March Of The Psychopaths: Regressed Medic Tyrant Collectives

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March Of The Psychopaths: Regressed Medic Tyrant Collectives

Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

My name is Ariane Bilheran, I am a French psychologist and philosopher, doctor of psychopathology, specializing in moral and political philosophy in the disease of civilization, and in psychopathology in the study of manipulation, deviations of power, perversion , paranoia and harassment, among others. I have studied for many years the emergence of what I called "regressed collectives" in harassment within companies, and have published many books on the subjects cited, some of which have been translated into others. languages than French. In 2020, I intervened several times to warn about the emergence of current totalitarianism, on the health pretext, for example on May 13, with "Health totalitarianism:" It's for your good ... Radical evil " [1], August 30, with "The paranoid moment (the totalitarian surge) facing the dialectic of master and slave" [2] , and December 30, on Radio Canada [3] , an interview during which I asserted that what we were experiencing was not authoritarian, but totalitarian, examining the delusional certainty of paranoid psychosis. These interventions among others have earned me taunts, gibes and insults of all kinds, from those who cannot hear what is happening (or have no interest in it), claiming that I am exaggerating or that I would suffer from paranoia myself.....

via Katharine - November 15, 2021

Psychopathology of manipulation, power deviations, perversion, paranoia and harassment ... tr_pto=nui
original - ... rcelement/

Carl Jung had hypothesized a collective unconscious. He hadn't theorized it.

It is a controversial notion in the Freudian perspective, but it holds up in a more Lacanian perspective of the Unconscious structured like a language.

I think the hypothesis of a global social paranoia is defensible and that it goes beyond analogical thinking.

In any case, it is a rich hypothesis, much more productive than most of the interpretations developed at this stage.

It allows us to escape the hypothesis that the elites "are wicked on purpose". She puts forward the idea that they too are possessed, determined. The elites do not know what they are doing, it has been my working hypothesis for decades and it is a hypothesis that I adopted after having frequented them intimately.

It is absolutely not incompatible with the reading of the situation at the material / materialist level, at the level of the conditions of production, at the level of the difficulties encountered by the profit system, at the level of the domination of capital and the repression of the masses. . It completes this reading by declining it.

We live in the age of consumption and global communication in an age of accelerated transmission. interconnection. We bathe in a genuine neurosis, to be kind, and a terrible psychosis to be severe.

I complete this social interpretation with an interpretation of the individual psyche.

The people deceived, blinded by their media can neither see nor understand that they are under the thumb of a teenager who refused the Law of Men, the Law of the Father, a teenager attracted by deviations, who has matured badly, who was the victim of a precocious seduction and above all who never managed to free himself from it. It is not only a situation of transgression of a major prohibition that we had to assume at 15, but above all a terrible psychological construction that had to be put in place in order to live and survive.

The social, the global is always an intersection that is to say a meeting between the Whole and the Whole and the Individual.

Macron is a great neurotic, narcissistic pervert who is marked by the refusal of the paternal law, by the refusal of the test of reality, by the challenge of possessing the mother. Macron took to the air too early and he never landed. As for her, the seductress, she has the phallus by proxy which means that Macron fulfills his desire. They are, say the journalists who wrote under the dictation, "stuck together"; see the Facts and Documents collection work.

It is this intersection of the social neurosis that is in the air and that of Macron / Brigitte that allows us to advance in the understanding of our situation.

Everything is determined, Everything has multiple causes, Everything has multiple levels of understanding. The whole is a tangle to unravel,

This is called a Complex.

Do not refuse the Descent into Hell, in the abysmal depths of the unconscious of your torturer, it alone then allows you to defend yourself, to fight and to counterattack. nothing is sacred, neither the sexual debauchery of DSK nor the precocious seduction of the one who occupies the post of head of state.

The fight for dignity and freedom is a noble fight.

International mental health symposium organized in Portugal by Aliança Saúde Portugal, about the current fear pandemic spreading in humanity.

Article written to deepen certain themes investigated.


Hello everyone,
Thank you for your invitation to this international symposium. As a preamble, I would like to register my participation under the aegis of two quotes, the first by Arthur Koestler, in his novel Le Zéro et l'Infini:
"We have taken logic so far in freeing human beings from the shackles of industrial exploitation, that we have sent around ten million people to forced labor in the arctic regions and in the eastern forests, under conditions similar to those galley slaves from Antiquity. We have taken logic so far that to resolve a difference of opinion, we know only one argument: death. "
And the second by Hannah Arendt, in Understanding and Politics, on the nature of totalitarianism, religion and politics:
“Many people say that we cannot fight totalitarianism without understanding it. Fortunately, this is not true, otherwise our situation would be hopeless. "


My name is Ariane Bilheran, I am a French psychologist and philosopher, doctor of psychopathology, specializing in moral and political philosophy in the disease of civilization, and in psychopathology in the study of manipulation, deviations of power, perversion , paranoia and harassment, among others. I have studied for many years the emergence of what I called "regressed collectives" in harassment within companies, and have published many books on the subjects cited, some of which have been translated into others. languages than French. In 2020, I intervened several times to warn about the emergence of current totalitarianism, on the health pretext, for example on May 13, with "Health totalitarianism:" It's for your good ... Radical evil " [1], August 30, with "The paranoid moment (the totalitarian surge) facing the dialectic of master and slave" [2] , and December 30, on Radio Canada [3] , an interview during which I asserted that what we were experiencing was not authoritarian, but totalitarian, examining the delusional certainty of paranoid psychosis. These interventions among others have earned me taunts, gibes and insults of all kinds, from those who cannot hear what is happening (or have no interest in it), claiming that I am exaggerating or that I would suffer from paranoia myself.

It is therefore a look from collective psychopathology, that is to say the study of individual and collective psychic processes, and of moral and political philosophy, that I will propose - it being understood that this perspective cannot be exhaustive. , but that it sheds interesting light on what is happening to us -.

Since the year 2020, our freedoms, conquered in a hard fight for centuries, at the cost of the blood of our ancestors, have evaporated in smoke, until the appearance of this "health passport", considered unthinkable by the majority of people. a few months ago. Based on my long professional experience of observing groups, institutions and companies, when they turn into totalitarian islands, I quickly diagnosed the existence of a collective delirium whose nature I will describe today. hui. In April 2020, although some signs may have seemed insignificant in the eyes of the majority, they were sufficient to characterize the entry into a collective paranoid psychosis, in particular, denial of reality, lying, cleavage, projection [ 4], interpretation, persecution (here,of a virus, invisible enemy, which authorizes the persecution of individuals as organisms carrying a multiplicity of viruses), the manipulation of the masses (terror, guilt and blackmail), health ideology (and the propaganda that supports), but also the emergence of a new language to tell about a “new normal” or a “new reality” making a clean sweep of the old.

Individuals organize themselves according to psychic structures (some will prefer the term organization, less rigid), which reflect their relationship to reality, to experience, to others, to the Law, to drives, to emotions, to rationality and language. These structures evolve in the light of events, in particular heavy traumatic loads, and this explains why in “normal” times, individuals respecting fundamental moral taboos (in particular, not transgressing or killing) disinhibit in totalitarian times (or rather regress psychically), the mass ideology allowing to justify the lifting of the anthropological prohibitions of murder and incest (and their derivatives) which are the basis of a civilization. What we know less is that these psychic structures also concern the collectives.In psychopathology, there are psychic personalities at the level of groups, institutions, companies… Groups “regress” when they fall into a perverse or worse, paranoid mode. Serious narcissistic pathologies have, in fact, this talent for creating a pathological unity in groups, with unconscious interactions. This is to say to what extent the individual is caught up in a system, where the whole is of a different nature than the sum of its parts. This system constrains the individual psyche, which in turn will feed the collective delirium. Here is explained in a few words the sectarian and fanatic phenomenon. And the bad news is that it now seems to affect all of humanity.when they switch to a perverse or worse, paranoid mode. Serious narcissistic pathologies have, in fact, this talent for creating a pathological unity in groups, with unconscious interactions. This is to say to what extent the individual is caught up in a system, where the whole is of a different nature than the sum of its parts. This system constrains the individual psyche, which in turn will feed the collective delirium. Here is explained in a few words the sectarian and fanatic phenomenon. And the bad news is that it now seems to affect all of humanity.when they switch to a perverse or worse, paranoid mode. Serious narcissistic pathologies have, in fact, this talent for creating a pathological unity in groups, with unconscious interactions. This is to say to what extent the individual is caught up in a system, where the whole is of a different nature than the sum of its parts. This system constrains the individual psyche, which in turn will feed the collective delirium. Here is explained in a few words the sectarian and fanatic phenomenon. And the bad news is that it now seems to affect all of humanity.where the whole is of a different nature than the sum of its parts. This system constrains the individual psyche, which in turn will feed the collective delirium. Here is explained in a few words the sectarian and fanatic phenomenon. And the bad news is that it now seems to affect all of humanity.where the whole is of a different nature than the sum of its parts. This system constrains the individual psyche, which in turn will feed the collective delirium. Here is explained in a few words the sectarian and fanatic phenomenon. And the bad news is that it now seems to affect all of humanity.

The paranoid collective delirium is the one that structures the totalitarian regime. This is the psychopathological explanation of totalitarianism, which according to its political criteria cannot be reduced to a dictatorship, a despotism, or even a tyranny: ambition for total domination, monopoly of the mass media and the police force, leadership central to the economy, persecution of opponents and all criticism, system of surveillance of individuals, encouragement of denouncements, concentration camp logic orchestrated on terror, clean slate policy, shifting ideology built on the divide between good citizens and bad citizens , on the enemy (visible or invisible) and purity.

Totalitarianism therefore corresponds to a psychotic delirium, that of paranoia, and this delirium is contagious. It is a psychosis, which is based on:

Denial of reality (reality and experience do not exist, do not serve as feedback loops to qualify delusional thinking dogmatic),

· An interpretative delirium (an external or internal enemy, visible or invisible, wants harm to us) with dedicated ideologies (megalomania, humanitarian pseudo-ideals, hypochondria, persecution, etc.),

· Projection, mistrust, division, hyper-control.

This madness presents the appearance of reason, of argued speech, while being organized around a delirium of persecution justifying the persecution of others. She does not deny the Law, but she dissects and interprets it to her advantage and, if she has the power, she instrumentalizes it to persecute individuals, not to protect them. “Para” ( ), in ancient Greek , is a prefix which means both “beside”, “in parallel”, as in “parapharmacy”, or “against”, as in “umbrella”. Just as the umbrella acts against the rain, the paranoiac acts against the mind ( ), against intelligence, against logic. And, to do this, he subverts the mind, the intelligence, the logic, and makes war on them.

It does not matter the content of the delirium, namely its theatrical setting, because paranoia, "reasoning madness" as the French psychiatrists of the early twentieth century called Serious and Capgras, always obeys the same structuring of psychic processes. Nourished by hatred and the erotic manipulation of institutions, it can be dangerously collective and psychically contagious, claiming its action "for our good". It is advisable to accuse an enemy designated as a persecutor, and if possible, to personify him. A virus "caught in pincers" (I refer to the expression used by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, in his speech of March 31, 2021) is the perfect enemy, because he is invisible, and in perpetual transformation ("variants"). The interpretation (deduction from a subjective opinion) is at the center of the device: this virus is so dangerous that it is for the survival of the human species (implicit postulate, which makes it possible to justify the destruction of the human race). economy, freedoms and our fundamental rights). The interpretation is both exogenous (the killer virus is outside us) and endogenous (inside us).

Let us dare to ask a blasphemous question: would a virus intend to kill us? Viruses are written in our DNA; we touch hundreds of millions of them every day. Curtis Suttle, a virologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, indicates in a 2018 study that more than 800 million viruses are deposited on every square meter of earth every day. In a tablespoon of seawater, there are more viruses than people in Europe! “We swallow more than a billion viruses every time we go swimming […]. We are inundated with viruses. A 2011 article published in Nature Microbiology estimates that there are over a quintillion (1 followed by 30 zeros) of viruses on earth! About 8% of the human genome is of viral origin, and viruses were present long before the human species on earth, they helped give rise to cell life [5].. Going to war [6] against a virus, are we serious? Yet this is what the delusional hypochondria of collective paranoia proposes, in which the body becomes foreign to itself and a persecutor. It is therefore necessary to persecute the body, in a mass Münchhausen Syndrome, which consists in inappropriately over-medicating (prohibition of remedies, coupled with experimental vaccines, whose studies aimed at proving the quality, safety and efficacy do not are not completed [7]) a common viral disease (which deserves proper and early care), denying temperance, warnings and expert experience, and creating more problems and suffering than it solves. Paranoia is a contagious pathology, which erodes traditional links [8] to subject psyches to new links, those of ideology [9].

With the totalitarian regime, everything must be subordinated to ideology: the end justifies the means. Clearly, totalitarianism invites citizens to split into two: the good obedient, and the bad disobedient. The bad guys are those who resist harassment, or even refuse to enter the new delusional, ideological reality offered by paranoia. But these categories are evolving and persecution can end up affecting all citizens. The outcome of this cleavage is to demand a sacrificial logic: it is necessary, in the great social body taken in the literal sense, in which individuals are stripped of their free will and reduced to the state of cells, supposedly sick, sacrifice them, for "the Common Good". This is the totalitarian proposal. Let us recall that the negation of the rights of the individual, to reduce him to a cell of the social body understood as an organic body,is the systematic prerogative of totalitarian regimes. The human being is shrunk to the state of a diseased biological cell, a contaminated and / or contaminating body. Moreover, those who, by chance, would seek to emancipate themselves from this great organic body are presumed guilty (of the expansion of the epidemic): the mother-ogre could not let her babies come out of the womb, without distressing itself its own death. It is this archaic knot that we are talking about: letting the other come out of the belly kills. And the paradox is obviously that sticking in the stomach also kills. There is no way out.

Totalitarianism, in order to establish and maintain its power, must compensate for its illegitimacy with terror. It is necessary and sufficient to sufficiently terrorize individuals, and to manipulate them by the masterpiece of the paranoid: harassment. Harassment sets up reiterated traumatic shocks on populations, and aims not only at the destruction of individuals, but their self-destruction. It is therefore quite logical for populations to deploy defense mechanisms (denial, trivialization, forgetting, etc.), which alter their mental health, but also depressive, suicidal ideas, acting out and disorders. schizophrenics. Because some psyches are too vulnerable and are unable to represent the violence of what is happening,they can take refuge in the delirium which seduces by its other narration of reality. For example, as I have heard, such a non-injected person will be assimilated to a terrorist and treated as a "walking bomb", or even, one will interpret the eviction of the caregivers refusing the injection (and being severely punished for it). , by the loss of their means of subsistence and their reduction to second-class citizens), as a desire on their part to stop a profession that has become too trying. The victim is found the loss of their means of subsistence and their reduction to second-class citizens), as a desire on their part to stop a profession that has become too trying. The victim is found the loss of their means of subsistence and their reduction to second-class citizens), as a desire on their part to stop a profession that has become too trying. The victim is found guilty.

In the delusional hypochondria of paranoia, the disease is everywhere, experienced as dangerous, fatal, enemy of the living. The patient is opposed to the healthy, like the impure to the pure: an order is given to eliminate (and before that, to “evict” to use the words of Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education in France, concerning unvaccinated children [10] ) the part of the social body designated as impure. The supposed impurity is to be hunted down by terror and radical methods: the end justifies the means. This is the reason why "terror is constitutive of the totalitarian body politic, just as is legality for the republican body politic" according to Hannah Arendt [11]. We could just as well say [14] well in a totalitarian regime, illegality is the force of law.. Paranoia works in the tyrannical ideal to legitimize the use of harassing methods. Idealization is a very powerful defense mechanism, in the order of the fanaticism of the unattainable ideal. This ideal in itself becomes a persecutor, for no one can live up to it. The suggestion of the tyrannical health ideal has been strong from the start: health is conceived as the absence of potential disease (hence the confusion between cases and patients), and the virus must be eradicated. With this fundamental blackmail (which is a lie): no return to ancient times before the eradication of the virus. The sophistry changes according to the circumstances. Because the “vaccine”, presented from the start as a fetish object and magical talisman against the virus, does not seem to work to the extent of the initial ambitions, or even presents serious and serious problems.Insufficient (it would be necessary to continue the restrictive sanitary measures [12]), unsatisfactory (it would even be at the origin of the variants [13]), possibly dangerous. This is the case with serious side effects, the causal link of which it will be very difficult to demonstrate, and of which the State washes its hands. This is in essence what the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben said in front of Italian senators on the occasion of the debates on the health pass (law 2394), on October 7, 2021: “As noted by authoritative jurists, this means that the state does not want to take responsibility for a vaccine that has not completed its experimental phase, and yet tries, at the same time, to force citizens to be vaccinated by all means, under penalty of excluding oneself from social life,and now with the new decree that you are called to validate, even depriving them of the possibility of working. Is it possible, I ask, to imagine a situation legally and morally more abnormal? How can the State accuse those who choose not to be vaccinated with irresponsibility, when it is the same State which formally declines all responsibility for any serious consequences? "

Faced with the failure to guarantee zero risk (and for good reason, since it does not exist), it is likely that the persecution will intensify: it will be necessary, to meet the unattainable ideal of eradicating the virus, to eliminate the individuals who are supposed to potentially carry the virus (potentially, the entire human species is targeted). Already, in the world, whole herds of animals have been disseminated according to the same Nazi logic of a foreign virus that must be eradicated. Goebbels noted in his Journal (1939-1942): “In the Warsaw ghetto, there was a certain rise in typhus. But we took steps to prevent them from being taken out of the ghetto. After all, Jews have always been vectors of contagious diseases. It is necessary either pile them up in a ghetto and abandon them to themselves, or else liquidate them; otherwise, they will always contaminate the healthy population of civilized states. » Will the unvaccinated be persecuted and then eliminated to cover up the failure to achieve the tyrannical ideal? To abdicate the tyrannical ideal would be to renounce delirium, and would mean collapse, fall before the enemy, death, plunge into the black hole.

