Will Banksters Kill UK Economy after 2021 Single Market Brexit?

WHAT: A pre-planned collapse of the US (and global) financial and economic systems. WHO: The same characters who perpetrated the original 911. WHERE: New York City & DC, of course. Plus a sideshow in Washington state. WHEN: The days surrounding September 11, naturally.

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Will Banksters Kill UK Economy after 2021 Single Market Brexit?

Post by Leiff »

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PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008-17
Will Banksters smash up UK economy @ 2020 Article 50 Brexit?
http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... lanned.php

WHAT: A pre-planned collapse of the US (and global) financial and economic systems.

WHO: The same characters who perpetrated the original 911.

WHERE: New York City & DC, of course. Plus a sideshow in Washington state.

WHEN: The days surrounding September 11, naturally.

HOW: Instead of painted drones, missiles with fins and fake airplanes, they used the much more stealthy short seller.

WHY: To remake the economic/financial order of the world.

WHY Really: Think about it ! And then ask yourself, “Cui bono?”

The 911 blueprint worked so magically for the world controllers that they were compelled to use virtually the same playbook. “If it ain't broke, don't fix it.”

So, what's the real deal here?

By analogy, let's take a quick look at the 911 timeline and stack it up against the new 2008 Financial “911”, as it began to unfold earlier this year.

1. The Bear Stearns collapse that began in March, 2008 is analogous to the 1 st World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Just a warm up.

2. The nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac marks the beginning of the new 911. Both in the DC area, they were the first to come down this time. Just as they struck at the heart of the military complex, this time they went for the jugular of the national real estate market. Remember – this is a financial 911.

3. Next came this year's version of the twin towers, building 7 and other assorted NYC landmarks in the form of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, as well as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in their “new & improved” form. Basically took out the whole of American investment brokerage, heh?!

4. And, of course, we still have Washington Mutual out there in the boonies just like the one that “crashed” in a PA farm field.

5. The 700 billion dollar Bailout Plan is just like the Patriot Act, isn't it? Only this time it's maybe a 1 or 2 page document that confers absolute authority on the Executive Branch to do just about anything they want with the taxpayer's money. And they want it rubber stamped now. Not tomorrow. NOW!!! Without discussion, or unnecessary congressional debate. Talk about Shock & Awe being used against the American people, and their elected representatives!?!

6. Now we know we can expect further gyrations, panics and precipitous declines in the market and elsewhere, just as we had anthrax attacks in the Capital, beltway snipers in Maryland in October of '02, the 3/11/04 train bombings in Madrid , and the 7/7/05 bombings in London . Not to mention the 50 or so other synthetic terror events staged throughout the world to enforce compliance and create distraction.

7. The sudden and dramatic downfall of NY Gov Eliot Spitzer can also now be seen in its proper light. Having left the reservation one too many times, he simply could not be trusted to go with the flow. He had their numbers, their signatures, their addresses --- the whole ball of wax, as well as his own reputation to burnish. The elimination of John O'Neil, Head of Security at the WTC, is quite similar, except that John O. – a great patriot – died on 911 having just been given the job.

8. To date, the most obvious and glaring example of this manipulated takedown is the case of a NY Senator. His letter to the FDIC contained confidential information that triggered the IndyMac bank collapse in July. California AG Jerry Brown was called to review the entire affair after the OTS Director explicitly blamed the letter for causing a run on the bank (3 rd largest bank failure in US history). This episode is eerily reminiscent of Larry Silverstein's order to, “Pull it.” just prior to the expertly controlled demolition of Building #7 on 911.

9. Just as 911 was perpetrated as a cover for: inaugurating the War on Terror, overtly advancing the NWO regime globally (in contrast to this previously covert operation), imposing a police state (Homeland Security) in the US (by gutting the US Constitution), UK and elsewhere, dominating and securing oil/gas reserves in the Middle East and Cacaucus (to include running energy pipelines through Afghanistan and stealing Irag's oil wealth via military invasion), jump starting the Afghan opium trade, etc., the ECO/FIN 911 of '08 is a cover for many of these same agenda items. However, there is one little item that is particularly high on the current agenda. And that concerns the derivatives market, which in its totality approximates somewhere between 500 trillion and 1 quadrillion dollars of instruments as of 2008. In fact, the sub prime mortgage defaults are just a tip of the tip of the iceberg when compared to the real megilla – DERIVATIVES. This is what they're really worried about, and having to cover for. Except this is a quadrillion dollar megilla that can't be covered without unraveling the entire capitalistic system, and its fascist corpocracy and kleptocratic oligarchy.

10. And then there is the teenie, weenie matter concerning the Federal Reserve, and its collection agency – the IRS. The man standing behind this curtain has a lot at stake, especially in the form of mountains of evidence that will indict, and convict, the entire system. Lots of evidence was destroyed during and after 911, as will happen after many of these Wall Street firms are taken over, nationalized, liquidated, merged and disappeared. The veil, however, has already been lifted.

Does anyone see a pattern here?!

The real lesson to be gleaned from this analysis is that events of such enormity and consequence are rarely spontaneous and unchoreographed. Especially when they happen just weeks from an era defining presidential election. They have obviously been planning this one for a long time, and it has been fastidiously engineered to have a very definite effect and desired outcome – a permanent planetary plantation (PPP).

The execution, thus far, has been flawless. Even for those of us who stood there on the 1 st 911, and knew it was a fraud while the buildings were coming down, this one is exceedingly more difficult to penetrate. However, penetrate we will, until every last conspirator is sitting before the TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION spillin' the beans. The ultimate and lasting effect of these inquiries will be a New World Order of our making, not theirs. The only remaining, $64,000 question will undoubtedly be, “What do we do with them when we head them off at the pass?”

For the uninitiated, it may take quite a lot to wrap your mind around this extremely complex and convoluted plot, but, please, just be patient. As this drama plays out, the true intentions of the primary perpetrators will become manifest as they unwittingly reveal themselves by their handiwork. As Eliot Spitzer, no - Eliot Ness, nee – Sherlock Holmes once alluded to – a fingerprint inadvertently left as evidence is impossible to erase.

You see, the short sellers, unlike the “airplanes”, are still with us. Each one had a target to take down which they did with amazing speed and dexterity. And the myriad transactions that converged to topple their prey are all preserved somewhere, in some huge database, with multiple backups to serve as confirmation of trades of staggering amounts. AHHH! Nothing like computers, especially when they're not confiscated and shipped off to China for permanent disposal.

May all financial wizards and economic soothsayers, henceforth, be inspired to stare into their crystal ball and divine the upcoming financial and economic events of global proportions with the keenest of acumen and sleuthing. As we shine the LIGHT of our collective awareness on these rapidly unfolding schemes, we will serve as beacons of revelation, and hope to the world.

Remember – we now know the script. We know the major players involved. We are able to watch the crimes being committed in real time. Each of us has now been thusly notified, and empowered, to serve as a vector of dissemination of this vital and critical information. So -----> LET'S GET BUSY ! ! !

T. Anthony Michael

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Post by TonyGosling »

Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones on the Recession, Depression and the Anglo-American crime syndicate.
Also a section running through Webster Tarpley's biography.
This is part 1 of 5.
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Post by fish5133 »

leiff wrote
HOW: Instead of painted drones, missiles with fins and fake airplanes, they used the much more stealthy short seller.

Sneaked that one in :lol:
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Post by Leiff »

I guess he was referring to drones at WTC, missiles at the Pentagon and fake planes in Pennsylvania?.?. 8)
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Post by gruts »

another great edition of the alex jones show yesterday - mainly focused on the economy - with a very animated Webster Tarpley in the first and second hours talking about what he knows best (and only a brief detour into his obsession with barack obama and latest book on the subject) plus some sobering words from Ron Paul and Bob Chapman....

direct download
http://www.nw0.info/files/Radio/Alex%20 ... -09-25.mp3

torrent (better quality - and downloaded very rapidly for me first thing this morning)
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Economic Road Show of Deception

Post by Frazzel »

Economic Road Show of Deception

Is this latest financial crisis just another part of the Council on Foreign Relations plan ratcheting the World towards one world order under their control? Once the bailout plan is put in place will there be provisions to steer the World towards one currency and come up with a United Nations like Economic Oversight Committee to rule the world economy?

While this is going on is there are CFR members and their friends reaping billions while the average citizen's retirement savings, pension plans, and 401K money is evaporating day by day?


Edward M. Gramlich, a Federal Reserve governor who died in September, warned nearly seven years ago that a fast-growing new breed of lenders was luring many people into risky mortgages they could not afford.

But when Mr. Gramlich privately urged Fed examiners to investigate mortgage lenders affiliated with national banks, he was rebuffed by Alan Greenspan, the Fed chairman.

While shareholders in Fannie and Freddie suffered deep losses, the world's biggest bond fund saw its highest ever one-day rise against its benchmark index on Monday, benefiting from the huge bet made by Mr Gross on mortgage bonds issued by the agencies. The Bill Gross-managed Pimco Total Return fund reaped a $1.7bn payday following the US government's takeover of home loan groups Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Mr. Gross had been advocating such a move for more than a year, at the same time that he was moving more than 60 percent of his fund's assets into government-agency bonds. The shift in investment strategy began in earnest shortly after Pimco hired Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman, as an adviser last year.

Mr. Gross said there was nothing wrong with that advocacy because Pimco had no official role in formulating the plan to rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

"We had a role on CNBC," he said, "in that every time we were asked, or I guess every time that The New York Times would call, they would say, 'What are you doing?' and we would say: 'Well, we want safe, agency-guaranteed mortgages. We don't want to take a lot of risks in subprime space.' "

Greenspan and Hank Paulson are both long time members of The Council on Foreign Relations and great friends. Martha Stewart was put away for insider trading based on information she obtained from her brokers. Why isn't CNBC and other news agencies raising questions about Gross's use of insider information to engineer its $1.7bn payday? Is it because PIMCO pays advertising revenue to CNBC?

The government should bring Gross, Greenspan and CNBC management before a grand jury.
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Re: The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008

Post by acrobat74 »

Leiff wrote: HOW: Instead of painted drones, missiles with fins and fake airplanes, they used the much more stealthy short seller.
Short-selling is not the problem here; instead, it's a very desirable market control mechanism and part of the 'price discovery' process.

The real problem is that, because of the way the banking system is structured, banks are not treated like any other business: why should a failure of a business constitute 'systemic risk of collapse'?

Governments have so colluded with bank-sters as to grant them this 'systemic' status.

