Lies and betrayal of victims families: 10 years after 7/7

Discussion about the July 7th 2005 bombings on London's public transport network. Underground CCTV security contract awarded to crooked (Kobi Alexander chair of their parent company is on the run) Israeli firm Verint Systems & their boss, IDF trained explosives expert Daniel Bodner. Crookedness, incompetance, misfescence and corruption at MI5, Scotland Yard 'Untouchables' and other parts of the Metropolitan Police which allowed 7/7 to happen and have contributed to the London Bombings not being investigated.

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Lies and betrayal of victims families: 10 years after 7/7

Post by TonyGosling »

Lies and betrayal of victims families: Ten years after 7/7 London attacks
Series: State Of The City reports
Subtitle: Martin McDaid, an (ex?) Special Boat Service (SBS) RN Special Forces 'Muslim convert' groomed 2 bombers


Program Type: Weekly Program
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Contributor: Bristol Broadband Co-operative [Contact Contributor]
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Summary: ... gosling-7/
Investigative reports: Last Friday's Tunisia massacre of British tourists. Plus lies and betrayal of victims families: Ten years after 7/7 London attacks: Tunisia - terrorist shooting of tourists: other shooters and grenade throwers; Craig Murray's niece Kirsty shot; Gladio and false flag operations; Ghouta chemical attack in Syria - false flag; ISIL; Yemen 100 times more dead than Tunisia; Roland Dumas and west fermenting armed uprising in Syria. Clips from Cameron's speech about terrorism – Tunisia and defeating terrorist threat: Rita Katz and ISIL videos; British families gone to Syria and harassment from police; western intelligence services behind ISIL; air strikes in Syria; radical narratives; Ofcom pre-vetting programmes prior to broadcast – NUT say teachers will not be 'Thought Police'. Anniversary of London 7/7 terrorist bombings: clip of staff on London underground; clip Mark Honigsbaum – journalist on scene of 7/7 – bombs under train; powerful military grade explosives; Peter Power terror drill – clip of him discussing spooky coincidence of 3 stations being the same; terror drills and false flags; clip of civil servant who's worked for MoD and NHS Paul Oweson discussing chemical, biological exercises he saw on the day; no CCTV pictures of any alleged bombers on or getting on bombed tubes or buses on 7/7; clip of Daniel Obachike who says was on number 30 bus that was bombed; clip from 'Ludicrous Diversion' - independent inquiry needed; clip of families at press conference saying their questions haven't been answered; clip of Graham Foulkes lost his 22 year old son David in the 7/7 attacks – terrorists not clean skins. Fran Anderson special 7/7 report on bookshop where two alleged bombers were trustees: Mohamed Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, two alleged bombers, were trustees of Iqra Learning Centre and bookshop in Bude Road, Beeston, Leeds. It was run by day-to-day by Martin McDaid, an (ex?) Special Boat Service (SBS) RN Special Forces 'Muslim convert'. He also ran a terrorist training camp in the Lake District in which Khan is known to have attended; BBC Newsnight reported that youth worker at Iqra, Mark Hargreaves, says McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men in terrorist skills and the bookshop received six-figure sums in government and EU grants

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Another attempt to squash this possibility... ahem... Conspiracy Theory ;-)

7/7 Bombings: The Ex-Guardian Journalist Who Accidentally Fuelled 7/7 Conspiracy Theories
17 hours ago | Updated 16 hours ago
Jack Sommers Assistant News Editor, Huffington Post UK
To mark the 10 year anniversary of the London 7/7 terrorist attacks, HuffPost UK is running Beyond The Bombings, a special series of interviews, blogs, in-depth features and exclusive research reflecting on how Britain has changed since.

Like 9/11, the outbreak of Ebola last year and whether aliens have ever visited earth, 7/7 has been the subject to theories that claim clandestine, nefarious powers are covering up the truth.
In the last 10 years, that blogosphere has proven a haven for people to share and question information being provided about what really happened in the 2005 terror attacks. The details of each theory vary, but most of them have suggested the bombings were carried out by British authorities themselves.
Classic conspiracy theories thrive off the void created by a lack of official information. But 7/7 conspiracy theories initially seemed to be fed by the very high level of information released by the authorities after the explosions in 2005, especially when aspects of that were later disproved or corrected - and many were.
Former journalist Mark Honigsbaum's reporting on the day of the bombings accidentally fuelled a conspiracy theory.
On July 7, 2005 Honigsbaum was working for The Guardian and rushed to the scene of the Edgware Road bombing. As chaos and confusion reigned, he was told by two survivors that the explosion appeared to have come from below the tube carriage they were in.
He filed an audio report for the newspaper, detailing what survivors had told him they believed had happened. He said that it "was believed" there had been an explosion "under the carriage of the train". Under the pressure to report witness accounts at a speed, he had no time to verify them...
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Wow! what a revelation - not

