Has NATO just struck Russia?

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Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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Has NATO just struck Russia?

Post by Disco_Destroyer »

ESCALATION? Ukrainian Missiles Strike Deep into Russia

Six Ukrainian missiles targeted a Russian military unit in Toropets, Tver Oblast, northwest of Moscow, towards St. Petersburg. Three Ukrainian drones were intercepted by Russian air defenses, but the remaining missiles hit their targets, causing a major fire and explosion in an ammunition depot.

Local authorities declared an emergency evacuation to protect the population, and emergency services are currently managing the aftermath of the attack.
VIDEO https://x.com/i/status/1836278994985210269
Russia deep strike.jpg
So in theory ATACMS could have carried out the strike perhaps but still pushing its very limit.
'The Distance Between Moscow and the Ukraine Border
The distance between Moscow and the Ukraine border varies depending on the location of the border one is referring to. Ukraine shares a border with Russia that is approximately 2,295 kilometers (1,426 miles) long. The distance from Moscow to the nearest point on the Ukraine border is about 450 kilometers (280 miles) to the northeast. This distance is relatively short and makes it easy for Russia to deploy military forces quickly to the border in case of any conflict.'
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