P2 Plan To Kill Democracy hidden in Maria Gelli's suitcase

False flag operations are covert (black) operations conducted by special forces, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as though they are being carried out by an enemy. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colours; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. Generally considered a dishonourable and extremely cowardly act. False flag operations are not limited to war or counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during the Italian Strategy of Tension.

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P2 Plan To Kill Democracy hidden in Maria Gelli's suitcase

Post by TonyGosling »

Scottish Rite Masons wrote:Italian law brought into force to stop this plan RESCINDED by the European Court!
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has handed down a landmark judgment under Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights - prohibition of discrimination - in an application involving public appointments brought by the Grand Orient of Italy.
http://www.grandlodgescotland.com/index ... Itemid=115

"Piano di rinascita democratica"
thanks to Charlie in Italy for this!
When searching Licio Gelli's villa, the police found a document called the "Plan for Democratic Rebirth", which called for a consolidation of the media, suppression of trade unions, and the rewriting of the Italian Constitution.
In July 1982, new documents were found hidden in the false bottom of a suitcase belonging to Gelli's daughter at Fiumicino airport in Rome. The documents were entitled "Memorandum sulla situazione italiana" (Memorandum on the Italian situation) "Piano di rinascita democratica" (Plan of Democratic Rebirth) and are seen as the political programme of P2. According to these documents, the main enemies of Italy were the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and the trade unions. These had to be isolated and cooperation with the communists (the second biggest party in Italy and the largest in Western Europe), which was proposed in the historic compromise by Aldo Moro needed to be disrupted.

Full text of "plan of democratic rebirth" of the P2 lodge, arrested M. Gelli Grace in July 1982

1) The word democracy means that every motive or intention to overthrow the system, even if occult, are excluded from this plan
2) the plan tends to revitalize the system through the stress of all the institutions that the Constitution provides for and regulates, by the State to political parties, the press, labor unions, voters.
3) The plan is divided into a brief indication of objectives, the development of processes - even alternative - implementation and finally the listing of programs in the short, medium and long term.
4) It should also be noted, for clarity, that the medium and long term programs require some adjustments to the Constitution following the restoration of basic institutions.

1) In the order shall state:

a) democratic political parties, the PRI from PSI, PSDI from the DC to PLI (subject to check the National Right)
b) printing, excluding any publishing operation, which should be sought at the level of journalists through a selection that touches soprattuttto: Corriere della Sera, Day, Newspaper, Print, Resto del Carlino, Messenger, Weather, Rome, Morning, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Giornale di Sicilia, for newspapers, and journals: European, Espresso, Panorama, Epocaa, Today, People, Christian Family. The RAI-TV to be forgotten.
c) trade unions, federations and CISL and UIL, is autonomous, in search of a lever to bring them back to their natural function even at the cost of a split and the subsequent formation of a free association of workers;
d) the Government, which must be restored in the ministerial organization and quality 'of men to be offered to individual departments;
e) the judiciary, which must be related to the role of ensuring the correct and thorough applicazioone laws;
f) the Parliament, whose efficiency and 'subject to the success of political parties, trade unions and the press.

2) Political parties, press and trade unions are subject to possible stress on the level of economic financial maneuver.
For availability 'of numbers not exceeding 30 or 40 billion seems sufficient to allow people of good faith and carefully selected to capture the key positions necessary for their control.
Government, Judiciary and Parliament instead represent successive goals, accedibili only after the success of the first operation, although the two phases are not necessarily intended for specific intersections and mutual interference, as will be seen 'in detail in the preparation of the proceedings.

3) The primary goal and indispensable condition of the transaction and 'the constitution of a club (of a Rotarian for etereogenita' component) where they are represented to the best levels, operators, business and financial leaders of the liberal professions, public administrators and magistrates, as well as 'very few and selected politicians, not exceeding the number of 30 units or 40'.
The men who belong to must be homogeneous way of feeling, disinterestedness, honest 'and moral rigor, ie, such' as ​​to constitute a genuine guarantors with respect to the political committee that will assume the burden of implementing the plan and against friendly forces and foreign national who will choose to support. Important and 'immediately establish a valid connection with the Masons International.

1) In the political world should be:

a) Select men - above all - which can 'be given the task of promoting the revitalization of ciacuna respective political party (the Socialist Party, for example, Mancini, Mariani and Craxi, the PRI: Visentini and Flag; for PSDI : Orlandi and Amidei, for DC: Andreotti, Small, Forlani, and Gullotti Bisaglia; for PLI: Cotton and Quilleri; for the National Right (if applicable): Covelli);
b) secondly consider whether the present political parties are able to still have the necessary credibility 'outside again become valuable tools for political action;
c) if so, assign to the selected financial instruments in a controlled-enough-to allow them to gain dominance in their respective parties;
d) If not use the same financial instruments for the immediate establishment of two movements: one, sullasinistra (at the turn of PSI-PSDI-PRI-left liberals and the left DC), and the other on right (at the turn of DC conservatives, liberals, Democrats and the National Right). These movements should be based club promoters composed by as many politicians and members of society 'civil reciprocal proportion of 1 to 3 where the first represents the link with the existing shares and the second to connect with the real world.
All promoters must be impervious to moral rigor, capacity, 'honest' and available for action tend to build political pragmatist, waiving the usual ideological and whips keys. Otherwise, the rejection by public opinion and 'to be considered inevitable.

2) In the press (or, rather, journalists) impiegodegli the securities can not 'at this stage be expected nominatoivamente. It will 'draw up a list of at least 2 or 3 items for each newspaper or magazine so that anyone knowing the other. The action must 'be carried out like wildfire, or, rather, a chain, no more' than 3 or 4 elements who know the environment.
Reporters purchases must 'be given the task of "sympathy" for politicians chosen as above in both alternative hypotheses 1c and 1d.
In a second time it will take ':
a) acquire certain week of battle;
b) coordinate all provincial and local press through a centralized agency;
c) coordinate many cable TV with the agency for the local press;
d) dissovere RAI-TV in the name of freedom 'antenna art. 21 Apost.

3) As for the unions and the first choice 'between the stress at break, ie following' lines already 'existing minority groups of the ICFTU and the ILO majority, and then facilitate the merger with the self, acquired with financial instruments equal entities 'the most' available among current Confederates in order to overthrow the balance of power within the current Trimurti.
The actual goals to be achieved are:
a) restoration of freedom 'individuals in the factories and companies in general to allow the election of works councils, with effective guarantees of secrecy of voting;
b) recover in this way the effective role of the union's associate in place of production of the phenomenon that legitimately absent interlocutors when corporate and government policy decisions.
In this respect, the way of splitting and subsequent integration with the self snche seems preferable for the positive impact on public opinion of a sensational phenomenon as the formation of a real union that shake the flag of freedom 'of work and protection economic DEEI workers. Also in terminidi cost 'to predict the use of financial instruments of entities' inferior to the other hypotheses.

4) Government and Parliament, Judiciary

a) Select men - above all - which can 'be given the task of promoting the revitalization of each respective political party (For the PSI, for example Mancini, Mariani and Craxi, the PRI: Visentini and Flag, the Social Democrats: Orlandi and Amidei, for DC: Andreotti, Small, Forlani, and Gullotti Bisaglia; for PLI: Cotton and Quilleri; for the National Right (if applicable): Covelli);
b) secondly consider whether the present political parties are able to still have the necessary credibility 'outside again become valuable tools for political action;
c) if so, assign to the selected financial instruments enough - with the necessary controls - to allow them to gain dominance in their respective parties;
d) If not use the same financial instruments for the immediate establishment of two movements: the one on the left (at the turn of PSI - PSDI - PRI - Liberals on the left of the left and DC), and the other on the right (at the turn of DC conservatives, liberals, Democrats and the National Right). These movements should be based club promoters composed by as many politicians and members of society 'civil reciprocal proportion of 1 to 3 where the first represents the link with the existing shares and the second to connect with the real world.
All promoters must be impervious to moral rigor, capacity, 'honest', and basically disponnibili for pragmatic political action, waiving the usual ideological and whips keys. Otherwise, the rejection by the public opinion and 'to be considered inevitable.

2) In the press (or, rather, journalists) the use of financial instruments can not 'at this stage be expected nominatim. It will 'draw up a list of at least 2 or 3 items for each newspaper or magazine so that anyone knowing the other. The action must 'be carried out like wildfire, or, rather, a chain, no more' than 3 or 4 elements who know the environment.
Reporters acquired must 'be given the task of "sympathy" for politicians chosen as above in both alternative hypotheses 1c and 1d.
Second time it will take ':
a) acquire certain week of battle;
b) coordinate all provincial and local press through a centralized agency;
c) coordinate many cable TV with the agency for the local press;
d) dissolving the RAI-TV in the name of freedom 'antenna art. 21 Apost.

3) Regarding the unions first choice e'fra stress fracture, ie following 'lines already' existing minority groups the majority of the CISL and UIL, and then facilitate the merger with the self-employed, aquisire with financial instruments entity of 'the most' available among current Confederates in order to overthrow the balance of power of the all'interrno trimorti.
The actual goals to be achieved are:
a) restoration of freedom 'in individual factories and companies in general to allow the election of works councils with effective guarantees of secrecy of voting;
b) recover in this way the effective role of the union of contributor productive phenomenon in place of that unlawfully absent interlocutors when corporate and government policy decisions.
In this respect, the way of splitting and subsequent integration with the self seems preferable also for the positive impact on public opinion of a sensational phenomenon as the formation of a real union that shake the flag of freedom 'of work and protection of the workers. In terms of cost 'to predict the use of financial instruments of entities' lower than the other hypotheses.

4) Government, Judiciary and Parliament

It 'clear that these objectives are in respect of which the procedures become alternative to varying degrees depending on the circumstances.
It 'still intuitive that, if the carrier favorable circumstances set out hereafter, the short lead times - except for the Judiciary - being excluded from the proceedings subject to the development of those relating to the parties, the press and trade unions, with the reserve of a piu'rapida action against the Parliament in which components and 'easy to extend the same modus operandi already' provided for political parties.
For the Judiciary, and 'should be noted that there is already' an internal force (the power of the independent judiciary Ass Nat. May) that brings together more than 40% of Italian magistrates of moderate positions.
It 's enough to establish an agreement on a moral and programmatic and develop a concrete understanding to direct material aid to count on a valuable tool, already' operating within the body also to some quick adjustments legislative riconducano justice to its traditional function of elements of balance of society 'and not already' subversion.
However, where the circumstances would allow the government to rely on the ascent of a politician (or team) already 'in tune with the spirit of the club and with his ideas "democratic revival", and' clear that the timing of the procedures receive a strong acceleration even for a chance 'to implement immediately with emergency and short-term debt so part of the implementation of the procedures described above.
In terms of time what 'would mean the possibility' to reduce to 6 months and even less time for action, if there is a requirement of availability 'of funds.