Questions Over 7/7 Bomber's Trip To Israel
Khan was in Israel weeks before two UK men bombed a Tel Aviv bar but potential links between them were not properly investigated.
Monday 06 July 2015 By Tom Rayner, Middle East Reporter ... -to-israel
The inquests into the 2005 London bombings, presented at the time as the conclusive and final judgement on the attacks, did not examine a potentially crucial part of the lead bomber's back-story, a Sky News investigation has found.
The timing of an unexplained visit to Israel in early 2003 by lead 7/7 bomber Mohammed Sidique Khan was not addressed in any of the parliamentary or judicial investigations into the London attacks, despite the fact it occurred just weeks before two British men - with apparent connections to Khan - carried out a deadly suicide mission in Tel Aviv....
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Litany of media, police & judicial failures: 10th anniversary of 7/7 London Bombings
Lies & betrayal of victims' families: 10th anniversary of 7/7 London Bombings

13 holes in government and media account of 7/7 London bombings

1. Train the alleged bombers are supposed to have caught from Luton was cancelled that day
2. Benjamin Netanyahu who was in London that day and Israeli embassy had a warning before the 'surprise attack' bombings according to AP journalist Amy Tiebel and Israeli embassy spokesperson Dan Sheham
3. After speaking to scores of survivors that day Guardian's Mark Honigsbaum describes bombs were 'under the carriage of a train'
4. French anti-terrorism expert Christophe Chaboud said tube train bombs were so powerful they were almost certainly C4 military explosives not home made TATP
5. Peter Power 'terror drills' at same three tube stations on same day, which he himself describes a 'spooky coincidence'? Only about one in eight billion chance Peter Power is telling the truth.
6. Peter power's drills were commissioned by Reed Elsevier, event organisers of Britain's biggest annual arms fair, Exel in docklands.
7. Chemical and Biological attack police drills going on before the attacks that morning.
8. Despite hundreds of CCTV cameras, no CCTV images of any of four alleged bombers getting on to or on any of four tube trains or bus
9. Daniel Obachike says he was on the no. 30 bus believes he identified the bomber who was a white male, and that alleged bomber Hasib Hussain was not on his bus.
10. No trial because bombers are dead but Lady justice Hallett's 2010 inquest into the 7/7 attacks was designed for a single death and held without a jury.
11. Victims' families stonewalled: questions were not answered by the inquests families were not allowed to have legal representation at the inquests.
12. Potential mastermind, Islamist organiser Al-Muhajiroun's Haroon Aswat who spoke to the bombers in the days running up to the attacks is believed to have been working for MI6 and was never interviewed about 7/7, instead shipped out of UK legal jurisdiction.
13. Alleged bombers Mohamed Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were given terrorism training via Iqra bookshop in Beeston, Leeds by former Royal Navy Special Boat Service (SBS) soldier Martin McDaid.
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7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home ... but do we know what really happened that day?

For the London media 7/7 is 'done and dusted', but for Tony Gosling, who helped cover the IRA London bombing campaign for the BBC, nothing could be further from the truth

