Muslim perspective of “The War On Terror”
Thank you for the kind invitation to this gathering, but unfortunately I cannot attend and talk on behalf of the Muslim Community in person.
Hence, I have gathered my thoughts and perceptions of the situation that the Muslim Community has found itself in recent years within the guise of “War on Terror”.
I feel that the following statements will give you a brief idea on the Muslims perception of the War on Terror and the West in general.
My personal view is like many others within the Truth Campaign, because I have been around long enough and studied long enough to know that there are sinister forces out there that are trying to break down societies, nationalistic pride and independent sovereignties, so that the few can control the mass’s. This is greatly emphasized in the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO meaning ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. But let me make this clear – the War is against all of us. Muslim, non-Muslim, Christian, Black or White. Unfortunately, the Muslims are in the centre of it all!
But I digress!
So what does the mainstream Muslim think? What about the Muslim’s that don’t know any better and who may not have been exposed to such material that is talked about by the Truth Movement? And what about the Muslims who do know what’s going on in the background?
Well, firstly Muslims in general have felt that Islam has always been under attack, because it promotes Unity and Brotherhood under one Umbrella. This concept has always been a threat to the opposition. You ONLY have to look at the pilgrimage of Mecca, and this shows unity. Let’s not get mistaken of the Islam that is being portrayed in the media. But saying that – ONLY a handful of Muslims do not help the concept of Islam.
I categorically say at this point that ANY form of Terrorism in the name of Islam is TOTALLY WRONGE AND FALSE! I still until this day and with many others within the Muslim community believe that the 9.11 and 7.7 were pre-scripted! Imaam Omar Bukhari's was one of the first Imaam to say that 9.11 attacks were an inside job.
And he was branded as a terrorist and a lunatic.
There are many instances that Muslims have been left short when it comes to justice and occupation of their lands by foreign forces. There are many examples from the past and in the present. You only have to look at Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia. The list goes on and on! So of course, you will get Muslims believing that the West is the Real Terrorist and hypocrites.
In a nutshell, the Muslims do not trust the Western Governments with their imperialistic actions and of course their Foreign Policy. Let me make its plain and simple, we love this country and the British People, but Muslims are sick to the back teeth of wars against our people and our lands. We have always lived and worked with No-Muslims in harmony in Britain, but soon as the Government start to demonize Islam, then along come the racist attacks and division within the community!
They say that Islam was spread by the sword. What a non-sensible statement to make!
But what does make sense is that democracy is spread by cluster bombs!
You ask me – So why are there not many active Muslims within the Truth Campaign? Why are these campaigns mostly run by white (Non-Muslims) and by Liberals?
Well, this has always been a concern to me. Because, I am one of the few in my region to join the 9.11 Truth Movements and for what it represents. From my understanding there are three types of Muslim personalities.
- The ones that don’t give a “*” and just want a quiet life.
The ones that want to do something, but they are scared of being set-up, arrested and been branded as a Terrorist, when speaking out.
The ones that feel strongly about the War on Terror and speak out against under the guise of Muslims organizations. These organizations are usually in bed with the Government that they are protesting against.
I must have broken the mould, I have no idea what category I fit in
It’s a double edged sword for the Muslims. Firstly, there is a battle within the Community, because our Peers, Muslim Leaders and our Imaams. They have failed us in protecting the Muslims from Islamphoebia. This is mainly to do with the fact that mainstream Islamic thought is not to mix Islam with man made laws (Politics). So how can they protect us from so much on-slaught by the politicians?
Secondly, we are fighting a Global enemy, and that is the concept of War On Terror.
We are fighting this daily, by trying our best to respond to the media hype.
The Muslim Community is in a state of fear and wants to be left alone! And the noose around their necks have been tightening, due to our civil liberties been taken away.
But I still believe as a member of the Muslim Community that we still have time to raise our voices against this evil that is spreading within Britain and World wide.
Under the same breath, I ask the Muslims to be active in the fight for the Truth.
This is a fundamental duty of Islam!
In closing, I would like to thank everyone who is part of this fight and are doing their best to raise these issues and our sticking up for the Muslims Community. If it was not for the organizers of this event and many around the world who are fighting a just coarse, I believe there would be a civil war by now or a major race riot!
On a final note: - I would ask the Truth Campaign to contemplate on their role and the future of their mission. Has the novelty worn off? The majority of the public opinion has now shifted towards the aims of the Campaign and do NOT trust this Government. So what is next??
Its time to get into the Political Arena!! Make a change through Politics. The time has come to make Political change. We need to step of the gas and channel our energy by joining a political party. In that way – we can raise the profile higher and move on to the next level.
Riaz and Zafar on behalf of W. Yorkshire Muslims