Judaism, Antisemitism & Zionist Gatekeeping For Dummies
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Judaism, Antisemitism & Zionist Gatekeeping For Dummies
Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism. Even denial of Israel's right to exist - obscene though that is - is anti-Zionism, not antisemitism, despite the fact that the route from the one to the other is slippery and steep. We do not serve the fight against prejudice by blurring these distinctions."
These are the words of Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth - Britain's main body of Orthodox synagogues. Credit is due to the Chief Rabbi for making a clear and unambiguous distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. But as anti-Zionists already know, our opponents never miss an opportunity to conflate the two. In their perception, criticism of Zionism is an act of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism masquerades as anti-Zionism. Some go further and consider criticism of the state of Israel itself to be an act of anti-Semitism.
There are others who go further still, and extend the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of the Israel lobby Britain, the United States and Poland. It's simply not kosher to speak of a Zionist lobby in Britain. Odd then, that it is considered anti-Semitic to speak of things that do not exist. Ditto support for the Palestinian people. Never imply or state the primary cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict to be Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, for that too is considered anti-Semitic. Don't ever dare criticise Israel for dropping in excess of one hundred thousand cluster bombs on Lebanese soil unless you are comfortable with being labelled anti-Semitic. Anti-war? Pro-peace? If so, you are anti-Semitic. Caught with your hand in the till? No need to worry - just cry anti Semitism and soon you'll be celebrating.
There are those who take the meaning of anti-Semitism to absurd levels. The New Testament is anti-Semitic, and so too is Mel Gibson's cinematographic masterpiece, The Passion of the Christ. Petitions that call upon American universities to divest in Israel, boycotts of Israeli universities by British academics, and anti-globalisation rallies at which criticisms of Israel are expressed are also considered to be anti-Semitic activity. While any proposal of divestment in Iran is perfectly acceptable, to enquire whether a product might be of Israeli manufacture certainly is not. Israelis citizens may openly boast of the Jewish state's Nuclear capability and of how European capital cities can be destroyed by Israel's weapons of mass destruction yet Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is mischaracterised and demonised for pursuing a domestic nuclear energy programme.
Should German citizens complain that they have become bored with being constantly reminded of the Holocaust, then they too will be deemed anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitism is an international mental illness that knows no boundaries. Sacre bleu. Daniel Bernard, the former French ambassador to London is an anti-Semite. His reference to Israel as "that * little country" was considered to be "a pure anti-Semitic expression." So incensed by the French envoy's remarks was Gwyneth Dunwoody MP, president of Labour Friends Of Israel, that she felt it necessary to write to Jacques Chirac to demand that Bernard be sacked.
Although the hypocritical, Zionist-controlled British government decrees that universities should "quash" anti-Semitism, and that lecturers and university staff should surveil "Asian-looking" and Muslim students, it promises a 'crackdown' on anti-Semitism. Academics are under fire for supposed acts of anti-Semitic nature. Across the Atlantic, even the proposition that a teacher's trade union hold a debate on whether or not Israel's treatment of Palestinians merits condemnation is unacceptable. Anti-Israeli sentiment could turn anti-Semitic and find its way into the classrooms, assert B'nai Brith. According to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, anti-Semitism is 'rampant' in Arab literature, and, apparently, in American literature too. What one does not write about Israel in a book can also be considered anti-Semitic or worse. Even falling-out with one's neighbours can lead to one being unfairly labelled as anti-Semitic. 'Anti-Semitic' - the most powerful brand in the world.
And so it goes on, from the absurd to the extreme, from the Church of England to the London Guardian and the British Broadcasting Corporation. The Nation's most prominent religious institution and two major players in the British media are, allegedly, hotbeds of anti-Semitic sentiment, and, according to the Israeli government, the media's 'hostile' and 'biased' coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a major contributory factor in the rise of anti-Semitism that is alleged to have taken place in Britain during 2005. Journalists who do not present coverage of war in Lebanon in Israel's favour are held to be anti-Semitic, and any investigative journalist who would dare link Israel to the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington or expose the truth about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty can also expect to be labelled anti-Semitic regardless of the weight and persuasiveness of the evidence that they present.
While there are clearly many definitions of anti-semitism, anti-Semitism is narrowly defined by Webster's New 20th Century Dictionary as "hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group." Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League states that "those who only find fault with the Jewish people, the Jewish State and the actions of the Jewish sovereignty and never find anything that is positive are anti-Semites under the guise of anti-Zionism and anti-Israel." But as Ted Pike elucidates, the term 'anti-Semitism' has been broadly misdefined for use as a political weapon by those with passionate attachment to Israel, the purpose of which is to silence any legitimate criticism of Israel, Zionism or Judaism. Although anti-semitism is the Zionist's first weapon of choice, it is, however, a weapon that does not legitimately belong to them, as J. Bruce Campbell succinctly shows.
Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, an anti-Zionist Jew, states unequivocally that the Jews are not a race, and the facts fully support his statement. Almost all of the present occupants of Israel are of Russian-Jewish descent. The ancestors of these Ashkenazis did not originate from the middle-east and are thus no more Semitic than are Eskimos. Likewise, Khazars are also the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry and are not even Israelites never mind Semites. Arabs, however, most certainly are, and this is something that the anti-Zionist should always draw attention to whenever they discover Arabs to have been the victims of anti-Semitism.
It would be a mistake though, to equate all Jews with Israel as the two are not always synonymous. One would also err if one conflated Jews and Zionists, Judaism and Zionism. Indeed, some of the most vocal opponents of Zionists and Zionism come from within the Jewish community itself. Although not all Jews are Zionists, Zionists are predominatly Jewish. The Jew who opposes Zionism, Zionists, and the Zionist state of Israel is the next most reviled character after the 'anti-Semite'. The 'self-hating Jew' will inevitably be marginalised and smeared. The names of such dissenters might well end-up being published on the S.H.I.T list or in the Jewish Defence League's little black book. The Jewish Defence League do not discern between Jew and non-Jew alike. Cross swords with the JDL and they'll threaten you with violence, your children with death.
In his 2004 treatise, The Myth of the New Anti Semitism, professor Brian Klug makes the same clear distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism that I emphasised at the outset. Klug demonstrates the logic Zionists use to define anti-Semitism. In simple terms, Zionism is the ideology that supports the existence of a Jewish state, and anti-Zionism is the antithesis of this doctrine. When the Jewish state is criticised for actions and policies that other states practice, Zionist logic decrees such criticism to be 'unfair'. Since anti-Zionism is the antithesis of Zionism, and since Zionism is an antithesis of anti-Semitism, it follows that an anti-Zionist must therefore be an anti-Semite. Klug explains:
"To argue that hostility to Israel and hostility to Jews are one and the same thing is to conflate the Jewish state with the Jewish people. In fact, Israel is one thing, Jewry another. Accordingly, anti-Zionism is one thing, anti-Semitism another. They are separate. To say they are separate is not to say that they are never connected. But they are independent variables that can be connected in different ways."
Professor Klug is correct to dismiss this logic. The arguments that are proffered by proponents of Zionism and Israel are flawed in their basic premise. It is not anti-Semitic to criticise Zionism, the state of Israel, and Jews any more than it is anti-Celtic to criticise Scottish nationalism, Scotland, and Scots. Zionists have been successful in wedding Jewish identity with that of the state of Israel. They have also been successful in blurring the clear and distinctive boundaries that seperate Zionism and Jewishness. To criticise Zionism is to criticise the Jewish people, and to criticise the state of Israel is tantamount to criticism of Jews. Anti-semitism then, when viewed from a Zionist perspective, encompasses the Jewish people, the state of Israel and the ideology of Zionism itself. Put another way, Zionists use Jews as shield and sword - the means to an end. Zionism poses adangerous threat to the Jew and the non-Jew alike. The doctrine of Zionism is the common enemy of both.
The evidence presented so far shows how anti-Semitism has been misdefined and abused in its application. But what purpose has abusing anti-semitism served? What is the ultimate goal? Christopher Bollyn hit the nail bang on the head with an article written in 2003. Bollyn states:
"As a new global campaign against anti-Semitism is launched, the way Zionists use anti-Semitism needs to be understood: Zionist extremists like Ariel Sharon have always fostered and fomented anti-Semitism for one primary reason to compel Jews to come to Israel. Without anti-Semitism pushing more Jews to Israel the Zionist project is doomed to fail."
Barely eight months after Bollyn published his article Ariel Sharon made an announcement urging all French Jews to relocate to Israel to "escape anti-Semitism." Moving to Israel, said Sharon, was "a must and they have to move immediately". Christopher Bollyn's evidence is supported by Philip Greenspan's observations. As Greenspan points out, it is not unreasonable to assume that Zionists would resort to Machiavellian practices as a means of increasing anti-Semitism. "The anti-Semites will become our most loyal friends, the anti-Semite nations will become our allies", said the founding father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, demonstrating in the process that he fully understood the machinations of the Hegelian dialectic.
Outbreaks of 'anti-Semitism' prior to invitations for exiled Jews to migrate to Israel are not unusual. In the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Argentinian economy in 2001, Israel pledged to help members of Argentina's large Jewish community rebuild their lives - but there were strings attached. The $20,000 on offer was conditional on those wishing to receive it emigrating to Israel. No relocation = no twenty grand. The Israeli government's offer was heavily promoted in Argentinian and in international media outlets. A matter of weeks later stories began to appear in the Hebrew press warning of a rise in anti-Semitic attacks on Argentinian Jews. Anti-Semitism sells but who's buying? Not too many it seems. Immigration to Israel is at an 18-year-low. Indeed, Israel's Arab minority are reproducing at a faster rate than Jews and therein lies the threat to the Zionist state.