Monday 6th July 2015
BRISTOL - At lunchtime of 7th July 2005 the Guardian's Mark Honigsbaum was in the London Hilton Hotel opposite Edgware Road underground station uploading an audio report to the Guardian website. Mark had been talking to dazed and injured passengers as they emerged from the smoke and chaos below and listening back to the Guardian's first report of the day is unsettling.
Despite the official story of Mohammad Sidique Khan blowing himself up in the carriage, Honigsbaum says 'We believe there was an explosion this morning under the carriage of a train'. 'The tiles, the covers on the floor suddenly flew up, raised up,' he went on, derailing the Metropolitan Line carriages into the path of an oncominng train.
A former officer in Israel's SAS, the Sayeret Matkal, Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to be arriving at a Great Eastern Hotel conference just as Shehzad Tanweer's Liverpool Street tube bomb was going off below the hotel. Netanyahu was reported that morning by Amy Teibel on Associated Press' Jerusalem Desk to have 'changed plans due to a warning' from Scotland Yard, and thankfully Bibi had not left his hotel.
The Israeli embassy have since denied having any warning but Israeli government Press Officer Dan Sheham told journalists, including the Scottish Sunday Herald's foreign affairs editor David Pratt, embassy security was 'beefed up' around 7am that day. The three simultaneous tube train bombs at 08:50hrs, and the bus bomb an hour later, were supposed to have been a surprise attack.
An Israeli firm also had access to London's tube tunnels, winning a CCTV contract when parts of the Underground were privatised a few months before the attacks. Verint Systems looked like a good bet but someone didn't do due diligence because the fraudster chairman Kobi Alexander, of Verint's parent company, Comverse Technologies, was on the run. He was evading the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) somewhere in Africa after disappearing with $13m of company money.
Leeds based bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were both trustees of the Iqra bookshop in Bude Street, Beeston. The shop was managed day-to-day by former Royal Navy SBS special forces soldier Martin McDaid who ran a terror training camp in the Lake District in his spare time. Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight programmed Iqra youth worker Mark Hargreaves, said McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men to be terrorists.
But Hargreaves was not the only person at Iqra who had suspicions about McDaid's terror training: years before the bombings Leeds anti-war campaigner and computer expert Martin Gilbertson says he handed a 'dossier of evidence' to West Yorkshire police detailing his suspicions about Khan and Tanweer and giving police and MI5 two years notice the pair might be dangerous. Pressed in 2006 West Yorkshire police force don't just say they lost the documents. They deny ever having received them.
These four anomalies are just a handful from a litany of fragmented evidence which provides an alternative narrative to the Blair government tale of four 'lone nutters' being behind 7/7, hell bent on vengeance for Afghanistan and Iraq. They point to British government, MI5 and special forces complicity in the attacks as well as throwing considerable doubt on whether the four alleged bombers went to London that day intending to die or whether they were lured to London on some other pretext.
Irish journalist Hugh O'Shaughnessy quotes convicted terrorist who worked for the Italian State Vincenzo Vinciguerra: 'The political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished: because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.' After a 1972 bomb killed three Italian police officers, police commanders 'foiled a thorough investigation of the Peteano affair for years,' he claims. 'It was more convenient to cover it up than to turn on those who killed their comrades.'
The 'False Flag' attack is where corrupt powers murder their own people and blame an enemy to create a 'causus beli' for intervention abroad or destroying civil liberties at home. Evidence that the 7/7 London Bombings were a false flag attack, to get the nation to back foreign invasions in the Middle East has been studiously ignored by government, media and judiciary alike.
The term 'False Flag' comes from naval warfare where a rival flag is raised on a warship causing the enemy to drop their guard and allowing the unscrupulous captain to creep close in for a surprise attack. Scholars and military historians believe Hitler's own men set the 1933 Reichstag fire which was blamed on Dutch Communist Marinus van der Lubbe and the Goebbels media furore it created gave Hitler the excuse he needed to introduce dictatorial powers.
Hitler's 1939 invasion of Poland, which triggered World War Two, was built on a lie too. In August 1939's 'Gleiwitz incident' the SS murdered Poles then use their bodies to stage a fake Polish attack on a German radio station. The lie was spread through the same Nazi propaganda machine as a pretext to invade Poland.

