London 911 meetings

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London 911 meetings

Post by 911troof »

Are the old 911 London meetings still going? As I dont see them on the calendar.

If not, I'd like to propose a reunion.
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Post by 911troof »

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I can't see anything on that site about the regular twice monthly meetings that used to take place.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Did you go to see Cynthia the other week?
The London lot helped organise that and were there.
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Post by 911troof »

Yes I did, a full house and very good it was too, if a little hot for some reason.

Again I heard no mention of the regular meetings.

Maybe it's just an email/web thing now?

If they're still going it would be good to have them on the calendar, like they used to be.
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Post by 911troof »

I spoke to a few people.

There were many new faces and it would have been good to mention how they could get involved.

I've been to too many of these events where people just go back to their normal lives.

This still doesn't resolve a simple question. Are there still regular meetings and if so where/when?
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Post by ian neal »

Reinvestigate does have fairly regular meetings but these are not the same as the old London 911 truth meetings/socials.

Their intention is to discuss and plan reinvestigate activities and are notified by email to those who have contacted Ian Henshall and expressed an interested in supporting reinvestigate and who Reinvestigate decides they wish to work. Any one new wishing to attend these should email Ian H in the first instance ... rt-us.html

Reinvestigate has a narrow remit. To lobby parliamentarians and journalists to support reinvestigate's call for a new inquiry.

So just 9/11 and just this campaigning strategy

More widely there is Truth Action / We are change London. A bit out of the loop on their current level of activities but easiest way to find out is probably to contact activists at Kew Eco Village who hopefully can update you or point you in the right direction You may even meet the odd messiah?
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Post by blackbear »

Reinvestigate 9/11.......Why.?

Be like...

Trying to persuade burglars to prosecute themselves for burglary.

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Post by 911troof »

It's great that they're doing something even if they may be barking up the wrong tree. There seems to be a wave of apathy spreading through the truth movement.

Knowing about 911 and the rest doesn't seem to change much. It's only when people start to take responsibility for their own lives and reduce their reliance on the system that things will change. Supporting and benefiting from the same system that brought us these atrocities will inevitably lead to more of the same, it's been designed that way.
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Post by fish5133 »

Organising things seems easier at local level with just a couple of truthers. The occasional bigger meet is an encouragement even just to chill and say hello face to face instead of pc to pc. The bigger bigger events i am happy to leave up to those who can organise and pull some strings. Of course am happy to support where i can.
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Post by Moon-in-Taurus »

911troof wrote: There seems to be a wave of apathy spreading through the truth movement.
Well, it might be caution.
After all, whatsisname did put us into the terrorist category
and that's a bit of a bummer
seeing as his lot are the most disappointing distributors of 'peace'
with their bludgeons.

I gave her a present.
On behalf of us.

I said "It's from us here in the British Truth Movement, even though some say it doesn't exist..."

and at that moment the cough sweet I had been sucking
unexpectedly descended down my oesophagus,
leading to an involuntary dramatic pause.

Then I took a photograph of her holding some safety pins.
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Post by letthemeatmadeiracake »

Moon-in-Taurus wrote: I gave her a present.
On behalf of us.

I said "It's from us here in the British Truth Movement, even though some say it doesn't exist..."

and at that moment the cough sweet I had been sucking
unexpectedly descended down my oesophagus,
leading to an involuntary dramatic pause.

Then I took a photograph of her holding some safety pins.
The 911 Forum goes literary. I like it.
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Post by TonyGosling »

London meetings have been happening about every month on a Monday evening at the Counting House pub in the City.
Please contact:
Noel Glynn (xmasdale)
Ian Henshall (crisis)

report from Monday 22nd November 2010:
1. There is still time to write into the Chilcot enquiry linking 911 to the reasons for going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq.
2. Ongoing analysis in 7/7 inquests, relatives and survivors not happy with. ever changing official story and unexplained gaps in CCTV evidence.
3. Planning for 10th anniversary of 9/11.
4. Still planning parliamentary meeting open to the public.
5. Passing Clouds are holding 9/11 events about once a month, discussions, film screenings, street action (London Truth Action: Andy Baker, Gareth Newnham, Simon Moore etc.)
6. George Galloway conceded there was a need for a further investigation into 9/11.
7. An informal 9/11 Christmas gathering and social is being planned.
8. Nafeez Ahmed's book launch is Committee Room 3, Houses of Parliament, Wednesday 8th December, 6-8pm.
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Post by ian neal »

FYI these London meetings are by invitation only and are just for RI911.

If I wanted their existence publicised I’d post it here myself. As RI911 website says if anyone feels moved to offer their support please approach Ian H in the first instance.