Jews who undertake Aliyahin the hope of escaping anti-Semitism in the host nation cannot, however, expect to live in peace and safety once resettled in Israel since the Jewish state has a serious problem with anti-Semitism. I cannot think of a better definition of the word 'ironic'. There are several other ironies to be found within this report. Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Israel, describes anti-Semitic acts committed inside Israel as an "aberration" before going on to reveal that his organisation "doesn't monitor such cases." But wait...here comes the mother of all ironies. Laura Kam is the spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League In Israel. She informs us that the ADL doesn't investigate anti-Semitism in Israel. This represents a 360 degree turn on what the ADL does elsewhere. The self-appointed guardians of the Jews are always quick off the mark to loudly trumpet incidences of anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States yet incidences of anti-Semitism inside Israel are completely ignored. While some might view this as inefficiency on the part of the ADL, I see it as unadulterated hypocrisy of the highest possible order. Beyond chutzpah indeed.
Despite the 'leap' in anti-Semitism that has been alleged to have taken place in Britain, the Anti Defamation League can list but SIX such incidents on their website, and of these six incidents just ONE actually involved the use of physical violence. This is hardly evidence of an epidemic that justifies 'immediate' action by government, the police, prosecution agencies and educational institutes. Indeed, the Israel-based Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism reported that the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the UK had actually decreased to 312 in 2006 from 321 in 2005. The data produced by this source flatly contradicts the statistics compiled by The Community Security Trust, who claim that during 2005 there was a 31% increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Britain.
The Israeli government attributed a large proportion of blame to the British media for 'fuelling', what the Israelis claimed to be a rise in anti-Semitism in Britain throughout 2005. The focus shifted somewhat in 2006, and the media were no longer considered to be the villain of the piece. The British media had been replaced by 'critics of Israel', and anti-Semitism had been replaced by 'hatred of British Jews'. MPs demanded that 'urgent action' be taken by government, police, prosecution services and universities, and that there be "international cooperation to prevent the spread of racist material on the internet." But are such drastic actions necessary? Is there a 'wave of hatred' afflicting Britain's Jews? Does the problem exist on the scale that is alleged. Have the Germans and Canadians become as hateful of all things Jewish as the British supposedly have? Is there really a new anti-Semitism sweeping the globe?
I have found no credible evidence that would substantiate the claims being made vis a vis the supposed 'rising tide' of anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom. Indeed, the evidence that I have examined indicates the opposite to be the case. Consider the words of Jack Coutts, a fellow Glaswegian who emigrated to Israel last summer:
"There wasn't anti-semitism. Scotland is a good place, very tolerant, but I am concerned about what I see as support for Hezbollah in Glasgow. I was dismayed when someone painted 'Hezbollah' outside the Garnethill Synagogue in Glasgow."
Rabbi Nancy Morris, of the Glasgow New Synagogue says that "Scotland is a friendly place and I have not experienced anti-semitism myself, but some of the commentary around just now is incitement against the Jewish community as well as against Israel." Rabbi Gerald Levin, of the Garnethill Synagogue also paid homage to the Scottish people in general and the Glaswegian in particular when he proclaimed Scotland to be a tolerant nation. As these statements from members of Glasgow's relatively small Jewish community show, Glaswegians are tolerant of Jews. It is with each other whom we Glaswegians are intolerant. In 2003 the European Monitoring Centre On Racism And Xenophobia published a report titled The Fight Against Anti-Semitism And Islamophobia. In the report Rabbi David Goldberg is quoted as saying that claims of a resurgent anti-Semitism are "paranoid and exaggerated." Goldberg also states that "it is far easier and safer to be a Jew than a Muslim, a black person or an east European asylum seeker." In the city of Glasgow it is certainly far safer to be a Jew than a Muslim, asylum-seeker or a Celtic supporter.
Further discrediting the dubious claims of Britain drowning in a sea of anti-Semitism are the remarks made by former President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews; Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress; founder and President of the Commonwealth Jewish Council and the Inter Parliamentary Council Against Antisemitism; Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust and the Lord Forte Charitable Trust; key figure in the Nazi Asset Campaign; initiator of the 43-nation Nazi Gold Conference; and son of former Chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain, Barnett Janner, and alleged paedophile; New Labour peer Lord Greville Janner of Braunstone. "In the UK it's not as serious as it is in France, Denmark, the Netherlands or Belgium", states Janner who then defines a much greater threat to British Jewry than the perceived threat of anti-Semitism:
"Not less than 30 per cent marry outside the faith and that's really serious. They have, perhaps, for some of their number, integrated and assimilated just a little too well."
What is particularly striking about Janner's statement is that it was made just a few months prior to the Parliamentary Committee AgainstAntisemitism publishing its report. As we have already seen, several British Rabbis have made statements to the effect of there being no epidemic of anti-Semitism prevalent in Britain. The statements made by the Rabbis are completely at variance with the findings of the Parliamentary Committee. Before we examine the committee's report, let's scrutinise the committee itself.
The committee chairman Denis MacShane (Matjaszuk) is a member of the Policy Council of Labour Friends of Israel, and a a notorious Israel-firster. Barbara Keeley is a Vice Chair of Labour Friends Of Israel. Former Conservative leader, Iain Duncan Smith believies that "Israel is one of the most vulnerable nations on the planet", and fellow Conservative MP, Daniel Kawczynski's main claim to fame is his tabling of a Commons motion that called for Jerusalem to replace God Save The Queen as the English national anthem. Thankfully, we Scots have our own. They may take away our independence but they will never take away our national anthem!
Conservative MP, Theresa Villiers is of particular interest. Villiers is a rabid Zionist. I've seen this woman on the BBC's 'Question Time' programme several times, and never has she missed an opportunity to promote and defend Israel while at the same time vilifying Muslims. When Villiers is not demanding a 'fair hearing' for her beloved Israel, she's attending Zionist Federation gala dinners accompanied by her New Labour friends Louise Ellman, Andrew Dismore and Lee Scott, all of whom are patrons of The Zionist Federation.
Louise Ellman is an unashamed Zionist who spends more of her Parliamentary time representing the interests of Israel than those of the people of Liverpool Riverside. When Ellman is not attending Zionist Federation dinners, delivering letters to theSyrian Embassy, or attending ' Free Gilad' rallies in New York, she is in the House of Commons batting for Israel by securing Parliamentary debates on 'Arab anti-Semitism', or defending Israel's targeted assassination policy. There are some interesting and informative comments about Ellman posted here. Louise Ellman is very much Israel's girl and a key member of the Israel lobby in Britain - the Zionist-controlled lobby that is not supposed to exist.
Differences between Britain's two main political parties go straight out the window when it comes to supporting Israel. The Jewish state enjoys massive support within the Conservative Party as well as New Labour. According to the web site of the Conservative Friends Of Israel, over two-thirds of Conservative Members of Parliament are also members of CFI which means that 132 Conservative MPs can always be relied upon to speak-up for Israel. The Zionist credentials of the leaders of both political parties are already well-known. The Liberal Democrats would also appear to be under Zionist control. That Zionists feel able to dictate which laws Britain should and should not have provides further evidence of the extent of Zionist influence that exists within the British political system. Unless this once-great nation frees itself from the shackles of Zionism, it is going to hell in a hand-basket. I barely recognise Britain these days. Whatever happened to this green and pleasant land - this sceptred Isle?
With regard to the supposed rise in 'anti-Semitism' in the UK, a report was published last autumn by The Parliamentary Committee against Anti-Semitism. The report is highly suspect and open to question given the sources from whence the bulk of the evidence was derived. The president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Director of Communications of the Community Security Trust, and two representatives of the Union of Jewish Students could hardly be considered impartial witnesses. The inclusion of a known Jewish extremist as a witness is on its own, sufficient grounds for questioning the findings of the all-party Parliamentary Committee's report. The thoroughly odious Melanie Phillips rabid Islamophobe who never misses an opportunity to bash Muslims and their religion. The testimony given by The Board of Deputies of British Jews and The Community Security Trust is also open to question given the close ties that exist between both of these Jewish organisations.
Professor Norman Finkelstein presents compelling arguments which highlight the absurdity of his report. Another excellent critique of this pro-Zionist report can be found on Lenin's Tomb. Since both accounts represent a cogent summary of my own views there is no need for me to express them here. Suffice to say that anti-Semitism is clearly being used as a vehicle for furthering the Zionist agenda here in the United Kingdom. Britain's Jewish community numbers around 300,000, the overwhelming majority of whom have evidently never experienced anti-Semitic attacks or abuse. Channel 4's recent The War on Britain's Jews attempts to paint a picture of a community under siege. That the presenter of the documentay Richard Littlejohn appears to have a preconceived negative perception of Muslims, and that Channel 4 have recently attempted to portray Britain's 4,000,000+ Muslim community in a negative light, both parties could be rightfully accused of bias and selective reporting.
In an article written in 1937 titled How The Jews Can Combat Persecution, the former prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill contends that Jews are partly responsiblefor the antagonism from which they suffer. Although this particular piece was ghost-written by Adam Marshall Diston, a member of Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists, the article nonetheless offers some insight into the thoughts of a man who was a lifelong supporter of Zionism and the Jewish people. While any discussion of whether not the Jews themselves are the architects of their antagonism is a moot point, the interests of non-Zionist Jews resident in Britain are not best-served by the blatant racism expressed by Zionist Jews such as Avigdor Lieberman. It disgusts me that the dishonourable members of Parliament who have made perceived domestic anti-Semitism such a huge issue are ominously silent when a member of the Israeli government is being openly anti-Semitic. Israel is an apertheid state. Israel has always been an apertheid state. Israel is a racist state, and Lieberman is its epitome.
