Source: Roger Landry WTPNetwork™(312-94876)
Updated List (3/17/12) These groups, pages and websites will be added to the terrorists watch list pending investigation.
Justin Stout* (312-94877)
Lynn Nichols*(312-94878)
Jeff Phelps *(312-94879)
Bonnie Ross*(312-94880)
John Jackson*(312-94881)
Jerry Lewis * (312-94882)
(*) Above subjects to be resolved pending investigation.
List of Partner Forums
A Free and Voluntary Society Owner: Justin Stout
A Truly Free Market Owner: Justin Stout
Abolish the Department of Education Owner: Justin Stout
Abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security! Owner: Justin Stout
Abolish the FDA Owner: Justin Stout
Abolish the IRS Owner: Justin Stout
Abolish the TSA Owner: Justin Stout
Abolishing the Federal Reserve Owner: Justin Stout
"Action Group to Uphold the Constitution" Owner: Steven Danielson
American LiberTEA Owner: Bill Walker
Anarchism Owner: Justin Stout
Anarcho-Capitalism Owner: Justin Stout
Article V Convention Advocacy Forums Owner: John De Herrera
Article V Convention | We The People are being denied our constitutional right Owner: John De Herrera
Australians for Ron Paul Owner: Brett Carle
Bay Area Citizens against Chemtrails
Being Libertarian Owner: Justin Stout
Boycott Flying Owner: Get the GeTSApo out of your pants
Boycott Lame Stream Media Owner: Jerry Davis
Boycott Msnbc,FOX, CNBC and Affiliated supporters Owner: Jerry Davis
Can't Stop Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Unkle Skunky
Care2NN (News Network) Owner: Robert Marsh
Civil Disobedience and Non-Cooperation Owner: Justin Stout
Columbia Missouri for Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Jacob Fred Kerner
Combat Veterans For Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Antonio Buehler and Nick Allison
Committees of Safety of the Several StatesOwner: Roger Landry
Consciousness TV Owner: Edward Consciousness Levite
Conspiracy Examiner Owner: Jeff Phelps
Constitutional Convention Two Owner : Landon Lehrman
Daddy Justice Owner: Anne Marie Whaley
Deadheads for Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Robyn Lansford
Debate the 2012 Republican Candidates Owner: Jennifer Hyatt
Deficit Reduction Project Guy Kuzbyte, Journalist
Democrats and Republicans are Destroying America Owner: Justin Stout
De-Occupy your TV & Main Stream Media Owner: Patrick Legendaryhero
Educating America Freedom Not Fear Owner: Bonnie Ross
Educators of Liberty! Owner: Rand Cottrell
Either We Have A Constitution or We Don't Owner: Rand Cottrell
Election Calendar Owner: Justin Stout
End the Fed Owner: Justin Stout
End the War on Drugs Owner: Justin Stout
Everyone & Anyone -> for a dictatorship/theocracy free World... Owner:Roger Landry
Facebook gave me 15 days probation for making political posts Nicly Nelson
Founders Revolution Owner: Johnny Law
FREE Antonio Buehler Owner: Antonio Buehler and Leo Buehler
Free-Thinking Society Owner: Justin Stout
Friends Of the Article V Convention Owner: Bill Walker
Friends Networking & Supporting Ron Paul for President 2012 Owner: Bridie Gallagly-Gleeson
Gardening Spirits Owner: Jason Wettstin
Global Mass ResignationsOwner:Roger Landry
Global Strike Owner: Lynn Nichols & Keith Liberty
Gorilla Gardening Owner:Roger Landry
Graphic artists for Ron Paul Owner: Dwayne Lambert
Grass-Fed Revolution Owner: Justin Stout
Growing Organic, Eating Organic Owner: Justin Stout
Gun Owners Owner: Tyler Weaver
Hey We're Filming Here Owner: Mike Skuthan
Homeschooling / Unschooling Owner: Justin Stout
Homesteading / Survivalism Owner: Justin Stout
I'm Voting For Ron Paul and I've Got News For You - He CAN Win Owner: Tom Barton
International Supporters for Ron Paul 2012 Appu Mathew
Ignorance is the Enemy of Freedom Owner:Roger Landry
Info Warriors United (website) Owner: John Jackson
Info Warriors United (FB group) Owner: John Jackson
Jury Nullification Owner: Justin Stout
Kudzu League Owner: James G. Cook
Life, Liberty and Lies Owner: Jerry Davis
Listen, Think, Question & Be Owner:Roger Landry
Live free or Expat! Owner: Ray Fernandez
Living off the Land Owner: Justin Stout
Modern Bulgarian Revolution Owner: Brett Backman
Модерната българска революция. The Modern Bulgarian Revolution Owner: Brett Backman
Money Message Owner:Roger Landry
Murray Rothbard Owner: Justin Stout
National Youth For Ron Paul Owner: John Jackson
Natural Living and Parenting Owner: Justin Stout