For programs you want to choose, on a scale of priorities', the number of transactions in the form of:
a) actions of political and economic behavior;
b) administrative acts (of government);
c) legislative acts necessary to reverse - in conjunction with those described in respect of prosecution - the current trend sfascimento of the institution and, with it, the Constitution of disottemperanza whose bodies do not work more 'according to the original patterns. It is, in essence, to "register" - as in the tri-color print - ciascune establishment and functions of each organ relative to it's borders are precisely defined and vanish the current areas of overlap from which confusion and weakening of State.
By way of example, we consider two phenomena:
1) the displacement of the centers of real power from Parliament to the unions and the government to multinational padronati with the related financial instruments of action. Would be a good enough read on programming revitalize CNEL and a new structure of ministries accompanied by modern administrative rules to return to the natural holders the power now lost;
2) the decline suffered by the school in the last 10 years as a result of a correct policy of extending the area of ​​public education, but not accompanied 'by the provision of adequate and trained teaching body as well as' the programming needs in the areas of employment.
Ne and 'leading a strong and dangerous intellectual unemployment - with serious deficenze instead in technical fields as well as' the tendency to locate in the right qualifications to the workplace. It follows from this state of affairs still pushing egalitarianism acquitted (against the Constitution, which wants to protect the right to higher education for the most 'deserving) and, to the disappointment of not including, the refuge in apathy or ideology of the drug of subversion also armed. The remedy is to: close the tap of the alleged automatism: degree - jobs, provide for facilities in good teachers, in planning, along with the economic phenomenon, including its human needs, and finally restored in the meritocratic principle imposed by the Constitution.
In many respects, the definition of intersect programs 'themes and notations already' contained in the recent Message of the President of the Republic - certainly significant - as diagnosis of the situation in the country, taking, however ', meaning therapies more' than to make new analyzes.
Such programs may be enforceable - if necessary - with emergency legislation (Decree Law).
a) Emergency short-term. The program includes urgent, like other institutional arrangements (ie aimed 'to "register" the institutions) and measures of economic and social nature.
a1) Judicial Order: Changes more 'urgent investments:
- Responsibility 'civil (fault) of judges;
- The prohibition of appointing judges in the press, however invested with judicial proceedings;
- The rules for access in career (preliminary aptitude tests);
- Changing the rules on faculty 'freedom' Safe in the presence of the offenses
subversion - even tentatata - against the State and the Constitution, as well as' the
violation of public order, armed robbery, kidnapping of
person and violence in general.
a2) Organization of the Government
1 - Law on the Presidency of the Council and the Minister (Const. Art. 95) to determine
skills and number (reduced, with the elimination or near-Secretaries);
2 - Global programmazuone Act (Const. Art. 41) centered on a Ministry
economy that incorporates the current incentive structures (Mezz Fund. - PPSS -
Mediocredito Industry - Agriculture), the CNEL revitalized as a point of intersection of
social forces and trade unions, business and cultural and procedures for meeting the
Parliament and the Regions;
3 - Administration Reform (Articles of the Constitution. 28 -97 - 98) based on the theory of
general public administration, on a clear separation of RESPONSIBILITY 'political
which becomes the administrative staff (establishment of the Secretaries General of Ministry)
and replacing the principle of silence-the silence-rejection with that consent;
4 - Definition of reserves within the limits of the law intended and expressly required by
Establishment and identification of areas of secondary legislation (regulations) IN PARTICULAR
of the regional fields must be limited within the laws
a3) Sorting of Parliament
1) allocation of fact, of powers between the two chambers (according to the political and economic function CD to SR);
2) change (already 'in progress) of the relevant Regulations to give strength to the principle of value (Const. Art. 64) between majority-government on the one hand, and opposition, on the other, instead of the current trend assemblearistica;
3) adoption of the principle of sessions running time of program execution

b) economic and social measures
b1) the abolition of the validity of 'statutory qualifications (for displacing the universities' and give it time to develop a serious reform of the school which implement the precepts of the Constitution);
b2) adoption of a single national time of 7 hours and 30 'effect (from 8.30 to 17) subject to the
rounds required for plants to 24-hour rhythm, mandatory for all activities' public and private;
b3) elimination of the holidays' midweek and its bridges (except for June 2 - Christmas
- New Year and August) from riconcedere in a package of 7 additional days of annual leave entitlement;
b4) an obligation to implement in any organization and organ state shifts holidays' - even for
draw - in all times of the year, both the activity annualise 'tourism industry,
and to avoid the "summer syndrome" that blocks the activity 'production;
b5) revision of the tax reform in the following directions:
1 - revision of rates for employees updating the depreciation rate of 1973-76;
2 - nettizzazione the origin of all salaries and wages of PA (To avoid the enormous
relative costs of clearing transactions);
3 - lowering of tax rates on earned income and pensions;
4 - Reduction in rates for donations and contributions to scientific and cultural foundations recognized in order to encourage self-financing by rewarding the reinvestment of profit;
5 - reduction of tax rates on corporate funds allocated to reserves, ammotamenti,
investments and guarantees, to request the cash flow of manufacturing companies;
6 - reciprocity 'and State reporting obligation to purchase mortgage and those stated
b6) the abolition of nominativita 'of shares for the stock market back on its feet and
encourage better self-financing of manufacturing companies;
b7) elimination of clearing transactions between state enterprises and financial institutions in the public hands around each other's accounts that are fixed - the game of interests - liabilities' useless in the same State;
b8) granting tax relief to strong foreign capital to facilitate the return of capital
from abroad;
b9) to establish a national fund for social services (homes - hospitals - schools
- Transport) to be supplied with:
1 - superimposed VAT on luxury goods consumption (cars - luxury goods)
2 - proceeds from the ex-escalation b5) 4;
3 - loans and foreign loans of program spending;
4 - special appropriations budget for investment;
5 - decrease in current expenditure for partial payment of government salaries above
L. 7,000,000 per year with special treasury bonds to 9% non-traded for two years.
This fund is intended to fund a two-year program of expenditure for at least 10,000
billion. The structural reforms should be postponed for after having ensured the
availability 'of the buildings, it is ridiculous to reform the management in the absence of valid
tools (remember the failure of health reform a few years ago that he resolved
in the creation of 36,000 new jobs in the board of directors and correlative
subdivision party instead of creating more beds)
As regards the realizability 'of the building plan in the presence of the chaotic
existing legislation, sara'necessaria a law instituting programs to the regions
urgent extraordinary substitutable with a very short time by the direct intervention of the State, in particular as regards housing, the use of the ski binding system modeled on the Swedish and the French system of direct loans subsidized seems the best way to revitalize this area and that 'to be considered the driving force for economic recovery;
b10) increase profitability 'of the postal savings by raising the rate to 7%;
b11) provide incentives to priority sectors:
I - Tourism
II - maritime transport
III - specialized agriculture (animal husbandry first fruits)
IV - conventional and futuristic energy (nuclear energy - Geothermal - Solar)
V - fine chemical industry and metal processing specialist, so
encourage investment in areas with high rates of labor and bearers of currency;
b12) suspend all licenses and related incentives for primary oil refining plants and steel production heavy.

c) Preliminary ruling and 'Today every attivita'secondo as sub a) and b) are the protagonist and
Government decided to be a manager does not already 'authoritarian but rather' only authoritative and determined to enforce existing laws.
So 'and' clear that the police can be mobilized to clean up the country from
ordinary thugs and pseudo politicians and central directives relating only to the condition that the Judiciary and condemn them in prisons where quickly sending them serve their sentence without fomenting new unrest or lead a comfortable life.
In this respect, it seems necessary that the forces of PS is returned to the right '
urgent interrogation of those arrested in the presence of the offenses of subversion and attempted subversion of ordering, as well as' of violence and resistance to the forces of order, in violation of the law on public order, of kidnapping, armed robbery and violence in general.

d) Another key point e'l'immediata establishment of an agency for the coordination of
local press (to be acquired over time with subsequent operations) and cable TV
plant chain in order to control public opinion in the middle of the country alive.
It 'should also acquire one or two magazines as opposed to Panorama, Espresso,
European living on the formula "Weekly".


The precondition for the implementation of a program in the short term as defined above, it remains to briefly outline a medium-and long-term with the caveat that while on the institutional problems spreader is already now formulate concrete hypotheses , relating to economic and social interventions, except for what concerns very few big issues, e'necessario postponing the listing of problems and their remedies.
a) Institutional Measures
a1) Ordinnamento Judiciary
I - unita'del Public Ministry (under the Constitution - Articles 107 and 112 where the PM
and 'distinguished by the courts);
II - responsibility 'of the Privy Seal to the Parliament on the work of PM (Edit
III - the public education process in the dialectic between prosecution and defense in the face
judging the judges, with abolition of every secret investigation with related and connected
hazards and eliminating the current two phases of education;
IV - Reform of the Higher Council of Magistrates shall be responsible to the Parliament (constitutional amendment);
V - reform of the judiciary to re-establish selection criteria for the substance of
promotions of judges, to impose age limits' for the functions of prosecutor, separate
career prosecutor and judge, to reduce judgmental function pretorile;
VI - experiment election of judges (Article Costit.. 106) among lawyers with 25 years of
functions have a particular moral requirements;
a2) Organization of the Government
I - Amendment of the Constitution to provide that the President of the Council and 'elected by the
Room at the beginning of each term and can 'be overthrown only through elections
II - to amend the Constitution to establish that the ministers lose their quality '
Members of Parliament;
III - revise the law on accounting 'of the State and the State Budget
(To change the nature of expertise in cash);
IV - revision of the law on local finances to determine - after consolidamentodel current debt of local authorities to absorb in 50 years - that regions and municipalities may spend beyond the 'state subsidies only the proceeds of debt issues of purpose (tax-exempt and deductible) and cioe'relative to public works to be funded, according to the U.S. model. Otherwise the concept of autonomy becomes one of freedom 'of spending based on debt;
V - the reform of municipal and provincial law to suppress the provinces and redefine
The tasks of municipalities dictating new rules on financial controls;
a3) Sorting of Parliament
I - new electoral laws, for the Chamber, mixed type (single-member constituency and proportional to the second
the German model), reducing the number of deputies to 450, and the Senate,
representation of the second degree, regional, economic interests, social and cultural
reducing to 250 the number of senators and raising 5 to 25 of the senators for life
presidential nomination, with increase of relative categories (former MPs - former judges
- Former public officials and business leaders - former military, etc..);
II - to amend the Constitution to give room to political prominence (appointment of the Prime Minister) and the Senate economic preponderance (Budget Review);
III - to introduce rules to make in a day every 4 years setesso national elections,
regional and municipal (constitutional amendment);
IV - establish that the decree-law are inemendabili;
a4) Ordering of other institutional bodies
I - Constitutional Court: establish the incompatibility 'next to the judges elected offices
in public; enshrine a ban on so-called active sentences (which transform the Court in
legislative body of fact);
II - President of the Republic: reduce 5-year mandate, the ineligibility sanction 'and
eliminate half white (constitutional amendment);
III - Regions: constitutional amendment to reduce the number and determine its limits
geo-economic criteria more 'than historians. Social economic measures.

b1) New legislation antiurbanesimo subordinating the right of residence in the demonstration
to have a job and sufficient income (to avoid that skip the finances of large municipalities);
b2) New legslazione favoring urban cities' satellites and transforming science
of urban housing in suburban rapid transit of science;
b3) new legislation on the press in a protective sense of dignity 'of the citizen (the
English model) and establishing the obligation to publish every year the budgets as well as' the salaries of journalists;
b4) Unification of all institutions and social security and welfare in a single entity
social security to be managed with formulas insurance-type in order to reduce costs
b5) disciplinary and ethical standards in the pension sector by establishing: the prohibition of payment of
pensions before age 60 except in cases of proven incapacity '; rigid control on disability pensions'; the elimination of the phenomenon of the accumulation of more' pensions;
b6) implementing Articles 39 and 40 of the Constitution regulating the life of trade unions
limiting the right to strike in the sense of:
I - insert the notice after the agreement expeditiously;
II - exclude essential public services (transport, customs, hospitals and clinics; taxes;
Public administrations in general) that ensure the proper conduct;
III - to limit the right to strike at random and otherwise secure economic freedom 'work;
b7) new legislation on worker participation in ownership 'equity of
business and management (German model);
b8) new legislation on land use (ecology, soil conservation, regulation of
water, reforestation, human settlements);
b9) anti-monopoly legislation (U.S. model);
b10) new banking law (French model);
b11) school reform (merit-based selection - scholarships to the poor - State normal schools and polytechnic on the French model);
b12) and hospital health care reform on the German model.

c) Print - To abolish all incentives under providence designed to address financial deficit with burden of public treasury and abolish the monopoly of RAI-TV.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Thirty years on - Finally at last a decent translation of this into English for the first time EVER - thanks Charlie

In July 1982, new documents were found hidden in the false bottom of a suitcase belonging to Gelli's daughter at Fiumicino airport in Rome. The documents were entitled "Memorandum sulla situazione italiana" (Memorandum on the Italian situation) "Piano di rinascita democratica" (Plan of Democratic Rebirth) and are seen as the political programme of P2. According to these documents, the main enemies of Italy were the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and the trade unions. These had to be isolated and cooperation with the communists (the second biggest party in Italy and the largest in Western Europe), which was proposed in the historic compromise by Aldo Moro needed to be disrupted.

Full text of "plan of democratic rebirth" of the P2 lodge, confiscated from Maria-Graxia. Gelli in July 1982

1) The word democracy means that every motive or intention to overthrow the system, even if occult, are excluded from this plan
2) Instead the plan tends to revitalize the system through the solicitation of all the institutions that the Constitution provides for and regulates, from the Organs of the State to political parties, the press, labor unions, voters. In other words they (freemasons) are going to use all their very considerable influence in the institutions and State Apparatus, to run things the way they want things run.
3) The plan is divided into a brief indication of objectives, the development of processes, even alternative, the implementation and finally the listing of programs in the short, medium and long term. So basically it is a long term plan that has different phases, with possible alternatives, like plan B, before the actual implementation would take place.
4) It should also be noted, for clarity, that the medium and long term programs may require some adjustments to the Constitution following the restoration of basic institutions. Some fine tuning to the Constitution once they have taken over.