The vile sentiments expressed by Lieberman are not confined to middle-aged Russian immigrants though. A young Israeli citizen by the name of Orri Joseph Avraham has a chilling message for Gentiles:
"I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world's future super-power, Israel!
"You seem to forget Israel's nuclear capability. No country will risk getting hit with an atomic bomb, and therefore Israel's survival is assured. We will also, at a certain point in the coming decades, finally realize the need to exercise ruthlessness, and will blow our Arab neighbors to kingdom come. I am sure you will have the joy of witnessing the first example of the latter policy, when Israel takes action against Iran (and perhaps also Syria) in the coming months.
"Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. Israel will come to be the world's newest superpower. It is our destiny, written in the prophecies of god, written in our ambitions, written in our blood!
"Beware, for your kind will come to fear us. The coming 30 years will make your eyes twitch my gentile!
"I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world's supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious.
"I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so."
What I find most concerning about these words is not the actual words, but that they were spoken by a fourteen year-old. That one so young could be a hate-filled, anti-Gentile, Jewish supremacist is truly alarming. This young Zionist adequately demonstrates the Zionist mindset and displays a knowledge of the Zionist agenda that is way beyond his years. Orri Joseph Avraham's young mind was evidently poisoned before it had a chance to fully develop. It is something of an irony that the "superior" intellect this teenager says to be representative of he and his "race" seems capable of spouting only naked hatred for 99.8% of the global population. And while British politicians work themselves into a frenzy over the anti-Semitism they say is prevalent in Britain, British citizens working in Israeli-occupied Palestine fall victim to violent threats from obnoxious, drunken anti-Gentilites.
Can you imagine the outcry there would be if an Islamic cleric were to publicly denounce Jews by decreeing that "it is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable"? These are the words of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.
Anti-Semitism is often said to be 'the longest hatred' I beg to differ. Anti-Gentilism is the longest hatred.
Anti-Semitism is an entirely different story.
Source: The Truth Will Set You Free
http://www.ziopedia.org/en/articles/ant ... r_dummies/
These are the words of Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth - Britain's main body of Orthodox synagogues. Credit is due to the Chief Rabbi for making a clear and unambiguous distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. But as anti-Zionists already know, our opponents never miss an opportunity to conflate the two. In their perception, criticism of Zionism is an act of anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism masquerades as anti-Zionism. Some go further and consider criticism of the state of Israel itself to be an act of anti-Semitism.
There are others who go further still, and extend the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of the Israel lobby Britain, the United States and Poland. It's simply not kosher to speak of a Zionist lobby in Britain. Odd then, that it is considered anti-Semitic to speak of things that do not exist. Ditto support for the Palestinian people. Never imply or state the primary cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict to be Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, for that too is considered anti-Semitic. Don't ever dare criticise Israel for dropping in excess of one hundred thousand cluster bombs on Lebanese soil unless you are comfortable with being labelled anti-Semitic. Anti-war? Pro-peace? If so, you are anti-Semitic. Caught with your hand in the till? No need to worry - just cry anti Semitism and soon you'll be celebrating.
There are those who take the meaning of anti-Semitism to absurd levels. The New Testament is anti-Semitic, and so too is Mel Gibson's cinematographic masterpiece, The Passion of the Christ. Petitions that call upon American universities to divest in Israel, boycotts of Israeli universities by British academics, and anti-globalisation rallies at which criticisms of Israel are expressed are also considered to be anti-Semitic activity. While any proposal of divestment in Iran is perfectly acceptable, to enquire whether a product might be of Israeli manufacture certainly is not. Israelis citizens may openly boast of the Jewish state's Nuclear capability and of how European capital cities can be destroyed by Israel's weapons of mass destruction yet Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is mischaracterised and demonised for pursuing a domestic nuclear energy programme.
Should German citizens complain that they have become bored with being constantly reminded of the Holocaust, then they too will be deemed anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitism is an international mental illness that knows no boundaries. Sacre bleu. Daniel Bernard, the former French ambassador to London is an anti-Semite. His reference to Israel as "that * little country" was considered to be "a pure anti-Semitic expression." So incensed by the French envoy's remarks was Gwyneth Dunwoody MP, president of Labour Friends Of Israel, that she felt it necessary to write to Jacques Chirac to demand that Bernard be sacked.
Although the hypocritical, Zionist-controlled British government decrees that universities should "quash" anti-Semitism, and that lecturers and university staff should surveil "Asian-looking" and Muslim students, it promises a 'crackdown' on anti-Semitism. Academics are under fire for supposed acts of anti-Semitic nature. Across the Atlantic, even the proposition that a teacher's trade union hold a debate on whether or not Israel's treatment of Palestinians merits condemnation is unacceptable. Anti-Israeli sentiment could turn anti-Semitic and find its way into the classrooms, assert B'nai Brith. According to the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, anti-Semitism is 'rampant' in Arab literature, and, apparently, in American literature too. What one does not write about Israel in a book can also be considered anti-Semitic or worse. Even falling-out with one's neighbours can lead to one being unfairly labelled as anti-Semitic. 'Anti-Semitic' - the most powerful brand in the world.
And so it goes on, from the absurd to the extreme, from the Church of England to the London Guardian and the British Broadcasting Corporation. The Nation's most prominent religious institution and two major players in the British media are, allegedly, hotbeds of anti-Semitic sentiment, and, according to the Israeli government, the media's 'hostile' and 'biased' coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a major contributory factor in the rise of anti-Semitism that is alleged to have taken place in Britain during 2005. Journalists who do not present coverage of war in Lebanon in Israel's favour are held to be anti-Semitic, and any investigative journalist who would dare link Israel to the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington or expose the truth about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty can also expect to be labelled anti-Semitic regardless of the weight and persuasiveness of the evidence that they present.
While there are clearly many definitions of anti-semitism, anti-Semitism is narrowly defined by Webster's New 20th Century Dictionary as "hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group." Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League states that "those who only find fault with the Jewish people, the Jewish State and the actions of the Jewish sovereignty and never find anything that is positive are anti-Semites under the guise of anti-Zionism and anti-Israel." But as Ted Pike elucidates, the term 'anti-Semitism' has been broadly misdefined for use as a political weapon by those with passionate attachment to Israel, the purpose of which is to silence any legitimate criticism of Israel, Zionism or Judaism. Although anti-semitism is the Zionist's first weapon of choice, it is, however, a weapon that does not legitimately belong to them, as J. Bruce Campbell succinctly shows.
Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, an anti-Zionist Jew, states unequivocally that the Jews are not a race, and the facts fully support his statement. Almost all of the present occupants of Israel are of Russian-Jewish descent. The ancestors of these Ashkenazis did not originate from the middle-east and are thus no more Semitic than are Eskimos. Likewise, Khazars are also the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry and are not even Israelites never mind Semites. Arabs, however, most certainly are, and this is something that the anti-Zionist should always draw attention to whenever they discover Arabs to have been the victims of anti-Semitism.
It would be a mistake though, to equate all Jews with Israel as the two are not always synonymous. One would also err if one conflated Jews and Zionists, Judaism and Zionism. Indeed, some of the most vocal opponents of Zionists and Zionism come from within the Jewish community itself. Although not all Jews are Zionists, Zionists are predominatly Jewish. The Jew who opposes Zionism, Zionists, and the Zionist state of Israel is the next most reviled character after the 'anti-Semite'. The 'self-hating Jew' will inevitably be marginalised and smeared. The names of such dissenters might well end-up being published on the S.H.I.T list or in the Jewish Defence League's little black book. The Jewish Defence League do not discern between Jew and non-Jew alike. Cross swords with the JDL and they'll threaten you with violence, your children with death.
In his 2004 treatise, The Myth of the New Anti Semitism, professor Brian Klug makes the same clear distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism that I emphasised at the outset. Klug demonstrates the logic Zionists use to define anti-Semitism. In simple terms, Zionism is the ideology that supports the existence of a Jewish state, and anti-Zionism is the antithesis of this doctrine. When the Jewish state is criticised for actions and policies that other states practice, Zionist logic decrees such criticism to be 'unfair'. Since anti-Zionism is the antithesis of Zionism, and since Zionism is an antithesis of anti-Semitism, it follows that an anti-Zionist must therefore be an anti-Semite. Klug explains:
"To argue that hostility to Israel and hostility to Jews are one and the same thing is to conflate the Jewish state with the Jewish people. In fact, Israel is one thing, Jewry another. Accordingly, anti-Zionism is one thing, anti-Semitism another. They are separate. To say they are separate is not to say that they are never connected. But they are independent variables that can be connected in different ways."
Professor Klug is correct to dismiss this logic. The arguments that are proffered by proponents of Zionism and Israel are flawed in their basic premise. It is not anti-Semitic to criticise Zionism, the state of Israel, and Jews any more than it is anti-Celtic to criticise Scottish nationalism, Scotland, and Scots. Zionists have been successful in wedding Jewish identity with that of the state of Israel. They have also been successful in blurring the clear and distinctive boundaries that seperate Zionism and Jewishness. To criticise Zionism is to criticise the Jewish people, and to criticise the state of Israel is tantamount to criticism of Jews. Anti-semitism then, when viewed from a Zionist perspective, encompasses the Jewish people, the state of Israel and the ideology of Zionism itself. Put another way, Zionists use Jews as shield and sword - the means to an end. Zionism poses adangerous threat to the Jew and the non-Jew alike. The doctrine of Zionism is the common enemy of both.
