UK 9/11 Truth - Reinvestigate911 - situation reports

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UK 9/11 Truth - Reinvestigate911 - situation reports

Post by TonyGosling »

Since July Noel Glynn and Gareth Newnham have been meeting with our new committee: Annie, Martin and the Ians. Can we have a situation report from whoever's in charge of communications, or a web link to it?
The British 9/11 Truth Campaign Annual General Meeting

Date 6 July 2008
Venue: The Quaker Centre, Bristol

Present: Ian Neal (Chair of meeting), Martin Summers, Tony Gosling, Annie Machon, Noel Glynn, Paul Barbara, Fran Scott, David Rose (Bristol PhD student), Chris Bovey, Ian Fantom, Jay Ginn, Colin and Scott (Bristol 9/11), David Shayler, Steve P, Eilish (?) ... Paul Carline’s friend

Apologies: Belinda M, Justin W, Ants, Ian H, Ayem, Martin Noakes, Andy B, Gareth, Stefan


Welcome and introductions
Report of events and finances from 07/08
All serving officers stepped down.
One proposal from Ian Henshall was received. The detail and implications were discussed for 2 hours at the end of which the following statement was agreed by consensus.

This AGM of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign (6/7/0Cool has agreed on 5 actions

1) That the existing British 9/11 Truth Campaign relinquishes its current constitution and becomes instead the British 9/11 Truth Network.
2) A new body (name yet to be decided) will campaign for an independent 9/11 inquiry in consultation with others (named at the meeting) and in accordance with Ian Henshall’s proposal
3) That the current email list of the supporters of the existing 9/11 Truth campaign be managed by Noel Glynn and whoever agrees to help him.
4) The new inquiry campaign, the whole truth coalition and any other relevant bodies will seek to maintain co-operative relations.
5) It is understood that the new inquiry campaign will participate in an annual gathering of the network of campaigners and respond to feedback.

Vote of thanks to hosts, Belinda for the accounts and all present for attending.

Meeting close

NB. I've taken the liberty to amend Action 5 (which originally read: "It is understood that the new Inquiry campaign will facilitate annual national meetings and consultation") since it is not in the power of the meeting to say what the new organisation will or won't do and IMO it is more appropriate that a national gathering be called and facilitated by the network or others.

Those wishing to lend their support, time and skills and learn more about Ian Henshall's proposal for a political savvy campaign should contact Ian (although needless to say this is work in progress since it has only just been agreed) or watch this space.... ... 099#122099
Last edited by TonyGosling on Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ian neal »

Why do you ask here Tony? You fully know where we are if you are that curious. Ian H dropped you an email last week giving you a brief update. As and when there is a website to launch or something else noteworthy an announcement will be made here and elsewhere. In brief some progress has been made on various fronts including a website but as Ian H explained not as much or as quick as we would all like, but then that is our problem and no one elses.

Let me clarify 'we' are not 'our' new committee. We are not a committee at all, but a group of individuals loosely cooperating together. If it takes 'us' a month of Sundays for 'us' to do something or not that is our problem.

This is not meant to be unfriendly, but I wouldn't want any false expectations or understandings that 'we' are in some way a re-incarnation of previous committees.

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Post by TonyGosling »

ian neal wrote:Why do you ask here Tony?
Why not? It's the obvious place to ask campaigning questions.

You and the other three are the latest incarnation of previous committees and I, for one, haven't heard a lot about what has so far been decided.

The questions are meant to be a gentle reminder that truthers across the UK will be looking to you four for some leadership.

One thing at least from the email you mention is that the campaign seems to have changed its name to 'Reopen 9/11 Campaign' which is a astoundingly silly move IMO. Akin to the confusion wrought by corporate or charity makeovers.

Indeed that's not what was agreed at the AGM. As you may remember I explained that '9/11 Truth' has taken years to get into the mind of the public. To change it now would be plain silly. I wonder which of the four has been behind this?

I'm sure you're aware that you four have to be very careful you're not seen as uncommunicative or over secretive.
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Post by drywontonmee »

as an active british truther, the last thing I want is any leadership, or, EVEN WORSE, committees for that matter. all strength to ALL working for truth in their ways, lone or in groups.

forward, separate, together, organised or impromptu - forward, forward, forward. all is needed, but no-one is indispensable. walk forward in a great mass of crazy humanity, both disordered and ordered.

I look to no-one for guidance, no-one for validation, no-one for inspiration or ideas.

certain people happen to be inspirations for some time. I'm grateful to them, but after finding humanity has been led to hell, never will i look for leadership again.

committees are bs
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Post by TonyGosling »

Atomisation or organisation.
This is called being organised.