Even the credit that banks generate is exchangeable with the fiat government currency...
Summary of 9/11 scepticism: http://tinyurl.com/27ngaw6 and www.911summary.com
Off the TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4szU19bQVE
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Bush to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ & Suspend Electi

Post by truthseeker john »

For hypertext links go to:
http://dinapharm.com/store/article_info ... les_id=262

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) is reporting in the Kremlin today that the Bank of England has received from the United States Federal Reserve Bank a ‘notice’ that President Bush is preparing to declare an ‘Economic Emergency’ during the week of October 5th and will further announce that the American Presidential election due to be held on November 4th will be ‘indefinitely suspended’.

These reports state that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, had expressed his ‘shock and outrage’ to his American counterparts at the US Federal Reserve after the catastrophic collapse of one of the largest financial banks in the World, Lehman Brothers, and which caused both the Band of England and the European Central Bank to rush $42 billion into the European economy yesterday to keep it from collapsing, and their own banks from running out of money, necessitating the response from the US Central Bank leader Ben S. Bernanke.

As Prime Minister Putin had previously warned, and as we had reported on in our September 13th report “Hurricane Ike To Completely Destroy United States, Says Putin”, the horrific hurricane storm that has devastated the State of Texas, and where a humanitarian crisis is presently unfolding, has, indeed, proved to be the proverbial ‘straw that broke the camels back’ as the catastrophic damage from this storm raced beyond the Gulf of Mexico coast and ravaged the heartland of America to such an extent that the Governors of Ohio and Kentucky have declared States of Emergency as millions have been left without power.

The significance of this historic storm damage to the American economy, these reports say, led to the unprecedented pressures put upon the World’s largest insurance company American International Group (AIG) and its halt in negotiations, during a rare Sunday meeting in New York, to support the near bankrupt Lehman Brothers on Sunday, but which was then allowed to collapse and is now threatening to also destroy AIG itself.

Not being explained to the American people is that AIG, the World’s largest player in the $45 Trillion derivatives market, during the past two weeks had bet heavily on the World Markets against the damage from Hurricane Ike exceeding $2 billion in property damage, lost oil and gasoline production, lost wages and payments to companies forced to close, etc., it is obligated to pay, but which the actual damages are now being estimated will exceed $1 Trillion as the damages throughout the United States are finally tallied.

[Note: Derivatives are financial instruments whose value changes in response to the changes in underlying variables. The main types of derivatives are futures, forwards, options, and swaps. The main use of derivatives is to reduce risk for one party.]

Such a calamitous action by AIG has basically shattered the Western economic system, and as we can read as reported by The Australian Business News Service in their article titled “Global banks brace for derivative blow-up”, and which says:

“So here we are on the morning of D Day. The world's major couterparties on the $US455 trillion derivatives market go into technical default and no one is sure what is going to happen.

Lehman Bros yesterday formally petitioned the State Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District Court of New York for Chapter 11 protection.

Lehman would also have filed what are called "first day motions", which allow the bank to pay salaries and wages, while it continues to market its non-toxic, broker-dealer operations and work out what on earth to do with its highly toxic $US53 billion residential and commercial mortgage portfolio.

But, as scary and Spartan as it might sound, failure is as essential to the workings of an effective marketplace as is success.

Which means only that, given this shattered, battle-weary investment bank is unable to find itself a new owner or think its own way through the current calamitous circumstances, then one of the legendary brands of Wall Street should be left to fail.

In a weekend of unprecedented drama, the Fed seems to have been forced to play Solomon and choose between Merrill Lynch and Lehman. Both were facing mortal threat. But it seems only one could survive intact.”

Even worse for the American people during this unprecedented crisis is that one of their top economic experts, Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co, is now warning that over 1,000 US banks are nearing collapse, and one of their top economists, Nouriel Roubini, of NYU's Stern School and RGE Monitor, if further warning that “there is already a "slow-motion run on retail banks" occurring nationwide.”

Russian Military Analysts commenting on these reports state that though it is unlikely that the American President can suspend US elections solely on the basis of an Economic Emergency alone, it is entirely probable that he could do so should their Nation suffer another 9/11 type attack, and which they ‘cryptically’ observe could place as early as September 22nd as American Military Forces begin to conduct their World-Wide tests of their new nuclear alert system as they conduct another test of their so-called Star Wars Missile Defense System.

It should be further noted that as their once great Nation continues sliding towards the abyss of total ruin, these American people still refuse to acknowledge the substance of the many warnings being issued to them from all corners of the World as if even with eyes and ears they do not see and do not hear anything other than what they are programmed for by their masters.

How sad for these people, how much sadder for the rest of us these people are now all but lost.
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Dow drops 777 after house rejects bailout bill

Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Dow drops 777 after house rejects bailout bill

http://www.bizjournals.com/eastbay/stor ... ily21.html

Dow drops 777 after house rejects bailout bill
East Bay Business Times - by Jeffrey Clabaugh Staff Writer

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The Dow Jones Industrial average dropped a record 777 points Monday after the House of Representatives rejected a proposed $700 billion rescue plan for the nation’s struggling financial firms.

The Dow closed the day at 10,365.45 as the S& P 500 plunged 106.85 to 106.42 and the Nasdaq dropped 199.61 to 1,983.73.

The House vote, 205 in favor and 228 against, came as a surprise, despite being an unpopular proposal among many American voters.

The loss is seen as a blow to leaders of both parties who couldn't keep enough of their members in line to pass the measure. Two-thirds of Republicans voted against it, as well as 95 Democrats.

The bill had been modified to satisfy its Congressional opponents, and included language that curbed executive pay and would have created an oversight committee to review the Treasury Department’s actions.

With no other alternative plan immediately in the works, the rejection triggered a slide in financial stocks.

The House rejection comes on a day full of signs the financial crisis is accelerating. European regulators moved to bail out four major banks. Citigroup agreed to acquire Wachovia’s banking operations in a stock deal valuing Wachovia at about $1 per share, 90 percent less than its market capitalization Friday.

Mitsubishi UFJ said it would take a 21 percent stake in Morgan Stanley for $9 billion. Lehman Brothers agreed to sell its Neuberger Berman mutual fund operations to Bain Capital LLC and Hellman & Friedman LLC for $2.15 billion, part of Lehman’s bankruptcy liquidation.

Citigroup (NYSE:C) closed the day at $17.75, down 12 percent. Wachovia (NYSE:WB) closed the day at $1.84, down 82 percent. Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) closed the day at $30.25, down 18 percent. Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) closed the day at $33.25, down 11 percent.
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Post by TonyGosling »



Nobody has been creating any special lending facilities for Main Street. – Rick Santelli, CNBC, Sept. 30, 2008

By Webster G. Tarpley

Washington DC, Oct. 2 – To stop the derivatives bailout monstrosity, we need to be able to answer and defeat the demonic propaganda line coming from the various Wall Street mouthpieces alleging that, unless the Congress capitulates to the Bernanke-Paulson-Bush blackmail (supported by Obama and Pelosi), a credit crunch will soon destroy the American economy. The New Deal answer to this credit crunch blackmail is to recall that the Federal Reserve System is supposed to be the credit engine of the US economy, and that it can and must be coerced and forced into serving the needs of the US economy, rather than catering to the whims of anonymous cliques of unelected and unaccountable parasitical financiers and bankers. We must move immediately to provide abundant credit for production and commerce and all the other vital needs of the American people, while preserving the vital system of regional and local banks, by forcing the Fed to open a Main Street Lending Facility, where producers of all kinds, including small business, local merchants, small, medium and heavy industry, energy producers, the Detroit automakers and all their subcontractors, salesmen, and dealers can received immediate credit at between .5% and 1% interest to keep the US economy going. Up to now, that kind of deal has been reserved exclusively for the hyenas, jackals, and vultures of Wall Street. To keep this economy going, it is time to de-emphasize cheap federal credit to the parasites, and let them take their chances on the “free market” they claim to admire so much. We need a modern equivalent of FDR’s Lend-Lease program – not for war production this time, but to re-start the collapsing domestic economy and get a genuine economic recovery going as we move towards full employment for the first time in many decades.


Since Monday’s defeat of the universally hated $700 billion Wall Street derivatives bailout in the House, the desperate financiers’ party line has shifted: the Wall Street hedge fund hyenas and stockjobbing jackals have re-discovered their tender love for Main Street, small business, and the needs of blue-collar American workers. Wall Street and Main Street are in the same boat, they now assure us. The reason they wanted to take the $700 billion and run was out of their touching concern for the welfare of working families. According to the current Wall Street argument, the great danger now is that, because of the refusal of JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and Bank of America to make loans, the US credit system will be deprived of the liquidity necessary to provide loans for consumers, small business, and commerce in general. “Unless we get our $700 billion,” say the Wall Street vultures in unison, the credit system will freeze up, and there will be no loans for car purchasers, businessmen needing credit to make payroll, department store and supermarket inventory, student loans, new credit cards, and new mortgages for home buyers. If stocks crash, then the little people will lose their IRAs and 401 (k) accounts. So give us the $700 billion pronto, or Main Street will be the big loser.” This hysterical propaganda is now pouring out of the media outlets, who are all espousing a strange new version of trickle-down economics by proclaiming, It’s not a bailout of Wall Street! It’s really a bailout of Main Street!” But this assertion is untenable, as is the related claim that anything short of full Wall Street access to the checkbook of the American taxpayer will lead to a systemic financial crisis in which chain-reaction bankruptcies force all banks and brokerages into insolvency and closure. The Bush economic depression is real enough, but there is no need for Main Street to share in the terrible fate which Wall Street has prepared for itself, provided that classic New Deal methods are applied.

The leading demagogue making this argument is, of course, Sen. Obama.


In reality, Wall Street is nothing but a derivatives monster, a black hole of hundreds of trillions of dollars of poisonous derivatives. Total world derivatives are now between $1 QUADRILLION (i.e., one thousand trillion) and $1.5 quadrillion, and Wall Street represents the lion’s share of this. (We are forced to use estimates because most derivatives are not just unregulated, they are also unreported, so literally nobody knows the exact size of the derivatives bubble.) No money that is put into Wall Street will ever pass through it to benefit anyone else. The Wall Street derivatives black hole is so powerful that it could easily eat the whole earth and the entire solar system, and still be just as bankrupt as it was to start with. Banks like JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and the Bank of America long ago gave up providing commercial bank services in the form of loans to companies seeking to purchase new plant and equipment for capital investment and job creation. The banks do not discount commercial paper any more. They deal in derivatives and speculation, and little else. A year ago, JP Morgan Chase alone officially had $93 TRILLION in derivatives of certain types – more than six times the total Gross Domestic Product of the United States, and this is a very low-ball estimate indeed. When they were still investment banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley created the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) in London to facilitate their oil futures speculation; there are indications that Goldman and Morgan between them accounted for almost half of the run-up in the world oil price, meaning in effect that these two criminal organizations were responsible for almost 25% of the total price of oil. This means that about a quarter out of every dollar paid at the gas pump by commuters, cab drivers, and truckers was going to subsidize Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.