The evidence presented so far shows how anti-Semitism has been misdefined and abused in its application. But what purpose has abusing anti-semitism served? What is the ultimate goal? Christopher Bollyn hit the nail bang on the head with an article written in 2003. Bollyn states:
"As a new global campaign against anti-Semitism is launched, the way Zionists use anti-Semitism needs to be understood: Zionist extremists like Ariel Sharon have always fostered and fomented anti-Semitism for one primary reason to compel Jews to come to Israel. Without anti-Semitism pushing more Jews to Israel the Zionist project is doomed to fail."
Barely eight months after Bollyn published his article Ariel Sharon made an announcement urging all French Jews to relocate to Israel to "escape anti-Semitism." Moving to Israel, said Sharon, was "a must and they have to move immediately". Christopher Bollyn's evidence is supported by Philip Greenspan's observations. As Greenspan points out, it is not unreasonable to assume that Zionists would resort to Machiavellian practices as a means of increasing anti-Semitism. "The anti-Semites will become our most loyal friends, the anti-Semite nations will become our allies", said the founding father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, demonstrating in the process that he fully understood the machinations of the Hegelian dialectic.
Outbreaks of 'anti-Semitism' prior to invitations for exiled Jews to migrate to Israel are not unusual. In the immediate aftermath of the collapse of the Argentinian economy in 2001, Israel pledged to help members of Argentina's large Jewish community rebuild their lives - but there were strings attached. The $20,000 on offer was conditional on those wishing to receive it emigrating to Israel. No relocation = no twenty grand. The Israeli government's offer was heavily promoted in Argentinian and in international media outlets. A matter of weeks later stories began to appear in the Hebrew press warning of a rise in anti-Semitic attacks on Argentinian Jews. Anti-Semitism sells but who's buying? Not too many it seems. Immigration to Israel is at an 18-year-low. Indeed, Israel's Arab minority are reproducing at a faster rate than Jews and therein lies the threat to the Zionist state.
Jews who undertake Aliyahin the hope of escaping anti-Semitism in the host nation cannot, however, expect to live in peace and safety once resettled in Israel since the Jewish state has a serious problem with anti-Semitism. I cannot think of a better definition of the word 'ironic'. There are several other ironies to be found within this report. Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Israel, describes anti-Semitic acts committed inside Israel as an "aberration" before going on to reveal that his organisation "doesn't monitor such cases." But wait...here comes the mother of all ironies. Laura Kam is the spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League In Israel. She informs us that the ADL doesn't investigate anti-Semitism in Israel. This represents a 360 degree turn on what the ADL does elsewhere. The self-appointed guardians of the Jews are always quick off the mark to loudly trumpet incidences of anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States yet incidences of anti-Semitism inside Israel are completely ignored. While some might view this as inefficiency on the part of the ADL, I see it as unadulterated hypocrisy of the highest possible order. Beyond chutzpah indeed.
Despite the 'leap' in anti-Semitism that has been alleged to have taken place in Britain, the Anti Defamation League can list but SIX such incidents on their website, and of these six incidents just ONE actually involved the use of physical violence. This is hardly evidence of an epidemic that justifies 'immediate' action by government, the police, prosecution agencies and educational institutes. Indeed, the Israel-based Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism reported that the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the UK had actually decreased to 312 in 2006 from 321 in 2005. The data produced by this source flatly contradicts the statistics compiled by The Community Security Trust, who claim that during 2005 there was a 31% increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Britain.
The Israeli government attributed a large proportion of blame to the British media for 'fuelling', what the Israelis claimed to be a rise in anti-Semitism in Britain throughout 2005. The focus shifted somewhat in 2006, and the media were no longer considered to be the villain of the piece. The British media had been replaced by 'critics of Israel', and anti-Semitism had been replaced by 'hatred of British Jews'. MPs demanded that 'urgent action' be taken by government, police, prosecution services and universities, and that there be "international cooperation to prevent the spread of racist material on the internet." But are such drastic actions necessary? Is there a 'wave of hatred' afflicting Britain's Jews? Does the problem exist on the scale that is alleged. Have the Germans and Canadians become as hateful of all things Jewish as the British supposedly have? Is there really a new anti-Semitism sweeping the globe?
I have found no credible evidence that would substantiate the claims being made vis a vis the supposed 'rising tide' of anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom. Indeed, the evidence that I have examined indicates the opposite to be the case. Consider the words of Jack Coutts, a fellow Glaswegian who emigrated to Israel last summer:
"There wasn't anti-semitism. Scotland is a good place, very tolerant, but I am concerned about what I see as support for Hezbollah in Glasgow. I was dismayed when someone painted 'Hezbollah' outside the Garnethill Synagogue in Glasgow."
Rabbi Nancy Morris, of the Glasgow New Synagogue says that "Scotland is a friendly place and I have not experienced anti-semitism myself, but some of the commentary around just now is incitement against the Jewish community as well as against Israel." Rabbi Gerald Levin, of the Garnethill Synagogue also paid homage to the Scottish people in general and the Glaswegian in particular when he proclaimed Scotland to be a tolerant nation. As these statements from members of Glasgow's relatively small Jewish community show, Glaswegians are tolerant of Jews. It is with each other whom we Glaswegians are intolerant. In 2003 the European Monitoring Centre On Racism And Xenophobia published a report titled The Fight Against Anti-Semitism And Islamophobia. In the report Rabbi David Goldberg is quoted as saying that claims of a resurgent anti-Semitism are "paranoid and exaggerated." Goldberg also states that "it is far easier and safer to be a Jew than a Muslim, a black person or an east European asylum seeker." In the city of Glasgow it is certainly far safer to be a Jew than a Muslim, asylum-seeker or a Celtic supporter.
Further discrediting the dubious claims of Britain drowning in a sea of anti-Semitism are the remarks made by former President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews; Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress; founder and President of the Commonwealth Jewish Council and the Inter Parliamentary Council Against Antisemitism; Chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust and the Lord Forte Charitable Trust; key figure in the Nazi Asset Campaign; initiator of the 43-nation Nazi Gold Conference; and son of former Chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain, Barnett Janner, and alleged paedophile; New Labour peer Lord Greville Janner of Braunstone. "In the UK it's not as serious as it is in France, Denmark, the Netherlands or Belgium", states Janner who then defines a much greater threat to British Jewry than the perceived threat of anti-Semitism:
"Not less than 30 per cent marry outside the faith and that's really serious. They have, perhaps, for some of their number, integrated and assimilated just a little too well."
What is particularly striking about Janner's statement is that it was made just a few months prior to the Parliamentary Committee AgainstAntisemitism publishing its report. As we have already seen, several British Rabbis have made statements to the effect of there being no epidemic of anti-Semitism prevalent in Britain. The statements made by the Rabbis are completely at variance with the findings of the Parliamentary Committee. Before we examine the committee's report, let's scrutinise the committee itself.
The committee chairman Denis MacShane (Matjaszuk) is a member of the Policy Council of Labour Friends of Israel, and a a notorious Israel-firster. Barbara Keeley is a Vice Chair of Labour Friends Of Israel. Former Conservative leader, Iain Duncan Smith believies that "Israel is one of the most vulnerable nations on the planet", and fellow Conservative MP, Daniel Kawczynski's main claim to fame is his tabling of a Commons motion that called for Jerusalem to replace God Save The Queen as the English national anthem. Thankfully, we Scots have our own. They may take away our independence but they will never take away our national anthem!
Conservative MP, Theresa Villiers is of particular interest. Villiers is a rabid Zionist. I've seen this woman on the BBC's 'Question Time' programme several times, and never has she missed an opportunity to promote and defend Israel while at the same time vilifying Muslims. When Villiers is not demanding a 'fair hearing' for her beloved Israel, she's attending Zionist Federation gala dinners accompanied by her New Labour friends Louise Ellman, Andrew Dismore and Lee Scott, all of whom are patrons of The Zionist Federation.
Louise Ellman is an unashamed Zionist who spends more of her Parliamentary time representing the interests of Israel than those of the people of Liverpool Riverside. When Ellman is not attending Zionist Federation dinners, delivering letters to theSyrian Embassy, or attending ' Free Gilad' rallies in New York, she is in the House of Commons batting for Israel by securing Parliamentary debates on 'Arab anti-Semitism', or defending Israel's targeted assassination policy. There are some interesting and informative comments about Ellman posted here. Louise Ellman is very much Israel's girl and a key member of the Israel lobby in Britain - the Zionist-controlled lobby that is not supposed to exist.
Differences between Britain's two main political parties go straight out the window when it comes to supporting Israel. The Jewish state enjoys massive support within the Conservative Party as well as New Labour. According to the web site of the Conservative Friends Of Israel, over two-thirds of Conservative Members of Parliament are also members of CFI which means that 132 Conservative MPs can always be relied upon to speak-up for Israel. The Zionist credentials of the leaders of both political parties are already well-known. The Liberal Democrats would also appear to be under Zionist control. That Zionists feel able to dictate which laws Britain should and should not have provides further evidence of the extent of Zionist influence that exists within the British political system. Unless this once-great nation frees itself from the shackles of Zionism, it is going to hell in a hand-basket. I barely recognise Britain these days. Whatever happened to this green and pleasant land - this sceptred Isle?
With regard to the supposed rise in 'anti-Semitism' in the UK, a report was published last autumn by The Parliamentary Committee against Anti-Semitism. The report is highly suspect and open to question given the sources from whence the bulk of the evidence was derived. The president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Director of Communications of the Community Security Trust, and two representatives of the Union of Jewish Students could hardly be considered impartial witnesses. The inclusion of a known Jewish extremist as a witness is on its own, sufficient grounds for questioning the findings of the all-party Parliamentary Committee's report. The thoroughly odious Melanie Phillips rabid Islamophobe who never misses an opportunity to bash Muslims and their religion. The testimony given by The Board of Deputies of British Jews and The Community Security Trust is also open to question given the close ties that exist between both of these Jewish organisations.
