Sun07Dec 1941 - Pearl Harbor - no surprise at all
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Sun07Dec 1941 - Pearl Harbor - no surprise at all
....through the eyes of Robert B. Stinnett, who spent seventeen years going through more than 200,000 documents and interviews about it.
by Alan Stang
December 7, 2007
Here we are again at the 'day that will live in infamy' I have a modest thought I have seen nowhere else. Let�s look at the horror again, through the eyes of Robert B. Stinnett, who spent seventeen years going through more than 200,000 documents and interviews about it. His book is Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, New York, Touchstone (S & S), 2001.
It is crucially important to establish who Robert Stinnett is. In the early years after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, through one utterly phony �investigation� after another, Roosevelt�s Socialist idolaters swore up and down that he had known absolutely nothing about it. The possibilities that he knew it was coming and did nothing, or, even worse, that he conspired to arrange it, were labeled psychotic fantasies only a psychiatrist could call serious.
All these years later, however, so much slime has oozed forth that Roosevelt worshippers now stand up to their eyeballs in it. They can�t deny it. So, now they take a totally different position, a diametrically different position. Now they say, yes, Roosevelt knew about it, he even arranged it, because the American people at the time were too dumb to know they needed to be in the war � they needed a big enough shock to trick them into it � so Roosevelt arranged it for our own good.
And it is important to establish that Robert Stinnett is one of these people. He is not a �Roosevelt hater.� He idolizes Roosevelt. He is a decorated veteran of World War II and therefore, like other veterans of that nightmare, has considerable emotion invested in it. Here�s the way he puts it in the preface:
�As a veteran of the Pacific War, I felt a sense of outrage as I uncovered secrets that had been hidden from Americans for more than fifty years. But I understood the agonizing dilemma faced by President Roosevelt. He was forced to find circuitous means to persuade an isolationist America to join in a fight for freedom. He knew this would cost lives. How many, he could not have known.
�The country was disillusioned by the failure of America�s idealistic commitment to make �the world safe for democracy� in World War I. Many Americans had chosen isolationism to shelter their young from the horrors of another war, and believed that Roosevelt would �not send their sons to fight in foreign wars.� Roosevelt believed that his countrymen would rally only to oppose an overt act of war on the United States. The decision he made, in concert with his advisors, was to provoke Japan through a series of actions into an overt act: the Pearl Harbor attack.�
So the Stinnett book is what the criminal lawyers (even some lawyers who are not criminals) call an �admission against interest.� Notice that Stinnett even uses the telltale terminology of the world government crowd. He calls America�s wholesome, fervent desire to mind its own business �isolationism.�
But Stinnett, like your Intrepid Correspondent, is a news man. And like a Dalmatian in a fire house, he apparently could not help but respond to the bell. His book proves beyond even the remotest question � with an endless Niagara of evidence from the government itself � that Roosevelt conspired to arrange the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
A word should be said about Franklin Roosevelt. In World War I, he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the administration of Woodrow Wilson, who conspired with First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill to arrange for a German submarine to sink HMS Lusitania, a Royal Navy warship posing as a passenger liner.
Despite strenuous German warnings to passengers � even including newspaper ads � the conspirators continued the pretense, and used the ensuing outrage as a cause c�l�bre to trick the United States into the world government war. Roosevelt held that job for seven years. It is important to understand that he was a real expert on the U.S. Navy.
In 1932, he ran for President. He won by accusing Republican Herbert Hoover of perverting our system by creating big government, by inflicting scores of Socialist bureaucracies on the people, a charge that was true. The people elected Roosevelt because he promised to dismantle Hoover�s big government. Don�t take my word for that. Look at his campaign speeches. If I told you that some Ron Paul forerunner wrote them, you would believe me.
Roosevelt lied, of course. He never had any intention of doing what he said. His New Deal was simply more and bigger Herbert Hoover. Indeed, whenever the economy tried to revive, Roosevelt intervened with more and bigger warmed over Hoover � more programs, more agencies, more handouts, etc. � and it collapsed again. When war erupted, the U.S. economy was just about as bad as it was on Black Friday, 1929. See the unemployment numbers. One of Roosevelt�s �solutions� was to steal the people�s gold.
Now, let�s browse through the Stinnett book. Not only did FDR know about the Japanese attack, not only did he help arrange it, but he also had an eight-step plan to implement it. Throughout the book we learn, according to horse�s mouth Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, that Roosevelt said, �The United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.�
In a weird replay of World War I, Churchill was again First Lord of the Admiralty, early in the war. By the fall of 1940, he was PM, and T. North Whitehead of the British Foreign Office, sent him a message from the United States: �America is not in the bag. However, the President is engaged in carefully calculated steps to give us full assistance.� (Preface)
One step in FDR�s treason plan kept our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, not on the West Coast. Vice Admiral James O. Richardson, commander in chief of that fleet, a true hero, strenuously disagreed, because at Pearl his men and the fleet would be in jeopardy. He was fired.
Page 17: �. . . A Gallup poll taken in early September showed that 88 percent of Americans agreed with the views of an isolationist bloc . . . that advocated staying away from Europe�s wars. . . .� So in 1940 a staggering 88 percent of the American people wanted no part of the war. Remember that in his reelection speeches that year, FDR swore up and down that he hated war, his wife hated war, even his dog, Fala, hated war, and he would not send American boys to fight in the war then raging in Europe.
Page 30-31: On January 26, 1941, Max W. Bishop, third secretary at the U.S. embassy, Tokyo, cables the State Department: Many sources say that �the Japanese military forces planned in the event of trouble with the United States, to attempt a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor using all of their military facilities. . . .� Remember, this is more than 10 months before the attack.
Page 31-32: Lt. Cdr. Arthur McCollum, author of Roosevelt�s eight point plan, head, Far East desk, Navy intelligence, sends as follows to Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, Richardson�s successor as new commander of the pacific fleet, on 2/1/41: �The Division of Naval Intelligence places no credence in these rumors. . . . . no move against Pearl Harbor appears imminent or planned for in the foreseeable future.�
Admiral Kimmel kept trying to get intelligence, but gradually became aware that Washington was withholding it. Of course, he could not have imagined why. Stinnett reports that by late July, 1941, he was cut off from intelligence completely.
One of the enduring Roosevelt Pearl Harbor myths says that Japanese naval forces never broke radio silence, so there was no way to know they were on their way to attack Pearl. Stinnett utterly buries that myth under a mountain of U.S. government documents. Admiral Yamamoto and other Japanese commanders broke radio silence again and again, even giving their route and location.
Roosevelt knew this because Navy intelligence had broken the Japanese code, but Washington withheld that fact from Kimmel. The U.S. Army commander at Pearl was General Walter Short. He intercepted Japanese messages but couldn�t decode them and sent them to Washington. Despite his pleas, Washington would not tell him what they said. Washington intercepted bomb plots at Pearl but did not tell Short.
Kimmel and Short did not learn until later that they were being set up as fall guys who would take the rap for the treason in progress. All of this was concealed in the phony post-war �investigations.� Key witnesses were not called. The conspirators falsified documents. They re-dated documents. Some documents that could not be falsified or re-dated simply disappeared.
Page 158: On 11/15/41, Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall says in a secret press conference that we�ll be at war with the Japanese during the first ten days of December, 1941. But Marshall doesn�t bother telling this to Kimmel and Short! Washington told Short again and again to watch for sabotage, not for attack. Sabotage requires an entirely different kind of planning. Washington told our Pearl Harbor commanders the Japanese would attack the Philippines.
Page 186-87: Author Stinnett writes as follows: �None of the nine Pearl Harbor investigations examined the TESTM dispatches or questioned why their crucial data were cut from Kimmel�s intelligence loop. Since he was never told, the admiral could not raise the question in his own defense. . . . In April 1995, Congress . . . directed that the Department of Defense conduct an investigation. But the TESTM documents were not produced by the DOD, even though they had been released by the FOIA. Captain Duane Whitlock�one of America�s most honored and heroic code-breakers�was available to explain and identify the dispatches in both 1945 and 1995. He was never asked to testify.�
Page 203: Lt. Cdr. Joseph J. Rochfort, who commanded Station HYPO, Pearl Harbor, said later of our losses: �It was a pretty cheap price to pay for unifying the country.� I admit I do not understand this. As I read it and re-read it, my mouth falls open. The only way I can keep it in my head is to recognize that I am looking at an utterly different kind of mentality. Rochfort is a U.S. Navy officer. The price he says was pretty cheap was the mass murder of about 3,000 fellow Americans, many of them fellow U.S. Navy sailors.
As I write, I can see in mind�s eye the sailors trapped in the hull of a capsized battleship. It is dark, not just dark, but so dark they can�t see their fingers in front of their own nose. The water is rising. The air is running out. They tap on the hull. Some were rescued. Hundreds were not. The rescuers couldn�t get to them.
The tapping apparently continued for a couple of weeks. That�s right; it took two weeks for those sailors to die in the dark. Today they are entombed, still at Pearl. The movies have immortalized Rochfort as a hero. I would have hanged him. Of course, remember, I do not understand.
Loc.cit: �Seven Japanese naval broadcasts intercepted between November 28 and December 6 confirmed that Japan intended to start the war and that it would begin at Pearl Harbor. The evidence that poured into American intelligence stations is overpowering. All the broadcasts have one common denominator: none ever reached Admiral Kimmel. . . .�
P. 204: �There is not the slightest reason to believe that JN-25 or any other navy system contained anything that would have forecast the attack.� So says Lt. Cdr. Thos. Dyer, second in command to Rochfort as chief cryptographer at HYPO, in a letter to the author dated 6/4/83. But Station H Japanese radio intercepts make him a liar.
Page 208: Washington sent mutilated summaries to Kimmel in late November and early December. Yes, that is correct. We are talking about physical mutilation. More than 65 summaries were �crudely cut� to omit the information Admiral Kimmel needed. Page 226: On December 5, Tokyo sends two messages that war with U.S. would start on December 7. The messages were decoded immediately but not sent to Pearl.
Page 227-28: Tokyo sends a four part message starting on December 6 to Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura in Washington, severing relations and instructing him to deliver it at 1 pm Sunday, the next day, December 7, which was 7:30 am in Pearl. U.S. intelligence intercepted, decoded and translated the message even before Nomura got it. So FDR, Marshall & Co. knew that at 7:30 am, Japan would take some hostile action. What would you do if you were Army Chief of Staff?
Page 228: Here is what Marshall did, says Robert Stinnett: �Instead of picking up his scrambler telephone and tipping off General Short to the 1:00 P.M. deadline, Marshall sent the warning to Hawaii using a combination of Western Union and RCA, a slower method. . . . It includes a later attempt to distance Pearl Harbor investigators from Marshall and the 1:00 P.M. deadline and involves coercion of a U.S. Army colonel to alter his testimony. It even reaches to post-surrender Germany in 1945 when that colonel, Rufus Bratton, was flagged down on the Berlin Autobahn and persuaded to �modify� evidence against Marshall.�
FDR read all this Saturday night and said: �This means war.� Meanwhile, early Sunday morning, Colonel Bratton, who knew the attack was coming, but didn�t know the fix was in, desperately tried to find his boss, Marshall, who conveniently was out horseback riding. Bratton finally convinced Marshall he needed to go to his office, a ten minute trip. Marshall showed up an hour and fifteen minutes later.