As for the hedge fund hyenas, their game is to buy companies, break them up, and sell the pieces, destroying countless jobs in the process. Chrysler Corp. is being destroyed by the Cerberus hedge fund in this way right now (and should be saved by immediate nationalization). The hedge funds are also past masters of the art of the runaway shop, sending formerly well-paid industrial jobs overseas to low-wage third world sweatshops. Otherwise, the hedge funds are occupied with speculation of all types.

From this brief summary, it should be clear that Wall Street, by choosing the path of derivatives, high-leverage speculation, and asset stripping, has severed any previous relation with the world of production, wages, employment, and capital investment. If Wall Street were to suddenly cease to exist, the immediate direct impact on commercial bank lending to industrial corporations, construction firms, mining companies, transportation firms like airlines, truckers, and railroads, small and medium industry, and small business in general would be minimal, with one exception. The exception is simply that, if the top ten money center banks succumb to the crushing weight of their derivatives, there will ensue a banking panic and general collapse of business confidence which will tend to paralyze the banking and discounting roles of local and regional banks in a way similar to the Herbert Hoover banking panic of 1932-1933. So far we have had panic runs on Countrywide Bank, Northern Rock in the UK and Ireland, Bear Stearns brokerage accounts, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, and the Singapore branch of bankrupt insurance giant AIG. If this wave goes on to engulf local and regional banks and credit unions, the economic heart of the United States will stop beating in the same way as it did in March of 1933, when every commercial bank in the country was closed on the eve of FDR’s inauguration.

The answer to providing credit in the crisis requires us to look very critically at the Federal Reserve. This institution was sold to congress under Woodrow Wilson with the argument that a private central bank would prevent any future panics like those of 1893 and 1907. In this, the Fed has clearly failed to deliver. The Fed contributed to the Wall Street bubble of 1929, and, much worse, did nothing to stop the banking panic of 1932-33. During the 1990s, Greenspan did everything to prevent limits or regulations on the $1 quadrillion-plus derivatives bubble which is the main cause of the present crisis. Greenspan was also responsible for the dot com bubble and the housing bubble, with the collapse of the latter functioning today as the firecracker which sets off an avalanche. The Fed has long been recognized as illegal, unconstitutional, elitist, oligarchical, and more concerned with inflation than in job creation – indeed, as being hostile to full employment. Now we can add that the Fed has struck out three times (1929, 1932-33, and the derivatives crisis of 2007-8), and needs to be replaced. Obviously, the demand of immediate nationalization of the Fed as a bureau of the US Treasury is fully justified. We will quite soon need to get to a system where the money supply and short-term lending rates are established by an act of congress, passed by the House and the Senate and signed by the president. This is the only permanent way to get out of the current world depression, but the issues involved are widely misunderstood. We therefore require a transitional program to move from the bankrupt private Fed of today to the future Fourth Bank of the United States (fourth after those of Hamilton, Madison, and the attempted one of Daniel Webster), which will be the world’s greatest engine of economic development and progress in human civilization.


Let us consider ways to nationalize the Fed step by step, to nationalize the Fed on the installment plan, to help deal with the crisis, even as we educate our fellow citizens as to why this process must be pursued and accelerated. Rather than starting with the maximalist ideological demand of nationalization (although this is fully justified), let us move towards full nationalization through a series of graduated intermediate steps that will allow New Deal methods to prove themselves in the crucible of the world economic crisis, even as all the blather about deregulation, privatization, “free markets,” etc., falls by the wayside in impotence and failure. Let us bridle the lawlessness of Bernanke and his gang through a series of practical demands which grow organically out of the unfolding events of the present crisis, and not based on an abstract ideological approach. Let it also be clear that we have no time or patience for those crazed exponents of the Chicago or Austrian schools who want to abolish the Fed altogether to gratify the shade of crackpot Andrew Jackson, so that we can go back to wampum, clam shells, or barter. Those who are so bewildered by the complexity of modern life as to entertain such ideas as serious public policy should address themselves to issues more easily grasped than international finance and development economics.

Under the current system the Fed controls the money supply and the issuance of credit. What is the Fed doing right now? Since the derivatives crisis exploded in June-July 2007, the Fed has been injecting hundreds of billions of dollars of liquidity (money) into the banking system in a desperate bid to shore up collapsing paper values. The policy of liquidity injections was the Fed’s main emphasis from August to December of 2007, when its failure was recognized.


After that, the Bernanke Fed began creating a series of special lending facilities where bankers, stockbrokers, insurance companies, foreign central banks, and other financial operators could get cheap credit at special subsidized rates, generally well below the Fed’s discount rate (currently 2.25%), and even below the Fed’s target rate for interbank lending known as the Fed funds rate (currently 2% in theory, but in reality oscillating between 1% and 1.5%). Here are the main special windows that the Fed has opened up. Notice that in each case the cheap federal credit is primarily for financial, banking, brokerage, insurance, and mutual fund companies, meaning that most of its goes to the parasitical interests who have created the present crisis and are now demanding an taxpayer-funded bailout.

TERM AUCTION FACILITY (TAF) Created in December 2007, the TAF is a way to allow troubled banks to avoid the public opprobrium of going to the Fed discount window. The TAF allows depository institutions of take part in periodic credit auctions set up by the flagship New York Fed branch, where banks buy 84-day loans with special low interest rates. As of Sept. 29, the TAF amounts to $75 billion in loans at the October 7 monthly auction, with an extra $150 billion added before the end of the year. The Fed appears on track to lend at least $375 billion – exclusively to banks – through the TAF before the end of the year.

TERM SECURITIES LENDING FACILITY (TSLF) Under this program, the firms that are listed as primary dealers of Treasury securities are allowed to exchange certain types of collateral for Treasury bills and bonds, which are (so far) extremely liquid and easy to sell. The collateral these dealers can offer appears to include securities which can be very volatile. The program is operated together with the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, and other foreign central banks. Here is an early 2008 list of the primary dealers who work with the New York Fed. Note the presence of many foreign banks, who thus qualify for special privileges where American producers and small businessmen do not:

ABN AMRO Incorporated BNP Paribas Securities Corp Banc of America Securities LLC Banc One Capital Markets, Inc. Barclays Capital Inc. Cantor Fitzgerald Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc. CIBC World Markets Corp. Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation Daiwa Securities America Inc. Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown Inc. Dresdner Kleinwort Benson North America LLC Fuji Securities Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc. HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. J. P. Morgan Securities, Inc./Chase Securities Inc. Lehman Brothers Inc. Merrill Lynch Government Securities Inc. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Nesbitt Burns Securities Inc. Nomura Securities International, Inc. SG Cowen Securities Corporation Salomon Smith Barney Inc. UBS Warburg LLC. Zion’s First National Bank

Under the TSLF, the Fed intends to lend about $400 billion up to the end of October 2008, with much more coming before the end of the year.

PRIMARY DEALER CREDIT FACILITY (PDCF) This new Fed window provides overnight loans to these same primary dealers in exchange for very dubious collateral, including all investment-grade securities, meaning bonds that are subject to going to junk level within days in the current climate. As of Sept. 15, shares of common stock will be accepted for the first time. What if the stock turns out to be that of Bear Stearns, Lehman, AIG, Wachovia, or other bankrupt banks, and the stock value goes to zero? The taxpayers will be left holding the bag. This means that, for the first time in history, primary dealers can borrow directly from the Fed, while industrial corporations and farms still cannot. The interest rate here is the Fed’s bank discount rate, meaning a very low 2.25%, far less than the prevailing prime rate from commercial banks, which is 5%, a rate none of these quasi-bankrupt brokers could ever qualify for anyway. Compare that to the interest rate on your credit card and you will see what a precious service the Fed is providing – now to banks and brokers who are not Fed member banks and not even banks at all. The Fed has not announced any limit in the dollar amounts that could be lent out under this program, meaning that the lending may be literally unlimited.

ASSET-BACKED COMMERCIAL PAPER MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUND LIQUIDITY FACILITY (ABCPMMMFLF) This is part of the Fed’s attempt to bail out these money market mutual funds after the Reserve Fund Primary Fund broke the buck by falling below $1 per share, and the exclusive Putnam Prime Money Market Fund was liquidated to avoid bankruptcy, threatening to push $3.4 trillion in similar funds into panic liquidation. The Fed effectively guaranteeing all of this, with an initial lending program of $50 billion. Collateral includes asset-backed commercial paper, but only from these dubious mutual funds, not from businessmen who need credit for production, payroll, or commerce.

CURRENCY SWAP LINES WITH FOREIGN CENTRAL BANKS These are dollar loans to foreign central banks, with an upper limit of $620 billion. They are allegedly used to protect the value of the US dollar and the other currencies against selling pressure in the foreign exchange markets.

In addition to these immense programs, the Fed has lent $85 billion to the bankrupt insurance company AIG, plus $35 billion to JP Morgan Chase to cover possible losses from the takeover of Bear Stearns back in March. By launching this stunning array of lending programs, the Fed oligarchs have thoroughly blurred the line between their member banks and the rest of the economic and business world, destroying their favorite earlier basis for denying credit for production. If the Fed serves only its member banks, that is one thing. But if a mutual fund company or an insurer or even foreigners can get cheap credit, why not a steel mill, a car wash, or a trucking company? After all, humanity does not live by financial paper alone, and real production and real services are the key to human survival.


From this summary, we can see that the Fed has in recent months provided more than $1.5 trillion in lending for bankers, brokers, insurance companies, and mutual fund investment companies. Many of these lucky recipients of cheap US government credit are foreign commercial bankers, especially in the euro zone and Japan, to whom the US government is not obligated in any way. In effect, this means that the vast majority of these cheap federal loans are going to shore up the cancerous mass of kited derivatives which is crushing humanity. Incredibly, we have generously subsidized federal lending to support the bloated, fictitious, and usurious asset bubble which the derivatives represent. The Fed has been working overtime to support this mass of mortgage backed securities, structured investment vehicles, collateralized debt obligations, credit default swamps, and other over the counter, counterparty, and structured note derivatives. All of this is hidden behind the blather about poor people and subprime mortgages being responsible for the crisis, an absurdity. At the same time, there have been no special federal facilities for Main Street, for small business, for department stores, for small and medium industry, or even for the largest industrial corporations. (The same prejudice against real production has been shown by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has temporarily banned short selling, but only against banks and financial companies, and not against industrial, pharmaceutical, transportation, or utility corporations!) It is time to redress this unbelievable situation.