New Creation Unlimited Professional Hosting and Development Owners: Peter Tuzzolino and Carol Hannonmail Owner:Roger Landry
New World Opposition Owner: Brett Backman
New World Order Information Center Owner: Brett Backman
NO to Mitt Romney Owner: Justin Stout
NO to Newt Gingrich Owner: Justin Stout
NO to Rick Santorum Owner: Justin Stout
Nobody for President Owner: Justin Stout
!North Americans Against A North American Union! Owner: Lynn Nichols and Ben OftheRocks Morgan
Occupy Economics Owner: Brian McNamara
Occupy Educate Owner: Giles Domkam
Occupy Kelown Owner: Roger Landry
Occupy: One World, One Movement Owner:Steven Danielson
Occupy the Federal Reserve Owner: Justin Stout
One Big A$$ Mistake America Owner: Rand Cottrell, Roger Landry
OPERATION WAKE UP! Owner: Rand Cottrell
Orion Talk Radio Owner: Roger Landry, Orion
Paulistics SLC Owner: Jacob Alexander Jones
People Empowerment Group Owner: Roger Landry
Press For Truth Owner: Dan Dicks
Press For Truth TV Owner: Dan Dicks
Radio Free Canada Owner: Darin Howard (Box 20013 Kelowna BC V1Y 9H2
Reoccupy Corruption Owner: NeoPop Realism Journalism
Repeal the Patriot Act Owner: Justin Stout
Republicans for Ron Paul Owner: Eamon James Cahall
Richmond Liberty Movement Owner: Raub Brandon
Rick "google" Santorum would make the worst President Owner: Jefferson King Davis
Ron Paul 2012 Owner: Justin Stout
Ron Paul 2012 - So you want your Country Back. Then join the revolution! Owners: James Smith & Sr Admin Ted Jotte
Ron Paul because he scares the * out of * Owner: Bill Walker
Ron Paul for President 2012 - Restore America Now Owner: Ramon K. Madden
Ron Paul 2012 - Summit County Owner: Craig Thompson
Ron Paul Revolution Owner: Roger Landry, Justin Stout
Ron Paul Rocks! A group for rabid, die-hard Ron Paul fans! John Ronpaul Jones
Ron Paul Strategic Think Tank Owner:Mary Incerto Tomlin, John Nibarger
Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama in 2012 Owner: Justin Stout
Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke Owner: Justin Stout
Scotia Bank Complaints Owner: Roger Landry
Serious Action To Get Ron Paul Elected In 2012 Owner: Ted Jotte
Socialism is Garbage Owner: Geoffrey Miller
Sound Money Owners: Justin Stout, Adam Keller
Speak Your Mind Owner:Roger Landry
Standinfreedom's Blog website Owner: Roger Landry
Stop IRS Tax Lien Levy & Beat Home Foreclosure | ToolsforJustice (FB group) Owner: David, Ron, Randy
Southeast Liberty Project Owner: Raub Brandon
Stop IRS Tax Lien Levy & Beat Home Foreclosure | ToolsforJustice (website) Owner: David, Ron, Randy
Stopping Government-Run Healthcare Owner: Roger Landry
Taxation is Theft Owner: Justin Stout
Telling Ben Bernanke he's full of nonsense Owner: Roger Landry
The Anti-Obama Nation Owner:Roger Landry
The Daily Paul Owner: Zak Cruise Carter
The Libertarian Atheist Owner: Justin Stout
The Modern American Revolution (FB group) Owner: Brett Backman
The Modern American Revolution (website) Owner: Brett Backman
The Modern Canadian Revolution Owner: Brett Backman
The Modern UK Revolution Owner: Brett Backman
The New World Order Information Center Owner: Brett Backman
The No Party Owner: Roger Landry
The Petey T and Robby Radio Show
THE RED PILL Owner: Joshua Johnson
The Truth About Vaccines Owner: Justin Stout
The Truths Owner: Peter Behan
THE UPRISING! Owner: Debbie Lewis
The Watchers Society Owner: Roger Landry
Tools for Justice (website) Owner: David,Ron,Randy
Tools for Justice (FB group) Owner: David,Ron,Randy
Truth Media Owner: Jeff Phelps
Truth the main stream media misses. Owner: Steven Danielsen
TSA = Thefts, Sexual assaults, and Arrests Owner: Lynn Nichols
Urgent Message....It's all hitting the fans!!! Owner: Justin Stout
Voluntaryism Owner: Justin Stout
Vote For The Man, Ron Paul! Reguardless... Owner Joe Bright
Vote Obama Out of Office 2012 Owner: Justin Stout
Wake the * Up People Owner: Ottis Oatmeal Stout Person
WAKE UP! Owner: Peter Behran
WatchtheVote2012 Owner: Nancy Jacques and Tammy Cech
We are the people of the United States of America Owner: Richard Chase Halbrook
WE THE PEOPLE Owner: Roger Landry
"We The People" Have Our Own Terrorists List! Owner: Nena Espinosa
We The People Network™ Owner: Roger Landry
WE THE PEOPLE TAR Owner: Roger Landry,Edward Consciousness Levite
World Truth TV Owner: Roger Landry
WTPN™ (WE THE PEOPLE NETWORK™) Owner: Roger Landry
WTPN™ Community Owner: Roger Landry
Z Great Debate Owner: Joe Zajac
1,000,000 Against ChemTrails Owner: Chem Trail
24/7 TRUTH TALK NEWS Host: Howard Nema