What Bullying-Manner doesn't say though is anything about the alleged phone call from Scotland Yard to the Israeli Embassy minutes before the blasts which is a clear piece of evidence that there was limited prior warning. The only thing that is certain is that Netenyahu was told not to leave his hotel, whether by his own Embassy or by Scotland Yard is unclear, both deny being the origin of the warning.
Always wondered what all those thousands of managers got up to in Millbank other than forcing their hapless staff to help foreign intelligence services bug, burgle, harrass and arrest people in the UK. Now we know - they've just discovered email. = Tony
UK's MI5: No terror threat before 7/7
http://english.people.com.cn/200701/10/ ... 39819.html
The head of Britain's domestic spy service told a group of senior lawmakers there was no imminent terrorist threat to the country less than 24 hours before the London bombings in July 2005, a newspaper reported yesterday.
Eliza Manningham-Buller, director-general of MI5, had been speaking at a private meeting of members of parliament for the governing Labour Party on the morning of July 6, the Guardian said, citing a number of those present.
She assured the group of a dozen parliamentary officials there was "no imminent threat to London or the country", the newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying.
The following day, four British Muslim suicide bombers attacked three subway trains and a bus during rush hour in the capital, killing themselves and 52 commuters.
A comment was not immediately available from the Home Office on the report, which drew a scathing response from the main opposition Conservative Party.
David Davis, Conservative spokesman for internal affairs, reiterated a call for an independent rather than a public inquiry into the attacks.
"It is absolutely necessary for the continued security of the British public that we know precisely if, when and how security failures have occurred, and for action to be taken to minimise the risk of it happening again," Davis told the paper.
Manningham-Buller said last month she would retire next year after more than three decades in the intelligence service, leaving at a time when MI5 faces heightened pressure to counter new terrorist threats.
The spy chief warned in November that Islamic extremists were plotting at least 30 major terrorist attacks in Britain and the threats may involve chemical and nuclear devices.
Terror alert e-mails
The MI5 launched a new e-mail alert service yesterday to warn the public about changes in the security threat level. Internet users will be able to register on the MI5 website to receive automatic electronic updates in their e-mail inboxes.
The e-mail alerts are the latest in a series of moves by MI5 and its partner, the international spy agency MI6, to open up to the public after decades of guarding extreme secrecy.
"It's part of the service's ongoing effort to improve its public communications and contribute to the government's policy of keeping the public informed about the national threat level," a spokeswoman for the home office said.
In recent years both MI5 and MI6 have begun to emerge from the shadows, launching websites offering security advice and information about careers in the spy services, and even running recruitment advertisements in newspapers. The spokeswoman said the e-mail alert service would inform people of threat level ratings which the government has been making public since last August.
The current rating is "severe", the second-highest level indicating the government believes an attack is highly likely. As well as signing up for threat updates, Internet users will also be able to register for e-mail alerts on any other new information posted on the MI5 website.
Source: China Daily/agencies
MI5 to use email to send terror alerts
Posted by Reuters at 10:39AM, Tuesday 9th January 2007
http://www.itpro.co.uk/internet/news/10 ... lerts.html
Public to receive details of current security status in attempt to improve awareness and accountability.
MI5, otherwise known as the UK Security Service, has confirmed it will launch a public email alert service to warn the population about changes in the security threat level.
Users will be able to register on the MI5 web site to receive automatic electronic updates in their email inboxes.
The email alerts are the latest in a series of efforts by MI5 and its partner, the international spy agency MI6, to open up to the public after decades of guarding extreme secrecy.
"It's part of the service's ongoing effort to improve its public communications and contribute to the government's policy of keeping the public informed about the national threat level," a spokeswoman for the Home Office said.
In recent years both MI5 and MI6 have begun to emerge from the shadows, launching web sites offering security advice and information about careers in the spy services, and even running recruitment advertisements in newspapers.
The spokeswoman said the email alert service would inform people of threat level ratings which the government has been making public since last August.
The current rating is "severe", the second-highest level -- indicating the government believes an attack is highly likely.
The head of MI5, Eliza Manningham-Buller, said last November that there were at least 30 active Islamist militant plots in Britain and the threats could involve chemical or nuclear devices.
As well as signing up for threat updates, Internet users will also be able to register for email alerts on any other new information posted on the MI5 web site. http://www.mi5.gov.uk/
MI5 "No 7/7 warning" & terror to your inbox
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- TonyGosling
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MI5 "No 7/7 warning" & terror to your inbox
Last edited by TonyGosling on Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- On Gardening Leave
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MI5 e-mail alert signup shambles - all email subscription web forms sent to the USA, without encryption
What a shambles over the heavily hyped "MI5 e-mail alert system", which failed to be available on Tuesday morning, as was implied in the media, but which has appeared on Tuesday evening, with all the appearance of a rushed job !
Astonishingly, MI5, the Security Service, part of whose remit is supposed to be giving protection advice against electronic attacks over the internet, is sending all our personal details (forename, surname and email address) unencrypted to commercial third party e-mail marketing and tracking companies which are physically and legally in the jurisdiction of the United States of America, and is even not bothering to make use of the SSL / TLS encrypted web forms and processing scripts which are already available to them.
Is this evidence of a rush job, to satisfy the demands of the Home Office spin doctors or is it incompetence, or indifference to the privacy and security of the general public ?
What a shambles over the heavily hyped "MI5 e-mail alert system", which failed to be available on Tuesday morning, as was implied in the media, but which has appeared on Tuesday evening, with all the appearance of a rushed job !