The reality of experience must therefore be twisted and enslaved, to coincide with the archaic and sadistic ideal, which disqualifies it.

It is important to name that we have already had to deal in the not so distant past, with a health ideology of epidemiological type, with the epidemic of typhus, which the Nazis claimed to fight and eradicate. It was the deployment of this hunt for the typhus epidemic that designated a category of the population as being carriers, and treated them as parasites that propagate epidemics. The typhus epidemic was spreading, because all the conditions were met for this to be the case (distribution of bedbugs infested blankets, crowding in unsanitary ghettos, etc.). I refer to the work of the French historian Johann Chapoutot on the subject. Because if the delirium creates a new reality to replace the old one (about ideology), with paranoia, it is necessary to make happen this new reality. Discourse is a performative oracle: it alone produces reality. There is no more reflexivity with experience to create a path of truth. The delusional speech is omnipotent and intends to demonstrate it, by marking reality under the seal of ideology. Murder is justified and justifiable, since it is now allowed to transgress, in the name of the Common Good.

The living is the enemy. Paranoid delirium ignores the complexity of the human body and its self-organized and systemic functioning. The body is seen as an inert object on which a virus circulates, seen as the sole factor of a disease, which is both an epistemological and a methodological aberration. The idea of an immunity other than artificial is evacuated: the body is a receptacle, carrier of a foreign and invisible body. Everything that moves, everything that is alive, everything that resists, is experienced as a traitor and must be eliminated. The body of the other is guilty, as a potential carrier of virus, that is to say of life. The exclusion from the start of the complex notion of "immune system" directs thought towards a body devoid of the capacity to react if it is not vaccinated. However, it is however on the solicitation of the same immune system that the vaccine works. But the paranoid delirium is no longer a paradox. The paranoid ambition is therefore to neutralize and control this body, but that will not be enough. It will be necessary, in an implacable paradox, to suppress life in order to preserve life.

Each is guilty of the illness of the other; no one is responsible for their own health any longer. Whoever challenges the politico-media treatment of the matter therefore becomes an enemy of the country, a traitor, a collaborator with the virus, an assassin. The enemy is invisible, and he is everywhere. The bodies of the population are perceived as potentially sick, infectious, dangerous, and this ghettoization will initially apply to a part of the population, before targeting everyone, it must be remembered. The persecution does not bother with the details. Is it really a coincidence to have come across, during my research,the existence of the passport restricting movement as much in Nazism (for expressly sanitary reasons) as in the USSR of the Stalinist era (sanitation was then intertwined with political reasons for the control of individuals)? The passports of the Stalinist USSR also had a "prophylactic" mission, against a background of repressive cleansing, delimiting areas authorized or not for traffic.

The vaccination blackmail is as follows: if you are not vaccinated, you will no longer have the right to treatment worthy of a human being, you will no longer even have the right to health care, you will no longer have the right to the more the right to work, you could (possibly) die on the margins of society, as outcasts, or worse, you will be treated as dangerous criminals and public enemies who could also be imprisoned without a release date in concentration camps . It is being rolled out in some countries (including Australia), and there is no doubt that this business will become global if it is not slowed down. “The concentration and extermination camps of totalitarian regimes serve as laboratories where the fundamental conviction of totalitarianism that anything is possible is verified. It doesn't matter what these camps will be called:"Quarantine camps", "treatment camps" etc. It is paranoid logic which, if not curbed or hampered by strong opposition, will unfold as delirium commands. In the camp, the body is subjected to attacks, hunger, cold, disease, sexual abuse, dehumanization, and experiments of all kinds. For Hannah Arendt, in The Totalitarian System (third part of her masterful work The Origins of Totalitarianism), “the prisoner of a camp is priceless since it can be replaced”. The market value on the human body is a matter of perversion: to excessively instrumentalize what can be. Let us remember that perversion is only the instrument of the deployment of totalitarianism.

The goal is no longer alienation but the annihilation of the human subject. Totalitarianism is inherently genocidal; he no longer needs the human, or rather, he claims to create him again, from scratch: this "new man", whose freedom must be suppressed, in order to make reign the tyrannical and unhealthy ideal of purity. The apology of the powerful body, of the will to power, of the transhumanized superman supposes the elimination of supposedly useless, diseased bodies, suffering bodies.

Regarding the reactions of individuals, we must first understand (and I will not be able to go into the details of a very complex psychic process here) that the psyche tends to protect itself from the violence of harassment, media propaganda and terror. To do this, he erects ramparts that allow him to tolerate an unbearable reality, among which: denial, repression, trivialization, idealization, cleavage, projection, radicalization, interpretation, isolation, discharge in the passage to the act, the automation of the facts and the gestures, the affective anesthesia, the disinvestment [15]… These “defense mechanisms” erode the lucidity of the individual. In particular, denial is an absolute impossibility of representing the violence of what is happening, to the point of making it hermetic to any argumentation or evidence of the facts.I would like to point out that this psychic process has nothing to do with intelligence, but concerns the "most fragile" psychologically, that is to say those who do not have sufficient internal resources to resist such an interpretive distortion. of the world: the majority of human beings. Because it takes an extraordinary psychic strength to manage to keep sound reasoning in a world that is going crazy, where the benchmarks are reversed, the truth disguised as a lie, and the innocent people designated as guilty, while the guilty exert an indecent terror. , in the name of the good of the people, and pretty ideals such as "health for all" or "the protection of our elders. The delusional contagion operates from these ramparts, making the individual permeable to ideology, and henceforth unconditional follower of the totalitarian sect.

There is a hierarchy of psychic profiles in access to the structuring functions of civilization which are symbolization and sublimation [16]. We can already distinguish those who have structurally integrated the fundamental taboos of the prohibition of murder and incest (and their derivatives: slander, envy, sexual transgressions etc.), and the others. The latter, who are no longer held by an external structure, are then "activated" by paranoid delirium, which now authorizes them to take action, without any further legal repression, provided that the deadly and transgressive action takes place. part of the dogmatic lineage of ideology. Thus, under propaganda, perverse profiles can torture with impunity (take the example of Klaus Barbie), paranoid profiles can spread terror [17],and psychopaths, to be used as mercenaries of the regime.

Ordinary neuroses [18] are weakened, that is to say, in "normal" times, people behaving in a manner respectful of fundamental prohibitions, can, in favor of a totalitarian ideology, regress, and especially in a perverse fashion. Clearly, the totalitarian system, by its massive delusional dimension, decompensates perverts into paranoia, and manages to make certain neurotic profiles regress in perversion, perversion being a sort of ultimate psychic dam so as not to sink into delirium (I refers to the work of the French psychiatrist Racamier). The deployment of the totalitarian system therefore leads to the occurrence of numerous abuses of power and sadistic acts, committed by chiefs who reveal themselves. And, one wonders then how this good father, usually so pleasant, and known for so long,has become capable of so many atrocities ...

The other neurotic profiles, more rare, are all the same weakened, to the point of feeding depression and suicidal ideas, or even converting their anxiety into serious obsessive neurosis: the individual operates in an automated mode, through ritualized attitudes, which prevent him from thinking of his function in the whole system, like Eichmann who was only concerned with ensuring that the trains arrived on time. The individual prefers, in fact, to be drawn into collective psychic regression, rather than facing the ordeal of loneliness, loss and separation (a test to which the traditional philosopher is generally seasoned). Thus, in inciting situations, outside the norm, the perpetrators of barbaric acts are also "honest people", with obedient profiles.I remind you that perversion [19] is the conscientious and skilful executant in the service of paranoid madness.

Totalitarianism, ideology, prophecy in science call for a lost paradise. "The scientificity of totalitarian propaganda is characterized by the emphasis it places almost exclusively on scientific prophecy, as opposed to the more traditional reference to the past" [20], and I refer to the book that I wrote in collaboration with the university professor of mathematics Vincent Pavan, entitled The new normal. Language corruption and totalitarian drift. Confusion between fiction and the reality of experience reigns, based on a denial of experts, and delusional certainty, denying any objection and doubt. It is even heretical to have an opinion on totalitarian propaganda; it “is no longer an objective problem that people can have an opinion about, but has become as real and intangible in their lives as the rules of arithmetic."[21] She places the achievement of her goals in a future that is always distant, a sort of final promise, the return to a lost paradise, the end of Calvary, the purity of the race, the territory purified from disease, the return to the world before etc. It is a question of uniting the masses against a common enemy, supposed to embody the opposition to the achievement of this goal. The enemy, both external and internal, will be liable to change, depending on the interpretation at time T, provided that what I call "xenophobia in thought" remains, namely the notion of an "organic alien. which would be a “non-self” threatening the self, instead of the “self” being “capable of recognizing itself as the bearer of the“ non-self ”and therefore of being able to assimilate it. "[22] To make this health xenophobia live, it is necessary to operate a" gigantic operation of falsification of the truth "[23],reflecting both mental confusion and a lack of integrity. Ideological scientism and its predictive technique never stop moving; their “chameleon” dimension keeps them in power. Discourse is no longer a reflection of experience: it is the experience which must conform to the discourse.


In conclusion, paranoid psychosis is a delirium of collective confinement led by ideology, namely a false belief erected in dogma and in truth explanatory of a reality of which it denies the existence, and which it intends to replace by its own proselytizing narration. There is indeed a fundamental negation of what psychoanalysts called the principle of reality. In an article by Hannah Arendt entitled "The Germs of the Fascist International" [24], the philosopher noted: "It is an overly neglected aspect of fascist propaganda that she did not just lie, but deliberately considered. to turn his lies into reality. Thereby,Das Schwarze Korps (a newspaper of the time) recognized a few years before the start of the war that foreign peoples did not really believe the Nazis when they claimed that all Jews are beggars and vagrants who can only subsist as parasites on the economy of other nations; but, he prophesied, foreign public opinion would in the space of a few years have the opportunity to be convinced of this, when the German Jews would have been pushed out of the borders precisely like a bunch of beggars. No one was prepared for this kind of fabrication of a false reality. Clearly, paranoid delirium persecutes, in the name of what it prophesies. And what he prophesies he just makes come to pass. “There will be loads of deaths! He said. And, in fact,by dint of banning treatments that treat patients and making populations more precarious, it is very likely that these deaths will occur. In addition, the ideological narrative justifies the persecution in self-defense. With paranoia, it is okay to kill since it was for self-defense.

This is not the first time in history that we have faced a pseudo-scientific tyranny, where an ideology is dictated to us aimed at shaping our behavior, our thoughts, our words and our actions, encouraging us to become informers of our own neighbors and organizing the registration and tracing of individuals. This totalitarian project destroys “naked life”, to use the concept of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben, that is to say the “simple fact of living”, the spontaneity of living, and of which the role of the Humanities reminds us of the sacredness.

With the COVID "Newspeak", where I noted no less than sixty new words and expressions appearing in the common language, the person will therefore see half of his available vocabulary colonized by neologisms. How can we not suppose that this creates ideological narratives which impose themselves on our representation of reality and on our capacity to name it? These neologisms are there to impose a new reality, which corresponds neither to the shared heritage nor to the reality of the experience: it is a question of imposing a vision of the world by forcibly modifying our thoughts.

The neologism is often a “catch-all” word, in which we can put the object of our persecutions to designate the enemy to be killed. Paranoia imposes a paradoxical narcissistic object relationship where the danger of death is permanent, whether we live together, or whether we separate. It is indeed the leitmotif of the current health ideology which, if it is threatened in its hypnotic subsistence, will inevitably lead to murderous and transgressive actions on disobedient peoples, which is moreover at work. in different places on the planet.

With paranoid delirium, nothing makes sense, but everything claims to have it. How many cries of orchard have we not heard in recent years in the name of the "fight against discrimination"? But when it is "for a good cause", "for health for all" (at least in theory), that changes everything! It will nevertheless be necessary to wait for the awakening of the masses, so that totalitarianism collapses, these masses who react favorably to hypnotic suggestion, and are easily seduced, by the poisoned gift of ideology and its apparent coherence: the flight from a reality experienced as unpleasant. Totalitarian propaganda works because it promises to radically transform a world that the masses no longer want, because they no longer find their place in it. Of course, this feeling of being lost, without root, totalitarianism could itself be at the origin, before taking advantage of it. The globalization offered by the totalitarian ideology is reassuring; she gives the illusion of total support, no matter whether this support is the result of an omnipotent mother who can change her mood at any time,up to killing his offspring if he so chooses. The masses must stop collaborating and hence believe. And it is inescapable: the experience of totalitarian reality will itself take care of the disillusion. Cassandra had tried to prevent the Trojans from slaughtering, by warning them about the Trojan horse: no one listened to him, and all continued to hide their faces until the irremediable destruction of the kingdom.

It is essential that this provisional alliance between the political propagators of the ideology (political and economic decision-makers / propagandists and intellectuals collaborating on the ideology) and a large part of the people ceases . The ball of collective paranoid delirium deflates when the doctored language of ideology loses its bewitching charm. This is why our freedom is conquered in the Word, which aptly names the human experience, and this has always been the role of the Humanities. I will conclude with a very simple sentence from Hannah Arendt, and yet so true: “Thinking is dangerous, but not thinking is even more dangerous. " [25] Thank you for your attention.

Ariane Bilheran is a normalienne (Ulm), philosophy, clinical psychologist, doctor of psychopathology, specialized in the study of manipulation, paranoia, perversion, harassment and totalitarianism.

Article originally published on his site and taken up with his kind permission.

[1] ... est-pour-t
[2] ... oiaque-vs- deferlement…
[3] ... ndu/segmen
[4] It is not possible for me here to deploy all the psychopathology of paranoia, I refers to my book Psychopathologie de la Paranoïa, Paris, Dunod, 2019 (2nd ed.)
[5] ... rps-humain
[6] Cf. speech by E. Macron, March 16, 2020.
[7] ... /debriefin ... ecclairage -on-the-data ...
[8] Collective transgressed, cleavage, division, denunciation, apartheid.
[9] It should be emphasized that anything that will contribute to sever the bonds of ideology will contribute to weaken totalitarianism; in this sense, traditional corruption in the sense of small arrangements between officials and the population, for example, will be a thorn in the ambition of total domination of the totalitarian system.
[10] ... ccines-en-
[11] Understanding and Politics, on the nature of totalitarianism, religion and politics.
[12] Can vaccinated people overcome barrier gestures? No, replies the Ministry of Health: “Wearing a mask is still necessary. More generally, a vaccinated person must continue to apply barrier gestures. " Https:// ... ovid-19-pe… [15] Bilheran, A. 2017. Harassment. Psychology and Psychopathology, Amazon.
[13] "It's very simple, the variants come from vaccinations", Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in medicine, interview with Pierre Barnerias. "We vaccinate people, it selects variants, and ultimately people are no longer covered by the vaccine, and we continue to vaccinate anyway" (Professor Christian Perronne).

