the rules, or we will destroy you.

It was a big mistake. Rather than cowering in fear as so many had done, LaRouche decided to fight back, drawing upon his studies of the great ideas of history and his commitment to truth above all else.

Since then, LaRouche and his movement have been attacked by virtually every means in the Venetian tool-kit, from physical assaults to press slanders to prosecutorial frame-ups and even jail; hard blows were landed, but LaRouche persisted, knowing that despite its demonstrated power, the Anglo-Dutch liberal system was crumbling from within, that it would inevitably collapse as a result of its own cannibalistic policies.

That day has arrived. The events of the past year, from the turmoil in the mortgage-related financial markets to the blowout of the banking system, have proven LaRouche's analysis of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system to be correct. What LaRouche saw as the inevitable result of Nixon's action in 1971, has now exploded upon the world.

Bretton Woods
During July 1944, a United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was held at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The 44-nation conference established what became known as the Bretton Woods monetary system, a key component of which was the establishment of a fixed system of currency exchange rates among nations. Under Bretton Woods, a gold reserve standard was established, with the U.S. dollar pegged to gold at $35 an ounce. This arrangement was the economic bedrock upon which the post-World War II world was rebuilt, led by the industrial might of the United States.

Bretton Woods was a victory for President Franklin Roosevelt, and his view that the post-war world should be free of empires and their colonies. FDR intended to use the power of the United States and other nations to elevate the status of the common man worldwide, and end the domination of the economic royalists. It was a grand vision, and had he lived to implement it, the world would be in far better shape than it is today.

The British were apoplectic at the prospect of a Rooseveltian/American System world, and pulled out all the stops to defeat it. With the death of Roosevelt in 1945, and the ascension of Harry Truman, the empire struck back. The fear of a Soviet attack and the spread of communism was used to create a Cold War environment, under which the British empire became the top strategic ally of the United States, and FDR's grand vision was swept away. In the name of fighting communism, Truman and his Anglophile controllers sold FDR and America down the river. (The parallels to today's "war on terror" should not be missed.)

The British set out to systematically dismantle the American economy, as a way of restoring their own dominance in the world. They had to move slowly, because the memory of FDR and what he had done for the nation was fresh in people's minds, as were the abuses of the economic royalists he had fought, and because the American people would fight back if they understood what was planned.

One of the biggest obstacles to their plan was the Bretton Woods system, and the stability it provided to the U.S. and the global economy. For the British plan to succeed, Bretton Woods would have to be eliminated.

Pandora's Box
Nixon's 1971 decision effectively ended the Bretton Woods system, and introduced the era of speculation which has engulfed the world in the ensuing three decades. Pandora's Box was opened, and the evils of oligarchism were unleashed afresh upon the world.

Neither the United States nor the world has been the same since. Nixon's action, in conjunction with the launching of the rock-drug-sex counterculture and the cartel-building "world company" assaults of 1968, were aimed at destroying the basis for American industrial supremacy and the co-option of America back into the imperial system. The Baby Boomer generation, growing up under the hyped-up fear of thermonuclear annihilation, turned its back on science and sought escape in entertainment, opening the door for the oligarchs to destroy the nation.

Absent Bretton Woods, the oligarchy began to use its immense financial power to manipulate global currencies, and thus nations. The orchestrated oil hoax of 1973-74, with its introduction of financial speculation in the oil market via the spot market, created a huge pool of "petrodollars," with which the City of London could wage war against nations. These petrodollars, combined with the proceeds of the British empire's "Dope, Inc." drug trade, were instrumental in restructuring Wall Street in the 1970s, paving the way for the junk bonds of the 1980s and the derivatives of the 1990s.

The protections put into place under FDR were systematically dismantled, as the American economy was transformed from an industrial power into an economy based upon services and speculation. We became a nation of consumers rather than producers, our manufacturing "outsourced" to nations where labor was cheaper, falling for the lie that this would make us more competitive, when it was actually destroying us. Under the guise of "free markets" and globalization, we turned our own economy into a haven for speculation and the formation of giant corporate cartels, whose allegiance lay not with the nation, but with the financiers. We had become, in essence, that against which we fought the American Revolution.

The End of the Line
As the speculative bubble came to dominate the U.S. and world economies, feeding it became paramount. Among other things, this led to a sharp run-up in real estate values, to provide "wealth" which could be turned into mortgage debt, and then into a wild assortment of securities to be used, with lots of leverage, to play in the derivatives markets. To keep the mortgage-debt flowing, as prices rose into the stratosphere, the bankers repeatedly loosened the requirements for home loans. This process, which was driven by the banks and the derivatives market, ultimately exploded. This was falsely portrayed as a "subprime" crisis, but in reality it was the death throes of the financial system itself.

In mid-2007, the failure of two Bear Stearns hedge funds signalled the collapse of the global securities market, as speculators realized the game was over and began to try to cash out. The market for speculative paper quickly dried up, sending the nominal valuations plunging. The market which had grown phenomenally through leverage, began to collapse in a reverse-leverage implosion. Speculators had borrowed trillions of dollars to place bets, gambling that they would win enough to pay back their loans and still turn a nice profit. This game worked for quite a while, but it quickly turned nasty when the market seized up. Suddenly, the speculators found themselves losing on their bets, leaving no profits to pay off their loans, and thus losing on both ends. Assets began vaporizing by the trillions, and worried lenders began demanding more collateral on margin calls, causing sales of assets which further depressed prices, in a vicious, reverse-leverage spiral.

The "solution" to this blowout adopted by the central banks, was to begin to flood the financial markets with liquidity, through a series of interest rate cuts and cash injections. Though they had sworn to impose discipline on the markets, the central banks quickly capitulated under the pressure of enormous losses, in a hyperinflationary panic. The injections quickly escalated from the billions, to the tens of billions, to the hundreds of billions, as they raced to plug the holes caused by the savage deflation of the valuations in the system. But no matter how much money they injected, the system kept collapsing.

The crisis came to a head in mid-March, when the collapse simply overwhelmed the central banks, leading to the open bankruptcy of Bear Stearns, and with it, the death of the system. The astonishing speed with which the system collapsed can be seen in a series of extraordinary actions by the Federal Reserve over an 11-day period:

On Friday, March 7, the Fed announced that it would increase to $100 billion the amount of money it would loan to depository institutions through its Term Auction Facility (TAF), the special bailout mechanism it created in December to get the banks through the end of the year. To date, the TAF has held seven auctions, two in December which lent $20 billion each, two $20 billion auctions in January, two $30 billion auctions in February, and one $50 billion auction in March, with another scheduled for the week of March 24. Also on March 7, the Fed announced plans for a March 27 auction of $100 billion in repurchase agreements with primary dealers, a group of 20 securities firms with which it deals directly. All of these loans are for 28 days, and the Fed is accepting a wide range of securities as collateral.

Two business days later, on Tuesday, March 11, the Fed announced the creation of a new Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), to lend up to $200 billion in Treasury securities to the primary dealers, again in 28-day loans against a wide range of collateral. The Fed also expanded swap lines it had previously established with the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank, raising the amounts to $30 billion with the ECB and $6 billion with the SNB. These measures were coordinated with the G-10 central banks.

On Friday, March 14, the Fed and the Treasury helped arrange an emergency loan, of an unspecified amount, to Bear Stearns through J.P. Morgan Chase.

On Sunday, March 16, the Fed announced yet another new lending facility, this one to loan an unlimited amount to the primary dealers, beginning March 17. The Fed lowered the primary credit rate (discount rate) by a quarter-point, to 3.25%, and lengthened the maximum time for such loans to 90 days from 30 days. The Fed also agreed to guarantee $30 billion of virtually worthless securities held by Bear Stearns, as part of its "shotgun marriage" takeover by J.P. Morgan Chase.

Finally, on Tuesday, March 18, the Fed cut the primary credit rate another three-quarters point to 2.5%, and cut the Fed funds target rate by a similar amount, to 2.25%. The Fed has cut the Fed funds rate five times since September, when it stood at 4.75%.
Hyperinflationary Bailout
At the same time that the Fed is pouring money into the system with unprecedented speed, the government is moving ahead with a series of bailout measures designed to transfer the losses of the banking system to the public. In addition to the hundreds of billions of dollars of loans given to the banks through the Federal Home Loan Banks, the government is using the Federal Housing Administration to refinance and insure mortgages, and expanding the role of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in buying larger mortgages, effectively putting the taxpayers on the hook for the huge real estate losses working their way through the system. On top of that, we have the Bush stimulus plan and the apparent intervention by the Fed to keep the stock market from collapsing.

The futility of this approach was demonstrated by the fact that, despite all the interventions, the Fed was unable to prevent the collapse of Bear Stearns, the fifth-largest investment bank in the nation. We have now entered what is, in effect, an open-ended bailout of the U.S. banking system, in which the hundreds of billions spent so far will soon turn into trillions.

The fatal flaw in this approach, as LaRouche has warned, is that it is inherently hyperinflationary. That hyperinflation has already begun, and the money pumped into the bailout—money which serves no economically useful purpose—will only accelerate the process. This means that the faster the government pumps in the money, the faster the value of the dollar will collapse, and the faster the global economy will collapse. (For a pedagogical lesson on hyperinflation, we recommend the reader log on to the LaRouche Political Action Committee website,, and view the 80-minute video "Firewall: In Defense of the Nation-State.")

Time for LaRouche
It has taken 37 years for the process set into motion by Richard Nixon in 1971 to destroy the global economy. During that entire period, LaRouche and his international political movement have been a consistent voice for reason, organizing in the streets and in the halls of government for a return to the sound economic policy of the American System, and an end to Anglo-Dutch Liberalism.

We have now reached the point where all of us must decide: Do we go back to what works, or do we descend into fascism and chaos, and a new Dark Age? That is the question we ask you to keep in mind, as you read the following reports.


Lyndon LaRouche insisted on March 20 that Congress should conduct an investigation into the criminality of the Federal Reserve and Treasury's bailout of the vaporized speculative "investment" bank Bear Stearns on March 16.

The Emergency Banking Act, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933, provides for government assistance to protect vital banking functions. That assistance is restricted to commercial banks.

Chartered commercial banks make up a vital part of our overall economy, but brokerage houses and investment banks such as Bear Stearns are strictly part of the speculative apparatus that has looted the economy and the population blind. That the Fed stepped in to provide tens of billions of dollars, or more, to save Bear Stearns, is prima facie criminal.

LaRouche charged on March 18 that the bailout represented a case of money laundering that should be prosecuted.

"It smells like another filthy Goldman Sachs scheme," LaRouche said. "I think it is time to increase the social status of our Federal prison population—by sending all those responsible for this abomination to jail.... These guys are cheating."

LaRouche added that the bailout scam "is an obstruction of our plan—the Homeowners and Bank Protection act and the three steps needed to survive," that he had identified in his March 12 webcast.

So far, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Senate Finance Committee are planning to investigate the actions of the Federal Reserve in providing the bailout of Bear Stearns, MarketWatch and the Wall Street Journal reported on March 19. :lol:
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A very informative and little-known book about who provided chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein (Chile via a branch in Paraguay at the behest of the USA): 'The Profits of War' by Ari ben Menashe.
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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This initiative of the Palestinian Authority may have slipped under your radar (as it doesn't seem to be reported in the MSM) -

J » Israel » Article

Mar 18, 2008 1:23 | Updated Mar 19, 2008 16:02
PA urges Palestinians to 'return'

The Palestinian Authority is planning to mark Israel's 60th anniversary by calling on all Palestinians living abroad to converge on Israel by land, sea and air.

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Photo: AP

The plan, drawn by Ziad Abu Ein, a senior Fatah operative and Deputy Minister for Prisoners' Affairs in the Palestinian Authority, states that the Palestinians have decided to implement United Nations Resolution 194 regarding the refugees.
Article 11 of the resolution, which was passed in December 1948, says that "refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."
The initiative is the first of its kind and is clearly aimed at embarrassing Israel during the anniversary celebrations by highlighting the issue of the "right of return" for the refugees.
Entitled "The Initiative of Return and Coexistence," the plan suggests that the PA has abandoned a two-state solution in favor of one state where all Arabs and Jews would live together.
"The Palestinians, backed by all those who believe in peace, coexistence, human rights and the UN resolutions, shall recruit all their energies and efforts to return to their homeland and live with the Jews in peace and security," the plan says.
"Fulfilling the right of return is a human, moral and legal will that can't be denied by the Jews or the international community. On the [60th] anniversary of the great suffering, the Palestinian people are determined to end this injustice."
Abu Ein's initiative, which has won the backing of many PA leaders in Ramallah, calls on all Israelis to welcome the Palestinians "who will be returning to live together with them in the land of peace."
The plan calls on the refugees to return to Israel on May 14, 2008 with their suitcases and tents so that they could settle in their former villages and towns. The refugees are also requested to carry UN flags upon their return and to be equipped with their UNRWA-issued ID cards.
The Arab countries hosting Palestinian refugees are requested to facilitate the return of the refugees by opening their borders and allowing them to march toward Israel. The plan specifically refers to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, whose governments are asked to provide logistic support to allow the refugees to carry out their mission.
Palestinian refugees living in the US, EU, Canada and Latin America are requested to use their foreign passports to fly to Ben-Gurion Airport from May 14-16. The plan calls for the Palestinians to hire dozens of boats flying UN flags that will converge on Israeli ports simultaneously.
To ensure international backing, the plan calls to invite world leaders, the UN secretary-general, journalists and legal experts from around the world to declare their support for the Palestinians' "right of return." The Palestinians, in return, would promise to practice their right peacefully and to denounce terror and violence.
Arab governments are requested to provide both financial and political backing for the initiative. The plan stresses that the Palestinians can no longer expect to achieve the "right of return" at the negotiating table with Israel. "We must take matters into our own hands," it states. "Negotiations, slogans and UN resolutions are not going to bring us our rights."
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Post by blackbear »

Hello Outsider...

Do you have a link + the date............

Get ready for the sanitised/kosher approved 9/11 tale..............coming here soon.!.......
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blackbear wrote:Hello Outsider...

Do you have a link + the date............

Get ready for the sanitised/kosher approved 9/11 tale..............coming here soon.!.......
The article was emailed to me; it's from the Jerusalem Post, and if you go to '17' on the list of Abu Toameh's articles (this number will alter) you can get a free very short summary, or pay to get the complete article: ... art=10&id=

I believe the date is 18th March, with update on 19th March '08.
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Love of profits Vs love of the Prophet(Part 2)

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Do We Really Want A Third World War?