1) The order shall indicate the following:

a) democratic political parties, the PRI from PSI, PSDI from the DC to PLI (subject to check the National Right)
b) Newspapers, excluding any publishing operation, which should be sought at the level of journalists through a selection that touches above all: (list of Italian Newspapers and Magazines) Corriere della Sera, Giorno, Giornale, Stampa, Resto del Carlino, Messaggero, Tempo, Roma, Mattino, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Giornale di Sicilia, per i quotidiani; e per i periodici: Europeo, Espresso, Panorama, Epocaa, Oggi, Gente, Famiglia Cristiana. La RAI-TV should be forgotten.
c) trade unions, federations, CISL and UIL, also autonomous unions (groups), in search of a lever to bring them back to their natural function even at the cost of a split and the subsequent formation of a free association of workers;
d) The Government, which must be restored to a ministerial organization of high quality men who will be offered to individual departments;
e) the judiciary, which must be reduced to the role of ensuring the correct and thorough application of the laws;
f) the Parliament's, efficiency shall be 'subject to the success of the of the (this) operation on the political parties, trade unions and the press.

2) Political parties, press and trade unions will be subject to as much solicitation as possible on every level of economic financial maneuver.
An amount of cash not exceeding 30 or 40 billion (Lire) is available and seems sufficient to allow carefully selected men of good faith to capture the key positions necessary for their control.
Government, Judiciary and Parliament instead represent successive goals, possible only after the success of the first operation, although the two phases are not necessarily intended for specific intersections and mutual interference, as will be seen 'in detail in the preparation of the proceedings.

3) The primary objective and indispensable condition of the transaction is the the constitution of a club of a Rotarian nature for the heterogeneity components
of the components (this is a bit highly testicle but it means the the miscellaneous mix of the components / people involved) ) where operators, business and financial leaders of the liberal professions, public administrators and magistrates, as well as 'very few and selected politicians, not exceeding the number of 30 units or 40'.
are represented to the best levels,
The men who belong to this group must be homogeneous in their ways of feeling, disinterested ( No financial interests?) , honest and with moral rigor, such as to constitute a committee of genuine guarantors with respect for the politicians who will assume the burden of implementing the plan also when dealing with the friendly forces both national and foreign who choose to offer support . It will be very important to 'immediately establish a valid connection with the Masons International.

1)With regard to the political world should be:

a) to Select men - above all - who can 'be given the task of promoting the revitalization of every respective political party (the Socialist Party, for example, Mancini, Mariani and Craxi, the PRI: Visentini and Bandiere; for the PSDI : Orlandi and Amidei, for the DC: Andreotti, Piccoli, Forlani, and Gullotti Bisaglia; for the PLI: Cottone and Quilleri; for the National Right (eventually): Covelli);
b) secondly to consider whether the present political parties still have the necessary external credibility to once again become valuable tools for political action;
c) if the answer to b) is positive, to then assign the necessary financial instruments to the selected (chosen few) in a carefully controlled environment, to allow them to gain dominance of their respective parties;
d) If the answer to b) is negative to use the same financial instruments for the immediate establishment of two movements: one, on the Left (at the turn of PSI-PSDI-PRI-left liberals and the left DC), and the other on right (at the turn of DC conservatives, liberals, Democrats and the National Right). These movements should be based club promoters composed by as many politicians and members of society 'civil reciprocal proportion of 1 to 3 where the first represents the link with the existing shares and the second to connect with the real world.
All promoters must be impervious to moral rigor, capacity, 'honest' and available for action to build a pragmatic political committee, waiving the usual ideologies. Otherwise, the rejection by public opinion must be considered inevitable.

2) With regards to the Press (or, more accurately, journalists) for reasons of security can not 'at this stage be expected nominated. It will be important to draw up a list of at least 2 or 3 journalists from each newspaper or magazine without anyone knowing the others. The action must 'be carried out like wildfire, in a very smooth operation, no more' than 3 or 4 elements who know the environment. ( A group of controlled persons none of whom no of the existence of the others.
Each reported must 'be given the task of "sympathy" for certain politicians chosen as above in both alternative hypotheses 1c and 1d.
At a later stage we will need to ':
a) To acquire the support of certain weekly editions;
b) coordinate all provincial and local press through a centralized agency;
c) coordinate many cable TV channels with this local press control agency;
d) shut down the RAI-TV in the name of freedom of 'antenna art. 21 of the constitution. (get rid of the Rai national TV Company Using the freedom of broadcasting act.

3) As for and concerning the unions and the first choice 'between the solicitation to the subsequent break up, following already existing lines of minority groups in the ICFTU and the ILO majority, and then facilitate the merger with each other, acquired with financial instruments equal entities 'the most' available among current Confederates in order to overthrow the balance of power within the current Trimurti. … Basically take over the Unions.
The actual goals to be achieved are:
a) restoration of the individuals freedoms and liberties in the factories and companies in general to allow the election of works councils, with effective guarantees of secrecy of voting;
b) recover in this way the effective role of the union's associate in place of production of the phenomenon that legitimately absent interlocutors when corporate and government policy decisions.
In this respect, the way of splitting and subsequent integration with the self also seems preferable for the positive impact on public opinion of a sensational phenomenon as the formation of a real union that shake the flag of freedom 'of work and protection economic DEEI workers. Also in terminidi cost 'to predict the use of financial instruments of entities' inferior to the other hypotheses.

4) Government, Judiciary and Parliament

It 'clear that these objectives are in respect of which the procedures become alternative to varying degrees depending on the circumstances.
It 'still intuitive that, if the carrier favorable circumstances set out hereafter, the short lead times - except for the Judiciary - being excluded from the proceedings subject to the development of those relating to the parties, the press and trade unions, with the reserve of a piu'rapida action against the Parliament in which components and 'easy to extend the same modus operandi already' provided for political parties.
For the Judiciary, and 'should be noted that there is already' an internal force (the power of the independent judiciary Ass Nat. May) that brings together more than 40% of Italian magistrates of moderate positions.
It 's enough to establish an agreement on a moral and programmatic and develop a concrete understanding to direct material aid to count on a valuable tool, already' operating within the body also to some quick adjustments legislative riconducano justice to its traditional function of elements of balance of society 'and not already' subversion.
However, where the circumstances would allow the government to rely on the ascent of a politician (or team) already 'in tune with the spirit of the club and with his ideas "democratic revival", and' clear that the timing of the procedures receive a strong acceleration even for a chance 'to implement immediately with emergency and short-term debt so part of the implementation of the procedures described above.
In terms of time what 'would mean the possibility' to reduce to 6 months and even less time for action, if there is a requirement of availability 'of funds.


By programs could read 'choices', in a scale of priorities, of the numerous operation to be carried out:
a) actions of political and economic nature;
b) administrative acts (of government);
c) legislative acts, some of which might need to be reversed - in conjunction with those described in Procedures - current trends are destroying the institutions and, with them , the compliance of (the) Constitution whose bodies do not work any in the way they originally designed. It is, essential to "register" - as in the tri-color print - each establishment and the functions of each organ relative to it's precisely defined borders and eliminate the current areas that overlap, cause confusion and are weakening of State.
By way of example, we consider two phenomena:
1) the displacement of the center of real power from Parliament to the unions and from the government to multinational Company bosses with the related financial instruments of action. Would be a good enough Law on the program to revitalize CNEL and a new structure of ministries accompanied by modern administrative rules to return to the natural holders the power now lost;
2) The decline suffered the schools in the last 10 years as a result of a correct policy of extending the area of public education, but it was not accompanied by the provision of adequate teacher training or a well trained teaching body for the programming needs in the areas of employment.
The consequence is a strong and dangerous intellectual unemployment - with grave deficiencies in technical fields as well as the tendency to locate in the qualifications the right to the work place (job) . It follows from this state of affairs still pushing egalitarianism acquitted (against the Constitution, which wants to protect the right to higher education for the most deserving) and, to the disappointment of not including, the refuge in apathy or ideology of the drug of subversion also armed. The remedy is to: close the tap of the alleged automatism: degree - jobs, provide for facilities in good teachers, in planning, along with the economic phenomenon, including its human needs, and finally restored in the meritocratic principle imposed by the Constitution.
In many respects, the definition of intersect programs as themes and notations already contained in the recent Message of the President of the Republic - are undoubtedly significant - as a diagnosis of the situation in this country, taking as meaningful therapies as opposed to making new analyzes.
Such programs may be enforceable - if necessary - with emergency legislation (Decree Law).
a) Short Term Emergency. The program includes urgent measures , such as other institutional arrangements (ie aimed 'to "register" the institutions (bring them into line perhaps?) and measures of economic and social nature.
a1) Judicial Order: More urgent changes 'urgent investments:
- Civil Responsibility (the fault of) of judges;
- The prohibition of appointing judges in the press, however invested with judicial proceedings;
- The rules for access in career (preliminary aptitude tests);
- Changing the rules on faculty 'freedom' Safe in the presence of the offences of
subversion - even attempted - against the State and the Constitution, as well as' the
violation of public order, armed robbery, kidnapping of persons and violence in general.
a2) Organization of the Government
1 - The law on the Presidency of the Council and the Minister (Const. Art. 95) to determine
skills and number (to be reduced, with the near elimination or Under-Secretaries);
2 - Global programing Act (Const. Art. 41) centered on a Ministerial
economy that incorporates the current incentive structures (Mezz Fund. - PPSS -
Mediocredito Industry - Agriculture), the CNEL revitalized as a point of intersection of
social forces and trade unions, business and cultural procedures for meeting between
Parliament and the Regions; (reforms on the way central government and Regional governments do their business.)
3 - Administration Reform (Articles of the Constitution. 28 -97 - 98) based on the theory of
general public administration, with a clear separation of political RESPONSIBILITY
which becomes the administrative staff (establishment of the Secretaries General of Ministry)
and replacing the principle of silence-the silence-rejection with that of consent;
4 - Definition of reserves within the limits of the law intended and expressly required by
Establishment and identification of areas of secondary legislation (regulations) IN PARTICULAR
of the regional legislation that must be limited within the frame of the laws. (presumably (his) new ones)

a3) The Order of Parliament
1) allocation of fact, of powers between the two chambers (according to the political and economic function CD to SR);
2) change (already 'in progress) of the relevant Regulations to give strength to the principle of value (Const. Art. 64) between majority-government on the one hand, and opposition, on the other, instead of the current trend assemblearistica; (some vague word of which i am not sure of the exact meaning)
3) adoption of the principle of sessions running time of program execution government.

b) economic and social measures
b1) the abolition of the validity of 'statutory qualifications (for displacing the universities' and give it time to develop a serious reform of the school which implement the precepts of the Constitution);
b2) adoption of standard national of 7 hours and 30 working day, effect (from 8.30 to 17) subject to the
rounds required for plants to 24-hour rhythm, mandatory for all activities' public and private;
b3) elimination of the holidays' midweek and its bridges (except for June 2 - Christmas
- New Year and August) from riconcedere in a package of 7 additional days of annual leave entitlement;
b4) an obligation to implement in any organization and organ state shifts holidays' - even for
draw - in all times of the year, both the activity annualise 'tourism industry,
and to avoid the "summer syndrome" that blocks the activity 'production;
b5) revision of the tax reform in the following directions:
1 - revision of rates for employees updating the depreciation rate of 1973-76;
2 - nettizzazione the origin of all salaries and wages of PA (To avoid the enormous
relative costs of clearing transactions);
3 - lowering of tax rates on earned income and pensions;
4 - Reduction in rates for donations and contributions to scientific and cultural foundations recognized in order to encourage self-financing by rewarding the reinvestment of profit;
5 - reduction of tax rates on corporate funds allocated to reserves, ammotamenti,
investments and guarantees, to request the cash flow of manufacturing companies;
6 - reciprocity 'and State reporting obligation to purchase mortgage and those stated
b6) the abolition of nominativita 'of shares for the stock market back on its feet and
encourage better self-financing of manufacturing companies;
b7) elimination of clearing transactions between state enterprises and financial institutions in the public hands around each other's accounts that are fixed - the game of interests - liabilities' useless in the same State;
b8) granting tax relief to strong foreign capital to facilitate the return of capital
from abroad;
b9) to establish a national fund for social services (homes - hospitals - schools
- Transport) to be supplied with:
1 - superimposed VAT on luxury goods consumption (cars - luxury goods)
2 - proceeds from the ex-escalation b5) 4;
3 - loans and foreign loans of program spending;
4 - special appropriations budget for investment;
5 - decrease in current expenditure for partial payment of government salaries above
L. 7,000,000 per year with special treasury bonds to 9% non-traded for two years.
This fund is intended to fund a two-year program of expenditure for at least 10,000
billion. The structural reforms should be postponed for after having ensured the
availability 'of the buildings, it is ridiculous to reform the management in the absence of valid
tools (remember the failure of health reform a few years ago that was resolved
with the creation of 36,000 new jobs in the board of directors and correlative
subdivision party instead of creating more beds)
As regards the realizability 'of the building plan in the presence of the chaotic
existing legislation, a new law instituting programs to the regions will be necessary
an urgent extraordinary substitutable put in place by state intervention in a very short time, in particular as regarding housing, the use of the ski binding system modeled on the Swedish and the French system of direct loans subsidized seems the best way to revitalize this area and that 'to be considered the driving force for economic recovery;
b10) increase profitability 'of the postal savings by raising the rate to 7%;
b11) provide incentives to priority sectors:
I - Tourism
II - maritime transport
III - specialized agriculture (animal husbandry first fruits)
IV - conventional and futuristic energy (nuclear energy - Geothermal - Solar)
V - fine chemical industry and metal processing specialist, so
encourage investment in areas with high rates of labor and bearers of currency;
b12) suspend all licenses and related incentives for primary oil refining plants and heavy steel production.

