Huntington Thesis=TV Programmes-Can I be a Muslim?

Dispelling pernicious myths about Islam, Muslim activists explain and discuss nonviolent spiritual resistance, the Jihad, against New World Order Totalitarianism. NATO/Mossad pseudo-Muslim 'front organisations. Exposing and eradicating the Global Web of Deceit or DAJJAL.

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Huntington Thesis=TV Programmes-Can I be a Muslim?

Post by conspiracy analyst »

A day does not pass without a story about muslims in the UK.
Good or bad there is story, an overproduction of them.
The latest being Can I be a Muslim?

What is the ACTUAL purpose of all of this propaganda?

To promote unity in diversity, integration, or ethnic conflicts to justify the clash of civilisations thesis of Huntington?

Muslims are portrayed many times as a uniform entity, as terrorists, as segregationists (faith schools) as religious obscurantists etc. ad nauseum.

The communist threat has truly been replaced once and for all by the muslim 'terrorist' one.

Depending on where you live in the UK the tv plays to different audiences. In non multi-ethnic areas the muslim threat is played up eg over the alleged banning of Xmas celebrations in schools, in other areas it isn't even mentioned at all.

What is the real agenda and to what extent are the various vested interests playing to the gallery to implement Huntingtons thesis?
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Post by TonyGosling »

What is going on in C21 Britain is EXACTLY like the demonisation of the Jews in 1930s Nazi Germany. That took place with a lot of sympathy from the Cliveden Set here in the UK.

You take the most deeply entrenched anti-authoritarian culture and subject it to a massive media and police assault.

There is a problem though, I'm not sure the British public have bought it. This 'watch out for the Muslim terrorists' line is something that only exists in racist pubs and all over the media. It's, to a large extent, an illusion... but that doesn't stop it massivly traumatising the subject Muslim community and making them feel, rightly in some ways, that they could be shot or imprisoned at any minute for no reason at all.

Take the Forest Gate fiasco. How many Muslim children have had bad dreams about that I wonder. :(

And that is the deep psycological level at which these propaganda techniques work. Straight out of the Goebbels handbook.

Have a listen to this if you have the time.

9/11 - Implanting a Thirst for Revenge in the Psychic Core of America.
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Post by karlos »

I watched the channel 4 show.
It does appear that they are absolutely ramming this issue down people's throats. In my view they are treating the issue like the communist/soviet issue. The exact same type of thing that went on in the 1950s.
The channel 4 show gave the impression of a cult brainwashing people and recruiting them and getting them to recruit others. There was no mention of what the religion is, nor it's values or it's very close links to Christianity. The program was very similar to one about scientology.
It is almost like the BBC and Channel 4 are competing as to which cant attack Islam more than the other.
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Post by conspiracy analyst »

Metro today, the free advertising rag part of the Daily Hell stable of propaganda had its front page on a religious holiday of Eid (for the Wahhabi variant of Islam) about Muslim suicide babies/bombers ad nauseum.

The theatre of the 'clash of civilisations' goes on relentlessly...
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Post by Newspeak International »

karlos wrote:I watched the channel 4 show.
It does appear that they are absolutely ramming this issue down people's throats. In my view they are treating the issue like the communist/soviet issue. The exact same type of thing that went on in the 1950s.
The channel 4 show gave the impression of a cult brainwashing people and recruiting them and getting them to recruit others. There was no mention of what the religion is, nor it's values or it's very close links to Christianity. The program was very similar to one about scientology.
It is almost like the BBC and Channel 4 are competing as to which cant attack Islam more than the other.
Absolutely, remember the Lebanon "war" last year Channel 4 were so different,now it is how you say a sick game of anti-islamic demonising
propaganda between the channels.
The brainwashing is mainly on us westerners,of course.
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