Helga Zepp-LaRouche ... -want.html

Whoever had the idea of holding the GroßeNagiaZ (Greatest NATO Summit of All Time) in the modern and super-ugly Tower of Babel in Bucharest, which, at 330,000 square meters, is the second-largest building in the world after the Pentagon, must have a macabre sense of humor. Indeed, the monstrous building--about 3,000 official delegates and an equal number of journalists only required one-third of the gigantic structure for the summit--was built according to the wishes of the megalomaniacal dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, who was, however, overthrown and executed before the structure could be inaugurated. According to unconfirmed rumors, it was the old, established PR firm Dracula Ltd., which took charge of the whole organization of the mega-events, from promotion and decoration, to catering (especially the excellent drinks), and including the graphic design of the famed fire-writing on the wall at the gala dinner in commemoration of Belshazzar and his
Romanian successor.

But irony aside: The April 2-3 NATO summit in Bucharest, which was supposed to transform NATO essentially into an imperial global organization, is only one element of a breathtaking escalation of the strategic situation. Behind the scenes of the daily escalating financial collapse, the financier oligarchy of the British empire is trying to throw the principal opponents of the Anglo-American empire into chaos. Thus we have the orchestrated and violent campaign against China, as well as the unrelenting British campaign against Russia, and Putin personally, and the attempt to bring Zimbabwe back under colonial control. It is therefore evident, that the geostrategy behind this global policy of provocation is being carried out regardless of the consequences--or is even intended to build up an enormous factor of rage against London and Washington, among countries such as China, Russia, India, and others. If a totally different policy is not placed on the agenda, a new world war looms, which threatens to become even more horrendous than the world wars of the 20th Century.

At the NATO summit in Bucharest, the entire imperial agenda was supported by all the NATO members, with the exception of the issue of admitting Georgia and Ukraine,
"at this point in time.'' Thus the admission of Croatia and Albania, and the French reintegration into NATO; the stationing of anti-missile defense systems and radar installations in Poland and the Czech Republic; the reinforcement of NATO troops in Afghanistan by 700 French soldiers; the integration of NATO's military structure with the EU, according to the directives of the Lisbon Treaty; and--according to unconfirmed media
reports--behind the scenes, also debate and agreement on a new strategy paper that would include "preventive conflict avoidance'' around the world, as the five retired chiefs of general staffs envisage.

A look at the map leaves no doubt that NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine, as an expression of the encirclement strategy against Russia, as well as the missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic, massively violates the security interests of Russia.
Russia has warned in advance of "catastrophic consequences'' from these developments. Eight NATO members states, among them Germany and France, spoke out against the absorption of Georgia and Ukraine. And although Bush knew about the negative views of these eight, during his visit to Kiev two days before the Bucharest Summit, he promised the early absorption of Ukraine into NATO. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who, in the opinion of Spiegel Online has molted into a "crafty player in the NATO area,'' apparently persuaded President Bush to come to a
compromise, so that the two countries would come in "not at this time.'' Ms. Rice made clear what this "compromise'' is worth in a press briefing, where she said that it was only "a question of when, not if'' these two nations would enter NATO.

President Putin clarified the Russian point of view on these matters in an hour-long press conference in Bucharest, where he stressed that the establishment of a powerful military bloc on Russia's borders would be understood as a direct threat to its national security. Declarations that this doesn't represent a threat, would not be sufficient, especially as this has already been heard before every expansion. Putin accused NATO of not
dispelling unclarities about the future role of the alliance, such as the intent of becoming a worldwide player that dominates the territory of its member states.

Despite these clear words, Mrs. Merkel commented that NATO was not aimed against anyone, especially not against Russia.

This brushing aside of the opposition to this policy, and of the policy of constantly raising the pressure, highlights the evil intentions of the strategy behind this policy. Russia and, in another respect, China, will be provoked and put under pressure until they reach the limit of what they can tolerate, and then take pre-calculated reactions--which the Empire faction has already taken into account. U.S. Vice President Cheney publicly formulated the policy years ago, that the U.S. should never allow a nation, or a group of nations, to come close to the
economic and military might of the United States.

Exactly at the point in time when the American financial crisis has escalated into a depression for the real economy, the London Economist, in a 14-page special feature on the future of American foreign policy, describes, on the one side, the decline of the United States, and, on the other side, Russia and, above all, China as the great rivals in the 21st Century. Other reports from different investment houses merely vary in specifying when China, and soon after, India, will have
overtaken the United States, at least in the economic aspect.

The same Economist, on Feb. 3, 2007, had begun a series of articles with the title "Britannia Redux,'' in which they raised the claim that the time when Great Britain was the "sick man of Europe,'' is over, and London, through globalization, is again the rightful headquarters of power. According to this view, the fact that around 80% of all hedge funds have their headquarters in the Cayman Islands, and therefore in the British Commonwealth, definitely played an essential role.

You could add a long list of further details showing that the British empire has decided to come out of this systemic crisis as the dominant factor, and thus to
incorporate both the United States and continental Europe, forced into the EU corset, as vassals of the empire. The strategic partnership among Russia, China, and India is supposed to be destroyed, and each of these nations, after they have been isolated and entangled in territorial conflicts, will be smashed.

- War Scenarios in London's 'Sunday Times' -

If you need still another piece of proof for this analysis, then you can find it in an astounding article in the March 30 London Sunday Times, with the title "Tibet Is One Thing, But India and China Tensions Spell Greater Disaster.'' The author first praises the "genial'' maneuvers of George W. Bush to draw India onto the side of the United States (which, in India, has been seen, just the opposite, as massive pressure and geopolitical manipulation). Then he describes the tensions between China and India over the Indian state of Arunachal
Pradesh, just south of Tibet, where China also has a claim, and over Aksai Chin, a thinly populated region on the high plateau of the Himalayas, northeast of Kashmir, on which India has a claim. But for China, Aksai Chin is very important, because it is building the world's highest highway, which will make travel from Tibet to Xinjiang much faster than would be possible along the northern route. The author is quiet about the fact that it
is precisely these border questions which China and India have consciously laid to rest over recent years.

Now Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin, just like Tibet and Kashmir, are part of those regions over which Great Britain exerted control at the end of its rule over India, precisely in order to have room for ethnic and territorial manipulation. London followed the same policy with the Sykes-Picot Treaty for the partition of Southwest Asia, and the Trianon Treaty for the Balkans, always according to the idea of fomenting hundred-year-old ethnic conflicts for the benefit of the Empire.

The Sunday Times now elaborates a scenario according to which, after the death of the Dalai Lama, who is now 73 years old, there would be differences between the Chinese central government and the Tibetan exiles over who would be the authentic incarnation of the new Dalai Lama. China, according to the Sunday Times, would crack down hard against the insurgents. But--here the writer lets the cat out of the bag--if the Chinese government had been weakened as a result of an economic collapse, and unrest spreads throughout China, then it would be more difficult for them to crack down against the Tibetans. India, in a further development, could then advocate an international troop intervention, either sending in troops itself, or offering exile in Arunachal Pradesh. (In reality, the Indian foreign minister has already warned the Dalai Lama that he can only remain in India as a religious exile, but not as a political leader.)

If China, as a result of the U.S. crisis, falls deeper into crisis, and would react to the greatest unrest since 1989 with a reenforcement of its national control, this would raise tensions with Japan. If the death of the Dalai Lama were to coincide with the death of Kim Jong-il of North Korea, Japan would have added reasons to rearm; under these conditions, tensions would grow among China, Japan, and the U.S., and there could be a military exchange of blows over Taiwan. Then the Sunday Times writes: "The warm glow of the 2008 Beijing Olympics would be remembered only through a thick mog of tension.''

- It's Not Only Theory -

Many aspects of these insane scenarios, in the best tradition of the geopolitics of Karl Haushofer, Lord Milner, and Sir Halford Mackinder, are already operational. The destabilization of China's western province of Xinjiang, by Uighurs trained as terrorists in Pakistan, is in full swing. There is also already unrest in Sichuan province. The plan, which lies behind the whole campaign against China, is no less than breaking away a hostile Muslim state in Xinjiang, creating a Greater Tibet, and reducing China to a relatively small territory.
There are similar scenarios for India, which are aimed at conflicts among Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Tamils, and so forth.

When French President Nicolas Sarkozy, during the French-British summit in London at the end of March, invoked not only the Entente Cordiale of the last century, but also the colonialist tradition of the European powers, as an asset for Europe's role in the world today, this was by no means only nostalgia. Behind the British campaign against Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe lies no less than the intention to reverse the independence of what used to be called Southern Rhodesia. There is also no doubt that the "former'' colonial powers are savagely determined to break the extensive agreements in Africa by China, and secondarily Russia, to import raw materials and build up infrastructure and industrial capacity in return.

Furthermore, there are ambitious efforts to make British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, under the Queen of
England, into the foreign minister of the Commonwealth, to which 53 nations and 16 so-called "realms'' belong. In addition, Brown and Sarkozy have already proposed Tony Blair as the first president of the European Union, who would then, according to the Lisbon Treaty, be elected for a term of two and a half years. If one then notes the networking of the EU and NATO, which are already undertaking common military missions in the Balkans, on the Lebanese coast, and, in the case of the EU, also in Darfur, what picture then emerges? If it should be
revealed, that the NATO Summit in Bucharest really came together around the strategy paper of the five generals for global preventive strikes and the first use of nuclear weapons, which could not be clearly confirmed at the time of this writing, then the world finds itself on a short track toward World War III.

Whether Mrs. Merkel understands it or not, we are
experiencing right now, a global alignment of an order of battle for a coming world war, in which the British empire, with its vassals, the U.S.A. and continental Europe, with the help of the militarized EU dictatorship and NATO, will be launched against Asia, especially against Russia, China, and India. The fire-writing on the wall could be read in Bucharest.

- The British Motive -

If you are looking to express the reasons for the current monstrous crisis, you would declare that the British empire, the primary author for this climactic world crisis, is acting out of utter desperation and insanity. During the whole period since the successful breakthrough of the Allied forces in 1944 in Normandy, the Anglo-Dutch financial powers, who wear the facade of the British monarchy in a certain way, like a Venetian mask, have had only one burning wish. They saw as their long-term strategic orientation, to root out the post-war
plans of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died at a most unfortunate time in 1945, and to corrupt the United States from the inside, in order to finally eliminate not only any recollection of the legacy of the American Revoltuion, the American victory over the Confederate puppets of Lord Palmerston, and the brilliant victory of President Roosevelt, but also to end politics in the tradition of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia in the whole world.

For the Anglo-Dutch financial oligarhcy and their accomplices in the American establishment, this means, above all, to expunge the American System of economy, with the help of which the U.S. became the greatest economic power that has ever existed.

Today, this British oligarchical intention has almost been realized. The current world financial system has been destroyed to such a degree, that the collapse of the
global financial system and real economy, which has been escalating since August 2007, finds itself on the edge of a situation which could only be compared to the Dark Age, which was unleashed by the bankruptcy of the Venetian Lombard League.

The greatest fear which the British empire has about its current war plans against Africa and Asia, lies in the
fact that precisely these actions could bring the United States to the point of reviving the policy of FDR, as occurred in 1932-33. Britain's dilemma lies in the fact that the speed, extent, and depth of the current global financial crisis does not permit the powers of the British empire to hesitate. London's impulse, and that of the powers tied to it, is that they have to act now, regardless of the risks. Thus, we find ourselves in a
situation where we either defeat the monster now, or the British scenarios, which are already in motion, will drive the whole planet into ruin, and plunge the British empire, along with the rest of the world, into the abyss.

It is high time to put on the agenda, in opposition to this, cooperation among Russia, China, India, and the United States, in the tradition of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal, and a New Bretton Woods.

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Islam winning converts in British jails

Post by TonyGosling »

In Whitemoor the 150 Muslim inmates include 39 who have converted in the jail since early last year. In some cases, officers believe converts have been subjected to bullying and changed their faith because they felt vulnerable.

Muslim fanatic prisoners to be 'de-programmed' using controversial techniques to 'cure' them of beliefs ... liefs.html
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An emergency one day conference organised by Global Vision 2000 taking place on Saturday 13th December 2008 10-6
at 43 Lancaster Gate, London

see :lol:
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Saturday 13 December 2008, 10am – 6pm
43 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NA
Organised by Global Vision 2000


Leading UK monetary reformers, bankers, economists, academics, journalists, social change activists and visionaries amongst others will be addressing the contemporary unprecedented financial and economic systemic collapse we are witnessing and focusing on the need for radical solutions addressing causes as opposed to symptoms of this "black swan" event and contagion that is penetrating and infecting the entire world.
The event aims to make a contribution towards the debate on the restructuring of the Bretton Woods global financial and economic architecture with fresh thinking which for too long has been deemed fringe, but is now actually being forced upon and taken up by governments. It will provide a unique platform for those seeking radical, holistic, innovative and sustainable financial, monetary and economic change to the world order and a unique opportunity to participate in a life and death debate.

The conference builds upon previous special events held since 2003 which focus upon pioneering a fundamentally different alternative diagnosis and prescription to that promoted in the mainstream by the establishment. Global Vision 2000 is committed to charting out and moving towards what it refers to as the universal paradigm shift by establishing a crisis and future-proof architecture and system which works for all. The desire for a peaceful world has to be strived and struggled for and all obstacles need to be removed. Above all, justice, in all its varied forms, is central to the new vision. The time for change has arrived and the agenda for change has to move from the fringe to the mainstream.

This event has been organised by Global Vision 2000, an independent, international Islamic think-tank. Global Vision 2000 aims to provide a platform for a comprehensive debate involving alternative social, political and monetary reform movements who share a common view that the dominant paradigm is unsustainable and needs to be replaced. The conference aims to act as a catalyst, launching a powerful call for the liberation of our money, banks and economy from bankers and from debt-bondage by moving towards the universal paradigm shift.


It can no longer be denied that the free market globalised world economies face their most critical crisis since the great depression of 1929. The financial tsunami and bursting bubble(s) have resulted in trillions being wiped off the financial markets and the chaos in Wall Street/The City is now hitting the Main/High street hard. The triumphalism of Franicis Fukuyama's "End of History" at the close of the 20th century was signalled by the dominance of the free market over state control. However, the 21st century appears to be witnessing the self-destruction of global usurious finance capitalism with governments intervening unsuccessfully to halt an unending crisis. In just a few weeks, marked by unexpected twists and turns, the crash of 2008 has completely reshaped the world and the financial system. After just three months, the global financial markets and world economy is facing the prospect of collapse. Despite government reassurances to the contrary, the turmoil is far from being over; in fact, it has just begun and the economy will not recover until its modus operandi has been fully laid bare and diagnosed with a holistic remedy applied. It is clear that the world economy is going through a turbulent period similar to the ravaging times of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Since the abrupt announcement of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in mid-September 2008, the financial crisis has entered an acute phase marked by the collapse of prominent American and European banks and the continuous, yet unsuccessful, efforts of American and European governments to rescue distressed financial institutions with bailouts.