Nobody's forcing you to follow leaders but we need organisation of talks, press work and funds etc. to achieve anything.

Right now email communications are down too.
drywontonmee wrote: committees are bs
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Post by drywontonmee »

TonyGosling wrote:we need organisation of talks, press work and funds etc. to achieve anything.
couldn't disagree more.

i'm sure those things can achieve things, but the most powerful thing of all is one individual awakening another individual.

that's the most powerful thing of all, out of control, unsupervised, unaccountable, free, random, unorganised, humble, simple, honest to goodness.

to imply that that's not achieving anything is a bit iffy, if you don't mind me saying so.
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Post by TonyGosling »

It never ceases to amaze me how the human race has forgotten how to work with each other except when brought together by bribery, ie money, and how all anti-war campaigns are infiltrated, compartmentalised, atomised.

If and when the next 9/11 comes along it will suit the fascists just fine when there is no co-ordinated response.
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Post by paul wright »

I must say I agree to some extent with Tony here.I'm not relying on any number of Ians or anyone else of a self-selecting loose cooperative network to provide any kind of leadership, but I do think there ought to some focus or foci.
It's always the Life of Brian experience
Is it this forum,, conventional and unconventional campaigning, We are change, make war history, any 911 grouping unwilling to allow "weird stuff" to be discussed or NP/DEW free-thinking WTC Icke sympathising material?
As the truth movement grows huge so it seems to splinter and lose energy and enthusiasm at a time when it is most needful of commitment and unity whatever the differences
I've got sorts of commitments to this side and the more restrictive 9/11 manifestations proposed, the David Icke side, and indeed with the balls-centred fence-straddling apparently failing somewhere in the middle
In calamitous times, oh calamity!
To whom or what concepts and measures should one turn?
Perhaps the messiah will sort it, huh?
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Post by Annie »

Hi Tony,

As I've said before, Ian Henshall's new initiative is not there to "lead the UK truth movement". Lengthy discussions both in the run up to and during the AGM in July made it abundantly clear that there are widely divergent views on what is the best approach to campaigning for 911 truth. Ian's concept is for a small, smart and credible media and politics-focused campaign, and anyone who is interested in working on such a campaign is welcome to volunteer to help. It is not there to bind or lead the wider truth movement nationally.

We had the British 911 Truth Campaign which was designed to do just that, and which was set up with a democratic structure accountable to the groups across the country. I have always argued that we needed a two-pronged approach to what we're doing - the democratic re-empowerment of grassroots activists, and a smart campaign such as Ian has suggested. This became untenable, and the campaign voted itself out of existence at its last AGM. Noel volunteered to maintain the national contacts list, but that's it as far as the national movement now goes.


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Post by xmasdale »

Annie is spot on in what she says. Reopen 911 was never intended to embrace or lead the whole 9/11 Truth movement in the UK.

It was arranged that I should do a newsletter for the whole of the 9/11 truth network in the UK including the various strands which now comprise it. This has been delayed due to my being involved in other stuff and I apologise to everyone for that. Four years of hard work at it have taken their toll on my energies in that direction and other aspects of my life have been neglected.

However, I am working on the newsletter now. This will be sent out soon to the constituent parts of the movement in Britain which include: We Are Change, Reopen911, The Whole Truth Coalition, All Faiths Against Terrorism. and All Faiths for 9/11 Truth. If anyone knows of any other organisations within the movement please let me know.

A public launch of Reopen 911 has been delayed due to other commitments of the people leading it, but it will happen when the website under construction has been finished and the people concerned have finalised the text of an advert in The Independent. I have attended some of their core group meetings along with Gareth, Fran and some others. The core group consists of Ian Henshall, Annie Machon, Martin Summers and Ian Neil.

I don't believe that what has happened is negative fragmentation if we can be adult about our different approaches and tolerant of each other. It's different strokes for different folks.

We Are Change does excellent street campaigning and making of video clips.

Reopen 9/11 will concentrate on media savvy campaigning among the chattering classes.

The Whole Truth Coalition links 9/11 to other issues where they believe there is media cover-up.

All Faiths for 9/11 Truth has spawned All Faiths Against Terrorism. They work in the Interfaith Movement campaigning to get people in the various faith communities to come to terms with the lies we have been told about 9/11. All Faiths Against Terrorism have applied for charitable status. I recently attended a meeting of theirs held in Glasgow.