c) As a rule Today every business activity as sub a) and b) are protagonists and they find a
Government decidedly t managerial not authoritarian but rather only authoritative and determined to enforce existing laws.
So also it's evident that the police can be mobilized to clean up the country of
ordinary thugs and pseudo politicians and central directives relating only under the condition that the Judiciary very quickly condemn them to prisons to serve their sentence without fomenting new unrest or leading a comfortable life.
In this respect, it seems necessary that the forces of PS is returned to the power of "urgent interrogation" of those arrested for the offenses of subversion and attempted subversion , as well as' of violence and resistance to the forces of order, in violation of the law on public order, of kidnapping, armed robbery and violence in general.

d) Another key point immediate establishment of an agency for the coordination of
local press (to be acquired over time with subsequent operations) and cable TV
plant chain in order to control public opinion in the heart of the country
It 'should also acquire one or two magazines as opposed to Panorama, Espresso,
European living on the formula "Weekly".


The precondition for the implementation of the program in the short term is defined above, it remains to briefly outline the medium-and long-term program with the caveat that regarding the institutional problems it is already now possible formulate a concrete hypotheses , where as relating to economic and social interventions, except for a few very big issues, it will be necessary to postpone the listing of problems and their remedies.
a) Institutional Measures
a1) Ordinamento Judiciary
I - Combining the Public Ministry (under the Constitution - Articles 107 and 112 where the P.M
is distinct from the judges);
II - responsibility of the Privy Seal to the Parliament on the work of PM (Edit constitutional);
III - public education process in the dialectic between prosecution and defense in front of
judges, with abolition of every secret investigation with related and connected
hazards and eliminating the current two phases of education;
IV - Reform of the Higher Council of Magistrates which shall be responsible to Parliament (constitutional amendment);
V - reform of the judiciary to re-establish selection criteria for the substance of
promotion of judges, to impose age limits' for the functions of prosecutor, separate
career prosecutor and judge, to reduce judgmental pretrial functions ;
VI - experimental election of judges (Article Costit.. 106) among lawyers with 25 years of
experience and have a particular moral requirements;
a2) Organization of the Government
I - Amendment of the Constitution to provide that the President of the Council and 'elected by the
House at the beginning of each term and can 'be overthrown only through elections of a successor;
II - to amend the Constitution to establish that the ministers lose the status of Members of Parliament;
III - revise the law on State accounting and also the law of regarding the State Budget (To change the nature of expertise in cash);
IV - revision of the law on local finances to determine - after consolidating the current debt of local authorities to be absorbed in 50 years - that regions and town municipalities may spend beyond the 'state subsidies only the proceeds of debt issues of purpose (tax-exempt and deductible) and therefore relative to public works to be funded, according to the U.S. model. Otherwise the concept of autonomy becomes one of freedom of spending based on debt.
V - the reform of municipal and provincial law to suppress the provinces and redefine the tasks of municipalities dictating new rules on financial controls;
a3) Sorting of Parliament
I - new electoral laws, for the Chamber, mixed type (single-member constituency and proportional to the second
the German model), reducing the number of deputies to 450, and the Senate,
representation of the second degree, regional, economic interests, social and cultural
reducing to 250 the number of senators and raising 5 to 25 of the senators for life
presidential nomination, with increase of relative categories (former MPs - former judges
- Former public officials and business leaders - former military, etc..);
II - to amend the Constitution to give room to political prominence (appointment of the Prime Minister) and the Senate economic preponderance (Budget Review);
III - to introduce rules to make in a day every 4 years setesso national elections,
regional and municipal (constitutional amendment);
IV - establish that the decree-law are inemendabili;
a4) Ordering of other institutional bodies
I - Constitutional Court: establish the incompatibility next to the judges elected offices
in public; enshrine a ban on so-called active sentences (which transform the Court in
legislative body of fact);
II - President of the Republic: reduce 5-year mandate, the ineligibility sanction and
eliminate half white (constitutional amendment);
III - Regions: constitutional amendment to reduce the number and determine its limits
geo-economic criteria more 'than historians. Social economic measures.

b1) New legislation antiurbanesimo subordinating the right of residence in the demonstration
to have a job and sufficient income (to avoid that skip the finances of large municipalities);
b2) New legislation favoring urban cities satellites and transforming science
of urban housing in suburban rapid transit of science;
b3) new legislation on the press in a protective sense of dignity 'of the citizen (the
English model) and establishing the obligation to publish every year the budgets as well as' the salaries of journalists;
b4) Unification of all institutions and social security and welfare in a single entity
social security to be managed with formulas insurance-type in order to reduce costs
b5) disciplinary and ethical standards in the pension sector by establishing: the prohibition of payment of
pensions before the age of 60 except in cases of proven incapacity; rigid control on disability pensions'; the elimination of the phenomenon of the accumulation of more pensions;
b6) implementing Articles 39 and 40 of the Constitution regulating the life of trade unions
limiting the right to strike in the sense of:
I - insert the notice after the agreement expeditiously;
II - essential public services will be excluded (transport, customs, hospitals and clinics; taxes;
Public administrations in general) that ensure proper conduct;
III - to limit the right to strike at random and otherwise secure economic and freedom (right to) work;
b7) new legislation on worker participation in ownership equity of business and management (German model);
b8) new legislation on land use (ecology, soil conservation, regulation of water, reforestation, human settlements);
b9) anti-monopoly legislation (U.S. model);
b10) new banking law (French model);
b11) school reform (merit-based selection - scholarships to the poor - normal State chools and polytechnic on the French model);
b12) and hospital health care reform on the German model.

c) Print - To abolish all incentives under providence designed to address financial deficit with burden of public treasury and abolish the monopoly of RAI-TV.

Try this out, as I said it's a bit above me linguistically speaking ... it's certainly a lot better than the Google translation but there are still one or two parts that don't make perfect sense
although the reader should be able to imagine the meaning. This document after all describes a very complex masonic plan taking in just about every important aspect of live.
lemme know if you find any thing really untoward and where it is and I'll try to fix it .. Take care Charlie

In July 1982, new documents were found hidden in the false bottom of a suitcase belonging to Gelli's daughter at Fiumicino airport in Rome. The documents were entitled "Memorandum sulla situazione italiana" (Memorandum on the Italian situation) "Piano di rinascita democratica" (Plan of Democratic Rebirth) and are seen as the political programme of P2. According to these documents, the main enemies of Italy were the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and the trade unions. These had to be isolated and cooperation with the communists (the second biggest party in Italy and the largest in Western Europe), which was proposed in the historic compromise by Aldo Moro needed to be disrupted.

Full text of "plan of democratic rebirth" of the P2 lodge, confiscated from Maria-Graxia. Gelli in July 1982

1) The word democracy means that every motive or intention to overthrow the system, even if occult, are excluded from this plan
2) Instead the plan tends to revitalize the system through the solicitation of all the institutions that the Constitution provides for and regulates, from the Organs of the State to political parties, the press, labor unions, voters. In other words they (freemasons) are going to use all their very considerable influence in the institutions and State Apparatus, to run things the way they want things run.
3) The plan is divided into a brief indication of objectives, the development of processes, even alternative, the implementation and finally the listing of programs in the short, medium and long term. So basically it is a long term plan that has different phases, with possible alternatives, like plan B, before the actual implementation would take place.
4) It should also be noted, for clarity, that the medium and long term programs may require some adjustments to the Constitution following the restoration of basic institutions. Some fine tuning to the Constitution once they have taken over.

1) The order shall indicate the following:

a) democratic political parties, the PRI from PSI, PSDI from the DC to PLI (subject to check the National Right)
b) Newspapers, excluding any publishing operation, which should be sought at the level of journalists through a selection that touches above all: (list of Italian Newspapers and Magazines) Corriere della Sera, Giorno, Giornale, Stampa, Resto del Carlino, Messaggero, Tempo, Roma, Mattino, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Giornale di Sicilia, per i quotidiani; e per i periodici: Europeo, Espresso, Panorama, Epocaa, Oggi, Gente, Famiglia Cristiana. La RAI-TV should be forgotten.
c) trade unions, federations, CISL and UIL, also autonomous unions (groups), in search of a lever to bring them back to their natural function even at the cost of a split and the subsequent formation of a free association of workers;
d) The Government, which must be restored to a ministerial organization of high quality men who will be offered to individual departments;
e) the judiciary, which must be reduced to the role of ensuring the correct and thorough application of the laws;
f) the Parliament's, efficiency shall be 'subject to the success of the of the (this) operation on the political parties, trade unions and the press.

2) Political parties, press and trade unions will be subject to as much solicitation as possible on every level of economic financial maneuver.
An amount of cash not exceeding 30 or 40 billion (Lire) is available and seems sufficient to allow carefully selected men of good faith to capture the key positions necessary for their control.
Government, Judiciary and Parliament instead represent successive goals, possible only after the success of the first operation, although the two phases are not necessarily intended for specific intersections and mutual interference, as will be seen 'in detail in the preparation of the proceedings.

3) The primary objective and indispensable condition of the transaction is the the constitution of a club of a Rotarian nature for the heterogeneity components
of the components (this is a bit highly testicle but it means the the miscellaneous mix of the components / people involved) ) where operators, business and financial leaders of the liberal professions, public administrators and magistrates, as well as 'very few and selected politicians, not exceeding the number of 30 units or 40'.
are represented to the best levels,
The men who belong to this group must be homogeneous in their ways of feeling, disinterested ( No financial interests?) , honest and with moral rigor, such as to constitute a committee of genuine guarantors with respect for the politicians who will assume the burden of implementing the plan also when dealing with the friendly forces both national and foreign who choose to offer support . It will be very important to 'immediately establish a valid connection with the Masons International.

1)With regard to the political world should be:

a) to Select men - above all - who can 'be given the task of promoting the revitalization of every respective political party (the Socialist Party, for example, Mancini, Mariani and Craxi, the PRI: Visentini and Bandiere; for the PSDI : Orlandi and Amidei, for the DC: Andreotti, Piccoli, Forlani, and Gullotti Bisaglia; for the PLI: Cottone and Quilleri; for the National Right (eventually): Covelli);
b) secondly to consider whether the present political parties still have the necessary external credibility to once again become valuable tools for political action;
c) if the answer to b) is positive, to then assign the necessary financial instruments to the selected (chosen few) in a carefully controlled environment, to allow them to gain dominance of their respective parties;
d) If the answer to b) is negative to use the same financial instruments for the immediate establishment of two movements: one, on the Left (at the turn of PSI-PSDI-PRI-left liberals and the left DC), and the other on right (at the turn of DC conservatives, liberals, Democrats and the National Right). These movements should be based club promoters composed by as many politicians and members of society 'civil reciprocal proportion of 1 to 3 where the first represents the link with the existing shares and the second to connect with the real world.
All promoters must be impervious to moral rigor, capacity, 'honest' and available for action to build a pragmatic political committee, waiving the usual ideologies. Otherwise, the rejection by public opinion must be considered inevitable.