The shocking events of September and October 2008 has led to a disastrous loss of confidence in the global economy. Indeed, doubts have been raised about the causes of the crisis and the decisions taken by those who are held responsible for its occurrence. Belief in free markets has been shaken and neoliberal market fundamentalism has been exposed as fundamentally flawed. Leading financial giants in Wall Street and the City have either disappeared completely or been kept afloat through state intervention. In such a climate of uncertainty, serious questions of a fundamental nature need to be asked.

This event goes deep into areas regarded as off-limits or taboo since the future of society and civilisation is at stake in this age of instability and turbulence. We are at a crossroads. Either a new dark age beckons, in which case we should consider migrating to the nearest hospitable planet, or we should embrace radical change and move towards the universal paradigm shift. We are fast approaching the finest - or final - hour of humanity.

Global Vision 2000 aims to rise to the challenge by seeking answers to pressing questions such as:-

• Who really runs the country, the world? Is it our democratically elected governments or unelected banking and financial oligarchs?

• Who really creates and controls credit and the money supply? Is it central banks or private banks?

• Why is usury taken for granted despite the fact that everyone is drowning in debt?

• Do we need to go beyond framing the debate in terms of regulation and reform and advocate rejection of the status quo?

• Why have our institutions, from the government, to political parties, to the media, to the unions been emasculated, and what are the new mediums for social and political transformation and new models of governance?

• Does the Bretton Woods global financial architecture and the military-industrial complex need to be dismantled?


Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

Collateral Damage: The Intersection of Economic, Ecological and Energy Crises and The End of Industrial Civilisation as We Know It

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development (IPRD) in London, and an Associate Tutor in the School of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton. He is the bestselling author of The War on Freedom: How & Why America was Attacked: September 11, 2001, which won him the Naples Prize, Italy’s most prestigious literary award, in 2003. The War on Freedom (2002), the first book to critique the official narrative of 9/11, was described by Gore Vidal in the London Observer as “the best, most balanced, analysis of 9/11”. Nafeez’s other books include Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq (2003); The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism (2005) and The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry (2006), which has been profiled in the Independent on Sunday and Sunday Times.
One of the world’s foremost authorities in terrorism and conflict analysis, in July 2005 he testified as an expert witness at a special all-day Congressional hearing on 9/11 and international terrorism sponsored by Hon. Reps. Cynthia McKinney and Raul Grijalva. He has written and reported for the Independent on Sunday, Raw Story, Counterpunch, ZNet, Dissident Voice, OpEd News, Online Journal, Media Monitors Network, The American Muslim, The Muslim News, Q News, and many other publications. He has been a regular political commentator on BBC Southern Counties Radio in Sussex, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows around the world, including BBC World Today, Channel 4, former Daily Express journalist Yvonne Ridley’s “Agenda” on the Islam Channel, PBS Foreign Exchange with Newsweek International editor Fareed Zakaria, Pacifica Radio, David Barsamian’s Alternative Radio, and so on.
Nafeez worked for two years as Senior Researcher at the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in London, a leading human rights group with UN consultative status specializing in human rights violations in the Muslim world. There he authored IHRC Country Reports on Human Rights Practices in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa, before moving to Brighton where he founded the IPRD in early 2001.
At the University of Sussex, he teaches courses in political theory, international relations and contemporary history. As a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of International Relations, Nafeez is currently doing interdisciplinary research on genocide, imperialism and structural violence, and has published in many peer-reviewed journals. His work in human rights and foreign policy has been recommended by leading academic institutions and is used in university courses, including the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University, the Department of Communication at California State University, the College of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University, the Department of Political Science at the University of Utah, the Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base, among many others.

Dr Irfan Al-Alawi
The Manhattanisation of Makkah, Madinah and Al-Quds

Dr Irfan Al-Alawi is a university lecturer in London\Leiden\California and a Barrister at Law. He studied at Al-Azhar University (C.Phil, Islamic History) and holds a PhD in Islamic Theology and Tasawwuf (Islamic Spirituality). He is a historian of Mecca/Medinah and an expert on radical islam and cultural vandalism in Saudi Arabia.
Dr Al-Alawi is a student of one of the greatest contemporary recipients of the Prophet Muhammad's heritage of knowledge, the famous Imam Sayyid Habib Ahmad Mashhur Al Haddad Al Alawi, whom he has known for the past 25 years. He studied and later taught Islam and other relevant disciplines at the traditional schools and learning circles at the hands of many leading sheikhs across the Muslim Arab world, particularly the senior Habaib of Hadhramaut, in East Africa and Mecca/Madina. Dr Al-Alawi is a student and representative and also has a licence to teach from the most famous Sheikh and Scholar of the Hijaz, Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi Al Maliki. The Al-Maliki family were the imam's and teachers of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Dr Al-Alawi is a member of many leading professional Islamic governing bodies across the globe. He is Executive Director of the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation (IHRF) whose activities include preservation and restoration of historical sites in the two holy cities and throughout the world. He is also International Director of the Centre of Islamic Pluralism (CIP), and a visiting fellow at The Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars (Washington).
As well as being a writer for many leading British Newspapers including The Independent, The Guardian, The Times, he also writes for The Weekly Standard, The Spectator, and many Islamic journals across the world. He has translated many works in Arabic, English, Swahili and Urdu.

Dr Syed Mustafa Ali
The Field, The House and The Yard: Reflections on Racial Political Economy

Dr Syed Mustafa Ali is a resarch activist with Bandung2, a global movement of individuals committed to replacing all man-made forms of supremacy with a system of justice based on The Qur'an ( His research interests include systemic racism (white supremacy), gender studies, politics and economics from an Islamic perspective. Dr Ali has been engaged in the study of The Qur’an for over fifteen years and has delivered talks and lectures on a range of topics including the rise and fall of nations, the origins of secularism and the nature of money at academic institutions such as The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and community events such as 2KEY: The Brixton Conference (2002) and The Bandung2 Conference (2007). He presented "The Colour of Money" at the Global Vision 2000 April 2008 conference.

Robert Corfe
Social Capitalism

Robert Corfe is the Founder & Secretary of the Social Capitalist Network, the website of which will be available by the beginning of January. He is a political scientist, author, freelance journalist, and industrial publicist, who has been a life-long student of the social sciences. His professional life has been in senior management in manufacturing industry, and subsequently in management consultancy advising SMEs. In his commitment to working for global social justice and an equitable society, over a three-year period he worked intensively on producing the tetralogy of what was to become the source material for the Social Capitalist Network, viz., the three-volume work, Social Capitalism in Theory & Practice, and its introductory volume, Egalitarianism of the Free Society and the end of class conflict. These four books were published early in 2008.

Tarek El Diwany
The Credit Crunch: Causes and Remedies

Tarek El Diwany was born in London in 1963. He graduated in Accounting and Finance from Lancaster University in the United Kingdom in 1985. Tarek has worked as an interest rate derivatives dealer in the government bond market, and as head of Islamic finance for a major financial institution based in London. In 1997, he completed the first edition of The Problem With Interest, and in the same year launched, where he is now the Editor. In addition to his work as a writer, Tarek is a partner at Zest Advisory LLP, a London-based firm providing consulting services in Islamic banking and finance, and is a frequent speaker on the topic of Islamic banking at conferences throughout the world.

Jamal Harwood
The Crisis of Capitalism and The Caliphate

Jamal Harwood is an Islamic economics expert, who has studied comparative economic models for over two decades. He is an accountant by training, and has debated and sat on panels with James Woolfeson of the World Bank and former Chancellor Lord Lamont. As well as debating at the Oxford Union he has been interviewed for Time magazine. His is a member of the executive committee for Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain.

Alistair McConnachie
Putting the Cart Before The Horse Again: The Economy Should Come Before the Banking System!

Alistair McConnachie is the Editor and Publisher of PROSPERITY: Freedom from Debt Slavery, which is a 4-page newsletter dedicated to reforming the money system. It is based at 268 Bath Street, in Glasgow. He works closely with James Gibb Stuart, who is known to many Muslims as the author of The Money Bomb -- and who has spoken at a previous conference organised by Global Vision. Alistair and James organise the annual Bromsgrove Conference, which brings together Money Reformers from all over the world, to network and share ideas about reforming the world's economic system and combating debt and usury. Its twelfth annual conference was held this October.

Frances Mulleady
Ethical values, corporate social responsibility and social capitalism

Francis Mulleady specialises in International Business.. He has a BA in Economics and Sociology (Maynooth) and an MA in Economics (Dublin) and currently lectures in the theory and practice of business, global markets and international business management at the University of Westminster.

Daud Pidcock
The Other Road to Serfdom

Daud Pidcock is a technical writer, monetary reformer, historical researcher and political analyst. Pidcock's research interests lie in political economy, rational economics, Islamic banking, L.E.T.S. (Local Exchange Trading Systems), local currency systems, barter trade, interest-free and debt-free alternatives to Western, fractional reserve banking systems. He assisted Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammed, in averting the Asian Monetary crisis in 1997.
Pidcock was responsible for the compilation of Satanic Voices Ancient & Modern, a definitive reply to Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses. He also arranged publication of Napoleon & Islam (1999) and completion of The Other Road To Serfdom (2005). Pidock is also responsible for the republishing of Propaganda In The Next War (2002), originally published in 1938 and published The Truth About Money – Even Unto China in 2002.
Pidcock was co-founder of The Islamic Party of Britain in 1989, Candidate for Bradford North in the 1990 By-Election and Candidate for Bradford West in the General Election of 1992, in both elections campaigning on the issue of debt and interest. Pidcock is a member of the Forum for Stable Currencies, House of Lords/House of Commons; Co-Founder of The National Association For Victims Of Fraud & Banking Malpractice (1984); and Director of the Institute for Rational Economics.

Muhammad Rafeeq
What are The Alternatives?

Muhammad is a Management Consultant with over 20 years experience in the banking and finance arena. He has acted as a consultant to leveraged credit institutions, asset management companies, insurance companies and pension funds. He also has central banking experience, going back to the implementation of big bang at the Discount Houses of the Bank of England, where he gained detailed experience of Gilt Market Making, the UK Treasury Bill market, the London Money Market, Certificates of Deposit, Promissary Notes, Corporate Bills and Trade Bills. Since that time his financial product experience has expanded to cover the eurobond, equities, exchange traded derivatives and OTC derivative market places. He was a founding director of the first company to stream real-time product prices over the air using GSM technologies (1997 - partnered with Bloomberg and BT) and was a founding architect of the first UK Islamic Investment Fund, the Al Safa Fund, which was launched in 1999. In the last 9 years he has focused on financial risk management as set out in the Capital Accord and the New Capital Accord frameworks, with a specialism in complex OTC derivative products.

Roy Tindle
There's Another Bus Coming Along Behind: Free-market capitalism and Climate Change

Roy Tindle is a Trustee of London 21 Sustainability Network, Chair of the London Thames Gateway Forum, founder of Faith Sustains, and a member of the Sustainable Development Research Network. Has been an industrial chemist, theology student and international banker before forgoing job security for the not-for-profit sector over two decades ago. Tindle has since worked on aspects of sustainability, community development and regeneration, establishing and running successful national campaigns during this period. Tindle returned to science seven years ago in order to concentrate on climate change and other issues of sustainability, but with a continuing interest in monetary justice. He is currently also engaged in several interfaith initiatives.

Moeen Yaseen
Introduction and Opening speech

Moeen Yaseen is Director of Global Vision 2000. Established in 2000, Global Vision 2000 is a private independent company based in the United Kingdom. It is a catalytic multi-level organisation committed to a holistic global Islamic renaissance and working towards the universal paradigm shift. Global Vision 2000 is an independent international Islamic thinktank and operates on a flat network centric basis. It is facilitating the evolution of global human consciousness by focusing on an universal transcendentalist Islamic vision. Global Vision 2000 as a consultancy is also engaged in business events and activities which are focused on developing and promoting the new paradigm.
Global Vision 2000 has been research-focused on pan-Islamic thought, technology and modernisation within a global framework. It has been developing a, network of networks and community of collaboration comprised of the Muslim intelligentsia, business, finance and industry in association with aligned partners seeking fundamental transformation in society. Global Vision 2000 operates in a collaborative model and has formed powerful alliances and partnerships with a number of innovative organisations across the globe. :lol:
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Love of profits Vs the love of the Prophet

Post by moeen yaseen »

GLOBAL VISION 2000 LINKUP ... 38#pid2238

New Year Hijri and Gregorian Greetings

Dear Global Visionaries,

If 2008 is being perceived as the ANNUS HORIBILLIS by commentators compared to 2009 it may actually be a bed of roses. Currently there is no light at the end of the tunnel. There is a vicious spiral downturn and a terrible nightmarish economic maelstrom bringing everything down especially in the UK and USA the champions of AngloSaxon neoliberal monetarist freemarket fundamentalism. The global financial system is imploding with "black swan" events and an impending 2nd Great Depression. Neoliberal free market fundamentalism and the global financial usurious capitalist system is built on the sand of a gigantic ponzi scheme which is self destructing and is on a bailing out life support machine of injected trillions of pounds by Government intervention using taxpayers money. This can only lead to social unrest if the powers that be deal with the symptoms with the same medicine as opposed to dealing with the causes. The road to tyranny lies ahead with either engineered false flag terror events or war imminent. Whilst we do not believe that the financial collapse has been engineered we do believe based on events and measures taken so far that the current economic collapse is being engineered and accelerated by the globalists towards the globalists agenda of a NWO World Government . Governments are being raped by the Protection Plunge Teams and Economic emergency councils to bail out bankers who have merely bought time with another year to recoup losses with recapitalisation of trillions of pounds at taxpayers expense. If this is not a heist and daylight robbery what is? Those who have been engaged in promoting a gigantic ponzi scheme need to be criminalised yet are Scotfree. We are living in a world which is upside down where might is right and white is black and black is white. When we refer to the need to demystify economics let us be clear that what we are saying is that the system is based on a fraud within a fraud within a fraud. It can not be clearer than that and the sooner this is recognised by all and sundry the better. Financial criminality and political corruption is fuelling a calamity. We have a Battle for the soul, spirit and body of Britain and the World confronting us. It is a battle for democratic not demonic governance and upholding the common public interest rather than a Bankopolis.