I believe there is a need for co-ordination among these various groups for occasional national events and speaking tours. Unfortunately shortage of funds has recently curtailed such national events.

Nevertheless We Are Change have recently organised talks in London by Niels Harrit and by Willy Rodriguez. They are planning shortly a talk in London by Richard Gage, US founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Richard will also be giving talks in other European cities arranged by our colleagues on the Continent.

Local groups can ally themselves to any part of this growing movement they wish.

We need a date for the Richard Gage talk. Can anyone supply it?

Though it is not directly part of the 9/11 Truth Movement, but associated through an abhorrence of war and campaigning for the abolition of war through attemps to get the laws outlawing of war applied, Chris Coverdale of Make Wars History will be doing a speaking tour. He's an excellent speaker and those groups who would like a talk form him should apply now.

The important quality that we all need is tolerance of each other's differences both over strategy and over conflicting theories about what really happened on 9/11. The fact that someone has a different opinion from me does not mean they are a shill nor that they are insincere. If I accuse them of either I am merely being provocative and dancing to the tune of those who want to see us all quarreling with each other.

Actually those who consistently provoke quarrels among fellow campaigners by such accusations are most likely to fall under suspicion as shills.

I have been putting a lot of work into the production of a blog analysing the BBC Conspiracy Files programme. This blog, instigated by John Yeates, will be launched soon. I can give a preview of it to any trusted friend who would like to examine it to give constructive feedback.

I apologise for my shortcomings which have contributed to some delays, but I haven't given up. The struggle for truth continues.

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Post by TonyGosling »

Helpful to have the various updates ;-)
Thanks everyone.

I suppose this would be as good a place as any for people to volunteer their so far unused talents.

In the meantime I'm happy to put out a short bulletin when 9/11 Truth gets some decent headlines and when I can, like I did today. Please email with subject 9/11 Truth list to be added to my list.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Annie has left the country and Ian Neal has stopped coming to Reinvestigate meetings.

What started as the 'gang of four' is now the 'gang of two': Ian Henshall and Martin Summers. Plus one though as Noel Glynne has been co-opted onto the group apparently with no voting rights.

Reinvestigate 911 doesn't seem to be making the most of the enormous potential support there is around the country for the issue. Before this arrangement we had several excellent national speaker tours etc. Now nothing is happening much outside London.

Time to revisit the 'gang of four' decision and clarify Ian Neal and Annie's status IMO.
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Post by paul wright »

Perhaps there should be a regrouping or something. Isn't Martin a mate of yours?The Reinvestigate crew did the Independent and parliamentary thing but never seem to have garnered much public support
People have diversified widely but there seems to be as much consensus as much as antagonism on many issues and levels
It would be rather good if a single public movement could be dragged together with presence outside the rather expensive conferences
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Post by xmasdale »

There is a growing group of activists who aid and abet the work of Reinvestigate 9/11. I am merely a member of that group.

I certainly agree that the movement needs some degree of national organising. That can happen as soon as someone is ready to organise it. However Reinvestigate 9/11 has limited aims of working to influence politicians and media and will not associate with those it believes are likely to damage its reputation.

I'll write more about this later.

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Post by paul wright »

xmasdale wrote:There is a growing group of activists who aid and abet the work of Reinvestigate 9/11. I am merely a member of that group.

I certainly agree that the movement needs some degree of national organising. That can happen as soon as someone is ready to organise it. However Reinvestigate 9/11 has limited aims of working to influence politicians and media and will not associate with those it believes are likely to damage its reputation.

I'll write more about this later.

There is vast amounts of evidence that backs up rather than dissuades. People could connect to the bigger picture
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Post by Annie »

As mentioned earlier in this thread, Reinvestigate 911 is not responsible for organising a wide-ranging national campaign, nor is it answerable to the wider movement any more than other initiatives, such as WAC, Truth Action or WTC, have to be.

It has a specific remit, and Ian Henshall is doing great work in fulfilling it, with the support of Ian Neal, Martin, Noel and myself as appropriate.

Reinvestigate 911 will be hosting Cynthia McKinney in London on 8th March as part of a series of talks across Europe.
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Post by fish5133 »

Thanks for the update Annie. Keep pressing on.
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Post by David Rose »

Dave is referring to this thread ... 197#145197
This is a really good, worthwhile event and I'm grateful to the people who have made it happen but the UK Truth Movement needs to re-think the way
it organises and communicates. As I have said before I believe the way forward is MORE DEMOCRACY and accountability via consensus decision making and an equality of all voices within the movement.