2) With regards to the Press (or, more accurately, journalists) for reasons of security can not 'at this stage be expected nominated. It will be important to draw up a list of at least 2 or 3 journalists from each newspaper or magazine without anyone knowing the others. The action must 'be carried out like wildfire, in a very smooth operation, no more' than 3 or 4 elements who know the environment. ( A group of controlled persons none of whom no of the existence of the others.
Each reported must 'be given the task of "sympathy" for certain politicians chosen as above in both alternative hypotheses 1c and 1d.
At a later stage we will need to ':
a) To acquire the support of certain weekly editions;
b) coordinate all provincial and local press through a centralized agency;
c) coordinate many cable TV channels with this local press control agency;
d) shut down the RAI-TV in the name of freedom of 'antenna art. 21 of the constitution. (get rid of the Rai national TV Company Using the freedom of broadcasting act.

3) As for and concerning the unions and the first choice 'between the solicitation to the subsequent break up, following already existing lines of minority groups in the ICFTU and the ILO majority, and then facilitate the merger with each other, acquired with financial instruments equal entities 'the most' available among current Confederates in order to overthrow the balance of power within the current Trimurti. … Basically take over the Unions.
The actual goals to be achieved are:
a) restoration of the individuals freedoms and liberties in the factories and companies in general to allow the election of works councils, with effective guarantees of secrecy of voting;
b) recover in this way the effective role of the union's associate in place of production of the phenomenon that legitimately absent interlocutors when corporate and government policy decisions.
In this respect, the way of splitting and subsequent integration with the self also seems preferable for the positive impact on public opinion of a sensational phenomenon as the formation of a real union that shake the flag of freedom 'of work and protection economic DEEI workers. Also in terminidi cost 'to predict the use of financial instruments of entities' inferior to the other hypotheses.

4) Government, Judiciary and Parliament

It 'clear that these objectives are in respect of which the procedures become alternative to varying degrees depending on the circumstances.
It 'still intuitive that, if the carrier favorable circumstances set out hereafter, the short lead times - except for the Judiciary - being excluded from the proceedings subject to the development of those relating to the parties, the press and trade unions, with the reserve of a piu'rapida action against the Parliament in which components and 'easy to extend the same modus operandi already' provided for political parties.
For the Judiciary, and 'should be noted that there is already' an internal force (the power of the independent judiciary Ass Nat. May) that brings together more than 40% of Italian magistrates of moderate positions.
It 's enough to establish an agreement on a moral and programmatic and develop a concrete understanding to direct material aid to count on a valuable tool, already' operating within the body also to some quick adjustments legislative riconducano justice to its traditional function of elements of balance of society 'and not already' subversion.
However, where the circumstances would allow the government to rely on the ascent of a politician (or team) already 'in tune with the spirit of the club and with his ideas "democratic revival", and' clear that the timing of the procedures receive a strong acceleration even for a chance 'to implement immediately with emergency and short-term debt so part of the implementation of the procedures described above.
In terms of time what 'would mean the possibility' to reduce to 6 months and even less time for action, if there is a requirement of availability 'of funds.


By programs could read 'choices', in a scale of priorities, of the numerous operation to be carried out:
a) actions of political and economic nature;
b) administrative acts (of government);
c) legislative acts, some of which might need to be reversed - in conjunction with those described in Procedures - current trends are destroying the institutions and, with them , the compliance of (the) Constitution whose bodies do not work any in the way they originally designed. It is, essential to "register" - as in the tri-color print - each establishment and the functions of each organ relative to it's precisely defined borders and eliminate the current areas that overlap, cause confusion and are weakening of State.
By way of example, we consider two phenomena:
1) the displacement of the center of real power from Parliament to the unions and from the government to multinational Company bosses with the related financial instruments of action. Would be a good enough Law on the program to revitalize CNEL and a new structure of ministries accompanied by modern administrative rules to return to the natural holders the power now lost;
2) The decline suffered the schools in the last 10 years as a result of a correct policy of extending the area of public education, but it was not accompanied by the provision of adequate teacher training or a well trained teaching body for the programming needs in the areas of employment.
The consequence is a strong and dangerous intellectual unemployment - with grave deficiencies in technical fields as well as the tendency to locate in the qualifications the right to the work place (job) . It follows from this state of affairs still pushing egalitarianism acquitted (against the Constitution, which wants to protect the right to higher education for the most deserving) and, to the disappointment of not including, the refuge in apathy or ideology of the drug of subversion also armed. The remedy is to: close the tap of the alleged automatism: degree - jobs, provide for facilities in good teachers, in planning, along with the economic phenomenon, including its human needs, and finally restored in the meritocratic principle imposed by the Constitution.
In many respects, the definition of intersect programs as themes and notations already contained in the recent Message of the President of the Republic - are undoubtedly significant - as a diagnosis of the situation in this country, taking as meaningful therapies as opposed to making new analyzes.
Such programs may be enforceable - if necessary - with emergency legislation (Decree Law).
a) Short Term Emergency. The program includes urgent measures , such as other institutional arrangements (ie aimed 'to "register" the institutions (bring them into line perhaps?) and measures of economic and social nature.
a1) Judicial Order: More urgent changes 'urgent investments:
- Civil Responsibility (the fault of) of judges;
- The prohibition of appointing judges in the press, however invested with judicial proceedings;
- The rules for access in career (preliminary aptitude tests);
- Changing the rules on faculty 'freedom' Safe in the presence of the offences of
subversion - even attempted - against the State and the Constitution, as well as' the
violation of public order, armed robbery, kidnapping of persons and violence in general.
a2) Organization of the Government
1 - The law on the Presidency of the Council and the Minister (Const. Art. 95) to determine
skills and number (to be reduced, with the near elimination or Under-Secretaries);
2 - Global programing Act (Const. Art. 41) centered on a Ministerial
economy that incorporates the current incentive structures (Mezz Fund. - PPSS -
Mediocredito Industry - Agriculture), the CNEL revitalized as a point of intersection of
social forces and trade unions, business and cultural procedures for meeting between
Parliament and the Regions; (reforms on the way central government and Regional governments do their business.)
3 - Administration Reform (Articles of the Constitution. 28 -97 - 98) based on the theory of
general public administration, with a clear separation of political RESPONSIBILITY
which becomes the administrative staff (establishment of the Secretaries General of Ministry)
and replacing the principle of silence-the silence-rejection with that of consent;
4 - Definition of reserves within the limits of the law intended and expressly required by
Establishment and identification of areas of secondary legislation (regulations) IN PARTICULAR
of the regional legislation that must be limited within the frame of the laws. (presumably (his) new ones)

a3) The Order of Parliament
1) allocation of fact, of powers between the two chambers (according to the political and economic function CD to SR);
2) change (already 'in progress) of the relevant Regulations to give strength to the principle of value (Const. Art. 64) between majority-government on the one hand, and opposition, on the other, instead of the current trend assemblearistica; (some vague word of which i am not sure of the exact meaning)
3) adoption of the principle of sessions running time of program execution government.

b) economic and social measures
b1) the abolition of the validity of 'statutory qualifications (for displacing the universities' and give it time to develop a serious reform of the school which implement the precepts of the Constitution);
b2) adoption of standard national of 7 hours and 30 working day, effect (from 8.30 to 17) subject to the
rounds required for plants to 24-hour rhythm, mandatory for all activities' public and private;
b3) elimination of the holidays' midweek and its bridges (except for June 2 - Christmas
- New Year and August) from riconcedere in a package of 7 additional days of annual leave entitlement;
b4) an obligation to implement in any organization and organ state shifts holidays' - even for
draw - in all times of the year, both the activity annualise 'tourism industry,
and to avoid the "summer syndrome" that blocks the activity 'production;
b5) revision of the tax reform in the following directions:
1 - revision of rates for employees updating the depreciation rate of 1973-76;
2 - nettizzazione the origin of all salaries and wages of PA (To avoid the enormous
relative costs of clearing transactions);
3 - lowering of tax rates on earned income and pensions;
4 - Reduction in rates for donations and contributions to scientific and cultural foundations recognized in order to encourage self-financing by rewarding the reinvestment of profit;
5 - reduction of tax rates on corporate funds allocated to reserves, ammotamenti,
investments and guarantees, to request the cash flow of manufacturing companies;
6 - reciprocity 'and State reporting obligation to purchase mortgage and those stated
b6) the abolition of nominativita 'of shares for the stock market back on its feet and
encourage better self-financing of manufacturing companies;
b7) elimination of clearing transactions between state enterprises and financial institutions in the public hands around each other's accounts that are fixed - the game of interests - liabilities' useless in the same State;
b8) granting tax relief to strong foreign capital to facilitate the return of capital
from abroad;
b9) to establish a national fund for social services (homes - hospitals - schools
- Transport) to be supplied with:
1 - superimposed VAT on luxury goods consumption (cars - luxury goods)
2 - proceeds from the ex-escalation b5) 4;
3 - loans and foreign loans of program spending;
4 - special appropriations budget for investment;
5 - decrease in current expenditure for partial payment of government salaries above
L. 7,000,000 per year with special treasury bonds to 9% non-traded for two years.
This fund is intended to fund a two-year program of expenditure for at least 10,000
billion. The structural reforms should be postponed for after having ensured the
availability 'of the buildings, it is ridiculous to reform the management in the absence of valid
tools (remember the failure of health reform a few years ago that was resolved
with the creation of 36,000 new jobs in the board of directors and correlative
subdivision party instead of creating more beds)
As regards the realizability 'of the building plan in the presence of the chaotic
existing legislation, a new law instituting programs to the regions will be necessary
an urgent extraordinary substitutable put in place by state intervention in a very short time, in particular as regarding housing, the use of the ski binding system modeled on the Swedish and the French system of direct loans subsidized seems the best way to revitalize this area and that 'to be considered the driving force for economic recovery;
b10) increase profitability 'of the postal savings by raising the rate to 7%;
b11) provide incentives to priority sectors:
I - Tourism
II - maritime transport
III - specialized agriculture (animal husbandry first fruits)
IV - conventional and futuristic energy (nuclear energy - Geothermal - Solar)
V - fine chemical industry and metal processing specialist, so
encourage investment in areas with high rates of labor and bearers of currency;
b12) suspend all licenses and related incentives for primary oil refining plants and heavy steel production.

c) As a rule Today every business activity as sub a) and b) are protagonists and they find a
Government decidedly t managerial not authoritarian but rather only authoritative and determined to enforce existing laws.
So also it's evident that the police can be mobilized to clean up the country of
ordinary thugs and pseudo politicians and central directives relating only under the condition that the Judiciary very quickly condemn them to prisons to serve their sentence without fomenting new unrest or leading a comfortable life.
In this respect, it seems necessary that the forces of PS is returned to the power of "urgent interrogation" of those arrested for the offenses of subversion and attempted subversion , as well as' of violence and resistance to the forces of order, in violation of the law on public order, of kidnapping, armed robbery and violence in general.

d) Another key point immediate establishment of an agency for the coordination of
local press (to be acquired over time with subsequent operations) and cable TV
plant chain in order to control public opinion in the heart of the country
It 'should also acquire one or two magazines as opposed to Panorama, Espresso,
European living on the formula "Weekly".