Anomalies ignored by press and courts alike
Former Dorset policeman turned 'Disaster Management Consultant', Peter Power, told the world's media his 'terror drill' on the morning of 7/7 was at the same three tube stations, out of a total of 275 where the actual bombs exploded. On Canadian TV he described this as a 'spooky coincidence' which indeed it was at only around an eight billion to one chance of his 'drill' involving the same stations on the same day as the actual attacks.
Daniel Obachicke, whose front page story for black newspaper 'The Voice' quickly disappeared off the internet, says he was on the Number 30 bus which exploded in Tavistock Square and wrote a book, 'The 4th Bomb', about his experience that day. Daniel says he doesn't believe alleged bomber Hasib Hussain was on the no. 30 bus, instead attributing the bombing to a white Caucasian man in his mid twenties with a grey two-tone rucksack, acting suspiciously who got off the bus just before it exploded.
Despite London's public transport being at the time one of the most 'camera'd up' networks in the world, no CCTV footage has ever been revealed which showing any of the four bombers either in, or getting onto, the tube trains and bus where they are supposed to have blown themselves up. This glaring surveillance omission is even more shocking when it comes to the days and weeks before the 7th July 2005. Three of the four bombers had been under close surveillance by Britain's Security Service MI5 yet as the names emerged MI5 told the world, and victim's families, that all four were entirely unknown to them, or 'clean skins'.
Were bodies of the victims dealt with, as one might expect, by the office of the London Coroner? No. A makeshift morgue was set up under military security in the grounds of Liverpool Street's 'Honourable Company of Artillery'. Victims' families were kept waiting for almost a week, some desperately posting 'lost' pictures of their loved ones on lampposts, before being eventually informed family members were dead and asked to identify bodies.
52 people died on 7/7, not counting the alleged bombers. Yet, rather than conduct a public enquiry where all deaths could be considered, an inquest, which is designed for investigating a single person's death was held five years late in 2010, overseen by coroner Lady Justice Heather Hallett who decided, incredibly, not to allow victims' families to ask any questions and to conduct it without a jury.

Haroon Rashid Aswat
In the years running up to the 7/7 attacks leaders at Finsbury Park Mosque asked Scotland Yard and the Security Service MI5 to do something about the Al-Muhajiroun sect, translated as 'The Emigrants', who were 'infiltrating' their Mosque. The faction, which first emerged during the Balkans crisis in the late 1990s, was led by hook-handed Abu Hamza who was often seen accompanied by his loyal assistant. Haroon Rashid Aswat. Reported by Fox News as having made phone calls to all of the four alleged bombers in the week of the attacks many have asked, was Aswat arranging for the four to come from Leeds and Aylesbury to London?
On the morning before the bombings Aswat boarded a plane at Heathrow for Pakistan where he was promptly imprisoned and then mysteriously 'let go' presumably after a call from British intelligence. Some time later he caught another flight to Zambia where he was again arrested, served a short term in the cells as a terror suspect then was released a second time, then finally handed over to the British police. Some law enforcement agencies, it seems, wanted him held and questioned, others, more powerful, didn't.
American writer John Loftus, who US president Jimmy Carter made an FBI Special Prosecutor in the 1970s to hunt down Nazi war criminals hiding in the United States, said on Fox News he believed Haroon Aswat to be a 'double agent' secretly working for MI6 inside the extremist Al-Muhajiroun sect.
But Aswat would face no questioning about those calls to the alleged 7/7 bombers in the weeks running up to the attack. Instead he was shipped from London's highest security Belmarsh prison to Broadmoor as a 'mental patient' with 'delusions'. A protracted legal process began and, despite being certified clinically insane, he was finally extradited to the United States in October 2014.
He now faces charges dating back to 2000 for conspiring with his old friend Abu Hamza, who has already been sentenced to life in prison, for 'plotting to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon'. Even if a private prosecution were brought in Britain by victims families to have Aswat questioned about the killing of their loved ones it would get nowhere. The potential mastermind of the attacks is now out of Britain's legal jurisdiction.