Surely we don't believe is fascism and 'behind closed doors' cliques and secret societies? I thought that was what we are against?
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Post by ian neal »

Hi Dave

I think you are confusing the UK 9/11 truth movement or the even wider truth movement in general with reinvestigate.

The 9/11 truth movement is akin to the peace movement, the anti-poverty movement or the anti-globalisation movements. Within these movements there are many different organisations following different strategies, adopting different messages and with varying degrees of transparency and democracy. There certainly isn't one organisation that would claim to represent these entire movements.

Every now and then coalitions form to present a united platform and message for these disparate groups. For example, Stop the War for the anti-war movement or Make Poverty History for the anti-poverty movement. Even when such coalitions do form they are often a mixed blessings wracked as they are with internal politics and skullduggery, gatekeeping and a tendency to water down the message to the lowest common denominator in order to maintain the coalition.

I'm not opposed to someone coming forward and proposing a similar grand coalition for the 9/11 truth movement and wish anyone who chooses to do so all the best. But if this were to happen, whoever is behind it should be aware that this kind of mass mobilising, grassroots, attempted democratic approach has been tried before and for a while was moderately successful. However the INEVITABLE tensions that arise from any such broad coaltion, 'big tent' approach led to its disbandment. I should know. I was intimately involved during that period from 2004 to 2007.

It certainly isn't a role reinvestigate sees for itself to be this large, democratic, coalition forming organisation, but maybe out of the ashes one will arise?
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Post by xmasdale »

crazydave wrote:This is a really good, worthwhile event and I'm grateful to the people who have made it happen but the UK Truth Movement needs to re-think the way it organises and communicates. As I have said before I believe the way forward is MORE DEMOCRACY and accountability via consensus decision making and an equality of all voices within the movement.

Surely we don't believe is fascism and 'behind closed doors' cliques and secret societies? I thought that was what we are against?
From Feb 2004 until July 2008 the 9/11 truth movement organised as one body, though the truth movement as a whole did not. There were very few of us at first but our numbers steadily grew. As we grew certain irreconcilable differences emerged among us. Some wanted to campaign for a new 9/11 investigation; others thought that such an investigation would be a waste of time since in their view any such investigation would be a whitewash; some wanted to campaign simultaneously on a whole range of issues; others thought that would be bad strategy; others wanted to concentrate on street campaigning and filming; others wanted to associate with David Icke; others thought to do so would be the kiss of death to our being taken seriously by the mainstream; yet others wanted to campaign by bringing all faiths together to campaign against terrorism, both false flag and authentic; yet others wanted to campaign around Dr Judy Wood's hypotheses about the WTC having been destroyed by directed energy weapons, etc, etc.

It made little sense to continue to try to hold a united campaign together spending much of its time arguing among its members as to which was the best strategy - far better for individuals to coalesce around the strategy they thought would be most suitable. A decision to reorganise in this way was amicably taken by different factions at a meeting in Bristol in July 2008.

In line with the decisions of that meeting the following bodies were, or already had been, set up: Reinvestigate 911, The Whole Truth Coalition, July 7th group, We Are Change, London Truth Action and All Faiths Against Terrorism.

Unfortunately a misconception has got around that Reinvestigate 9/11 seeks to speak for the whole of the 9/11 truth movement. This is untrue. For reasons of the lessons learnt by some of us through the experience of the former "united" campaign, some of us decided to set up a body controlled by four organisers to campaign with politicians and the media. It was decided that this body would not be one which goes in for "MORE DEMOCRACY and accountability via consensus decision making and an equality of all voices within the movement." Instead R911 would accept help from anyone the co-ordinators deemed had grasped the purpose and the necessary self-discipline involved to get through to politicians and the mainstream media. That necessarily meant that certain people would be excluded from this body.

No one is forced to support R911. Anyone may join any of the other bodies within the movement or may set up their own campaigning body. Everyone is welcome to attend public meetings organised by R911 and the other bodies.

Despite our strategic differences it is to be hoped that the various bodies will co-operate with each other whenever it is advantageous to do so.
The Bristol meeting at which this reorganisation was adopted was a model of good amicable cooperation between various people who favoured divergent strategies.
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Post by TonyGosling »

J7 are not an open group
Same goes for some of the others too
Last thing we want is a collection of 'cults'

And where does this one fit in?
Potentially a good base for a london 911/77 campaign???