[16] Bilheran, A. 2020. Psychopathology of authority, Paris, Dunod.
[17] Bilheran, A. 2017. “Terrorism, youth, ideals and paranoia”, Paris, Revue Soins, Elsevier.
[18] I remind you that we are all a minima neurotics, because we all had to operate a repression on our primary aggressive impulses, which is rather a good thing to manage to live together.
[19] Perversion is a pathology of narcissism, which instrumentalizes for its own benefit. The enjoyment obtained is neither shared nor creative for everyone: it is sadistic and destructive. The pervert takes everything and does not share. He captures what is healthy and constructive, in order to deflect it, divert it, dirty it and destroy it. See Bilheran, A. 2019. Psychopathology of paranoia, Paris, Dunod.
[20] Arendt, H. The origins of totalitarianism.
[21] Arendt, H. Totalitarianism, Chapter XI.
[22] Annick de Souzenelle, The kiss of God, Paris, Albin Michel, 2007.
[23] Agamben, G. 2020. Translation (Florence Balique), from the Italian text published on April 28, 2020 on the Quodlibet site: https : //
[24] “The Seeds of a Fascist International”, Jewish Frontier, June 1945.
[25] H. Arendt, interview of July 6, 1974.

Author (s): Ariane Bilheran, for FranceSoir
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

[html]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Germany is to make Covid jabs mandatory.<br><br>Tory MP David Davis: "Nuremberg guidelines say you can't force someone to have a medical treatment. You certainly can't force them to have it for someone else's benefit. It's wrong on every level."<a href=" ... uliaHB1</a> | <a href=" ... DavisMP</a> <a href=""> ... zcS</a></p>— talkRADIO (@talkRADIO) <a href=" ... ">December 3, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> [/html]
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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We can make you very rich Ms Von Der Leyen....

[html]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Long read about how husband of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen became an American biotech company executive without expertise, how she deleted her messages with Pfizer CEO and EU refuses to investigate the connection 1)<a href=""></a></p>— Dr Lidiya Angelova (@angelovalidiya) <a href=" ... ">December 3, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> [/html]

Pfizer / Vanguard / Ursula: criminal corruption!
FRENCH ... inelle-523
ENGLISH https://mediazone-zonefr-com.translate. ... r_hl=en-GB

An important article based on a careful investigation of Adrian Onciu, a freelance journalist who explains the collusion between politicians, the media and the all-powerful Vanguard group in this fake pandemic. Probably the biggest scandal of the century because the lives of millions of human beings have been sacrificed to serve the Machiavellian project of the "masters of the world". To be disseminated massively because everything will be done to hush up this case with criminal dimensions.
Eric Montana - By Adrian Onciu

One thing that surprised me about this true journalistic work was Adrian Onciu's mistrust of his compatriot, European prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi (LCK); at the same time, he also couldn't explain who this Lady is. So here is his " pedigree ".

She is the daughter of a Ceausescu era prosecutor , named Lascu who was based in Medias, and very good friends with her counterpart Augustin Lazar, based in Alba Iulia where the Court of Appeal is located. Augustin Lazar was in charge of controlling political detainees in Aiud prison; when this reminder came out in the press, 2 years ago, he took his early retirement ...

After 1989 these " communist " prosecutors all became anti-communist and remained prosecutors, like also Monica Macovei, very close to LCK.

Chance probably made that Augustin Lazar , who had become Prosecutor General of Romania, found himself with LCK as in charge of the National Anticorruption Department, a place where it caused " flames" , in particular by obtaining the classification without follow-up of two enormous files. bribes in which it was about EADS and Microsoft ...

From there to think that the withdrawal of the French and German candidates for this European post was linked to this " excellent work"on her part, and that it is really no coincidence that she was " chosen " ...
( Gérard Luçon)


Spouses Ursula and Heiko von der Leyen blackmailed into $ 36 billion Pfizer deal

By Adrian Onciu , Romania, /

Episode 1: How Ursula von der Leyen's Husband Became the Main Pawn in the $ 36bn Pfizer Case

Even if the European Public Prosecutor's Office does not take it up, for various easy-to-guess reasons, we continue to present some truly shocking information about promiscuity in the Pfizer-Ursula case. This is official and verified information. No stories to sleep on.

The results of this investigation are truly explosive. They unequivocally show the putrid combination between top EU politicians and the Big Pharma mafia. And all this in the midst of a pandemic. They made fun of the lives, health and freedoms of the hundreds of millions of people terrorized by a system of deceptive propaganda. They've put billions of vaccines around our necks (way beyond what we would need), just in a desperate pursuit of profit.

The jackpot is around $ 36 billion . Or 1.8 billion doses of Pfizer vaccine, negotiated by the head of the European Commission with the boss of the pharmaceutical company, Albert Bourla. Negotiated in a completely opaque manner, as I have pointed out in previous articles. You can also find them on the website of the Mediafax agency , if there are no " technical failures" .

I will briefly present the story in this first part, helping me with fewer numbers, but with enough references and names of protagonists, as the direct and indirect evidence gathered together.It is the duty of Chief Prosecutor Kovesinow to investigate. Check bank accounts, the flow of money between businesses, ask the FBI for help in New York and Brussels, punish the culprits. As she did in Romania with so many prominent politicians. At least she must have the necessary will.

I would like to point out that the Pfizer company is not its first offense . She has a lot of files, some of them criminal. No culprit for the moment. US prosecutors put her under observation, but did not go further. They didn't even punish the executives involved.

Key to negotiating the $ 36 billion deal is Ursula von der Leyen's husband . Until the start of the pandemic, and even long after, no one had heard of Dr Heiko von der Leyen. Husband of the First Lady of Brussels. In other words, the husband of the head of the European government.

The der Leyen family has lived near Hanover (Germany) since 2007, on the property Heiko inherited from his parents. They have seven children and a grandson.

And now let's remember. The pandemic began in Romania in March 2020. A few months later, in December 2020, a relatively unknown German doctor, head of a clinic in Hanover, landed directly on the board of directors of a very powerful Big Pharma company in the States -United. And no, it's not about Pfizer. It would have been too simple. Too striking. Dr Heiko was transferred overseas, " in the interests of the service" , to a pharmaceutical company specializing (for many years) in the well-known mRNA technology. It is Orgenesis Inc. At the time, the specialists of Orgenesiswere conducting experiments to treat cancer. But a huge opportunity presented itself: the pandemic! So the good guys at Pfizer immediately caught a glimpse of the global mega-business. Besides, they had experience!

The link between the two American companies, Pfizer and Orgenesis , is obvious. Their large shareholding includes the same mutual funds, according to the New York Stock Exchange. I will detail more before. We still do not know if the shareholding changed with the untimely arrival of Heiko von der Leyen from Germany (for negotiations?) Or if it always has been. We will find out.

What is certain is that Ursula's husband is serving on the board of directors of Orgenesis . Almost nothing in his CV recommends him for the high post of " Medical Director" . He's one of the executives paid at least $ 1 million a year. And the coincidence was amazing. Why Heiko landed in charge of Orgenesis in December 2020 is a question the answer to which reveals the mystery of the whole affair. It should be noted that the first vaccine in Romania was administered the same month to a nurse.

The rest unfolded at full speed. In the spring of 2021, immediately after Heiko's arrival in Orgenesis, intense political negotiations took place. His wife exchanged text messages and phone calls both with the head of Pfizer and with her husband, who was in close proximity to the people at Pfizer (practically a few houses away).

In other words, a doctor very generously paid by the company Orgenesis (closely related to Pfizer , as we will see). I wrote in previous comments on Mediafax that Ms Ursula's messages and calls then suddenly disappeared from her phone, to the amazement of Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly(a sort of people's lawyer, but at the level of the European Union). In fact, it wasn't the first time in recent years that Ursula von der Leyen had wiped her phone tracks Harry Potter style and more.

The big announcement took place on May 8, 2021. The Europeans sighed with relief. Ursula von der Leyen signed the contract with the bosses of Pfizer for 1.8 billion doses of the vaccine. The price of the dose was not announced, it did not make sense to have so much transparency. Especially when a dollar more or less means a total of $ 1.8 billion more or less. Money out of our pockets, Romanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Vaccinated and unvaccinated, it didn't matter. In the absence of official figures, the business is estimated at around $ 36 billion, or about $ 20 a dose.

As transparency was " to the maximum " , from there begins the indirect evidence. Based, of course, on facts. According to official figures and information, as much as we have been able to gather so far, and in the absence of any initiative from " the anti-corruption heroine ", Attorney General Laura Codruța Kovesi.

At $ 38 billion , any such commercial contract carries " performance fees . " For the leaders of Romania, because the amounts are very small, we are talking about 10 to 15 percent; in Brussels we are on small percentages, but for very large sums. Even if the profit is huge. It was even difficult for me too to write on the computer what 2% of the 38 billion mean . That means a fixed "performance fee" of $ 760 million !

Now if you quickly ask SOV , father of the FNI (SorinOvidiuVântu, founder of a financial mega-scam of a Romanian investment fund - the FNI - based on a Ponzi scheme at the dawn of the year 2000? N.Trad), he would tell you that the amount (or even double, as there was room for more) transferred quickly and beautifully, elegantly, from Pfizer profit to the related company Orgenesis . In the form of " performance bonuses" for the lady's husband.

That is to say, the medical director barely came on site for negotiations. The respectable Mr. Heiko von der Leyen, descendant of noble German lineage. But that was only if Prosecutor Kovesi could verify certain accounts, working with the FBI and US and EU prosecutors. And if, of course, the former head of the Romanian DNA still has some of her incorruptible aura that quickly propelled her to Brussels, near Ursula von der Leyen.

I suggest that he put the entire file at his disposal. Clearly, official information gathered from reliable sources. And relationships, if it doesn't have enough employees. Free of charge, only with reimbursement fee for DHL. With verified data, no fake pandemic news promoted by whatever obscure sites.

Because reading such a thick file can confuse readers, I decided to feature it in a soap opera. Now, I have given the general story, the thread of the action. I will come back with details: names, companies, significant shareholders, CVs, direct and indirect links. Mrs. Kovesi knows where to find me. In the provincial town of Iași , somewhere in northeast Romania. Close to Russians, as the hashtags would say. I hope that she will take a short break in her race to deal with Bulgarian car dealers and deal with more serious matters. Real corruption at European level.

You are going to discover an outrageous interlacing in the coming days. Because politicians, hand in hand with Big Pharma, have unscrupulously taken advantage of the pandemic to enrich themselves on the backs and pockets of Europeans. On our lives and our health. I will come back ...

Part II : THE INQUIRY. Following. Episode 2

How Ursula von der Leyen's husband became the leading pawn in Pfizer's $ 36 billion business .

As I promised in the first part of the investigation, I come back with much more concrete data on the suspicions of corruption in the Pfizer-Ursula affair .

My comments for the past two years bear too little resemblance to today's text. There will be many numbers, company names, characters and possible connections. It will therefore be more difficult for a general public to follow. But I will try to synthesize them and present them in a fairly digestible form. Like a story, rather than a journalistic investigation in the classic sense of the term.

It's not my job to check accounts, listen to phones, and look for plane tickets. But the European Public Prosecutor's Office could do it. If, of course, he thinks it's worth it.

Let's start systematically. Let's first introduce the protagonists. They are spouses Ursula and Heiko von der Leyen. As I said in the first episode, the two have been living, since 2007, near Hanover (Germany), on the property that Heiko inherited from her parents. They married in 1986. They have seven children and a grandson (we will continue to call them by their first name, to make it easier to read).

Ursula studied medicine at the University of Hanover and in 1991 obtained her doctorate there (where, as we will see, her husband was a professor). Charges of plagiarism have surfaced relatively recently in the German press. Journalists found that 43.5% of Ursula's doctoral thesis was copied. The university concluded that although the thesis contained plagiarism, no intent to deceive could be proven. That is to say that the head of the European Commission stole, but not intentionally. She just didn't realize it. We know this style all too well. She was excused according to the model patented and verified at the National Intelligence Academy (ANI) of Romania.

Spouses Ursula and Heiko are politicians, but the latter has no position in a party. They are colleagues of former Chancellor Angela Merkel within the CDU (Christian Democratic Union).

When she was Minister of Defense (in Governments III and IV led by Angela Merkel) , Ursula was known for the generosity with which she offered contracts paid for with public money. These were contracts that totaled over 700 million euros. At that time, a parliamentary commission attempted to investigate the allegations of mismanagement, but the case was hushed up. No surprise, moreover. During the investigation, information leaked that Ursula had deleted data from her cell phone.

Exactly with the same criminal pattern, the current head of the European Commission would have deleted her phone data (sms, emails, call history) after negotiations with Pfizer , in the case estimated at $ 36 billion. I will come back to this subject.

Let's talk a bit about her life partner, Heiko . Coming from a noble lineage, Heiko has so far remained in the shadows. If we asked SOV , he would probably tell us that of the two spouses, Heiko is the " gray eminence" of the der Leyen family . Therefore, he negotiated the contract with Pfizer . Unfortunately, we are unable to seek advice from SOV.

Heiko looks like a very studious guy. He studied pharmacology, internal medicine and cardiology at the University of Hamburg, Hanover Medical School (MHH) and Stanford University, USA. He then continued to work in research at Stanford, focusing on " cardiovascular gene therapy" .

At the same time, he was Managing Director of Artiss GmbH in Hanover, a company founded in 2001. Artiss , in cooperation with the Hanover Medical University ( MHH ), developed new biological mitral valves of the heart, based on its own cells . In 2005, the University of Hanover and Hannoverimpuls created theHannover Clinical Trial Center GmbH (HCTC) as a provider of testing services clinics A public company, not a private one Nothing spectacular at first glance.

Before being directly integrated into the board of directors of the American company Orgenesis , Heiko taught " internal medicine" at the University of Hanover and was managing director of the firm HCTC. Presumably he had an estimated monthly gain, roughly speaking, of 20-30 thousand euros (say, a maximum of 360 thousand per year). Of course, unless the HCTC is smuggling guns or smuggling * or drugs.

According to official information, the firm HCTC is engaged in clinical trials for all kinds of drugs, presumably vaccines, and contracts are negotiated in Germany by KKS (easily found even by Ms. Kovesi ). The last few years, before being promoted overnight, " in the interests of the service" , directly to Orgenesis ' board of directors , one can assume that Heiko was already under contract with the American company. But only investigators can establish it with certainty.

The hypothesis arises from the fact that Heiko also had the title of " scientific consultant" to Orgenesis . We do not know if it was paid or if it was only a service without fees. So why not have contributed directly and to the best of our ability to the well-being of Americans at Orgenesis ?

The HCTC clinic , headed until recently by Heiko , conducts clinical trials in the main research areas of the University of Hanover: 1) Infection and immunity; 2) Transplantation and regeneration; 3) Biomedical engineering and implants; 4) Oncology. Coincidence or not, as we will see below, the Americans at Orgenesis have been studying the well-known mRNA technology (used in anti-Covid vaccines) for many years . Until the outbreak of the pandemic, Orgenesis was deeply involved in the use of mRNA technology to treat cancers.

It is presumed that there were also (natural) contractual relations between Orgenesis and HCTC , through the company KKS . Americans could have paid for clinical trials to see how cancer patients react to their new technology. This is the famous mRNA . A simple check from District Attorney Kovesi would clear things up instantly.

The turning point followed. In March 2020, the pandemic officially broke out. Heiko lived in Hanover, Germany with his wife and seven children. He was still a " scientific consultant " at Orgenesis . Probably he was a clinical trial service provider. We can assume that he received several thousand euros per month from the collaboration with Orgenesis .

Globally, at the initiative of the WHO , the problem of finding an anti-COVID vaccine has arisen. There was a major public health emergency. We know how it went. What role the media played, as well as politicians and dedicated scholars.

The American company Pfizer , one of the Big Pharma companies famous among other things for multiple criminal scandals, immediately sensed the huge opportunity. Therefore, she stepped on the accelerator.

She was looking for partners to develop the ultra-rapid vaccine. And what other better partner could there be than Orgenesis ? Company specialized (for years) in mRNA technology dedicated to oncology. All the more so since Heiko , the husband of the President of the European Commission, was already a " scientific consultant". So a good collaborator. Additionally, Orgenesis had the ability (via the HCTC) quickly carry out preliminary vaccine tests, with a view to approval by the European Medicines Agency. In an emergency, of course.

It is still unclear exactly how Orgenesis , Pfizer and BioNtech shared their tasks in carrying out the project. What is certain is that the Germans of BioNtech had large production capacities in Europe. As mere speculation, it may have been important that BioNTech originated in Germany. And Pfizer co-opted her in this project, in particular to have political support in the subsequent negotiations with the European Union (alias Merkel and Ursula) . But, I repeat, this is mere speculation. To be taken with gloves ...

Now let's see who the specialists are. The Americans of Orgenesis . The company was founded in 2008 with funding from Governance Dynamics Venture Capital (GD). She was originally based in Tel Aviv, as founder Sarah Ferber ( 66) was born in Israel .