Page 255: The Roberts Commission, named for Supreme Court Associate Justice Owen Roberts, conducted an �investigation.� Remember that the purpose of a federal investigation is to conceal and confuse the subject it is �investigating.� Sure enough, the commission was not allowed to see any evidence. Its report, issued on December 24, 1942, was not the Christmas present Short and Kimmel expected.
It absolved Marshall, another traitor President Stang would have hanged, and blamed Admiral Kimmel and General Short. Admiral James Richardson said: �It is the most unfair, unjust, and deceptively dishonest document ever printed by the Government Printing Office. I cannot conceive of honorable men serving on the commission without greatest regret and deepest feeling of shame.�
Stinnett says that four days after the attack, on December 11, Rear Adm. Leigh Noyes, U.S.N. director of communications, told his subordinates: �Destroy all notes or anything in writing.� Page 256: In 1945, Congress was denied access to those Japanese intercepts that would have proved Roosevelt knew. Admiral Ernest King threatened all Navy personnel who knew anything that, if they talked, they would lose all benefits and be imprisoned.
Page 302: From Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto: on November 25, 1941, To First Air Fleet (Pearl Harbor Attack Force) �The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow. . . .� That was just one of the intercepts.
So what do we have? Franklin Roosevelt was a liar, a swindler, a robber, a traitor and a mass murderer. Notice that after doing everything he could for a couple of years to provoke the Japanese to attack us, he could at least have warned Admiral Kimmel and General Short, who would have acted immediately to save American lives.
He didn�t because he wanted as many killed as possible to overcome the almost unanimous American desire to stay out of the war. Had �not enough� been killed, had not enough damage been done, the attack on Pearl Harbor would not have been sufficiently convincing to qualify as a casus belli; it would have remained what the diplomats call an �incident,� like the Chinese Communist attack on that U.S. Navy plane early in 2001. Again, it is hard for the normal man to understand the Roosevelt mentality. He was obviously a satanic monster who should have been hanged beside Marshall.
The subtitle of this piece says Pearl Harbor proves that Nine Eleven is a fraud. How can something that happened sixty years before Nine Eleven prove it? What elements do they share, other than the odd fact that both enemy attacks killed about the same number of people?
One of the official elements of Nine Eleven says federal collusion in that enemy attack is unthinkable, because to think it would logically enmesh many of the highest officials in our government. Well paid Washington mouthpieces have used that fact to ridicule any hint of collusion. Treason on such a scale is inconceivable, we are told.
But at Pearl Harbor we have the incontrovertible, undeniable fact, even applauded by their supporters, that top government officials � from the President of the United States on down � conspired to attack the United States. When you know that, it becomes perfectly thinkable that a future President could have participated in another such attack. Rather than a reason for derision, it becomes a speculation worth considering if the facts lead in that direction.
Secondly, one of the arguments designed to discredit any speculation about government collusion says that it couldn�t be possible because so many people would need to be involved and someone eventually would talk. There would be too many people in the plot to keep the secret, according to this argument.
But look at all the people we know for sure were involved in the Pearl Harbor conspiracy. On page 318 of the Stinnett book, there is a list of 36 Americans cleared to read all Japanese intercepts in 1941. Many more people were aware of or involved in elements of the conspiracy. No one talked.
Remember, the Navy threatened everyone who could have talked with loss of benefits, even prison. If someone had, who would have listened? Even today, all these years later, even after Robert Stinnett�s vacuum cleaner research, a host of documents are still sequestered. Maybe as many people kept the secret of Pearl as so far have kept the secret of Nine Eleven.
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Here is an example you will recall that proves why premises are so important. There was a time when the four-minute mile was physically �impossible.� A man just couldn�t run that fast. But in the year after medical student Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, thirty seven other runners did so.
Can the excuses! Peel off the slime! Let�s nail the traitors who perpetrated Nine Eleven, whoever they are.
by Alan Stang
December 7, 2007
Here we are again at the 'day that will live in infamy' I have a modest thought I have seen nowhere else. Let�s look at the horror again, through the eyes of Robert B. Stinnett, who spent seventeen years going through more than 200,000 documents and interviews about it. His book is Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, New York, Touchstone (S & S), 2001.
It is crucially important to establish who Robert Stinnett is. In the early years after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, through one utterly phony �investigation� after another, Roosevelt�s Socialist idolaters swore up and down that he had known absolutely nothing about it. The possibilities that he knew it was coming and did nothing, or, even worse, that he conspired to arrange it, were labeled psychotic fantasies only a psychiatrist could call serious.
All these years later, however, so much slime has oozed forth that Roosevelt worshippers now stand up to their eyeballs in it. They can�t deny it. So, now they take a totally different position, a diametrically different position. Now they say, yes, Roosevelt knew about it, he even arranged it, because the American people at the time were too dumb to know they needed to be in the war � they needed a big enough shock to trick them into it � so Roosevelt arranged it for our own good.
And it is important to establish that Robert Stinnett is one of these people. He is not a �Roosevelt hater.� He idolizes Roosevelt. He is a decorated veteran of World War II and therefore, like other veterans of that nightmare, has considerable emotion invested in it. Here�s the way he puts it in the preface:
�As a veteran of the Pacific War, I felt a sense of outrage as I uncovered secrets that had been hidden from Americans for more than fifty years. But I understood the agonizing dilemma faced by President Roosevelt. He was forced to find circuitous means to persuade an isolationist America to join in a fight for freedom. He knew this would cost lives. How many, he could not have known.
�The country was disillusioned by the failure of America�s idealistic commitment to make �the world safe for democracy� in World War I. Many Americans had chosen isolationism to shelter their young from the horrors of another war, and believed that Roosevelt would �not send their sons to fight in foreign wars.� Roosevelt believed that his countrymen would rally only to oppose an overt act of war on the United States. The decision he made, in concert with his advisors, was to provoke Japan through a series of actions into an overt act: the Pearl Harbor attack.�
So the Stinnett book is what the criminal lawyers (even some lawyers who are not criminals) call an �admission against interest.� Notice that Stinnett even uses the telltale terminology of the world government crowd. He calls America�s wholesome, fervent desire to mind its own business �isolationism.�
But Stinnett, like your Intrepid Correspondent, is a news man. And like a Dalmatian in a fire house, he apparently could not help but respond to the bell. His book proves beyond even the remotest question � with an endless Niagara of evidence from the government itself � that Roosevelt conspired to arrange the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
A word should be said about Franklin Roosevelt. In World War I, he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the administration of Woodrow Wilson, who conspired with First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill to arrange for a German submarine to sink HMS Lusitania, a Royal Navy warship posing as a passenger liner.
Despite strenuous German warnings to passengers � even including newspaper ads � the conspirators continued the pretense, and used the ensuing outrage as a cause c�l�bre to trick the United States into the world government war. Roosevelt held that job for seven years. It is important to understand that he was a real expert on the U.S. Navy.
In 1932, he ran for President. He won by accusing Republican Herbert Hoover of perverting our system by creating big government, by inflicting scores of Socialist bureaucracies on the people, a charge that was true. The people elected Roosevelt because he promised to dismantle Hoover�s big government. Don�t take my word for that. Look at his campaign speeches. If I told you that some Ron Paul forerunner wrote them, you would believe me.
Roosevelt lied, of course. He never had any intention of doing what he said. His New Deal was simply more and bigger Herbert Hoover. Indeed, whenever the economy tried to revive, Roosevelt intervened with more and bigger warmed over Hoover � more programs, more agencies, more handouts, etc. � and it collapsed again. When war erupted, the U.S. economy was just about as bad as it was on Black Friday, 1929. See the unemployment numbers. One of Roosevelt�s �solutions� was to steal the people�s gold.
Now, let�s browse through the Stinnett book. Not only did FDR know about the Japanese attack, not only did he help arrange it, but he also had an eight-step plan to implement it. Throughout the book we learn, according to horse�s mouth Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, that Roosevelt said, �The United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.�
In a weird replay of World War I, Churchill was again First Lord of the Admiralty, early in the war. By the fall of 1940, he was PM, and T. North Whitehead of the British Foreign Office, sent him a message from the United States: �America is not in the bag. However, the President is engaged in carefully calculated steps to give us full assistance.� (Preface)
One step in FDR�s treason plan kept our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, not on the West Coast. Vice Admiral James O. Richardson, commander in chief of that fleet, a true hero, strenuously disagreed, because at Pearl his men and the fleet would be in jeopardy. He was fired.
Page 17: �. . . A Gallup poll taken in early September showed that 88 percent of Americans agreed with the views of an isolationist bloc . . . that advocated staying away from Europe�s wars. . . .� So in 1940 a staggering 88 percent of the American people wanted no part of the war. Remember that in his reelection speeches that year, FDR swore up and down that he hated war, his wife hated war, even his dog, Fala, hated war, and he would not send American boys to fight in the war then raging in Europe.
Page 30-31: On January 26, 1941, Max W. Bishop, third secretary at the U.S. embassy, Tokyo, cables the State Department: Many sources say that �the Japanese military forces planned in the event of trouble with the United States, to attempt a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor using all of their military facilities. . . .� Remember, this is more than 10 months before the attack.
Page 31-32: Lt. Cdr. Arthur McCollum, author of Roosevelt�s eight point plan, head, Far East desk, Navy intelligence, sends as follows to Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, Richardson�s successor as new commander of the pacific fleet, on 2/1/41: �The Division of Naval Intelligence places no credence in these rumors. . . . . no move against Pearl Harbor appears imminent or planned for in the foreseeable future.�
Admiral Kimmel kept trying to get intelligence, but gradually became aware that Washington was withholding it. Of course, he could not have imagined why. Stinnett reports that by late July, 1941, he was cut off from intelligence completely.
One of the enduring Roosevelt Pearl Harbor myths says that Japanese naval forces never broke radio silence, so there was no way to know they were on their way to attack Pearl. Stinnett utterly buries that myth under a mountain of U.S. government documents. Admiral Yamamoto and other Japanese commanders broke radio silence again and again, even giving their route and location.
Roosevelt knew this because Navy intelligence had broken the Japanese code, but Washington withheld that fact from Kimmel. The U.S. Army commander at Pearl was General Walter Short. He intercepted Japanese messages but couldn�t decode them and sent them to Washington. Despite his pleas, Washington would not tell him what they said. Washington intercepted bomb plots at Pearl but did not tell Short.
Kimmel and Short did not learn until later that they were being set up as fall guys who would take the rap for the treason in progress. All of this was concealed in the phony post-war �investigations.� Key witnesses were not called. The conspirators falsified documents. They re-dated documents. Some documents that could not be falsified or re-dated simply disappeared.
Page 158: On 11/15/41, Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall says in a secret press conference that we�ll be at war with the Japanese during the first ten days of December, 1941. But Marshall doesn�t bother telling this to Kimmel and Short! Washington told Short again and again to watch for sabotage, not for attack. Sabotage requires an entirely different kind of planning. Washington told our Pearl Harbor commanders the Japanese would attack the Philippines.