The Fed must now be forced, through a federal law or presidential executive order using emergency powers, to open a special window to provide cheap federal credit for those forgotten people, the producers. A Federal Reserve line of credit of (initially) $1 trillion must be made available for productive activities of all kinds. In practice, this means that any businessperson or entrepreneur must be able to get credit for production through his or her local commercial bank. In technical terms, the local and regional banks must be directed to accept for discount purposes the commercial paper, bills of lading, bills of exchange, and promissory notes of productive businesses to establish lines of credit for said businesses at a rate of interest varying between .5% (one half of one per cent) and 1%. Maturities will be flexible, from 90 days for ordinary retail merchandise lending to 30-40 years for certain classes of capital and infrastructure investment. This will be done within the framework of the new Fed Main Street Lending Facility which will obligate and commit the Fed and its several regional branches to automatically and reliably accept for rediscount such commercial paper, bills of lading, bills of exchange, promissory notes, and related instruments generated out of production and hard-commodity commerce.

If the local bankers judge that productive investments in plant and equipment proposed by local entrepreneurs, whose reliability is known to them, are credit-worthy under these circumstances, they will be able to set up lines of credit for productive businesses and have these lines of credit automatically backed up by the guaranteed full lending power of the entire Federal Reserve System and all its branches, without exception. If state and local governments need capital to rebuild infrastructure in the form of bridges, roads, water systems, mass transit lines, bus fleets, libraries, schools, hospitals, public buildings, parks, recreation areas, and other socially useful installations, these state and local governments will also be guaranteed lines of credit for such contractors and subcontractors as they designate. No “privatization” of such facilities will be permitted at any time now or in the future. In other words, a significant part of the Fed will pressed into service for commodity production, socially necessary and useful services, and infrastructure development. The exclusive dedication of the central bank to financier interests to the detriment of business and labor will be finally broken.


Local and regional banks participating in credit issuance under the MSLF will be kept in business by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and given loan assistance as needed, on condition that they write off 100% of their derivatives book and refrain from making these dangerous investments at any time in the future. Banks which insist on maintaining their useless and socially destructive derivatives exposure will be seized as soon as they become technically insolvent, and bankruptcy judges overseeing Chapter XI proceedings will be given binding instructions by statute that all derivatives are to be wiped out in the course of bankruptcy re-organization as part of the effort to restore the viability of these banks. Shareholders who will be wiped out in this process should voice their concerns to bank management and directors at once, and thus help these banks to escape the deadly derivatives contagion, and survive.

Politically, this program addresses the urgent needs of small, medium, and large industry, small business, organized labor, working people in general, students, the working poor, and retirees. This proposal will tend to polarize the country between the overwhelming majority represented by these groups and others on the one hand, and a minority made up of Wall Street, its clients, hangers-on, and rent-seekers, and a few other groups – such as the foreign bankers the Fed is currently subsidizing -- on the other.


The lesson of the Great Depression of the 1930s is that all attempts to shore up bloated speculative values in the midst of a panic are doomed to failure, and must make the entire situation still worse. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was created by Herbert Hoover in January 1931 with $3.5 billion of capital, a large sum at that time. But under Hoover, the RFC wasted its efforts in fruitless attempts to prop up bankrupt banks, and in attempting to support the speculative bubble which was inexorably collapsing. Thus, the RFC was able to save a few banks here and there temporarily, but was totally impotent to stop the banking panic of 1932-33, which led to the shutdown of every bank in the United States on March 4, 1932 in the early hours of FDR’s inauguration day. The success of the RFC began under the New Deal when Jesse Jones of Texas used $50 billion for productive investment in plant, equipment, and jobs, many of them for defense purposes. The lesson is clear: in a depression, we must ignore the fate of speculative and fictitious paper and the price of that paper, and concentrate everything on helping people, especially by providing the forms of useful production upon which human life and human civilization depend.


We know what is productive. Production means physical production, the manufacture of real physical wealth in the form of hard commodities. Productive activities include farming, mining, construction, scientific research, transportation (trucking, taxicabs, urban mass transit, ferries, airlines) infrastructure (including railroads, highways, power grids), commerce of merchandise and commodities, defense production, nuclear reactors, electric power, water projects, mechanical repairs, garment industry, food and canning, machine tools, capital goods, pharmaceuticals, health care and hospitals. By contrast, you cannot eat, wear, live in, ride in, or drive a derivative, and you cannot use a derivative as a tool of means of production of any kind.

So much has already been done for the greedy bankers and brokers that we can fairly say that this new lending facility should be strictly off limits to Wall Street, to hedge funds, to stock brokers, and to money center banks. Regional and local bankers, as we have seen, have a key role in administering these loans to local business in their capacity as local lending agents of the Federal Reserve. But no money under the new program should go for financial services, finance companies, insurance, or speculation of any kind.

Our definition of Main Street is thus as inclusive as possible. It includes the Detroit auto makers, California’s Silicon Valley, the Maryland genome corridor, the Texas-Oklahoma-Louisiana oil patch, the Boston high-tech complex, the farmers of the upper Midwest and high plains, Chicago light industry, and southern rice and cotton farmers. It includes any auto repair shop, dry cleaners, restaurant, or plumber. Main Street as used here means any business that provides production or a socially necessary service, and these are precisely the interests that have been scorned, despised, and neglected by the banker-controlled private central bank known as the Federal Reserve. Apart from that narrow enclave known as Wall Street and the money center banks, Main Street means virtually the entire US economy. The MSLF is also the best way to support reasonable valuations, once the present tempests have passed, of the common stock of industrial corporations which many persons hold in their IRAs and 401(k) accounts.


In January 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt secured congressional approval for Lend-Lease, the program which finally harnessed the US system of credit and production to provide the necessary equipment for the defense of the United States and its British, Soviet, and other allies. It was Lend-Lease which, by guaranteeing that the banking system and the Federal Reserve would be mobilized to provide abundant, cheap, long-term credit for defense production, which finally ended the Great Depression entirely and allowed the US to attain full employment during the months before Pearl Harbor. Lend-Lease made this country the arsenal of democracy. Today, our task is not to mobilize against any foreign enemies, but rather to defeat the world economic and financial depression. The credit we need must serve to turn this country away from the perilous path of financial speculation followed during recent decades, most especially since the collapse of the Bretton Woods world monetary August 15, 1971. We must respond to the disintegration of the globalized world finance system with a concerted campaign for the re-industrialization of the United States using the most modern available technology, along with a rebuilding and massive upgrading of the national infrastructure.

The ultimate goal remains the complete nationalization of the Fed, and a return to constitutional legality. The power to create money belongs to Congress, which cannot transfer or alienate that prerogative by a mere statute like the Federal Reserve Act. There is also the little matter of saving the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, year in and year out. Under the current system, the JP Morgan Chase borrows Fed-regulated Fed funds at 2%, and JP Morgan Chase then turns around and lends the same money back to the Treasury for 4% to 5%. This spread is often even wider, and the difference between the Fed funds rate and the interest rates on Treasury bonds is an outright subsidy to the Wall Street banks for doing nothing, pure gravy for the financiers. If the Fed’s currency issuance function were brought back into the Treasury, the taxpayers could save an average of between two and six per cent on Treasury borrowing compared to the current system, which would save hundreds of billions of dollars on the bloated US national debt. The US federal government, if only it is properly managed, is the most powerful institution in the known universe, and it surely does not require the services of bankrupt derivatives sinkholes like Chase, Citibank, and Bank of America. Those banks, as corporations, are mere creatures of the government, and we can easily dispense with their services. Once the Federal Reserve has been nationalized, we will save literally trillions by having the government lend to itself without these parasitical Wall Street middlemen getting in the way.


With this crisis, all existing schools of economic thought save one have fallen into discredit. The fascist corporate state, supported by Obama and many Democrats, has failed. Communism and Marxism have failed. The deregulation and privatization demanded by Milton Friedman’s monetarist Chicago school and Von Hayek’s Austrian school (both branches of the Mount Pelerin society) as applied to derivatives have created the present crisis, so they are also finished. Only the methods of the FDR New Deal are left standing, and it is to the vigorous application of New Deal that we must now turn without delay.
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Re: Dow drops 777 after house rejects bailout bill

Post by scubadiver »

Whitehall_Bin_Men wrote:Dow drops 777 after house rejects bailout bill

http://www.bizjournals.com/eastbay/stor ... ily21.html

Dow drops 777 after house rejects bailout bill
East Bay Business Times - by Jeffrey Clabaugh Staff Writer
777 thread on the David Icke forum
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Post by TonyGosling »

Every country for itself as European unity collapses in an attack of jitters
Germany became the latest EU member to put its national interest first by announcing its own guarantee for bank deposits

From The Times - October 6, 2008

Germany shattered any semblance of European unity on the global credit crisis last night by announcing that it was ready to guarantee €568 billion of personal savings in domestic accounts.

The move – designed to fend off a panic run as it negotiates to save a sinking mortgage bank – is sure to anger France which, holding the EU presidency, tried to create the illusion of a common front at a weekend summit in Paris. Instead, the message coming loud and clear from Berlin is that it is every man for himself. Or as President Nicolas Sarkozy would prefer not to say: sauve qui peut.

The massive liquidity crisis in the banking system has already nudged the Irish Republic and Greece into unilateral – and probably illegal under EU law – action to guarantee the deposits in national banks. Faced with a choice between the possible collapse of their national banking systems and violating EU competition rules, the two countries opted for what they believed to be the lesser evil. Now Germany, which at the weekend rejected French plans for an EU lifeboat fund, has taken the decisive protective step, and for many currency specialists it is plain that other European states will have to follow suit.

“This is an important signal to calm the situation and head off disproportionate reactions,” said Peer Steinbrück, the Finance Minister, “and which would make our crisis management or crisis prevention even more difficult.” Berlin insiders say that Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, did not make a spur-of-the-moment decision but had been pondering the move since the Hypo Real Estate bank first ran into serious trouble. The Munich-based group is the second-largest commercial property lender in Germany and it seemed set to go down ten days ago, hit by the problems of its Irish subsidiary Depfa. Then the Government came up with a typically German solution – €35 billions of liquidity to be provided by a consortium of banks and the Bundesbank, while banks and the Government would stump up €35 billion of credit guarantees. The alternative was to see the bank go down and suck the real economy into the maelstrom.......................

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w ... 888286.ece
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Post by TonyGosling »

Consistently good stuff on the oft warned about financial meltdown here.

Actually Newsnight tonight was seemingly going for it.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan explaining exactly which of he banks' 'scientific' risk mechanisms we have to dismantle.


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Post by TonyGosling »

Interesting to see that this is the Bilderberg bottom line in all this... Either you give us the new world money system we want or your markets are going to continue crashing and crashing.

Bankers Want World Economic Government To Solve Financial Crisis They Created

The world's central bankers are gathering this week at the IMF-World Bank conference in Washington DC and are expected to grease the skids for the creation of a machinery of world economic governance under the pretext of preventing a repeat of the financial crisis, a global economic policeman to patrol a de-facto financial dictatorship.