Gordon Brown and his spin machine talk about the Battle of Britain and Dunkirk spirit being reactivated to overcome the age of austerity. This is complete and utter trash from our unelected Bilderberger globalist saviour. Let it be clear that this is Orwellian doublespeak and the people do not need to bail out bankers and suffer from the painful realities of deflation followed by hyperinflation. Mass unemployment and social breakdown with the loss of hope, dignity and pride is not the price which the people have to pay. I take my hat off for the sacrifices shown by the youth and people of Greece for showing their feelings that enough is enough. Either the world works for all or for NONE. We do not need to be drawn into a longterm depression and resort to military Keynesianism. The people and planet do not need nor deserve this. The system is ideologically, morally, culturally and financially bankrupt and needs to be brought under emergency bankruptcy legislation. We need Economic Democracy NOW. We need to liberate our money, banks and economy from bankers and from debt bondage. We need a JUBILEE year eliminating debt like in the Old Testament times. We need a spiritual and cultural revolution and the people need to seek repentance from the false religion of Mammon and consumerism which they have been worshipping and which is crumbling before their very eyes of buying now and paying later which chains them even more as debt slaves. The system we are enduring is based on an illusion and materialism as well as secularisation which is stripping the world of faith and spirituality so that people become sheeple to be directed by the dictats of the NWO. We need to closedown the artificial economy of derivatives, hedge funds and speculation otherwise the real productive economy will be tanked. These guys need to learn the meaning and reality of a hard days labour to earn their bread and butter and this economically parasitical industry needs to be closed down with all its trimmings of an obscene bonus culture which is glamourised by a harlot mass media. If losses in this next bubble to burst are clawed from the real economy forget about this recession ending in 2010 as we will be trapped in the 2nd Great Depression and will be on the Road to Serfdom with the elimination of the middle classes and living in a NWO Dictatorship. We are at a crossroads and approaching the final or the finest hour of humanity.

We need to recapture the third way which Bilderbergers such as Thatcher and her false prophets Brown-Blair hijacked. It is a myth that there has to be a scarcity of money. If you believe this you might as well believe that humans are Martians incarnate. We do not need to borrow money and pay interest on the loans for generating productive capacity. Just cease the right of private banks to create money(they can remain as clearing institutions) and return Seigniorage the right to issue money; debt free and interest free by publicly controlled institutions into the economy for generating productive capacity. The M0 the money supply should rocket from the current abysmal 3% upto 100% overnight by HM Treasury and the Cabinet. The new usury free, debtfree nonexploitative socially productive paradigm economy needs to arise. If required there should be a change of guard at the Armed forces to ensure the military and secret services are loyal enforcers to carry out the interests of the people and nation. Britain needs to be freed from any banking elite's money creation monopoly and suffocating hegemony. This will also bring their plans for World Government based in the New Jerusalem crashing down. Let me make it clear as black and white the issue of the day is not class, race, North-South or Islam and the West/Rest wars but it is about the People and the Banks. This is a central and major component of the Universal Paradigm shift we have been promoting.

Lend us your ears, hands and material support and raise the banner of the Universal Paradigm shift. The people need to awaken themselves and start backing and supporting uncontaminated leadership which can liberate them. If you do not the people need to be warned loud and clear that they are part of the problem and deserve to be condemned to their fate as serfs in the NWO and continue their scramble for bread and circuses as rats in a rat race. The human condition is such that ultimately given the slumber in consciousness there will have to be a rude wake up call which implies economic misery, hardship and suffering before call for change rings the air. Nevertheless Global Vision 2000 is willing to engage with the Government of the day and the Devil himself if necessary to throw a lifebuoy and offer our counsel to civic society. We await for your call to serve the nation and humanity. By Easter 2009 when we have our next emergency event in London believe you me the economy will be racing highspeed to self destruction. Millions in our wonderful advanced Western free market economies will be on the scrapheap and doom and gloom will prevail. The West will feel the pains of the South for a change. There will be a realisation that the chains that bind us are similar and need to be dismantled. Join us NOW and make the call for Monetary Revolution echo the corridors of power. We the people demand a MAGNA CARTA which brings the unelected banking rulers accountable to the people and to make money serve the people not the people subservient to money.

After a tremendous effort and sacrifice we are also pleased to announce that Global Vision 2000 organised the emergency conference on December 13th in London on the Global Financial Crash and a sustainable future for humanity. The full conference report is available on our website at and the audio and video files are being prepared and will be made online eventually. All networks are encouraged to study the report and recommendations and widely disseminate them locally, nationally and internationally. If you need speakers let us know for your events. Those who wish to either attend or support the forthcoming event in 2009 contact us now so that we create a momentum for change. The time for armchair activists is over. The gloves are off. Real change demands the right diagnosis, uncontaminated authentic leadership and collaboration and spearheaded with a manifesto for change. We can deliver this together and the people and media need to get right behind us.

Moeen Yaseen :lol:










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Love of profits Vs love of the Prophet

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SEPTEMBER 11th, 2008- AMERICA's ECONOMIC 9/11? ... 90#pid2290

Mark Gobell
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Post by Mark Gobell »

Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"

Watch the Rep. Kanjorski CSPAN interview:

At 2:08 into the CSPAN video the transcript is as follows:
Rep. Kanjorski wrote:Look I was there when the Secretary and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve came those days and talked with members of congress about what was going on, it was about September 15th

[1] Secretary refers to the, then, (September 2008) Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson - now out of office.

[2] The Chairman of the Federal Reserve was and still is Ben Shalom Bernanke.

[3] September 15th 2008 was a Monday.

Rep. Kanjorski continues.
Rep. Kanjorski wrote:Here's the facts and we don't even (need?) talk about these things.

On Thursday at about 11 o'clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of money market accounts in the United States, to the tune of 550 billion dollars, was being drawn out in a matter of an hour or two.

The Treasury opened up it's window to help, they pumped 105 billion dollars in the system and quickly realised they could not stem the tide.

We were having an electronic run on the banks.

They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of 250 thousand dollars per account, so there wouldn't be further panic out there and that's what actually happened.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2 o'clock that afternoon, 5 and a half trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system on the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States and within 24 hours the World Economy would have collapsed.

If the Thursday that Rep. Kanjorski refers to was the Thursday preceding Monday 15th September 2008, the day that Treasury Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke testified in a closed session before Congress, then that Thursday, the day that Kanjorski describes the one to two hour long, half a trillion dollar, electronic run on the banks, would have been Thursday 11th September 2008.

This story is being repeated and critiqued on lots of internet sites.

I have no idea if it's true.

For example: ... -span.html
The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
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Love of profits Vs the love of the Prophet

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New Vision midst the economic crisis conference
Committee Room 14 Gladstone Room House of Commons, London
April 2 2009 :lol:
Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Love of profits Vs love of the Prophet

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Global Vision 2000
Universal Peace Federation - UK

present a seminar on


Host: Lord Tarsem King of West Bromwich
Committee Room 3, House of Lords,
Westminster, London

14:30 - 17:00, July 13 2009

Speakers include:

Dr.Nafeez Ahmed : Institute for Policy Research and Development

Anne Belsey: Monetary Reform Party

Baron Junaid Bhatti of Ballencrieff:Islamic Finance Week

Canon Peter Challen:Christian Council for Monetary Justice

Nick Dearden: President, Jubilee Debt Campaign / Put People First Alliance

Dr. Royston Flude: Cercle Mondial du Consensus

John Hilary: Executive Director, War on Want

Daud Pidcock: Global Vision 2000

David Triggs: Coalition for Economic Justice & Executive Chair, Henry George Foundation

Frank Taylor: Runnymede

You are cordially invited to an emergency parliamentary seminar to examine the underlying causes of the financial and economic crisis and the need for a fundamental paradigm shift to restore stability, prosperity, justice and peace. The seminar will shed light on the terrifying nature of the death spiral of the global debt based financial and economic system and the ruinous path towards servitude and serfdom. There will be parliamentary, interfaith, monetary and fiscal reform perspectives shared and brought to bear in terms of alternative radical holistic solutions offering suffering humanity hope and salvation. This event is set to take place at a time when Parliament is at it's lowest ebb and has been tainted with sleaze and corruption and when politicians are treated with contempt. So this event is an affirmation by grassroot coalitions of the urgent need for civic society to champion the values of public service and the common good and reclaim Westminster as the people's shared political space cleansed of corruption.

Further to our last event in the Houses of Parliament on April 2 during the G20 London summit it is clear that there is a Grand Canyon between those in officialdom who imagine green shoots of recovery and a return to normality from the toll that the common man and ordinary families are experiencing. Official sources claim that there will be a rise in unemployment of 1 million in the UK in the next 12 months, 25 million in the OECD region and 50 million globally. The recovery appears to be a mirage and shadows of the 1930s are dawning. Bailouts and stimulus packages are targeting those who have created the crisis in the first place and there is papering over cracks and leaving intact the fundamental causes of instability. Furthermore the financial crisis has evolved into an economic crisis which is now manifesting as a full blown political crisis. The future is viewed with fear rather than hope and the hatred of the stranger stalks the land. We are now seeing the rise of political extremism which threatens the peace and unity of the country. This is not surprising as the mainstream media and political elite are not addressing the real causes. Furthermore whilst the UK is committed to Overseas development aid and Millenium Development Goals there is a need to review and redesign a fairer, just and sustainable global economic system that empowers the world's poorest billion to emerge from desperate poverty and facilitate global peace. The debate needs to move on from more of the same medicine with Global Capitalism 3.0 to a socially and ethically based paradigm and system.

The seminar will address the following issues:

Are we witnessing a ‘L shaped’ Great Depression rather than a ‘V shaped recession’? Do we need regulation, reform or revolution? How can monetary, fiscal and economic justice advocates connect with the people and political system? How can people power and national sovereignty be secured against the global financial oligarchy? How can the UK deliver on it's commitments on MDG? What does the City of London need to do to be the leader in global finance? Is Islamic finance a Trojan horse or Panacea? What type of paradigm shift is required?

Kindly RSVP to reserve your place as space is limited. We look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Co-convenor Moeen Yaseen: Managing Director Global Vision 2000

Mobile 07818 082011

Global Vision 2000 is an independent international Islamic thinktank committed to the evolution of global human consciousness through the development of an Universal Paradigm.

Co-convenor Robin Marsh Secretary General Universal Peace Federation UK

Mobile 07956 210 768 Mobile 07723024750 Tel 44(0) 207 262 0985

UPF is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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The Prayer Nazis
East Jerusalem Shuts Out Thousands of Prayers ... yer-nazis/

.....The first Friday of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, is one of the holiest days of the period. Praying at Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site, is considered a religious duty for all Muslims.
While thousands of Palestinians from elsewhere, mostly children, women over 45 and men over 50 made it to Jerusalem, the vast majority of the West Bank and Gaza’s population of nearly four million people are forbidden by the Israeli authorities from travelling there....... ... yer-nazis/ ... 120909.mp3
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Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets
NED and Soros have been injecting millions of dollars into the training of North African, pro-democracy teachers, lawyers, journalists and youth activists. In 2009 they more than doubled their training efforts. Why, at this time, has the 30-year support of these dictators been undermined? The prize is the rapidly-rising economies of North Africa. It coincides with the efforts of Ben Ali to make Tunisia the financial center of North Africa and to promote Islamic banking. The Rothschilds want North African Muslims to borrow from Rothschild banks and pay interest at rates the Rothschild central bank decides: they do not want them to be able to borrow from Islamic banks and not pay any interest. The Rothschilds want Muslims to trade their present political oppression at the hands of brutal dictators for future economic serfdom under the control of banker Lord Rothschild..... ... african-ma

Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In Emerging North African Markets
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally. North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity for Islamic banking and other businesses.

Jacob Rothschild, senior member of the British branch of the Rothschild dynasty

Contrary to popular belief, the world’s finances are controlled by privately-owned “central banks” masquerading as federal government banks in nearly every country in the world [The U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, ruled that The Federal Reserve (U.S.' central bank) was privately owned in 680 F.2d 1239, LEWIS v. UNITED STATES of America, No. 80-5905].
Though it is a carefully guarded secret, the Rothschilds and their associates own most the shares in the central banks (Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 1976, Charts 1-5) (Mullins, Eustice Secrets of the Federal Reserve 1983). With extremely little government input, the economies of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, and Algeria are strictly controlled by the Rothschild’s central banks and their International Monetary Fund.

Islamic banks have been eating into Rothschild profits in the Middle East because: they don’t charge interest (Shariah Law), they are growing very rapidly among the world’s exploding Muslim populations, and (in these catastrophic economic times) they are more stable than western banks.
While it is a very good thing that people are freed from the tyranny of dictators, they also need to be freed from the tyranny of economic control and serfdom. The relevant moral question is: Do the means justify the end?
Ben Ali's son-in-law El Materi at the opening of his Zitouna Bank, North Africa's first Islamic bank, last May
Deposed Tunisian President Ben Ali’s son-in-law, Sakher El Materi, opened Tunisia’s first Islamic bank, Zitouna Bank, on May 26, 2010. Zitouna Bank is the first Islamic bank in the Maghreb region [North Africa]. The bank was a first step toward Ben Ali’s new program of extensive reforms, “Tunisia, a Pole for Banking Services and a Regional Financial Centre”, which would have undermined the power and the profits of the Central Bank of Tunisia (privately-owned by the Rothschilds and their associates)................ ... th_feb.mp3
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Women Liberation

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Women Liberation

I find Islam to be liberating not oppressive: women are partners.

Islam is the first religion which systematically empowered women when women were considered as totally subservient to man. There was no concept of her being an independent entity and enjoying equal right with dignity. We live in a country where women are over-sexualised and sold as 'products' for capitalist gains. A woman's beauty is splashed around everywhere, and she is only judged by that. Islam tells a woman to cover up so that she is not abused as Western women are. Islam provides the security and respect to women community than other religions. The western countries are using the women as an entertainment channels. All the women in the world should think about themselves then decide what is right and what is wrong for them in other religions (than Islam)

What is feminism? Nothing but women’s movement to empower her and to consider her full human being and not mere second sex as ‘Simon de Bouire called her. Thus we see in western countries until early part of twentieth century she did not enjoy an independent status. It was only after thirties of twentieth century that she won equal status legally and various western countries passed the laws to this effect. Yet patriarchy is looming large on her in these countries.

Qur’an empowered her and gave equal status. Another important question is what is the difference between Islamic and western feminism or is there any difference at all. If we go by definition of feminism as an ideology of empowerment of women, there is no difference. On the other hand, women had no rights and but won through great deal of struggle and this struggle came to be known as ‘feminism’ i.e. women’s empowerment.

But there are significant differences also between Islamic and western feminism. Islamic feminism is based on certain non-negotiable values i.e. equality with honour and dignity. Freedom has certain Islamic responsibility whereas in the west freedom tends to degenerate into licentiousness, though not in law but certainly in social and cultural practices. In western culture sexual freedom has become a matter of women’s right and sex has become matter of enjoyment and lost its sanctity as an instrument of procreation.