So like the running sores of Hillsborough, Dr David Kelly and Jimmy Savile, is 7/7 just another British Establishment cover-up? It took 25 years and three enquiries before there has been some closure for families of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, where 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death through South Yorkshire police negligence,
We know, through the cases of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six too, who were wrongly jailed for 20 and 16 years respectively, the criminal justice system has mechanisms to convict scapegoats when it falls down on the job. But what if the suspects are dead and never subjected to a trial or appeal, except trial by television? The real smoking gun for 7/7 is the lack of due judicial process for the injured and those that lost their loved ones.
What victims' families have been demanding is an Independent Enquiry, but as one of the studious online-only documentaries on 7/7, 'Ludicrous Diversion', points out, the 2005 Enquiries Act hands control of Public Enquiries from judges, over to government ministers. It's like asking turkeys to come home for Christmas. The government would grant a truly independent review only if they were somehow forced to.
Graham Foulkes lost his 22 year old son David in the attacks. Subsequently his grief was compounded by having his mobile phone voicemail messages hacked into by Rupert Murdoch's News of The World. In 2009 Graham told the BBC "David was my son, he was 22. We've had four years now of no answers to very important questions. The government have stonewalled everything. It's been very, very difficult and continues to be very, very difficult."
"We were told at the time by the government that the four bombers were 'clean skins', they were completely unknown to the intelligence services, that attack had come 'out of the blue' and that therefore there was no way to stop it. But the evidence that's been presented in this trial proves that to be completely untrue. "
"MI5 had a huge file on Mohammad Sidique Khan" he continued, "and I can go into that chapter and verse about how he'd been to Pakistan repeatedly, how he'd been to Cumbria, how he'd been to North Wales. MI5 had this huge file." "Their job is to collect the information, to collate it, to analyse it and to act. That didn't happen and my son died."
"Systems and processes which were in place then and failed to prevent the bombers are the same systems and processes that are in place now. And the government have chosen to maintain that status quo. I think that's really worrying." Finally raising the question of whether official criminals have been perverting the course of justice. "Its also important that we find out why the government told such untruths."
So how to cut through the establishment cover-up? The enormity of the Hillsborough cover-up only began to be acknowledged 25 years after the event. Even now police commander David Duckenfield who many say made the fatal mistakes then entered into a conspiracy to Pervert The Course of Justice has not been tried for his crimes.
Even the finest 7/7 analysts have been forced to compromise: Before Nafeez Ahmed's seminal 2006 book on the attacks 'The London Bombings. An Independent Inquiry' was published, editors at Duckworth insisted that the word 'alleged' be removed wherever Nafeez had written 'alleged bombers'. Apparently, innocent or guilty, there was no need to protect the dead men's reputation. The polar opposite to the sort of reputational protection afforded to wealthy war criminals and paedophiles.
In a press conference at the opening of legal proceedings into the bombings, victims and family members expressed disappointment that they had been tricked, denied any legal representation at the inquests and their questions would not be answered. "Again we've been shunted aside by officialdom... we've been led to believe that this would be an opportunity for us to have a voice, and now we don't." said one of the victim's group which included Rosalind Morley who lost her husband Colin, Ernest Adams lost his son James, Jackie Putnam, Liz Kenworthy, Janine Mitchell and Tim Coulson.

Roots of the 7/7 cover up in the early 1990s
In 1990 and 1991 I had the privilege to work in the Marylebone High Street newsroom of Greater London Radio covering the IRA's murder of Ian Gow and their bomb at the London Stock exchange. The early 1990s was a time of enormous pressure on what was a delicate eco-system of investigative broadcast journalism.
Journalists who worked on Thames TV's 'Death on the Rock' could not understand why the Thatcher government of the day had tried to get it banned because their actions led to the expose of the Tories' 'Shoot To Kill' policy getting an even bigger audience. But when Thames TV lost its franchise to Carlton Television, which counted among its employees a young David Cameron, some saw that a longer game was underway to castrate the fourth estate.
The judiciary too was under assault with what journalist Ian Fraser and former Scotland Yard detective Rowan Bosworth-Davis have pointed out as a line being drawn in the sand for 'blue blood' city fraudsters beyond which the police could not step. There was an informal declaration of impunity for top City of London fraudsters after the orchestrated collapse of the 1992 Blue Arrow trial.

Government is slipping out of our hands.
Forces way more powerful that the British people are now determining the direction of government policy and those forces want us to be part of an expansionist corporate NATO bloc gathering new resources to sell and service spiralling debt. The London media gives us our boogie-men, then discusses individually the rights and wrongs of each intervention but never the knotty question of whether 'regime change' in country after sovereign country is really justified.
Our politicians spend most of their time arguing over the latest public sector infrastructure to be auctioned off, at a loss of billions to the taxpayer, to the real rulers of the roost, the hedge funds and markets. Western 'democratic' Governments have been reduced to the role of 'official receivers'. Families and victims of the 7/7 London bombings are just one more group that have been sold short.
But the real masterminds and cover-up criminals of 7/7 are on a hiding to nothing. There is a limit to what propaganda can achieve and the London Bombings are a running sore with plenty of fingerprints for those that care to look. Is it such a gigantic leap of the imagination to suggest that the Anglo-American & Israeli establishment who have openly profited from the lies told and chaos wrought in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, might do the same in London?
Why have none of the London media brought up the troubling precedents of the scores of terror attacks across Europe including the 1980 Bologna Railway Station bombing, 1985 Brabant supermarket massacres and 1980 Oktoberfest bombing in Germany which are now attributed, and the perpetrators know few will have the stomach to look, to NATO's Operation Gladio for which British MI6 and American CIA were the lead agencies? After all the economic colonialism operated through IMF 'structural adjustment' does look remarkably like the austerity now meted out to the West's domestic populations.
Stories of suicide bombers, with all the connotations of fanaticism, are rarely questioned. Genuine suicide bombings are against hard targets such as military bases. Why die when you can leave a bomb in a bag? It was a 2004 'suicide bombing' that turned out to be no such thing that sparked the Shia insurgency in Iraq. Baghdad's Al Sadr newspaper was forcibly closed down on 28th March 2004 by US governor Paul Bremer for printing a front page story quoting several eyewitnesses to a suicide bombing at a bus stop saying it was in fact a missile fired from a helicopter. Accompanied by pictures of tangled human body parts the how the explosion took place is habitually presented from anonymous official sources with no evidence to back it up.
Whether or not the four alleged London bombers were the driving force behind the 52 innocent deaths that day the one-sided presentation by press and to courts suggests they weren't. The evidence for their defence, that someone else was responsible for the deaths and explosions, has trickled out piecemeal and attempts, like mine, to draw it together are dwarfed by the massive resources poured into consolidating the official story by Western governments and the London media.
My own experience as a journalist in the city where I grew up is today's London media owners and editors treat certain stories such as the 7/7 London Bombings with a puritanical ferocity. The names of dissenting writers go into a 'box marked trouble' to be dealt with later. Journalists self-censor in the knowledge that pushing certain points will end their career. You can write about any old nonsense.... so long as you don't any of raise the handful of questions that really matter.