Bilderberg member and recently appointed UK Business Secretary Peter Mandelson argued last week that new global solutions are needed because "the machinery of global economic governance barely exists"-, adding: "It is time for a Bretton Woods for this century,"- reports the Telegraph, noting that "Opinion is now hardening around the case for a new global architecture to enforce rules that ensure lessons are learnt."-
click here

Just a fellow news researcher. I often find it hard not to be buried in the spin. So I figured I would share some articles that wont receive any attention.

October 9, 2008 at 14:15:22
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Banker ... 9-399.html
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Global Markets Plunge on Recession Fears

The extraordinary 'yachtgate' scandal this week

Some are wondering... will the markets re-open on Monday?
Peter Mandelson
Furore: Business Secretary Peter Mandelson
Mandelson named in spy files on oligarch
Adrian Gatton and Robert Mendick
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/ ... article.do

BUSINESS secretary Lord Mandelson's relationship with the Russian oligarch at the centre of the "yachtgate" scandal is detailed in secret government intelligence files, the Evening Standard can reveal.

A source has told the Standard that Lord Mandelson's name features repeatedly in files held on Oleg Deripaska. The revelation will strengthen demands for Lord Mandelson to disclose all meetings and dealings with Mr Deripaska, Russia's richest man.

The references to Lord Mandelson appear in files contained on a massive, covert joint intelligence database called Scope. Scope allows Mi5, Mi6, GCHQ and the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre to communicate with each other more quickly and securely than before. It enables the agencies to call up the latest intelligence within 15 minutes.

A source told the Standard: "Peter Mandelson appears in the Scope database. His name appears repeatedly in connection with the business dealings of Oleg Deripaska."

There is no suggestion that there is a file specifically devoted to Lord Mandelson nor that he has acted improperly in meeting Mr Deripaska. UK intelligence agencies opened a file on Mr Deripaska following a series of claims over his alleged links to organised crime in Russia. US authorities are also said to be concerned about Mr Deripaska's dealings.

The oligarch is banned from entering the US. At the request of the FBi in 2006, the US authorities revoked his visa and, despite lobbying, Mr Deripaska has failed to get it reinstated.

Mr Deripaska has never been convicted of any crime and denies all wrongdoing including any ties to organised crime. He insists his US ban is purely a bureaucratic error. Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who has tabled questions in the Commons asking if the British authorities were aware of US concerns when issuing Mr Deripaska a visa, said today: "There are now a series of questions that need answering over Lord Mandelson's relationship with Mr Deripaska." it emerged today that Lord Mandelson and Mr Deripaska have known each other since at least 2004 - two years earlier than previously thought - when the two men were spotted dining in Moscow. Lord Mandelson had just been appointed a European Commissioner but had yet to take up the post. Lord Mandelson, appointed Business Secretary this month, has always insisted there was no conflict of interest in his friendship with Mr Deripaska. As European trade commissioner, he made decisions that may have had a direct impact on Mr Deripaska's business dealings, mainly in aluminium in which he made his fortune.

This week hedge fund manager Nat Rothschild, a friend of both Lord Mandelson and Mr Deripaska, wrote a letter to The Times suggesting Tory shadow chancellor George Osborne had attempted to "solicit a donation" from the oligarch during a meeting on the Russian's yacht, moored off Corfu.

The result was to turn attention to Mr Osborne's dealings with Mr Deripaska. Mr Rothschild, the millionaire financier and scion of the Rothschild banking dynasty, has been working strategically since 2005 to help Mr Deripaska's aluminium company Basic Element get a listing on a major stock exchange.

Mr Deripaska is convinced he is being smeared by Russian rivals. A source said: "There are a lot things flying around to blacken Mr Deripaska's name. Claims about security service files cannot be proved one way or the other."

No one at the business department was available for comment.
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Post by Thermate911 »

From 1994 research into Project Blue Beam, http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectb ... ul05.shtml
a reminder strikes me as relevent here:-
Phasing Out Cash & Independence
The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism. The same technique will be used by the United Nations to implement the new world religion and the new world order. A lot of people ask when this is going to happen and how they will accomplish the visions of the Night of a Thousand Stars, and the events that will point to the days when it will begin. According to the many reports we have received, we believe it will begin with some kind of worldwide economic disaster. Not a complete crash, but enough to allow them to introduce some kind of in-between currency before they introduce their electronic cash to replace all paper or plastic money. The in-between currency will be used to force anyone with savings to spend or turn in their cash because they understand that people who have money and are not dependent upon them might be the very ones who will mount an insurrection against them. If everyone is broke, no one can fund a war of any kind: paper currency will cease to exist. This is one of the first signs.

But to implement the worldwide electronic money system, everyone in the world who might have money in the future, will have to have a way to transfer money electronically. Before that time, everyone will have spent, before the year 2,000, all of their cash, reserves and assets. Everyone has to be 100% dependent upon the Council for their existence. To prevent any kind of independence, the new world order has already implanted micro chips in wild animals, birds, fish, etc. Why? They want to make certain that the people who will not accept the new world order will not be able to hunt or fish any where in the world. If they try, they will be tracked and traced by satellites, then hunted down and imprisoned or killed.

The new world order is already changing the laws of all nations to make everyone dependent upon a single food and vitamin supply. They are changing laws about religion and psychiatric disorders in order to identify anyone who is potentially threatening to the NWO. Those who are found defective will be sent to eradication camps where their organs will be taken and sold to the highest bidders. Those who are not killed outright will be used as slave labor or used in medical experiments. The goal of a dictatorship is to control everyone, everywhere on the planet, ruthlessly and without exception. That's why the new technology being introduced everywhere is a technology for the control of the people. The technology of the 1940s and 1950s was used to help the people have an easier and more productive life.

The new technology is designed and built to track down and control people everywhere. This technology is being manufactured for a specific purpose and to refuse to see and recognize that purpose, which is to enslave the entire populations of the world, is to deny the emergence of the Antichrist and the establishment of the new world order religion and government. If you cannot see, if you cannot learn, if you cannot understand, then you and your family and friends will succumb to the fires of the crematoria that have been built in every state and every major city on earth, built to deal with you. No one is safe in a totalitarian police state!

Serge Monast
So why are we all still putting up with this black farce?


Lack energy for a paradigm shift?
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Post by TonyGosling »

Russia offers to change global economy
Thu, 30 Oct 2008 19:11:42 GMT
Putin said the world had to act against 'economic egoism'.
Russia is to take part in changing the global economic structure saving it from monopolism, says the country's Premier Vladimir Putin.
"Russia offers its participation in modifying the financial architecture which has suffered enough from "the flawed nature of monopolism", ITAR-TASS quoted Putin as saying.
The Russian contribution is meant to "ensure stability and prosperity in the world," he said addressing the meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, Kazakhstan.
The premier also noted that the global economic ferment indicated "shifts in the structure of international relations" adding that "a new geopolitical situation" was about to take form.
The economic disarray has elicited grave messages from the Russian leadership with the former president blaming the United States earlier in the month for the financial woes the world over.
"Everything happening now in the economic and financial sphere began in the United States. This is a real crisis that all of us are facing."
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev then followed suit in calling the US financial domination over.
The Russian trade and RTS stocks have had their fair share of collapses thanks to the bottleneck in the US financial structure.
On October 16, the Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation center suggested that Russia and China scrap dollar in bilateral trade "as payments in dollars often unreasonably delay remittances”.
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=73 ... =351020602
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Post by Disco_Destroyer »

Chinese premier urges unity within SCO to mitigate impact of financial crisis
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao speaks during a small-range meeting of the six prime ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member countries in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, Oct. 30, 2008. The 7th prime ministers' meeting of the SCO member countries convened in Astana on Thursday. (Xinhua Photo)

www.chinaview.cn 2008-10-30 22:40:15

ASTANA, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Thursday called on member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to work in concert to improve the bloc's capability in dealing with the risks brought about by the current global financial crisis.

Speaking at the 7th prime ministers' meeting of the SCO in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, Wen said the spiraling financial crisis has brought inevitable challenges and pressure for the development of SCO members.

In order to weather the crisis better, SCO members should strengthen cooperation and discuss bilateral or multilateral countermeasures by exploring existing coordination mechanisms within the bloc, especially those among various central banks or economy regulating institutions, Wen said.

The SCO prime ministers' meeting itself has sent a strong signal to the rest of the world that SCO members are determined to work together to stabilize the economy and boost confidence on the financial markets, the Chinese premier said.

China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with its SCO partners and take effective measures to reduce the impact of the financial crisis to a minimum, Wen said.

He said China will continue its reform and opening-up, unswervingly adhere to peaceful development, and continue to follow the principle of building friendship and partnership with neighboring countries.

China will, as it always has, overcome difficulties and share opportunities with its SCO partners in a bid to promote lasting peace and development in the region, Wen said.

Wen arrived in Astana Wednesday evening for a three-day visit to Kazakhstan after wrapping up a tour to Russia.

The SCO, founded in Shanghai in 2001, consists of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, with Pakistan, India, Iran and Mongolia as observers.

Editor: Mu Xuequan

http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008- ... 279286.htm
Participation of observer countries in member states' meetings is conducive to attracting these countries into the cooperation projects within the SCO framework, the prime ministers said.

The Chinese premier arrived here Wednesday evening on a three-day official visit to Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is the second leg of his two-nation tour which has already taken him to Russia, where Wen held talks with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and parliament leaders.

Wen and Putin also attended the third Sino-Russian economic forum in Moscow. The two countries signed a series of cooperation agreements in economy, trade, science and technology, energy and culture.
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Post by Disco_Destroyer »

Chinese premier meets with Iranian vice president
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008- ... 283221.htm
www.chinaview.cn 2008-10-30 23:45:19

ASTANA, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Thursday that China will maintain contact with Iran and conduct mutually beneficial cooperation with the country.

The Chinese premier made the remark at a meeting with Parviz Davoodi, first vice president of Iran, on the sidelines of the 7thprime ministers' meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.

Iran is an observer of the SCO.

Wen spoke highly of the traditional friendship between the peoples of China and Iran.

The premier said the Chinese side is willing to expand cooperation with Iran in compliance with the UN charter and on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, which will not only bring benefits for the two peoples but also be conducive to regional peace and stability.

Davoodi congratulated China on the success of the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics.

He said Iran-China relations are based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and that Iran hopes to enhance cooperation with China in fields such as politics, trade and economy.

Davoodi outlined the progress of the Iranian nuclear issue, saying Iran is willing to solve the issue through negotiation.

Wen said China believes Iran, a contracting state of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, has the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Meanwhile, China calls for the maintenance of the international nuclear non-proliferation system, and thinks Iran's nuclear issue should be solved peacefully through dialogue and negotiation, Wen said.