Qur’an does lay down certain strict norms for sexual behavior. Both man woman have right to sexual gratification (a woman has as much right to sexual gratification as man) but within marital frame-work. There is no concept of freedom for extramarital sex in any form. Sex is permissible only with marital framework. Sex, as far as Islam is concerned, is not mere enjoyment but an act for procreations and hence has sanctity.

It is important here to emphasize that in a patriarchal society men decided the norms of sexual behavior. It was theorized that man has greater urge for sex and hence he needs multiple wives and woman tends to be passive and hence has to be content with one. This is not true as far as Qur’an is concerned. Qur’an’s approach is very different. It is not greater or lesser degree of sexual urge which necessitates multiple or monogamous marriage.

Whole emphasis is on monogamous marriage (in both the Qur’anic verses i.e. 4:3 and 4:129). Multiple marriages were permitted only to take care of widows and orphans and not for greater sexual urge and the verse 4:129 gives the norm of monogamy and not to leave first wife in suspense or neglected. Thus as far as Qur’an is concerned sexual gratification is a non-negotiable right for both man woman. And hence a divorcee and a widow are also permitted to marry and gratify their sexual urge.

Also, in western capitalist countries women’s dignity has been compromised and she has been reduced to a commodity to be exploited. Her semi-naked postures and her sexuality is exploited commercially unabashedly. It is totally against the concept of woman’s honour and dignity. Unfortunately western feminists do not consider this as objectionable but accept it as part of woman’s freedom. Some (though not many) even advocate prostitution as woman’s right to earn her bread.

This is against the concept of Islamic feminism as while sanctioning sexual gratification as much right of woman as that of man, it prohibits extra-marital sexual liaison and on one hand upholds dignity and honour of woman and on the other, exalts sex on the level of sanctity and restricts it for procreation.. Thus it would be seen that discourse of Islamic feminism, while having something in common with modern western feminism, it also significantly differs from it. Islamic feminists have to observe certain norms which modern western feminists are not obliged to.

There is institutionalised oppression of women in all cultures. In India Hindu female foetocide numbers approximately two million every year. Hinduism is rife with sexism. Women are classed as objects owned by men. The Muslims from the Sub-continent were converted from Hinduism. They carry even now a lot of Hindu traditions of dishonouring women mostly in isolated ruler areas. In urban areas Muslims are well educated both Islamically and worldly and women have all the rights given by Islam.

UNICEF photo of the year shows, a bridegroom, 40, with his 11-year-old bride in Afghanistan. The bridegroom is going to take care of her and their future children. UNICEF photo of the year must show that the teenage pregnancies and abortion, drug addiction, binge drinking and anti-social behavior is on the rise in Britain. All of them are burden on British tax-payers. This is sickening. It's no wonder Great Britain is in such a bad shape. Ten years old British girls are haveing babies out of wedlock. They are not allowed to get married but are allowed to have babies. Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in Western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allows young girls to get married.

The Holy Quran gives more rights to women than the so called western civilisation.
Western Secularism cannot teach Muslims how to treat women. Islam teaches us how to be civilised. Islam is a middle path. Women are even abused in the UK Parliament, which is called the Mother of Parliament. It is not just verbal abuse the female MPs have had to deal with. The tradition of killing women for family honour is a “curse”. Violence against women is a global phenomenon. An Australian Judge failed to jail nine males who admitted gang-raping a 10-year old Aboriginal girl, by saying the victim probably agreed to have sex with them. More than half the babies born to British mothers this year will be outside marriage for the first time since records begins. There is a steady decline in marriage among British couples. Nearly all births to Pakistani mothers are within wedlock.

The veil signified the rejection of an unacceptable system of values which debased women while Islam elevated women to a position of honour and respect. It is not liberation, where women go naked. It is just oppression, because men want to see them naked. Miniskirts and plunging necklines represent oppression. Veil is a sign of liberation from a prevailing and dangerous western, secular norm – namely, a view of women purely as sexual objects. Western culture is liberalism, and that is in itself a set of norms. But now the time has come that liberalism must change its attitudes because Britain and the whole of West has undergone significant change. It is a fact that a veil cannot be equated with forced marriages, female circumcision or unequal education for girls. The real difference between man and woman is that they have different kinds of bodies designed for very different purposes, and they have also different kinds of mind because these, too, are designed to contribute differently to human needs and purposes. Men tend to be more imaginative and have more flair than women, but women are much more tenacious and better at multilasking than men.

Muslim boys and Girls need state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Male and female Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim youths feel torn between two cultures, thanks to the state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers. Islam teaches Muslims youths to be virgin but western education system teaches the opposite. It makes their lives very confusing. They suffer from Identity Crises. The solution is that each and every Muslim child should be in state funded Muslim schools because western education makes a man stupid and selfish according to Lord Bertrand Russell.
Iftikhar Ahmad
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Could the smoke not also be interpreted as mass media lies?
by email wrote: I can confirm that a muslim global vìsionary interprets eschatology to forsee not only a collapse of the usury and debt based global criminal financial system but the smoke which appears to be reference to a nuclear war which ends the superiority of a zionist controlled western world. Then we will witness who calls the shots. This is coming for sure and r u prepared?:-)
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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A lecture delivered by Sheikh Imran Hosein in 2003 gives us an insight into the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers and what the future holds for the Muslims.
Produced by One Islam Productions
To order DVDs please visit -
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Never, as the Nazis say, let the facts get in the way of a 'good story'.

Muhammad – the Founder of Islam – Specifically CONDEMNED AS SINNERS Anyone Who Failed to Protect Christians or Interfered with Christians’ Ability to Practice their Own Faith ... ammad.html
Muslims Who Persecute Christians Are Violating a DIRECT ORDER from Muhammad

ISIS and other Muslim extremists who persecute Christians are disobeying a direct order from Muhammad, the founder of Islam.

Specifically, in 626 AD, Muhammad issued The Achtiname of Muhammad, also known as the Covenant or (Holy) Testament (Testamentum) of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Achtiname – shown above – ordered Muslims to protect and defend Christians, and condemned as sinners Muslims who mistreated Christians:

This is a letter which was issued by Mohammed, Ibn Abdullah, the Messenger, the Prophet, the Faithful, who is sent to all the people as a trust on the part of God to all His creatures, that they may have no plea against God hereafter. Verily God is the Mighty, the Wise. This letter is directed to the embracers of Islam, as a covenant given to the followers of Nazarene [i.e. Christians] in the East and West, the far and near, the Arabs and foreigners, the known and the unknown.

This letter contains the oath given unto them, and he who disobeys that which is therein will be considered a disobeyer and a transgressor to that whereunto he is commanded. He will be regarded as one who has corrupted the oath of God, disbelieved His Testament, rejected His Authority, despised His Religion, and made himself deserving of His Curse, whether he is a Sultan or any other believer of Islam. Whenever monks, devotees and pilgrims gather together, whether in a mountain or valley, or den, or frequented place, or plain, or church, or in houses of worship, verily we are [at the] back of them and shall protect them, and their properties and their morals, by Myself, by My Friends and by My Assistants, for they are of My Subjects and under My Protection.

I shall exempt them from that which may disturb them; of the burdens which are paid by others as an oath of allegiance. They must not give anything of their income but that which pleases them—they must not be offended, or disturbed, or coerced or compelled. Their judges should not be changed or prevented from accomplishing their offices, nor the monks disturbed in exercising their religious order, or the people of seclusion be stopped from dwelling in their cells.

No one is allowed to plunder the pilgrims, or destroy or spoil any of their churches, or houses of worship, or take any of the things contained within these houses and bring it to the houses of Islam. And he who takes away anything therefrom, will be one who has corrupted the oath of God, and, in truth, disobeyed His Messenger.

Poll-taxes should not be put upon their judges, monks, and those whose occupation is the worship of God; nor is any other thing to be taken from them, whether it be a fine, a tax or any unjust right. Verily I shall keep their compact, wherever they may be, in the sea or on the land, in the East or West, in the North or South, for they are under My Protection and the testament of My Safety, against all things which they abhor.

No taxes or tithes should be received from those who devote themselves to the worship of God in the mountains, or from those who cultivate the Holy Lands. No one has the right to interfere with their affairs, or bring any action against them. Verily this is for aught else and not for them; rather, in the seasons of crops, they should be given a Kadah for each Ardab of wheat (about five bushels and a half) as provision for them, and no one has the right to say to them this is too much, or ask them to pay any tax.

As to those who possess properties, the wealthy and merchants, the poll-tax to be taken from them must not exceed twelve drachmas a head per year [according to Wikipedia, about 200 modern U.S. dollars].

They shall not be imposed upon by anyone to undertake a journey, or to be forced to go to wars or to carry arms; for the Islams have to fight for them. Do no dispute or argue with them, but deal according to the verse recorded in the Koran, to wit: ‘Do not dispute or argue with the People of the Book but in that which is best’ [29:46]. Thus they will live favored and protected from everything which may offend them by the Callers to religion (Islam), wherever they may be and in any place they may dwell.

Should any Christian woman be married to a Musulman [i.e. Muslim], such marriage must not take place except after her consent, and she must not be prevented from going to her church for prayer. Their churches must be honored and they must not be withheld from building churches or repairing convents.

They must not be forced to carry arms or stones; but the Islams must protect them and defend them against others. It is positively incumbent upon every one of the Islam nation not to contradict or disobey this oath until the Day of Resurrection and the end of the world.

(This is the Haddad translation; other, similar translations can be found here.)

ISIS and other Islamic terrorists are not true Muslims, and they have disobeyed a direct order of Muhammad.

No wonder the majority of Muslims all over the world condemn them.
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

moheen_yaseen by email wrote:You must connect what is going on in the Middle East.
[+ Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski: 'The Grand Chessboard' (1997) + PNAC Report, page 51, para. 1 (Sept 2000) + General Wesley Clark asserted 7 countries 2 be CONQUERED by US (Oil producing GCC - 2 cause Economic Chaos that dovetails into WWIII - same was orchestrated by stealth 2 foment WWI & WWII)].
Ukraine Coup d'etat was orchestrated 2 destabilise RUSSIA - same is being done 2 CHINA in 2015 (40% of USN 2 deploy 2 South China Sea) [Change in Japanese Constitution - ability 2 arm Japan].
China only has 1 aircraft carrier - ditto Russia.

US has control of IRAQ (by a weakened divided IRAQ) - wants 2 break SYRIA by indirect mercenaries + strangle IRAN by Israel (WMD + enhanced naval presence in BAHRAIN 2 put down Shia 'threat' by USN & RN).

AFGHANISTAN was about T.A.P.I. (LNG pipeline) (completed end of 2014) (hence removal of Camp Bastion - £1BN).

PAKISTAN (has WMD 2 target INDIA). US acts with complicity with mercenaries & Pakistan sta
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Monday 10 August 2015
I'm pledging allegiance to the Caliphate – and no, before you call the Police, I don't mean Isis
Soon I'll be joining 30,000 other Muslims in London to embrace real Islamic values ... 48621.html

I’ve made up my mind. I’ll soon be packing my bags and leaving Birmingham to pledge allegiance to the Caliphate. Thousands more, mostly from Europe, will be doing the same.
As you react with horror, contemplate alerting the police and (worse) consider blocking me on social media, rest assured: I’m not referring to the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Rather, I’m talking about a Caliph you may never have heard of - and who certainly doesn’t get near as much publicity - but is the head of a global spiritual community, described as a champion of human rights and who stands firmly against terrorism. He lives in London too.


This Caliph will be the centre of attention at the UK’s largest international gathering of Muslims. Thirty thousand people from 90 countries and 100 cities across the land will be there, with millions more tuning in via satellite TV screens and internet streams.

Like me, they will be affirming their loyalty to him and vow to live by a simple maxim: Love for all, hatred for none. This is sure to raise some eyebrows, and probably startle those who equate caliphate with something closer to a barbaric totalitarian theocracy. And you’d be forgiven for thinking so.

A Caliphate is a system of successorship as old as humankind. But in Islamic theology, it refers mainly to the “rightly-guided” leaders (caliphs) appointed after the Prophet’s death for the protection and progress of the Muslim community. That caliphate came to an end following the assassination of Ali, the fourth successor of Muhammad.

A father and son leave Baitul Futuh Mosque after it was visited by Mirza Masroor Ahmad in 2012 A father and son leave Baitul Futuh Mosque after it was visited by Mirza Masroor Ahmad in 2012

Since then, various declarations have arisen throughout history, with Isis' being the most recent. Yet divinely-mandated authority is much more sophisticated than any random Tariq, Daud or Hamza taking over a piece of land and proclaiming themselves ruler of the believers. According to the Koran, a caliphate restores Islam to its original purity, purged of the corruptions that have crept into it. It should also replace fear with peace and security. Clearly, al-Baghdadi and Isis fail on both fronts here.

The leader of the Caliphate I'm referring to is Mirza Masroor Ahmad – the head of tens of millions of Ahmadiyya Muslims who have joined the community from every denomination and religion you can imagine. He travels extensively and is welcomed by heads of state, and has spoken at Capitol Hill, the European Parliament and the House of Commons. Prime Minister David Cameron is among many who have praised him as “a man of peace”.

The tomb of the Prophet Mohamed: Islam’s most revered holy site
1 of 7
Prophet Mohammed Mosque
Prophet Mohammed MosqueProphet Mohammed MosqueProphet Mohammed MosqueProphet Mohammed MosqueProphet Mohammed MosqueProphet Mohammed MosqueProphet Mohammed Mosque
When caricatures of the Prophet were published, he counseled Muslims to write articles promoting the real character of Muhammad. When Pastor Terry Jones threatened to burn the Koran, he called on faith leaders to respect each other’s holy scriptures. And when his own followers were massacred in Pakistan, he urged his community to exercise patience and offer prayers.

By rejecting violence, inspiring service to one’s country and defending freedom of conscience, this is a Caliph who is a living example of real Islamic values.

Why should any of this matter? It’s because this is a Caliph everyone needs to know more about, and deserves the platform world leaders also want “strong, positive Muslim voices” to be given.

If extremism is the “struggle of our generation”, here is a Caliph who offers hope and a solution. And that’s why millions including me are pledging allegiance to him.

Waqar Ahmad Ahmedi is Head of Religious Education at a comprehensive school in Birmingham. He is also an A level and GCSE Religious Studies examiner and writer on faith and education. He blogs at
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Love of profits v love of the prophet(pbuh)

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November event that sparked protests in Pakistan was scrapped over security concerns, says far-right Dutch politician


Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan protesters vow to blockade the city unless Dutch ties are cut over cartoon competition.