Technology has made it too easy to control the news
The end result of the 1990s 'purge' is a more sophisticated version of the Josef Goebbels school of journalism where theatre becomes news. Ridiculous anomalies, such as BBC presenter Jane Standley's 9/11 announcement on BBC World of the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7, twenty minutes before it actually happened and with WTC7 still clearly standing behind her, are labelled 'conspiracy theory' and simply ignored.
On July 8th the article Mark Honingsbaum had written on the afternoon of the bombings appeared in The Guardian newspaper where he describes the bombs as exploding in the carriages making no reference to floor tiles being 'raised up'. When I noticed this a few months afterwards I called him up to ask about the anomaly. After a pause he said, 'Well Tony, all I can say is not everything I submit as copy ends up in the next day's newspaper'.
Or as a certain former Indian propaganda broadcaster for the BBC, George Orwell wrote, in Nineteen Eighty-Four: ''He who controls the past, controls the present, he who controls the present, controls the future. On the big stories London's mainstream media has become little more than a mouthpiece for unelected and unaccountable intelligence services working with their Goliath-like co-conspirators, the overmighty banks and multinational corporations of the Transatlantic elite.
Only by fighting for a Hillsborough style, victim-led enquiry into the 7/7 London Bombings can England get and give true closure to the injured survivors and the families of the 52 murdered victims. To whom, one day, we may even be adding the four alleged bombers. ... 775666.php
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On the tenth anniversary of the London Bombings, the Masters of Spin film was first shown across the internet. To accompany the film, the following three open letters were released to the public. The first letter was to Boris Johnson Mayor of London. The second letter was to Jacqueline Putman, described as a 7/7 Survivor and the third letter was to Ros Morley, who lost her husband Colin, ten years ago to the day.



Boris Old Chap,

Please excuse me doing away with all the formalities, and, no disrespect intended to you, but I struggle with titles and I frankly, can’t find it in myself to address anyone as the Right Honourable or even, as in your case, Lord Mayor. Anyway, I hope this finds you well, in good spirit, and having a good day. My purpose in writing to you arises from an urge to alert you to the premier showing of the brand new film entitled “The Masters of Spin”. You feature very prominently in it. Knowing how much you love cricket and appreciate politics, I could not resist presenting the film’s main themes around a character such as yourself. You are TAILOR-MADE for the part.

On the eve of the start of a new ashes test match series, doubtless you will be looking forward to how the battle for the ashes pans out between the old enemies, over the course of this summer. It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since Sheffield’s Michael Vaughan and his England team famously stirred up the nation’s interest, and brought the Ashes back to home to England. This after a sixteen year exile. Today though, I am equally sure that you will be all too conscious of the fact that the date of 7th July 2015 represents a very different battle. It being the ten year anniversary of the London Bombings which occurred on 7th July 2005.