The main shareholder of GD is an American-Israeli investment fund, established in 2000, based in New York, with Alex Mashinsky as chairman. Mrs. Ferber appears to be the mastermind of Orgenesis. A classic researcher. A person studying and working hard in the laboratory. The person with the mRNA technology . His curriculum vitae includes a bachelor's and a doctorate from the Israel Institute of Technology , a bachelor's degree from the South Western Medical Center at the University of Texas, and a doctorate from Harvard Medical School. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Orgenesis, a position entitled " Chief Scientific Officer" . She earns an annual salary of between $ 1.5 million and $ 2 million (likely registering a significant increase with the pandemic).

Since August 2014, the current CEO of Orgenesis, is Vered Caplan. His last job was Biotech Investment Corp. (simple resemblance to BioNTech , no link!). A specialized company, what a coincidence, still in the clinical trials of certain drugs. Vered Caplan also studied in Israel, as did founder Sarah . His last annual salary was $ 1.6 million. Possibly increasing sharply after the arrival of Heiko von der Leyen on the board of directors of the company.

There are many things in common between Orgenesis and Pfizer .Some linked to Israel. And also how quickly the Israelis were vaccinated. But the most visible are the major joint shareholders of Orgenesis and Pfizer .

According to the New York Stock Exchange, they would be as follows:

- For Orgenesis

The Vanguard Group, Inc. 3.77%

SSgAFunds Management, Inc. 0.34%

Geode Capital Management LLC 0.81%

Total - 4.92%

For Pfizer:

The Vanguard Group, Inc. 7.78%

SSgAFunds Management, Inc. 4.97%

Geode Capital Management LLC 1.78%

Total - 14.53%

So, if we refer to investors, the two American mega-companies are linked to it. The links between the members of the board of directors of the companies could not yet be verified. Too little time, too few resources. Maybe the European Public Prosecutor's Office, the FBI and the American justice system could help us. Although I wouldn't bet too much on it. Who would benefit from it, after all?

The Vanguard investment fund is getting noticed. As of March 2021, Vanguard owns most of the shares of another giant fund, BlackRock . The two big financial groups control almost everything on a global scale.

Basically they have Big Pharma in their pocket. In February 2020, they were among the largest shareholders of the giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), respectively 7% and 3.5% of the total. It is almost impossible to find all the owners of shares in the Vanguard fund . But a few names stand out, according to official stock market sources: Rothschild Investment Corp. , Edmond De Rothschild Holding, various families like Orsiniin Italy, Bush in the United States, du Pont , Morgan , Vanderbilt , Rockefeller . Including the British Royal Family. The two mentioned investment funds own around 90% of media institutions in the United States.

And now back to the story. In March 2020, the pandemic got off to a flying start. With TABs in the streets, even though hospitals in Romania were empty. Or at most full of asymptomatics. Pfizer signed with Orgenesis the part of the scientific and clinical tests, patented the mRNA project with the Germans of BioNTech (very good on the production side too), then put the products on sale.

Huge demand, single source, maximum urgency. No one was surprised by the price of 15 to 18 euros per dose, when people fell in the streets, killed by the invisible virus. From there the problem of maximum profit arises, as with any mega-business: how to make a lot of money with a minimum of effort?

One of the solutions seems to have been to co-opt Heiko van der Leyen on the board of directors of Oregensis (closely linked to Pfizer on the test side, as we have seen).

The key event occurred in December 2020, just 8 months after the start of the pandemic.And a few months before his wife Ursula signed a $ 36 billion contract withPfizer . But until the mega-contract and other " performance bonuses" , we all witnessed a spectacular increase of the base salary of about $ 300 000 per year (in Germany) to over 1.5 million (in Orgenesis ). I specify: only the salary as a member of the board of directors. Without the other bonuses.

His wife Ursula was probably very happy to hear the news. Even so, the two have to raise seven children and a grandson, at their home in Germany, near Hanover.

We know from the previous episode (and the very rare articles published in the media) how the Ursula-Bourla ( Pfizer ) negotiations unfolded : in a particularly opaque manner.

In addition, it seems that the head of Brussels has again acted in the same way. She would therefore have erased her tracks from her cell phone, according to journalists from the New York Times. Ursula's messages and calls suddenly disappeared, to the astonishment of Ombudsperson Emily O'Reilly (a sort of Ombudsman, but at European Union level).

The European Commission has indicated that it was not in possession of the correspondence between Ursula and Bourla (head of Pfizer ). SMS and other short messages are said to be " short-lived by nature and, in principle, do not contain important information about the policies, activities or decisions of the Commission," said Commission Secretary-General Ilze Juhansone .

So why would we search Ursula's phone? Why mind his own business? To be sure, there is nothing here about the mega-fines that Poland and Hungary will continue to pay, for the simple reason that they do not align with Brussels policies.

A journalist, however, had the audacity to ask if the messages Ursula sent to Bourla had been deleted, if they were still not archived or if the European Commissioners were aware of them. The question remained unanswered.

An EC spokesperson confirmed to the press that short messages are not recorded in the Ares system (the EU's internal archiving program). In any case, at the present time "there is no technical possibility of recording short messages".

It should be noted that this phenomenon is in contradiction with the internal rules of the Commission, adopted in 2015. According to them, SMS and similar messages should be copied to an e-mail, scanned or saved in some other way.

The independent media wanted to know more about the vaccine trade. Relying on Regulation no. 1049/2001, another journalist asked the European Commission to disclose all communications between Bourla and Ursula , but " the request was rejected by the General Secretariat of the European Commission" . And as the European Public Prosecutor's Office has not been warned (what's the point?), No one can know, for the moment, under what conditions the Pfizer-EU negotiations for the 1.8 billion doses of vaccines took place.

In short, everything has been covered up. As I said in a recently " gone " article .

Indeed, on April 24, 2021, shortly before signing the contract negotiated with Bourla , Ursula visited the Pfizer / BioNtech factory in Germany. Obviously, to ensure that production is in full swing and that vaccines arrive on time at European airports.

A small modification regarding episode 1.

We have no specific information that Heiko was in the United States when Ursula negotiated with Pfizer . This could only be verified by investigators, through surveys at airports, checking hotel reservations, plane and train tickets, etc.

Heiko may have stayed in Hanover, Germany. Especially in times of pandemic, the position of member of the board of directors of Orgenesis did not require him to be physically present at the headquarters of the company. Maybe he only attended the meetings through Zoom. Maybe he was in New York. We still don't know. What is certain isis that wherever he is,Heiko had a permanent telephone connection with his wife.

Phone from which a series of information then suddenly disappeared. We will see what kind of information, but only if Attorney General Kovesi one day shows his availability.

Statement from Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer : " We have developed a relationship of deep trust, as we have entered into detailed discussions with the President of the EC, Ursula von der Leyen." It remains to be seen how detailed the discussions were. And whether or not that included "performance bonuses" .

Without too much connection to this survey, but with some relevance, here is Ursula's statement at the World Economic Forum in Davos :

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the need for global cooperation and this acceleration of change will be the engines of the Big Reset. And I see this as an unprecedented opportunity. "

In conclusion. We cannot know exactly whether Pfizer bribed politicians at the top of the EU. But there are a number of suspicions based on Pfizer's past , the " pandemic emergency" , the dominant position in the market, the excessive secrecy of the EU-Pfizer contract, the non-transparency of the politicians involved. in negotiations.

Last but not least, Ursula has a history and background. She deleted the data from her phone when she was Minister of Defense in Germany. And apparently she did it again after negotiations with Pfizer. At least that is what the Ombudsman of the European Union suggests.

Then, perhaps most importantly, we have the presence of the husband on the board of directors of the Orgenesis company . Closely linked to Pfizer , as we have seen.

But all this cannot be fully resolved by a single journalistic investigation. Well-founded suspicions must be investigated by the competent bodies. By the European Public Prosecutor's Office, in cooperation with American justice.

What do you think ? Are we going to hide the case as usual?


Spouses Ursula and Heikovon der Leyen blackmailed in $ 36 billion Pfizer deal

Let's take it methodically, like in school. You know my mainstream agency adventure. I do not repeat. On November 16 (10:42 a.m.) I posted on Facebook the first episode of the Pfizer-Ursula INQUIRY, on the link between Heiko and Ursula with Big Pharma, as part of the signing of the contract for 1.8 billion doses with the mega-company Pfizer.

Shortly after, on November 17th (7pm), I also published episode 2. With concrete data and names. You have both episodes in the comments, I won't insist. The investigation clearly showed strong suspicions of corruption, in the sense that Pfizer allegedly bribed the head of the European Commission through her husband (on the board of Orgenesis).

Very important. Five days have passed since then. Enough time to initiate checks. No one pointed out to me that I had written something wrong (or insufficiently documented). On the contrary. The famous " investigators " of the Romanian newspaper " Libertatea " or of the investigation site " Recorder " would have had all the time in the world to crush and annul the conclusions of the INQUIRY. Show me that I was wrong. Make fun of me. They did not do it.

I think what I wrote is very correct. No exit from the road.

Then came another big surprise. Honestly, I expected the INQUIRY not to be picked up by the mainstream press. I know its mechanism from the inside. Instead, it was reposted heavily on social media. She has appeared on Active News, Sputnik , r3media , journalist Ion Cristoiu's blog and on two other niche TVs (sorry if I forgot anyone). I thank them very much, once again.

And now - the surprise. From the political spectrum. I expected those who fought against compulsory vaccination and the health passport to have a reaction. Any. To say something. For the best or for the worst. Basically, I had put the " golden ball" on the set in the fight with MAFIA.

Nothing. No noise. MEP Terheș and those of the AUR still have time to react, in a way. (N.Trad: AUR is a recently created party, which advocates the independence of Romania and respect for its values ​​and traditions).

So as not to lose all credibility.
Ordinary party members should ask Mr. Simion and Mr. Târziu what they think. Maybe the bosses of AUR think I don't have enough arguments. Maybe they have another tactic, I have no idea. Maybe they are also part of the SYSTEM. We will see it very clearly in the coming days.

And now comes, really, the BOMB .
I received on Facebook (as usual until now) the list of major shareholders of the prestigious daily The New York Times (NYT). You also have it in the comments, this is public stock market information.

Among NYT's major shareholders, investment groups The Vanguard Group and BlackRock stand out in the top two places, with shares totaling some 16.57%. As I said in the survey, Vanguard owns most of the stock in BlackRock . So in reality we are now talking about a single MEGA investor: VANGUARD. According to transparent stock sources, Vanguard owns about 90% of all media in the United States.

According to the same sources, here are some of the shareholders of the Vanguard mega-group :
Rothschild Investment Corp, Edmond De Rothschild Holding, various families like Orsini in Italy, Bush in the United States, du Pont, Morgan , Vanderbilt , Rockefeller . Including the British Royal Family.

At the moment I cannot verify, I have no resources. But intuition tells me that Vanguard includes billionaires like Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg. Perhaps important and decisive politicians like Joe Biden (through the companies owned by his son, Hunter - by the way very well known in these aspects).

To get an idea of ​​the financial power of the Vanguard group , imagine the fortunes of the four " philanthropists " mentioned above and multiply it by 1,000 . Or as much as you want, whatever. Fundamentally,Vanguard owns almost everything that moves in Big Pharma and the media.
Two essential and decisive tools in the pandemic!

As we saw in the investigation, VANGUARD also owns Pfizer and Orgenesis .

Heiko , Ursula's husband , was propelled to the board of Orgenesis with an annual salary of over 1.5 million (instead of 2 to 300,000 euros, the sum he received in Germany). He probably received other " performance bonuses" . We still don't know exactly. The European Public Prosecutor's Office has not received any notification on this subject. And Kovesi had other things to do, not to read my INQUIRY.

What is certain is that VANGUARD bought Heiko von der Leyen. They have it in their pocket.They know all his secrets.

Under these conditions, at the end of 2020, Pfizer began negotiations with the European Union for 1.8 billion doses of vaccine (well above what we would have needed). There were direct and non-transparent negotiations between Bourla (alias VANGUARD ) and Ursula (alias the European Commission) . But Bourla had two great assets: he had already bought Heiko, and he knew Ursula's secret when she headed the German Ministry of Defense. At that time, she allegedly deleted her data from her cell phone in order to cover up possible acts of corruption.

From what has emerged so far, I can believe that Ursula initially refused to sign this mega-contract. It looked like THEFT IN THE GREAT DAY. It seemed outrageous to him, after almost two years of a pandemic with once unimaginable lies, threats and abuse.

And then VANGUARD (via Bourla ) took the ace out of his sleeve: THE SINGING. First verbally, in private, then publicly, via the New York Times. Placed, as I said before, in the portfolio of VANGUARD . So available to Bourla ( Pfizer ).

The so-called article " bomb " on the undersides of negotiations between Burla and Ursula ( " How Europe sealed an agreement with Pfizer vaccine texts and calls" ) appeared in the NYT on April 28, 2021. It ' that is to say at the right time, in full negotiation.

It was just a clear signal that things could go wrong. Without concrete information. Just " foreshadow" . You know how to proceed when you want to land a major advertising contract, as a newspaper owner. It was a stern warning that Ursulacould lose both her job and her freedom if she didn't respond to orders. The seven children and a grandson were waiting for her at her home in Germany.

In barely ten days, put in a life or death situation, Ursula von der Leyen gave in to blackmail and announced on Twitter the signing of the dubious (and extremely scandalous!) Contract. Another 1.8 billion doses of Pfizer. Out of an absurd total of 2.4 billion doses. So about $ 48 billion at one shot.

What are you saying, the veil over my eyes has lifted, at least a little?

We now clearly know WHY the policies sold (and those of the SYSTEM), the corrupt media and the so-called specialists (like the Romanian doctors Mahler and Imbri ) insist at the limit of the painful for the " compulsory vaccination" and the " sanitary passport " . Everything is a MEGA-SCAM.

And, very importantly, it must continue at full capacity, at least for a few years. Whatever the victims, the side effects, the consequences for the population and the economy.

After all, money is public, so no one loses anything. (should we continue?)



ps1 For those who send me all kinds of messages, through intermediaries, I will only repeat one thing: my dog ​​Aki weighs 1.8 kg and is doing very well so far.

ps2 In the comments, you will find THE INQUIRY (ep. 1 and 2) as well as the major shareholders of the New York Times. Thank you very much for your support. Without you, I could not have continued. We keep in touch !
Adrian Onciu

Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer boss at Atlantic Council.jpg
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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EU’s biggest corruption scandal unfolds as €4M appear on Commissioner’s account
3 Comments / World ... s-account/

Feketen Feheren (Black and White) Blog has published a new video, stating that 4 million euros have landed on the the EU Health Commissioner’s family account. The politician has tried to explain herself in all possible ways.

One of the biggest corruption scandals in the history of the EU is unfolding, Miklos Omolnar said in his video blog. The case focuses on Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, who signed the EU’s flawed and belated vaccine procurement contracts, according to the journalist.

According to Mr Omolnar, 4 million euros appeared in the Health Commissioner’s bank account that she holds jointly with her husband. Media outlets in Cyprus have already floated the idea of passive bribery. The money landed on the Commissioner’s family bank account through the state-owned Cyprus Cooperative Bank and, in order to fend off any scandals, they tried to portray the amount as some type of loan. However, the politician has no financial coverage whatsoever to take out such a huge loan.

Since the transaction came to light, Stella Kyriakides has gone out of her way to give an explanation. She has been trying to put it across that the amount, which certainly looks like corruption money, has nothing to do with the EU’s vaccine agreements. She is trying to divert attention from the apparent fact that the bribe was pooled together by vaccine companies in return for the favourable contracts which allowed them the option of late and uneven delivery.

This is not the politician’s first healthcare-related corruption scandal. Years ago, she was involved in a scheme which saw all oncological treatments privatised on Cyprus under the disguise of bank operations, then – as usual – they hiked up the prices of those treatments.

Miklos Omolnar recalled that when the situation became intolerable, the matter came before the Cypriot parliament. All MPs voted to nationalise cancer treatments, reducing their cost, except for one MP, the EU’s current Health Commissioner and signatory to the vaccine contracts that have come under fire from all sides.

Earlier, V4NA inquired whether the health commissioner had signed a worse contract than the UK on purpose or out of sheer ignorance. In its reply, the European Commission did not deny that the EU had a less favourable contract than the Britain, nor did the refute that the contract contained no guarantees and assurances on accurate delivery. We also asked Stella Kyriakides if she had entered into an adverse contract intentionally or out of foolishness.
Was Stella Kyriakides aware that she signed a bad deal?