Page 186-87: Author Stinnett writes as follows: �None of the nine Pearl Harbor investigations examined the TESTM dispatches or questioned why their crucial data were cut from Kimmel�s intelligence loop. Since he was never told, the admiral could not raise the question in his own defense. . . . In April 1995, Congress . . . directed that the Department of Defense conduct an investigation. But the TESTM documents were not produced by the DOD, even though they had been released by the FOIA. Captain Duane Whitlock�one of America�s most honored and heroic code-breakers�was available to explain and identify the dispatches in both 1945 and 1995. He was never asked to testify.�
Page 203: Lt. Cdr. Joseph J. Rochfort, who commanded Station HYPO, Pearl Harbor, said later of our losses: �It was a pretty cheap price to pay for unifying the country.� I admit I do not understand this. As I read it and re-read it, my mouth falls open. The only way I can keep it in my head is to recognize that I am looking at an utterly different kind of mentality. Rochfort is a U.S. Navy officer. The price he says was pretty cheap was the mass murder of about 3,000 fellow Americans, many of them fellow U.S. Navy sailors.
As I write, I can see in mind�s eye the sailors trapped in the hull of a capsized battleship. It is dark, not just dark, but so dark they can�t see their fingers in front of their own nose. The water is rising. The air is running out. They tap on the hull. Some were rescued. Hundreds were not. The rescuers couldn�t get to them.
The tapping apparently continued for a couple of weeks. That�s right; it took two weeks for those sailors to die in the dark. Today they are entombed, still at Pearl. The movies have immortalized Rochfort as a hero. I would have hanged him. Of course, remember, I do not understand.
Loc.cit: �Seven Japanese naval broadcasts intercepted between November 28 and December 6 confirmed that Japan intended to start the war and that it would begin at Pearl Harbor. The evidence that poured into American intelligence stations is overpowering. All the broadcasts have one common denominator: none ever reached Admiral Kimmel. . . .�
P. 204: �There is not the slightest reason to believe that JN-25 or any other navy system contained anything that would have forecast the attack.� So says Lt. Cdr. Thos. Dyer, second in command to Rochfort as chief cryptographer at HYPO, in a letter to the author dated 6/4/83. But Station H Japanese radio intercepts make him a liar.
Page 208: Washington sent mutilated summaries to Kimmel in late November and early December. Yes, that is correct. We are talking about physical mutilation. More than 65 summaries were �crudely cut� to omit the information Admiral Kimmel needed. Page 226: On December 5, Tokyo sends two messages that war with U.S. would start on December 7. The messages were decoded immediately but not sent to Pearl.
Page 227-28: Tokyo sends a four part message starting on December 6 to Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura in Washington, severing relations and instructing him to deliver it at 1 pm Sunday, the next day, December 7, which was 7:30 am in Pearl. U.S. intelligence intercepted, decoded and translated the message even before Nomura got it. So FDR, Marshall & Co. knew that at 7:30 am, Japan would take some hostile action. What would you do if you were Army Chief of Staff?
Page 228: Here is what Marshall did, says Robert Stinnett: �Instead of picking up his scrambler telephone and tipping off General Short to the 1:00 P.M. deadline, Marshall sent the warning to Hawaii using a combination of Western Union and RCA, a slower method. . . . It includes a later attempt to distance Pearl Harbor investigators from Marshall and the 1:00 P.M. deadline and involves coercion of a U.S. Army colonel to alter his testimony. It even reaches to post-surrender Germany in 1945 when that colonel, Rufus Bratton, was flagged down on the Berlin Autobahn and persuaded to �modify� evidence against Marshall.�
FDR read all this Saturday night and said: �This means war.� Meanwhile, early Sunday morning, Colonel Bratton, who knew the attack was coming, but didn�t know the fix was in, desperately tried to find his boss, Marshall, who conveniently was out horseback riding. Bratton finally convinced Marshall he needed to go to his office, a ten minute trip. Marshall showed up an hour and fifteen minutes later.
Page 255: The Roberts Commission, named for Supreme Court Associate Justice Owen Roberts, conducted an �investigation.� Remember that the purpose of a federal investigation is to conceal and confuse the subject it is �investigating.� Sure enough, the commission was not allowed to see any evidence. Its report, issued on December 24, 1942, was not the Christmas present Short and Kimmel expected.
It absolved Marshall, another traitor President Stang would have hanged, and blamed Admiral Kimmel and General Short. Admiral James Richardson said: �It is the most unfair, unjust, and deceptively dishonest document ever printed by the Government Printing Office. I cannot conceive of honorable men serving on the commission without greatest regret and deepest feeling of shame.�
Stinnett says that four days after the attack, on December 11, Rear Adm. Leigh Noyes, U.S.N. director of communications, told his subordinates: �Destroy all notes or anything in writing.� Page 256: In 1945, Congress was denied access to those Japanese intercepts that would have proved Roosevelt knew. Admiral Ernest King threatened all Navy personnel who knew anything that, if they talked, they would lose all benefits and be imprisoned.
Page 302: From Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto: on November 25, 1941, To First Air Fleet (Pearl Harbor Attack Force) �The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow. . . .� That was just one of the intercepts.
So what do we have? Franklin Roosevelt was a liar, a swindler, a robber, a traitor and a mass murderer. Notice that after doing everything he could for a couple of years to provoke the Japanese to attack us, he could at least have warned Admiral Kimmel and General Short, who would have acted immediately to save American lives.
He didn�t because he wanted as many killed as possible to overcome the almost unanimous American desire to stay out of the war. Had �not enough� been killed, had not enough damage been done, the attack on Pearl Harbor would not have been sufficiently convincing to qualify as a casus belli; it would have remained what the diplomats call an �incident,� like the Chinese Communist attack on that U.S. Navy plane early in 2001. Again, it is hard for the normal man to understand the Roosevelt mentality. He was obviously a satanic monster who should have been hanged beside Marshall.
The subtitle of this piece says Pearl Harbor proves that Nine Eleven is a fraud. How can something that happened sixty years before Nine Eleven prove it? What elements do they share, other than the odd fact that both enemy attacks killed about the same number of people?
One of the official elements of Nine Eleven says federal collusion in that enemy attack is unthinkable, because to think it would logically enmesh many of the highest officials in our government. Well paid Washington mouthpieces have used that fact to ridicule any hint of collusion. Treason on such a scale is inconceivable, we are told.
But at Pearl Harbor we have the incontrovertible, undeniable fact, even applauded by their supporters, that top government officials � from the President of the United States on down � conspired to attack the United States. When you know that, it becomes perfectly thinkable that a future President could have participated in another such attack. Rather than a reason for derision, it becomes a speculation worth considering if the facts lead in that direction.
Secondly, one of the arguments designed to discredit any speculation about government collusion says that it couldn�t be possible because so many people would need to be involved and someone eventually would talk. There would be too many people in the plot to keep the secret, according to this argument.
But look at all the people we know for sure were involved in the Pearl Harbor conspiracy. On page 318 of the Stinnett book, there is a list of 36 Americans cleared to read all Japanese intercepts in 1941. Many more people were aware of or involved in elements of the conspiracy. No one talked.
Remember, the Navy threatened everyone who could have talked with loss of benefits, even prison. If someone had, who would have listened? Even today, all these years later, even after Robert Stinnett�s vacuum cleaner research, a host of documents are still sequestered. Maybe as many people kept the secret of Pearl as so far have kept the secret of Nine Eleven.
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Here is an example you will recall that proves why premises are so important. There was a time when the four-minute mile was physically �impossible.� A man just couldn�t run that fast. But in the year after medical student Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, thirty seven other runners did so.
Can the excuses! Peel off the slime! Let�s nail the traitors who perpetrated Nine Eleven, whoever they are.
- TonyGosling
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Here we are again at the “day that will live in infamy.” I have a modest thought I have seen nowhere else. Let’s look at the horror again, through the eyes of Robert B. Stinnett, who spent seventeen years going through more than 200,000 documents and interviews about it. His book is Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, New York, Touchstone (S & S), 2001.
It is crucially important to establish who Robert Stinnett is. In the early years after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, through one utterly phony “investigation” after another, Roosevelt’s Socialist idolaters swore up and down that he had known absolutely nothing about it. The possibilities that he knew it was coming and did nothing, or, even worse, that he conspired to arrange it, were labeled psychotic fantasies only a psychiatrist could call serious.......
It is crucially important to establish who Robert Stinnett is. In the early years after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, through one utterly phony “investigation” after another, Roosevelt’s Socialist idolaters swore up and down that he had known absolutely nothing about it. The possibilities that he knew it was coming and did nothing, or, even worse, that he conspired to arrange it, were labeled psychotic fantasies only a psychiatrist could call serious.......
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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Do you want a discussion on Pearl Harbour or not?
Newspeak International wrote:Thanks for editing my thread again Tony,though I thought it "a given" that people already know the significance,and historical context of Pearl Harbor.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
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Robert B. Stinnett talking about the lead up to the Pearl Harbor event:
Treason at Pearl Harbor
Robert B. Stinnett, World War II Pacific US Navy veteran and author of Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, discusses the treason of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in approving a policy to force Japan into striking first and deliberately allowing their navy to strike ours at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
MP3 here. (43:10)
Bonus: Charles Goyette’s Interview of Stinnett from last December 7th. (14:55)
Robert B. Stinnett is a Media Fellow at The Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and author of George Bush: The War Years and Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor. See the Independent Institute’s Pearl Harbor resources page here.
Treason at Pearl Harbor
Robert B. Stinnett, World War II Pacific US Navy veteran and author of Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, discusses the treason of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in approving a policy to force Japan into striking first and deliberately allowing their navy to strike ours at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
MP3 here. (43:10)
Bonus: Charles Goyette’s Interview of Stinnett from last December 7th. (14:55)
Robert B. Stinnett is a Media Fellow at The Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and author of George Bush: The War Years and Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor. See the Independent Institute’s Pearl Harbor resources page here.
- TonyGosling
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"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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More Evidence of Prior Knowledge of Pearl Harbor Attack ... or-attack/ - April 17, 2012
Lovely picture!
The debate over why we should or shouldn’t have gone to war in World War 2 is understandable. Hitler posed a major threat–could he have invaded outside of Europe and/or become a tyrannical dictator of the continent had we not intervened? It’s possible.
However, there is more than enough evidence to begin a debate on the subject and acquire a skeptical eye to the statements and actions of our government.
If they faked one attack, could they have faked others?
via The Telegraph
It was described by President Franklin D.Roosevelt as “a date that will live in infamy”, a day on which the slaughter of 2,400 US troops drew America into Second World War and changed the course of history.
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan’s devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to “open conflict.”
The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.
“In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii,” stated the 26-page memo.
Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled “Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States,” it flagged up Japan’s surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined “Methods of Operation and Points of Attack.”
It noted details of possible subversives in Hawaii, where nearly 40 per cent of inhabitants were of Japanese origin, and of how Japanese consulates on America’s west coast had been gathering information on American naval and air forces. Japan’s Naval Inspector’s Office, it stated, was “primarily interested in obtaining detailed technical information which could be used to advantage by the Japanese Navy.”
“Much information of a military and naval nature has been obtained,” it stated, describing it as being “of a general nature” but including records relating to the movement of US warships.
The memo, now held at the Franklin D.Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in upstate New York, has sat unpublicised since its declassification 26 years ago. Its contents are revealed by historian Craig Shirley in his new book “December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World.”
Three days after the warning was delivered to the White House, hundreds of Japanese aircraft operating from six aircraft carriers unleashed a surprise strike on the US Navy’s base at Pearl Harbour, wiping out American battleships, destroyers and air installations. A total of 2,459 US personnel were killed and 1,282 injured.
Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that Roosevelt deliberately ignored intelligence of an imminent attack in Hawaii, suggesting that he allowed it to happen so that he would then have a legitimate reason for declaring war on Japan. Up to that point, public and political opinion had been against America’s entry into what was seen largely as a European war, despite Roosevelt’s private support for the Allies’ fight against the so-called Axis – Germany, Italy and Japan. ... or-attack/ - April 17, 2012
Lovely picture!