Professor Norman Finkelstein presents compelling arguments which highlight the absurdity of his report. Another excellent critique of this pro-Zionist report can be found on Lenin's Tomb. Since both accounts represent a cogent summary of my own views there is no need for me to express them here. Suffice to say that anti-Semitism is clearly being used as a vehicle for furthering the Zionist agenda here in the United Kingdom. Britain's Jewish community numbers around 300,000, the overwhelming majority of whom have evidently never experienced anti-Semitic attacks or abuse. Channel 4's recent The War on Britain's Jews attempts to paint a picture of a community under siege. That the presenter of the documentay Richard Littlejohn appears to have a preconceived negative perception of Muslims, and that Channel 4 have recently attempted to portray Britain's 4,000,000+ Muslim community in a negative light, both parties could be rightfully accused of bias and selective reporting.
In an article written in 1937 titled How The Jews Can Combat Persecution, the former prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill contends that Jews are partly responsiblefor the antagonism from which they suffer. Although this particular piece was ghost-written by Adam Marshall Diston, a member of Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists, the article nonetheless offers some insight into the thoughts of a man who was a lifelong supporter of Zionism and the Jewish people. While any discussion of whether not the Jews themselves are the architects of their antagonism is a moot point, the interests of non-Zionist Jews resident in Britain are not best-served by the blatant racism expressed by Zionist Jews such as Avigdor Lieberman. It disgusts me that the dishonourable members of Parliament who have made perceived domestic anti-Semitism such a huge issue are ominously silent when a member of the Israeli government is being openly anti-Semitic. Israel is an apertheid state. Israel has always been an apertheid state. Israel is a racist state, and Lieberman is its epitome.
The vile sentiments expressed by Lieberman are not confined to middle-aged Russian immigrants though. A young Israeli citizen by the name of Orri Joseph Avraham has a chilling message for Gentiles:
"I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world's future super-power, Israel!
"You seem to forget Israel's nuclear capability. No country will risk getting hit with an atomic bomb, and therefore Israel's survival is assured. We will also, at a certain point in the coming decades, finally realize the need to exercise ruthlessness, and will blow our Arab neighbors to kingdom come. I am sure you will have the joy of witnessing the first example of the latter policy, when Israel takes action against Iran (and perhaps also Syria) in the coming months.
"Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. Israel will come to be the world's newest superpower. It is our destiny, written in the prophecies of god, written in our ambitions, written in our blood!
"Beware, for your kind will come to fear us. The coming 30 years will make your eyes twitch my gentile!
"I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world's supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious.
"I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so."
What I find most concerning about these words is not the actual words, but that they were spoken by a fourteen year-old. That one so young could be a hate-filled, anti-Gentile, Jewish supremacist is truly alarming. This young Zionist adequately demonstrates the Zionist mindset and displays a knowledge of the Zionist agenda that is way beyond his years. Orri Joseph Avraham's young mind was evidently poisoned before it had a chance to fully develop. It is something of an irony that the "superior" intellect this teenager says to be representative of he and his "race" seems capable of spouting only naked hatred for 99.8% of the global population. And while British politicians work themselves into a frenzy over the anti-Semitism they say is prevalent in Britain, British citizens working in Israeli-occupied Palestine fall victim to violent threats from obnoxious, drunken anti-Gentilites.
Can you imagine the outcry there would be if an Islamic cleric were to publicly denounce Jews by decreeing that "it is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable"? These are the words of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.
Anti-Semitism is often said to be 'the longest hatred' I beg to differ. Anti-Gentilism is the longest hatred.
Anti-Semitism is an entirely different story.
Source: The Truth Will Set You Free
http://www.ziopedia.org/en/articles/ant ... r_dummies/
- Relentless Limpet Shill
- Posts: 306
- Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:02 pm
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That actually came from here - it is typical of andrew at so called ziopedia not to credit anything:
A much better link.....
I stumbled on the one I posted, via ....
http://desertpeace.blogspot.com/2007/08 ... s-one.html
Littlejohn, more of a media whore than I ever realised.!
A much better link.....
I stumbled on the one I posted, via ....
http://desertpeace.blogspot.com/2007/08 ... s-one.html
Littlejohn, more of a media whore than I ever realised.!
- Validated Poster
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- Joined: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:38 am
- Location: Phuket, Thailand
Andrew who
Is that Prince Andrew? Andrew Lloyd Webber?...
Please supply a little more information, when making a comment.Rowan Berkeley wrote:That actually came from here - it is typical of andrew at so called ziopedia not to credit anything:
The truth won't set you free, but identifying the liars could help make the world a better place.
It still amazes me that Judaism is the only religion in the world with an actual word for someone who hates them.
Personally, I don't distinguish between religions... I think they are all equally primative and run by evil men.
I would say hate is too strong a word, but I certainly refuse to recognise them as anything but fantasy.
Personally, I don't distinguish between religions... I think they are all equally primative and run by evil men.
I would say hate is too strong a word, but I certainly refuse to recognise them as anything but fantasy.
- Relentless Limpet Shill
- Posts: 306
- Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:02 pm
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Re: Andrew who
-- Winkler, Andrew Winkler, sorry. When he started he used a template for posting in such a way that if he cut and pasted an article by, say, Robert Fisk, it would come up as "POSTED BY: Robert Fisk". At least i got him to stop doing that, but he still doesn't give URLs of origin for anything.Anthony Lawson wrote:Is that Prince Andrew? Andrew Lloyd Webber?...
Please supply a little more information, when making a comment.Rowan Berkeley wrote:That actually came from here - it is typical of andrew at so called ziopedia not to credit anything:
- festival of snickers
- Validated Poster
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- Location: the worlds greatest leper colony usa
i have jewsih friends and realtives and i may be a little jewsih
i think isreal was full of * to give up gaza
i think isreal was full of * to kill count folke bernadotte
i think the isareli guy i saw on tv other day talked and said nothing -some are idoits and just seemed to got some job to take up space
barry chamish is ok i think usually
rabin was good i think
beggin was evil i think
the jews in movie the chosen that hate zionism actually seem more intersting but maybe some zioism is good
i think they all killed each other there
where can i read who started all the killings?
arabs? jews?
many are pricks
i think isreal was full of * to give up gaza
i think isreal was full of * to kill count folke bernadotte
i think the isareli guy i saw on tv other day talked and said nothing -some are idoits and just seemed to got some job to take up space
barry chamish is ok i think usually
rabin was good i think
beggin was evil i think
the jews in movie the chosen that hate zionism actually seem more intersting but maybe some zioism is good
i think they all killed each other there
where can i read who started all the killings?
arabs? jews?
many are pricks
Puzzling Evidence
Judaism, Antisemitism, Zionism
Judaism is the oldest religion in the western world. The story of its formation is in the four books of the Bible, Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy. It had its origins in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Babylon.
It could be said that these four books contain the origins of our legal system , brought to us through the Church.
The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern people originating in southwestern Asia, including Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs, [see Wikipedia]
Antisemitism what is it?
Is it racism?
Is it hostility to the Jewish Faith?
Is it Jealousy?
I have friends who are Jews and many of my heroes are Jews - Albert Einstein,Wilhelm Reich, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen...............
Zionism is a recent movement formed by Austrian Journalist Theodore Hertzl
at the end of the 19th Century. Hertzl was in favour of antisemitism because he thought it would increase the likelihood of the formation of a Jewish homeland .[Hertzl wrote ‘the Jewish State’ available on line]
Several prominent members of the ‘Neocon’ Bush administration had been
influenced by the views of political philosopher and zionist Leo Strauss, and had been students of his at the Chicago Law School.
Any attempts to point to a Jewish link to 911 or to unpopular policies of the Bush Administration were labelled as ‘antisemitic’by the CIA and other intelligence agencies.
a group of religious Jews called 'Torah Jews against Zionism' disagree with the policy of Israel. they believe that time is not yet right to return to their land, and when the time is right, they will be welcomed in and have good relations with neighbouring states. [www.jewsagainstzionism.com/]
It could be said that these four books contain the origins of our legal system , brought to us through the Church.
The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern people originating in southwestern Asia, including Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs, [see Wikipedia]
Antisemitism what is it?
Is it racism?
Is it hostility to the Jewish Faith?
Is it Jealousy?
I have friends who are Jews and many of my heroes are Jews - Albert Einstein,Wilhelm Reich, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen...............
Zionism is a recent movement formed by Austrian Journalist Theodore Hertzl
at the end of the 19th Century. Hertzl was in favour of antisemitism because he thought it would increase the likelihood of the formation of a Jewish homeland .[Hertzl wrote ‘the Jewish State’ available on line]
Several prominent members of the ‘Neocon’ Bush administration had been
influenced by the views of political philosopher and zionist Leo Strauss, and had been students of his at the Chicago Law School.
Any attempts to point to a Jewish link to 911 or to unpopular policies of the Bush Administration were labelled as ‘antisemitic’by the CIA and other intelligence agencies.
a group of religious Jews called 'Torah Jews against Zionism' disagree with the policy of Israel. they believe that time is not yet right to return to their land, and when the time is right, they will be welcomed in and have good relations with neighbouring states. [www.jewsagainstzionism.com/]
- TonyGosling
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Quite a scholarly approach.
Some good building blocks here.
It does help to define terms and get back to basics from time to time.
Some good building blocks here.
