Body Of Lies - new Ridley Scott false flag drama

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Body Of Lies - new Ridley Scott false flag drama

Post by TonyGosling »


Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a covert CIA operative working in Jordan searching for terrorists who have been bombing civilian targets. Ferris uncovers information on the Islamist mastermind Al-Saleem (Alon Aboutboul). He devises a plan to infiltrate Al-Saleem's terrorist network with the help of his boss back in Langley, Ed Hoffman (Russell Crowe). Ferris enlists the help of the Chief of Jordanian Intelligence, Hani Salaam (Mark Strong) on this operation, but he doesn't know how far he can trust him without putting his life in danger. The uneasy alliance leads to a cultural and moral clash between the men.
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Post by Disco_Destroyer »

don't tell me 1 man saves the world again :roll:
Don't got much time for Hollywood nomore nomore!
Rendition is good though
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Post by TonyGosling »

Okay it's a rubbish & confusing synopsis off IMDB. At the heart of the plot is a CIA organised false flag bomb attack, complete with a massive phoney Muslim group, on a US base in Turkey which makes top news all round the world. The purpose of which is to flush out any real Al Quaeda for annihilation.
Probably the best bit is a seedy Crowleyesque MI6 are in on it too and their role is to find a patsy, an architect who is connected to Muslim charities. Mi6 are creating a load of pretend stuff on the web and it's announced that this architect guy has done it on TV as he's watching. He's quite rightly a bit nervous ;-)

They go at depth into what makes the most effective patsy for long term propaganda purposes.

Don't believe the hype.

Here's the torrent

Have you watched this Disco?
There's never been a better dramatisation of the false flag.
It's utterly gripping.
Last edited by TonyGosling on Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by acrobat74 »

Sounds like an interesting movie, thanks Tony.

There's a point I'd like to make here: people have been asking about 'the future of the UK 9/11 truth movement' and the like.

As Mark (Gobel) has been writing...we've managed to mould this issue deep in the human consciousness: Ridley Scott appears to have popularized in this movie the notion of 'false flag operations'.

It was always going to be in the sphere of consciousness.

MI6 setting up patsies, CIA conspiring to commit terrorist acts...all this in a mainstream Hollywood movie.

Who among the sick murderous elitist scum could have seen this coming five years ago?

And who do you think elevated the whole issue to this level?

Yep, that's you folks. With all your passion and commitment. Well done.

I'm excluding the dumb shills obviously. :D
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Post by TonyGosling »

I've had a go at finding out if this has premiered in the UK yet.
Not sure where/when.

I can't describe how amazing it felt to watch it earlier on.
Like a watershed.
Ridley Scott no less.
Best bit of news yet this year for me :lol:

acrobat74 wrote: MI6 setting up patsies, CIA conspiring to commit terrorist acts...all this in a mainstream Hollywood movie.
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Post by Mark Gobell »

Sadly, the contemporary purpose of the Hollywood factory is to spew forth propaganda.

Most of which is commissioned and issued, well ahead of time. [citations please]

Less frequently provoked with reluctant intent, Hollywood responds to force shut the gate after the nuanced nag begins to attract attention to it's predictable chasm; that with clear understanding, is clearly, wide open and deserving of the world's attention.

Hence, the popular, unthinking product of which is the, cognitively dissonant corollary, of: "oh yeah, I saw that in a movie" . . .

It therefore becomes a measure of our collective awareness and effectiveness that the latter arrives sooner than we thought.

If we want to keep following it, in a PNAC kinda way, then keep watching.

If we want to render it ineffective, then turn it off.
Last edited by Mark Gobell on Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TonyGosling »

This is the exception that proves the rule.
Mark Gobell wrote: If we want to render it ineffective then, turn it off.
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Post by paul wright »

I think I understand Mark's point. If you want to discredit an idea, put it in a movie or on a fictional TV show. The reality of false flag terrorism may thus be rendered a fictional Hollywood movie or TV fiction, and us guys are just misled by Hollywood fiction, as perceived by the mass mind.
The closer the film or TV show can get to the reality, - the better perception it is for us enlightened - the more the mass moronised mind can dismiss us for believing in fairy tales.
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Post by TonyGosling »

You didn't watch the film did you Paul ;-)
It's utterly engaging for me and puts the false flag case about as powerfully as any film has ever done.
It's raising awareness as we speak more than we are here (sorry if that sounds unkind).