The precondition for the implementation of the program in the short term is defined above, it remains to briefly outline the medium-and long-term program with the caveat that regarding the institutional problems it is already now possible formulate a concrete hypotheses , where as relating to economic and social interventions, except for a few very big issues, it will be necessary to postpone the listing of problems and their remedies.
a) Institutional Measures
a1) Ordinamento Judiciary
I - Combining the Public Ministry (under the Constitution - Articles 107 and 112 where the P.M
is distinct from the judges);
II - responsibility of the Privy Seal to the Parliament on the work of PM (Edit constitutional);
III - public education process in the dialectic between prosecution and defense in front of
judges, with abolition of every secret investigation with related and connected
hazards and eliminating the current two phases of education;
IV - Reform of the Higher Council of Magistrates which shall be responsible to Parliament (constitutional amendment);
V - reform of the judiciary to re-establish selection criteria for the substance of
promotion of judges, to impose age limits' for the functions of prosecutor, separate
career prosecutor and judge, to reduce judgmental pretrial functions ;
VI - experimental election of judges (Article Costit.. 106) among lawyers with 25 years of
experience and have a particular moral requirements;
a2) Organization of the Government
I - Amendment of the Constitution to provide that the President of the Council and 'elected by the
House at the beginning of each term and can 'be overthrown only through elections of a successor;
II - to amend the Constitution to establish that the ministers lose the status of Members of Parliament;
III - revise the law on State accounting and also the law of regarding the State Budget (To change the nature of expertise in cash);
IV - revision of the law on local finances to determine - after consolidating the current debt of local authorities to be absorbed in 50 years - that regions and town municipalities may spend beyond the 'state subsidies only the proceeds of debt issues of purpose (tax-exempt and deductible) and therefore relative to public works to be funded, according to the U.S. model. Otherwise the concept of autonomy becomes one of freedom of spending based on debt.
V - the reform of municipal and provincial law to suppress the provinces and redefine the tasks of municipalities dictating new rules on financial controls;
a3) Sorting of Parliament
I - new electoral laws, for the Chamber, mixed type (single-member constituency and proportional to the second
the German model), reducing the number of deputies to 450, and the Senate,
representation of the second degree, regional, economic interests, social and cultural
reducing to 250 the number of senators and raising 5 to 25 of the senators for life
presidential nomination, with increase of relative categories (former MPs - former judges
- Former public officials and business leaders - former military, etc..);
II - to amend the Constitution to give room to political prominence (appointment of the Prime Minister) and the Senate economic preponderance (Budget Review);
III - to introduce rules to make in a day every 4 years setesso national elections,
regional and municipal (constitutional amendment);
IV - establish that the decree-law are inemendabili;
a4) Ordering of other institutional bodies
I - Constitutional Court: establish the incompatibility next to the judges elected offices
in public; enshrine a ban on so-called active sentences (which transform the Court in
legislative body of fact);
II - President of the Republic: reduce 5-year mandate, the ineligibility sanction and
eliminate half white (constitutional amendment);
III - Regions: constitutional amendment to reduce the number and determine its limits
geo-economic criteria more 'than historians. Social economic measures.

b1) New legislation antiurbanesimo subordinating the right of residence in the demonstration
to have a job and sufficient income (to avoid that skip the finances of large municipalities);
b2) New legislation favoring urban cities satellites and transforming science
of urban housing in suburban rapid transit of science;
b3) new legislation on the press in a protective sense of dignity 'of the citizen (the
English model) and establishing the obligation to publish every year the budgets as well as' the salaries of journalists;
b4) Unification of all institutions and social security and welfare in a single entity
social security to be managed with formulas insurance-type in order to reduce costs
b5) disciplinary and ethical standards in the pension sector by establishing: the prohibition of payment of
pensions before the age of 60 except in cases of proven incapacity; rigid control on disability pensions'; the elimination of the phenomenon of the accumulation of more pensions;
b6) implementing Articles 39 and 40 of the Constitution regulating the life of trade unions
limiting the right to strike in the sense of:
I - insert the notice after the agreement expeditiously;
II - essential public services will be excluded (transport, customs, hospitals and clinics; taxes;
Public administrations in general) that ensure proper conduct;
III - to limit the right to strike at random and otherwise secure economic and freedom (right to) work;
b7) new legislation on worker participation in ownership equity of business and management (German model);
b8) new legislation on land use (ecology, soil conservation, regulation of water, reforestation, human settlements);
b9) anti-monopoly legislation (U.S. model);
b10) new banking law (French model);
b11) school reform (merit-based selection - scholarships to the poor - normal State chools and polytechnic on the French model);
b12) and hospital health care reform on the German model.

c) Print - To abolish all incentives under providence designed to address financial deficit with burden of public treasury and abolish the monopoly of RAI-TV.
P2 secret plan to strangle democracy
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A bizarre incident occurred in early July 1981.

Gelli's daughter Maria flew into Italy under her own name, knowing she would be instantly recognized. She was arrested at Fiumicino Airport, Rome, and her luggage was seized. In a compartment in a false-bottomed suitcase, Customs officers discovered five packages of documents relating to P2. They included statements from several Swiss banks in the names of Italian politicians and political parties, and also a document which appears to have been a forged 'secret report' by the CIA on attempts to subvert western Europe in general and Italy in particular.

Bundles of documents were also seized from the Villa Wanda.

Jesuit journalist Peter Hebblethwaite wrote about all this in his article 'Gelli's Babies', which appeared in The Spectator on 6 June 1981....
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

P2 Master Freemason and loyal Gladio fascist Licio Gelli dies at 96
Man at the heart of Italy's darkest mysteries dies at 96 after being convicted several times for conspiracy and tax fraud
16 December 2015, 9:57am
http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/world ... dies_at_96

The venerable master of the clandestine freemasons lodge Propaganda P2, one of Italy’s most sinister organisations believed to be at the heart of a fascist conspiracy, has died

Licio Gelli (born 1919) died on Tuesday, 15 December, at the age of 96 at his house, Villa Wanda, in Arezzo.

La Repubblica dubbed the financier, as the man behind “all of Italy’s darkest mysteries”: in 1981, his P2 lodge was raided by the police, and since then he has been nicknamed ‘the puppetteer’, ‘Belfagor’, and ‘the venerable master’, having played a part in 40 years of scandals against the Italian republic: the Borghese coup, the strategy of tension that rocked Italy in the 1970s, the Sindona bank scandal, the Calvi murder, the Moro assassination, mafia and tangentopoli.

In 2008 he famously declared that Silvio Berlusconi, himself a former member of the P2, was “the only one who could go ahead in politics in Italy” citing him as the man who was putting in action P2’s ‘plan for Italy’s democratic rebirth’ – a clandestine plan to take over the country’s institutions and thwart critical and left-wing opposition.

During the 1930s, Gelli volunteered for the Blackshirts’ expeditionary forces sent by Benito Mussolini in support of Francisco Franco's rebellion in the Spanish Civil War and subsequently became a liaison officer between the Italian government and Nazi Germany, with contacts including Hermann Göring.

He participated in the Italian Social Republic with Giorgio Almirante, founder of the neofascist Italian Social Movement (MSI) – which later became Alleanza Nazionale, which ruled in coalition with Berlusconi’s Popolo della Libertà.

In 1970, during the failed Borghese coup, he was delegated the role of arresting the Italian President, Giuseppe Saragat.

As grand master of the Propaganda Due (P2) lodge, Gelli had ties with very high-level personalities in Italy and abroad, in particular in Argentina, where he was fugitive in Argentina for many years. Gelli affirmed that he introduced Juan Peron to masonry and was also named minister plenipotentiary for cultural affairs in the Argentine embassy in Italy, providing him with diplomatic immunity.

He had four diplomatic passports issued by Argentina, and has been charged in Argentina with falsification of official documents.] During the 1970s, Gelli brokered three-way oil and arms deals between Libya, Italy and Argentina through the Agency for Economic Development, which he and Umberto Ortolani owned.

In 1990, a report on RAI Television alleged that the CIA had paid Gelli to foment terrorist activities in Italy. Following this report, which also claimed that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, then President Francesco Cossiga requested the opening of investigations while the CIA itself officially denied these allegations.

Gelli's downfall started with the Banco Ambrosiano scandal, which led to a 1981 police raid on his villa and the discovery of the P2 covert lodge. A list of alleged adherents was found by the police in Gelli's house in Arezzo containing 962 names, among which were important state officials, some important politicians and a number of military officers, including the heads of the three Italian secret services.

On the run, Gelli escaped to Switzerland where he was arrested on September 13, 1982 while trying to withdraw tens of millions of dollars in Geneva. Detained in the modern Champ-Dollon Prison near Geneva, he managed to escape and then fled to Chile for four years.

Finally, Gelli surrendered in 1987 in Switzerland to investigative judge Jean-Pierre Trembley. He was wanted in connection with the 1982 collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano and on charges of subversive association in connection with the 1980 Bologna railway station bombing, which killed 85 people.

He was sentenced to two months in prison in Switzerland, while an Italian court sentenced him on December 15, 1987, in absentia, to 8 years in prison on charges of financing right-wing terrorist activity in Tuscany in the 1970s.

Gelli's extradition in February 1988 required a high-level security apparatus, including 100 sharpshooters, decoy cars, a train, roadblocks and two armoured cars to transfer him to Italy.

In July 1988 he was absolved of charges of subversive association by a Bologna court but was presented with a five-year prison term for slander, having side-tracked the investigation into the 1980 bombing of the Bologna train station.

In 1992 Gelli was sentenced to 18 years and six months of prison after being found guilty of fraud concerning the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano in 1982. This sentence was reduced by the Court of Appeal to 12 years. In April 1994 Gelli received a 17-year sentence for divulging state secrets and slandering the investigation, while the court threw out the charge that P2 members conspired against the state; Gelli's sentence was reduced, and he was placed under house arrest two years later.

In 1996, Gelli was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, supported by Mother Teresa and Naguib Mahfouz.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by TonyGosling »

wow check this
from page 408 in Manhattan Conspiracy: Capital Crimes by Ken Hudnal (2002)
Licio Gelli
Licio Gelli
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Post by TonyGosling »

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/ ... ladio.html

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga said: provoke riots then “beat the * out of the protesters”

Francesco Cossiga is a former President, former Prime Minister, and former Minister of the Interior, in Italy.

(Francesco Cossiga)

He was one of the founders of the NATO-CIA Operation GLADIO secret intelligence group.

Recently he gave advice to the current Italian Minister of the Interior Robert Maroni about how to deal with protestors.

Cossiga's statement translated reads as follows:

"Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior.

"University students? ... infiltrate them with agents provocateurs ... and let the agents provocateurs devastate shops, set fire to cars and put cities to the sword for ten days.

"Then, having won the sympathy of the public ... the police should pitilessly beat the * out of protesters and send them all to hospital. "

Fascism survived after 1945

It was the CIA chief Allen Dulles who devised the plan to set up secret Gladio forces across Europe.

Dulles, Sir Stewart Menzies (MI6) and the Belgian Premier Paul Henri Spaak were in on the plan.

A few years ago, CIA-NATO Gladio agent Vincezo Vinciguerra explained the Gladio "strategy of tension" in sworn testimony.

He said:

"You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game ... to force the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.

"This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."

NATO’s secret armies linked to terrorism?

According to historians, Gladio carried out false flag terror attacks, such as the Bologna train bombing in 1980 which killed 85 people.

According to the Italian Senate, after its investigation in 2000, the bombers were "men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures of United States intelligence."

The book "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe," by Daniele Ganser documents the terrorist activities of the security services.

Evidence of Gladio terrorism was revealed during an Italian parliamentary investigation.

The terrorists are usually working for the security services.

Certain 'Palestinian terrorists' were reportedly working for the CIA and MOSSAD.

(Abu Nidal reportedly worked for the CIA and MOSSAD...)

Terrorist working for the CIA.

At thirdworldtraveller Peter Dale Scott, Jonathan Marshall, and Jane Hunter have an article which refers to the Bologna Bomb and the P2 freemason fascists who were Italy's secret government.


"According to the Italian Parliamentary Report on P-2:

"P-2 contributed to the strategy of tension...

"The purpose was to destabilize Italian politics ... to bring about an authoritarian solution to Italy's problems."

The London Bombings and 9 11 - reportedly part of the 'strategy of tension', designed to advance a Zionist-Fascist agenda.

Stefano Delle Chiaie worked for the CIA's Gladio operation.

According to the Italian Parliamentary Report on P-2:

"Delle Chiaie was a principal organizer for ...

"The 1969 bomb (in a bank) in Piazza Fontana of Milan (16 deaths, 90 injuries),

"The 1970 coup attempt of Prince Valerio Borghese (a CIA client since 1945),

"And the Bologna station bombing of August 2, 1980 (85 deaths, 200 injuries).

"In December 1985 magistrates in Bologna issued 16 arrest warrants ... accusing members of the Italian intelligence service SISMI of planning and then covering up the Bologna bombing.

"One of these 16 was P-2's leader Licio Gelli...

"A small group of anarchists ... were blamed at first for the Piazza Fontana bombing, even though SISMI knew ... that delle Chiaie was responsible..."

In 2007, Cossiga declared that 9/11 was an inside job and that this fact was "common knowledge" among intelligence agencies.

Bologna 1980 www.stragi.it/

Operation Gladio was organised by the security services of the West.

Reportedly, the idea was to kill innocent people and then blame this on others.

Gladio was about keeping the right-wing elite in power.

Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti revealed the existence of Gladio in 1991.

Parliamentary investigations in Italy, Switzerland and Belgium have revealed the truth.

The CIA, MI6, Pentagon and NATO have carried out their Gladio terrorist activities in many countries including Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey and West Germany.

Deir Yassin - Jewish terrorists, called Irgun, massacred women and children

Gladio was the name used in Italy.

