911 Multimedia: Confronting The Evidence, Loose Change etc.

Recommended viewing and listening which relates to the War on Freedom or War of Terror. Often this is material which the monopoly broadcasters/publishers censor and it is only available on the web.

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Re: great stuff

Post by paul wright »

This is the best number I've seen to date
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Post by Pikey »


Welcome and thanx for that!

If you want support and help for getting "Towers of disguise" to no.1 in the charts then you've come to the right place for moral support and guidance!

Please give us feedback!
Just don't be too harsh, We're only 16 still at school!
IMO the lyrics are superb, unfortunately the sound/picture quality on the video link is poor so I am unable to comment on the presentation as a whole!

The 911 Truth campaign is not about money but beware of those who are looking to make a fast buck out of 911 truth!

You have been given some excellent links/contacts so far here. I would advise you to contact Annie Machon, the Hon Secretary of the 911 Truth campaign (Britain & Ireland) first. Ian Neal's advice about getting in touch with the techy and creative 911 Bristol group is definitely another avenue worth pursuing.

I look forward to seeing and listening to the completed "Towers of disguise" video link.

Your bands name "Tijuna" Whats in a name? Anything behind that?

Also would your band be interested in being a lead band at a 911 Truth campaign national event? Sept 11th this year will be the 5th anniversary!

Well done and good luck, thats top quality and top class 911 truth creating Miguel!

Peace & truth
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Post by miguel »

Jane, if you are down then let us know!

Brianc, Great, love the video!

Annie, Cheers and hope to see you in glastonbury soon!

TimmyG, Thanks that is great! but we are recording the song in early June, so we are ok for now. However, new songs are getting made quite frequently so we might give you a shout if there is anything like this again if you are up for it!

Pikey, yeah the video is rubbish!! Not only is it old but we had only just started to play it live and weren't as 'fluent' with it at that time, and the camera quality is just poor! Seriously guys, don't judge the song by that video because i'm not happy at all, its just to give you all an idea.

The name 'Tijuana' was suggested by the guitarist's dad's friend, who soon after died so the name was adopted as a tribute. Also, Tijuana is just in the border of mexico and it is usually where all the criminals escape to and where the laws are different, its 'Another way out' which is our slogan, because we try to be different from the mainstream stereotypes and try to find our music the other way out!

YES, we would most definitely be interested in supporting the event in any way we can!

I have spoken to Flamesong about material etc, and it sounds like it can happen that way if everyone is up for it. the first thing to do is record the song which is part of our next four track EP entitled 'Towers of Disguise EP', to be sold at gigs etc.

Basically, I've had ideas of purchasing a detailed 3D model of the WTC and then Chroma-Keying the band on top, and I've become quite familiar with advanced video editing programs such as Premiere Pro and After Effects, as well as 3D Studio Max, Poser, Maya, etc. So we would actually like to edit the footage ourselves, the only problem is we don't have decent cameras or lights or green/blue screens. After having that available to work with, the rest will be easier and fun!

Also may i add, a recent BBC review of the band which also includes a mention of Towers of Disguise is available here:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/somerset/content/a ... ture.shtml

And we will be on June's FHM mens magazine issue, as they wanted to cover a band from Glastonbury in one of their articles about the 'No Glastonbury Festival 2006' and chose us as they had heard good things from us, so (not to sound pompous in any way!) we are slowly getting more broadcast exposure therefore the message would spread fast that way too, which i personally think is one of my main intentions with the band, to let people know what's happening through music, and let's face it, there is hardly any public music concerning 9/11 which I personally think is not good enough!

Thanks for all the feedback and links too guys!

P.S. This is going to be the front cover for the CD in which Towers of Disguise will be in, as part of a four track demo EP

I wanted something very simple and strong, so i got down to this:


What do you guys think?
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Post by Pikey »

Once again thanx for that Miguel.

The poor quality of the recording of your performation dos not enable me to make my own personal judgement of the song "Towers of disguise". I really do look forward to seeing it though. If I cant wait for that though when and where is your next live performance of the number?

Another contact which I feel worthy of mention is Ian Crane (pm him our website) and the Totnes truth group (see their website) who are very active in your region.

Regarding your design of the sleeve of your CD cover you ask

What do you guys think?
I like the simplicity but how about adding the 47 storey WTC no. 7 building and also running text vertically along the structures stating WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7?

And on the inside of the sleeve:- "For info about the 911 truth" add sources of references (websites, the 911 truthseekers bible David Ray Griffins book "The New Pearl Harbour")?

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Post by Newspeak International »

Johnny, that link doesn't work, this one does and it improves on Loose change2.