The Chinese premier expressed the hope that Iran will continue to show flexibility on the nuclear issue, actively address concerns of the international community, and restore negotiations on the issue as soon as possible.

He said China will keep on playing a constructive role in promoting the appropriate settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue.

Wen arrived here Wednesday evening on a three-day official visit to Kazakhstan to attend the 7th prime ministers' meeting of SCO member countries.

The SCO, a regional organization founded in June 2001, comprises China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, with Mongolia, India, Iran and Pakistan holding observer status.

Editor: Mu Xuequan
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Excellent follow-up article- same author as Pre-Planned 9/11

Post by Truthseeker2 »

Epochal Transformation Accelerates
As Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, worldwide economic, political and social events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The forthcoming changes, shifts and breaks with the past that are delineated below do concern the unsavory business of WHAT, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.

I. As we all sat back and waited for this year’s October Surprise, please know that it came a little bit early this year on September 15th which will forever be known as PITCH BLACK MONDAY. Actually, the entire month of October was set up to be a series of Black Monday’s, as well as every other day of the week shaped up to be. It’s really a good time to brace your self since this year’s election cycle, and beyond, will bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the beginning of the end of FIAT money – the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills. This foundational flaw, together with all of the multi-layered financial/economic/accounting mechanisms and schemes that have insidiously crept into the system, are the ‘not talked about’ institutionalized culprits and structural deformities that really need to go. Without them, the perps wouldn’t be so tempted to stack the deck against us all the time.
The only legitimate currency is that which is backed by GOLD, or some other precious commodity that is universally valued, and issued directly by the US Government, not a privately owned, organized crime syndicate like the FED. Debt driven, fractional-reserve banking – the real bane of global finance – will then be banished from the planet forever, along with the overlords of disaster capitalism, institutionalized usury & loan-sharking (e.g. World Bank & International Monetary Fund), as well as their economic hitmen. Finally, the central organizing principle of modern society, and especially Western Civilization, will no longer be: maximizing shareholders’ wealth.
The writing is on the wall: THE FED IS DEAD. And so is the Fed’s collection agency – the IRS. The FED has obviously been on extreme life support since September ’08, and the only compassionate response is to let it go peacefully into the sunset. Perhaps we should organize a simple taxpayers’ revolt, not too unlike those that occurred prior to the American Revolution, to bury this beast forever. When the people do wake up, and realize that the Federal Reserve Note that they carry in their pocket is exactly that – a note (i.e. debt, obligation, debit, commitment, instrument of indebtedness), things will start to get REEEEAL interesting !

II. Another little surprise will come in the form of an announcement that goes something like this: The USA was conceived to be a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy by plutocracy. Or corpocacy, or oligarchy/synarchy, or crony capitalism or any other ism/cracy/archy they have tried to foist upon US. The founding fathers would be absolutely horrified to see the “mob rule by the privileged elites” into which this once great nation has degenerated. Every political philosopher knows that democracy, when sufficiently dumbed down and unduly influenced by the moneyed ruling class, will always devolve into a despotic tyranny. Therefore, the wholesale exportation of our fraudulent notion of democracy, and its supposed freedoms (to buy, buy, buy after watching the boob tube hucksters), by the political and corporate classes must be reconsidered. And it will be soon, on a new channel during this “Fall” season’s new lineup! Stay tuned ---
The recent presidential election, incidentally, is perhaps the most flagrant example of how the US constitutional republic has been repeatedly suspended. Just as much as the voting populace has been suspended in the state of perpetual ignorance is bliss for generations. Can you imagine – the winner having raised close to $700 MILLION in campaign contributions – just how many debts the president-elect has incurred?! How, pray tell, do you think these debts will be paid back in light of the trillions that are already owed across the world by the US Treasury, US corporations, US citizens, etc. They won’t be paid, because they can’t be paid. The US Corporation is, and has been, bankrupt for quite some time now. Therefore, this fraudulent corporate entity will now be trotted off the global stage, so that the REAL Constitutional Republic can be resurrected to its proper place in the nation’s governmental and political life.

III. Another announcement will be made, in the not too distant future, about the business entity commonly known as the CORPORATION – the main huckster of this ‘brand’ of faux democracy. Surely, if the devil were to ever choose the perfect form in which to enter in order to carry out his nefarious designs, Inc. is it. Is there any other entity on earth – person or party, organization or association, government or institution, jurisdiction or bureaucracy, club or group, fraternity or sorority, etc. that can function with such impunity, as it hides behind the shield of LIMITED LIABILITY. Those two words have given complete cover for the flagrant and wanton destruction of planet Earth.
You name it – oil slicked coastlines, razed rainforests, beaches strewn with dead dolphins and whales. Not to mention the complete erosion of human, civil and national rights, wherever INC decides to set up shop.
Let’s pick a country. Let’s go to India and visit Bhopal of Union Carbide fame. Close to 8000 people died within two weeks of that December day in 1984 in what is known as the worst industrial disaster of the last century. Now that Dow Chemical owns Union Carbide, you can only imagine the veritable phalanx of attorneys who are paid unconscionable fees to ensure proper responsibility and accountability will never be assumed by their master.
Or let’s visit the Punjab and talk to the thousands of widows of farmers who committed suicide because of Monsanto’s “seedless seeds”. Or go to just about anywhere on that subcontinent where a Walmart is being protested for land theft, encroachment and despoilation. Let’s not forget about all the Coca Cola bottling plants that have become notorious for stealing the most precious commodity that every Indian cherishes and covets – WATER. Well, that takes care of land, water, air … and blood. What else in heaven’s name do these stakeholders want?!
We all know the deal. It’s the one where the individual, and his/her environment, is always trampled in favor of the corporate interest. Isn’t it time to really take stock of what our current predicament has left us with? Perhaps it’s also time to seriously think about actually re-ordering the ORDER, instead of once again rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. Like we’ve said, “optimizing stockholder profit” will soon be history, as the cease and desist orders are not far from being issued to Corporate America. Might as well get a head start on dissolving (or re-chartering) that corporation.

IV. Termination of Globalization: The dominating and predatory form, that is. No other global initiative has been more unsuccessful at creating a framework for a more efficient transfer of goods and services around the planet. Truly, every aspect of this corporate inspired policy has failed miserably. Wherever it promoters trumpet its stated intention to make markets more streamlined, effective and resilient, it has done quite the opposite.
One only needs to look at the current debacle within the European Union concerning the banking, credit, and stock market breakdowns. Never has a response from the appropriate governing bodies been more disorganized, full of mixed messages and working at cross purposes with the member states. It’s like watching The Three Stooges (France, Germany & Italy) play musical chairs blindfolded with no clothes on. What an unprecedented spectacle, and in plain view for the entire world to watch! This will undoubtedly put the brakes on the concretizing of a North American Union and their planned currency – the Amero. Praise the Lord!
As a matter of fact, all of the financial unions and economic superstates (e.g. European Union; Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Union of South American Nations) that have been created over the past many years will, by sheer necessity and desperation, be forced to re–organize themselves in the coming months and years. Even South America, which has two distinct camps that are constantly gummin’ up the works for each other, will abandon their current emerging model in favor of one that enjoys complete freedom from its North American taskmaster. To their credit, they have set the bar higher than it has ever been set concerning their strongly stated desire to be free of IMF and World Bank control. Only Russia has exceeded their standards, as they had already been fleeced by the Oligarchs in what may very well be the grandest larceny of national wealth/resources in history. This, of course, was preceded by a 75 year scourge of incessant rape, pillaging and plundering by the Bolsheviks and their Western financiers & handlers. Clearly Mr. Putin will not allow a repeat of any such conduct within his borders, and the international persecution that he has suffered certainly reflects their displeasure and frustration with him. No wonder Vladimir Putin is now considered a “reincarnation” of Peter the Great by his own people.
The ruinous influence of these two globalization thugs (IMF & WB) can be instantly assessed by looking at the economic calamities they caused in Argentina (1999-2002), as well as in Thailand, South Korea & Indonesia during the 1997 Asian currency crisis. Likewise, every nation in Africa that has chosen to take on their monetary yoke has only misery and war and financial oppression to show for it. Wherever these 2 scrooges show their faces, it’s quite like Ebenezer himself showing up to make a house call. You know the patient will soon find himself in a pine box after all the gold fillings and rings have been removed.
We have seen this globalization scam unfold in country after country, as a ruse to steal a nation’s resources, always taking from those who have, and giving to those who want it. In fact, an objective assessment of all the world’s current conflicts would reveal that the vast majority are directly the result of this geo-political/commercial dynamic. The privatization of water sources/bodies/supplies/rights is perhaps the most provocative and glaring, and can be found at the root of a number of these resource wars.
Clearly the verdict has been delivered: Economies are much less vulnerable, the more locally they are positioned and the less centralized their decision-making process. This arrangement affords much greater resiliency when dealing with the vicissitudes of the marketplace. And it takes the power away from those who are insulated in ivory towers, and far from the plight of the common man. It is time for everyone on the planet to “think globally; act locally”.

V. Stock market will become extinct. There is no greater tool at the disposal of those who can, and do, manipulate the various markets than the charade of “setting up” a formal system of trading, buying and selling of anything, as exemplified by the NYSE. This is where it all happens. From devastating whole national (and regional) economies, to toppling uncooperative corporate execs, to bringing 150 year old multi-billion $$$ companies to their knees within a week’s time. From triggering stockholder revolts, to propping up corporate raiders, to extorting billions from national and/or corporate treasuries. They can, and do, do it all right there on the floor.
Really, the very best example of what occurs in these speculative market exchanges is the gambling casino. In Vegas, everyone knows that the house ALWAYS wins. It never loses. Even when there is the appearance of losing, it still wins. Go figure, but it’s true. Your stockbroker is not too unlike the blackjack dealer. And your financial planner is often a croupier in disguise. So, the question remains, do you honestly know what your hard earned retirement money is invested in? If not, this is a very good time to find out!!!
For those of us who have been there, we know that whether you call it an oil bourse, a commodity exchange, or a bond market, you’re still playing in a game that can go against you at any time. Wipe out your earnings in a heartbeat; devour your principal in a flash. It’s often been said that when he comes, “he comes like a thief in the night”. Do you still feel you know where your entire life savings is currently residing?
The derivatives market represents the single greatest threat to worldwide economic stability and financial security. It poses such great potential for financial abuse and economic devastation that the current institutional arrangements of this commercial realm have become completely unacceptable. The alarming proliferation of hedge funds, as well as the growing number and variety of derivative instruments, has reached a critical mass that is incompatible with living a financially sound life on planet Earth. Simply put, some of these instruments are so far from the street – economic reality – that they put into jeopardy all the hard work, which appears in the form of real goods and services, that is produced by any economy at any given time. This predicament signifies a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to us all.
Remember – DERIVATIVES are the real megilla. Derivatives, by their very nature, can be highly radioactive, and can go nuclear any time circumstances conspire in just the right, or wrong, way. Those who control their destiny can, likewise, utilize their inherent threat as a means of conducting financial and economic terrorism anytime, anywhere completely under the radar screen. It’s time for them to go. And we trust it’s just a matter of execution at this point.

