“France under jihadist threat”: Media promotes war on Mali

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“France under jihadist threat”: Media promotes war on Mali

Post by cem »


[1] La Croix, 17 January 2013

Mali - The conflict spreads

[caption] French soldiers departing on Tuesday from [Mali’s capital] Bamako to the north of the country.

[2] Liberation, 14 January 2013

Mali - The reasons for a war

[caption] Photo by the French Army of a Mirage 2000 [fighter jet] flying over Chad on Friday night into Saturday morning to join the operations in Mali.


[1] Aujourd’hui en France, 15 January 2013

War on Mali - Threats against France

[2] La Depeche du Midi, 15 January 2013

Terrorism: What does France risk?

[caption] [Soldiers standing guard] in front of Toulouse-Blagnac airport last night. […]


[1] Le Republicain Lorrain, 15 January 2013

After [France’s military] intervention on Mali. France under jihadist threat

[photo of soldiers patrolling Bordeaux]

[2] Ouest-France, 18 January 2013

Mobilised against terrorism

[caption] […] “2e RIMa” [2nd Marine Infantry Regiment] marines at the Montparnasse train station in Paris.


[1] Le Monde, 13 January 2013

France wages war against the Islamists

Once a model country (*), Mali turns into hell. […]

[caption] Ansar Dine fighters near Timbuktu in April 2012.

(*) Mali was a colony of France from 1892 to 1960.

[2] L’Independant, 15 January 2013

“In war against terrorism”

“France is in war against terrorism” declared [France’s] Defence Minister [Jean-Yves] Le Drian.

Note: The excerpts from French newspapers have been translated by Cem Ertür.


“France under jihadist threat”: French media promotes the war on Mali

propaganda alert

compiled by Cem Ertür

18 January 2013

“Military intervention by France and the other Western powers in Mali - under the guise of “defeating terrorism” - is a bridgehead for Western capital and corporations, not only into a resource-rich country, but into a large chunk of the entire African continent.” [excerpt from Finian Cunningham’s “Preplanned Mali invasion reveals France's neo-colonialistic agenda” ]


excerpts from: Hollande steps up France security over Mali and Somalia

BBC News, 13 January 2013

French President Francois Hollande has ordered security stepped up around public buildings and transport because of military operations in Africa.

He was responding to the risk of Islamist attack after French forces attacked militants in Mali and Somalia. [...]

France's anti-terrorism alert system known as "Vigipirate" is being reinforced immediately, with security boosted at public buildings and transport networks, particularly rail and air. Public gatherings will also be affected.

The alert will remain at red, the second-highest level at which emergency counter-attack measures are put in place.

The "struggle against terrorism" required all necessary precautions to be taken in France itself, the president said.


related articles:

Gung-ho French in another fatal African attraction

by Finian Cunningham, Press TV, 17 January 2013

http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/01/17 ... ttraction/

By design: French Mali invasion spills into Algeria

by Tony Cartalucci, Global Research, 17 January 2013

http://www.globalresearch.ca/by-design- ... ia/5319313

The war on Mali. What you should know: An eldorado of uranium, gold, petroleum, strategic minerals …

by R. Teichman, Global Research, 15 January 2013

http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-war-on ... ow/5319093

Preplanned Mali invasion reveals France's neo-colonialistic agenda

by Finian Cunningham, Press TV, 14 January 2013

http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/01/14 ... replanned/


from the archives:

French colonisers have not accepted the loss of their colony

by Elena Gromova, Voltaire Network, 5 December 2012



propaganda alerts:

At the service of Empire. UNICEF’s fake humanitarian appeal

by Cem Ertür, Global Research, 27 December 2012

http://www.globalresearch.ca/at-the-ser ... al/5316988

"Mission accomplished": Le Figaro celebrates the extrajudicial execution of Mohamed Merah

by Cem Ertür, Indybay, 23 March 2012

http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2012/0 ... 709987.php

UK Prime Minister: There is no question of an invasion or occupation of Libya

by Cem Ertür, Indybay, 21 April 2011

http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2011/0 ... 677713.php

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"Liberating Mali": President Hollande hails the oc

Post by cem »


Le Monde, 5 February 2013

France is to stay in Mali for a long while

African Armies will find it difficult to take over

[caption] Malian army convoy arrives at Timbuktu on February 2nd.


Le Figaro, 4 February 2013

left: Hollande relishes French victory in Bamako

caption: After receiving a triumphant welcome in Mali, [France’s President] Francois Hollande delivered a speech which justifies French presence [in Mali] as fighting
"against terrorism" and repaying "today our debt to you".

right: An interview of the U.S. Vice-President with Le Figaro

"The United States supports France in Mali without hesitation."