This time last year, a dickie bird told me about your condemnation of an associated incident and your public declaration of shock and sadness. In a kind of Churchillian spirit, you exploited the occasion to make a rallying call to the troops, vowing publicly that London will never give in to terrorists. Your mantra last year was referring, not just to the bombings themselves, but it was addressing the unexpected turn of events at the 7/7 Memorial Monuments at Hyde Park. As you know, this “hit and run” overnight raid, happened just hours before the annual memorial services’ scheduled start-time. Anyway, Boris, enough said. Without further ado, I very much hope that you, in your three-fold roles of Mayor, politician and cricket-loving ambassador for England, take note of the feature film made especially for you, and ponder on the vitally important messages contained within it.

But before viewing the Masters of Spin, knowing how scholarly you are in the classics, I thought a little short-film inspired by Marcus Tullius Cicero would set-up the scene quite nicely.

Yours Sincerely

Tony Farrell

PS. Please send regards to an old working colleague of mine from my early career spent with South Yorkshire Police. I can happily send Sir Bernard a free copy of the film, but I thought it best to share this letter with you first. If you approve so far, you might like to consider watching it together over some pop-corn. I trust you don’t mind me borrowing a bit of “Borodin for Boris”, to set the tone.


Dear Jacqueline,

I write to you in my capacity of a former Principal Intelligence Analyst for South Yorkshire Police, and as someone who has taken an interest in the events of 7/7, ever since I was rudely awoken to the truth behind the attacks. For me, that awakening came on 7th July 2010, exactly five years after the terrible event.

Firstly, I wish to acknowledge the fact that last year, you publicly declared that you found the actions with respect to the defacing of the 7/7 Hyde Park memorial very distressing. I can fully understand that. However, reference to your assertion that this incident, taking place a year ago, was an act carried out by young people, as a former intelligence analyst, I feel compelled to write to you to suggest that your preconceived perpetrator profile, is unlikely to match the reality of the situation.

My guess is that one of the purposes of those shocking series of red and black paint daubs a year ago, was partly for the benefit of survivors like you. My guess that it was done in the hope that before you grow much older, you might somehow come to an understanding of the implications behind the fact that actually, four young Muslim lads, did NOT do 7/7. The plain truth of the matter is that MI5 did it, almost certainly with full British government complicity.

Frankly, Jacqueline, Mohammed Siddique Khan (pictured above), as the young lad blamed for blowing up the Edgware Road train, was not sat close by to you on the tube train on that fateful day, as you have been led to believe by the government and the 7/7 inquests presided over by Lady Injustice Hallett. Mohammed Siddique Khan was not even on the train which exploded. Mohammed Siddique Khan did NOT detonate any home made ruck-sack bomb. The explosion which you appear to have witnessed, was caused by a military grade explosive and came from beneath the under-carriage of the tube train. This is not party politicking, but the plain facts of the matter are that, with respect to the London Bombings, an evil British political establishment, have lied to, and hoodwinked both you as a survivor, and the rest of the nation as mostly gullible spectators. We have become a nation of nodding donkeys and herded cattle.

The levels of deceit, of most, if not all of our senior politicians, knows no bounds. Forgive me for the hurt that this degree of brutal frankness will probably cause you, but I know it is high time to awaken you and other survivors from your propaganda imposed slumber, and expose you to the real truth, no matter how traumatic and painful that may be to hear. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to be cruel, in order to be kind. Only the truth can set you free.

If my understanding is correct, and by your own admission, the 7/7 inquests did not allow you, as a survivor of the Edgware Road attack, to have any of your questions answered. Quotes attributable to you say this.

“We have many questions that need answering. We were allowed to submit these questions to the security services, but these questions were not answered.”

“Our role now will only be one of answering questions which we will do willingly if we are asked, but our questions will not be answered. “We feel like we have been shunted aside and we will have no voice. There is disappointment there.”

While those sham Lady inJustice Hallett inquests were unfolding, our utterly corrupt and crooked establishment were simultaneously plotting to ensure that real truth about 7/7 was suppressed. This a corrupt and evil establishment did, when it was arranged for the 7/7 Ripple Effect Film-maker, Muad’Dib to be unlawfully jailed for the duration of the entire inquest hearings to prevent him from attending and telling you all the truth. The powers that be at that time, did this to him not because Muad’Dib was guilty of any crime, but because Muad’Dib had simply stood up for truth and justice over 7/7 and placed himself in harms’ way, just to prevent a further miscarriage of justice that our police-state were hell-bent on imposing on Muslims.