The debate over why we should or shouldn’t have gone to war in World War 2 is understandable. Hitler posed a major threat–could he have invaded outside of Europe and/or become a tyrannical dictator of the continent had we not intervened? It’s possible.
However, there is more than enough evidence to begin a debate on the subject and acquire a skeptical eye to the statements and actions of our government.
If they faked one attack, could they have faked others?
via The Telegraph
It was described by President Franklin D.Roosevelt as “a date that will live in infamy”, a day on which the slaughter of 2,400 US troops drew America into Second World War and changed the course of history.
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan’s devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to “open conflict.”
The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.
“In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii,” stated the 26-page memo.
Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled “Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States,” it flagged up Japan’s surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined “Methods of Operation and Points of Attack.”
It noted details of possible subversives in Hawaii, where nearly 40 per cent of inhabitants were of Japanese origin, and of how Japanese consulates on America’s west coast had been gathering information on American naval and air forces. Japan’s Naval Inspector’s Office, it stated, was “primarily interested in obtaining detailed technical information which could be used to advantage by the Japanese Navy.”
“Much information of a military and naval nature has been obtained,” it stated, describing it as being “of a general nature” but including records relating to the movement of US warships.
The memo, now held at the Franklin D.Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in upstate New York, has sat unpublicised since its declassification 26 years ago. Its contents are revealed by historian Craig Shirley in his new book “December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World.”
Three days after the warning was delivered to the White House, hundreds of Japanese aircraft operating from six aircraft carriers unleashed a surprise strike on the US Navy’s base at Pearl Harbour, wiping out American battleships, destroyers and air installations. A total of 2,459 US personnel were killed and 1,282 injured.
Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that Roosevelt deliberately ignored intelligence of an imminent attack in Hawaii, suggesting that he allowed it to happen so that he would then have a legitimate reason for declaring war on Japan. Up to that point, public and political opinion had been against America’s entry into what was seen largely as a European war, despite Roosevelt’s private support for the Allies’ fight against the so-called Axis – Germany, Italy and Japan.
TonyGosling wrote:10. Churchill did not warn the Americans about the impending Pearl Harbor attack [the US authorities knew too but still did not warn their military personnel in Hawaii; see Rusbridger, J. and Nave, E. (1991), Betrayal at Pearl Harbor. How Churchill Lured Roosevelt into World War II (Summit, New York)].
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
On the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbour, the attack that propelled America into the Second World War, a declassified memo shows that Japanese surprise attack was expected. ... ttack.html
By Jacqui Goddard in Miami
8:00AM GMT 04 Dec 2011
It was described by President Franklin D.Roosevelt as "a date that will live in infamy", a day on which the slaughter of 2,400 US troops drew America into Second World War and changed the course of history.
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."
The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.
"In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii," stated the 26-page memo.
Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
It noted details of possible subversives in Hawaii, where nearly 40 per cent of inhabitants were of Japanese origin, and of how Japanese consulates on America's west coast had been gathering information on American naval and air forces. Japan's Naval Inspector's Office, it stated, was "primarily interested in obtaining detailed technical information which could be used to advantage by the Japanese Navy."
"Much information of a military and naval nature has been obtained," it stated, describing it as being "of a general nature" but including records relating to the movement of US warships.
The memo, now held at the Franklin D.Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in upstate New York, has sat unpublicised since its declassification 26 years ago. Its contents are revealed by historian Craig Shirley in his new book "December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World."
Three days after the warning was delivered to the White House, hundreds of Japanese aircraft operating from six aircraft carriers unleashed a surprise strike on the US Navy's base at Pearl Harbour, wiping out American battleships, destroyers and air installations. A total of 2,459 US personnel were killed and 1,282 injured.
Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that Roosevelt deliberately ignored intelligence of an imminent attack in Hawaii, suggesting that he allowed it to happen so that he would then have a legitimate reason for declaring war on Japan. Up to that point, public and political opinion had been against America's entry into what was seen largely as a European war, despite Roosevelt's private support for the Allies' fight against the so-called Axis - Germany, Italy and Japan.
But Mr Shirley said: "Based on all my research, I believe that neither Roosevelt nor anybody in his government, the Navy or the War Department knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbour. There was no conspiracy.
"This memo is further evidence that they believed the Japanese were contemplating a military action of some sort, but they were kind of in denial because they didn't think anybody would be as audacious to move an army thousands of miles across the Pacific, stop to refuel, then move on to Hawaii to make a strike like this."
As with the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, US leadership was guilty of a "failure of imagination" in its inability to translate warning signs into a specific prediction of the horror that lay ahead, he said.
Roosevelt declared war on Japan the day after the blitz on Pearl Harbour. Japan, Germany and Italy reciprocated with their own declarations, but America's involvement in the war turned the tide against the Axis powers and ultimately led the Allies to victory.
Americans, who a year previously had been assured by Roosevelt that they would not be sent to fight foreign wars, suddenly found their fates transformed. The US military swelled, with 16 million heading off to war, and women took on new and more widespread roles in the workforce, and in the military.
Washington became a global power base and the War Powers Act gave the president supreme executive authority. The "America First" movement, which had lobbied against the country's entry into the war and at its peak had 800,000 members, disbanded within days.
"December 7, 1941, was the powder-keg that changed the world. It changed America instantly from an isolationist country on the morning of December 7 to an internationalist country on the morning of December 8," said Mr Shirley.
The 70th anniversary of the tragedy at Pearl Harbour is being marked with a week of commemorative events in Hawaii. They culminate on Wednesday in a minute's silence and a ceremony of remembrance overlooking the wreck site of the USS Arizona, which sank with the loss of 1,177 lives.
Of the 29,000 survivors who joined the Pearl Harbour Survivors Association following its foundation in 1958, only ten per cent are still alive, most aged in their late 80s and beyond. With so few left, and most unable to travel to reunions or help with the group's administration, the PHSA will close down after the anniversary.
"It's going to be a poignant moment. Sooner or later we're all going to be gone," said Duane Reyelts of St Augustine, Florida, who was a 19-year-old signalman aboard the USS Oklahoma when it was bombed at Pearl Harbour.
He will turn 90 later this month, but still has vivid memories of waking in his bunk after working the midnight watch, when the ship's warning system sprang to life with the order: "All hands man your battle stations."
Seconds later, a torpedo hit with a thunderous explosion. He could hear vast amounts of water pouring in below, and eight more torpedoes. The ship turned over, forcing him to scramble up a wall to escape.
"I happened to be small enough to get out of a porthole. When I got out, I was sitting on the bottom of the ship and I couldn't believe what I was seeing: planes were attacking and the whole harbour seemed to be on fire. Bodies in the water, smoke, screams." he said.
He hesitated to jump in the water, but had no choice as a stream of machine-gun fire rained around him from the aircraft overhead. He swam to the USS Maryland, where he joined a line of sailors hauling ammunition.
"The Navy and armed forces must have had notification that something could happen; being a signalman on the bridge and being on lookout, that was something we were told - if you see a periscope out there, it may not be ours. But we never really imagined an assault of this nature," he said.
He will re-tell his story once more during a remembrance service aboard a US Navy vessel on Wednesday, when the ashes of Pearl Harbour veterans who have died during the last year will be scattered at sea.
"Those of us who are left try to tell our stories as much as possible, not just for history's sake but because America needs to be kept alert today," he said. "America needs to remember the lessons of Pearl Harbour."
On the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbour, the attack that propelled America into the Second World War, a declassified memo shows that Japanese surprise attack was expected. ... ttack.html
By Jacqui Goddard in Miami
8:00AM GMT 04 Dec 2011
It was described by President Franklin D.Roosevelt as "a date that will live in infamy", a day on which the slaughter of 2,400 US troops drew America into Second World War and changed the course of history.
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."
The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.
"In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii," stated the 26-page memo.
Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
It noted details of possible subversives in Hawaii, where nearly 40 per cent of inhabitants were of Japanese origin, and of how Japanese consulates on America's west coast had been gathering information on American naval and air forces. Japan's Naval Inspector's Office, it stated, was "primarily interested in obtaining detailed technical information which could be used to advantage by the Japanese Navy."
"Much information of a military and naval nature has been obtained," it stated, describing it as being "of a general nature" but including records relating to the movement of US warships.
The memo, now held at the Franklin D.Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in upstate New York, has sat unpublicised since its declassification 26 years ago. Its contents are revealed by historian Craig Shirley in his new book "December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World."
Three days after the warning was delivered to the White House, hundreds of Japanese aircraft operating from six aircraft carriers unleashed a surprise strike on the US Navy's base at Pearl Harbour, wiping out American battleships, destroyers and air installations. A total of 2,459 US personnel were killed and 1,282 injured.
Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that Roosevelt deliberately ignored intelligence of an imminent attack in Hawaii, suggesting that he allowed it to happen so that he would then have a legitimate reason for declaring war on Japan. Up to that point, public and political opinion had been against America's entry into what was seen largely as a European war, despite Roosevelt's private support for the Allies' fight against the so-called Axis - Germany, Italy and Japan.
But Mr Shirley said: "Based on all my research, I believe that neither Roosevelt nor anybody in his government, the Navy or the War Department knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbour. There was no conspiracy.
"This memo is further evidence that they believed the Japanese were contemplating a military action of some sort, but they were kind of in denial because they didn't think anybody would be as audacious to move an army thousands of miles across the Pacific, stop to refuel, then move on to Hawaii to make a strike like this."
As with the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, US leadership was guilty of a "failure of imagination" in its inability to translate warning signs into a specific prediction of the horror that lay ahead, he said.
Roosevelt declared war on Japan the day after the blitz on Pearl Harbour. Japan, Germany and Italy reciprocated with their own declarations, but America's involvement in the war turned the tide against the Axis powers and ultimately led the Allies to victory.
Americans, who a year previously had been assured by Roosevelt that they would not be sent to fight foreign wars, suddenly found their fates transformed. The US military swelled, with 16 million heading off to war, and women took on new and more widespread roles in the workforce, and in the military.
Washington became a global power base and the War Powers Act gave the president supreme executive authority. The "America First" movement, which had lobbied against the country's entry into the war and at its peak had 800,000 members, disbanded within days.
"December 7, 1941, was the powder-keg that changed the world. It changed America instantly from an isolationist country on the morning of December 7 to an internationalist country on the morning of December 8," said Mr Shirley.
The 70th anniversary of the tragedy at Pearl Harbour is being marked with a week of commemorative events in Hawaii. They culminate on Wednesday in a minute's silence and a ceremony of remembrance overlooking the wreck site of the USS Arizona, which sank with the loss of 1,177 lives.
Of the 29,000 survivors who joined the Pearl Harbour Survivors Association following its foundation in 1958, only ten per cent are still alive, most aged in their late 80s and beyond. With so few left, and most unable to travel to reunions or help with the group's administration, the PHSA will close down after the anniversary.
"It's going to be a poignant moment. Sooner or later we're all going to be gone," said Duane Reyelts of St Augustine, Florida, who was a 19-year-old signalman aboard the USS Oklahoma when it was bombed at Pearl Harbour.
He will turn 90 later this month, but still has vivid memories of waking in his bunk after working the midnight watch, when the ship's warning system sprang to life with the order: "All hands man your battle stations."