[US Vice-President] Joe Biden begins his tour of Europe and is due to be hosted this morning by [France’s President] Francois Hollande. He explains US logistic
support for the military action led by France.


Le Journal du Dimanche, 3 February 2013

We are staying

[France’s President] Francois Hollande in Mali.

• "We haven't accomplished our mission yet"
• "We are very close to the hostages"
• The account of the most important trip in President's political carrier.

caption: President Francois Hollande salutes French troops in Timbuktu yesterday.

[Note: The person standing next to Mr Hollande is Mali's interim President Dioncounda Traore]


Dimanche Ouest France, 3 February 2013

Hollande welcomed as a liberator in Mali

caption: [France’s] President "Papa Francois Hollande" was warmly greeted by the crowds in Timbuktu and Bamako yesterday.

Note: The excerpts from French newspapers have been translated by Cem Ertür.


From the archives:


The Independent, 16 September 2011

Conquering heroes hail new dawn for Libya - but have they jumped the gun?

caption: In [Libya's capital] Tripoli yesterday, from left: [French philosopher] Bernard-Henri Levy, [France’s President] Nicholas Sarkozy, [Chairman of Libya’s National Transitional Council] Mahmoud Jibril and [UK Prime Minister] David Cameron.


http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2013/0 ... 731494.php

“Liberating Mali”: The President of France hails the beginning of a long-term occupation

Propaganda alert

compiled by Cem Ertür

7 February 2013


"Yes, it’s true: I took a grave decision on 10 January to commit French soldiers alongside Malian soldiers. It was [in response to] the appeal made to me by [Mali's] President Traoré. It was the duty of France, who was acting on behalf of the international community with the support of the European countries, in the framework of the United Nations. Yes, we had to respond: it was important to fight, because it was terrorism. Terrorism here in Mali, terrorism in West Africa, terrorism everywhere. By acting in this way, France was living up to her history, to the Republic, to human rights and therefore to democracy."

[France's President Francois Hollande, speech delivered in Mali's capital Bamako, 2 February 2013] [1]

"Alongside the Malians and the Africans, we have liberated this town. Today Timbuktu. Tomorrow Kidal. And others are still to come. You have accomplished an exceptional mission."

[France's President Francois Hollande, speech delivered to French troops in Timbuktu, 2 February 2013] [2]

[1] President Hollande voices resolve during Mali visit

website of the French Embassy in London, 4 February 2013

http://ambafrance-uk.org/President-Holl ... es-resolve

[2] Timbuktu hails France's President Francois Hollande, its saviour in a suit

by David Blair, Sunday Telegraph, 3 February 2013

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... -suit.html


Related articles:

U.S. escalate imperialist war in Mali and Niger

Hollande visits Timbuktu and then escalates bombing operations

by Abayomi Azikiwe, Global Research, 4 February 2013

http://www.globalresearch.ca/u-s-escala ... er/5321787

Hollande´s Mali visit: “Liberating” Mali by occupying the truth?

by Christof Lehmann, nsnbc, 3 February 2013

http://nsnbc.me/2013/02/03/hollandes-ma ... -the-truth

Illegal invasions, “rogue states”, forgotten victims and a shaming plea

The usual suspects have embarked on another mass butchery – sorry “training exercise” - in mega-resource-rich Mali, and are meddling, with lethality, in Algeria.

by Felicity Arbuthnot, Global Research, 31 January 2013

http://www.globalresearch.ca/illegal-in ... ea/5321316

“France under jihadist threat”: French media promotes the war on Mali

propaganda alert by Cem Ertür, Indybay, 18 January 2013

http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2013/0 ... 730438.php

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Post by Andrew. »

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... FJfSIpIbDg

Nigel Farage: The EU is Increasingly About War.

A decent speech, but says about fundamentalist Jihadists.

Al-CIA-Duh and Saudi so-called Muslim brotherhood.
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UNESCO grants peace prize to Hollande amid Mali war

Post by cem »


http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/02/22 ... -amid-war/

excerpt from: UNESCO grants peace prize to Hollande amid French-led Mali war

Press TV, 22 February 2013

The UN cultural agency, UNESCO, has granted a peace prize to the French president for his “valuable contribution to peace and stability in Africa,” amid the ongoing French-led war in the African country of Mali.

The former President of Mozambique Joaquim Chissano, who chaired the Jury of the Felix Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize, said on Thursday, “After analyzing the global situation, it is Africa that held the attention of the Jury with the various threats affecting the continent.”

He added that the Jury decided to give the award to Francois Hollande “for his great contribution to peace and stability in Africa.”
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