Anyway the emphasis has to be on solutions that we are prepared to work at.

xmasdale wrote:It made little sense to continue to try to hold a united campaign together spending much of its time arguing among its members as to which was the best strategy - far better for individuals to coalesce around the strategy they thought would be most suitable. A decision to reorganise in this way was amicably taken by different factions at a meeting in Bristol in July 2008.

In line with the decisions of that meeting the following bodies were, or already had been, set up: Reinvestigate 911, The Whole Truth Coalition, July 7th group, We Are Change, London Truth Action and All Faiths Against Terrorism...........
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Reinvestigate vs. DYI

Post by TorsteinViddal »

Thanks for this rather informative thread on the UK situation.

I've been pondering the choice myself for quite some time - between pressing for a new investigation and just solving & exposing the grim truth ourselves.

As activists in the UK have obviously found out, different groups can focus on different things and different tactics, however:

Through close to nine years I've been trying to figure out how to set things straight after what happened in New York. My conclusion is now heading towards Not Letting Them Censor the news, the activism, the science.

I think the focus of our web, media and street activism should remain the False Flag Terrorism of 9/11 and 7/7 - both of which are pivotal events that have shaped our societies and the whole world - because these are State Crimes Against Democracy, as well as the cover-up of the events, by governments and the mainstream media.

Just because this work is hard and demanding - and sometimes fruitless - doesn't mean we should all be looking at the sky for dubious evidence of «chemtrails» or intergalactic visitors in UFOs.

But granted, Norway has got its own David Icke site equivalent, which due to its super dubious «research» and «revelations» feature frequently in the mainstream media - and even on NRK - state TV - and which therefore has a much greater following, numerically speaking.

Kissing these types, however, would be the Kiss Of Death, in my opinion, for the serious branches of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Instead of «Don't hate the media - become the media» - Indymedia's 1999 Seattle slogan - I would say hate & despise the media for what they've done and what they've been covering up.

We should never forgive them and never forget what they did in the 00s.

Consequently, I think our focus - in Norway anyway - should be on demanding fair coverage in the MSM - not just for the Ickeites, who get more than their fair share, but also for serious 9/11 and 7/7 truth activists.
> this is a crisis i knew had to come
> destroying the balance i'd kept
> turning around to the next set of lies
> wondering what will come next
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Post by ian neal »

crazydave wrote:As I have said before I believe the way forward is MORE DEMOCRACY and accountability via consensus decision making and an equality of all voices within the movement.

Surely we don't believe is fascism and 'behind closed doors' cliques and secret societies? I thought that was what we are against?
My approach to this is that the various organisations that now exist within this broad movement should aim for accountability, transparency and consensus making decision making INTERNALLY (i.e within these organisations) but the extent to which these organisations wish to be externally transparent and accountable to the wider movement/public is entirely up to them.

Our experiments in democracy across a broad movement in this country were an abject failure. Who decides who is a 'member of this movement' and qualifies for a vote, based on what criteria; is everyone's vote equal regardless of their input into the movement or the wisdom of thheir opinion; who decides on what issues people vote; who decides how these votes are framed and votes cast; how do people actually vote? As soon as you get into the specifics of setting up 'democratic' and consensus based decision making systems across such an anarchic, diverse and internally divided movement, you soon recognise that accountability and democracy across a broad movement is utterly unworkable and creates more divisions and problems than it solves. Believe me, I tried
And where does this one fit in?
Potentially a good base for a london 911/77 campaign???
This is the old and now defunct (as far as I'm aware) London networking meetings that Belinda was convening
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Post by blackbear »

Hello Ian..

Why on the N.K. banned thread did you link to the following site:

A nasty Zionazi ....muslim hate site.?

On 9/11

"I realize that in the case of 9/11, the pool of potentially relevant facts is vast, and it's quite possible to make a rational argument for a number of very different scenarios for how this crime was committed and by whom. In such a case, then it's a question of deciding which scenario makes the most sense. This is not a subjective criterion, but one that must take into account the physical evidence and ask who had the strongest motive, who had the means to pull it off, and who had the opportunity. I've presented a great deal of evidence that clearly and unambiguously shines a spotlight on a very specific group of closely-linked individuals who not only had the most compelling motive, means and opportunity, but who directly and massively profited from the crime."

Alice the Kurious
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Post by ian neal »

Cos that site hosts the photo I was referring to in that thread, no other reason and not that I needed hurryupharry to tell me that NK and Lady R were talking to each other.
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Post by TonyGosling »

For anyone confused by all this
Annie Machon has left
Ian Neal died
Martin Summers is an adviser to Ian Henshall
who's still active here
Both this site
and that have active email lists associated with them if anyone wants to join...
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