Seconds later, a torpedo hit with a thunderous explosion. He could hear vast amounts of water pouring in below, and eight more torpedoes. The ship turned over, forcing him to scramble up a wall to escape.
"I happened to be small enough to get out of a porthole. When I got out, I was sitting on the bottom of the ship and I couldn't believe what I was seeing: planes were attacking and the whole harbour seemed to be on fire. Bodies in the water, smoke, screams." he said.
He hesitated to jump in the water, but had no choice as a stream of machine-gun fire rained around him from the aircraft overhead. He swam to the USS Maryland, where he joined a line of sailors hauling ammunition.
"The Navy and armed forces must have had notification that something could happen; being a signalman on the bridge and being on lookout, that was something we were told - if you see a periscope out there, it may not be ours. But we never really imagined an assault of this nature," he said.
He will re-tell his story once more during a remembrance service aboard a US Navy vessel on Wednesday, when the ashes of Pearl Harbour veterans who have died during the last year will be scattered at sea.
"Those of us who are left try to tell our stories as much as possible, not just for history's sake but because America needs to be kept alert today," he said. "America needs to remember the lessons of Pearl Harbour."
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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A Pearl Harbor Timeline
December 7, 2004
The following is a timeline of selected events leading up to, and following, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
The USS Shaw was destroyed when its magazine detonated in a huge explosion.
A Final Struggle over the Pearl Harbor Attack
July: Japan invades North China from Manchuria.
July: U.S. imposes trade sanctions, followed by an embargo, aimed at curbing Japan's military aggression in Asia.
January: Adm. Yamamoto begins communicating with other Japanese officers about a possible attack on Pearl Harbor.
Jan. 27: Joseph C. Grew, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, wires Washington that he has learned that Japan is planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. No one in Washington believes the information. Most senior American military experts believe the Japanese would attack Manila in the Philippine Islands if war broke out.
February: Adm. Husband E. Kimmel assumes command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. Kimmel and Lt. Gen.Walter C. Short, commanding general of the Hawaiian Department, prepare for the defense of the islands. They ask their seniors in Washington for additional men and equipment to insure a proper defense of military instillations.
April: U.S. intelligence officers continue to monitor Japanese secret messages. In a program code-named Magic, U.S. intelligence uses a machine to decode Japan's diplomatic dispatches. Washington does not communicate all the available information to all commands, including Short and Kimmel in Hawaii.
May: Japanese Adm. Nomura informs his superiors that he has learned Americans were reading his message traffic. No one in Tokyo believes the code could have been broken. The code is not changed.
July: Throughout the summer, Adm. Yamamoto trains his forces and finalizes the planning of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Sept. 24: The "bomb plot" message from Japanese naval intelligence to Japan's consul general in Honolulu requesting a grid of exact locations of ships in Pearl Harbor is deciphered. The information is not shared with the Hawaii's Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short.
November: Tokyo sends an experienced diplomat to Washington as a special envoy to assist Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura, who continues to seek a diplomatic solution.
Japan wants the U.S. to agree to its southern expansion in Asia diplomatically but if those efforts were unsuccessful, Japan was prepared to go to war.
Nov. 16: Submarines, the first units involved in the attack, depart Japan.
Nov. 26: The main body, aircraft carriers and escorts, begin the transit to Hawaii.
Nov. 27: Kimmel and Short receive a so-called "war warning" from Washington indicating a Japanese attack, possibly on an American target in the Pacific, is likely.
Night of Dec. 6, Morning of Dec. 7: U.S. intelligence decodes a message pointing to Sunday morning as a deadline for some kind of Japanese action. The message is delivered to the Washington high command before 9 a.m. Washington time, more than 4 hours before the attack on Pearl Harbor. But the message is not forwarded to the Pearl Harbor commanders and finally arrives only after the attack has begun.
At 0755, Hawaiian time, the first wave of Japanese aircraft begin the attack. Along with the ships in Pearl Harbor, the air stations at Hickam, Wheeler, Ford Island, Kaneohe and Ewa Field are attacked.
The Japanese attack continues for two hours and 20 minutes. When it's over, more than 2,400 Americans are dead and nearly 1,200 wounded. Eighteen ships have been sunk or damaged. More than 300 aircraft are damaged or destroyed.
Dec. 8: President Roosevelt addresses Congress and asks for a declaration of war against Japan, which he receives.
Dec. 16: Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short are relieved of their commands.
January: The Roberts Commission appointed by President Roosevelt finds Kimmel and Short in dereliction of duty and solely responsible for the Pearl Harbor disaster.
January: Capt. Laurence Safford, the Navy's former chief cryptographer, discovers that officials in Washington withheld secret information from Kimmel and Short.
October: A Naval Court of Inquiry finds Kimmel had not been derelict but had acted appropriately given what he knew. The Chief of Naval Operations overrules the court, saying if Kimmel had done aerial reconnaissance he might have discovered the Japanese fleet just 250 miles off Hawaii.
December: A Defense Department investigation finds others share the responsibility with Kimmel and Short for the Pearl Harbor disaster. It does not say who those "others" are.
An amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act of 2001 finds Kimmel and Short acted competently and professionally and urges the president to restore the officers to their highest WWII rank. ... Id=4206060
December 7, 2004
The following is a timeline of selected events leading up to, and following, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
The USS Shaw was destroyed when its magazine detonated in a huge explosion.
A Final Struggle over the Pearl Harbor Attack
July: Japan invades North China from Manchuria.
July: U.S. imposes trade sanctions, followed by an embargo, aimed at curbing Japan's military aggression in Asia.
January: Adm. Yamamoto begins communicating with other Japanese officers about a possible attack on Pearl Harbor.
Jan. 27: Joseph C. Grew, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, wires Washington that he has learned that Japan is planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. No one in Washington believes the information. Most senior American military experts believe the Japanese would attack Manila in the Philippine Islands if war broke out.
February: Adm. Husband E. Kimmel assumes command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. Kimmel and Lt. Gen.Walter C. Short, commanding general of the Hawaiian Department, prepare for the defense of the islands. They ask their seniors in Washington for additional men and equipment to insure a proper defense of military instillations.
April: U.S. intelligence officers continue to monitor Japanese secret messages. In a program code-named Magic, U.S. intelligence uses a machine to decode Japan's diplomatic dispatches. Washington does not communicate all the available information to all commands, including Short and Kimmel in Hawaii.
May: Japanese Adm. Nomura informs his superiors that he has learned Americans were reading his message traffic. No one in Tokyo believes the code could have been broken. The code is not changed.
July: Throughout the summer, Adm. Yamamoto trains his forces and finalizes the planning of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Sept. 24: The "bomb plot" message from Japanese naval intelligence to Japan's consul general in Honolulu requesting a grid of exact locations of ships in Pearl Harbor is deciphered. The information is not shared with the Hawaii's Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short.
November: Tokyo sends an experienced diplomat to Washington as a special envoy to assist Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura, who continues to seek a diplomatic solution.
Japan wants the U.S. to agree to its southern expansion in Asia diplomatically but if those efforts were unsuccessful, Japan was prepared to go to war.
Nov. 16: Submarines, the first units involved in the attack, depart Japan.
Nov. 26: The main body, aircraft carriers and escorts, begin the transit to Hawaii.
Nov. 27: Kimmel and Short receive a so-called "war warning" from Washington indicating a Japanese attack, possibly on an American target in the Pacific, is likely.
Night of Dec. 6, Morning of Dec. 7: U.S. intelligence decodes a message pointing to Sunday morning as a deadline for some kind of Japanese action. The message is delivered to the Washington high command before 9 a.m. Washington time, more than 4 hours before the attack on Pearl Harbor. But the message is not forwarded to the Pearl Harbor commanders and finally arrives only after the attack has begun.
At 0755, Hawaiian time, the first wave of Japanese aircraft begin the attack. Along with the ships in Pearl Harbor, the air stations at Hickam, Wheeler, Ford Island, Kaneohe and Ewa Field are attacked.
The Japanese attack continues for two hours and 20 minutes. When it's over, more than 2,400 Americans are dead and nearly 1,200 wounded. Eighteen ships have been sunk or damaged. More than 300 aircraft are damaged or destroyed.
Dec. 8: President Roosevelt addresses Congress and asks for a declaration of war against Japan, which he receives.
Dec. 16: Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short are relieved of their commands.
January: The Roberts Commission appointed by President Roosevelt finds Kimmel and Short in dereliction of duty and solely responsible for the Pearl Harbor disaster.
January: Capt. Laurence Safford, the Navy's former chief cryptographer, discovers that officials in Washington withheld secret information from Kimmel and Short.
October: A Naval Court of Inquiry finds Kimmel had not been derelict but had acted appropriately given what he knew. The Chief of Naval Operations overrules the court, saying if Kimmel had done aerial reconnaissance he might have discovered the Japanese fleet just 250 miles off Hawaii.
December: A Defense Department investigation finds others share the responsibility with Kimmel and Short for the Pearl Harbor disaster. It does not say who those "others" are.
An amendment to the Defense Appropriations Act of 2001 finds Kimmel and Short acted competently and professionally and urges the president to restore the officers to their highest WWII rank. ... Id=4206060
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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The American and British Governments Knew – Down to the Day – of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor … And Let It Happen to Justify American Entry Into WWII ... -wwii.html
Posted on October 15, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Military Officers and Code Breakers Speak Out … On Camera
Preface: We don’t contest that World War II was – in many ways – a “good war”.
The Nazis, imperial Japanese and fascist Italians were nasty folks trying to take over the world, who brutalized millions within their own borders and in the nations they occupied.
But a full and honest account of World War II shows that some big American banks funded the Nazis. And America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan when top U.S. military officials said it wasn’t needed.
And – as shown below – we probably knew about the coming Pearl Harbor attack, but let it happen to justify America’s entry into World War II.
The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). The rationale for this provocation is that the U.S. wanted to aid its allies in fighting the Nazis and other axis powers, and decided that an attack by Japan would be the most advantageous justification for the U.S. to enter WWII.
Moreover, Honolulu newspapers warned of a possible attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor:
Indeed, as the following must-watch BBC documentary – with interviews with many of the main players, including military officers and code-breakers – shows, the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II:
And see this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points. (The historian, Robert B. Stinnett, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind).
Active Interference with Military’s Ability to Defend
It has also recently been discovered that the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that the Japanese attack would be successful. These steps included taking extraordinary measures to hide information from the commanders in Hawaii about the location of Japanese war ships (information of which they would normally be informed), denying their requests to allow them to scout for Japanese ships, and other actions to blind the commanders in Hawaii so that the attacks would succeed. See, for example, this book (page 186).
Key Military Players Incommunicado
In addition, the heads of the Army and Navy suddenly disappeared and remained unreachable on the night before Pearl Harbor. And they would later testify over and over that they “couldn’t remember” where they were (pages 320 and 335).
Gagging Whistleblowers
Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, the Navy classified all documents top secret, and the Navy Director of Communications sent a memo ordering all commanders to “destroy all notes or anything in writing” related to the attacks. More importantly, all radio operators and cryptographers were gagged on threat of imprisonment and loss of all benefits. (page 256).
Scapegoating and Labels of “Conspiracy Theory”
The commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were scapegoated as being the cause for the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor (they were recently cleared by Congress).
And, according to a statement made to me privately by a leading Pearl Harbor scholar, the government repeatedly denied foreknowledge and labeled anyone who discussed the military’s prior knowledge of the attacks as a nutty conspiracy theorist.