There are other London meetings such as

which is action orientated and in common with other truthaction groups definitely does not welcome holocaust revisionism being associated with 9/11

Then there is the 911 keep talking group, that has no such qualms

And I expect passing clouds also have regular meetings for activists
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Post by TonyGosling »

This really is a curious statement Ian and likely to fuel suspicions that the London meetings are some kind of cult.
The truth action people are not everybody's cup of tea and I worry about your nervous, secretive approach to campaigning.
The London group as ever needs some new blood but you don't appear to think so.
ian neal wrote:If I wanted their existence publicised I’d post it here myself.
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Post by ian neal »

Think what you like. The only people I've heard talk about cults in reference to 9/11 are people like Paul Stott and some reactionary US commentators whose opinions are irrelevant. I'm just pointing out how RI 911 chooses to operate i.e. not to hold open meetings where everyone and his/her dog is invited. Previous experience shows this approach leads to more problems than solutions. If anyone is moved to offer their services to help RI 911 they should make contact via the website. If they have useful ideas or actions to contribute they would be welcomed with open arms, if not they won't. Common sense really and not secretative or cult like. Simples
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Post by Andrew. »

ian neal wrote:Think what you like. The only people I've heard talk about cults in reference to 9/11 are people like Paul Stott and some reactionary US commentators whose opinions are irrelevant. I'm just pointing out how RI 911 chooses to operate i.e. not to hold open meetings where everyone and his/her dog is invited. Previous experience shows this approach leads to more problems than solutions. If anyone is moved to offer their services to help RI 911 they should make contact via the website. If they have useful ideas or actions to contribute they would be welcomed with open arms, if not they won't. Common sense really and not secretative or cult like. Simples
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Except in reference to 9/11, Ian?

Sure you'll get, detractors, but that works both ways and is't that for people to decide, when that could be explained to them so as to make a farer judgment; even if it is kept, just to the issue of 9/11?
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Post by ian neal »

There are no secrets amongst those that are actively involved in RI911. That is not the same as having an open door policy for any one to roll in off the street or the same as posting in public our thoughts, plans, successes and failures as an on-going commentary. That would be foolish in my opinion. Therefore as far as I'm concerned your and Tony's concerns over secretative campaigning are entirely misplaced. I hope I have addressed them but if I haven't, I don't actually care. Why should I?
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Post by Andrew. »

ian neal wrote:There are no secrets amongst those that are actively involved in RI911. That is not the same as having an open door policy for any one to roll in off the street or the same as posting in public our thoughts, plans, successes and failures as an on-going commentary. That would be foolish in my opinion. Therefore as far as I'm concerned your and Tony's concerns over secretative campaigning are entirely misplaced. I hope I have addressed them but if I haven't, I don't actually care. Why should I?

How could members of the public know one way or another, if there are no secrets amongst those involved. Why should you care, because it shows people the duplicity of movements and its intent to wreck them by some people, for the cause of the Neo Nazi Zionist etc regime and we wouldn’t want that would we. No question mark. But perhaps you don't care for the community, members of the public and would rather dictate.

Hence: community, members of the public.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
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Post by ian neal »

You talk gibberish Andrew. Your sentences don't make sense but just to repeat "I hope I have addressed [your concerns] but if I haven't, I don't actually care."

Out of interest how could members of the public know one way or another, if there are no secrets amongst those involved in jforjustice?

How is jforjustice any more open and transparent to the wider public than RI 911?
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Post by Andrew. »

ian neal wrote:You talk gibberish Andrew. Your sentences don't make sense but just to repeat "I hope I have addressed [your concerns] but if I haven't, I don't actually care."

Out of interest how could members of the public know one way or another, if there are no secrets amongst those involved in jforjustice?

How is jforjustice any more open and transparent to the wider public than RI 911?
Just ask questions and anyone can read it all and what it's about. The intention behind it is for all to read it, as it's about the study of the Bible; that people should read for themselves (should they choose to)

By the way, what you write is very clear Ian, it dosn't take much reading, to read between the lines and lies.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Everybody agrees don't they that London Group meetings aren't secret. It makes sense to give short progress reports here from time to time.
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Post by ian neal »

The London Group meetings that you refer to are regular RI911 meetings and yes when anything noteworthy happens or is announed it will be posted here.
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What ever happened to We Are Change UK?

Post by David WJ Sherlock »

I have not seen anything from WAC lately. And most of what I did come across was accusation of some or most of them as being MOD.
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Post by TonyGosling »

London 9/11 Group meetings are no longer advertised but are open to the public - rather weird & counterproductive IMO.

Various spin offs

ADTV - Ian Henshall's YouTube TV show - mostly private videos though

9/11 Keep Talking - via Belinda Nazi apologist Nick Kollerstrom and his lot.

WAC UK became London Truth Action - that was Stefan Gareth and Andy who were banned from here for their personal attacks on probable bus bomb survivor Daniel Obachike

Possibly more - not sure
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