Covid-19 Human Rights protests Dangers vaccine/mask/lockdown

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5-fold increase in cardiac and sudden deaths among FIFA athletes ... -athletes/

News November 25, 2021 No Comment

This is a translation of an article that appeared on the Israeli news site Real-Time News on November 13, 2021

Since December, 183 pro athletes, coaches and college and youth athletes have collapsed, and 108 have died. Some of the athletes, like the football stars in Sergio Agorro and Christian Eriksen, collapsed in the middle of a game, in front of the Boy Scouts. Main reason: Heart problems – Mu/Fricardboard, cardiac arrest and heart attacks. What causes the sudden plague? “Real Time News” investigates

The Kyrie Irving saga and his refusal to be vaccinated for coronavirus never cease to upset the NBA and the sports world. The Brooklyn Nets star did not back down from the decision even after the team announced that Irving would not be allowed to attend games or practice with his friends until he is vaccinated, a decision that, according to the report, is expected to lose $17 million. “This is my life,” he said last Thursday on a live part of his Instagram account, which has been viewed by about 100,000 followers. “It’s my body. And you tell me what to do with my body… I remain stable with what I believe in. It’s that simple. It’s not about being anti-Vax or being on one side or another. It’s just being true to what I feel is right for me… If I’m going to be vilified because I have more questions and I take the time to make decisions with my life, then that’s what it is… I am aware of the implications of my decisions on my life.”

But Irving isn’t the only one who refuses the NBA’s unequivocal demand to be vaccinated as a condition of the ability to do so. The press mockingly calls them “vaccine refusers.” The NBA has already gone from threats to actions, and yet, according to Rolling Stone magazine, about 50-60 NBA players have not been vaccinated. “I’m going to keep doing what I believe in… What is true of one person is not true for another. It’s none of your business,” Golden State Warriors player Andrew Wiggins said recently, while Washington Wizards star Bradley Beal expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccines [in an interview with the Washington Post]. “I’d like an explanation. Why are vaccinated people still infected with coronavirus? If it’s something we’re supposed to be very protected from, it’s funny that it just reduces your chances of going to the hospital. It doesn’t stop anyone from contracting coronavirus, does it?

It turns out this trend is far from marginal. The UK press reports that contrary to what is happening in the NBA, most Premier League players are unwilling to be vaccinated against Corona, including most of the players of Manchester United, the largest and most influential football club. They are joined by a host of football, tennis, golf and football players who have also not been vaccinated, and some, such as Irving Wiggins, have even spoken out against the pressure to be vaccinated. “It’s bigger than baseball, it’s a life’s decision,” said Anthony Rizzo, considered the legendary star of the Chicago Cubs. “She’s heavyweight. It’s a decision I made and I stand by it… It’s a big issue… I’m taking more time to see the data on all this.”

Refusing to cooperate with the forced policy: Kyrie Irving, Andrew Wiggins, Anthony Rizzo, Bill Bradley and Novak Djokovic

It was recently announced that Novak Djokovic, the world’s top-ranked tennis player, will not attend the Australian Open in January after refusing to reveal his vaccination status. Djokovic revealed in an interview with local Serbian media that, in light of the coronavirus restrictions in Australia, he is unsure of his plans to travel to Melbourne for a Grand Slam. “I will not reveal my status, whether I have been vaccinated or not. It’s a private matter, and it’s an inappropriate investigation,” he said, adding, in an interview with Reuters: “People are going too far these days taking the liberty of asking questions and judging a person. No matter what you say, ‘yes, no, maybe, I’m thinking about it’, they’ll take advantage of it.’

Why do so many leading athletes insist on not giving in to the massive pressure to get vaccinated? In the press

The party is celebrating. But nobody in the media refers to the huge elephant in the room: The fear of the vaccine damage. Is this fear ridiculous? Or do the opposing athletes just listen carefully to some of their friends, who report vulnerability and severe side effects after the vaccine?

“I was fine until then, until I took the vaccine,” says Brandon Goodwin, the Atlanta Hawks NBA player at Twitch stream. Godwin, at the age of 26, began suffering from a blood clot shortly after he became immune. “I was sick and I never recovered from this. I had back pain, I was particularly tired in games. I was so tired, I felt like I couldn’t run and walk down the field. My back hurt. My back really started to hurt… So I found out I have blood clots. All within a month’s time period…”.Godwin makes a strong case that it was the vaccine that caused what happened to him, and that the result is his elimination of his ability to play that season. “Yes, the vaccine ended my season. A thousand percent.” He said his group asked him to silence the story. “The Hawks were like, don’t say anything about it. Don’t tell anyone,” he said.

Like Goodwin, more and more athletes have emerged in the last few months speaking or writing, in media interviews or on social media, of the serious health problems they experienced due to vaccination. At the same time, more and more incidents of breakdown and collapse, morbidity and sudden death among athletes, including leading and well-known sports stars, and also less well-known athletes, playing in local groups, including college athletes in different countries of the world.

The “Real Time News” study found 183 such cases among professional athletes, coaches, university athletes and colleges and teenage athletes, all of which have taken place since December 2020, the month that the world vaccine campaign began. This large amount speaks for itself and tells a very different story from the mantra that the media repeat, that the athletes who refuse to be vaccinated are merely a handful of “antivaxxers.”