The European Commission has practically admitted that it signed a worse vaccine procurement contract than the UK …

'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Tyranny in Austria

November 23, 2021 ... n-austria/

My thinking on all matters relating to the “Fauci virus” and the “Fauci Trojan horse bio-weapon” took a deep dive over the weekend, due to a sequence of recent Austrian government proclamations, one following upon the other, starting with “no more tests” for the “un-vaxxed” which, permissible over the summer months, allowed all the Untermenschen inhabiting this country to frequent restaurants, cafés, health clubs, etc. This followed by “lockdown” for the Untermenschen only, which was then followed by general “lockdown” for all, ensuring the scolding anger of all the holy-vaxxed that the Untermenschen are the cause of this newly instituted misery. Following which a universal vaccine mandate was proclaimed by the idiot parading as “Chancellor” with 1 February 2022 as the cut-off date for one and all to get the death/sick-inducing jab.

Over the weekend, I spent most of the time on the phone, speaking with Austrian friends, Serbian friends, a friend from Chile and long-time friends in the USA. An Austrian friend, also un-vaxxed to-date, played “devil’s advocate” and asked me why I always see everything so “black and white” and why I do not have a more balanced view of this whole “covid” thing?

“Balanced” I asked? What can possibly be meant by a “balanced” view of something like this? What am I to balance here? Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab to be “balanced” with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Michael Yeadon? Essentially a “balancing” here between “evil” and “good,” no? The word here is “CHOICE” and not (no, never) “BALANCE”. One must of necessity CHOOSE between “good” and “evil” and the idea of BALANCING OUT these two mutually exclusive opposites is, for me at least, amounts to the acceptance of the “evil” into whatever mixture results.

What then of the issue of seeing things in “black and white,” with no shades of grey?`Same as above with “balance”. Where and what is the “grey” between “good” and “evil”? Where is the grey (and balanced view) between listening to Michael Yeadon and Dr. Peter McCullough and stomaching the indigestible horrors of documented criminal, Anthony Fauci, and Nazi descendant, Klaus Schwab? Should I be mixing the “wisdom” of both sides? And then what?

Almost each and every day now, I am struck by what has been afforded by this fully staged “covid” drama. That it is allowing so many of us to see so much more in things, in events, in others and in ourselves than we ever saw before.

So, I will follow the above with something of a non-sequitur, though still on the subject of “covid”.

I have believed and have been saying since nearly day-one that this entire “covid19” global “crisis” is not about a virus, nor is it not about the health of the global human population. It is my belief that “covid19” is a global PsyOp (psychological operation) involving the criminal complicity of and public support of:

(1) Governments;

(2) The mass media;

(3) The “medical-industrial complex” (this includes doctors, hospitals, public health regulatory agencies [like the American Center for Disease Control, the “CDC”] and leading medical journals [such as The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine]);

(4) Globalist entities, such as the United Nations [UN], the UN connected WHO [World Health Organisation]) and the World Bank;

(5) Globalist NGOs, the most prominent of which on a global level is the World Economic Forum (WEF); and,

(6) Key individuals, — the most important of which (also at a global level) are: Anthony Fauci (USA health “czar”), Bill Gates (billionaire philanthropist) and Klaus Schwab (founder [January 1971] of the World Economic Forum and still its principal leader and guiding light today and descendant of prominent German Nazi family).

(**It is my belief that all of the above entities are operating in total “synch” with one another [“LOCKSTEP” to use their own terminology].)

That this “covid19” “Psyop” has been in the planning for over a decade is very clear from the following items:

(1) Many, many “exercises” over the past 10+ years, focused on “planning strategies” for a “global pandemic,” most of which involved rapid spread throughout the globe of some kind of “super-killer” “virus”.

**Event 201was the most recent “exercise”/planning event. It took place in October of 2019, just months before the “synchronised” lockdowns were declared and implemented “in lockstep” on a global scale in March of 2020. This event included many of the key items that have come into play in the current “covid19” drama. For instance, in this event, a major focus was lengthy discussion of how to control the narrative via a combination of media “propaganda” and censorship by a variety of means of information and discussion of anything contradicting the officially sanctioned narrative.

(2) Numerous documents have appeared in the past 10+ years discussing elements of and strategies for dealing with a global pandemic of epic proportions. Documents such as the Rockefeller report of 2010 use terminology and discussion of points never heard of before, but which have become commonplace since the onset of “covid19” in 2020 (the use of the terms “lockstep,” “social distancing,” etc., see page 18 of the Rockefeller report).

(**Many months ago, I was able to download the 2010 Rockefeller report from the internet; now, however, links to this document are nowhere to be found [or quite difficult to find].)

Let us then turn our attention to a “strategic planning” document produced by the World Bank and issued on April 2, 2020, just weeks after the announcement of a “Fauci virus” and the subsequent declaration of a global, universal “lockdown”.

Notably, in the document below, the 2020 outbreak of “covid19” will extend into March of 2025.


(**Many months ago, I was able to download the World Bank “covid19” planning document from the internet; now, however, links to this document are nowhere to be found [*or quite difficult to find].)

(3) A long line of “patents” approved starting years before the 2020 outbreak of “covid19” connected with a “covid19” virus and with a “covid19” “vaccine” (see Dr. David Martin, “The Script Was First Written by Merck on January 6, 2004,”);

(4) Tons of movies (coming out of CIA controlled Hollywood) and TV series focusing on global virus pandemics. See, for instance, the British and the American productions of Utopia, which deals not only with a global super-spreader, killer virus event, but also with a vaccine in the context of de-population via blocking human fertility, Utopia (British TV series) – Wikipedia and Utopia (2020 TV series) – Wikipedia

It is now abundantly clear that the “covid19” global “Psyop” has nothing to do with a naturally occurring virus, but instead is closely connected to an agenda with the following goals in mind:

(1) Global “de-population” (i.e., to kill off a significant percentage of the global population, with a large focus on western countries);

(2) Debilitating and weakening a large number of those surviving the mass “culling” by means of long term bodily injuries resulting from the vaccines and via the creation of massive long-term human dependence on pharmaceutical products for survival.

(3) The securing of “full-spectrum” control of the entire human population across the planet via the institution of a “Green-Passport” (QR code) type system, where all financial, health status, other personal information (such as all of one’s social contacts) and all of one’s internet activity will be accessible in real time to the controllers of the system and their “government” implementers/enforcers. This will include a “full-spectrum” surveillance system that can locate any individual in real time on this planet. Along with this will come a Social Credit system, based on the Chinese blueprint, where every person on the planet will be controlled with plus and minus points connected with obedience to or resistance against the dictates of the controlling few. This Social Credit point system will determine one’s access to whatever is the sanctioned medium of exchange (i.e., “money”) as well as one’s access to everything else required for survival (housing, food, medical care, etc.).

There is an abundance of evidence that the carrying out of the above agenda is already in play.

(1) Tens of thousands of “vaccine”-related deaths, globally and millions of “vaccine” related serious injuries (many of which are extremely debilitating and may last a lifetime and which make it impossible for those afflicted to lead a normal life and in many cases, to even care for themselves).

The fact that governments do not shut down the four “covid19” vaccines responsible for all the death and destruction (Pfizer, AstraZenca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson) can only mean that governments are actively complicit in the destruction. But worse than that, governments are now starting to mandate a universal vaccine requirement and this can only mean that the governments who do this are deliberately playing an active role in the murder and maiming of millions of innocent people across the globe.

**Children age five and up are now being slated for “covid19” “vaccines” despite that there is about zero risk of them getting “covid19”.

(2) Reliable and life-saving drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin and other drugs are being suppressed, outright banned and ridiculed by the mass media (and suppressed or outlawed by governments) when in fact it has been shown in this crisis that early treatment with these drugs saves most lives and returns those inflicted to normal health.

Why would governments suppress and/or ban reliable and documented life-saving treatments while at the same time attempt to force people to take “vaccines” still in the experimental stage, where the companies (with documented criminal records) who produce these “vaccines” have no legal liability and which are products known to cause tens of thousands of deaths and millions of life-altering injuries? Such a position on the part of governments can only be intentional and not “mistaken” for lack of insufficient knowledge, etc. Meaning that governments are deliberately playing an active role in global de-population and the intentional “sickening” of the global population.

(3) The introduction and already widespread use of the “vaccine” related “Green Pass” is clear evidence of the use of this orchestrated crisis as a means of securing “full-spectrum” dominance and control of the global population. On the one hand the “Green Pass” is a means of coercing those who want to maintain body integrity into forced vaccination; on the other hand, it is clear and outright seizure of total control of the human population with the end-goal of controlling and strictly regulating every human activity, down to what and how much we can eat and drink, how much energy (heat, gasoline) we are permitted to consume and the complete control of our movement (travel and all movement). The “Green Pass” control mechanism is already being used to decide who can and who cannot go to most public places (restaurants, cafés, museums, concert venues, etc.).

(4) There are two important documents which taken together confirm with crystal clarity what is at play here. The first document is information that was previously on, a website which appears to have some kind of military focus.

Previously, a document appeared on the Deagle website which provided a 2025 Forecast for all countries. This document dates from 2017 and shows for each country the population as of 2017 and then a projection of each country’s population for the year 2025. What is striking is that here in most of the western countries we find a drastic population reduction between 2017 and 2025. In the United States for instance, the 2017 population is cited as 316,440,000 but in 2025 the US population drops to 99,553,100. Germany has in 2017 a population of 80,590,000 and then drops to 28,134,920 in 2025. Israel, from 7,710,000 in 2017 to 3,982,480 in 2025, France from 67,100,000 to 28,134,920, Australia from 23,230,000 to 15,196,600.

There is a slight rise in population in some countries and some countries stay relatively the same, but notably, all the dramatic drops in population are leading countries in today’s global economy (i.e., all the major “consumer” countries). Notably those behind the orchestrated “pandemic” are hell bent on shutting down the biggest global consumers, hence Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030 and Claus Schwab’s “You will own nothing and be happy”. It is in this context that the horrific demise of small and medium size businesses across the globe needs to be viewed.

So, what can account for the projected drastic drop in populations for many of the countries (today’s global economic/financial power-houses) between 2017 and 2025 listed on Deagle ?

Perhaps the answer is suggested by the above document published by the World Bank on 2 April 2020 and which presents to us a time-frame for the “covid19” “pandemic” (PsyOp) that stretches from the date of publication through to March 2025. Is it mere coincidence that the end-date for the World Bank global time frame (2025) for the “pandemic” hoax matches up with the end parameter (2025) for measuring the Deagle projected decline in some of the world’s major economies?

It is surely of some relevance that the page containing the global population statistics 2017 – 2015, country by country was removed from the Deagle website on April 20, 2021 just as “vaccine” injuries began to pile up around the globe and just as public awareness of this emerged.

Ought we find some “balance” between what emerges here and the bizarre “pandemic” caricature that greets us each and every day on the leading TV networks and in the global news outlets?
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

The 'Right Kind' Of Professor?
The Fatal Hubris of Neil Ferguson, Professor Lockdown ... r-lockdown
It wasn’t an attractive 38 year-old that brought down Neil Ferguson
Artillery Row

By Toby Young 6 May, 2020

Following the resignation of Professor Neil Ferguson, I’m fascinated by the details about Antonia Staats, the woman he is having an affair with. According to the Telegraph, which broke the story last night, she lives in a £1.9 million house in south London with her husband and two children and has an “open marriage”. Guido has dug up a podcast she did on March 31st (now offline), 24 hours after visiting Professor Ferguson, in which she complains that the lockdown is putting a strain on her marriage. But it’s her politics I’m really interested in. The Telegraph has her down as a “left wing-wing campaigner”, a reference to the fact that she campaigned against leaving the EU and is a long-standing environmental activist who supported Greta Thunberg’s climate strike. Many of the papers have included this picture of her standing outside Number 10 delivering a petition to the Prime Minister about ending fossil fuel subsidies:

Some people have asked what the relevance of Ms Staat’s politics is. The answer, obviously, is that her politics are likely to be Professor Ferguson’s politics – and we know that he co-authored a paper in 2016 warning of the terrible consequences of leaving the EU and we can see from his Twitter feed that he’s not exactly a Tory. For instance, he sent the following tweet to the Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran when she won Oxford West and Abingdon in 2017: “Great news – so happy to wake up to hear you won! Fingers crossed that last night means at least a softer Brexit.”

The reason for looking into the political affiliations of the scientists and experts who’ve been advising governments across the world during this crisis is that it may throw some light on why those governments have made such poor policy decisions. Will the vast majority of those advisers turn out to be left-of-centre, like Professor Ferguson? I’m 99% sure of it, and I think that will help us to understand what’s happened.

I don’t mean they’ve deliberately given right-of-centre governments poor advice in the hope of wrecking their economies for nefarious party political reasons or because they’re members of Extinction Rebellion and want to destroy capitalism. Nor do I believe in any of the conspiracy theories linking these public health panjandrums to Bill Gates and Big Pharma and some diabolical plan to vaccinate 7.8 billion people. I have little doubt they’ve acted in good faith throughout – and that’s part of the problem. The road they’ve led us down has been paved with all the usual good intentions.

The “solutions” these left-leaning experts come up with make the problems they’re grappling with worse

The mistakes these liberal policy-makers have made are depressingly familiar to anyone who’s studied the breed: overestimating the ability of the state to solve complicated problems as well as the capacity of state-run agencies to deliver on those solutions; failing to anticipate the unintended consequences of large-scale state interventions; thinking about public policy in terms of moral absolutes rather than trade-offs; chronic fiscal incontinence, with zero inhibitions about adding to the national debt; not trusting in the common sense of ordinary people and believing the only way to get them to avoid risky behaviour is to put strict rules in place and threaten them with fines or imprisonment if they disobey them (and ignoring those rules themselves, obviously); arrogantly assuming that anyone who challenges their policy preferences is either ignorant or evil; never venturing outside their metropolitan echo chambers; citizens of anywhere rather than somewhere… you know the rest. We’ve seen it a hundred times before.

More often than not, the “solutions” these left-leaning experts come up with make the problems they’re grappling with even worse, and so it will prove to be in this case. The evidence mounts on a daily basis that locking down whole populations in the hope of “flattening the curve” was a catastrophic error, perhaps the worst policy mistake ever committed by Western governments during peacetime. Just yesterday we learnt that the lockdowns have forced countries across the world to shut down TB treatment programmes which, over the next five years, could lead to 6.3 million additional cases of TB and 1.4 million deaths. There are so many stories like this it’s impossible to keep track. We will soon be able to say with something approaching certainty that the cure has been worse than the disease.

Neil Ferguson isn’t single-handedly responsible for this world-historical blunder, but he does bear some responsibility. His apocalyptic predictions frightened the British Government into imposing a full lockdown, with other governments quickly following suit. And I’m afraid he’s absolutely typical of the breed. He suffers from the same fundamental arrogance that progressive interventionists have exhibited since at least the middle of the 18th Century – wildly over-estimating the good that governments can do, assuming there are no limits to what “science” can achieve and, at the same time, ignoring the empirical evidence that their ambitious public programmes are a complete disaster. At bottom, they believe that nature itself can be bent to man’s will.

It isn’t an attractive, 38 year-old woman in a red dress that has brought down Professor Lockdown. It’s a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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The Fatal Hubris of Professor Lockdown

It wasn’t an attractive 38 year-old that brought down Neil Ferguson
Artillery Row ... r-lockdown
Toby Young
6 May, 2020

Following the resignation of Professor Neil Ferguson, I’m fascinated by the details about Antonia Staats, the woman he is having an affair with. According to the Telegraph, which broke the story last night, she lives in a £1.9 million house in south London with her husband and two children and has an “open marriage”. Guido has dug up a podcast she did on March 31st (now offline), 24 hours after visiting Professor Ferguson, in which she complains that the lockdown is putting a strain on her marriage. But it’s her politics I’m really interested in. The Telegraph has her down as a “left wing-wing campaigner”, a reference to the fact that she campaigned against leaving the EU and is a long-standing environmental activist who supported Greta Thunberg’s climate strike. Many of the papers have included this picture of her standing outside Number 10 delivering a petition to the Prime Minister about ending fossil fuel subsidies:

Some people have asked what the relevance of Ms Staat’s politics is. The answer, obviously, is that her politics are likely to be Professor Ferguson’s politics – and we know that he co-authored a paper in 2016 warning of the terrible consequences of leaving the EU and we can see from his Twitter feed that he’s not exactly a Tory. For instance, he sent the following tweet to the Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran when she won Oxford West and Abingdon in 2017: “Great news – so happy to wake up to hear you won! Fingers crossed that last night means at least a softer Brexit.”