Last edited by moeen yaseen on Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Love of profits v love of the Prophet

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PM KHAN ... ns-pm-khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday, at the opening of the two-day international Rehmatul-il-Alameen Conference at Islamabad's Jinnah Convention Centre, said that Pakistan would spearhead an international campaign against the defamation of religions.

The topic of the conference is "finality of Prophethood and responsibilities of Muslims in light of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)". It is the 43rd conference aimed at promoting religious harmony, tolerance, brotherhood and equality, respect for humanity, non-violence, unity, reconciliation and culture of dialogue, according toRadio Pakistan.

PM Khan congratulated the conference organisers and stressed the need to study the life of the Prophet "who changed the world". "Those people who are unable to understand the philosophy of the life of the Prophet have now become guardians of religion," he claimed.

"You can only follow the path of blessed people when you love the Prophet," he said, adding that the Higher Education Commission had been asked to establish chairs for research on the Prophet's life in three universities.

The prime minister said he had seen Hindus, Sikhs, and people from all religions visit the shrines of great personalities like Hazrat Moinuddin Chishti, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Baba Farid. "They visit their mausoleums because they were great men," he said.

"We should examine what it was that the Prophet did, that later led to the defeats of super powers at the hands of Muslims," he said.

Referring to a blasphemous cartoon contest which was announced by a Dutch MP, the PM said that the Dutch government had cancelled the contest, and the matter had also been taken up by Pakistan on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation platform. Later, he said, the European Union also admitted that freedom of expression could be not be used as a pretext for blasphemy.

"Pakistan will spearhead a campaign for an international declaration against the defamation of religions. I have appointed Ahmer Bilal Sufi, a law expert, to reach out to various countries and convince them to sign the declaration," he said.

The premier also recalled his personal spiritual journey, saying he underwent a great change after he met his spiritual mentor, Mian Bashir, who was a Sufi. "With his wisdom and knowledge, he was able to guide me to the path of religion," the PM said.

"I used to be a Muslim just in name," he said. "If my father urged me, I would go for Friday prayers with him. I would offer my Eid prayers," he said. "I did not have any extraordinary knowledge about Islam." "Mian Bashir slowly eliminated the hurdles standing in the way of my faith. And a time comes when Allah lifts a veil and you realise 'This is God'." "That instance when you understand the existence of Allah, and the time that comes when you believe it is a huge blessing of Allah when He guides you to the right path," PM Khan said. "Then your life begins changing. [...] There is a misconception that a person undergoes an immediate transformation when he embraces faith. No, it is just the starting point of a continuous struggle," he said. The PM said Allah asks us to follow the path of the Prophet, which is why we need to read about and understand his life. "That was when my journey started. I started reading about his life, I started changing, my life's path started changing," he continued. "I would not have built a cancer hospital or entered politics if Allah had not changed by path. There are two paths when one's life is oriented around personal satisfaction, and the other when one realises he has a responsibility towards his fellow man."

He added that the Prophet may not have made great financial resources, but Allah instilled the quality of mercy in him. The PM said that one begins fulfilling his obligations as a human being when he believes he will be answerable on the Last Day.

Rehmatul-il-Alameen Conference kicks off

Minister for Religious Affairs Noorul Haq Qadri alongside PM Khan at Jinnah Convention Centre in Islamabad.

Minister for Religious Affairs Noorul Haq Qadri, in his opening address to attendees of the event, paid tribute to the services of the Prophet for humanity and shed light on various aspects of his personality. He talked about how Prophet Muhammad treated non-Muslims and even his foes, saying he had pardoned even his worst enemies. Scholars from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Syria, Morocco, and the United Kingdom are participating in the event. During the conference, cash awards and certificates will be given to 53 authors, whose books or articles were selected after a due process, in nine categories. These categories are Seerat and Naat Books in Urdu, English, Arabic, and regional languages of Pakistan. Federal ministers, politicians, and diplomats of various countries are also attending the event. Earlier this month, Prime Minister Imran Khan, while speaking to Qadri, had said that the government wishes to present an image of peaceful Islam before the world. For this purpose, "Rehmatul-il-Alameen Conferences" will be held across the country, while a two-day 'Khatm-i-Nabuwwat International Conference' will be held in Islamabad, he had said.

He had added that it was the responsibility of the state to present the true teachings of the Prophet to the next generation. PM Khan had also said that research on the life of the Prophet would be promoted under the government's supervision.

Arrangements for Eid-i-Miladun Nabi

Minister Qadri, while chairing a meeting of the organising committee for conference preparations on Saturday, had said that the occasion of Eid-i-Miladun Nabi would be celebrated with due honour and respect. He said that special functions and ceremonies would be arranged during Rabiul Awwal in which the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad would be highlighted. Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry had said that arrangements would be made for the coverage of processions taken out on the 12th of Rabiul Awwal, and that state-owned PTV and Radio Pakistan would air qirat, naats and other programmes on the occasion, along with special programmes to highlight the the Prophet's teachings.

Eid-i-Miladun Nabi falls on Nov 21 (tomorrow).


Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry on Sunday stressed that recent protests had "nothing to do with religion, but were about politics", and urged religious leaders and members of society to take ownership of a fight against 'extremist ideologies'. During a press briefing in Lahore regarding the upcoming 'Rehmatul-il-Alameen Conferences' being held nationwide this month, the minister described love for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as the foundation of Islam and claimed that "a group of people is trying to misuse the issue for political gain".

Take a look: Govt deal with protesters was 'firefighting', not a cure to the problem: Fawad Chaudhry

Chaudhry asserted that recent protests had "nothing to do with religion, but were about politics". He claimed that certain groups "play politics in the name of religion", and that "religion had nothing to do with all this activity".

He questioned why a "particular segment of society needs to use this issue for its politics" and does so by "bringing up a new issue every week". The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf leader was of the opinion that recent protests following the acquittal of Aasia Bibi by the Supreme Court were not a crisis for the government, but the symptom of a crisis being faced by society. Describing the situation as a "fight of ideologies", the information minister claimed that these groups are "taking advantage of religious leaders' and society's lack of ownership of this fight". "When you can't present an argument against a different argument, and you are protesting against a Supreme Court verdict which no one has read, then there an ideological crisis takes birth," Chaudhry said.

"The state's failure was that it cannot safeguard those who had a counter-argument. One side had an argument and they also had weapons, while people on the other side were unarmed. Until the state can ensure a level playing field, the issue cannot be resolved," he said. He encouraged people belonging to religious segments of society and other citizens to come forward to counter such groups. "The first rebellion against these people should have come from religious segments [in society], but unfortunately it is not the case because of certain facts," he said. "Keep in mind, it is a fight of ideas, and the war of ideologies is not fought with weapons but with arguments."

He added that it is the responsibility of the state to ensure the availability of an environment where everyone can present their arguments. "We are holding a 'Rehmatul-il-Alameen Conference' at a national level for the first time," Chaudhry said, adding that Prime Minister Imran Khan would inaugurate the event on Nov 20. Last week, Prime Minister Imran Khan, while speaking to the Minister for Religious Affairs Noorul Haq Qadri, had said that the government wishes to present an image of peaceful Islam before the world, Radio Pakistan reported. He said that it was the responsibility of the state to present the true teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to the next generation, the report added. For this purpose, 'Rehmatul-il-Alameen Conferences' will be held across the country, while a two-day 'Khatm-i-Nabuwwat International Conference' will be held in Islamabad, he said, adding that the Imam-i-Kaaba, Vice Chancellor of Egypt's Al-Azhar University, the Mufti of Syria, and religious scholars from Iraq and Tunisia will be in attendance and shed light on different aspects of the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). PM Khan had also said that research on the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would be promoted under the government's supervision.

Arrangements for Eid-i-Miladun Nabi

Minister for Religious Affairs Noorul Haq Qadri, while chairing a meeting of the organising committee for conference preparations on Saturday, had said that the occasion of Eid-i-Miladun Nabi would be celebrated with due honour and respect, Radio Pakistan reported. He said that special functions and ceremonies would be arranged during Rabiul Awwal in which the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would be highlighted. Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry had said that arrangements would be made for the coverage of processions taken out on the 12th of Rabiul Awwal, and that state-owned PTV and Radio Pakistan would air qirat, naats and other programmes on the occasion, along with special programmes to highlight the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) teachings. The month of Rabiul Awwal began on Saturday, Nov 10, and Eid-i-Miladun Nabi will fall on Nov 21.
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'As a patient of the British health system I felt violated by PREVENT when I should have been cared for': ... =sendinblu&

'...I have ten minutes to see the doctor and it will take all of that and more to discuss my concerns. I tell her I’ve been feeling tired lately. The doctor narrows her eyes at me and says in a condescending tone, then says: ‘You’re wearing a headscarf. I haven’t seen you wearing a headscarf before. How long have you been wearing a headscarf?’

I am shocked. When I object to her line of questioning, she tells me that she was just trying to make pleasant conversation. I calmly tell her that it makes me feel angry when I go to the doctor to discuss my health, and she wants to talk about my religion instead.

She picks up her pen and starts writing, saying out loud: ‘I shall write on your notes “Patient was angry”.’

A short while later, still feeling tired, I see another doctor.

I tell the doctor I’ve been bleeding. Instead of answering my concerns, the doctor brings to my attention something from my medical notes back in 1998 which had never been mentioned to me since. I’m shocked. It was something relating to my marriage which took place in 1985. Then I am asked again:

‘Why did you start to wear the hijab?’....'
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Love of profits v love of the prophet (pbuh)

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Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders' ex-ally converts to Islam
Joram van Klaveren says he made the decision halfway through writing an anti-Islam book, but critics call it a stunt. ... 58375.html

Far-right politician converts to Islam, quits AfD party
Social media users note irony of Wagner converting to Islam after being member of Islamophobic party. ... 19851.html
:lol: :lol:

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Re: Love of profits v love of the prophet (pbuh)

Post by TonyGosling »

Anyone would think they were trying to control both sides of the chessboard
:banana: :banana:

Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders' ex-ally converts to Islam
Joram van Klaveren says he made the decision halfway through writing an anti-Islam book, but critics call it a stunt. ... 58375.html

Far-right politician converts to Islam, quits AfD party
Social media users note irony of Wagner converting to Islam after being member of Islamophobic party. ... 19851.html
:lol: :lol:

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Love of profits v love of the prophet

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The mass murder and wounding of 97 Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, New Zealand (NZ) which took place on Friday, March 15, 2019, has profound political, ideological and psychological roots. First and most important, Western countries led by the Anglo-American world has been at war killing and uprooting millions of Muslims with impunity over the past thirty years. Leading media pundits, political spokespeople and ideologues have identified Muslims as a global terror threat and the targets of a ‘war against terror’. On the very day of the NZ massacre, Israel launched large-scale air attacks on one hundred targets in Gaza. Israel has killed several hundred and wounded over twenty thousand unarmed Palestinians in less than two years. The Israeli massacres take place on Friday the Muslim Sabbath.

Islamophobia is a mass ongoing phenomenon which far exceeds other ‘hate crimes’ throughout the west and permeate Judeo-Christian cultural-political institutions. Western and Israeli political leaders having imposed extremely restrictive immigration policies – in some countries a complete ban on Muslim immigrants. Israel goes a step further by uprooting and expelling long-standing Islamic residents. Clearly the NZ murderer followed the Western/Israeli practice.

Secondly, in recent years, violent fascist and white supremacy thugs have been tolerated by all the Western regimes and are free to propagate violent anti-Muslim words and deeds. Most of the anti-Muslim massacres were announced in advance on the so-called social media such as Twitter, which reaches millions of followers.

Thirdly, while the local and federal police collect ‘data’ and spy on Muslims and law-abiding citizens, they apparently fail to include self-identified murderous anti-Muslim advocates. Such as the case in the recent New Zealand mass murderer, Brenton Torrant. The police and NZ Security Intelligence Services did not keep files and surveillance on Torrant, despite his open embrace of violent white supremacy and leading supremacists including the Norwegian Anders Brevet murderer of over 70 children- campers. Torrant published a 74 page anti-Muslim manifesto easily available to anyone with a computer – even a dumb cop– let along the entire New Zealand security forces. Torrant planned the attack months in advance, yet he was not on any ‘watch list’. Torrant had no trouble getting a gun license and buying a dozen high-powered weapons, including the material for improvised explosive devices (IED), which the police later discovered attached to a vehicle.

Why were the Police Late

The Al Noor Mosque which suffered the greatest number killed and wounded was in downtown Christchurch less than 5 minutes from the police headquarters – yet the police took over 36 minutes to respond. The white supremacist was allowed time to murder and maim; to leave the mosque and return to his car; reload and re-enter the mosque; empty his ammo on the Muslims worshipping—- using a civilian version of a M16; drive off to the Linwood Islamic Center and slaughter and maim several more Muslim worshipers, before the police finally appeared on the scene and apprehended him. The mayor praised the police! One might suspect the authorities were in connivance!

What accounts for the total absence or failure of the political authorities and security forces: the lack of prior investigation; the delays at the time of the crimes; and the lack of any self-criticism?

The Rise of the Anti-Immigrant anti-Muslim Far Right

The Brenton Torrants’ are proliferating around the world and not because they are mentally disturbed or self-induced psycho paths. They are less products of white supremacy ideology and more likely products of the Western and Israeli wars against Muslims – their leaders provide the rationale, their methods (weapons) and claims of immunity. Western regimes keep files on environmentalist and anti-war protestors but not on anti-Muslim supremacists, openly preparing war against ‘invading’ Muslim immigrants – fleeing US and EU war on the Middle East. The police take a half-minute to respond to the shooting of a police officer. They do not allow police killers to shoot, re-arm, shoot and move on to another police target. I do not believe the delays are local police negligence.

The massacre was a result of the fact that the victims were Muslims, in a mosque. The tears and wreaths, the prayers and flags after the fact do not and will not change the murder of Muslim people.

Educational campaigns to counter Islamophobia may help, if and only if effective state action is directed against the Western and Israeli wars against Islamic countries and people. Only when Western elected officials end imposing special restrictions against so-called ‘invading’ Muslims, will ‘White supremacists’ and their ideological offspring cease recruiting followers among otherwise normal citizens. Massacres at mosques and crimes against individual Muslims will cease to occur when imperialist states and their rulers stop invading, occupying and uprooting Islamic countries and people.

TODAY I'M A NEW ZEALANDER ... 10863.html

What just happened in New Zealand is a turning point for Islamophobia worldwide.
Khaled A Beydoun

Khaled A Beydoun is a law professor, and author of American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear.

As Jacinda Ardern walked up to the microphone, the weight of the world seemed to fall squarely on her shoulders.