Watch it and come back to me.
paul wright wrote:I think I understand Mark's point. If you want to discredit an idea, put it in a movie or on a fictional TV show. The reality of false flag terrorism may thus be rendered a fictional Hollywood movie or TV fiction, and us guys are just misled by Hollywood fiction, as perceived by the mass mind.
The closer the film or TV show can get to the reality, - the better perception it is for us enlightened - the more the mass moronised mind can dismiss us for believing in fairy tales.
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Post by paul wright »

Nah. I'm waiting for it to download Tony.
I've no doubt how good it is
I'm just bothered that that goodness can be held against us
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Post by TonyGosling »

paul wright wrote:I'm just bothered that that goodness can be held against us
Nah, the truth will out, has outed, and maybe that's why we're seeing what we're seeing in Gaza because, afraid of mutiny, UK/US military will no longer play ball?
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Post by Pugwash »

Watch On-Line link..

Click on [watch part 1/2], as the screen comes up with an ad. (poker etc), click on the center arrow -may throw a pop-up, then click again to view.
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Post by acrobat74 »

Mark Gobell wrote:Sadly, the contemporary purpose of the Hollywood factory is to spew forth propaganda.

Most of which is commissioned and issued, well ahead of time. [citations please]
Sure it is, sometimes.
Not everybody is controlled, and not everybody has been bought and paid for.

Hollywood gave us the masterpiece that is The Matrix.

And also the Bourne movies, with remotely controlled CIA 'assets' whose mind has been 'broken' by the agency assassinating Americans and others at will.
Mark Gobell wrote: If we want to keep following it, in a PNAC kinda way, then keep watching.

If we want to render it ineffective, then turn it off.
Too often I see fine minds giving in to this simplistic binary framework: 0 or 1.
Black or white.
Propaganda or ultimate truth.
All Bilderbergers are NWO scum. Whoever shakes Bliar's hand is NWO scum. Etc.

Well, no.

It's probably all fuzzy guys, and it's grey, not black-and-white.

I say get the juices out of the grey fuzziness.
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Post by Mark Gobell »

OK let's work it out.

Give me one tinsel town production that has actually changed the world's understanding of itself ?

With proof of course. . .

I will not accept silent fillems.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Give me one tinsel town production that has actually changed the world's understanding of itself ?
Citizen Kane
Moses the Lawgiver
Conspiracy Theory
Three Days Of The Condor
The China Syndrome
Double Indemnity
Billion Dollar Brain
off the top of......

It amuses but disappoints me that you think it's all so clear cut Mark
So 'Black and White'
I wouldn't have thought you were a lazy thinker

Anyway - back to the topic in hand - did you watch this or not?
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Post by paul wright »

While I tried to watch the movie online at the post above all I got was an offer to download Party Poker
On my intermittent online status I've still got some hours until the torrent downloads.
If there was a populist movie revealing 9/11 was an inside job as fiction, then I'd expect the morons of whatever intellectual capacity to quote that fictional movie to me as the fiction I'm believing
I don't think tinseltown will ever convert people. I'ts knowing what's real within your heart and converting that to consciousness that convinces people.
Not what's on the silver screen. The popularity of The Matrix never convinced the majority of its fans that it is a very close metaphor of how things actually are
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Post by acrobat74 »

paul wright wrote:The popularity of The Matrix never convinced the majority of its fans that it is a very close metaphor of how things actually are
Even so, the subject matter was put out there for those able and willing to see: it was imprinted onto the human consciousness.

Which is always an excellent first step.

And in the end, we shouldn't expect Scott or the Wachowskis to do more.

If they make their messages more explicit they might end up like Gary DeVore: ... dley-scott
In June 1997, the screenwriter Gary DeVore was working on the screenplay for his directorial debut. It was to be an action movie set against the backdrop of the US invasion of Panama in 1989, which led to the overthrow of dictator Manuel Noriega. According to his wife, Wendy, DeVore had been talking to an old friend - the CIA's Chase Brandon - about Noriega's regime and US counternarcotic programmes in Latin America. Wendy told CNN: "He had been very disturbed over some of the things that he had been finding in his research. He was researching the United States invasion of Panama, because he was setting the actual story that he was writing against this; and the overthrow of Noriega and the enormous amounts of money laundering in the Panamanian banks, also our own government's money laundering."