Astonishingly, MI5, the Security Service, part of whose remit is supposed to be giving protection advice against electronic attacks over the internet, is sending all our personal details (forename, surname and email address) unencrypted to commercial third party e-mail marketing and tracking companies which are physically and legally in the jurisdiction of the United States of America, and is even not bothering to make use of the SSL / TLS encrypted web forms and processing scripts which are already available to them.
Is this evidence of a rush job, to satisfy the demands of the Home Office spin doctors or is it incompetence, or indifference to the privacy and security of the general public ?
The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.
- TonyGosling
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MI5 in new terror alert data bungle
MI5 in new terror alert data bungle
Can these dangerous baffoons do anything right? No.
This dismal story just goes to reveal the true agenda of those running MI5: privatisation, surveillance info. available to the highest bidder, and foreign control of British citizens' personal information.
MI5's official role is to PREVENT this happening and here they are promoting it.
Sack the top 5% of MI5 fat cat bosses, bossettes and managers and we might have an MI5 that uses taxpayers money to do its job.
Can these dangerous baffoons do anything right? No.
This dismal story just goes to reveal the true agenda of those running MI5: privatisation, surveillance info. available to the highest bidder, and foreign control of British citizens' personal information.
MI5's official role is to PREVENT this happening and here they are promoting it.
Sack the top 5% of MI5 fat cat bosses, bossettes and managers and we might have an MI5 that uses taxpayers money to do its job.
MI5 terror alert blunder sends private data to US mailshot firm
Last updated at 21:02pm on 13th January 2007
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/liv ... ge_id=1770
Confidential details sent to MI5 by thousands of individuals and businesses have ended up with an American company specialising in supermarket mailshots.
The security service's new email early warning system was designed to reassure the public in the wake of the July 7 bombings and the disclosure of a string of failed terror plots.
It was launched by the Home Office last week. The Government said it was part of a long-planned programme to keep the public better informed about the terrorist threat.
People signing up for the alerts were asked to type their name and email details into the MI5 website alongside an assurance their personal information would be protected by the Data Protection Act and the Security Services Act.
They were emailed back by MI5 with the message: "Thank you for your request to subscribe to the MI5/Home Office Threat Level Update email list." Subscribers were led to believe their details were being kept in secure computer files at MI5's Thames House headquarters in Whitehall.
But The Mail on Sunday can reveal the service is not being run by MI5. Instead it has been paying Whatcounts Inc, a US computer firm based in Seattle, to store the details and send terror alerts.
The company specialises in sending advertising emails for retail firms. It has close ties with the US government and runs internet systems for the government-owned Voice of America broadcaster which has historic links to the CIA.
There were also concerns about whether the US firm was vetted by the security service. Conservative Homeland Security spokesman Patrick Mercer said: "I am alarmed and surprised that the Government would outsource this sort of sensitive material to another country."
Data experts said information sent in this way was vulnerable to interception by hackers or even Al Qaeda terrorists.
The boss of Whatcounts, who claims he was never told they were working for MI5, described the set-up as 'a comedy of errors'. He questioned why MI5 had not chosen to keep the information on its own computers, and could not guarantee all the email messages sent to warn a terrorist attack was imminent would reach the public. David Geller, Whatcounts chief executive, said he was 'surprised to learn' his system was being used by MI5. He said that the firm guaranteed not to use the information for any other purpose or sell it on.
"We are registered with the US government as being a safe harbour for data," he said. "We would never release any data unless we were compelled to do so by a court order from an official government body. This protects that information even from the CIA or the US National Security Agency."
Whitehall sources said the MI5 system had been set up by an unnamed firm which was responsible for running its website. That firm had hired London-based Mailtrack, another direct marketing firm, to run the system. Mailtrack outsourced the work to Whatcounts.
Last night Whitehall sources said MI5's arrangements were now being reviewed and the email data transferred back to the UK.
MI5 is likely to face further questions of the level of vetting it gave computer firms involved after it emerged that David Geller has an Iranian wife.
Cathia Geller, a public relations executive, describes her interests as Iran, travel and cooking and gives her home town as Tehran. There is no suggestion that the Gellers have any links to the Iranian regime which has been named as part of the axis of evil by President Bush for its sponsorship of international terrorism.
The couple live in a $600,000 lakeside home in Sammamish, a middle-class commuter town outside Seattle with their four-year-old daughter.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- On Gardening Leave
- Posts: 4513
- Joined: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:41 pm
Good question.
History has it that they are usually lowered just before an event.
I would guess that most of the great British public don't know and don't care about them unless it interferes with their daily dose of soap.
So, what purpose do they serve ?
Security is in control ?
They know what is going on and we should trust them ?
A backdoor through which to run when they can say "we did tell you" ?
Nobody gives a flying fig about them, it's just public relations, or propaganda to you and me.
It would be better if they had a set of traffic lights so that we could all see when they were about to miss or create the next event.
But, then it wouldn't have the same effect would it.
History has it that they are usually lowered just before an event.
I would guess that most of the great British public don't know and don't care about them unless it interferes with their daily dose of soap.
So, what purpose do they serve ?
Security is in control ?
They know what is going on and we should trust them ?
A backdoor through which to run when they can say "we did tell you" ?
Nobody gives a flying fig about them, it's just public relations, or propaganda to you and me.
It would be better if they had a set of traffic lights so that we could all see when they were about to miss or create the next event.
But, then it wouldn't have the same effect would it.
The Medium is the Massage - Marshall McLuhan.