For many of the athletes affected, the impact would have dire consequences for their health, ability to keep playing, and even their continued athletic career. In 108 cases, it’s death.

What most of these athletes have in common is their youth and the sudden manner in which this happened, and the fact that most of them are men (only 15 of them are women). The vast majority of the 17-40 age group, except 21 older adults (five aged 42-45, six aged 46-49, seven aged 51-54, and another three aged 60-64), and at least in over 80 of the cases, the athletes reportedly felt worse and suddenly collapsed during a game, a race or a training session, or immediately afterward. In most cases, the cause of collapse was reported to be related to the heart, including myocarditis, pericarditis or a combination of both, permiocarditis, heart attacks or cardiac arrest. The second cause reported in six cases was clotting events, including pulmonary embolism, blood clots, and the brain.

We emphasize that we have an even longer list, but due to caution, we have removed cases in which we have no full details, so there are only cases that have been reported extensively. Also, previous risk factors have been removed from the list, such as a heart defect.

Although not all cases are published the immune status of affected athletes, and it is important to emphasize that it is not possible to determine that vulnerability is derived from the vaccine, the large number of casualties since December among this young group, which have many reasons to assume that it is largely healthy and without background diseases (both due to their young age and because athletes, at least their professional, are tested with frequent and relatively frequent rigor), puzzling, and definitely constitutes a red flag and requires thorough investigation of the issue. It’s certainly not something that can be dismissed with superficial claims. In addition, with vaccines being almost entirely mandatory in many groups and leagues, as well as in universities and colleges, the assumption is that in particular, it’s often impossible for most professional athletes to continue playing without getting vaccinated. This finding is especially noticeable against the fact that deadly events arising from the sudden collapse of athletes are considered to be the directory of rare phenomenon.

A New World In Front of Thousands of Fans

On 31 October, Barcelona striker Sergio Agüero was hospitalized after he was ill-mannered during a game against Alabés. The 33-year-old Argentine star, considered the all-time king of Manchester City gates and the most powerful Premier League scorer of all time (181), called on Twitter for all 12-year-olds and older to get vaccinated. But on October 31, he was rushed to the hospital after he felt severe chest pain. He signaled the coaches during the first half that he wanted to be replaced, then gripped his heart and collapsed on the grass. It was reported this week in Spain that severe rhythm disorder was detected in the absence of an examination, and the radiologists who examined him are not optimistic about his ability to return to the field in a few months. At the moment, according to reports, Aguaro’s professional future and whether he would be able to continue playing football is uncertain, only clearing up after further tests in the next few months.

Barcelona striker Sergio Aguero has been hospitalised after feeling unwell and suffered chest pains during his team’s game against Alaves.

Like Agüero, several superstars have collapsed in front of thousands of viewers in recent months. Perhaps the best known is Danish footballer Christian Eriksen, an Inter Milan player and a Danish national team. On 12 June, during his opening match against Finland at the 2020 UEFA Euro 2020 tournament, 29-year-old Eriksen, who was at his height, collapsed and underwent cardiac arrest in front of 15,000 fans in the stands. For 20 minutes, the team’s medical team tried to revive him, and when they finally succeeded by an electric shock, he was evacuated to the hospital, where a pacemaker has been implanted.

Christian Eriksen the Danish Inter-Milan player, collapsed during his team’s opening match against Finland at the 2020 Euro Tournament, and was noticed by 15,000 fans in the stands.

The same event was attended by 27-year-old cricket player David Wakefield, who collapsed during a training session on 11 March and was cardiac arrest. He was also saved by the emergency team, which performed defibrillator resuscitation, but took long minutes and six shocks before his heart returned to normal. The diagnosis was myocarditis, and a pacemaker was implanted in his heart. In addition, probably because of the long time his heart stopped beating, he also suffered swelling in the brain, in order to reduce sleep and respiration. Only after three weeks in intensive care and then extensive recovery, he was able to walk and talk again.

In late July, 18-year-old Belgian Anderlecht Hugaldi Rona suffered a heart attack after the first half of a friendly game. He was saved by a quick action by his fellow players, and immediately by emergency services.

On 17 September, a 25-year-old Bayern Munich player Kingsley Coman was also forced to undergo an operation to correct arrhythmias.

In July 1994, another athlete who was hospitalized was Pedro Obiang, a professional Italian footballer who played as a midfielder for Serie A in Sasolo. Obiang was hospitalized for ten days in July 2014, according to a report of the SUN that he was diagnosed with a lung problem, but other reports say that he was myocarditis.

Also in August, Fabrika Nsakala, the defender of the football team at Shiktash Turkish, was hospitalized after collapsing on the field in the 70th minute of a game against Gaziantepspor.

Fabrika Nsakala, football team’s champion in Turkey’s Shikash, was admitted to the hospital after who collapsed on the field in the 70th minute.