The reason for looking into the political affiliations of the scientists and experts who’ve been advising governments across the world during this crisis is that it may throw some light on why those governments have made such poor policy decisions. Will the vast majority of those advisers turn out to be left-of-centre, like Professor Ferguson? I’m 99% sure of it, and I think that will help us to understand what’s happened.

I don’t mean they’ve deliberately given right-of-centre governments poor advice in the hope of wrecking their economies for nefarious party political reasons or because they’re members of Extinction Rebellion and want to destroy capitalism. Nor do I believe in any of the conspiracy theories linking these public health panjandrums to Bill Gates and Big Pharma and some diabolical plan to vaccinate 7.8 billion people. I have little doubt they’ve acted in good faith throughout – and that’s part of the problem. The road they’ve led us down has been paved with all the usual good intentions.

The “solutions” these left-leaning experts come up with make the problems they’re grappling with worse

The mistakes these liberal policy-makers have made are depressingly familiar to anyone who’s studied the breed: overestimating the ability of the state to solve complicated problems as well as the capacity of state-run agencies to deliver on those solutions; failing to anticipate the unintended consequences of large-scale state interventions; thinking about public policy in terms of moral absolutes rather than trade-offs; chronic fiscal incontinence, with zero inhibitions about adding to the national debt; not trusting in the common sense of ordinary people and believing the only way to get them to avoid risky behaviour is to put strict rules in place and threaten them with fines or imprisonment if they disobey them (and ignoring those rules themselves, obviously); arrogantly assuming that anyone who challenges their policy preferences is either ignorant or evil; never venturing outside their metropolitan echo chambers; citizens of anywhere rather than somewhere… you know the rest. We’ve seen it a hundred times before.

More often than not, the “solutions” these left-leaning experts come up with make the problems they’re grappling with even worse, and so it will prove to be in this case. The evidence mounts on a daily basis that locking down whole populations in the hope of “flattening the curve” was a catastrophic error, perhaps the worst policy mistake ever committed by Western governments during peacetime. Just yesterday we learnt that the lockdowns have forced countries across the world to shut down TB treatment programmes which, over the next five years, could lead to 6.3 million additional cases of TB and 1.4 million deaths. There are so many stories like this it’s impossible to keep track. We will soon be able to say with something approaching certainty that the cure has been worse than the disease.

Neil Ferguson isn’t single-handedly responsible for this world-historical blunder, but he does bear some responsibility. His apocalyptic predictions frightened the British Government into imposing a full lockdown, with other governments quickly following suit. And I’m afraid he’s absolutely typical of the breed. He suffers from the same fundamental arrogance that progressive interventionists have exhibited since at least the middle of the 18th Century – wildly over-estimating the good that governments can do, assuming there are no limits to what “science” can achieve and, at the same time, ignoring the empirical evidence that their ambitious public programmes are a complete disaster. At bottom, they believe that nature itself can be bent to man’s will.

It isn’t an attractive, 38 year-old woman in a red dress that has brought down Professor Lockdown. It’s a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat.
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'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Billions Of People Are Affected By This & They Don't Realize It | Dr. Robert Malone 2021

Mass Formation...
Explains the mass Psychosis we currently are seeing. ... hosis.aspx

Understanding the Psychology Behind the COVID Pandemic
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 18, 2021

A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation psychosis” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation psychosis, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom. That’s what’s happening right now
There are four key conditions that must be in place for mass formation psychosis to occur: Lack of societal bonding, experiencing life as meaningless and senseless, widespread free-floating anxiety/free-floating discontent, and free-floating frustration/aggression
Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive
A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is to speak out against it. We also need to give those hypnotized a greater fear to replace the fear of the virus with, namely the fear of totalitarianism and the loss of their and their children’s lives, livelihoods and freedoms that go along with it
Dissenters need to join together, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians
In the video above, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,1 reviews a theory professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist and statistician, believes explains the absurd and irrational behavior we’re now seeing worldwide with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

He calls this phenomenon “mass formation psychosis,” a type of crowd hypnosis that results in literally converting a large segment of the population into psychosis. Mass formation psychosis is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the destruction of the unvaccinated now.

It’s so irrational and inhumane, many have wondered how we got here. As it turns out, the psychology of totalitarianism has been studied for decades, and the whole thing is in fact explainable as a psychiatric phenomenon that arises when certain conditions exist in a society.

The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’
The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation psychosis to take root are:

1.Lack of social bonding — Social isolation was a widespread problem long before the pandemic. In one survey, 25% of respondents said they didn’t have a single close friend. The COVID lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing isolation. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.

2.Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense — Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.

In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.

Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as the many questions surrounding the presidential election and the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition: free-floating anxiety.

3.Widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent — Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic, but additional fuel was piled on just before the pandemic.

Many felt, and still feel, that “things just aren’t right.” Through 2020, it became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting system and our judicial system.

4.Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression — This tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.

How Mass Formation Allows Totalitarianism to Rise
When these four conditions are fulfilled by a large enough portion of society, they are ripe for the picking to convert to a psychosis, being totally out of touch with reality, which in turn leads to the rise of totalitarianism. As explained by Malone, when the pandemic broke out, people around the world became obsessed with one thing: the virus.

People everywhere thought about, read about and talked about the virus almost exclusively to everything else. This singular focus, this obsession, having the base conditions for mass formation already firmly in place, allowed for large portions of the population to enter into a hypnotic-like state.

In that hypnotic-like state (it’s very similar to conventional hypnotism but with minor differences), people lose their ability to have rational thought and judgment.

As noted by Malone, there is evidence that suggests at least parts of this psychological operation were done intentionally, by “some entity that has financial benefit or power to gain from doing this, which gets to the point of global totalitarianism.” Now, once a large portion of a society is hyper-focused on and fused in their joint discontent and anxiety, all a leader or leaders need to do to convince many that totalitarian control and loss of their freedom is best for them is to:

a)Present a story in which the cause of the anxiety is identified, and then

b)Offer a strategy for neutralizing that cause

Social Bonding Is Key
By accepting and participating in whatever that strategy is, people with free-floating anxiety feel equipped with the means to control their anxiety and avoid panic. They also feel a strong bond with others, because they’ve all identified the same nemesis. As explained by Desmet in the Peak Prosperity interview below:

“Because many people participate in the same strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, a new kind of social bond emerges a new kind of solidarity. So, people feel connected again in a new way. And that's actually the most crucial thing.

If you look at the corona crisis and listen to the mainstream narrative, you will hear that everything is about solidarity. You have to participate, you have to accept the vaccine. You have to respect social distancing, because if you don't, you lack citizenship, you show no solidarity. That's the most crucial thing, always, in mass formation.

That's the real reason why people buy into the story, even if it is utterly absurd. It’s not because they believe in the narrative. It is because the narrative leads to a new social bond. That's the real reason.

There’s [also another] advantage. All the frustration and aggression can be directed at an object. And that object is the people who, for one reason or another, do not want to participate in the mass formation ...

So, you have this very strange situation where people start from a very negative and divisive mental state; [they have a] lack of social bond, lack of meaning-making, free floating anxiety and a lot of frustration and aggression.

They switch from this very highly aversive mental state to a symptomatic positive state where they feel connected. Their life makes sense again through this heroic struggle with the object of anxiety ... That's why people continue to believe in the narrative, even if it is utterly absurd.”

Mass Formation Psychosis Is a Self-Destructive Condition
The crazy thing is that the story can be an obvious lie, yet those under this hypnotic spell will believe it. The remedy can be utterly absurd, yet they’ll obey. This is how totalitarianism is allowed to rise.

Of course, there must always be a common enemy that must be obliterated — the “cause” for the peoples’ fear and anxiety — and under totalitarian rule, that enemy is anyone who is not spellbound. The dissenters are the enemy. In 2021, the unmasked and unvaccinated are the enemy.

Mass formation psychosis is a very dangerous condition, both for those under its spell and those who aren’t, because the 'mental intoxication' that results makes people willing to do things that are clearly wrong and utterly immoral, up to and including voluntarily killing their own families and themselves, if told it’s for the greater good.
If everyone would just get the experimental jab, COVID would vanish and everyone could go back to feeling safe again. That’s the narrative. It makes no sense, it’s irrational, inhumane and unscientific, but those who are in mass formation psychosis believe it’s just that simple, and that’s why some are able to wish death on the unmasked and/or unvaccinated.

So, as noted by Malone, “If it seems to you that the rest of the world has gone mad, the truth is, they have.” A problem far greater than any virus now is mass formation itself.

It’s a very dangerous condition, both for those under its spell and those who aren’t, because the “mental intoxication” that results makes people willing to do things that are clearly wrong and utterly immoral, up to and including voluntarily killing their own families and themselves, if told it’s for the greater good. In short, masses of people become profoundly gullible and self-destructive, which is a frightening combination.

As noted by Desmet, in a dictatorship, people comply because they fear the dictator. In a totalitarian regime, however, mass formation psychosis is at work, and this gives the regime extreme power over the individual, as the people, when in this hypnotic trance, voluntarily destroy their own families, their lives and themselves, along with the stated enemy.

Is Totalitarianism Unavoidable?
Malone says that in his conversations with Desmet, Desmet has said he believes the mass formation psychosis is so widespread at this point that global totalitarianism may be unavoidable. He believes it’ll take over, as we’re seeing in a number of countries already. So, what, if anything, can we do? A summary of suggestions are as follows:

•Continue providing true and accurate information to counter the false narrative. Some who aren’t yet fully hypnotized may still be routed back to sanity. Speaking out can also help to limit the atrocities the totalitarian regime is emboldened to implement, because in totalitarianism, atrocities and crimes against humanity increase as dissent decreases.

•Substitute fear of the virus narratives with narratives that highlight an even greater fear — fear of totalitarianism. “Totalitarianism is a bigger boogeyman than the virus is,” Malone says. “Losing control to Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, BlackRock and Vanguard is a bigger threat than SARS-CoV-2 is for you and your children, by far.”

Desmet has tested this theory, and found you CAN break the hypnotic focus on COVID if you’re able to refocus their attention on something that’s of even greater concern to them.

•Join with other dissenters into larger groups. This gives the larger majority who aren’t fully hypnotized but too fearful to go against the grain an alternative to going along with the totalitarians.

•Build parallel structures within your local communities. Think globally, act locally. Start developing parallel structures to heal the four underlying conditions that allowed mass formation to occur in the first place.

A parallel structure is any kind of business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within a totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. Once enough parallel structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.

The Gravity of Our Situation

To hear from Desmet himself, listen to his hour-long interview with Dr. Chris Martenson. As noted by Desmet, since self-destructiveness is built into the totalitarian system from the ground up, totalitarian regimes cannot be sustained forever. They fall apart as they’re destroyed from within. That’s the good news.

The bad news is it can be hell while it lasts, as totalitarianism built on mass formation almost always leads to heinous atrocities being committed in the name of doing good. There are usually few survivors at the end.

That said, Desmet believes this new global totalitarianism is more unstable than regional dictator-led totalitarian systems, so it may self-destruct faster. He has just finished writing a book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism,” which is expected to be published in January 2022.
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

French to impose digital caste system on unvaccinated ... accinated/

Europe was once sold as a liberal dream.

With few backers more enthusiastic than The Economist.

But suddenly the mask has slipped

These white liberals (very definitely not all white) who were always up for military interventions against brown people now reveal their true colours.

Take Ann McElvoy, senior editor at the Economist.

This woman, who claims to be a Liberal, thinks it is OK to punish those who have chosen not to be vaccinated by forcing them to be vaccinated.

How can a flu virus from China that actually kills so few people suddenly be the thing that everyone is forced to vaccinate against?

Warmongers and health privatisers like McElvoy have to keep their eye on the ball.

And that means continuing with the agenda.

Transferring public money from the NHS into private hands.

Nothing has changed, she is doing what she has always done.

In this case it is encouraging the wealthy and the privileged to exterminate the marginalised and the poor.

I was on a zoom call with McElvoy once. She came off as a devastatingly inhumane individual whose sense of self importance blinded her to any valid problem solving thought processes.

But for pro war, racist, elitist, technocrats, she is probably not yet on the scale of a Klaus Schwab, Ursula von der Leyen, or Bill Gates.

Few things allow me to draw as much comfort as knowing I will always be on a different side to her.

Why do you think Chancellor Rishi Sunak was in California this week? Something to do with health privatisation?

And why has Google’s CEO Sundar Pinchai told its supposedly intelligent enlightened staff that they are all now subject to mandatory Vaccines?

In a book of old puns this week I saw that the entry next to mandate said male escort.

Pinchai wants to penetrate your flesh as well as your soul via your phone and your wallet.

But don’t forget Deep Mind which gave untold UK patient data to Google Health

These people are working on profiling and sequencing our genomic data. Which means they want to be able to target our nervous systems as well our minds, bank accounts and behaviour.

Be aware. Stay clean.

There is a Covid protest in London today.

I filmed a human rights protest outside one of the Zara fashion shops on Oxford Street last week. This was organised by Uyghur solidarity protestors. Zara is owned by Inditex a Spanish firm based in Coruña. They reported huge profits this week.

How much of its cotton is drawn from slave labour?

The EU supposedly imposed sanctions on China for exploiting Uyghurs but Inditex and Zara are Spanish businesses and still operate in Europe.

A town in France recently banned Zara from building an extension to their shop because of the Uygur exploitation but didn’t ban them from trading.

Life in a consumer society will inevitably involve many moral compromises. Whether to take the vaccine, support slave labour, animal cruelty, pay below the minimum wage or destroy the environment. We are often simultaneously doing several of these.

But it is only by not hiding from the reality of our complicity that we can find ways of rejecting slavery and living genuinely healthier lives.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Chinese lockdown rule-breakers are publicly shamed and paraded through the streets carrying placards with their names on in bid to ensure Covid rules are obeyed ... beyed.html

By David Averre For Mailonline and Afp 09:59, 29 Dec 2021 , updated 16:22, 29 Dec 2021

Police in Jingxi city paraded alleged violators of Covid rules through the streets
The four suspects had to carry placards displaying their photos and names
China banned such public shaming and parading of criminal suspects in 2010
But the practice has resurfaced amid extremely strict lockdown controls
It comes as 13 million in China were barred from going outside, even for food

Armed riot police in southern China have paraded four alleged violators of Covid rules through the streets, leading to criticism of the government's heavy handed approach.

Four masked suspects in hazmat suits - carrying placards displaying their photos and names - were paraded Tuesday in front of a large crowd in Guangxi region's Jingxi city.

Photos of the event showed each suspect held by two police officers - wearing face shields, masks and hazmat suits - and surrounded by a circle of police in riot gear, some holding guns.

The public shaming was part of disciplinary measures announced by the local government in August to punish those breaking health rules.

China banned such public shaming of criminal suspects in 2010 after decades of campaigning by human rights activists, but the practice has resurfaced as local governments struggle to enforce the national zero-Covid policy.

It comes as locked-down residents in one of China's biggest cities say they are at risk of starving in their homes after they were banned from going outside even to buy food under harsh new Covid measures sparked by just a few dozen cases.

Apparatchiks running the city of Xi'an on Monday told 13 million people they are only allowed out of their homes when invited to take part in a new round of mass testing, or for medical emergencies.
Armed riot police in southern China have paraded four alleged violators of Covid rules through the streets, leading to criticism of the government's heavy handed approach.
Armed riot police in southern China have paraded four alleged violators of Covid rules through the streets, leading to criticism of the government's heavy handed approach.
Photos of the event showed each suspect held by two police officers - wearing face shields, masks and hazmat suits - and surrounded by a circle of police in riot gear, some holding guns
Photos of the event showed each suspect held by two police officers - wearing face shields, masks and hazmat suits - and surrounded by a circle of police in riot gear, some holding guns
Four masked suspects in hazmat suits - carrying placards displaying their photos and names - were paraded Tuesday in front of a large crowd in Guangxi region's Jingxi city
Four masked suspects in hazmat suits - carrying placards displaying their photos and names - were paraded Tuesday in front of a large crowd in Guangxi region's Jingxi city
China banned such public shaming of criminal suspects in 2010 after decades of campaigning by human rights activists, but the practice has resurfaced as local governments struggle to enforce the national zero-Covid policy
China banned such public shaming of criminal suspects in 2010 after decades of campaigning by human rights activists, but the practice has resurfaced as local governments struggle to enforce the national zero-Covid policy
It comes as locked-down residents in one of China 's biggest cities say they are at risk of starving in their homes. Officials running the city of Xi'an on Monday told 13 million people they are only allowed out of their homes when invited to take part in a new round of mass testing, or for medical emergencies (pictured: A medical worker reaches through protective gloves as she administers a nucleic acid test at a private outdoor clinic on December 27, 2021 in Beijing)
It comes as locked-down residents in one of China 's biggest cities say they are at risk of starving in their homes. Officials running the city of Xi'an on Monday told 13 million people they are only allowed out of their homes when invited to take part in a new round of mass testing, or for medical emergencies (pictured: A medical worker reaches through protective gloves as she administers a nucleic acid test at a private outdoor clinic on December 27, 2021 in Beijing)

The four individuals paraded through the streets of Jingxi city were also accused of transporting illegal migrants while China's borders remain largely closed due to the pandemic, Guangxi News said.