It does help to define terms and get back to basics from time to time.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- Moderator
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- Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:40 am
- Location: Sunny Bradford, Northern Lights
There is a little problem with the "Torah Jews" - eg JewsAgainstZionism and the Neturei Karte - who oppose (correctly imo) the Talmud-based ( ie later Jewish scribe interpretations and injunctions) Israeli Zionist state, and that is that their antagonism to Zionism is religiously and philososphically founded, and thus somewhat disconnected from the more obvious historical criticism of Zionism on the grounds of justice, humanity, falsified racial claims,territorial ambitions,globalist agenda objectives and other more objectively analysed criticism. Never mind the Kabbalistic 'Black Magic' strand, operating in the shadows
Still, power to their elbows...
Still, power to their elbows...
- Angel - now passed away
- Posts: 1452
- Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:27 pm
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This seems a strange section in which to air views and spread clarity on Zionism. I've posted links to a commentary on Shlomo Zand's recent book, "When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?", that's definitely causing a new groundswell within 'Israel', elsewhere on the site but perhaps it's no bad thing to draw attention to it wherever - anything to break the increasing nightmare (which, IMV, is not so much a fight between God & Devil, rather the latest manifestation of Nazism vs Zionism And Stuff Everyone Else).
http://www.zionism-israel.com/log/archi ... 00524.html
The 'other side' has this to offer - strange stuff:-The first Jews of Ashkenaz (Germany) did not come from the Land of Israel and did not reach Eastern Europe from Germany, but became Jews in the Khazar Kingdom in the Caucasus. Zand explains the origins of Yiddish culture: it was not a Jewish import from Germany, but the result of the connection between the offspring of the Kuzari and Germans who traveled to the East, some of them as merchants.
http://www.zionism-israel.com/log/archi ... 00524.html
"We will lead every revolution against us!" - attrib: Theodor Herzl
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
Birth of Moses
The Jewish nation was founded by Moses, who was an adopted son of the Egyptian Royal family of the New kingdom. His real family roots were from the family of Jacob, [later known as Israel] who had emigrated from Canaan during the middle Kingdom.
The dynasty of the Old Kingdom had been in decline ever since the building of the great pyramid. They became increasingly isolated in the city of Thebes, focussing on the practice of Maat [truth]. Meanwhile Canaanites emigrated into Egypt and set up a rival dynasty at Memphis, steadily becoming in control of the land, administrating and collecting taxes even taxing the Pharaoh of the old kingdom. This dynasty became known as the Shepherd kings. It was this dynasty who were visited by Abraham who was given land in Canaan.
Later Jacob's family emigrated to Egypt at the invitation of his son Joseph who had become a high ranking official in the middle Kingdom.
The Shepherd King [Pharaoh] sent a group of spies to steal the secret of eternal life from the Pharaoh of the old kingdom, a secret which the Shepherd King believed the Theban Pharoah possessed. The spies failed to gain the secret, but they murdered the old Pharaoh in the process .
This triggered a war between the two dynasties. The shepherd kings were defeated and driven out of Egypt and back to Cannaan. This was the emigration of the Hyksos
The remaining Canaanites, including the descendants of Jacob stayed behind, but suffered loss of status and persecution.At this time Canaanite Jocabed left her second son in a basket close to where the royal family went to to water to bathe.Found by a servant, the child was taken to the Pharoahs daughter who adopted him and gave him an Egyptian name - Moses.
Moses was given an Egyptian name and education. the nurse who was hired to look after the child was his mother.
The dynasty of the Old Kingdom had been in decline ever since the building of the great pyramid. They became increasingly isolated in the city of Thebes, focussing on the practice of Maat [truth]. Meanwhile Canaanites emigrated into Egypt and set up a rival dynasty at Memphis, steadily becoming in control of the land, administrating and collecting taxes even taxing the Pharaoh of the old kingdom. This dynasty became known as the Shepherd kings. It was this dynasty who were visited by Abraham who was given land in Canaan.
Later Jacob's family emigrated to Egypt at the invitation of his son Joseph who had become a high ranking official in the middle Kingdom.
The Shepherd King [Pharaoh] sent a group of spies to steal the secret of eternal life from the Pharaoh of the old kingdom, a secret which the Shepherd King believed the Theban Pharoah possessed. The spies failed to gain the secret, but they murdered the old Pharaoh in the process .
This triggered a war between the two dynasties. The shepherd kings were defeated and driven out of Egypt and back to Cannaan. This was the emigration of the Hyksos
The remaining Canaanites, including the descendants of Jacob stayed behind, but suffered loss of status and persecution.At this time Canaanite Jocabed left her second son in a basket close to where the royal family went to to water to bathe.Found by a servant, the child was taken to the Pharoahs daughter who adopted him and gave him an Egyptian name - Moses.
Moses was given an Egyptian name and education. the nurse who was hired to look after the child was his mother.
Moses fought the Cushites
The Egyptians were not great warriors, preferring to rely on diplomacy and magical principles to defend their lands. Moses received the education of a priest or scribe. The language of international diplomacy at the time was the cuneform script. the priestesses in the temples were concerned with music, dancing and singing. The male priests with administration. Moses also took to studying the arts of war at which he became accomplished.
Egypt was then invaded from the south by the Cushites. The Cushites were skilled sailors and defeated the Egyptian forces in a waterborne battle. It was decided to ask Moses to lead a force to confront the Cushites. The following account is not in the Bible, but was apparently well known in Roman times. Two separate accounts survive the most comprehensive one comes from the Jewish historian Josephus in his history of the Jewish people'
Dangerous snakes lived in the forest which grew on the banks of the Nile at the time. Their only natural enemy was the Ibis bird. Travelling south with his army, Moses took with them cages containing ibis birds, and when his forces were threatened by the snakes, a group of ibis birds were released. Moses in this way surprised the Cushites and held their army besieged on an island in the Nile.
From a distance, the Cushite queen saw Moses and fell in love with him. she sent him a proposal of marriage, Moses accepted on the condition that the Cushites ceased all hostilities against the Egyptians. The marriage was performed and consumated. Moses was now in command of two undefeated armies. He had made a vow to the Pharaoh not to use his power to take the throne of Egypt, should his campaign be successful. However on his return to Egypt there was so much distrust and intrigue that his life was in danger. he emigrated to Midian.
Egypt was then invaded from the south by the Cushites. The Cushites were skilled sailors and defeated the Egyptian forces in a waterborne battle. It was decided to ask Moses to lead a force to confront the Cushites. The following account is not in the Bible, but was apparently well known in Roman times. Two separate accounts survive the most comprehensive one comes from the Jewish historian Josephus in his history of the Jewish people'
Dangerous snakes lived in the forest which grew on the banks of the Nile at the time. Their only natural enemy was the Ibis bird. Travelling south with his army, Moses took with them cages containing ibis birds, and when his forces were threatened by the snakes, a group of ibis birds were released. Moses in this way surprised the Cushites and held their army besieged on an island in the Nile.
From a distance, the Cushite queen saw Moses and fell in love with him. she sent him a proposal of marriage, Moses accepted on the condition that the Cushites ceased all hostilities against the Egyptians. The marriage was performed and consumated. Moses was now in command of two undefeated armies. He had made a vow to the Pharaoh not to use his power to take the throne of Egypt, should his campaign be successful. However on his return to Egypt there was so much distrust and intrigue that his life was in danger. he emigrated to Midian.
Midian was a land bordered by the Arabah between Moab and Elat and by the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. Its East had no borders [Wikipedia].
When Moses fled to Midian he met Zipporah daughter of Jethro. Jethro was a Midianite priest. Moses settled in Jetho's house, married Zipporah, and had two sons.
The Midianites were pagans in the Sumerian Babylonian tradition. Part of the duties of the priest among the local population was to sit in judgement over legal issues.
Jethro was also a shepherd and sheep dealer, Moses worked for Jethro for twenty years. during that time he travelled to Mesopotamia and Babylon and also into Canaan on business for Jethro, dealing in livestock and other matters of business. Moses' acute sense of business and accounting came from his experience at this time. The currency was the shekel, a unit of currency used both in Babylon and in Canaan. The shekel was a silver coin weighing ten grams.
When Moses fled to Midian he met Zipporah daughter of Jethro. Jethro was a Midianite priest. Moses settled in Jetho's house, married Zipporah, and had two sons.
The Midianites were pagans in the Sumerian Babylonian tradition. Part of the duties of the priest among the local population was to sit in judgement over legal issues.
Jethro was also a shepherd and sheep dealer, Moses worked for Jethro for twenty years. during that time he travelled to Mesopotamia and Babylon and also into Canaan on business for Jethro, dealing in livestock and other matters of business. Moses' acute sense of business and accounting came from his experience at this time. The currency was the shekel, a unit of currency used both in Babylon and in Canaan. The shekel was a silver coin weighing ten grams.
- TonyGosling
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Moved to Bigger Picture
http://www.radio4all.net:8080/files/ton ... 090509.mp3
http://www.radio4all.net:8080/files/ton ... 090509.mp3
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
As Moses tended Jethro’s sheep He pondered the plight of the Hebrew people [the word Hebrew is from the Egyptian word Habiru or Foreigner]. While he was in the Egyptian court, Moses had been a beacon to the Hebrews and had been able to negotiate them certain privileges. Since his exile they had lost influence and were were reduced to performing servile tasks.
He conceived the plan to lead his family, the descendants of Jacob, and other related Hebrews out of Egypt and back to Canaan, the land of their origin.
However any such move would be seen as an insurrection by the Pharaoh and his government. Moses had made pledges of loyalty to the Pharaoh
before his campaign against the Cushites. Any appearance as the leader of such a movement would be seen as disloyal.