WWW.http://video.google.com/videoplay?d ... 6180631815
Last edited by Newspeak International on Tue May 02, 2006 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by johnnyhotshots »

Sorry about that; try going to www.question911.com and then click on downloads for the videos.
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Post by miguel »

hey guys, good news and bad news.

good news, our band is to appear in a feature of the FHM mens magazine which comes out in june (july edition), meaning there is more exposure to people who will eventually get to hear about the political messages.

also at our website, www.tijuanarock.co.uk if you go on links and look at the second link (the BBC interview) they make good feedback on the 9/11 related songs

the message is spreading in our youth circle!

bad news are, soon we will be recording and there is a section in our song where its just a soft guitar riff and on top of it i want to have key phrases from george bush himself and other eye witnesses of 9/11, but i am going through my GCSE exams and have no time to look through any of that stuff and pick out the really important sound clips from testimonys etc. and i fear a 30/35 sec. max compilation of quotes wont be ready by the time we record it in june!!

can you guys be ever so helpful and email me at miguel_santana_da_silva@hotmail.co.uk with either links to or the attached sound clips themselves. full speeches/talks are ok, but if you could help me in actually picking out the key PHRASES, that would be awesome.

what i'm looking for:

- the impossible physics/rate of fall/steel's melting point vs aircraft fuel etc
- 'i heard multiple explosions', facts pointing to controlled demolition etc
- threats, warnings, etc
- i am actually ok for bush with phrases like 'there goes a lousy pilot' etc but more are welcome
- just general facts pointing to government involvment etc.

can you help me?

Thanks in advance,

Keep your fists in the air,

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Post by Jim »

Miguel - try this:


A bit dry but loads of info on structural/steel details
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Post by TruthKey »

miguel wrote:hey guys, good news and bad news.

good news, our band is to appear in a feature of the FHM mens magazine which comes out in june (july edition), meaning there is more exposure to people who will eventually get to hear about the political messages.

also at our website, www.tijuanarock.co.uk if you go on links and look at the second link (the BBC interview) they make good feedback on the 9/11 related songs

the message is spreading in our youth circle!

bad news are, soon we will be recording and there is a section in our song where its just a soft guitar riff and on top of it i want to have key phrases from george bush himself and other eye witnesses of 9/11, but i am going through my GCSE exams and have no time to look through any of that stuff and pick out the really important sound clips from testimonys etc. and i fear a 30/35 sec. max compilation of quotes wont be ready by the time we record it in june!!

can you guys be ever so helpful and email me at miguel_santana_da_silva@hotmail.co.uk with either links to or the attached sound clips themselves. full speeches/talks are ok, but if you could help me in actually picking out the key PHRASES, that would be awesome.

what i'm looking for:

- the impossible physics/rate of fall/steel's melting point vs aircraft fuel etc
- 'i heard multiple explosions', facts pointing to controlled demolition etc
- threats, warnings, etc
- i am actually ok for bush with phrases like 'there goes a lousy pilot' etc but more are welcome
- just general facts pointing to government involvment etc.

can you help me?

Thanks in advance,

Keep your fists in the air,

Good to hear, I just set up what I think might be the first youngster's online community for 9/11 truth! You're a teenager, 3 years older than me at that, but come and join. I set it up yesterday so we only have 7 members at the mo but I'm sure people would be interested to hear about your band!
Here's the link:
http://z7.invisionfree.com/911_Truth_St ... hp?act=idx
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Post by xmasdale »

miguel wrote: - i am actually ok for bush with phrases like 'there goes a lousy pilot' etc but more are welcome

can you help me?


How about: "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories" delivered from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly.

He's certainly given us an outrageous conspiracy theory.

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Post by ian neal »

9/11 source

Loads of videos and other stuff

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Letters to Local Goverment Officials

Post by ants »

Don't forget to mention MP Michael Meachers screening of Loose Change 2 at the Houses of Parliment on the 14th (June) when you hand out your free DVDs!

I'm about to send letters and a free LC2 to local goverment councillors. I was hoping to hit them all at the same time as a heads up to what I think my local MP should be doing. See letter below.


Dear Mr. ###

I am writing this letter to call your attention to a special screening at the Houses of Parliament on 14th June 2006 for Members of Parliament. Labour MP Michael Meacher has arranged the screening of Loose Change, a 90 minute film that questions the official line about the events of September 11th.

This film raises some serious questions with wide reaching implications regarding U.S. Government complicity in the attacks on Washington D.C. and New York City.

I will be requesting that Labour MP Ann Cryer attend the screening in order that she be more fully aware of the opinions of many people in her constituency and thus be better placed to raise their concerns in Parliament.