At the end of that month, DeVore had been in Santa Fe, New Mexico, working on another project. He was travelling back to California when, at 1.15am on June 28, he called Wendy, a call she says has been excised from phone records. She told CNN she was "terribly alarmed" because he was speaking as though he were under duress. She was sure "someone was in the car with him". That was the last time Wendy DeVore heard from her husband.
Interesting how, according to this article...
In 1950, the agency bought the rights to George Orwell's Animal Farm, and then funded the 1954 British animated version of the film. Its involvement had long been rumoured, but only in the past decade have those rumours been substantiated, and the tale of the CIA's role told in Daniel Leab's book Orwell Subverted.
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Post by simplesimon »

paul wright wrote
I think I understand Mark's point. If you want to discredit an idea, put it in a movie or on a fictional TV show. The reality of false flag terrorism may thus be rendered a fictional Hollywood movie or TV fiction, and us guys are just misled by Hollywood fiction, as perceived by the mass mind.
The closer the film or TV show can get to the reality, - the better perception it is for us enlightened - the more the mass moronised mind can dismiss us for believing in fairy tales.
Bang on.
Was that your point Mark?

Many of us recognise the thread of truth ("all films are true" lol) in The Matrix. How many of us would think it wise to use the allegory when trying to wake someone up?

Oh, and where was it that the glorious heroes in that film were trying to reach?
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Post by acrobat74 »

The typical thing is that first you wake up...and then you revisit films like The Matrix and go 'aaaaah'.
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Post by Mark Gobell »

Yes that was the thought behind my post Simon and thanks to Paul for so politely deciphering any semblance of meaning from that post.

I hardly ever watch films so I'm not really qualified to make such claims about their effect.

My understanding of the medium is that it is based upon a message that, in the main is intrinsically tied to the risk of a financial investment with the promise of a financial return.

None of which, as far as I can see, precludes that medium from being used to deliver truth.

So, why does it seldom do just that ?

The truth about world events is far more sexy and showbiz than the fiction that replaces it.

If that truth has ever been and will ever be delivered in a fillum then the world would retort that it's just a movie. Wouldn't it ?
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Post by TonyGosling »

Mark Gobell wrote:So, why does it seldom do just that ?
Good question.
Since the mid 1980s hardly any decent scripts have found their way into production.
Anyone in the business will tell you that the film financiers call the shots.
Films simply don't get made unless the financiers want them to.
On the commentary track of the BBC Edge Of Darkness DVD scriptwriter Troy Kennedy Martin says he and other scriptwriters were really depressed that the BBC stopped making politically aware dramas.
They decided to write Edge Of Darkness anyway to 'get it out of their system' believing it would never get made and make their point for them and by some miracle it actually got made.
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Post by sycorax82 »

I take it this will be Ridley Scott's last film then... 8)

He's been threatening to make a Reagan/Gorbachev movie for a while now. Wonder if that will happen now...
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TV is their secret weapon

Post by simplesimon »

Mark Gobell wrote:
Yes that was the thought behind my post Simon and thanks to Paul for so politely deciphering any semblance of meaning from that post.
Glad we agree on that.

If we want to render it ineffective, then turn it off.
Absolutely right.

Let's try for a rally. I'm hitting this fast to your far backhand corner, but I hope you'll return with ease:

"They" (who you think they are is irrelevant) would fear a significant proportion (let's say a fifth) of the population throwing their TV into the street and never watching it again, far more, way more, than they would ever fear...

oh, let's say: the combined, total and compounded effect of what is sometimes called "The Truth Movement", to date.

Got me?