Other athletes have reported serious problems in questioning the continuation of their sporting career. So for example, Florian Daguri, the world record holder for a static free dive of holding a breath, wrote on his Instagram account: “After the second dose, I noticed that my heart rate was much higher than normal and my breath-holding capabilities had dropped significantly…. Ten days after the second vaccine, I went to see a cardiologist and he told me that this was a side effect of the Pfizer vaccine, “No worry, just this posture will pass.” 40 days after the second vaccine, there was no progress, so I went to see another cardiologist, and I was diagnosed with myocarditis and paroxysm insufficiency. This is actually a heart-muscular infection caused by the immune system and some tiny blood spills from the valves that are no longer properly closed. Now I’m having trouble getting a breath hold for 8 minutes… My diving performance has declined about 30 percent. My first recommendation for free divers around the world is to choose a vaccine that was made the old way, like Sputnik, Sinobuck, Sinophar etc., instead of the new mRNA vaccines.”

Florian Dagori: “My first recommendation for free divers around the world is to choose an old-fashioned vaccine, such as Sputnik, Sinobak, Sinopar, etc., instead of the new mRNA vaccines.”

They died suddenly

As stated, in 108 of the media reports that were identified, the collapse of the athletes ended in death. On February 6, 2021, Clement Lucho, a 25-year-old Cameroonian basketball player who played in Manila, died after suffering a sudden heart attack. On April 18, basketball player Entroon Pippen (33) died suddenly, playing at Texas A&M University and later on the Upstate Heat team of the International Basketball Association. On 18 June, Robert Lima, a former Uruguayan Olympic football player, died. Forty-nine-year-old Lima died of sudden cardiac death while playing football with friends.

In August, Michael Ojo (27), a Nigerian-American professional basketball player from Florida, who had previously played for Florida State center, died suddenly. Ojo collapsed during a training exercise and died during the resuscitation efforts at a local hospital in Serbia.

Roy Butler, a 23-year-old Irish footballer who had previously played on Waterford FC, also died on 17 August. The media reported his sudden death, but did not mention his status. However, his relatives said that he died after the vaccination. “My beautiful nephew, Roy Butler, Irish Waterford City, died today after the miracle vaccine… I’m heartbroken and so angry,” tweeted his aunt, Marian Hart on her Twitter account.

Roy Butler, 23, died four days after being vaccinated.

Alexiad Guadaz, a 30-year-old Valencia marathon runner, died during a race that took place in August in the city of Nguanava in the state of Carbovo. She collapsed 300 yards (50 m) away from the finish line, and died after attempts to revive her had failed. Frank Brayer, a 37-year-old French-Belgian footballer, also died of a sudden heart attack in August. And in Japan he died in August Youssoke Kinoshita, a professional baseball player. He died after a month-long battle at the hospital, where he was evacuated after collapsing during a training session on 6 July. He was breathing and asleep until his death on 5 August. Japanese media reported his death. The Spoonici news site initially included the headline: “Coronavirus resilience” but quickly changed the report. However, Yahoo Japan reported that the sudden collapse of baseball player might have been related to the second coronavirus dose he received. According to the report, Ochiiro Oshima, the owner of the Chunichi Dragons Team where Kinoshita played, said in an interview: “I heard he got sick after the vaccine. He was hospitalized and struggled for his life. I don’t know the causal relationship between his vaccine and his crash.”

On 10 October, Parma Baseball Club in Italy published a condolence letter on the sudden death of Simone Badoudy, a baseball player and coach of the Ranger Park Team. According to a report in Corriere di Bologna, his 40-year-old uncle returned that evening from a party where his team celebrated victory and the rise of the league. At some point, it’s unclear exactly when he left his car by the side of the road and went home on foot. He fell asleep, but after a few hours his heart stopped.

Athletes and young adults were also injured and killed

The list also includes 23 teens aged 12-17, 16 of whom died. 17-year-old Dylan Rich died in early September after suffering a heart attack during his team’s youth cup match against Boston United; Elisha Gorham, also 17 years old, a Baltimore football player, who had also collapsed during a game in October, and died of heart failure and systemic failure; Bruno Stein, 15, a young FC An der Fahner Höhe goalkeeper in Germany, died suddenly in October; And Chloe Gianni Giabazzi, just a 12-year-old Italian tennis player, who was found dead in her bed in June by her mother; Jason Kidd, also 12, a basketball player from Bridgeville, Pennsylvania. He died suddenly in early November while warming up for a school basketball practice. In August, three young cyclists from the same group were hospitalized in Belgium for three weeks with heart problems: Zander Verhagen, 17, Giuseppe Arples, 15 years old, and Viarco van Herck, also 15. Van Herck suffered chest pain during a Verceller race two days after vaccination, was hospitalized and diagnosed with myocarditis.

Jarken van Herck, 15 years old, suffered chest pain during a Warslar race, two days after vaccination, was hospitalized and diagnosed with myocarditis.

Refuse to be silent

Some athletes, or their associates, have openly stated a link between the coronavirus vaccine and their condition. For example, French tennis player Jeremy Chardy, 34 years old, previously ranked 25th in the world, announced that he was suspending his games for the current season, and did not know when and whether he would be able to play again. This is due to a series of serious health problems he has suffered since he received the coronavirus vaccine, including severe pain throughout the body during a physical effort. “I regret having gotten vaccinated,” Leathery said in a media interview. “Since I got vaccinated (between the Olympics and the US Open), I have a problem, I have had difficulties. Suddenly I can’t practice, I can’t play… Right now, my season is over and I don’t know when I’m gonna start over… This is the first time the idea that the next season may be my last crossed my mind.”