Circumcision was a practice among the Hebrews, an example of it is in Exodus 4 verse 25 when Moses wife circumcises their son. Moses however had not been circumcised. Had he been circumcised as a baby, he would not have been adopted by a member of the Egyptian royal family.
Moses felt that not being Circumcised was also a disadvantage for being g accepted as the representative of the Hebrews the Egyptians would know. [see Exodus Chapter 6 v30 of the Authorised version. The word ‘uncircumcised’ had been changed to ‘faltering’ in more recent translations].
For these and other reasons Moses decided it would be better if his brother Aaron were to negotiate with Pharaoh with Moses in attendance.
Aaron and Moses went to the Pharaoh and Aaron asked permission for their people to go into the desert to perform sacrifices. Eventually after a series of conjuring tricks and curses performed by Moses, most of which the Pharaoh’s own magicians were able to replicate, Pharaoh suggested that they perform their rituals in Egypt. Moses then explained that the sacrifices they would be offering were detestable in the eyes of the Egyptians and they would be stoned.
Finally Pharaoh agrees that Moses can leave with all the men women and children and flocks and herds. Pharaoh says ‘If I see your face again I will kill you’.
Moses replies to Pharaoh that he will not appear before him again.
This sounds like an agreement between Moses and the Pharaoh that Moses will not return to attack Egypt.
By getting agreement from the Pharaoh that the Hebrews could leave, Moses ensured that the Hebrews could leave Egypt safely.
Not just the direct descendants of Jacob, but anyone with any family connection or other association with any of the twelve family tribes.
He conceived the plan to lead his family, the descendants of Jacob, and other related Hebrews out of Egypt and back to Canaan, the land of their origin.
However any such move would be seen as an insurrection by the Pharaoh and his government. Moses had made pledges of loyalty to the Pharaoh
before his campaign against the Cushites. Any appearance as the leader of such a movement would be seen as disloyal.
Circumcision was a practice among the Hebrews, an example of it is in Exodus 4 verse 25 when Moses wife circumcises their son. Moses however had not been circumcised. Had he been circumcised as a baby, he would not have been adopted by a member of the Egyptian royal family.
Moses felt that not being Circumcised was also a disadvantage for being g accepted as the representative of the Hebrews the Egyptians would know. [see Exodus Chapter 6 v30 of the Authorised version. The word ‘uncircumcised’ had been changed to ‘faltering’ in more recent translations].
For these and other reasons Moses decided it would be better if his brother Aaron were to negotiate with Pharaoh with Moses in attendance.
Aaron and Moses went to the Pharaoh and Aaron asked permission for their people to go into the desert to perform sacrifices. Eventually after a series of conjuring tricks and curses performed by Moses, most of which the Pharaoh’s own magicians were able to replicate, Pharaoh suggested that they perform their rituals in Egypt. Moses then explained that the sacrifices they would be offering were detestable in the eyes of the Egyptians and they would be stoned.
Finally Pharaoh agrees that Moses can leave with all the men women and children and flocks and herds. Pharaoh says ‘If I see your face again I will kill you’.
Moses replies to Pharaoh that he will not appear before him again.
This sounds like an agreement between Moses and the Pharaoh that Moses will not return to attack Egypt.
By getting agreement from the Pharaoh that the Hebrews could leave, Moses ensured that the Hebrews could leave Egypt safely.
Not just the direct descendants of Jacob, but anyone with any family connection or other association with any of the twelve family tribes.
Lo! The Lord spake unto Moses,
If perchance Mr Barker is taking ‘Thermate 911’’s advice, and perusing Zand's recent book, "When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?", now translated from the Hebrew, I’m sure we would all benefit from his comments.
Does this mean the Israeli policy in Gaza has divine approval?saying: Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them the following–When ye are passed over the Jordan river into the land of Canaan, ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and tear down all their high places…And ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein, for I have given you the land to possess it…But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which shall remain shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell…
Book of Numbers 33:50-56
If perchance Mr Barker is taking ‘Thermate 911’’s advice, and perusing Zand's recent book, "When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?", now translated from the Hebrew, I’m sure we would all benefit from his comments.
Moses in Sinai
Moses and the Hebrews left Goshen in Egypt for Sinai during the night and early morning. to get to Sinai they travelled to the marsh between the Red sea and the Mediterranean , known as the ‘Reed Sea’
After they had crossed the Marsh, a force arrived from Egypt , sent to ensure that the Hebrews did not return. Their horses and chariots became bogged down in the marsh. After the Egyptians had left, the Hebrews Celebrated with a song and dance Celebrating the new god that had been evoked by Moses in the Sinai whilst tending Jethro’s sheep. [song of Moses and Miriam Exodus ch15]
Resuming their journey to Sinai, the column was attacked by an Amalekite raiding party, out to capture valuables, slaves and live stock. the rear of the Column was cut off but eventually the attack was repelled.
The Amalekites were worshippers of the god Amalek, also known as Moleck, Molock ,Marduk, Modeck and Baal, The Foremost god of Babylon. Worshippers of Baal Modeck spread from Arabia, along north Africa to Canaan and Lebanon. It was the old religion that had come from Sumeria. This area is now all Muslim
Before leaving Egypt, Moses had explained to the Pharaoh
‘We do not yet know what form our worship will take. However after this attack by the Amalakites, Moses built an altar declaring ‘war with the Amalakites from generation to generation.’
Moses set up Camp in the Sinai desert, and his Father in Law Jethro came to visit the camp bringing Moses’ wife Zipporah and their sons.
Jethro offered a sacrifice and the elders of the Israelites sat down to share the feast with him.
The next morning Moses took his seat to serve as a judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning to evening.
When Jethro saw what he was doing, he asked Moses ‘Why are you standing in judgement alone as judge while all these people stand around from morning till evening?
Moses replied Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties . Moses' father-in-law replied, "What you are doing is not good. You will only wear yourselves out ,you and these people who come to you. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. I will give you some advice, Select capable men from all the people, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials. Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the duties they are to perform. Have them serve as judges for the people , the simple cases they can decide themselves, but have them bring every difficult case to you. That will make your load lighter. If you do this , you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied."
Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, They served as judges for the people . The difficult cases they brought to Moses, but the simple ones they decided themselves.
Jethro then returned to his own country taking Ziporrah with him.
After they had crossed the Marsh, a force arrived from Egypt , sent to ensure that the Hebrews did not return. Their horses and chariots became bogged down in the marsh. After the Egyptians had left, the Hebrews Celebrated with a song and dance Celebrating the new god that had been evoked by Moses in the Sinai whilst tending Jethro’s sheep. [song of Moses and Miriam Exodus ch15]
Resuming their journey to Sinai, the column was attacked by an Amalekite raiding party, out to capture valuables, slaves and live stock. the rear of the Column was cut off but eventually the attack was repelled.
The Amalekites were worshippers of the god Amalek, also known as Moleck, Molock ,Marduk, Modeck and Baal, The Foremost god of Babylon. Worshippers of Baal Modeck spread from Arabia, along north Africa to Canaan and Lebanon. It was the old religion that had come from Sumeria. This area is now all Muslim
Before leaving Egypt, Moses had explained to the Pharaoh
‘We do not yet know what form our worship will take. However after this attack by the Amalakites, Moses built an altar declaring ‘war with the Amalakites from generation to generation.’
Moses set up Camp in the Sinai desert, and his Father in Law Jethro came to visit the camp bringing Moses’ wife Zipporah and their sons.
Jethro offered a sacrifice and the elders of the Israelites sat down to share the feast with him.
The next morning Moses took his seat to serve as a judge for the people, and they stood around him from morning to evening.
When Jethro saw what he was doing, he asked Moses ‘Why are you standing in judgement alone as judge while all these people stand around from morning till evening?
Moses replied Whenever they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties . Moses' father-in-law replied, "What you are doing is not good. You will only wear yourselves out ,you and these people who come to you. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. I will give you some advice, Select capable men from all the people, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials. Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the duties they are to perform. Have them serve as judges for the people , the simple cases they can decide themselves, but have them bring every difficult case to you. That will make your load lighter. If you do this , you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied."
Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, They served as judges for the people . The difficult cases they brought to Moses, but the simple ones they decided themselves.
Jethro then returned to his own country taking Ziporrah with him.
After 3 months Moses and the Hebrews arrived at Mount Sinai and camped in front of the mountain.
Exodus 19 verses 3-6 says:
‘Then Moses went up to God and the Lord called him from the mountain and said:’
“This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and to the people of Israel.......... If you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession
........You will be for me a nation of priests, a holy nation ....
These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites”.
‘Keeping my covenant’ means keeping the laws. In the four books which cover the life of Moses: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, there are, by some accounts, up to six hundred laws. These cover such varied issues as the treatment of animals, making of cloth, repayment of loans, treatment of slaves, safety in buildings, and the disposal of excrement.
‘A nation of priests’ means scribes or administrators. This was the practice in Egypt and in Babylon and Canaan. From his position of privilege, Moses had learned how administration was carried out in both Egypt and Babylon.
The people were forbidden from approaching close to the mountain on threat of death. Moses himself then went up the mountain again, with Joshua as an assistant, to commence writing down the law on clay tablets.
Visions and messages from god’ usually come from the subconscious mind. Had Moses merely claimed to have written the laws himself then nobody would have taken any notice. By claiming the laws came from god, and that god would punish them if the laws were not obeyed, this
brought people to take notice.
Exodus 19 verses 3-6 says:
‘Then Moses went up to God and the Lord called him from the mountain and said:’
“This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and to the people of Israel.......... If you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession
........You will be for me a nation of priests, a holy nation ....
These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites”.