"Asalamu alaikum!"

New Zealand's prime minister uttered the universal Islamic greeting with grace and familiarity in front of thousands of mourners in attendance and millions more glued to TV screens. At this very moment, exactly one week after 50 of her countrymen and women were massacred, she didn't push Islam to the margins and away from the cameras, but deliberately chose to bring it alongside her for the whole world to see.

She collected her breath, paused while everybody waited for her subsequent words and then read a saying of Prophet Muhammad.

"According to Prophet Muhammad - salla Allahu alayhi wa salaam (peace be upon him) - the believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels pain," she said. "New Zealand mourns with you, we are one."

Her message was clear. Islam is neither the "other" nor the "invader". Islam is New Zealand and those adhering to it, departed or alive, are at home in this country.

Over the previous week, Ardern had donned a hijab while grieving alongside mourning families, listened attentively while attending recovering mosques, and most potently, repeated and repeated the names of the 50 Muslim victims.

She had refused to utter the terrorist's name, stating: "He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist. But he will, when I speak, be nameless."

Clad in a hijab, a headscarf worn by many Muslim women who feel it is part of their religion, and a traditional black gown, Prime Minister Ardern chose to shine a light on Islam - for all the world to see - precisely 168 hours after a "white supremacist" shot worshippers in two mosques.

"We are one," she closed, echoing the message of the prophet. Then walked to join the rest of the gathering in Christchurch to listen to the adhan - the Islamic call to prayer - broadcast live throughout the entire country.

It was powerful, sublime, muscular and unapologetic. It was an unprecedented gesture on a stage of such magnitude and more importantly, it was far more than mere symbolism or political bluster. The sincerity streamed from a place of empathy - empathy that absorbed the full violence of Islamophobia - which for her and the whole country, unfolded in real time and right before their eyes.

The massacres at Al Noor and Linwood mosques highlighted the reach and realness of that evil. It also revealed its relationship to the loaded rhetoric unleashed by political populists, most notably America's Donald Trump and France's Marine Le Pen, whose brazen demonisation of Islam and its adherents, have been arming white supremacist ideologies and equipping them with ammunition. After the Christchurch attack, it became crystal clear that xenophobic populism, and the Islamophobia it wields, is not empty rhetoric or a distant phenomenon. It is an enemy within.

The shock of the massacre comes at a time when western democracies are being reshaped in line with the image of xenophobic and white supremacist populism. This process has pushed for the imposition of veil and Muslim travel bans, mounting surveillance, and restrictions on public calls to prayer - all policies, which the Christchurch terrorist claimed as inspirations.

On March 15, New Zealand and its prime minister came to understand how these policies radicalise terrorists like him and what the risks are of following in Europe and the United States's supremacist spiral.

In the aftermath of New Zealand's deadliest attack, Ardern turned away from this global Islamophobic tide. Instead, she embraced everything that the West has come to hate: the headscarf, the religion which it symbolises and its final messenger and prophet. As her country stood silent and the whole world was watching, the call to prayer rang and reverberated as a decisive blow to the politics of Islamophobia gripping governments across the globe.

This wasn't political posturing. It was personal. Fifty New Zealanders, 50 of Ardern's people, were murdered only miles away from where she donned the hijab so gracefully, quoted the prophet so eloquently and listened to the Islamic prayer so honourably. In the turbulence of the attack aftermath, Ardern was shaping a new model of engagement with Islam for her people to follow, and with the attention of the world locked in on New Zealand, challenged the reign of global Islamophobia. This new model does not espouse religion as a marker of difference, but rather - in the words of black feminist Audre Lorde - as an item to be recognised and celebrated.

This was more than just a tribute. It was a transformative precedent for the world to see and learn from. As the adhan rang through the streets of Christchurch, it was clear for the whole world, for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, that Ardern had answered the call to confront - both in walk and word - the Islamophobia that had ravaged her country and claimed the lives of 50 of her people.

Today, I am a New Zealander.

Is Brenton Tarrant really an aberration? ... 26942.html

In response to what has been described as New Zealand's biggest "terrorist" attack, in which 50 people were shot and killed in two mosques in the city of Christchurch, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern declared:

"We were not a target because we are a safe harbour for those who hate. We were not chosen for this act of violence because we condone racism, because we are an enclave for extremism. We were chosen for the very fact that we are none of these things."

As a Muslim who grew up in New Zealand, this statement didn't sit well with me. Over the years, I've heard it repeated by Kiwis in a ritualistic fashion, always praising the values of multicultural society. I also hear similar self-congratulatory statements in Australia, where I'm now based.

This same narcissistic self-view has often prompted New Zealanders and Australians to declare that I must be "glad" to be in their respective countries. After all, they see Afghanistan, where I come from, as the land of "burqas", intolerance and fundamentalist violence.

In our "post"-colonial reality, racism still determines who "we" are and who "they" must be. It is what produces statements like "this is not us" that seek to absolve and reject responsibility and shame, and replace them with fragile innocence and even pride.

It is what preserves the comforting conviction that "extremism" and violence are only features of "backward" societies; "our" civilised societies in New Zealand, Australia and the West do not espouse such barbarism and the few of "us" who do, do not represent "us" and are not a product of "our" cultures. What struck me about Ardern's statement - and the many others like it praising diversity, the welcoming nature of Kiwis, and the provincial shire with a small tight-knit community - is how dishonest it is. While Muslims were made part of her collective "we", this recent inclusion only emphasised their status as the "other".

Although Islam has a century-long presence in the country, Muslims continue to be portrayed and treated as immigrant and refugees - ie inherently "foreign". They are either "welcomed" or told to "go back" to where they came from - with both sentiments demonstrating that they are not really seen by the majority as an integral part of New Zealand's society.

The hashtag #theyareus, which was started to show solidarity with the victims of the Christchurch attack, is an ironic admission of this pervasive perception that Muslims are permanent outsiders. This oscillation of "they" (the barbarian) and "us" (the fully civilised human) reveals the precarious nature of a Muslim's life and its place in the nation. Colonial governance has historically relied on exactly the same distinction of human/non-human, us/them in order to legitimise its mission to "civilise" and provide a rationale for the violent strategies it uses to manage native populations .

New Zealand has a relatively low profile regarding terrorism and Islamophobia, which allows politicians like Prime Minister Ardern to present the country to the world as a peaceful one that values diversity. Yet, the reality on the ground shows this is not always the case. The Muslim community has been the main target of intensified mass surveillance and security measures undertaken by the state. Islamophobia within the society has also been on the rise, with Muslims facing attacks and countless public microaggressions on a daily basis.

A 2017 study of 16,000 people showed a strong correlation between high media consumption and having hostile and prejudiced views of Muslims. Members of my family who are visibly Muslim have experienced the real-life consequences of these Islamophobic attitudes. Cars have sped up towards them as they have tried to cross the street; in public spaces, they have been called terrorists or have been asked to take off the veil.

Then every time something involving a Muslim has occurred somewhere in the West, the collective "we" has always felt the need to test the loyalties of the "suspect" Muslim community. Back in 2017, then MP and now current Foreign Minister Winston Peters commented on the London Bridge attack, saying:

"What is happening is that families, friends, and confidants are choosing to turn the other cheek, choosing silence, rather than turn these monsters in. That may be the culture of Damascus, but it is not ours. It may be acceptable in Tripoli, but it most certainly is not acceptable in New Zealand. While the Islamic community must clean house by turning these monsters in, it starts with their own families."

In neighbouring Australia, the situation is no better. In 2015, then Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott demanded that Muslim leaders declare Islam a religion of peace more often and really "mean it". His successor, Scott Morrison, expressed concerns about Muslim immigrants and their "inability" to integrate. Right-wing politicians like Pauline Hanson, Fraser Anning, Cory Bernardi and Jacqui Lambie, have repeatedly attacked the Muslim community and incessantly talked about the threatening "spread" of Islam. The "left" has been equally preoccupied with imagined Muslim "threats". In 2017, when Muslim leaders suggested that "safe spaces" should be set up for young Muslims in Victoria to discuss freely their grievances, Labor Premier Daniel Andrews objected to the project, saying he was "very troubled" about the prospect of Muslim youth "railing against the values we hold dear".

In both Australia and New Zealand, rampant Islamophobia in the political scene has been amplified by equally racist media which have systematically portrayed Muslims as inherently violent and "backward" and Islam as an ideology justifying violence and the subjugation of women.

In both countries, the political discourse has been strangled by the banality of centrism, its depoliticising pull reducing urgent issues to hollow statements of interfaith dialogue, social cohesion, multiculturalism, and community resilience. This has resulted in a dishonest conversation and a public who now see political emotions as truth.

Meanwhile, Muslims and other minorities bearing the brunt of public racism have been systematically silenced, forced into a non-conversation. This has had devastating effects on the Muslim discourse which has been stripped of any political power, reduced to respectability politics and a crisis of leadership. The depoliticisation of the Muslim community has alienated the younger generations and has led to many of its members internalising Islamophobic stereotypes and engaging in self-surveillance.

That this environment of hate and othering spawned someone like Brenton Tarrant, nurturing his Islamophobia and aggression to the point that he deemed it his "duty" to raid two mosques and kill 50 innocent worshippers is by no means surprising. Tarrant is not an aberration, he's not an exception; he is an integral part of the collective "we" in New Zealand, Australia, and the "West" - just like the followers of Trumpism are part and parcel of modern-day America.

To argue the opposite is plain denialism and a cowardly flight into the white liberal sanctuary of the "third way" from the discomfort of reality. Ardern's words were uttered at a moment of vulnerability as an exaltation of what New Zealand is not and will never be. They signal that the majority is refusing and rejecting shame, the experience of which is key in the pursuit of restorative justice. Unlike pride and hate, the feeling of shame involves self-judgement; embracing it shows a willingness to be transformed by it. In the wake of the Christchurch attack, however, we have not seen the willingness or courage required to confront Islamophobia as an everyday practice and political policy.
:lol: 8) :lol: 8) :lol:
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Love of profits v love of the Prophet

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Comments made in the wake of the New Zealand terrorist attack by Britain’s counter-terrorism chief, Neil Basu, that the mainstream media is responsible for radicalising far right extremists are too little too late.

“The reality is that every terrorist we have dealt with has sought inspiration from the propaganda of others, and when they can’t find it on Facebook, YouTube, Telegram or Twitter they only have to turn on the TV, read the paper or go to one of a myriad of mainstream media websites struggling to compete with those platforms,” he wrote in an open letter to the media.

While Basu’s criticism is accurate, it is selective and should have been made many years ago when organisations such as IHRC were warning that hate speech in the mainstream and online media was creating a toxic environment that in turn was inciting people to anti-Muslim hatred, including acts of physical violence as we have witnessed in Christchurch. For decades, western mainstream media and politicians have both consciously and unconsciously painted Muslims as uniquely prone to “extremism” and “terrorism”. Hardly a day passes without a headline, column inches or talk show pointing to a problem or dispute created by the failure of Muslims to conform to so-called western liberal values.

The result is that Muslims have become ingrained in the popular psyche as the “other”, a “problem” and the enemy within. This in turn has legitimised and normalised attacking Muslims in the name of anti-Islamic extremism whilst simultaneously reinforcing the thought process which automatically deems Muslims to be guilty of things they did not do. Media misrepresentation has created and normalised a widespread casual racism/Islamophobia that further nourishes the false narrative and inspires violent attacks against Muslims.

Basu cited the 2017 attack by Darren Osborne who drove a truck into a crowd of Muslim worshippers leaving a mosque in Finsbury Park, London, but what he failed to mention was the relentless barrage of hate speech directed against the Al-Quds Day demonstration on June 18 that preceded that attack in the national and Jewish media. Osborne’s original target was the Al-Quds Day demonstration in London, but he was forced to change his plan after being unable to gain access to the route.

The man who is charged with committing the New Zealand mosques attacks cited Osborne in his so-called manifesto: “I support many of those that take a stand against ethnic and cultural genocide. Luca Traini, Anders Breivik, Dylan Roof, Anton Lundin Pettersson, Darren Osbourne etc.”

Here are a selection of articles demonising the march and those taking part, and conflating peaceful demonstration with support for terrorism:

Maajid Nawaz repeatedly referring to innocent women and children who attend Al Quds Day as terrorist sympathisers.

Hundreds expected to protest against pro-Palestinian Al Quds Day march
refers to Al Quds attendees supporting terrorism.

Jeremy Corbyn not expected to attend this year’s Al Quds Day march
repeats the claim that Al Quds attendees support terrorism.

Pro-Israel groups to hold rally to protest against Al-Quds Day march

The JC Leader: Hatred in public…Journey to come
Opinion: As a survivor of terror, allowing the Al Quds Day March offends me
Sadiq Khan accused of ‘betraying Londoners’ by Al Quds Day organisers
Opinion – Maajid Nawaz: Flying terrorist flags in the capital is an insult to victims of London attacks

According to reports, Osborne was thrown out of the Hollybush pub in Pentwyn, near his home, for spewing Islamophobic rhetoric and mentioning the Al-Quds Day March, that the attendees were supporting terrorism and that “someone needs to do something about it”

Finsbury Park attack: Suspect may have wanted to target pro-Palestinian rally in London

Finsbury Park terror suspect Darren Osborne read messages from Tommy Robinson days before attack, court hears

Given the fact that Osborne had never attended the Al-Quds March before, we can only conclude he got his understanding of what the event was by reading articles equating the event to support for terrorism, like those above.

On a previous occasion, when we complained to The Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards about MP Matthew Offord falsely accusing the Al-Quds Day rally of showing support for ISIS, and essentially equating law abiding Muslims with terrorism, it wrote back that they did not believe it was something they could investigate.

PRESS RELEASE – UK: IHRC Asks Parliamentary Watchdog To Investigate Hate-Preaching Tory MP

When we complained repeatedly to the Press Complaints Commission about the deliberate misrepresentation of lawful activities by Muslims as manifestations of extremism and support for terrorism, it did nothing. When we complained about the Jewish Chronicle whipping up hate by calling those organising and taking part in the Al-Quds Day rally terrorists it also did nothing. And when we named and shamed cheerleaders of hate on the BBC, they issued an apology to the individuals we identified, and have ignored our formal complaints.

PRESS RELEASE – UK: BBC urged to retract apologies to anti-Muslim hate-preachers

Evidence has been growing for many years about the environment of hate that incites violence against Muslims in Britain. Our survey in 2015 of hate crimes affecting the Muslim community in the UK showed a staggering 66% of respondents saying they had experienced verbal abuse, up from 39.8% in 2010, while the experience of physical assault had increased from 13.9% in 2010 to 17.8% in 2014 with the intensity of attacks becoming extraordinarily violent. The same survey reported that 87.7% of respondents felt that “those who discriminate against us are highly driven by media content.”