Alexander Kissonga, an Italian professional basketball player who was hospitalized at the end of July after being diagnosed with Permiocarditis, shared his story in his Instagram account and left no room to doubt that he links the disease to a Moderna vaccine he received. “I’ve been hospitalized for a month. I’m diagnosed with acute pericarditis. In other words, it is an infection that causes inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart.” Kissonga has said that he has decided to share this story because he feels there is no discussion about the side effects of the vaccine. “What I regret most is that we don’t talk about it I later found that this is one of the potential side effects of vaccination, and it usually happens to young people … The statistics on vaccines say the benefits are greater than the damage, and here I wonder … Am I a minority who has been infected with the vaccine? Who’s taking care of that? Or rather — is someone responsible? From what I can judge, if someone makes money on pennies or on vaccines, shouldn’t they be responsible to make up for those who unfortunately had negative effects”

Sienna Knowles, a 19-year-old competitive horse rider from Australia, who was admitted in October to have a blood clot in her chest, shared her condition with a series of posts on Instagram that went viral, and she said that she got sick after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine. “It’s crazy how fast I went from being a healthy 19-year-old super-healthy girl who never had any health problems — a full-time employee, an trainer and a rider on horseback every day — to someone who had everything taken from her after Pfizer’s second vaccination,” Knowles wrote. “My lungs are full of blood clots and my heart is stressed. My new normal [is] now that I have a lung doctor [pulmonologist], a cardiologist, blood tests, full body scans, ultrasound of the heart and lungs.” She added that she did not want to get the vaccine because she was afraid. “I wish I’d never gotten that and I could get my healthy body back.”

Sienna Knowles: “I wish I’d never gotten that and I could get my healthy body back.”

Francesca Marcone, the 38-year-old Italian volleyball player who was in Pericarditis after receiving Pfizer’s second shot on August 3, also remained silent. Marcon, who was immediately short of breath and chest pain, turned to the emergency room the next day and was diagnosed with a pericardium infection, wrote in her Instagram account that she regretted that she had vaccinated: “I declare that I am not anti-vaccine, but I have never been convinced to take this vaccine and now I understand why”, wrote Marcon. She went on to say: “It may be a bit of blasphemy — but I wonder: Is there no type of compensation for someone who has post-vaccination health effects? Who pays the price for everything?”

Fauci and the FDA, CDC, and the NIH leaders did not listen to victims

Kyle Warner, 29, a professional mountain bike jockey from Idaho who won three State Championships and a well-known YouTuber, was diagnosed with pericarditis, POTS, and arthritis a month after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine. His career is ruined and he is still ill and cannot work, run racing or train. In an interview with Dr. John Campbell in October, he said that he received the first dose of the vaccine in mid-May, and the second dose in June. Two weeks later, he had a sensation of a rapid pulse. He took two weeks off from training and riding, but when he tried to get back in the car, his heart rate increased again and he felt sick and weak and headed to the emergency room. The doctors dismissed the incident and claimed he was having an anxiety attack. He was given an anti-inflammatory drug, and when he explained that he thought his condition was a response to a vaccine, the doctor suggested that he refer it to a psychiatrist, on the grounds of a “psychotic episode,” and claiming that he was “anti-vaccine.” Four days later he was again hospitalized with chest pain and pressure, and this time he took his fear seriously and turned it into a cardiologist.

Warner was one of the 20 people affected by side effects following COVID tests that were invited to speak at a press conference organized by Senator Johnson in the Senate, along with doctors and scientists. Senator Johnson also invited Dr. Anthony Fauci and the directors of the CDC, the NIH and the FDA, to the directors of Pfizer and Moderna and the state representatives of the victims. None of them showed up. Warner opened his Senate speech with “thank you” to Dr. Fauci and the leaders of the organisations for not appearing and not listening to us. I’m glad to know that you have our best interests at heart. This message is for you. This is a message about how what was happening broke my heart, literally and figuratively.”

“Thank everyone who supported and understood me when I spoke about this topic”, he wrote in his Instagram account. “Many of you know me as a pretty reasonable and caring guy, and I never meant to be part of this whole conversation. However, after my experience this summer, and listening to thousands of similar stories, I feel like I have to stand alongside people who cannot or do not have access to the same platform.

“It’s not political, it’s personal. I want the best for the world and for humanity, and it breaks my heart to see people suffering in any way. Last week at DC, I’ve been drastically shaking my view of the world, and it’s made me realise how much we as average human beings need to come together and sync with each other. Listen to my message before you judge or tag. I’m just a guy who cares about others and wants the government to recognise and support what’s actually happening.”