If you want to know who is really in control, ask yourself who you cannot criticise.
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Post by outsider »

I don't have time to watch the film, but I suspect a reason for it may be that if and when real 'False Flags' get exposed, the pix-watching public will tend to accept it as normal procedure, done by our good Secret Services to protect us.
There was a TV series in the States (I don't know if it ran here) some while back, showing a Secret Service agent who was operating on a very close level with one of the first (perhaps the first) US President; I thought at the time, it's just to acclimatise the public to Security Services indispensibility, and how the have been indispensible since the birth of the US.
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Post by TonyGosling »

That's not the gist of the film, the secret service people here are seedy nutcase/crooks.
outsider wrote:I don't have time to watch the film, but I suspect a reason for it may be that if and when real 'False Flags' get exposed, the pix-watching public will tend to accept it as normal procedure, done by our good Secret Services to protect us.
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Post by Chris Walsh »

I really want to see this film. Me and the missus were going to watch it at the cinema but I think she put me off because she heard it was just more war on terror propaganda. This seems not to be the case and I'll have to download it.

I think I'm with Tony on this one, Paul, and that movies do play a huge part in shedding light on certain issues, rather than trivilising them. I know Hollywood is rife with propaganda of all sorts which would make people like us turn away, but I feel there must be some writers, directors and even producers out there who have a conscience about this stuff and want to provoke thought.

Take this recent example!

Hard hitting truth info right there! A few years ago, in that scene, the listener would have ended the scene with a joke about how he's crazy, but not anymore. I know there are other arguments that could have been used in the script but it gets across some key arguments. Even the actor himself is a prominent 9/11 truther, which adds to the effect.

I understand the argument that, when fictionalised, the matter of truth can become blurred and even ignored in that context, but I have to say, there's a good chance that shows like that will have a positive effect on many. Remember, many people watch hours of TV a day and that's where they get their 'reality' from. So a person watching that show might be inclined to go find out about PNAC when they see it dramatised like that.

I'm all for the continuing presence of conspiracy related issues appearing in hit TV shows and movies. One one level, the ideas are a sign of the times and it's no coincidence that it's becoming more and more popular. I've no doubt that in some cases, however, if done a certain way, the search for truth can be ridiculed. That 9/11 South Park episode springs to mind. Then again, Trey and Matt take the piss out of everything, so I wasn't too offended when they did that to 9/11 truth. There's good and bad in all these examples.

It's definitely an interesting discussion and one that needs to continue.
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Post by paul wright »

I'd happily agree the little explication written into the "Rescue Me"" clip is pretty damn fine
Probably bypassed the morass who did or didn't (like me) see it
Subliminal maybe - it's bound to come out in some form soon in front of an accepting morass of sludge-faced acceptors with little enough energy to raise a sliver of anger....
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Post by Disco_Destroyer »

TonyGosling wrote:That's not the gist of the film, the secret service people here are seedy nutcase/crooks.
outsider wrote:I don't have time to watch the film, but I suspect a reason for it may be that if and when real 'False Flags' get exposed, the pix-watching public will tend to accept it as normal procedure, done by our good Secret Services to protect us.
There has been a huge volume of film depicting the truth that Security Officials are Human with all the bad traits. Anyhow most on the street would argue 'Better the devil you know' or 'At least someone is out there protecting us'

You also miss my main gripe of I'm so sick of the 1 man saviour as if 1 man can? The content might be good but it always revolves around 1 man :x Do we have to have a Messiah everywhere?
Only Hollywood is so blatant with it, other countries have heros with heros. The film maybe good but the poor quality of most Hollywood * puts me off even watching films full stop!
I might watch Che at some point but again no rush :wink:
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Post by acrobat74 »

Chris Walsh wrote:...I feel there must be some writers, directors and even producers out there who have a conscience about this stuff and want to provoke thought.

Take this recent example!

Hard hitting truth info right there!

I understand the argument that, when fictionalised, the matter of truth can become blurred and even ignored in that context, but I have to say, there's a good chance that shows like that will have a positive effect on many.

Quite evident that binary complaints don't go anywhere.

And that anything that finds its way into the human consciousness in a way that is to our advantage is, well, to our advantage.
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Post by Moon-in-Taurus »

That's why I keep on muttering about little 3 minute things, easy and enjoyable to watch, sewing seeds

yes, sewing, there are lots of women out there learning about sewing and crafts right now. Haberdashery is a growth industry.

No, this is not an irrelevant post. Metaphor darlings, metaphor...

God what I'd love to do if I were younger and faster. Joining this forum played havoc with my heart condition. Technophobe, so close, so close.
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