It is not enough for officials and politicians responsible for the security of British citizens to talk about rejecting the terrorists and extremists who seek to divide us. Such words amount to empty rhetoric unless they are translated into real and concrete policies to protect vulnerable communities from extremist violence. The responsibility for terrorist attacks against Muslims lies not only with those who pull the trigger but also those in the media who play the mood music that incites them.

For further reading on Al-Quds Day 2017 :

PRESS RELEASE – UK: How Darren Osborne came to be radicalised
IHRC condemns attempts by Zionist groups to smear Al Quds Day
Letter to Mayor of London regarding Al Quds Day apology
ALERT: Racist attacks on Al Quds Day 2017
Letter to Mayor of London regarding his Al Quds Day stance
Letter to Metropolitan Police Commissioner regarding Al Quds Day 2017
British nationalists face-off with pro-Palestine Al Quds marchers


For there to be effective political debate and actual functioning democracy, there needs to be effective and protected spaces to challenge political ideas and functions, and to hold the political class to account. An independent media is one facet of this, and civil society, its institutions, members, leaders and constituencies another. Both are under extreme stress in across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This briefing will discuss the impact on Muslim civil society of this stress, not just for Muslims but as an example of the serious deterioration of the current political culture, which must be urgently addressed. Whilst there are still sections of civil society attempting to fulfil their functions and potential, they are increasingly under attack and this bodes extremely ill for the future.

We are living in a moment described as an environment of hate against Muslims. This environment is the product of the cross fertilising and mutually reinforcing of anti-Muslim racism political, media and policy discourse. Attacks on Muslim civil society must be understood as part of this climate which is part of the deeper crisis of the political and social culture we live in.

This briefing outlines summarised concerns and is not exhaustive in its analysis or recommendations. We urge relevant political actors to engage with its contents in a serious fashion and work towards better outcomes as well as a long term transformation and opening up of political culture.

Massoud Shadjareh,
Chair, IHRC

The shrinking space for civil society organisations in Europe has been well documented and analysed.

In January 2018 the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency published a report on “Challenges facing civil society organisations working on human rights in the EU”.

Recognising that civil society organisations (CSO’s) in the European Union (EU) play a crucial role in promoting fundamental rights, and so contribute to the functioning of democracies, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency cooperates and regularly consults with such organisations. They increasingly report that it has become harder for them to support the protection, promotion and fulfilment of human rights within the Union – due to both legal and practical restrictions.

The FRA report found CSO’s facing difficulties in the following four areas:

Regulatory environment: (changes in) legislation that affect CSOs’ work;

Finance and funding: hurdles to accessing, and ensuring the sustainability of, financial resources including long-term support and immaterial resources;

Right to participation: difficulties in accessing de­cision-makers and providing input into law- and policymaking;

Ensuring a safe space: attacks on, and harassment of, human rights defenders, including negative dis­course aimed at delegitimising and stigmatising CSOs.

The report concluded: “These challenges make it difficult for CSOs to promote and support human rights and their implementation. Beyond the impact that this has on the organisations themselves and on human rights, it can also have wide-ranging negative consequences for the democratic functioning of our societies. It is therefore vital that policymakers understand the role of civil society and its importance, and publicly support and adequately finance civil society organisations – both those engaged in service provision and those engaged in watchdog activities and advocacy.”

In the UK, nowhere has the impact of this shrinking space for effective CSO participation been more keenly felt than in the Muslim CSO sector.

For the best part of two decades, successive governments and those opposed to Muslim participation have forced to the margins authentic CSOs from the Muslim community that do not conform to preconceived official strategies or desired policy outcomes.

The effect of this has been to produce policies that are often counterproductive, discriminatory and which do not address the fundamental concerns, needs and aspirations of Britain’s approximately three million Muslims, and which often ultimately impact other minoritised groups and on occasion the majority too.


One of the FRA’s findings is particularly apposite for Muslim CSOs.

“Lack of clarity and transparency regarding who is consulted before decisions are made. CSOs also re­port that often there is no systematic consultation of all key players.”

It has become standard practice for recent governments to ignore genuine Muslim voices in consultations that directly relate to their communities. Instead officials have sought out deferential and conformist CSOs and CSO figures that serve as an echo chamber for government intentions.

The recent review of ‘Shariah councils’ is a case in point highlighting an instance where the government appointed panel failed to include any CSOs or individuals that could be said to be representative of the Muslim community. Another example is the government’s appointment in January 2018 of a deeply divisive counter-extremism campaigner, Sara Khan, to lead the Commission for Countering Extremism. Even the erstwhile Conservative chairwoman Sayeeda Warsi condemned it as “a deeply disturbing appointment”.

“For the commissioner to be effective the person had to be an independent thinker, both connected to and respected by a cross-section of British Muslims. Sara is sadly seen by many as simply a creation of and mouthpiece for the Home Office,” said Mrs Warsi.

Even where Muslim CSOs face no barriers to participation such as in public consultations they often find their expertise and views ignored. In January 2015 IHRC formally discontinued its long-standing policy of engaging in government anti-terrorism consultations after it became obvious that the government of the day had no intention of rolling back the draconian/disproportionate legislation the state had imposed over the last two decades.

Although on occasion our submissions have helped to mitigate the severity of the curbs (our briefings on Section 7 of the Terrorism Act are a case in point) on balance the effect of groups like ourselves on the eventual outcome is too minimal to be worth the effort and our contributions lend themselves to be used by governments to claim legitimacy for their policies.

Violence and smear campaigns

The FRA report identified acts of intimidation and violence by non-state actors and smear campaigns as one of the main challenges to ensuring a safe space for civil society. Human rights CSOs have been subjected to verbal attacks, such as online hate speech, threats, damage to their property, and even violent attacks.

CSOs like IHRC, MEND and Cage have been subjected to targeted vilification campaigns by sections of the media designed to discredit them and frustrate their work. As recently as 22 December 2018 the Daily Telegraph published an article criticising the EU’s decision to fund IHRC for the research it carries out into Islamophobia and racism on the spurious grounds that it was anti-Semitic. In recent years the annual Al-Quds Day demonstration in London in support of Palestinians, which is jointly organised by IHRC, has also been subjected to a concerted demonisation effort by pro-Israel groups who have tried to get it banned, and failing that, joined forces with far-right individuals and organisations to intimidate and harass those taking part. This demonisation has been accompanied by increasingly aggressive pro-Israel and fascist groups confronting participants at the march each year. In 2017 Darren Osborne sought to attack the march by driving into it. Unable to get past a police cordon he instead killed and maimed worshippers in Finsbury Park returning from prayers at a local mosque.

What makes matters worse is that rather than supporting Muslim CSOs like IHRC who are the victims of racist intimidation and harassment, officials such as the Mayor of London have sided with the hatemongers in trying to have peaceful, lawful activity shut down on the basis that they do not share some of the political sentiments being expressed. This type of mutual reinforcement between media and political discourse exacerbates and directly contributes to vilification, delegitimisation and violence.

Accusations of entryism against Muslim CSOs or indeed any grouping of Muslims are becoming increasingly common. Despite the almost complete vindication of all involved in the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ affair, the damage from this state sponsored witch-hunt against Muslim parents, governors and teachers continues. Unsupported and defamatory accusations against parents or parent groups concerned about school policies of being akin to ‘Trojan Horse’ continue to be reported. Those schools involved in the affair have seen complete changes of leadership teams accompanied almost always with a catastrophic decline in standards (it is worth noting that the leadership of the schools, now displaced had in large part transformed those schools academically). The accusations of entryism and extremism levied against those involved were for doing no more than other parent groups of other faiths and none had done and still do and are applauded for doing. Sir Tim Brighouse, former chief education officer of Birmingham and schools commissioner for London, described these actions as ‘a very British tradition’ (2014). Professor John Holmwood and Therese O’Toole describe the magnitude of the injustice of the Trojan Horse affair as on the same scale as that of the Hillsborough disaster (2018).

The counter-terrorism regime

With the rapid expansion of anti-terrorism legislation and policy, state actors have also found it expedient to hitch Muslim CSO participation to the degree to which they buy into the various initiatives.

Dr Fahid Qurashi notes in “The Prevent strategy and the UK ‘war on terror’: embedding infrastructures of surveillance in Muslim communities” (2018)that “Institutionalised relations between Muslim civil society organisations and various local authority organisations (whether it is the local police, counter-terrorism unit (CTU) or Prevent officers) have been cultivated in various ways. For Muslim organisations, access to new sources of funding was a major factor that informed their decision to engage with local authorities on the Prevent agenda. The funding from the Prevent stream provided a much needed income, and engaging with the Prevent agenda also raised the profile of an organisation.”

Making support for often struggling CSOs conditional on their support for government objectives undermines one of the fundamental purposes of CSOs which is to hold officials’ feet to the fire and convey the concerns of the communities/interests they represent. It also risks rendering any government output redundant by making consultations an echo chamber of the state.

Muslim and Muslim-led CSOs have also found their room to operate squeezed by the obsession with framing policy towards Muslims inside an anti-terror/extremism rubric.

If it wasn’t already wide enough, an expanded definition of extremism adopted by the government in the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 pulled in opposition to so-called Fundamental British Values as a signifier of extremism. The Prevent strategy criminalised “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.” The definition homed in on the pre-crime space, and the non-violent sphere of vocal opposition to FBV, and non-violent views the government defines as extremist. These views are not defined by the police, government, or other state institutions, but it has been widely reported that Prevent training has included citing pro-Palestinian views, anti-fracking, anti-capitalist protestors and other civil rights movements as indicators. People who support justice for the Palestinians, people who opposed the Iraq war, those protesting refugee deportations, even people who protested against domestic policies on austerity have been arrested and often sentenced using these laws. Others have stopped expressing their legitimate views out of fear. Universities for example have banned speakers on the basis of their (non-violent) views, prohibiting discussion of political and social issues. The impact of the legislation has been to inhibit the expression of views that are perfectly legitimate but which may be perceived by the authorities as skirting too close to or falling foul of the new definition.

Multi-agency research involving IHRC and carried out on behalf of the EU (Counter Islamophobia Toolkit 2018) has cited state institutions such as the Charity Commission as being accused of promoting an Islamophobic agenda, in particular after a former Henry Jackson Society member became its chair in 2012. In particular the focus on Muslim charities under the new regime as possible incubators or supporters of ‘extremism’ (Belaon, 2014 for Claystone) has added to pre-existing charges from Muslim civil society that their charities were always under more intense scrutiny than similar charities from different faith and non-faith backgrounds (Kroessin, 2007).

In 2014 an investigation by the think-tank Claystone revealed that 38% of all disclosed investigations initiated between 1st January 2013 and 23rd April 2014 by the Charity Commission were against Muslim charities. The sheer scale of the revelations surprised even those who have suspected Charity Commission bias. Muslims comprise less than 5% of the total UK population so to be over-represented over seven-fold in investigation statistics revealed much about the operations of the statutory regulatory body governing UK charities. In recent years scores of Muslim charities have been subjected to a disproportionate number of inquiries by the Commission, some of them on more than one occasion, often after complaints from politically motivated groups such as the pro-Israeli Zionist lobby.

The injustice of this is compounded by the lack of action or limited action taken against avowedly Zionist organisations when found in breach of Charity Commission guidelines. A case in point involves the various complaints against the charity UK Toremet (White, 2014 and IHRC, 2014). The charity was found to be sending funds to organisations in Israel operating in illegal settlements as well as some which fund avowedly racist personnel and or send military equipment to IDF soldiers.


The operation of pro-Zionist groups and individuals as gatekeepers to Muslim CSO participation is a prominent feature of the UK’s political architecture at the current time. CSOs that toe an Israel-friendly line routinely find themselves selected for participation while those who are avowedly anti-Zionist find themselves treated as outcasts. It cannot be right that the pro-Israel lobby determines which Muslims are or are not consulted by the government.

The furore in 2018 surrounding the Labour Party’s adoption of a controversial definition of anti-Semitism highlighted a further shrinking of the political space available to CSOs. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition with its eleven non-exhaustive examples has been foisted upon countries and institutions in what amounts to a cynical political campaign to render off-limits any criticism of Israel and its founding philosophy.

The aim of those who wish to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is simply to curtail opposition of any kind to Israel and its policies. Although the distinction between the two is self-evident and well documented some supporters of Israel would like CSOs and other critics to sign up to a collective act of intellectual self-censorship so that the uncomfortable facts remain unspoken and, by extension, unchallenged.

Bizarrely this targets many Jews and Jewish groups, who often work with Muslim CSOs in their pro-Palestinian activism and solidarity work and delegitimises equality and social justice movements everywhere.

Concluding thought: Delegitimisation

All of the above have contributed to the delegitimisation of some Muslim or Muslim led CSOs in particular but also Muslim civil society and wider aspects of civil society in general. Political actors and groups need to urgently consider the direction of travel and the precedents set by the above as they determine what type of society we have already become, but also indicate a future where political space and the possibilities for social transformation have shrunk enormously. At the same time, we are already looking at upsurges in street level violence as well as far-right mobilisation, and the shift in all respects of political discourse to nationalist and populist policies.

The direction of travel is more than worrying. Urgent action needs to be taken by political actors and parties.
In view of the above we make the following recommendations:

The government must protect the right to question the legitimacy of the State of Israel and not allow it to be subsumed under anti-Semitism definitions.

The government must abandon its current policy of favouring and accepting the views of only those CSOs which sing from its hymn sheet. Such an approach is counter-productive. Consultations should be broad based and policies/appointments made should carry the backing of the communities they impact.

Muslim charities must not be arbitrarily investigated or subjected to stricter surveillance than other charities. If charities’ activities are restricted only to be later cleared, a full public apology must be issued to help restore their credibility alongside the offer of compensation.
Political parties need to robustly challenge the culture of cynical opportunism that has seen political figures, often in senior positions, cynically exploit anti-Muslim narratives to curry favour in an increasingly racist, Islamophobic and xenophobic environment. Legitimate and uncontroversial political opinions must not be allowed to become the subjects of vilification and even criminalisation simply because they are not supported by political parties or figures in power.

Effective mechanism both within political parties and governmental institutions that challenge defamatory and hate speech by political actors, institutions and the state need to be created and implemented. There also needs to be a re-evaluation regarding the relationships between political parties, actors and certain media groups and journalists.

CSOs and civil society space needs to be removed from the securitised gaze.
Civil Society space must be widened and political parties and actors need to take a moral stance when CSOs – particularly those they may not agree with – are egregiously attacked and vilified.
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