I have included a copy of the film on DVD for your information.


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Post by kbo234 »

Can we be clear about this. Is the viewing 'ON' again?
I thought it had been cancelled.
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waiting a week for dvds.

Post by stav »

hi is there a long wait for dvds at the mo.

open you eyes and see the truth for yourself!
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Post by Newspeak International »

Most likely they're having problems with the encoding of the dvd, and should get a multi-region modification to address the issue :lol:
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Post by ants »

Michael Meacher apparently was concerned about some inaccuracies in LC2 so pulled out. However, within a few days he and another MP (whose name a can't recall - will look up) joined him and it was back on...

Although that was over a week ago so anything can happen...
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Post by ants »

Hi Miguel

Thats awesome! Gonna send it round my mates. Should be able to get you a gig up in West Yorkshire too! Check out www.cyphermusic.net. Your definitely what we need to hear. :) I was listening to Rage Against The Machine only a few days ago thinking 'there just aren't any bands like this anymore' Maybe I was wrong :!:

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Post by TimmyG »

hey ants. I produced Random hand of the cyphermusic forum. maybe a few other bands off there too

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Post by miguel »

Hey guys! sorry i havent been on here in a bit but thats because ive been busy recording our latest EP!!

Towers of Disguise is now online!

you can listen to it for free at


thanks to all for help with little audio quotes etc

tell us what you think of the song

from the new 4 track EP you can listen to

Towers of Disguise - very direct song about 9/11 with an angry spoken rant at the end


An Angel Kissed me in my Sleep, which is a nice surreal and mellow track

on the CD you would also get



Break Free

you can buy the full CD for £3

Break Free is another political song with rage against the machine influences, speaking of the new world order in general.

tell us what you think!
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Post by CrazyBlade »

As someone involved quite heavily on the Loose Change forum, can I just say a massive 'thankyou' for getting this out to those who haven't seen it. As for 'Confronting The Evidence' I haven't seen that so expect a message in the morning when the bank has been checked lol...

Oh, a quick side note and I will post this in the News section as well. You may not be aware that Loose Change: Final Cut is heading our way this September, and as a teaser Dylan and co. showed some rough footage at the recent American Scholars Symposium, which included some interviews with people including Alex Jones. You can check it out on Google Video here:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4676470714

Kind Regards,

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Post by Duke »

Andrew Johnson wrote:I have set up a page for this purpose:


I am asking for £1 to cover the cost of 1 disk, 40p each additional disk. BUT I will give them away free, for as long as I can reasonably afford it.

Please direct people to this page, if they don't want to wait for them coming from the USA. (I have also put a link to the USA page on the above too though).
Good on ya!...No probs via link,very smooth, look forward to distributing dvds to friends.

Many thanks

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Important Reminder about DVD Payments

Post by Annie »

Hi all

Thanks to everyone around the country who has been working away producing DVDs for campaigning and sales.

Can I just reiterate to everyone who asks for copies:


These people have bought the burners and spend a lot of their time producing the DVDs to get the message out, and it's working. But, we don't want them to be out of pocket - they need to recoup the costs of the burners and cover the production and postage costs too. So please be prompt with your payments. Also, if we get at least £3 for every DVD, that still leaves plenty of money to plough back in to your local campaigning group.

Many thanks

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Post by Wakey Wakey!!! »

Hello everyone,

i'm just starting out on my own quest for the truth so have joined your site....the more the merrier, eh?! Anyhoo, with all this talk of bands and stuff, i wanted to point you in the direction of a video i made and put up on Google video, if you'll indulge me. Its mainly sourced from the internet, and its my first attempt so hopefully can put out some better ones.

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... 5118806517

Also i wanted to ask if anyone knew of a good online source for best quality videos of things like 9/11 so i can use them in future projects? I apologise if this post is in the wrong place, etc.. i've never been too clever with these forum things!!

Keep up the good work everyone...can i link through to you for my MySpazz page??
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Post by Andrew Johnson »

It's a good video - very well done. There are some downloadable videos at links from:


You might find this interesting too...

http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... 3569280489

KInd of similar to your one

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Post by Bicnarok »

Why not just download them with Utorrent, Bearshare or any such like programm
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Post by ian neal »

The Divide


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More truth spitting musical heroes

Post by Reflecter »

Check this guys hip hop out, its simply stunning imho :

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=32699567

If the link doesnt work check myspace.com and search for 'Roy Rivers'. 911 Inside Job and Naming Names pt 2.

Keep up all the amazing work everyone!
The Peoples United Collective TPUC.ORG

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