Media Complicity
Amazingly, the Army’s Chief of Staff informed the Washington bureau chiefs of the major newspapers and magazines of the impending attacks before they occurred, and swore them to an oath of secrecy, which the media honored (page 361); and listen to interview here (we personally spent an hour speaking with Stinnett, and find him to be a highly credible and patriotic American.)
Postscript: Coincidentally, Philip Zelikow – the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, the administration insider whose area of expertise is the creation and maintenance of “public myths” thought to be true, even if not actually true, who controlled what the 9/11 Commission did and did not analyze, then limited the scope of the Commission’s inquiry so that the overwhelming majority of questions about 9/11 remained unasked - also happened to be the main guy defending the alleged unforeseeablity of the Pearl Harbor attack, who wrote a hit piece on Pearl Harbor historians like Stinnett.
It has been proven that 9/11 was entirely foreseeable and yet – unexplainably – all of the key military players just happen to have been unavailable and out of the loop when they were needed (and see this).
But that’s just an interesting coincidence, because countries never use false pretenses to launch wars. Well, almost never, especially when it involves the innocent killing of our own people. ... -wwii.html ... -wwii.html
Posted on October 15, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Military Officers and Code Breakers Speak Out … On Camera
Preface: We don’t contest that World War II was – in many ways – a “good war”.
The Nazis, imperial Japanese and fascist Italians were nasty folks trying to take over the world, who brutalized millions within their own borders and in the nations they occupied.
But a full and honest account of World War II shows that some big American banks funded the Nazis. And America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan when top U.S. military officials said it wasn’t needed.
And – as shown below – we probably knew about the coming Pearl Harbor attack, but let it happen to justify America’s entry into World War II.
The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). The rationale for this provocation is that the U.S. wanted to aid its allies in fighting the Nazis and other axis powers, and decided that an attack by Japan would be the most advantageous justification for the U.S. to enter WWII.
Moreover, Honolulu newspapers warned of a possible attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor:
Indeed, as the following must-watch BBC documentary – with interviews with many of the main players, including military officers and code-breakers – shows, the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II:
And see this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points. (The historian, Robert B. Stinnett, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind).
Active Interference with Military’s Ability to Defend
It has also recently been discovered that the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that the Japanese attack would be successful. These steps included taking extraordinary measures to hide information from the commanders in Hawaii about the location of Japanese war ships (information of which they would normally be informed), denying their requests to allow them to scout for Japanese ships, and other actions to blind the commanders in Hawaii so that the attacks would succeed. See, for example, this book (page 186).
Key Military Players Incommunicado
In addition, the heads of the Army and Navy suddenly disappeared and remained unreachable on the night before Pearl Harbor. And they would later testify over and over that they “couldn’t remember” where they were (pages 320 and 335).
Gagging Whistleblowers
Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, the Navy classified all documents top secret, and the Navy Director of Communications sent a memo ordering all commanders to “destroy all notes or anything in writing” related to the attacks. More importantly, all radio operators and cryptographers were gagged on threat of imprisonment and loss of all benefits. (page 256).
Scapegoating and Labels of “Conspiracy Theory”
The commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were scapegoated as being the cause for the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor (they were recently cleared by Congress).
And, according to a statement made to me privately by a leading Pearl Harbor scholar, the government repeatedly denied foreknowledge and labeled anyone who discussed the military’s prior knowledge of the attacks as a nutty conspiracy theorist.
Media Complicity
Amazingly, the Army’s Chief of Staff informed the Washington bureau chiefs of the major newspapers and magazines of the impending attacks before they occurred, and swore them to an oath of secrecy, which the media honored (page 361); and listen to interview here (we personally spent an hour speaking with Stinnett, and find him to be a highly credible and patriotic American.)
Postscript: Coincidentally, Philip Zelikow – the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, the administration insider whose area of expertise is the creation and maintenance of “public myths” thought to be true, even if not actually true, who controlled what the 9/11 Commission did and did not analyze, then limited the scope of the Commission’s inquiry so that the overwhelming majority of questions about 9/11 remained unasked - also happened to be the main guy defending the alleged unforeseeablity of the Pearl Harbor attack, who wrote a hit piece on Pearl Harbor historians like Stinnett.
It has been proven that 9/11 was entirely foreseeable and yet – unexplainably – all of the key military players just happen to have been unavailable and out of the loop when they were needed (and see this).
But that’s just an interesting coincidence, because countries never use false pretenses to launch wars. Well, almost never, especially when it involves the innocent killing of our own people. ... -wwii.html
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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- Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:03 pm
- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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further evidence!
21 Dec 1941: K XVII is struck by a mine while she is exiting the Gulf of Siam. K XVII and all of her 36 hands are lost. She sailed right into a Japanese line of mines, this line of mines also sunk the submarine O 16.
Or was she?
From Op. JB by Christopher Creighton - aka. John Ainsworth-Davies
Simon and Schuster
ISBN 0-684-81786-1
The K-XVII Incident
The decision to destroy the Dutch submarine K-XVII was taken for the following reasons.
On 28 November 1941, when Commander Besançon sighted the Japanese fleet apparently heading for Pearl Harbour, he promptly signalled in code to the Commander-in-Chief, Royal Navy Far Eastern Command, under whose authority the Dutch were operating. His message was intercepted by the M Section code and cypher office in Singapore. Within hours, copies of the signal arrived in Washington for the eyes of General Donovan only, and in London, for Major Desmond Morton. Both men informed their masters, Roosevelt and Churchill. All four already knew of the planned attack on Pearl Harbour, and all had prayed that it would come about.
At that time, eighty per cent of the American people were vehemently isolationist, and against war with either Japan or Germany. If Roosevelt declared war on Japan without any attack on American assets, the odds were that he would have been impeached. Conversely - as Donovan and Morton had secretly agreed - if America stayed out of the war, the Japanese would be left virtually unopposed to ravage India, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries in the Pacific and Indian oceans. To liberate such countries later might well have proved impossible. Besides, Britain and her allies desperately needed American help against Germany - and if the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was certain that America would come into the war.
Yet if the British and American supremos knew of the impending attack, why had the American forces in Pearl Harbour not been put on full alert? And why were the u.s. warships not ordered to sea, where they would have been much safer, and able to fight back? Professional opinion of the day believed that the base could be successfully defended. So why was nothing done?
The answer is simple. In Hawaii there were thousands of Japanese expatriates. Most were fiercely loyal to their adopted country, but a sizeable minority were not, and some of these had been spying for their homeland. Also, the Japanese Consulate¬ General was hyperactive. Had the base been put on full alert, Japanese High Command would have learnt about it in a few hours. The attack would have been cancelled by order of Emperor Hirohito, who had insisted that the assault be a complete surprise. Roosevelt would have lost his pretext for bringing America into the war, with disastrous results for the Allies.
What had all this to do with K-XVII? The connection is clear. If ever it became public that Roosevelt and Churchill had known of the plan to attack Pearl Harbour, and had done nothing to forestall it, not only their careers, but quite probably the whole alliance, would have foundered. The Japanese would have been free to conquer and pillage.
The ship's company of K-XVII knew they had sighted the Japanese fleet and reported it to the highest authority. No matter how well-intentioned, such witnesses could prove dangerous. The - Allied secret intelligence chiefs therefore decided that no risk could be taken, and the Dutch submariners were silenced.
21 Dec 1941: K XVII is struck by a mine while she is exiting the Gulf of Siam. K XVII and all of her 36 hands are lost. She sailed right into a Japanese line of mines, this line of mines also sunk the submarine O 16.
Or was she?
From Op. JB by Christopher Creighton - aka. John Ainsworth-Davies
Simon and Schuster
ISBN 0-684-81786-1
The K-XVII Incident
The decision to destroy the Dutch submarine K-XVII was taken for the following reasons.
On 28 November 1941, when Commander Besançon sighted the Japanese fleet apparently heading for Pearl Harbour, he promptly signalled in code to the Commander-in-Chief, Royal Navy Far Eastern Command, under whose authority the Dutch were operating. His message was intercepted by the M Section code and cypher office in Singapore. Within hours, copies of the signal arrived in Washington for the eyes of General Donovan only, and in London, for Major Desmond Morton. Both men informed their masters, Roosevelt and Churchill. All four already knew of the planned attack on Pearl Harbour, and all had prayed that it would come about.
At that time, eighty per cent of the American people were vehemently isolationist, and against war with either Japan or Germany. If Roosevelt declared war on Japan without any attack on American assets, the odds were that he would have been impeached. Conversely - as Donovan and Morton had secretly agreed - if America stayed out of the war, the Japanese would be left virtually unopposed to ravage India, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries in the Pacific and Indian oceans. To liberate such countries later might well have proved impossible. Besides, Britain and her allies desperately needed American help against Germany - and if the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was certain that America would come into the war.
Yet if the British and American supremos knew of the impending attack, why had the American forces in Pearl Harbour not been put on full alert? And why were the u.s. warships not ordered to sea, where they would have been much safer, and able to fight back? Professional opinion of the day believed that the base could be successfully defended. So why was nothing done?
The answer is simple. In Hawaii there were thousands of Japanese expatriates. Most were fiercely loyal to their adopted country, but a sizeable minority were not, and some of these had been spying for their homeland. Also, the Japanese Consulate¬ General was hyperactive. Had the base been put on full alert, Japanese High Command would have learnt about it in a few hours. The attack would have been cancelled by order of Emperor Hirohito, who had insisted that the assault be a complete surprise. Roosevelt would have lost his pretext for bringing America into the war, with disastrous results for the Allies.
What had all this to do with K-XVII? The connection is clear. If ever it became public that Roosevelt and Churchill had known of the plan to attack Pearl Harbour, and had done nothing to forestall it, not only their careers, but quite probably the whole alliance, would have foundered. The Japanese would have been free to conquer and pillage.
The ship's company of K-XVII knew they had sighted the Japanese fleet and reported it to the highest authority. No matter how well-intentioned, such witnesses could prove dangerous. The - Allied secret intelligence chiefs therefore decided that no risk could be taken, and the Dutch submariners were silenced.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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The American and British Governments Knew – Down to the Day – of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor … And Let It Happen
by George Washington
Oct 15, 2012 3:15 PM ... ttack-pear
Preface: We don’t contest that World War II was – in many ways – a “good war”.
The Nazis, imperial Japanese and fascist Italians were nasty folks trying to take over the world, who brutalized millions within their own borders and in the nations they occupied.
But a full an honest account of World War II shows that some big American banks funded the Nazis. And America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan when top U.S. military officials said it wasn’t needed.
And – as shown below – we probably knew about the coming Pearl Harbor attack, but let it happen to justify America’s entry into World War II.
The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). The rationale for this provocation is that the U.S. wanted to aid its allies in fighting the Nazis and other axis powers, and decided that an attack by Japan would be the most advantageous justification for the U.S. to enter WWII.
Moreover, Honolulu newspapers warned of a possible attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor:
SMALL pearlharborwarning The American and British Government Knew Down to the Day of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor ... And Let It Happen to Justify American Entry Into WWII
Indeed, as the following must-watch BBC documentary – with interviews with many of the main players, including military officers and code-breakers – shows, the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II:
And see this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points. (The historian, Robert B. Stinnett, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind).