In Austria the name was Schwert,

Belgium - Sdra 8,

Britain - Stay Behind,

France - Glaive,

Greece -Operation Sheepskin,

Sweden -Sveaborg,

Switzerland -P26 and

Turkey -Special War Department.

Notes on Operation Stay Behind

What would you do?
On 7 September 1947, Associated Press reported: "The Paris police today arrested a number of persons after discovering six home-made aerial bombs with which, it is suggested, the Stern Gang intended to bomb London.." JEWISH PLOT TO RAID LONDON

"As early as 1947, the United States was constructing a clandestine network in Northern Italy..."

(Wolfgang Achtner, Sunday Independent, 11/11/90)

gladio / gladio 2

www.motherjones.com. Terrorism is used to help keep the rich elite in power. "Some of the biggest declines in worker's wages have been egalitarian societies such as Norway, where labour's share has fallen from 64% in 1980 to 55% now." Pay and economic growth: A shrinking slice | The Economist

According to the newspaper Die Welt, western security services set up a committee to oversee the secret guerrilla forces.

"Former defence minister Paulo Taviani (told Magistrate Casson during his1990 investigation) that during his time in office (1955-1958), the Italian secret services were bossed and financed by 'the boys in Via Veneto' - ie the CIA agents in the US Embassy in the heart of Rome."

(William Scobie, Observer, 18/11/90)

The real terrorists are people like Irgun and the Stern Gang.

"General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley, a former commander-in-chief of Nato forces in northern Europe said...that a covert intelligence service was set up in Italy with the help of British agents and the CIA - which also partly funded it.

"The Italian branch of the network was known as Operation Gladio"

(Richard Norton Taylor, Guardian, 15/11/90)

"Gladio was ... set up with British help in the 1950's, operated by the secret services and partly financed bythe United States CIA."

(Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian, 16/11/90)

Jewish terrorists bombed the King David Hotel, killing many British people.

"Declassified secret service papers reveal that Ted Shackley, deputy chief of the CIA station in Rome in the 1970's introduced the notorious Licio Gelli - head of the neo-fascist P2 masonic lodge and for years a fugitive in Argentina - to General Alexander Haig, then Nixon's chief ofstaff, and later, from 1974 to 79, Nato Supreme Commander.

"P2 was a right-wing shadow government, ready to take over Italy, that included four Cabinet Ministers, all three intelligence chiefs, 48 MPs, 160 military officers, bankers, industrialists, top diplomats and the Army Chief of Staff.

"After meetings between Gelli, Italian military brass and CIA men in the embassy, Gladio was given renewed blessing - and more money - byHaig and the then head of the National Security Council, Henry Kissinger. Just how those and later funds were spent is a key point in the [Casson]investigation."

(William Scobie, Observer, 18/11/90)

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Shakes Hand with an Al Qaeda Terrorist. Is the wounded terrorist an Israeli intelligence asset? Israeli military field hospital at the occupied Golan Heights' border with Syria, 18 February 2014″. Israel's Mossad 'to the Rescue'

"The makings of the bomb which killed 85 people at Bologna railway stationin 1980 came from an arsenal used by Gladio, the Italian wing of Nato's communist-resistance network, according to a parliamentary commission on terrorism...

"The suggested Link with the Bologna massacre is potentially the most serious of all the accusations levelled against Gladio."

(Ed Vulliamy, Guardian,16/1/91)

John McCain in Syria in 2013. In the left foreground, we see the boss of ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

"P2 was not uncovered until 1981. Later it was found that every member ofthe crisis committee set up by Francesco Cossiga, then interior minister, now President of the Republic, was a member of P2."

(Charles Richards &Simon Jones, Independent, 16/11/90)

India has its 'Deep State'. Brijesh Mishra holds a meeting with Tony Blair's Jewish security adviser Sir David Manning in New Delhi on July 10, 2002. Manning was in New York on 9 11 and saw the Twin Towers attacked. Brijesh Mishra has connections with Sonia Gandhi's Italian family through his daughter Jyotsna.

Between 28/6/90 and 2/7/90, four programmes on Italian state television (RAI) alleged that the CIA paid LucioGelli to "foment terrorist activities. "

In the first programme someone described as 'Agent Zero' described how (ex-Swedish Prime Minister) Olaf Palme had been caught in a deal between the CIA and Iran to release American hostages in Tehran.

"Palme was a fly in the ointment so we got P2 to rub him out," the agent said.

The second programme, which showed the gaunt silhouette of 'Agent Zero One', alleged that P2 was not wound up in the mid-1980s, after the arrest of its leader Licio Gelli.

"It still exists. It calls itself P7," he said.

According to the agent, the lodge is till functioning with branches in Austria, Switzerland and East Germany.

"Zero One" has now been revealed by the Italian press to be Dick Brenneke, allegedly a career CIA officer."

(Richard Bassett, Times, 24/7/90)

This policeman was 'shot' with blanks; there is no sign of blood.

"In the programme, Mr Brenneke alleged that, throughout the 1970's the CIA had made large sums of money available to the subversive Masonic Lodge, P2, widely believed to have been involved in the August, 1980 Bologna trainstation bombing in which 85 people were killed.

"Furthermore Mr Brenneke claimed that, not only does the CIA continue to secretly finance a revived P2, but that it was involved in the 1986 killing of the Swedish PrimeMinister, Mr Olaf Palme.

"According to Mr Brenneke, P2, under the guidanceof its Grand master, Mr Licio Gelli, used some of the finance made available by the CIA to set up agencies in West Germany, Austria andSwitzerland.

"These agencies in turn were used by P2 to set up the assassination of Mr Palme, on the orders of the CIA. Finally, and perhaps most sensationally, Mr Brenneke alleged that President Bush, then director of the CIA, not only knew about these CIA activities in Italy (during the late 1970s and early 1980s) but was in fact one of the masterminds behind them.

"In a four part special on RAI, the main Italian state-run televisionnetwork, Brenneke claimed he had been making payments to members of P2, a right-wing Masonic lodge, on behalf of the CIA from 1969 to 1980. He said he had made payments which ranged from $lm to $10m a month ... He said P2 was also involved in arms and drugs trafficking for the CIA..."

(Mark Hosenball, Sunday Times, 29/7/90)

NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow welcomes the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Habib Essid
NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow welcomes the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Habib Essid. TUNISIAN SPECIAL FORCES LINKED TO SOUSSE HOTEL ATTACK...


"The Belgian government said it was investigating ... links between its own clandestine network and a spate of particularly brutal raids on supermarkets around Brussels in the mid 1980's, in which 28 people died. Several policemen and well-known right-wingers were arrested after ballistic tests, but no one was brought to trial."

(Fiona Leney & WolfgangAchtner, Independent, 10/11/90)

GREECE (Operation Sheepskin)

"In Greece, where it was given the code-name, Sheepskin, a cell was set up by the CIA in the 1950s but was dismantled in 1988, according to thegovernment.

"Officers in the underground unit were involved in theColonel's coup in 1967."

(Richard Norton-Taylor, Guardian, 5/12/90)


"In Portugal, a Lisbon radio station has reported that cells of the networkassociated with Operation Gladio were active there during the 1950s to defend the rightist dictatorship of Dr Salazar."

(John Palmer, Guardian,10/11/90)

TURKEY(Special War Department)

"The paper [Milliyet] quoted former Premier Bulent Ecevit as saying the unit had first been funded by the United States...

"During a wave of terrorism in the 1970s, leftist groups questioned the possible role of the organisation, also known as 'kontrgerilla', in right-wing terrorism."

(Associated Press, 14/11/90)"
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Licio Gelli, fascist and masonic chief
https://www.ft.com/content/7d3fdd08-a41 ... 8ff73aae15

Far right activist fought for Franco and took part in darkest chapters in Italy’s 20th century history

James Politi in Rome DECEMBER 17, 2015
When officers from Italy’s tax police raided a Tuscan business on the outskirts of Arezzo on March 17, 1981, they made one of the most politically explosive findings in their 240-year history.

They uncovered a list of 962 people who were part of a secret masonic lodge known as Propaganda Due or P2 plotting to destabilise Italy’s democratic order, if deemed necessary, to protect the country from communist rule.

The property belonged to Licio Gelli, the grandmaster of the organisation, who has died aged 96. Other members spanned the Italian military, the secret services, the political establishment and even business. Also on the list was Silvio Berlusconi, then a budding media mogul, later to become three-time Italian prime minister, though he has denied ever being part of the group.

“We had Italy in our hands,” Gelli, an unrepentant fascist, said in a 2008 interview. “We would never have wanted to attack, but we were like a sentinel, carefully ensuring that the Communist party should never emerge.”

One prominent member of P2 was Roberto Calvi, known as God’s banker for his close ties to the Vatican, who was found hanging from London’s Blackfriars Bridge a year after the raid in mysterious circumstances. The investigation into the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, where Calvi was chairman, had been the reason the Italian police took an interest in Gelli’s home in the first place, and Gelli was subsequently convicted of fraud in the bankruptcy case. In 2005 he was placed under investigation for Calvi’s murder but was never indicted.

Gelli’s ties to Calvi are just one of the reasons why he was nicknamed Italy’s puppet master. Indeed, he was known for playing a role in some of the darkest chapters in Italy’s 20th century history, from alleged coups to terrorist attacks.

Gelli was born in Pistoia in 1919 and as a teenager he left Italy to fight in the Spanish civil war, on the side of General Francisco Franco and the fascists. When he returned, he rose in the ranks of Italy’s fascist dictatorship and was picked to serve as a key liaison officer between Benito Mussolini’s government and the Nazi regime in Germany.

After defeat in the war, Gelli went to work in the private sector, at a mattress maker south of Rome. But he never shook off his desire to be politically active in far-right circles, at a time when fierce ideological divisions were splitting the country.

Gelli was always suspected of having a hand in the Borghese coup, a foiled attempt by neo-fascists to seize control of the Italian government in 1970. But perhaps the most damaging accusation against him was that he backed a 1980 terrorist attack by rightwing militants at the railway station in Bologna, that killed 85 people. Gelli dismissed the bombing as an accident caused by a cigarette butt rather than a bomb, but was eventually convicted in the case for obstructing justice.

The allegations were never forgotten. “I think every citizen of Bologna has a reaction to that surname,” Virginio Merola, the centre-left mayor of Bologna, said after his death. “It would have been good if he had never set foot in our country and our city.”

Gelli was indicted as a result of the Banco Ambrosiano inquiry in the early 1980s but he absconded, only to be caught in Geneva. From there he escaped again but eventually turned himself in and returned to Italy, spending much of the 1990s facing a barrage of judicial proceedings.

He occasionally spoke to reporters, however, and did not shy from professing his admiration for Mr Berlusconi. “Berlusconi is out of the ordinary, I remember that from our first meetings he had this trait: they knew how to get projects done,” he enthused. “A man of deeds. This is what we need in Italy: not words, but deeds.”

Gelli, who is survived by his second wife and three children, also once proclaimed: “I am a fascist and will die a fascist.”
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by TonyGosling »

Italians still seek truth about Masonic terror bombing 27 years ago
Posted on August 5, 2007 | 6 Comments
https://aftermathnews.wordpress.com/200 ... years-ago/

The Bologna station massacre is believed to have been the joint work of neofascists, members of the secret services and the subversive right-wing Propaganda-Due Masonic lodge, which was outlawed in 1982, according to the reports.

Italy commemorates 1980 Bologna train station bombing

Catholic World News | Aug 3, 2007

Italians marched Thursday in Bologna, a city in north-central Italy, to commemorate the victims of the 1980 bombing in its train station which left 85 people dead and some 200 injured, local media reported.

Relatives of the victims took part in the march from the central Piazza Nettuno to the station where Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi made an unannounced appearance.

Prodi, who is a native of Bologna, said in a brief speech that the massacre was carried out by terrorists “who tried to destroy democracy in this nation and who were defeated on moral, cultural and political levels.”

In a message to Bologna Mayor Sergio Cofferati, House Speaker Fausto Bertinotti stressed the need to uncover the full truth behind the station bombing because “a nation which cannot look back at its past with a full understanding cannot plan for its future,” said the reports.

The Bologna station massacre is believed to have been the joint work of neofascists, members of the secret services and the subversive right-wing Propaganda-Due Masonic lodge, which was outlawed in 1982, according to the reports.



Italy remembers 1980 Bologna train station massacre
In November 1995, the Supreme Court upheld life sentences for two neofascist terrorists, Valerio Fioravanti, a former TV child star, and Francesca Mambro, who were convicted of planting the bomb. Also upheld were lengthy jail terms for the head of the P-2 lodge, Licio Gelli, rogue operatives in the military intelligence service Sismi, and middleman Francesco Pazienza for working to sidetrack investigations into the massacre.