VI. Mass Consumerism & Perpetual Economic Growth – the Fric & Frac of our Age – are history. One need not look any further than the inside of one’s own home to see the ravages of these adopted twins. They own the bedroom, the living room, the family room and all the closets. They’ve taken over the kitchen, the den and the garage, as well. Since their middle names are Amass and Accumulate, we can only imagine what might lay hidden in the attic, the basement and the shed.
Ever since they became the twin pillars of Kali Yuga’s overarching philosophy of life, things started to really go to hell in a handbasket … or rather gilded cage. How so? What else could one expect from a political economy that demands growth, necessitates growth and extols the virtues of growth at every turn (and on every other commercial and newscast). Growth, at the expense of WHAT!! We’ll tell you what – Life!
One of the most tragic parts of this ever-unfolding tragedy has been the dramatic change in the spirit of the people with whom these twins associate. The very society loses its refinement, as the culture becomes debased. Aren’t so many things associated with Americana experienced as coarse, and crude, and crass? Likewise, the nation, which was once known as the “land of the free; home of the brave”, morphs into a country reviled for its unkindness, lack of compassion and cruelty. Before anyone realizes, the citizenry is easily being herded, and then stampeded, into wars and conflict of every sort and kind.
What else could be expected when the meme of consumerism is subliminally implanted at such a young and tender age, and relentlessly reinforced from cradle to grave? And, what does it really say about a society when all who belong to it are known as consumers. Kind of like little pac-men (and pac-women) gobbling up everything in sight. Starts out with BIG Macs and 24 oz cokes, then super-sized HUMMERS, then oil fields and gold mines and precious rainforests, and then whole countries.
Likewise, in the corporate realm, any board director, company officer, division president, regional director, department manager, production supervisor, etc. will candidly speak to the greatest pressure in their lives. More income, more sales, more profit, more production, more revenue – anything that will show an increase in year over year growth. Always gotta GROW, even though yuv been out of puberty for 20 or 30 years!?
Well, you can imagine that this state of affairs can only go on for so long. As a matter of fact, this party’s now over. And the hangover is about to begin. Perhaps it’s time to send these twins on a permanent vacation to the waterless region.

VII. War, as a means of wealth creation, is now bankrupt. War, as a means of conflict resolution, is over. As a means to any end whatsoever, war is finished. You get the picture, don’t you? War has outlived its usefulness, and has become as obsolete as the derivatives hawker. There is simply no more place for it in civil society. It’s time for the curtain to fall on this show for the last time, and for all of its bad actors to hit the stage exit.
It never was a legitimate policy for conflict resolution, as we know. Virtually all conflicts and wars were manufactured in the boardrooms of the world. And impeccably stage managed by the directors of the war studios. Isn’t the Iraq war a perfect example of this kind of terrible and awful-to-watch “B” movie?
Any deliberate, probing and unprejudiced analysis of all the major wars going back to the French Revolution will reveal an extraordinary degree of carefully calculated and coordinated events leading up to the actual conflagrations we call war. Just read the actual history that is only now beginning to surface, and you will reach this very same conclusion.
War has consistently served its masters in three ways which no longer have relevance in an enlightened civilization: (i) population control (ii) artificial creation of wealth for the plutocracy (iii) imposition of a tyrannical order in the wake of the chaos that always results from war. Population control in this context has different meanings. The number of people who are systematically genocided, wantonly annihilated and deliberately infected with disease agents serve the purpose of population reduction. Then there is the sheer terror of war and its effects on whole populations (see how easily controlled both the Germans and Japanese were after WWII). “Order out of chaos” is made easy when all concerned parties have been faced with the extraordinary distraction, mayhem and pandemonium that war always brings.
There are, of course, many other declared wars whose battlegrounds are far from the traditional battlefields of armed conflict. The WAR on Drugs. The WAR on Poverty. The WAR on Crime. The WAR on AIDS. Just like the WAR on TERROR, all of these so called wars are entirely bogus and fabricated, and they have produced outcomes that are completely contrary to their stated purposes. How so? Because each of them has been designed, and engineered, to perpetuate and expand the status quo. The War on Drugs, for instance, was designed in part to ensure that the opium (and all of its profitable derivatives) flows freely and efficiently from the poppy fields of Afghanistan to the targeted markets in America and elsewhere. In this way, all clandestine US and foreign intelligence agencies (e.g. CIA, NSA, DEA, DIA, ONI, DHS, MI5, MI6, ISI, Mossad) are able to fund their innumerable black ops without any congressional oversight or public scrutiny from the massive revenues generated from this perfectly controlled black market. Oh, yes, did we forget to mention that most of these black ops are actually wars as well. What a Racket?! As Major General Smedley Butler once proclaimed to the world in his book: “WAR IS A RACKET.”
Let us once again proclaim, here and now, that: WAR HAS COME TO AN END.

VIII. There is a very profound and significant connection between the US Government sponsored and staged terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 and the PRE-PLANNED Financial & Economic 9/11 of 2008 that may be difficult for many to fully embrace. But here it goes:
The OMEN that 911 truly was, looks a little bit like THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
Remember the Twin Towers? When they came down in NYC, it was a message to humankind that the reign of the Almighty Dollar was coming to an end. As a nation’s currency goes, so goes its destiny. Her financial strength and economic prowess were on the wane, and soon to be greatly diminished. Just as the WTC (financial capital of the world) was pulverized into dust, the US Dollar would be swept into the ash heap of history. Just as we see it collapsing all around us, exactly 7 years after the original 911 apocalyptic events.
When the Ring of Power was finally destroyed, like the Pentagon (ring-shaped command center of the military-industrial complex) was mortally wounded and damaged, the message was equally clear. Her military might and superior force would be reduced to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. She would, likewise, soon see the demise of Her all-pervasive state sponsored terrorism. This, because She had lost all moral ascendancy. Besides, the empire could no longer be sustained politically, financially, practically or ethically, as the seeds of its own destruction had fully sprouted. The most fatal seed grew into that extremely corrupt and predatory form of corporate, crony capitalism which was so socially unconscious, and so environmentally unaware, it was quite doomed from the very beginning.

The GOOD NEWS is that this nation – its people – will now be compelled to beat their “swords into plowshares” and their “spears into pruning hooks”.
Just as the Phoenix rose from its ashes, so too will America ascend to even greater heights. As long as She ascends with the guidance of the highest of ideals, loftiest of principles and noblest of intentions. And She reforms, and transforms Herself, in good faith, in earnest and with haste.
As a modern day prophet said in the days immediately following September 11, 2001:
“America, Wake up ! ! ! Seize this God-given opportunity. There is no more time to dally in fear and ignorance and greed. For yours is a destiny that must serve as a beacon of Light and Hope and Peace to the world. Make haste, the time is drawing nigh!”

T. Anthony Michael

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The first barons of banking

Post by TonyGosling »

Baron Rothschild shares most Illuminati's view that there must be a 'New (Secular) World Order".
In his opinion, banks will deleverage and there will be a new form of global governance.

The first barons of banking

Rupert Wright

* Last Updated: November 06. 2008 7:11PM UAE / November 6. 2008 3:11PM GMT
http://www.thenational.ae/article/20081 ... 36298/1005

Nobleman: Baron David de Rothschild, the head of the Rothschild bank. The Rothschilds have helped the British government since financing Wellington's army to fight the French in 1815. Galen Clarke / The National

Among the captains of industry, spin doctors and financial advisers accompanying British prime minister Gordon Brown on his fund-raising visit to the Gulf this week, one name was surprisingly absent. This may have had something to do with the fact that the tour kicked off in Saudi Arabia. But by the time the group reached Qatar, Baron David de Rothschild was there, too, and he was also in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Although his office denies that he was part of the official party, it is probably no coincidence that he happened to be in the same part of the world at the right time. That is how the Rothschilds have worked for centuries: quietly, without fuss, behind the scenes.

“We have had 250 years or so of family involvement in the finance business,” says Baron Rothschild. “We provide advice on both sides of the balance sheet, and we do it globally.”

The Rothschilds have been helping the British government – and many others – out of a financial hole ever since they financed Wellington’s army and thus victory against the French at Waterloo in 1815. According to a long-standing legend, the Rothschild family owed the first millions of their fortune to Nathan Rothschild’s successful speculation about the effect of the outcome of the battle on the price of British bonds. By the 19th century, they ran a financial institution with the power and influence of a combined Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and perhaps even Goldman Sachs and the Bank of China today.

In the 1820s, the Rothschilds supplied enough money to the Bank of England to avert a liquidity crisis. There is not one institution that can save the system in the same way today; not even the US Federal Reserve. However, even though the Rothschilds may have lost some of that power – just as other financial institutions on that list have been emasculated in the last few months – the Rothschild dynasty has lost none of its lustre or influence. So it was no surprise to meet Baron Rothschild at the Dubai International Financial Centre. Rothschild’s opened in Dubai in 2006 with ambitious plans to build an advisory business to complement its European operations. What took so long?

The answer, as many things connected with Rothschilds, has a lot to do with history. When Baron Rothschild began his career, he joined his father’s firm in Paris. In 1982 President Francois Mitterrand nationalised all the banks, leaving him without a bank. With just US$1 million (Dh3.67m) in capital, and five employees, he built up the business, before merging the French operations with the rest of the family’s business in the 1990s.

Gradually the firm has started expanding throughout the world, including the Gulf. “There is no debate that Rothschild is a Jewish family, but we are proud to be in this region. However, it takes time to develop a global footprint,” he says.

An urbane man in his mid-60s, he says there is no single reason why the Rothschilds have been able to keep their financial business together, but offers a couple of suggestions for their longevity. “For a family business to survive, every generation needs a leader,” he says. “Then somebody has to keep the peace. Building a global firm before globalisation meant a mindset of sharing risk and responsibility. If you look at the DNA of our family, that is perhaps an element that runs through our history. Finally, don’t be complacent about giving the family jobs.”

He stresses that the Rothschild ascent has not been linear – at times, as he did in Paris, they have had to rebuild. While he was restarting their business in France, his cousin Sir Evelyn was building a British franchise. When Sir Evelyn retired, the decision was taken to merge the businesses. They are now strong in Europe, Asia especially China, India, as well as Brazil. They also get involved in bankruptcy restructurings in the US, a franchise that will no doubt see a lot more activity in the months ahead.