Jingxi is near the Chinese border with Vietnam.

The newspaper said the parade provided a 'real-life warning' to the public, and 'deterred border-related crimes'.

But it also led to a backlash, with official outlets and social media users criticising the heavy handed approach.

Although Jingxi is 'under tremendous pressure' to prevent imported coronavirus cases, 'the measure seriously violates the spirit of the rule of law and cannot be allowed to happen again,' Chinese Communist Party-affiliated Beijing News said Wednesday.

Other suspects accused of illicit smuggling and human trafficking have also been paraded in recent months, according to reports on the Jingxi government website.

Videos of a similar parade in November showed a crowd of people watching two prisoners being held while a local official read out their crimes on a microphone.

They were then seen marching through the streets in their hazmat suits, flanked by police in riot gear.
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China DISINFECTS Xian city and brings in 'strictest level' Covid restrictions, JAILING anyone seen driving a car for ten days as surge continues despite draconian lockdown of 13 million residents
Chinese residents say they are 'STARVING' under rules stopping them leaving their homes as country sees record number of Covid cases and expands lockdowns to more cities

Meanwhile, officials in the city of Xi'an on Monday told 13 million people they are only allowed out of their homes when invited to take part in a new round of mass testing, or for medical emergencies.

Previously, one member of each household was allowed out once every two days to buy food. City officials said people in 'low risk' areas will be allowed out to buy essentials once testing is complete and if their results are negative.

The tightened lockdown measures prompted some Xi'an residents to turn to social media for help, saying they are 'starving' and appealing to neighbours for supplies.

'I'm about to be starved to death,' wrote one person on Weibo, China's equivalent of Facebook. 'There's no food, my housing compound won't let me out, and I'm about to run out of instant noodles ... please help!'

'I don't want to hear any more about how everything is fine,' said another. 'So what if supplies are so abundant - they're useless if you don't actually give them to people.'
Medical workers in protective suits collect swabs from residents at a nucleic acid testing site during a third round of mass testing following cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Yuncheng's Jishan county, Shanxi province, China December 29, 2021
Medical workers in protective suits collect swabs from residents at a nucleic acid testing site during a third round of mass testing following cases of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Yuncheng's Jishan county, Shanxi province, China December 29, 2021
Xi'an on Tuesday reported 175 Covid cases, its highest toll of the current outbreak, pushing up China's seven-day average of cases to its highest level this year (pictured above)
Xi'an on Tuesday reported 175 Covid cases, its highest toll of the current outbreak, pushing up China's seven-day average of cases to its highest level this year (pictured above)

Xi'an reported 175 new cases on Tuesday, a paltry figure compared to other large cities around the world but a major blow to China which is continuing to pursue a 'zero Covid' strategy even in the face of more-infectious variants.

Nearby cities have also logged cases linked to the flare-up, with Yan'an - about 185 miles from Xi'an - on Tuesday shuttering businesses and ordering hundreds of thousands of people in one district to stay indoors.

Xi'an's outbreak is being driven by the Delta variant and is believed to be linked to travel to Pakistan a week ago.

The city has been in lockdown since last Thursday when mass testing revealed a case had escaped quarantine and then spread the virus widely.

So-far this month, Xi'an has reported 810 Covid cases - China's largest outbreak since the virus first emerged in Wuhan.

The 13million-person lockdown is also China's largest since Wuhan was locked down early in 2020, which affected 11 million people.

On Sunday, city workers were dispatched to disinfect public spaces with residents warned not to touch anything until the chemicals had time to disperse.

Lockdown rules were then tightened on Monday evening as a fifth round of mass testing got underway.
City workers disinfect public spaces in Xi'an, as residents were warned not to touch anything immediately afterwards to allow chemicals time to disperse
City workers disinfect public spaces in Xi'an, as residents were warned not to touch anything immediately afterwards to allow chemicals time to disperse
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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China imposes strict Covid lockdown for 13 million people in city of Xi'an ... n-25819005

Residents cannot go outside even to buy groceries, with Chinese officials promising steady deliveries of essentials to homes in the ancient city.

A worker prepares food supplies to be delivered to residents of a compound under lockdown in Xian.

Around 13 million people in China have been put into lockdown following a coronavirus outbreak - with the city of Xi'an under the strictest measures imposed since the start of the pandemic last year.

Residents cannot go outside even to buy groceries, with Chinese officials promising steady deliveries of essentials to homes in the ancient city.

A ministry spokesperson said today that the country's Commerce Ministry has been in touch with surrounding provinces to ensure adequate supplies of necessities reach those affected.

CCTV, the state broadcaster, aired footage showing building staff organising free food deliveries to residents of a Xi'an apartment complex, Wales Online reports.
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The deliveries included a box of 15 eggs, a 2.5-kilogram bag of rice and some green vegetables.

Residents could also expect either some chicken or pork, it said.

Still, some people complained in comments below the segment shared on Weibo, a social media platform, that they have not received the same deliveries in their communities.

Many worried if they will be able to obtain fresh vegetables and meat.

This week, authorities tightened restrictions in Xi’an so that people can no longer leave their homes to buy groceries.

Previously, residents were allowed to buy food once every two days. The city is also sealed off, meaning that people cannot leave without special permission.

Xi’an reported 155 new locally transmitted cases on Wednesday, and a total of about 1,000 cases in the latest outbreak.

The numbers pale in comparison to outbreaks elsewhere in the world, but are significant for China, which continues to follow a policy of trying to eradicate the coronavirus.

That has resulted in widespread lockdowns to cut the virus’s spread.

China has reported a total of 101,890 cases and 4,636 deaths since the pandemic began.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Covid Vaccines – Voluntary Euthanasia? Bilderberg Book Spills Beans… ... lls-beans/

2 May, 2021 Conspiracy 0


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05 - Jacques Attali - ("The French Kissinger") – Depopulation

We are seeing billions of people injecting unknown substances into their bodies while celebrating that “they got it”! What does this really mean? Have these people suddenly escaped mortal danger (CCP virus) by virtue of the Big Med industry or is there a hidden purpose behind the injections and behind it all – including the vaccines – is the CCP standing?

There is a book by Bilderberger member Jacques Attali from 1981 foretelling the whole current epidemic, “the cure” and the depopulation by “the cure”:

“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population…Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good…We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone.”

Is what he said true ot not? Let´s take a look at the current global vaccination program going on with some of the unique aspects of this program:

It´s the first EVER global vaccination campaign taking place after an epidemic that killed millions but still wasn´t very deadly compared to many other pandemics such as the Spanish flu. There never was a concerted effort from all the world´s governments all over the world to vaccinate all their populations asap simultaneously. This is a unique event.

There were no good longterm tests for these vaccines. Even the short term tests had lots of adverse effects but they pushed forward with their global media (MSM) supporting the vaccine producers all the way. Since the CCP spread the virus, don´t we think they would like to spread “the cure” too?

The timeframe is extremely short for pushing through billions of vaccines and many people haven´t been able to digest all these events yet. They are in panic mode caused by the MSM and they will do anything their government will tell them to do. Basically the government is their God and the MSM is the messengers of the governments.

This is a mass psychosis of epic proportions and a complete rejection of all orthodox religions which state that you should keep your body healthy by hard work and by being a good person. Good food and exercise and meditation won´t harm you either. Not a single media has suggested that people try to improve their own immune system by working on themselves.


The global vaccine campaign looks like a depopulation program for sure. Whether people will die off and/or become sterile we don´t know exactly. And who will be the scapegoat? Probably the unvaccinated people. The Big Med companies will be protected by the MSM for sure.

What if in the end the story will be something like: “well we did our best but we couldn´t beat this virus”

All prophecies will be fulfilled in this way. Plague after plague will be set off according to the Bible but the plagues will be set off by the people themselves not wanting to do the right things and not being able to discern right from wrong and good from evil. We can only hope that as many as possible can get out of their predicament. The end of times is here but people still don´t believe it. Wait and see.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by Caz »

The distinction between schismogenesis and mass formation psychosis:

Whitehall_Bin_Men wrote:Billions Of People Are Affected By This & They Don't Realize It | Dr. Robert Malone 2021

Mass Formation...
Explains the mass Psychosis we currently are seeing. ... hosis.aspx

Understanding the Psychology Behind the COVID Pandemic
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 18, 2021

A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation psychosis” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation psychosis, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom. That’s what’s happening right now
There are four key conditions that must be in place for mass formation psychosis to occur: Lack of societal bonding, experiencing life as meaningless and senseless, widespread free-floating anxiety/free-floating discontent, and free-floating frustration/aggression
Once these four conditions are widespread, mass formation can occur, which allows for totalitarianism to rise and thrive
A key strategy to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism is to speak out against it. We also need to give those hypnotized a greater fear to replace the fear of the virus with, namely the fear of totalitarianism and the loss of their and their children’s lives, livelihoods and freedoms that go along with it
Dissenters need to join together, thereby giving fence-sitters who are not yet fully hypnotized an alternative to going along with the totalitarians
In the video above, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology,1 reviews a theory professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist and statistician, believes explains the absurd and irrational behavior we’re now seeing worldwide with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.

He calls this phenomenon “mass formation psychosis,” a type of crowd hypnosis that results in literally converting a large segment of the population into psychosis. Mass formation psychosis is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the destruction of the unvaccinated now.

It’s so irrational and inhumane, many have wondered how we got here. As it turns out, the psychology of totalitarianism has been studied for decades, and the whole thing is in fact explainable as a psychiatric phenomenon that arises when certain conditions exist in a society.

The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’
The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation psychosis to take root are:

1.Lack of social bonding — Social isolation was a widespread problem long before the pandemic. In one survey, 25% of respondents said they didn’t have a single close friend. The COVID lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing isolation. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.

2.Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense — Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.

In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.

Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as the many questions surrounding the presidential election and the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition: free-floating anxiety.

3.Widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent — Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic, but additional fuel was piled on just before the pandemic.

Many felt, and still feel, that “things just aren’t right.” Through 2020, it became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting system and our judicial system.

4.Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression — This tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.

How Mass Formation Allows Totalitarianism to Rise
When these four conditions are fulfilled by a large enough portion of society, they are ripe for the picking to convert to a psychosis, being totally out of touch with reality, which in turn leads to the rise of totalitarianism. As explained by Malone, when the pandemic broke out, people around the world became obsessed with one thing: the virus.

People everywhere thought about, read about and talked about the virus almost exclusively to everything else. This singular focus, this obsession, having the base conditions for mass formation already firmly in place, allowed for large portions of the population to enter into a hypnotic-like state.

In that hypnotic-like state (it’s very similar to conventional hypnotism but with minor differences), people lose their ability to have rational thought and judgment.

As noted by Malone, there is evidence that suggests at least parts of this psychological operation were done intentionally, by “some entity that has financial benefit or power to gain from doing this, which gets to the point of global totalitarianism.” Now, once a large portion of a society is hyper-focused on and fused in their joint discontent and anxiety, all a leader or leaders need to do to convince many that totalitarian control and loss of their freedom is best for them is to:

a)Present a story in which the cause of the anxiety is identified, and then

b)Offer a strategy for neutralizing that cause

Social Bonding Is Key
By accepting and participating in whatever that strategy is, people with free-floating anxiety feel equipped with the means to control their anxiety and avoid panic. They also feel a strong bond with others, because they’ve all identified the same nemesis. As explained by Desmet in the Peak Prosperity interview below:

“Because many people participate in the same strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, a new kind of social bond emerges a new kind of solidarity. So, people feel connected again in a new way. And that's actually the most crucial thing.

If you look at the corona crisis and listen to the mainstream narrative, you will hear that everything is about solidarity. You have to participate, you have to accept the vaccine. You have to respect social distancing, because if you don't, you lack citizenship, you show no solidarity. That's the most crucial thing, always, in mass formation.

That's the real reason why people buy into the story, even if it is utterly absurd. It’s not because they believe in the narrative. It is because the narrative leads to a new social bond. That's the real reason.

There’s [also another] advantage. All the frustration and aggression can be directed at an object. And that object is the people who, for one reason or another, do not want to participate in the mass formation ...

So, you have this very strange situation where people start from a very negative and divisive mental state; [they have a] lack of social bond, lack of meaning-making, free floating anxiety and a lot of frustration and aggression.

They switch from this very highly aversive mental state to a symptomatic positive state where they feel connected. Their life makes sense again through this heroic struggle with the object of anxiety ... That's why people continue to believe in the narrative, even if it is utterly absurd.”

Mass Formation Psychosis Is a Self-Destructive Condition
The crazy thing is that the story can be an obvious lie, yet those under this hypnotic spell will believe it. The remedy can be utterly absurd, yet they’ll obey. This is how totalitarianism is allowed to rise.

Of course, there must always be a common enemy that must be obliterated — the “cause” for the peoples’ fear and anxiety — and under totalitarian rule, that enemy is anyone who is not spellbound. The dissenters are the enemy. In 2021, the unmasked and unvaccinated are the enemy.

Mass formation psychosis is a very dangerous condition, both for those under its spell and those who aren’t, because the 'mental intoxication' that results makes people willing to do things that are clearly wrong and utterly immoral, up to and including voluntarily killing their own families and themselves, if told it’s for the greater good.
If everyone would just get the experimental jab, COVID would vanish and everyone could go back to feeling safe again. That’s the narrative. It makes no sense, it’s irrational, inhumane and unscientific, but those who are in mass formation psychosis believe it’s just that simple, and that’s why some are able to wish death on the unmasked and/or unvaccinated.

So, as noted by Malone, “If it seems to you that the rest of the world has gone mad, the truth is, they have.” A problem far greater than any virus now is mass formation itself.

It’s a very dangerous condition, both for those under its spell and those who aren’t, because the “mental intoxication” that results makes people willing to do things that are clearly wrong and utterly immoral, up to and including voluntarily killing their own families and themselves, if told it’s for the greater good. In short, masses of people become profoundly gullible and self-destructive, which is a frightening combination.

As noted by Desmet, in a dictatorship, people comply because they fear the dictator. In a totalitarian regime, however, mass formation psychosis is at work, and this gives the regime extreme power over the individual, as the people, when in this hypnotic trance, voluntarily destroy their own families, their lives and themselves, along with the stated enemy.

Is Totalitarianism Unavoidable?
Malone says that in his conversations with Desmet, Desmet has said he believes the mass formation psychosis is so widespread at this point that global totalitarianism may be unavoidable. He believes it’ll take over, as we’re seeing in a number of countries already. So, what, if anything, can we do? A summary of suggestions are as follows:

•Continue providing true and accurate information to counter the false narrative. Some who aren’t yet fully hypnotized may still be routed back to sanity. Speaking out can also help to limit the atrocities the totalitarian regime is emboldened to implement, because in totalitarianism, atrocities and crimes against humanity increase as dissent decreases.

•Substitute fear of the virus narratives with narratives that highlight an even greater fear — fear of totalitarianism. “Totalitarianism is a bigger boogeyman than the virus is,” Malone says. “Losing control to Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, BlackRock and Vanguard is a bigger threat than SARS-CoV-2 is for you and your children, by far.”

Desmet has tested this theory, and found you CAN break the hypnotic focus on COVID if you’re able to refocus their attention on something that’s of even greater concern to them.

•Join with other dissenters into larger groups. This gives the larger majority who aren’t fully hypnotized but too fearful to go against the grain an alternative to going along with the totalitarians.

•Build parallel structures within your local communities. Think globally, act locally. Start developing parallel structures to heal the four underlying conditions that allowed mass formation to occur in the first place.

A parallel structure is any kind of business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within a totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. Once enough parallel structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.

The Gravity of Our Situation

To hear from Desmet himself, listen to his hour-long interview with Dr. Chris Martenson. As noted by Desmet, since self-destructiveness is built into the totalitarian system from the ground up, totalitarian regimes cannot be sustained forever. They fall apart as they’re destroyed from within. That’s the good news.

The bad news is it can be hell while it lasts, as totalitarianism built on mass formation almost always leads to heinous atrocities being committed in the name of doing good. There are usually few survivors at the end.

That said, Desmet believes this new global totalitarianism is more unstable than regional dictator-led totalitarian systems, so it may self-destruct faster. He has just finished writing a book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism,” which is expected to be published in January 2022.