Kyle Warner at the Senate press conference

“The Collapsing Athlete”: a rare phenomenon

The large number of athletes who collapsed and died this year must serve as a bright red light bulb, especially in light of the fact that sudden death and cardiac arrest of athletes are considered a rare phenomenon in the scientific literature. According to an article published in May of the year in Sports Cardiology, titled “The Collapsed Athlete”, in the last annual report for 2017, the National Center for the Study of Catastrophic Sports Injuries in the United States (NCCSIR) noted that for 36 years, from 1982 to 2017, there were 862 non-traumatic catastrophic injuries among college athletes in the US, of which 44 were fatal. The main causes include cardiac arrest, stroke, hypothermia, respiratory distress, hypoglycaemia, trauma, and overeffort. According to the article, “Athletes Who Break Syndrome” is defined when an athlete experiences sudden loss of stable tetanus, to the point that they are unable to continue participating in the sporting event. These cases occurred only in the United States, and only among college athletes, but the small numbers over so many years reflect the fact that the phenomenon is indeed rare.

In a 2017 study published in New England Journal of Medicine, a group of Canadian researchers looked at the incidence of sudden cardiac death during sports coverage from 2009 to 2014 in people ages 12 to 45. They used a cardiac arrest database in Canada. The study’s findings showed that during 18.5 million person-years of observation, 74 sudden cardiac deaths occurred during sports participation; Of these, 16 occurred during competitive sports and 58 during non-competitive sports. The incidence of sudden cardiac arrest during competitive sports was 0.76 cases per 100,000 years of sports. According to the study, the occurrence of sudden cardiac arrest due to structural heart disease during participation in competitive sports was rare.

A further study published in 2013 by researchers from the University of Texas’s Department of Health Sciences identified over the course of 13 years, from 2000 to 2013, 54 cases of sudden cardiac death among young soccer players.

And it turns out that even at older ages, cardiac arrest during sports is rare. A 2015 study in circulation examined sudden sports-related cases in a large population in the Portland metropolitan area among those ages 35-65 between 2002 and 2013. The researchers identified 1,247 cases, of which 63 (5%) occurred during sports activities. In 16% of cases, victims had previous heart disease, and in 56% they had cardiovascular risk factors. 36% of cases had cardiovascular symptoms during the week leading up to the event.

Five times more FIFA athletes died this year compared to previous years

In order to know how many deaths actually occurred during the last two decades among FIFA players (2001-2020), we used Wikipedia, in the article “List of Football Enemies who Have Lost Playing”. We considered the calculation only to those players on the list who were active players, and not past players. Also, it is important to emphasize that we have only been treated for SUD and SCD and not all sudden deaths.

Wikipedia reports that between 2001 and 2020 there were an average of 4.2 deaths per year attributed to sudden cardiac death (SCD) or unexplained sudden death (SUD), with the vast majority being SCD. This is confirmed by previous data and longitudinal studies, which also indicates that the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and unexplained death (SUD) among FIFA players is about 4-6 cases per year.

For example, a study published in 2014 in The Physician and Sportsmedicine found 54 deaths of football players registered with FIFA as a result of SCD events from 2000 to 2013. In addition, data from FIFA published over the years reinforces this estimated range. For example, in 2012, Haaretz reported that FIFA decided to create a large database to analyse the phenomenon of cardiac events and player collapses on the field. This is due the fact that 36 footballers died on the pitch over a decade. A 2017 BBC report on the issue of heart attacks among football players on the field referred to FIFA’s intention to train the players to treat these situations through defibrillators, cited data handed to the BBC from Global Sports Statistics, indicating that 64 players had died in the past decade during a game.

To find out how many cases happened this year — in 2021 (through mid-November 2021), we used the list of actors who died during 2021, which was collected in the “Real Time News” research. This list includes the players that are specified in Wikipedia this year (in Wikipedia the list is more partial). It found 21 SCD/SUD cases among FIFA players.

Dr. Josh Getzko, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Institute of Criminology at the Hebrew University, analyzed the data. “The bottom line is that instead of 4-6 cases during 2001-2020, 21 players have died this year. That is – about 5 times more than the annual average!

“This figure is statistically significant. In fact, there’s not a year since 2001 where the difference between the number of SCD/SUD cases and the expected number is statistically significant. 2021 is the only year in which the difference is statistically significant, with only a small probability of occurring — two out of 1,000 times. Moreover, even if we consider the margin of error, and we refer to only 14 cases in 2021 – the difference is still statistically significant.”

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Exercise after vaccination? Caution can prevent disaster

Does strenuous exercise after mRNA-based vaccines increase the risk of the vaccinated? This question has taken on over the last few months by the Ministry of Health and experts around the world, mainly in relation to myocarditis and cardiac events. This is due to the ongoing reports of increased side effects from all around the world, and especially among teenagers and young people. In Singapore, for example, the Ministry of Health has issued a statement on September 16 of an expert committee dealing with the issue that “people who are vaccinated, especially teenagers and young people, should refrain from strenuous physical activity for two weeks after each dose of mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccine.” During this period, the subjects must “immediately seek medical treatment if they develop chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations.” Vaccination providers should advise these people who are receiving the vaccine.”