Does he expect governments to play a larger role in financial markets in future? “There is a huge difference in the Soviet-style mentality that occurred in Paris in 1982, and the extraordinary achievements that politicians, led by Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy, have made to save the global banking system from systemic collapse,” he says. “They moved to protect the world from billions of unemployment. In five to 10 years those banking stakes will be sold – and sold at a profit.”

Baron Rothschild shares most people’s view that there is a new world order. In his opinion, banks will deleverage and there will be a new form of global governance. “But you have to be careful of caricatures: we don’t want to go from ultra liberalism to protectionism.”

So how did the Rothschilds manage to emerge relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown? “You could say that we may have more insights than others, or you may look at the structure of our business,” he says. “As a family business, we want to limit risk. There is a natural pride in being a trusted adviser.”

It is that role as trusted adviser to both governments and companies that Rothschilds is hoping to build on in the region. “In today’s world we have a strong offering of debt and equity,” he says. “They are two arms of the same body looking for money.”

The firm has entrusted the growth of its financing advisory business in the Middle East to Paul Reynolds, a veteran of many complex corporate finance deals. “Our principal business franchise is large and mid-size companies,” says Mr Reynolds. “I have already been working in this region for two years and we offer a pretty unique proposition.

“We work in a purely advisory capacity. We don’t lend or underwrite, because that creates conflicts. We are sensitive to banking relationships. But we look to ensure financial flexibility for our clients.”

He was unwilling to discuss specific deals or clients, but says that he offers them “trusted, impartial financing advice any time day or night”. Baron Rothschilds tends to do more deals than their competitors, mainly because they are prepared to take on smaller mandates. “It’s not transactions were are interested in, it’s relationships. We are looking for good businesses and good people,” says Mr Reynolds. “Our ambition is for every company here to have a debt adviser.”

Baron Rothschild is reluctant to comment on his nephew Nat Rothschild’s public outburst against George Osborne, the British shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. Nat Rothschild castigated Mr Osborne for revealing certain confidences gleaned during a holiday in the summer in Corfu.

In what the British press are calling “Yachtgate”, the tale involved Russia’s richest man, Oleg Deripaska, Lord Mandelson, a controversial British politician who has just returned to government, Mr Osborne and a Rothschild. Classic tabloid fodder, but one senses that Baron Rothschild frowns on such publicity. “If you are an adviser, that imposes a certain style and culture,” he says. “You should never forget that clients want to hear more about themselves than their bankers. It demands an element of being sober.”

Even when not at work, Baron Rothschild’s tastes are sober. He lives between Paris and London, is a keen family man – he has one son who is joining the business next September and three daughters – an enthusiastic golfer, and enjoys the “odd concert”. He is also involved in various charity activities, including funding research into brain disease and bone marrow disorders.

It is part of Rothschild lore that its founder sent his sons throughout Europe to set up their own interlinked offices. So where would Baron Rothschild send his children today?

“I would send one to Asia, one to Europe and one to the United States,” he said. “And if I had more children, I would send one to the UAE.”
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Post by Nambo »

Protocol 20.
Number 20
From the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

20. Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation.

Isnt that whats exactly happened?
The issuing banks have withheald credit?, thats why its called a credit crunch.
The results, the big global bankers like the Rothschilds get to take control of even more of the worlds finacial systems as it buys up failing banks, all towards the goal of the finacial New World Order, just like it says on the back of the dollar.
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Outright nationalisation of banks 'may be necessary'

Post by TonyGosling »

Pre-Budget report: Outright nationalisation of banks 'may be necessary'
The outright nationalisation of Britain's banks may be necessary to deliver the lending required to end the economic slowdown, the governor of the Bank of England has suggested.
By James Kirkup and Myra Butterworth
Last Updated: 10:10PM GMT 25 Nov 2008
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/fina ... ssary.html
Mervyn King's comments came amid mounting pressure on the banks to lend more freely to businesses and households.
Gordon Brown has injected £37billion into Lloyds-TSB, HBOS and RBS, and extended billions more in support to other banks.
Yet business groups say banks are still refusing to lend to some firms and demanding punitive rates of interest from existing borrowers.
Restoring bank lending to "normal" levels is "the single most pressing challenge to domestic economic policy", Mr King said.
Ministers are increasingly exasperated with the banks. Downing Street has pointedly refused to rule out taking outright control of some of them if they do not start to lend more freely.
The Treasury sent another signal yesterday, formally writing to the Financial Services Authority about the banks' failure to lend and hinting that banks like Barclays could still be required to take public money.
Giving evidence to the Commons Treasury Committee, Mr King also said that the Government may have to put more public money into the banks in order to raise lending levels.
"We may not have come to an end in the process of recapitalisation," he said. "Maybe the banks will need more capital, in which case that should be considered."
Asked if that would mean "wholesale nationalisation", he replied: "We should not shy away from that if that proves to be necessary. It would be an extremely brave person who ruled anything out."...........
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Post by TonyGosling »

On Friday November 21, the world came within a hair’s breadth of the most colossal financial collapse in history according to bankers on the inside of events with whom we have contact. The trigger was the bank which only two years ago was America’s largest, Citigroup. The size of the US Government de facto nationalization of the $2 trillion banking institution is an indication of shocks yet to come in other major US and perhaps European banks thought to be ‘too big to fail.’

The clumsy way in which US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, himself not a banker but a Wall Street ‘investment banker’, whose experience has been in the quite different world of buying and selling stocks or bonds or underwriting and selling same, has handled the unfolding crisis has been worse than incompetent. It has made a grave situation into a globally alarming one........

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Post by item7 »

The clumsy way in which US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.... has handled the unfolding crisis has been worse than incompetent.
It has been quite deliberate. Mission almost accomplished!
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Congress calls for nationalisation of banks

Post by TonyGosling »

Irish Trades Union Congress calls for nationalisation of banks
BY STEPHANIE LORD 4 December, 2008
THE Irish Congress of Trade Unions has called on the Fianna Fáil/PD/Green Government to nationalise domestic banks. ICTU also warned that any investment from private equity funds or venture capitalists would cause turmoil in the banking system.
Congress General Secretary David Begg said that the plan to recapitalise the banking system recently put forward by Irish investment managers was “infinitely preferable to proposed involvement by the short-term ‘vulture capitalists’. If they are serious we would be happy to meet with them to explore the proposal in greater detail.”
The ICTU leader went further and said:
“It beggars belief that government could even countenance investment from venture capital and private equity funds – precisely the same sources which have brought about the current international crisis.
You only have to look at Eircom and our deficient communications infrastructure to realise the damage these people could do to the banking system.........
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

So we may have until March 2009?

New tipping-point in March 2009: 'When the world becomes aware that this crisis is worse than the 1930s crisis'

Global systemic crisis – New tipping-point in March 2009: 'When the world becomes aware that this crisis is worse than the 1930s crisis'
- Public announcement GEAB N°30 (December 16, 2008) -

GEAB N°30 is available! Global systemic crisis – New tipping-point in March 2009: 'When the world becomes aware that this crisis is worse than the 1930s crisis'
LEAP/E2020 anticipates than the unfolding global systemic crisis will experience in March 2009 a new tipping point of similar magnitude to the September 2008 one. According to our team, at that period of the year, the general public will become aware of three major destabilizing processes at work in the global economy, i.e.:

• the length of the crisis
• the explosion of unemployment worldwide
• the risk of sudden collapse of all capital-based pension systems

A whole range of psychological factors will contribute to this tipping point: general awareness in Europe, America and Asia that the crisis has escaped from the control of every public authority, whether national or international; that it is severely affecting all regions of the world, even if some are more affected than others (see GEAB N°28); that it is directly hitting hundreds of millions of people in the “developed” world; and that it is only worsening as its consequences reveal throughout the real economy. National governments and international institutions only have three months left to prepare themselves to the next blow, one that could go along severe risks of social chaos. The countries which are not properly equipped to cope with a surge in unemployment and major risks on pensions will be seriously destabilized by this new public awareness.

In this 30th issue of the GEAB, the LEAP/E2020 team describes these three destabilizing processes (two of them are described in this public announcement) and gives recommendations to cope with the surge in risks. In addition, this issue also provides the opportunity to make an objective assessment of the reliability of LEAP/E2020's anticipations and specifies a number of methodological aspects of the analytical process used. In 2008, LEAP/E2020's success rate reaches 80%, and even 86% when it comes to strictly socio-econimic anticipations. In a year of major upheavals, our teal ise altogether quite proud of this result.

The crisis will last at least until the end of 2010

Evolution of the US money base and indications of related major US crisis periods (1910 – 2008) - Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis / Mish’s Global Economic Analysis
Evolution of the US money base and indications of related major US crisis periods (1910 – 2008) - Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis / Mish’s Global Economic Analysis

As we already explained in GEAB N°28, the crisis will affect in different ways the different regions of the world. However, and LEAP/E2020 wishes to be very clear on that aspect, contrary to the dominant stance today (coming from those experts who denied the fact that a crisis was coming up three years ago, who denied that it was global two years ago, and who denied the fact that it was systemic six months ago), we anticipate that the minimum duration of the decanting phase of the crisis is 3 years (1). It shall be finished neither in spring 2009, nor in summer 2009, nor at the beginning of 2010. It is only towards the end of 2010 that the situation will start stabilizing again and improving a little in some regions of the world, i.e. Asia and the Eurozone, as well as in countries producing energy, mineral and food commodities (2). Elsewhere, it will continue; in particular in the US and UK, and in all the countries depending on their economy, were the duration could approximate a decade. In fact these countries should not expect any real return to growth before 2018.

Moreover no one should imagine that the improvement at the end of 2010 will correspond to a return of high growth. The recovery will take long. For instance, stock markets will take a decade to return to levels comparable to 2007, if they ever return to that. Remember that it took twenty years before Wall Street resumed its 1920 levels. Well, according to LEAP/E2020, the present crisis is deeper and longer than in the 1930s. The general public will gradually become aware of the long-term aspect of this crisis in the coming three months and this situation will immediately trigger two tendencies carrying with them socio-economic instability: fear of the future and enhanced criticism towards leaders.

http://www.leap2020.eu/GEAB-N-30-is-ava ... a2567.html
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by TonyGosling »

........A brief walk up Southend's high street reveals the all too familiar picture of a once-busy thoroughfare now desperately struggling to remain a vibrant and attractive place to shop. The recession has yet to create the horror of row upon row of boarded-up shops but look closely and financial casualties still litter the landscape, a closed tanning salon here, a boarded-up amusement centre there. At least seven stores are vacant on the high street alone and two others were temporarily occupied over the Christmas period by "bargain stores".


Opposite Woolworths itself, ideally situated at the supposedly busier south end of the high street, next to the town's iconic pier, was a shuttered clothing shop, naked mannequins the only hint to what it once sold there.......
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