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Post by Caz »

Whitehall_Bin_Men quotes Toby Young:
The Fatal Hubris of Professor Lockdown

It wasn’t an attractive 38 year-old that brought down Neil Ferguson
Artillery Row ... r-lockdown
Toby Young
6 May, 2020
Toby Young and Ghislaine Maxwell: ... 6358074369 ... w1e8vNfSU8

Toby Young in Epstein's "Little Black Book"
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Toby Young again in Epstein's "Little Black Book, as is Arpad Busson:
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Backdoor Mesmerism: Conspiracy Seduction and Distraction
Date: 2022-01-24Author: The Diakrisis Project ... straction/

IN TERMS OF CONSPIRACIES, there are two equal and opposite strategies in which the demonic realm captures the minds of the unwary. One strategy is to keep a person in complete ignorance of the dark underbelly of satanic strategies and activities in this world. This applies to the vast majority of people in the world. That is the easy option for the demonic realm, as they do not need to do very much except ramp up the fear factor which governs most people’s desire to remain in the dark while generating a lot of cognitive dissonance. The other strategy involves those who show any interest in waking up to the reality of the evil machinations in this world. Realising that they can no longer be kept in ignorance, the demonic realm takes them to the extreme in the opposite direction. In other words, it gets them totally obsessed with conspiracy minutiae. It is this method of demonic strategy that I want to develop in this little piece.

This obsession with the minutiae of conspiracy is very easy for the demonic realm to accomplish with the unwary human mind. The darkness and filth of this world perpetuated at its earthly source and humanly-speaking by the power-elite which lies under direct satanic control (some of which will no doubt be conscious), is like a bottomless pit (play on words intentional) of labyrinthine activity. Even if you were to study it for a thousand lifetimes you would not fully penetrate it — partly because there is so much of it, and partly because the greater part of it (like the undersea part of an iceberg) will be too well-policed and impenetrable to be discoverable by the uninitiated. You will only ever know what they don’t mind you knowing, so there is nothing to make a fuss about! I have to smile when I see all these big-deal conspiracy sites or Fakebook conspiracy people full of themselves that they’ve discovered some vital new cog in the evil machine which has never been thought of before, as if they have somehow pulled a fast one on the power-elite. I can assure them that they will only ever know what the power-brokers want them to know. What is really going on they will never let you uncover.

Christ, in His letter to the ekklesia at Thyatira in the Book of Revelation, referred to this dark labyrinth by its known title: “the depths of Satan” (chapter 2, verse 23). While it is important to know that such hideous depths indeed exist and to have an awareness of how they operate, it is not necessary to know all the ins-and-outs of absolutely every conspiratorial activity perpetuated by the forces of darkness. The principle reason that these dark forces (if they cannot keep you ignorant about them) want you to become obsessed with them is to distract you from learning why such darkness exists in the first place. Because when you discover that, then you will also discover that aeons ago there was a rebellion of angels, under the archangel we now call Satan, against their Creator and they afterwards became demons, and that the depths of their activities in the world in our age have come about because they are desperately trying to create a kingdom on earth because they know they only have a short time in which to accomplish it (see the Book of Revelation, chapter 12, verse 12). The reason for that desperation and demonic rage is because the Son of God came in the flesh as the Christ and overcame the two big problems of this fallen world: namely, death (and its causative factor, sin, moral failure) and Satan. Christ won the spiritual war right there and then (about which I will have more to say below).

Thus, the demonic realm would far rather you wasted your time obsessing about every in-and-out of their activities — that is, those they don’t mind you knowing about — than that you discovered the truth about Christ. In fact, the greatest conspiracy ever has been that which seeks to conceal the truth about the Christ and keep His accomplishments as arcane and obscure as possible; or, better still, to debunk them as mythology or religious claptrap. I see so much internet input of one kind or another obsessing about satanic activity in every minute detail — all wanting to be the first to discover and share this or that. They seem to believe that if enough people object to what is going on, then somehow those goings-on will cease. There is a continual “now we’ve got them on the run” attitude, as if the more you expose what they are up to (and we really know comparatively little), the more they will be closed down. It is even claimed by many that there is “A Great Awakening“ coming. This is an incredibly naïve way of thinking; and I’ll tell you why.

First, it is important to realise that a classic military and satanic strategy is to control the opposition. To this end, Satan has taken over a great deal of what is identified in the world today as “the Church”. Not only that, but he has also got in control of many points of opposition in the so-called “Truther” realm. How can you identify those or come close to doing so? By their fruits you will know them. The counterfeit truthers will put out a constant stream of output against conspiracy activity and gather many followers who function more as enablers and acolytes. Sometimes they will even harangue their acolytes with invective about whatever the conspiracies of the day are — the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Bill Gates, WEF, AI, and many other minutiae for folks to obsess over. There is a kind of hysterical fear behind it all which I find most disconcerting. But let me tell you this: the child of God and disciple of Christ has nothing whatsoever to fear as s/he is protected. Even when the time comes, as it will, for disciples to lay down their lives to the death for their upholding that Christ has come in the flesh, they will have no fear but only the great confirmation that all they had believed was real. So when an obsessive conspiracist says to me, “They’re going to take your freedom away! Doesn’t that bother you?” I will simply reply like this:

“They cannot take my freedom away from me because that freedom is in Christ. He is my Master and Teacher. My freedom doesn’t depend on what someone else can do to me. Naturally, I will refuse to take part in a transhumanist society, be a dissident, and gladly suffer the consequences. To suffer and die for truth and for Christ is the greatest honour imaginable”.

Coming back to the idea of controlled opposition, in the UK, the services of the 77th Brigade of the British Army have been utilised to the full in behavioural strategy to get people to believe in the current government narrative of lies and false concern for health. This is the psychological warfare division of the military being used against its own people. (It is probably a similar story elsewhere in Europe and in the USA). [See ... ronavirus/ ]. They are experts at messing with people’s minds. They are so expert that they could even make you doubt your own sanity. They are the 2 + 2 = 5 people. They have countless operatives on computers engaging with people as trolls on the internet. And if you imagine that they have not set up bogus “truther” nodes online then you are very naïve indeed. That is the first thing that I would do if I were them. You have to assess what are the fruits of such an outlet. Does it exude the calmness of wisdom? Does it give you the big picture rather than incessantly leading you down the rabbit hole of minutiae? If you politely question its output, does it flame you and/or delete you? Ultimately, anyone who is researching about the works of darkness and avidly publishing their findings, if they do not also lead you to a hope in Christ, might as well be working for the other side. For they are merely peddling the hopelessness of conspiracy minutiae, for which they can never proffer a genuine solution. We are dealing here with what I call “backdoor mesmerism” — the hypnotising of the enquiring mind with conspiracy-bombing, by which one is seduced and distracted away from finding needed spiritual truth and reconciliation. Honestly, as a friend said to me decades ago (though I just discovered that he passed away a few months ago) “in order to get to grips with what is happening in the world today, one needs the hide of a rhinoceros and the accessories of a world-class spy!”

So where does all this leave us? How are we to respond to all the screwed-upness of this fallen world and all the so-called “depths of Satan”? First, we must recognise that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle and an inevitable part of that battle is bound to involve psychological warfare. That warfare is reaching pandemic proportions in our time. You ask why that should be if Christ won the war, as I said above, it’s like this: Ever since Christ’s victory over Satan on the cross and after His resurrection and subsequent ascension ratified it, the war had been won, but the battle has continued. [You can read all about this in my recent article: ... -from-you/ ]. Naturally, the demonic realm has not accepted defeat. But really, the last two-thousand years (a mere speck of cosmic time) has been one vast “mopping-up operation” in which human and demonic evil will come to its natural climax and be supernaturally overturned at the end of this age, which may not be far away. That will lead to the inauguration of a new heaven and new earth in which there will be no more death, corruption or suffering, and those who transition to it (i.e. those who have been followers of God and His Christ and who have rejected Satan) will have very different bodies. That will be the true ‘new age’.

Therefore, and this is the main point of me writing this little article, instead of spending all one’s time obsessing and stressing about all the currently visible activities of the power-elite (which in turn is empowered by Satan’s discarnate realm of darkness), one should ensure that one has turned one’s own life around and become a disciple of Christ. When that happens, there will be no more obsessing and stressing about anything. Then one can speak floridly to others about the evil ways of this world, but in the context of the fact that Christ is its King and not Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, or whichever other evil human is imagined to be running the world. The evil is now so ingrained that the tide cannot be arrested. Sure, we can resist it — and disciples of the Christ absolutely should, as such discipleship must always be counterculture, for the prevailing culture of this world is satanic.

We can know exactly what is coming on this earth, for the Bible reveals it. Though Satan has very cleverly put the lie out there that the Bible is simply a bunch of biased antiquities which have been cobbled together by some uptight blokes on a committee a few hundred years ago. This is a provable untruth and another distraction, like all the minutiae of satanic conspiracy in this world. Although I am interested in keeping up with the broad brushstrokes of satanic activity, and keeping my eye on the big picture, I am not interested whatsoever in the massive minutiae of it all. The pandora’s box of the depths of Satan is a total distraction, as is being obsessed with the minutiae. For what is coming on this earth is simply rampant human evil coming to its head. We are approaching the climax of a spiritual battle which, for the past 2000 years or so, since the ascension of the Christ, has been accelerating. The end product is a global government under a single leader who will be the Antichrist. This is a battle being waged by satanic darkness against the light of the Christ and it is building up right now. How will you respond when a one-world government is established with a human at its head who will bring together Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, New Agers and the apostate Christian Church? The important thing right now is to turn one’s life around and pledge it in allegiance to Him rather than getting crazy about those comparatively few bits of the complex web of evil that we can see. I can guarantee that most of satanic strategy is well hidden and what is coming will surprise most folks. This not a process which can be turned around by demonstrations and voting. The evil is endemic. The only way this * will be changed is by supernatural intervention. And I can assure you that it is coming when the moment is right in the Divine plan.

It is vital to be dissidents against the rising evil and to expose the darkness of this age. But it is far more vital to become a disciple of the Christ and ensure one is on the right side in this hellish debacle. Now is the hour of Satan’s power of darkness. It is time to be a light in that darkness rather than being obsessed with the minutiae of it. We are only at the beginning of the roller-coaster ride. But I would be surprised if we have until 2030 before some great denouement is revealed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[In another social medium, a person responded to the above article. Here is what they said:

How can His children wait for supernatural intervention when evil is being perpetrated right before their eyes? You allude to great honour in dying for Christ, but fall short of asking His followers to take up arms and smash evil like the archangels. Please clarify. Why are you afraid of inevitable anarchy if evil is challenged and engaged?”

[And here is my reply to those questions]

Dear *****, thank you for the opportunity to respond to your questions. You probably speak for many others. Thank you for the humour of your posts. I believe that you are a man of integrity who is frustrated by the extent of evil in this world. So here is my response:

One has to realise that there are fundamental basic principles at work — not only in the world but also in the lives of those who are disciples of Christ — which impact your questions. The first principle is this: THOUGH DISCIPLES OF CHRIST LIVE AS HUMANS IN THIS WORLD, WE DO NOT WAGE WAR IN A WORLDLY MANNER. The warfare waged by disciples of Christ is spiritual. We wage it by “tearing down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God and taking captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2nd Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 10, verses 3-5). In other words, we engage in the world of ideas with supernaturally-charged utterance, as you see in many of my posts and articles. My website “The Diakrisis Project” has been set up primarily as a weapon of spiritual warfare. .

Now, to the average man or woman in the street the idea of waging warfare with mere words probably sounds weak and pathetic in the face of evil. However, to the contrary, “the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Letter to the Hebrews, chapter 4, verse 12). When a disciple of Christ is prayerfully engaged in spiritual warfare with the world and the people in it — whether spoken or written — s/he has angels in attendance and the power of the Holy Spirit as inspiration. This is spiritual warfare and it is mighty! As Paul the apostle put it elsewhere: “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the demonic powers, against the cosmic forces of darkness, and against the spiritual dominion of evil in the heavenly realms” (Letter to the Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 12). Whatever evil one is dealing with in this world, there is a spiritual force which lies behind it. It is THAT which is the object or our warfare. Speaking Truth into a world of lies is like throwing a hand grenade into a crowded room.

Dear *******, you ask “how can His children wait for supernatural intervention when evil is being perpetrated right before their eyes?” I understand your frustration. However, it is because supernatural intervention involves not only the massive cosmic intervention at Christ’s second coming, but also the intervention of the spiritual warfare that I am speaking about here. To those who may not yet perceive the mighty nature of such warfare, what I have said above may seem like a cop out. For evil still continues and gets even worse. So, is my spiritual warfare just a load of blather, waffle and poppycock? Not at all! Spiritual words have huge unseen consequences on the demonic realm, which recoils in horror when Truth is spoken and written about.

There is another process at work here which is completely invisible to the unspiritual eye. Here I have to open this out even further — not only in terms of our perception but also the breadth of history. After the ascension of Christ circa 2000 years ago, Satan and His demonic realm had been defeated. Yet, and this astounds many, they were not immediately destroyed but would, in fact, get worse and worse in their evil work and in their persecutions of Christ’s disciples (because of their intense rage at being defeated, Book of Revelation, chapter 12, verse 12). One has to realise that this ‘delay’ (so far of around 2000 years) in the final defeat of satanic evil is serving a two-pronged purpose. First, it exists so that the complete number of God’s people can be called into His kingdom. When Christ had ascended, many still had to be born into this world. That is still continuing. There is still time to be part of it, as I hope you already are. Second, EVIL HAS TO COME TO ITS HEAD IN ORDER TO BE RIPE FOR JUDGEMENT. And that is our second fundamental basic principle at work. Let’s go into this a little…

There has been a postponement of judgement so that this corrupt world and evil age can be ripe for that judgement. God does not come in judgement until He has exhausted every last drop of His grace and until evil has reached its fullness. An example of evil having to come to its fullness to be ripe for judgement can be seen when Abraham was told that it was not possible to go in and possess the land at that time, “because the evil of the Amorites is not yet complete” (Book of Genesis, chapter 15, verse 16.). Evil has to come to its fullness, its completeness, its head, its ripeness for judgement; and only then will that Divine judgement come. As Christ said to the rulers of Jerusalem: “Go on, then, fill up the measure of your fathers’ guilt. Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of Gehenna?” (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 23, verses 32-33). Only when that cup of evil is full will God judge, because such judgement will always be in fulfilment of justice. God is not only a just judge but He will be seen to be just. So, the ‘delaying’ of Divine judgement between the two comings of Christ is not only in order to ensure that all the people of God and disciples of Christ would be gathered in, but also in order that the world would ‘fill up its cup of evil’ so that it will reach its final culmination, as indeed it most certainly will under the reign of the Antichrist.

You say that I “fall short of asking His followers to take up arms and smash evil like the archangels”. Firstly, the warfare waged by archangels — like Michael in Revelation, chapter 12 — is spiritual. Michael was engaged in casting Satan out of having any further access to heaven. The details of how that warfare was carried out is beyond our paygrade to understand. But it will not have been with bombs and bullets or the suchlike! Secondly, the armoury and technology at the disposal of the power-elite in this world is beyond our imagining. It will include weapons that we haven’t yet even dreamed of. These are people who can find you instantly in a hole in the Sahara and vaporize you if they so wish. All of that can only be dealt with supernaturally, as indeed it will. Armed insurrection is pointless, doomed, and contrary to the engagement of Christ’s spiritual kingdom.

Jesus does not call upon us to “take up arms”. That was the problem with Judas Iscariot. He was the disciples’ treasurer and he was hoping (along with many other Jewish people at the time) that the Messiah would be a cool king and leader who would lead an armed insurrection against the Roman oppressors (just like the Jewish Judas Maccabeus of the Maccabees who rose up in the 2nd century BC against the Greek king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, an archetype of the Antichrist to come). When Christ turned out to be advocating a spiritual kingdom rather than an earthly one, Judas presumably got disillusioned and then betrayed Jesus to the authorities. Disciples of Christ wage war with the “sword of the Spirit” rather than that of iron.

Finally, you ask, “Why are you afraid of inevitable anarchy if evil is challenged and engaged?” Firstly, fear has no place in the life of the faithful disciple, who challenges evil every day of his or her life, if they are being faithful to their calling to wage spiritual warfare. Afraid of anarchy? Have you not realised: anarchy already exists! This whole world is steeped in anarchy and based on it. The law of God is completely ignored by the power-elite and those they influence. It is precisely because of such anarchy that evil exists.

I hope I have answered your questions. Please do not hesitate to respond if you want to know more. Love to you. 💝
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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