Italy commemorates 1980 Bologna station bombing
It was later found to be the joint work of neofascists, members of the secret services and the subversive right-wing Propaganda- Due(P-2) masonic lodge.

Bologna massacre
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bologna massacre (Italian: Strage di Bologna) was a terrorist bombing at the Central Station of Bologna, Italy on the morning of August 2, 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded more than 200. The far-right terrorist organization Ordine Nuovo has been accused of it, while two SISMI (Italian secret service) agents and the headmaster of P2 masonic lodge, Licio Gelli, were convicted for ‘investigation diversion’ (or ‘perverting the course of justice’ in English law).

Emblem of “Gladio”, Italian branch of the NATO “stay-behind” paramilitary organizations. The motto means “Silently, I serve freedom”.

Operation Gladio
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In November 1995, Neo-Fascists terrorists Valerio Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro, members of the Nuclei Armati Revoluzionari (NAR), were convicted to life imprisonment as executors of the 1980 Bologna massacre. The NAR neofascist group worked in cooperation with the Banda della Magliana, a Mafia-linked gang which took over Rome’s underground in the 1970s and was involved in various political events of the strategy of tension, including the Aldo Moro case, the 1979 assassination of Mino Pecorelli, a journalist who published articles alleging links between Prime minister Giulio Andreotti and the mafia, as well as the assassination of “God’s Banker” Roberto Calvi in 1982. The investigations concerning the Bologna bombing proved Gladio’s direct influence: Licio Gelli, P2’s headmaster, received a sentence for investigation diversion, as well as Francesco Pazienza and SISMI officers Pietro Musumeci and Giuseppe Belmonte.

The Strategy of Tension in Italy
P-2 recruited from the “elite” of Italian society. It included within its ranks one hundred and ninety five military officers, two serving Ministers, three ex-Ministers, one Party Secretary, sixteen Magistrates, four hundred and twenty two State officials, thirty six M.P.s as well as Secret Service heads and various bankers and capitalists (4). Magistrates investigating the Bologna bombing found that P-2 directed much of the fascist violence and associated cover-ups and distortion. Gelli was P-2’s ‘venerable master’ (that’s leader to us mere mortals) and in 1986 he stood trial for his part in the 1980 Bologna bombing and was acquitted but found guilty of perjury. On the fourth of August 1974 a train bombing near Bologna killed twelve and injured forty-eight.
http://libcom.org/history/1969-the-stra ... n-in-italy

Operation Gladio, Clockwork Orange, and P2
Explosives from “Gladio” caches and “Gladio” members were implicated in a wave of terrorist attacks, including the 1980 Bologna’s train station bombing that killed 85 people. Many Italians believe that deep in the shadows behind the official government in Rome operates what is known as the “secret government,” a Dantesque cabal of industrialists and bankers, Mafia, the Vatican, assorted security services, “Gladio,” Freemasons and who knows who else.

Gladio: The Sequel
Now, do you know of Italy’s “Strategy of Tension”? It was a campaign of false-flag terror in the late 1970s, waged by outright fascists who enjoyed the patronage of the CIA, the Mafia and far right elements of the Italian State. These were the Gladio Brigades and Licio Gelli’s P2 Lodge, and they intended to discredit the increasingly popular Communist Party, and to ensure it would not take power, by staging terrorist acts in the name of the Left. Their campaign culminated in the Bologna train station bombing of 1980.

Propaganda Due
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Propaganda Due or P2 was an irregular or “black” Masonic lodge that operated in Italy from 1877-1981, headed in its final decades by Licio Gelli. P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli, the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, and the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli, Prime Minister Aldo Moro, and banker Roberto Calvi. P2 came to light through the Banco Ambrosiano scandal. P2 was also involved in Gladio’s strategy of tension (Gladio being the name of Italy’s secret “stay-behind” North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) paramilitary organization).

Fascist grandmaster of infamous P2 Masonic Lodge to be interviewed on TV talk show
In "Crime & Corruption"
Gangs of Iraq: military quietly enlisting thousands of active gang members
In "Crime & Corruption"
Secretive Freemasons in midst of popularity, membership boom
In "Illuminati Elites"
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Matt | August 5, 2007 at 2:31 pm |
They just need to burn every lodge down to the ground. We need to just get rid of freemasonry all together. When are people going to say they have had enough and burn every masonic lambskin apron.

David Livingstone | August 5, 2007 at 5:54 pm |
A very important point to remember is that involved in the Strategy of Tension was Michael Ledeen, current “leader” of the neon-conservatives.

Ledeen had been in Italy in the late 1970s, when he consulted for Italian military intelligence, and cultivated strong connections to the right-wing in Italy, including to the notorious P2 Masonic Lodge. When P2 had come under increasing scrutiny in 1979, grandmaster Licio Gelli had reportedly made his base of operations the Montecarlo Comite. Reported members of the Montecarlo Comite were Gelli, Henry Kissinger, Alexander Haig, former Supreme Commander of NATO, and Michael Ledeen.

According to Jim Lobe, Ledeen then returned to Washington in 1981 as “anti-terrorism” advisor to Haig, now new secretary of state. Over the next several years, Ledeen used his position as consultant to Haig, the Pentagon and the National Security Council under Ronald Reagan, to boost the notion of a global terrorist conspiracy based in the Kremlin, whose KGB pulled the strings of all of the world’s key terrorist groups, especially in the Middle East.

Ledeen was a major figure in the Iran-Contra Affair, which was designed to fund the “Mujahideen” of Afghanistan through an illicit drug trade. As a consultant of National Security Adviser Robert C. McFarlane, Ledeen vouched for Iranian intermediary Manucher Ghorbanifar, and met with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and officials of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the CIA to arrange meetings with high-ranking Iranian officials and the much-criticized weapons-for-hostages deal with Iran, that would become known as the Iran-Contra scandal.

Ledeen had, along with Arnaud de Borchgrave, in The New Republic, “exposed” some details of Billy Carter’s dealings with the Muammar Gaddafi regime in Libya, which deligitimized his brother’s presidency. Ledeen seems to be again involved in the fabrication of evidence, this time in the instance of the forged documents “uncovered” by Italian intelligence. These depicted an attempt by Iraq’s Saddam Hussein regime to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger, which formed the basis of President Bush’s support for the invasion of Iraq, and which subsequently unraveled into the “Plamegate” scandal.

In Ledeen’s own words, on a leadership trait he admires, from his book Universal Fascism:

“In order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to ‘enter into evil.’ This is the chilling insight that has made Machiavelli so feared, admired and challenging… we are rotten…. It’s true that we can achieve greatness if, and only if, we are properly led.”
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Re: P2 Plan To Kill Democracy hidden in Maria Gelli's suitcase

Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Propaganda Due suspects named
https://www.italyonthisday.com/2018/05/ ... named.html

Italy horrified as list reveals alleged members of ‘secret state’

Licio Gelli's home was raided by investigators

Ordinary Italians were stunned and the country’s elite rocked to the core on this day in 1981 when a list was made public of alleged members of Propaganda Due, a secret Masonic lodge which sought to run the country as a ‘state within the state’.

A staggering 962 names were on the list, including 44 members of parliament, three of whom were cabinet ministers, 49 bankers, numerous industrialists, a number of newspaper editors and other high-profile journalists, the heads of all three of Italy’s secret services and more than 200 military and police officers, including 12 generals of the Carabinieri, five of the Guardia di Finanza, 22 of the army and four from the air force.

The existence of the illegal, underground lodge, known as P2 had been rumoured for several years but there had been little concrete evidence until magistrates investigating the collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano in Milan raided the home in Tuscany of Licio Gelli, the former Fascist financier who turned out to be the Grandmaster.

The list of alleged members, which was made public by Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani on the advice of the prosecuting team, was found among paperwork seized in the raid.

Arnaldo Forlani's government collapsed in the wake of the P2 scandal

The names included Roberto Calvi, the former head of the Banco Ambrosiano who would be found dead in London the following year, Admiral Giovanni Torrisi, the Chief of the Defence Staff of Italy, and the future prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who had yet to enter politics but was already on his way to becoming Italy’s most powerful media tycoon.

The lodge was headed by Gelli, who had the title "Maestro venerabile".

Another major name on the list was Adolfo Sarti, the Minister of Justice, who resigned a couple of days after the list was published, triggering the collapse of Forlani’s ruling coalition and their resignation en masse.

The prosecuting magistrates told Forlani there was evidence that Gelli had constructed “a very real state within the state,'' using blackmail, favours, promises of advancement and bribes.

Their report described P2 as “a secret sect that has combined business and politics with the intention of destroying the constitutional order of the country and of transforming the parliamentary system into a presidential system.”

Banker Roberto Calvi, a member of P2, was found hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge in London
Banker Roberto Calvi, a member of P2, was found
hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge in London
It added that Gelli's strategy had been “to bring under his control a large number of powerful and highly-placed persons and thus to break down, for the first time in Italian history, the separation between political, administrative, military and economic spheres.''

Exactly how much power P2 wielded has been debated in all the years since it was exposed, although one undeniable coup was achieved when Gelli took control of Corriere della Sera, one of Italy’s leading newspapers.

The paper, edited by Piero Ottone, had run into financial trouble and was finding it difficult to obtain loans because the banks were not impressed by Ottone’s outspoken opposition to the powerful Christian Democratic Party, the dominant force in Italian politics. Gelli stepped in to arrange a cash injection from the Vatican Bank. Ottone was fired, P2 member Franco Di Bella was appointed in his place and the paper's editorial line shifted to the right.

In 1980 the paper published a long interview with Gelli conducted by the television talk show host Maurizio Costanzo, another whose name was on the list. Gelli told Costanzo he was in favour of rewriting the Italian constitution towards a Gaullist presidential system.

In the same year, there were suspicions that P2 members were involved in the bombing of Bologna railway station and the spreading of false stories seeking to undermine the Italian Communist Party in one of its biggest strongholds. In fact, Gelli and the deputy director of Italy's military intelligence service, SISMI, Pietro Musumeci were arrested for attempting to mislead the police investigation into the massacre, which killed 85 people, wounded more than 200 and was eventually blamed on a far-right terrorist group.

P2 members were certainly involved in the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, one of Milan's principal banks - owned in part by the Vatican Bank, and of the Franklin National Bank in New York, owned by a Calvi associate and P2 member, Michele Sindona, who was suspected of facilitating a Mafia money-laundering network involving the Banco Ambrosiano and the Vatican Bank.

Calvi, convicted of illegal money exports in 1980 but released from prison pending an appeal, was found hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982. Sindona, who was tried and found guilty of organising the murder of one of the Banco Ambrosiano scandal investigators, died in prison after being poisoned.

Arezzo's beautiful Piazza Grande is at the heart of the major Tuscan city
Arezzo's beautiful Piazza Grande is at the heart of the
major Tuscan city
Travel tip:

Arezzo, where Licio Gelli lived, is one of the wealthiest cities in Tuscany. Situated at the confluence of four valleys - Tiberina, Casentino, Valdarno and Valdichiana – its medieval centre suffered massive damage during the Second World War but still has enough monuments, churches and museums to be a worthwhile stopover on tourist itineraries. In addition to the Basilica di San Francesco and the Piero della Francesca fresco cycle, sights to take in include central square Piazza Grande, with its sloping pavement in red brick, the Medici Fortress, the Cathedral of San Donato and a Roman amphitheatre.

The neoclassical main grandstand at the Arena Civica sports stadium in central Milan
The neoclassical main grandstand at the Arena Civica
sports stadium in central Milan
Travel tip:

One of Milan’s often overlooked attractions is the Arena Civica, which was opened in 1807 in the city's Parco Sempione, behind the Castello Sforzesco. It is one of Milan's main examples of neoclassical architecture, an elliptical amphitheatre commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte soon after he became King of Italy in 1805. Napoleon wanted it to be Milan's equivalent of the Colosseum in Rome, although there are Greek influences too. The first event to be staged there, fittingly, was a chariot race. It was adapted for football in the early part of the 20th century and was the home of Internazionale until the move to San Siro in 1947. Nowadays it is renamed Arena Gianni Brera in honour of one of Italy's most influential sports journalists.

More reading:

How Roberto Calvi, the financier known as 'God's Banker', met a mysterious death

Michele Sindona - shady banker with links to Mafia and P2

Maurizio Costanzo - record-breaking broadcaster
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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