Active Interference with Military’s Ability to Defend
It has also recently been discovered that the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that the Japanese attack would be successful. These steps included taking extraordinary measures to hide information from the commanders in Hawaii about the location of Japanese war ships (information of which they would normally be informed), denying their requests to allow them to scout for Japanese ships, and other actions to blind the commanders in Hawaii so that the attacks would succeed. See, for example, this book (page 186).
Key Military Players Incommunicado
In addition, the heads of the Army and Navy suddenly disappeared and remained unreachable on the night before Pearl Harbor. And they would later testify over and over that they “couldn’t remember” where they were (pages 320 and 335).
Gagging Whistleblowers
Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, the Navy classified all documents top secret, and the Navy Director of Communications sent a memo ordering all commanders to “destroy all notes or anything in writing” related to the attacks. More importantly, all radio operators and cryptographers were gagged on threat of imprisonment and loss of all benefits. (page 256).
Scapegoating and Labels of “Conspiracy Theory”
The commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were scapegoated as being the cause for the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor (they were recently cleared by Congress).
And, according to a statement made to me privately by a leading Pearl Harbor scholar, the government repeatedly denied foreknowledge and labeled anyone who discussed the military’s prior knowledge of the attacks as a nutty conspiracy theorist.
Media Complicity
Amazingly, the Army’s Chief of Staff informed the Washington bureau chiefs of the major newspapers and magazines of the impending attacks before they occurred, and swore them to an oath of secrecy, which the media honored (page 361); and listen to interview here (we personally spent an hour speaking with Stinnett, and find him to be a highly credible and patriotic American.)
Postscript: Coincidentally, Philip Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, the administration insider whose area of expertise is the creation and maintenance of “public myths” thought to be true, even if not actually true, who controlled what the 9/11 Commission did and did not analyze, then limited the scope of the Commission’s inquiry so that the overwhelming majority of questions about 9/11 remained unasked, also happened to be the main guy defending the alleged unforeseeablity of the Pearl Harbor attack, who wrote a hit piece on Pearl Harbor historians like Stinnett.
It has been proven that 9/11 was entirely foreseeable and yet – unexplainably – all of the key military players just happen to have been unavailable and out of the loop when they were needed (and see this).
But that’s just an interesting coincidence, because countries never use false pretenses to launch wars. Well, almost never, especially when it involves the innocent killing of our own people.
White HouseJapanB+
by George Washington
Oct 15, 2012 3:15 PM ... ttack-pear
Preface: We don’t contest that World War II was – in many ways – a “good war”.
The Nazis, imperial Japanese and fascist Italians were nasty folks trying to take over the world, who brutalized millions within their own borders and in the nations they occupied.
But a full an honest account of World War II shows that some big American banks funded the Nazis. And America dropped nuclear bombs on Japan when top U.S. military officials said it wasn’t needed.
And – as shown below – we probably knew about the coming Pearl Harbor attack, but let it happen to justify America’s entry into World War II.
The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). The rationale for this provocation is that the U.S. wanted to aid its allies in fighting the Nazis and other axis powers, and decided that an attack by Japan would be the most advantageous justification for the U.S. to enter WWII.
Moreover, Honolulu newspapers warned of a possible attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor:
SMALL pearlharborwarning The American and British Government Knew Down to the Day of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor ... And Let It Happen to Justify American Entry Into WWII
Indeed, as the following must-watch BBC documentary – with interviews with many of the main players, including military officers and code-breakers – shows, the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II:
And see this short essay by a highly-praised historian summarizing some of the key points. (The historian, Robert B. Stinnett, a World War II veteran, actually agreed with this strategy for getting America into the war, and so does not have any axe to grind).
Active Interference with Military’s Ability to Defend
It has also recently been discovered that the FDR administration took numerous affirmative steps to ensure that the Japanese attack would be successful. These steps included taking extraordinary measures to hide information from the commanders in Hawaii about the location of Japanese war ships (information of which they would normally be informed), denying their requests to allow them to scout for Japanese ships, and other actions to blind the commanders in Hawaii so that the attacks would succeed. See, for example, this book (page 186).
Key Military Players Incommunicado
In addition, the heads of the Army and Navy suddenly disappeared and remained unreachable on the night before Pearl Harbor. And they would later testify over and over that they “couldn’t remember” where they were (pages 320 and 335).
Gagging Whistleblowers
Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, the Navy classified all documents top secret, and the Navy Director of Communications sent a memo ordering all commanders to “destroy all notes or anything in writing” related to the attacks. More importantly, all radio operators and cryptographers were gagged on threat of imprisonment and loss of all benefits. (page 256).
Scapegoating and Labels of “Conspiracy Theory”
The commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were scapegoated as being the cause for the “surprise” attack on Pearl Harbor (they were recently cleared by Congress).
And, according to a statement made to me privately by a leading Pearl Harbor scholar, the government repeatedly denied foreknowledge and labeled anyone who discussed the military’s prior knowledge of the attacks as a nutty conspiracy theorist.
Media Complicity
Amazingly, the Army’s Chief of Staff informed the Washington bureau chiefs of the major newspapers and magazines of the impending attacks before they occurred, and swore them to an oath of secrecy, which the media honored (page 361); and listen to interview here (we personally spent an hour speaking with Stinnett, and find him to be a highly credible and patriotic American.)
Postscript: Coincidentally, Philip Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, the administration insider whose area of expertise is the creation and maintenance of “public myths” thought to be true, even if not actually true, who controlled what the 9/11 Commission did and did not analyze, then limited the scope of the Commission’s inquiry so that the overwhelming majority of questions about 9/11 remained unasked, also happened to be the main guy defending the alleged unforeseeablity of the Pearl Harbor attack, who wrote a hit piece on Pearl Harbor historians like Stinnett.
It has been proven that 9/11 was entirely foreseeable and yet – unexplainably – all of the key military players just happen to have been unavailable and out of the loop when they were needed (and see this).
But that’s just an interesting coincidence, because countries never use false pretenses to launch wars. Well, almost never, especially when it involves the innocent killing of our own people.
White HouseJapanB+
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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The world was stunned by the audacious attack against Pearl Harbor 75 years ago. But not all. The foundations had already been laid. The lessons already learnt. It wasn’t even an original idea.
But nobody was listening. ... 50b770ab34
Pearl Harbor was no surprise.
The United States fully expected to be at war with Japan at any time.
In the days and weeks before the Japanese attack, the United States government and military was racing to prepare.
Washington had issued a formal war warning to all its commanders. It expected them to establish an extreme level of alert and preparedness.
That this wasn’t the case at Pearl Harbor was not due to any lack of intelligence. It’s just that its new commander simply could not believe his ships were at risk in their remote, picturesque harbour.
But every indication was that they were.
In fact, the United States Navy had itself practised the concept itself repeatedly in the 1920s.
And Great Britain had already pulled just such a stunt off, only 13 months earlier.
The United States had been in the box seat.
Aboard the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious was an illegal observer. His name was Lieutenant Commander John N. Opie III, United States Navy. His mere presence aboard a British warship was an outright breach of the neutrality the United States still clung to.
Some in Washington had been determined to learn as much as they could from Britain’s desperate fumbles in what was the first example of a ‘modern’ war.
Unfortunately, not everyone was paying attention.
But nobody was listening. ... 50b770ab34
Pearl Harbor was no surprise.
The United States fully expected to be at war with Japan at any time.
In the days and weeks before the Japanese attack, the United States government and military was racing to prepare.
Washington had issued a formal war warning to all its commanders. It expected them to establish an extreme level of alert and preparedness.
That this wasn’t the case at Pearl Harbor was not due to any lack of intelligence. It’s just that its new commander simply could not believe his ships were at risk in their remote, picturesque harbour.
But every indication was that they were.
In fact, the United States Navy had itself practised the concept itself repeatedly in the 1920s.
And Great Britain had already pulled just such a stunt off, only 13 months earlier.
The United States had been in the box seat.
Aboard the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious was an illegal observer. His name was Lieutenant Commander John N. Opie III, United States Navy. His mere presence aboard a British warship was an outright breach of the neutrality the United States still clung to.
Some in Washington had been determined to learn as much as they could from Britain’s desperate fumbles in what was the first example of a ‘modern’ war.
Unfortunately, not everyone was paying attention.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- outsider
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A short, 11-minute video showing how the US has committed ‘False Flag’ attacks (or variations, like provocations which are denied or not passing on vital information of an attack (like Pearl Harbour), virtually since it’s inception:
‘USA Has A History Of Attacking Themselves To Go To War’:
A VERY good short video to pass on to anyone who thinks ‘The Americans would never commit an atrocity like 9/11 on their own people’.
‘USA Has A History Of Attacking Themselves To Go To War’:
A VERY good short video to pass on to anyone who thinks ‘The Americans would never commit an atrocity like 9/11 on their own people’.
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
- Whitehall_Bin_Men
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Capt. Eric Nave, 94, Breaker of Japanese Codes
By ERIC PACE Published: July 12, 1993 ... codes.html
Capt. Eric Nave, an Australian who worked to break Japanese codes for Britain and Australia before and during World War II and was the co-author of a disputed 1991 book about Pearl Harbor, died last month, London newspapers reported last week. He was 94.
In reporting his death, The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian did not give its cause or say where he lived. Book Sees British Plot
The Daily Telegraph said Captain Nave was "one of the most important pioneering personalities in the secret world of code-breaking" and his "long years in intelligence made him almost compulsively secretive."
Born in Adelaide, he joined the Australian Navy in 1916 and later spent years in the British Navy. In 1919 he decided to study Japanese, learning it so well that in 1924 a Japanese admiral called him a genius.
Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.
He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.
The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.
"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
In an essay in The New York Times Book Review, Stephen E. Ambrose, a military historian wrote that the authors' charge "makes no sense at all." He said that if Churchill "knew the attack was coming, he certainly would have wanted the United States Navy to meet and defeat it -- after all, the United States would be fully into the war the moment the battle began."
Captain Nave ended his naval career in 1947, joined the Australian Security Intelligence Organization and retired in 1959.
He married twice and had three children.
By ERIC PACE Published: July 12, 1993 ... codes.html
Capt. Eric Nave, an Australian who worked to break Japanese codes for Britain and Australia before and during World War II and was the co-author of a disputed 1991 book about Pearl Harbor, died last month, London newspapers reported last week. He was 94.
In reporting his death, The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian did not give its cause or say where he lived. Book Sees British Plot
The Daily Telegraph said Captain Nave was "one of the most important pioneering personalities in the secret world of code-breaking" and his "long years in intelligence made him almost compulsively secretive."
Born in Adelaide, he joined the Australian Navy in 1916 and later spent years in the British Navy. In 1919 he decided to study Japanese, learning it so well that in 1924 a Japanese admiral called him a genius.
Dan van derDat, a British military historian, wrote in The Guardian last week that Mr. Nave made "enormous inroads" into Japanese coded messages. In June 1939, shortly before World War II broke out in Europe, the Japanese Navy began using an important new code. Captain Nave was able to read it by the end of the year.
He drew on his experiences in his book, "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor: How Churchill Lured Roosevelt Into World War II," which was published in the United States by Summit Books. Its other co-author was James Rusbridger.
The authors contend that if Britain had shared its understanding of the Japanese Navy's codes with the United States all through 1941, the Japanese force that mounted the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, might have been crushed by forewarned American defenders.
"The denial of this information was no accident," the book says, "but the deliberate policy of Churchill himself to achieve his aim of dragging America into the war."