In Israel, however, the Ministry of Health completely dismisses the claims about the increased risk from physical activity. In the beginning of October, the various media in Israel reported that the Ministry of Health professionals are formulating a recommendation that vaccinated persons, including young people under the age of 30, must refrain for a week from strenuous activities and sports training. Following the publication of Dr. Yoav Yehezkeli, an expert in internal medicine and medical administration, a lecturer in the Emergency Management Program at Tel Aviv University and one of the founders of the Epidemic Treatment Team (TSM) on his Facebook page, where he welcomed this caution, the Ministry of Health chose to publish a post that exiles the publication of Dr. Yehezkeli as “Pike”, and announced that “The Ministry of Health experts overwhelmingly decided that there is no danger in sports after vaccination.. Go get vaccinated. Get out and practice.”

At a hearing held on October 6, members of the TSM (Epidemic Management Team) decided by an absolute majority against a similar decision to the one made in Singapore. For example, Dr. Tal Brosh, one of the members of the TSM, claimed that he was “opposed to putting this in the briefing. You don’t prevent exercise after any vaccination… I don’t recognise that avoiding activity reduces myocarditis, which is very problematic at the level of the vaccine safety message.”

“Members of the team categorically rejected this recommendation without having a professional discussion”, wrote Dr. Ezekiel in response to the decision. “No experts in the field were present at the hearing: cardiologists, sports doctors or effort physiologists.” He said that allegations that caused the recommendation to be rescinded, such as “there is no proof that physical activity increases the risk of myocarditis due to vaccination,” indicates lack of professionalism. “It is clear that physical activity itself is not the cause of myocarditis. Physical exertion increases the risk of fatal heart rate arrhythmias in cases [where] the vaccine causes myocarditis. The claims that warning the public could “undermine the status of the vaccine” or lead “to all kinds of speculation on social media” are problematic. “Do fatal events need to occur in order for preventive precautions to be taken? Or does the desire to erase from the public discourse any mention of a side effect from the vaccine outweigh it?” he wrote.

Mild disease or life-threatening?

The connection between coronavirus and two known heart diseases: Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (an infection of the membrane that surrounds the heart) was recognised by health authorities. Myocarditis can lead to severe arrhythmia, and is considered to cause approximately 20% of sudden cardiac death. Often, it may be a condition that combines the two disorders, called primitive permiocarditis.

In addition to the approval of the adult vaccine and the emergency permit for 12-15-year-olds given by the FDA, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in June announced an update in the drug leaflet of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, in relation to the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after the vaccine. For each of the two vaccines, the manufacturer’s information leaflet was revised to include warnings about myocarditis and pericarditis, as well as information about the two diseases. According to the FDA announcement, the update was written following a comprehensive review of the information and discussion on the CDC’s Advisory Committee for Vaccines.

The first evidence for this relationship came from Israel when, following cumulative reports obtained from hospitals in Israel, the Ministry of Health appointed a review committee to examine the issue. The committee, headed by Prof. Dror Mayrach [Mubarak?], reported its findings in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The article included reports from December 2020 through May 2021, where cases were monitored from the first vaccine to 30 days after the second vaccine. The researchers reported 304 people with myocarditis symptoms, of whom they claimed 21 received an alternative diagnosis. Of the remaining 283 cases, 142 occurred after the Pfizer vaccine, of which in 136 patients the diagnosis was defined as either positive or reasonable. According to the article, there are 136 cases of myocarditis out of 5.4 million people vaccinated with one or two doses.

While in absolute numbers this does sound a little, it’s important to understand that this phenomenon after the second dose is 5.3 times higher than expected. Moreover, for boys aged 16-19, the risk is 1 in 6637 – 13.6 times higher than expected risk. Moreover, as Prof. Mubarak himself noted at the Vaccine Prioritization Committee meeting held on June 3, this is likely an underestimation of the cases. It should be noted that according to an article published in the journal Science, in a report submitted to the Ministry of Health on June 1, the researchers concluded that one in 3,000 to one in 6,000 boys and young adults aged 16 to 24 had developed myocarditis – a higher estimate than that reported in the article itself. Professor Mubarak himself, tweeted on May 25, that he estimated the incidence to be one in every 3,000 to one in every 6,000.

The majority of myocarditis cases in the study have been cited as mild and fleeting, but seven cases have been cited as difficult, and one case, that of a young woman, has ended in death. The MOHME does stress that the disease is usually mild, which involves only a short hospital stay. However, according to the research literature, this is a life-threatening disease that could cause long-term damage to the heart muscle and lead to heart arrhythmias and heart failure, which only through prolonged monitoring can reveal the true effect of damage to the heart muscle tissue or the heart muscle itself. Thus, even cases that are deemed mild require follow-up to rule out such damage. Dr. Michael Gudovich, one of the members of the Committee on Prioritization of Vaccines, said in a discussion in which the data from Prof. Mubarak’s research were presented: “Regarding the level of morbidity in myocarditis/primocarditis, it is not possible to define ‘easy’ before time passes and we see with certainty that there is no evidence of the development of cardiomyopathy. He doesn’t approve of the emphasis that it’s a mild illness. What’s more, half of the patients were in intensive care.”

Another issue that comes up, in light of the findings, is what is the prevalence of cardiac infection in children under 16? Currently, there are no studies or reports yet indicating the prevalence of myocarditis and pericarditis at these ages, nor after a vaccine with a third booster.