‘Keeping my covenant’ means keeping the laws. In the four books which cover the life of Moses: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, there are, by some accounts, up to six hundred laws. These cover such varied issues as the treatment of animals, making of cloth, repayment of loans, treatment of slaves, safety in buildings, and the disposal of excrement.
‘A nation of priests’ means scribes or administrators. This was the practice in Egypt and in Babylon and Canaan. From his position of privilege, Moses had learned how administration was carried out in both Egypt and Babylon.
The people were forbidden from approaching close to the mountain on threat of death. Moses himself then went up the mountain again, with Joshua as an assistant, to commence writing down the law on clay tablets.
Visions and messages from god’ usually come from the subconscious mind. Had Moses merely claimed to have written the laws himself then nobody would have taken any notice. By claiming the laws came from god, and that god would punish them if the laws were not obeyed, this
brought people to take notice.
- Angel - now passed away
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Interesting background but I see you're not here for dialogue, Barker.
Just as an up-to-the-minute contrast, here's Knesset-person accusing Obama of anti-youknowwhat, to plagiarise Rowling.
more report of Brobdignag here...
http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=9 ... =351020202
Just as an up-to-the-minute contrast, here's Knesset-person accusing Obama of anti-youknowwhat, to plagiarise Rowling.
!In Israel, Obama is accused of 'anti-Semitism'
Wed, 03 Jun 2009 19:32:47 GMT
An Israeli parliamentarian accuses the Obama administration of 'anti-Semitism' ahead of a planned speech addressing the Muslim world.
Knesset (parliament) member Yaakov Katz, head of the National Union party, said Wednesday that US President Barack Obama's repeated calls for halting the expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank is "nothing less than anti-Semitism," Israel's Arutz Sheva reported. ... ... ...
more report of Brobdignag here...
http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=9 ... =351020202
"We will lead every revolution against us!" - attrib: Theodor Herzl
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
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- Angel - now passed away
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I wuz just trying to be polite... ;-)
http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=9 ... id=3510203
There is a vague rumour going around that Rahm Emanuel is under house arrest. Nothing concrete yet but he and his fellow dual-nationality pals have certainly 'piped' down over the last few weeks...
http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=9 ... id=3510203
So there! Pathetic, isn't it, how whole countries have been held hostage for decades through 'anti-semitism'?US President Barack Obama has admitted Washington's past mistakes toward Tehran, saying Iran has right to peaceful nuclear technology.
In a keynote Thursday speech at Cairo University, Obama said "any nation -- including Iran -- should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."
Tehran has repeatedly argued that as an NPT-signatory, it has the right to use nuclear energy for civilian purposes.
This is while Israel -- believed to be the only nuclear-armed power in the Middle East -- has so far refused to sign the treaty.
There is a vague rumour going around that Rahm Emanuel is under house arrest. Nothing concrete yet but he and his fellow dual-nationality pals have certainly 'piped' down over the last few weeks...
"We will lead every revolution against us!" - attrib: Theodor Herzl
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
"Timely Demise to All Oppressors - at their Convenience!" - 'Interesting Times', Terry Pratchett
- Minor Poster
- Posts: 42
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IMO the Talmudic/Masonic/Mafiya/Satanic elite would sacrifice Israel if cost-benefit analysis was strongly +ve. Hence the term 'Zionist' may be a false shield to protect darker forces. Similarly perhaps visible 'Rothschilds'.
If you were really running the world, would you have half the interneterrogation pointing in your direction?
From historical document no doubt Rothschilds fronted a consolidation of the take-over of power, but if they have not by now changed their names and left stooges in place they are stupider than I think.
Look instead at who holds power everywhere now for the connecting cords.
Communism, Occult initiations, Secrecy, Lies.
Blatant lies - 911, 7/7 that any sentient person can prove beyond doubt were false flags based on uncontested evidence
A very large % Jews/Marxists/Homosexuals represented in Brown's cabinet.
Now Lord Sugar latest add.
Very unrepresentative of general UK population. How can this be 'democracy'?
If you were really running the world, would you have half the interneterrogation pointing in your direction?
From historical document no doubt Rothschilds fronted a consolidation of the take-over of power, but if they have not by now changed their names and left stooges in place they are stupider than I think.
Look instead at who holds power everywhere now for the connecting cords.
Communism, Occult initiations, Secrecy, Lies.
Blatant lies - 911, 7/7 that any sentient person can prove beyond doubt were false flags based on uncontested evidence
A very large % Jews/Marxists/Homosexuals represented in Brown's cabinet.
Now Lord Sugar latest add.
Very unrepresentative of general UK population. How can this be 'democracy'?
Belief is the Enemy of Truth
Moses is in the Sinai desert with thousands of Hebrew refugees and he is getting messages from God telling him to make for laws for his people. Obedience to these laws constitute an agreement [Covenant ] between God and his people.
According to a notice seen in a local synagogue, there are 612 of these laws.
So lets examine some of these laws. The first group, sometimes known as the ten commandments seems a good place to start. [Exodus 20]
And God spoke all these words: ‘ I am the lord your God, You shall have no other gods before me.'
I am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me'
This implies that there are other gods to worship. and states that god is jealous. Jealous of who? other gods presumably.
In the Bhuddist wheel of life there is a domain which refers to the jealous gods. they are known known as Asuras. here is a quote from a Bhuddist website.
'Asuras are hyper-competitive and paranoid. They are driven by a desire to beat their competition, and everyone is competition. They have power and resources and sometimes accomplish good things with them. But, always, their first priority is getting to the top.'
The Jealous gods are not thought by Bhuddists to represent the path to enlightenment. They are seeking to take the kingdom of heaven by force. Here is a admission by God that he is not enlightened.
God does not seem to interested in seeking enlightenment but is more interested in punishing those who he does not like who don’t like him . This first commandment draws a sharp distinction between those who god loves and those who god hates. This seems to be a formula for racism and predjudice and sure enough this emerges in later laws:
My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out. Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces.
[exodus 23 v23-24]
‘I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.
Do not worship any other god, for the god whose name is jealous, is a jealous god.[Exodus 34 v10-14]
.... In other words destroy anything which is sacred to anybody else.
[ Asherah poles are sacred to the goddess Asherah]
According to a notice seen in a local synagogue, there are 612 of these laws.
So lets examine some of these laws. The first group, sometimes known as the ten commandments seems a good place to start. [Exodus 20]
And God spoke all these words: ‘ I am the lord your God, You shall have no other gods before me.'
I am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me'
This implies that there are other gods to worship. and states that god is jealous. Jealous of who? other gods presumably.
In the Bhuddist wheel of life there is a domain which refers to the jealous gods. they are known known as Asuras. here is a quote from a Bhuddist website.
'Asuras are hyper-competitive and paranoid. They are driven by a desire to beat their competition, and everyone is competition. They have power and resources and sometimes accomplish good things with them. But, always, their first priority is getting to the top.'
The Jealous gods are not thought by Bhuddists to represent the path to enlightenment. They are seeking to take the kingdom of heaven by force. Here is a admission by God that he is not enlightened.
God does not seem to interested in seeking enlightenment but is more interested in punishing those who he does not like who don’t like him . This first commandment draws a sharp distinction between those who god loves and those who god hates. This seems to be a formula for racism and predjudice and sure enough this emerges in later laws:
My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out. Do not bow down before their gods or worship them or follow their practices. You must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces.
[exodus 23 v23-24]
‘I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.
Do not worship any other god, for the god whose name is jealous, is a jealous god.[Exodus 34 v10-14]
.... In other words destroy anything which is sacred to anybody else.
[ Asherah poles are sacred to the goddess Asherah]
My take in a nutshell
Jews are followers of a hijacked religion and are of mixed races
No more a race than Freemasons who thrive under a similar deception
I doubt any institution is not controlled
Follow the teachings of Christ not the Church, whatever 'religion' you think you are and you wont go far wrong
Jews are followers of a hijacked religion and are of mixed races
No more a race than Freemasons who thrive under a similar deception
I doubt any institution is not controlled
Follow the teachings of Christ not the Church, whatever 'religion' you think you are and you wont go far wrong
Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
- TonyGosling
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My take in a nutshell.
Jews, Christians and Muslims are all getting tired of their respective hijacked religions.
Jews, Christians and Muslims are all getting tired of their respective hijacked religions.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
Some people are getting tired of their governments being hijacked by "religions".TonyGosling wrote:My take in a nutshell.
Jews, Christians and Muslims are all getting tired of their respective hijacked religions.
Just ANOTHER coincidence of course.John Simon Bercow (pronounced: /ˈdʒɒn ˈbɜːkəʊ/) (born 19 January, 1963, in Edgware, London) is a British politician and Speaker of the British House of Commons. He is a Member of Parliament for the constituency of Buckingham since being elected in 1997. Until his election as speaker, he sat as a Conservative Party member, and had served in the Shadow Cabinet under former Conservative leaders Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard. On 22 June, 2009, he was elected as the 157th Speaker of the House of Commons and so became the first Jewish Speaker and the first Speaker to be elected by an exhaustive ballot.
Tooth Fairy denier
Santa Clause Denier
Man-made Climate Change Denier
Santa Clause Denier
Man-made Climate Change Denier
I hadn't heard that... Not expected knowing Omaha's handlers...Thermate911 wrote:
There is a vague rumour going around that Rahm Emanuel is under house arrest. Nothing concrete yet but he and his fellow dual-nationality pals have certainly 'piped' down over the last few weeks...
Jesus used the term 'Synagogue of Satan'. Was he referrring to 'Ziionists'?
Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com
Bercow is Jewish too?
Unbelievable. Widdicombe was the true heir
Bercow is Jewish too?
Unbelievable. Widdicombe was the true heir
Belief is the Enemy of Truth www.dissential.com