In an essay in The New York Times Book Review, Stephen E. Ambrose, a military historian wrote that the authors' charge "makes no sense at all." He said that if Churchill "knew the attack was coming, he certainly would have wanted the United States Navy to meet and defeat it -- after all, the United States would be fully into the war the moment the battle began."
Captain Nave ended his naval career in 1947, joined the Australian Security Intelligence Organization and retired in 1959.
He married twice and had three children.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
- outsider
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According to Robert B. Stinnett ('Day of Deceit') America also had all the Japanese Naval codes broken, even knew which ships were in Japan's Task Force, knew the date and approximate time of attack, but deliberately withheld the information from Pearl Harbour.
Sure, Britain also knew, as did the Dutch 'Government in Exile' and the Soviets.
But it was seen as a worthy sacrifice, in order to get America into the war, despite only 16% of Americans wanting to get involved in 'another European War'. The trick worked, and the day after Pearl Harbour was attacked, a million men signed up in the US.
Sure, Britain also knew, as did the Dutch 'Government in Exile' and the Soviets.
But it was seen as a worthy sacrifice, in order to get America into the war, despite only 16% of Americans wanting to get involved in 'another European War'. The trick worked, and the day after Pearl Harbour was attacked, a million men signed up in the US.
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
- Whitehall_Bin_Men
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James Gavin Jr - Tony Gosling - Jill Gadd - Jill Goulding - SMOKING GUN!!!!
Supplied by Laurence De Mello
I know JAD did the K- XVII
and I knew the press release saying they had found the wreck thousands of miles from where JAD said the explosion went off, was just more character assassination and discrediting by the PTB........however boys/girls, check this out - . was doing a pitch paper for a colleague today and needed to grab some data on the Dutch sub and by chance came across this - OMG! please copy, save article and sources before they pull it. The Guardian is such a tool.
Christopher Creighton aka John Ainsworth-Davis:
"I realize that you will not want to believe this story. All I can say is that I have done my best to tell the truth about an operation that more than fifty years earlier and which - as is usual in this sort of thing - very few documents have survived. I must add that my imagination very flawed. I had the story can not possibly think of and would not know how I should have the detailed technical data. On the contrary, I had to my own memories and rely on official reports from me and my colleagues, who immediately after the events were written. During and after World War II required my work as a secret agent
the highest degree of confidentiality, and although Sir Winston Churchill and Lord Mountbatten me black and white
have given permission to tell my story, I have their promise to wait until after their death. Nevertheless, I have certain incidents can not trust the paper, partly in the interest of people mentioned, partly to meet the needs of a number of important European politicians.
Again, this is my personal story, you may believe it or not. Because, like Aristotle, I am only interested in the truth and not what people believe. The decision to the Dutch submarine K-XVII to destroy, was taken for the following reasons. On November 28, 1941, when Captain Besancon the Japanese fleet was in sight, which apparently is in the direction of Pearl Harbor went, he immediately telegraphed a coded message to the British naval command in the Far East. Operated below the Dutch.
The message was intercepted by the Department of cryptography section of M in Singapore. Within hours of the message copies arrived in Washington, only for General Donovan personally, and in London, by Major Desmond Morton. Both shone in their respective bosses, Roosevelt and Churchill. These four people knew that Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor and had prayed that nothing would come between.
In that time eighty percent of the U.S. population a very isolationist stance and she was strongly opposed to a war with Japan or Germany. If Roosevelt declare war on Japan without U.S. targets were attacked, then the chances are that he should resign. Conversely, when America would keep aloof - they concluded Morton and Donovan - would the Japanese free reign
unhindered and India, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries in the Pacific and Indian Ocean can occupy. It would probably be impossible for these countries at a later stage free. Moreover, the British and their allies desperately need the help of America in their fight against Germany. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was certain that America would intervene in the war.
But when the British and American leaders of the coming attack were aware, why were U.S. forces at Pearl Harbor on standby or not? And why the U.S. warships were ordered not to sail? At sea, they were still much safer and able to fight back? According to experts, the Navy still be successfully defended?
The answer to the question why nothing happened is simple. In Hawaii there were thousands of Japanese immigrants. Most of them presented themselves very loyal to over their new homeland, but some had spied for Japan. Moreover sparkled the Japanese Consulate-General of the activities.
When the base was in readiness, would the Japanese high command within a few hours have known. The attack would be canceled by Emperor Hirohito, who insisted that it would be a complete surprise.
Roosevelt would have had no reason to get America into war, and that would be disastrous for the Allies. What all this had to do with the K XVII is obvious.
When it became known that Roosevelt and Churchill knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor and had done nothing to prevent them, would not only have their careers to an end, but would probably have fallen apart the whole alliance. Then the Japanese had free reign and could conquer half the world and plunder.
Once the message was received from the submarine, the whole affair was surrounded by a wall of absolute secrecy. The K-XVII was ordered to return to base in Singapore for bunker fuel. The submarine was not allowed to enter the port and in its subsequent reports in no way hint at the Japanese fleet.
Under the name of Lieutenant-ter-zee Paul Hammond, one of my aliases, which the name and ranking of British naval officers came, I traveled [Creighton] with a Berwick-flying boat with special additional fuel through Nova Scotia, San Francisco and Wake Island to the Northern Mariana Islands, where I as agreed at the December 6, 1941 aboard the K-XVII failed. At that stage of the war operated the Dutch submarines in the Far East under the British naval command, and I was in possession of proxies from the main submarine fleet, Admiral Sir Max Horton, Commander in Chief of the free Dutch navy in London and Queen Wilhelmina , who had resided in Reading Berkshire. These powers gave me the authority to master Besancon operational tasks to provide on behalf of the British Admiralty, although none of them had any idea where I wanted to use that authority. So did Captain Besancon. In one of the small Mariana Islands, just south of Pagan and about eight hundred miles south of Japan, were crates from Berwick-on flying boat loaded into the submarine. The crew was told that Christmas gifts from their colleagues in England were. Most boxes contain indeed gin, whiskey, beer, champagne and other Christmas stuff. But in a crate Sat cyanide and two crates of explosives and other inflammatory mechanisms with timers.
I waited for a coded radio signal. If the Japanese fleet's attack on Pearl Harbor layer would be unnecessary at my surgery and canceled.The Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. That night I left the K XVII and I went back to Berwick. A half hour later, the deadly cyanide gas and showed how the crew tried to escape from the submarine. Moments later the ship exploded and sank. I found that there were no survivors. "
Christopher Creighton
London, August 1996
Supplied by Laurence De Mello
I know JAD did the K- XVII
and I knew the press release saying they had found the wreck thousands of miles from where JAD said the explosion went off, was just more character assassination and discrediting by the PTB........however boys/girls, check this out - . was doing a pitch paper for a colleague today and needed to grab some data on the Dutch sub and by chance came across this - OMG! please copy, save article and sources before they pull it. The Guardian is such a tool.
Christopher Creighton aka John Ainsworth-Davis:
"I realize that you will not want to believe this story. All I can say is that I have done my best to tell the truth about an operation that more than fifty years earlier and which - as is usual in this sort of thing - very few documents have survived. I must add that my imagination very flawed. I had the story can not possibly think of and would not know how I should have the detailed technical data. On the contrary, I had to my own memories and rely on official reports from me and my colleagues, who immediately after the events were written. During and after World War II required my work as a secret agent
the highest degree of confidentiality, and although Sir Winston Churchill and Lord Mountbatten me black and white
have given permission to tell my story, I have their promise to wait until after their death. Nevertheless, I have certain incidents can not trust the paper, partly in the interest of people mentioned, partly to meet the needs of a number of important European politicians.
Again, this is my personal story, you may believe it or not. Because, like Aristotle, I am only interested in the truth and not what people believe. The decision to the Dutch submarine K-XVII to destroy, was taken for the following reasons. On November 28, 1941, when Captain Besancon the Japanese fleet was in sight, which apparently is in the direction of Pearl Harbor went, he immediately telegraphed a coded message to the British naval command in the Far East. Operated below the Dutch.
The message was intercepted by the Department of cryptography section of M in Singapore. Within hours of the message copies arrived in Washington, only for General Donovan personally, and in London, by Major Desmond Morton. Both shone in their respective bosses, Roosevelt and Churchill. These four people knew that Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor and had prayed that nothing would come between.
In that time eighty percent of the U.S. population a very isolationist stance and she was strongly opposed to a war with Japan or Germany. If Roosevelt declare war on Japan without U.S. targets were attacked, then the chances are that he should resign. Conversely, when America would keep aloof - they concluded Morton and Donovan - would the Japanese free reign
unhindered and India, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries in the Pacific and Indian Ocean can occupy. It would probably be impossible for these countries at a later stage free. Moreover, the British and their allies desperately need the help of America in their fight against Germany. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, it was certain that America would intervene in the war.
But when the British and American leaders of the coming attack were aware, why were U.S. forces at Pearl Harbor on standby or not? And why the U.S. warships were ordered not to sail? At sea, they were still much safer and able to fight back? According to experts, the Navy still be successfully defended?
The answer to the question why nothing happened is simple. In Hawaii there were thousands of Japanese immigrants. Most of them presented themselves very loyal to over their new homeland, but some had spied for Japan. Moreover sparkled the Japanese Consulate-General of the activities.
When the base was in readiness, would the Japanese high command within a few hours have known. The attack would be canceled by Emperor Hirohito, who insisted that it would be a complete surprise.
Roosevelt would have had no reason to get America into war, and that would be disastrous for the Allies. What all this had to do with the K XVII is obvious.
When it became known that Roosevelt and Churchill knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor and had done nothing to prevent them, would not only have their careers to an end, but would probably have fallen apart the whole alliance. Then the Japanese had free reign and could conquer half the world and plunder.
Once the message was received from the submarine, the whole affair was surrounded by a wall of absolute secrecy. The K-XVII was ordered to return to base in Singapore for bunker fuel. The submarine was not allowed to enter the port and in its subsequent reports in no way hint at the Japanese fleet.
Under the name of Lieutenant-ter-zee Paul Hammond, one of my aliases, which the name and ranking of British naval officers came, I traveled [Creighton] with a Berwick-flying boat with special additional fuel through Nova Scotia, San Francisco and Wake Island to the Northern Mariana Islands, where I as agreed at the December 6, 1941 aboard the K-XVII failed. At that stage of the war operated the Dutch submarines in the Far East under the British naval command, and I was in possession of proxies from the main submarine fleet, Admiral Sir Max Horton, Commander in Chief of the free Dutch navy in London and Queen Wilhelmina , who had resided in Reading Berkshire. These powers gave me the authority to master Besancon operational tasks to provide on behalf of the British Admiralty, although none of them had any idea where I wanted to use that authority. So did Captain Besancon. In one of the small Mariana Islands, just south of Pagan and about eight hundred miles south of Japan, were crates from Berwick-on flying boat loaded into the submarine. The crew was told that Christmas gifts from their colleagues in England were. Most boxes contain indeed gin, whiskey, beer, champagne and other Christmas stuff. But in a crate Sat cyanide and two crates of explosives and other inflammatory mechanisms with timers.
I waited for a coded radio signal. If the Japanese fleet's attack on Pearl Harbor layer would be unnecessary at my surgery and canceled.The Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. That night I left the K XVII and I went back to Berwick. A half hour later, the deadly cyanide gas and showed how the crew tried to escape from the submarine. Moments later the ship exploded and sank. I found that there were no survivors. "
Christopher Creighton
London, August 1996
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."