Coronavirus vaccines: 277 times higher risk of myocarditis than influenza vaccines

Myocarditis and pericarditis are not the only cardiac symptoms where an increase was found [in relation to] the coronavirus vaccines.

Dr. Götzko analyzed the data of the American VAERS system (Adverse Effects Reporting System), focusing on heart events reported in adolescents and young men following COVID vaccination from December (beginning of the vaccination campaign) to October 8, comparing them to reports of heart events among teenage and young adults after flu vaccination in the past five flu seasons (2015/16 – 2019/20).

First, he tested the number of heart event reports reported among individuals aged 18-49 after COVID vaccination, and the number of those cases among the same age group after flu vaccination. He then tested the ratio of the number of COVID cases, compared to the influenza vaccines for one million vaccination. The results: The number of heart events reported this year (December to October), as a result of coronavirus vaccines for every million vaccination among people aged 18-49 is 46 times higher than the rate reported by influenza vaccines for the past five years. The rate of arrhythmia events following coronavirus vaccines is 89 times higher than influenza vaccines; the rate of coronary artery disorders is 65 times higher due to COVID-19 compared to flu vaccines; the case fatality rate is 17 times higher. The rate of other cardiac disorders is 46 times higher; the rate of pericarditis cases is 84 times higher; and the rate of diabetes cases is 277 times higher due to coronavirus vaccines compared to influenza vaccines.

“It’s important to remember that these reporting systems are characterised by a very large structured sub-report,” Dr. Götzko said in an interview to “Real Time News.” “According to the well-known estimates in the research literature, in order to get a closer estimate of the reality, the number of reports should be multiplied by 40-50 times or even more.” The meaning of this estimate is almost unimaginable. If the total number of reports for cardiac events is close to 100,000 (98,235 reports), multiplying by 50,000 [50?] means about five million (!) reports of cardiac events. If the number of reported coronary disorders is around 17,000 (17,071), in reality it is around 850,000; If the total number of cardiac failure reports is 6,577, in reality, that’s 325,000. If the number of reports on myocarditis is 1,512, in reality it is 75,600. And all this in a group of young people.

Increase in the Calls to MDA Rate of Cardiac Events in Young Adults

Research conducted a few months ago by Professor Esrom Levi, an expert in systemic risk management, development and implementation of predictive risk models in healthcare and government bodies from MIT, based on the use of the Magen David Adom database, reinforces the concerns raised by Dr. Götzko’s analysis. Prof. Levi analyzed the MDA readings in 2019-2021, and focused on the calls related to cardiac arrest and heart attacks according to the definitions determined by the MDA teams in the field. This period includes 14 months without coronavirus pandemic and without vaccines (2019 to March 2020); ten months of pandemic (March 2020 until December 2020); five and a half months of epidemic with vaccines (January-May 2021). The findings indicated a 25% increase in [reported] cardiac events in the younger age group in 2021 compared to previous periods, and an increase of over 83% in [reports of] heart attacks among women aged 20-29. What’s more, research has shown that case rates increase [in proportion to decreasing age ranges].

Although the data do not include information on the group’s vaccination status, statistical analysis indicates a clear relationship between the weeks in which there were many IAEA [MDA?] calls that were diagnosed by the medical teams as heart attacks and cardiac arrest in the 16-39 age groups, and vaccination in this age group, with a peak in the rate of cardiac events following the introduction of the vaccine in 2021. Also, according to the article, the correlation appears to be particularly related to the administration of second doses of the vaccine, and the decision to vaccinate patients at these ages.

Although the article did not claim that the increase was due to the vaccine, in light of the troubling data, in particular in light of the proven relationship between the vaccine and myocarditis and the risk of cardiac events as a result of the infection, Professor Levi demanded a detailed and urgent examination of the cases. The findings and the article itself were submitted by the MIT research team to the Israeli Ministry of Health, but there was no response.

In an online meeting published by the Ministry of Health on October 10, Dr. Sharon Elray-Price, head of health services, claimed that the National Center for Disease Control had looked at Prof. Levy’s research and found that the data were incorrect. “This is one of the biggest fake news stories I have ever seen and run in a very significant way,” she said, referring to the claim about the connection between vaccination and cardiac events. “It started with something that is like a study but it’s not really a study, it hasn’t been peer reviewed, its definitions are incorrect, but we met with the researcher to really understand in-depth what he did and see if there was anything in it, and the CDC [National Centers for Disease Control?] did a very comprehensive investigation into the data of that study, which was MDA readings and essentially found there was nothing, no more heart attacks, no more emergency calls, you don’t see this morbidity period, during the period of disease from the beginning, in mortality data from the beginning of 2021, we do not see an increase in mortality except for corona mortality.”

On October 12, the members of the Emergency Council of Israel contacted the Director of the National Center for Disease Control, Professor Lital Keinan Boker, asking for data on the date and status of the vaccination of reported cases; diagnosis in hospital; the methodology used to draw conclusions about Prof. Levi’s examination; the experts who studied his research; and whether an independent team was used. According to Adv. Gadi Shilo, who filed the request on behalf of the Health Insurance Department, the answer received so far was that the examination of the request was forwarded to the CEO. The request has not been answered since. The Real Time News request to respond to this request from the Health Ministry’s information headquarters was also not answered.

