Tue13Nov - ROME - Bilderberg Annual Steering Group meeting

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Tue13Nov - ROME - Bilderberg Annual Steering Group meeting

Post by TonyGosling »

Dear all concerned with the return of European fascism,

If you haven't read this book yet http://spitfirelist.com/books/martin-bo ... -in-exile/
or this article about Bilderberg and Operation Market Garden http://www.bilderberg.org/bildhist.htm#Market
please do.

According to the following source the Bilderberg Steering Committee Meeting will start tomorrow in Rome:
Hotel de Russie, between Via del Babuino and Piazza del Popolo.
Hotel de Russie
Via del Babuino 9
00187 Rome, Italy
Tel: +39 06 32 88 81
They will have a special tour of the Musei Capitolini,
Followed by a dinner.
Estimated budget: €100.000 (more or less 80 guests).

Auto Translate Of Italian Article Followed By Original Italian



In the most dramatic political moment for Italy and for Europe, the Bilderberg Group, almost as if it were a provocation, has chosen Rome to hold tomorrow its 61° work session will focus primarily on countries euro Commissioner most at risk Italy, Spain and Greece. The meeting there is ' track even on the official site of the most powerful and mysterious world organization which brings together managers, bankers and entrepreneurs from around the world.

http://www.informarexresistere.fr/2012/ ... z2C17At6Ry
http://www.dagospia.com/rubrica-3/polit ... -46589.htm

Marlieke de Vogel, organizational Secretary of the Bilderberg Group, however, is hopeless: the hush-hush meeting in Rome of the most powerful financial circle para-Masonic world, scheduled for tomorrow, is likely a resounding flop. Why, given the accomplishments of these super sensitive meeting held uninterruptedly since 1954 and which takes its name from the Dutch hotel where it held the first meeting?

Simply because the genes of the Organization have placed guests who are to discuss the fate of the planet, in the aftermath of Obama's confirmation and with bags in fibrillation, in the prestigious Hotel de Russie, via del Babuino, angolo piazza del Popolo, but at the same time invaded by television crews looking for rising stars, actresses, pimps and Showgirls come to smignotteggiare for the Rome Film Festival.

Farewell then to secrecy and that look super padded that characterized all meetings that organizes Bilderberg usually only places ultra reserved twice a year away from cameras and gossip. The last meeting was held in reserved town of Chantily, Virginia, Usa, from 31 May to 2 July.

But in Rome, you know, everything ends in whores and so, so much to remain inconspicuous, 80 conspirators will relocate on a field trip tomorrow afternoon with dozens of vans with tinted Windows and flashing lights and sirens to ball, the Capitoline museums that will close their doors even earlier, at 17, to allow aprons a guided tour starting at 19 angering hundreds of tourists who will be dismissed resulting armouring of the whole area.

The catering that oversees the Organization, has forecast an aperitif at the entrance and then visiting, divided into two groups, the sala degli Orazi e Curiazi, Tabularium and Esedra where Marcus Aurelius ' dinner will take place.

By the way, it seems that the old Enrico Bondi has had under his eyes the quote for the guided visit and dinner. For about 80 people it seems over 100 thousand euros, a net price, just over 1000 euros per apron ... Eat caviar and truffle? Drink only Crystal? But who pays?

I certainly will want to know the austere Mario Monti gave for some dinner and maybe even to work Wednesday, along with the ever-present Corradino Passera, the Education Minister Francesco Profumo, the ever-present female duo Paola Severino and Elsa Fornero. Although to tell the truth in the work are never intended for government representatives tradition but it is known that resists not SuperMario when it comes to Aspen, Bilderberg, Trilateral and various cliques ...

Despite the resounding defeat for tarnishing his Rome the shiniest remains Interior Minister Anna Maria Clerks who, sensing smells like burned declined the invitation thing I did obviously Giuliano Amato, designated in official documents as President of Treccani.

Posted in guest list, the Governor of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, the delicacy of the issues to be discussed and that in a sense it involves institutionally, has made it known to the French Henry de Castries, Chairman of the Bilderberg conservatively developments that will follow the work from Frankfurt to avoid with his presence in Rome inevitable exploitation.

Poor de Vogel is also bleached when he noticed that among the Italian guests now regulars as Lilli Gruber, already attovagliata in Chantily, there is a new entry of journalism as Chicco Mentana precisely to show that La7 ' Bebe Bernabe ', Grand Master of ceremonies, is at home. Flebuccio de Bortoli, with his white raincoat and the collar turned up to go unnoticed, is in doubt until the last moment. Also waiting for the arrival of Vendeline von Bredow likely '' The Economist "the warhead more anti Berlusconi.

But who are the guests confirmed for now? Among the Italians the former trade unionist of CGIL Mauro Moretti the railwayman, Alberto Nagel, CEO of Mediobanca, Angelo Gimbals, Chairman of Agcom, Federico Ghizzoni to of Unicredito, Enrico Teaspoons of Intesa, Fulvio Conti of Enel, the President of Rai Anna Maria Tarantola, the new President of the CIR Rodolfo De Benedetti, the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Vis

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Post by Andrew. »

Estimated budget: €100.000 (more or less 80 guests).

They out number the 15 or so that turned up for the " where people don't pay rent and mortgages anymore" and all other debts, and "redistribute the land fairly for no money" taking the power away from them, so as to stop the wars too.

So for the time being they (the hierarchy) are having great success.
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