As stated, it is not yet possible to determine a direct correlation between deaths in the competitive athletes described in the article, but the picture of the situation that emerges from it is alarming. The large number of cases [around the time of] the vaccine [rollout], compared to the relatively rare appearance of these cases in athletes in previous years (pre-coronavirus vaccines), must serve as a warning sign indicating the increased risk, and requires thorough, professional and independent attention and examination, as well as the establishment and improvement of existing systems for monitoring and monitoring of side effects, before continuing to impose additional vaccines and boosters on the public, especially on young people, teens and children.

For more information, the original article is at this link:
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Video: Senior Cardiologist Warns Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Massive Increase In Heart Attacks Is Being Totally Ignored
December 2, 2021

“They’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.”

A leading cardiologist in the UK has warned that a colleague of his is finding it impossible to get research published because it definitively links COVID vaccines to a massive increase in heart attacks.

Appearing on GB News, Dr. Aseem Malhotra related how he was contacted by a researcher from a prestigious British Institution who said that he had found concrete links between inflammation of coronary arteries and the experimental mRNA vaccines.


Dr. Malhotra added that his colleague told him the institution decided it would be better not to publish the results, fearing it would lose its research funding.

Referring to UK government health data showing there has been a substantial increase in the number of cardiology-related deaths recently, Malhotra noted, “somebody from a very prestigious British institution – a cardiology department researcher [and] a whistleblower – contacted me to say that researchers in [his] department had found something similar within the coronary arteries linked to the vaccine.”

He continued, “They had a meeting and these researchers at the moment have decided they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.”

Malhotra also referred to a recent paper by renowned cardiologist Steven Gundry that was published. The research found that COVID vaccines “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle.”

“Knowing this information is very concerning, [in addition to] Steven Gundry’s paper, and also anecdotal evidence…being told by colleagues that younger and younger people coming in with heart attacks,” Malhotra explained.

The doctor added “We know since July there’s been almost 10,000 excess non-Covid deaths and most of those, or a significant portion of those have been driven by circulatury disease – or in other words heart attack and stroke.”


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Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
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'We need to target vaccine centres, schools and councils': Inside the chilling anti-vax group where ex-soldiers are teachings hundreds to wage 'war' on the government and preparing them for 'direct action'
Alpha Men Assemble organise military-style training sessions for anti-vaxxers as part of 'war' on Government
Daily Mail reporter infiltrated the group where former members of the Armed Forces drill its own volunteers
Group has more than 7,000 subscribers on its Telegram social media app and 100 members attended training
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'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Life insurance company reportedly refuses to pay for covid vaccine death in France

A report out of France is starting to make waves online. An entrepreneur from Paris died after getting the covid-19 vaccine. According to media reports, the deceased person had previously taken out a multi-million-dollar life insurance policy to benefit his children and grandchildren. However, the insurance company is refusing to pay out. They claim that the deceased person took part in a medical experiment at his own risk, and the side effects of the covid-19 vaccines are well-known and published. This insurance company says covid-19 is not classified as a “critical illness,” but the side effects of the vaccine do include death.

The insurance company claims that the deceased person violated the insurance contract by partaking in an experimental medical intervention with known risks. The family is suing the insurance company, but have so far been unsuccessful. The deceased person took a life-threatening risk that can legally be recognized as suicide. The insurance company does not have to pay out for suicide, and refuses to pay for deaths caused directly by the covid-19 vaccines.

The family’s lawyer, Carlo Alberto Brusa, posted about the case on social media. According to the report, the court ruled in
favor of the insurer. The court recognized the insurer’s classification of the man’s death, that the man knew about the side effects of the phase three experimental vaccine — side effects that include death. The family’s appeal was denied because the insurance contract is clear: A fatal risk that is publicly known is “not covered by the contract” and is “legally considered as suicide.” The court ruled that the man voluntarily took part in the experiment. The family could appeal that ruling on entirely different grounds and claim the man was compelled to take the vaccines via government mandates. Would the insurance company be forced to pay out for the death if the family could prove the French government compelled him to vaccinate and commit suicide against his own will? ... fe-policy/

January 15, 2022 / brianpeckford

This just in from France. See link below.

A wealthy elderly man with a high value Life Insurance policy to the amount of millions of euros… dies from the covid jab. His death as a consequence of being jabbed is not disputed by the doctors, nor his life insurers. Thr Insurance company refused to pay the policy, citing that the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family takes the insurance company to court and they have just lost the case.

The judge stated, “the experimental vaccine side effects are publicised and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab.

There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore, his death is essentially suicide”.

Suicide is explicitely excluded from this particular policy and in fact from all life insurance policies in general.

This has been the finding of a major western world court system and there is zero doubt that insurance companies world wide will cite this case as legal fact.

Therefore, if anyone ever challenges you on whether these jabs are experimental or not, and that neither the pharma companies, nor govts, nor anyone else but YOU are responsible for accepting them and if you die, legally you have committed suicide. No insurance, no payouts, no refunds. You are on your own!

Here is the link to the article. ... s-enfants/

Source: Sent to me by Allan MacRae

If all else fails - money talks.
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