With respect, you need to realise this. Since that fateful day ten years ago, successive governments have been deliberately lying to the British public and the world at large about the 7/7 attacks, and it is only by knowing and accepting this very painful truth, that the nation, the families and friends of all the lost, and the 7/7 survivors affected by the trauma, can be set free from this plainly obvious and provable act of police-state tyranny and evil-deed most foul.

Deep down, you know that you have been denied the truth. I put it to you that what is disrespectful to the dead, is not so much a few daubs of red and black paint on some stupid steel pillars, but rather the big untruth behind the 7/7 official narrative. All the pretence has to stop. The deceit has to be exposed otherwise left unchecked, matters will get far worse and you and we will never have the truth and justice.

Jacqueline, if you have not already done so, I would urge you to watch the 7/7 Ripple Effect II film. If you watch that film, then you will discover who it is, that is writing this open letter to you now. I hope and pray that someday soon, you will be mature and strong enough to reflect upon the implications of coming to terms with the fact that the real perpetrators of this deadly and dastardly deed were not four suicidal Muslim lads, but rather, our nation’s leaders, and those in positions of power, trust and accountability.

The terrible cover-up continues to the present day, and frankly, the situation cannot beacceptable for a nation claiming to be free and humane, and an example for the rest of the world to follow. Such notions are insane. The cover-up of 7/7 should not be acceptable to the nation. What the establishment have done is truly monstrous and barbaric. Knowing what I know, I have made a film about all this. Boris Johnson as the Mayor of London features in it. It is entitled “The Masters of Spin”. I hope you watch it. The link for watching is below.

But one thing I know for sure, God will not be mocked with this. Please be clear on this, because one thing is certain: those four young lads who have been outrageously wrongfully blamed, were not the murderers; they were assassinated victims and they should from here-on-in, be numbered with the dead.

As things stand, those monuments in the form of fifty-two gimmicky steel girders, bear no respect for the dead whatsoever. I say that confidently, but with great sadness, because at the moment, the only thing those vertical steel represent are symbols of a dreadful, monstrous government state-sponsored act of tyranny and cover-up. Protruding from the ground, high and erect, those 52 3.5m steel girders are an abomination to God. They represent the equivalent of a government V-sign to the rest of humanity. The million pound monuments need taking down fast, because they tell of a falsehood and an ongoing fabricated terror threat that for the soul’s sake must be exposed for the sham it is,otherwise it will just continue.

The only way the nation can properly respect the dead will be if the truth and real perpe-traitors be pursued relentlessly, and we come to terms and acknowledge the fact that we have, as a nation, so far at least, been told a grotesque lie about what really happened that fateful day, ten years ago.

There are parallels here with Hillsborough and the families of the 96 who have, in a similar fashion, been denied truth and justice for so long. My former police force, South Yorkshire Police, even today, still covers the truth up about that particular tragedy, in much the same way as today’s politicians, and those civil servants who sanctioned the erection of these monuments, continue to hide the truth from the public about the deaths of innocent people. One ought not to number the dead as 52. The four lads blamed, did NOT do it, but were wiped out nevertheless. They met their fate by being targeted patsies who were assassinated, some distance away from the bomb sites in Canary Wharf. None of this is to mention the assassination of the equally innocent Brazilian Jean Charles De Menezes two weeks later.

I am of the firm belief that it is imperative that ALL the families and friends, and the nation as a whole, come to know the truth about the reason why 56 innocent people lost their lives, and officially 770 others were injured, and DEMAND the real perpe-traitors be brought to justice. In this day and age, this sick nation of ours stands guilty of deliberately falsely accusing in public, without so much as a criminal trial, the wrong people for doing this murderous act. In turn, an indifferent public shows wilful blindness to the clear facts which point towards the truth.

Men and women become complicit in the evil they fail to oppose. All this is unacceptable in the eyes of the Almighty God and the nation we know as the United Kingdom or Great Britain will be severely punished for allowing such evil to prosper and go unchecked. It is not right for any of us to sit back and do nothing about this and let these traitors get off scot-free.

The only way those steel pillars can become a mark of respect to the dead, would be for our government to retract their narrative and rightfully acknowledge who the real killers were, then repent of their own murderous acts and cease living out their wretched lie and accept their punishment. Currently, those monuments resemble a curse placed on the nation akin to the Mark of Cain, which happened in old testament times, immediately after Cain, the first son of Adam, slew his brother Abel in what was the first murder committed here on Planet Earth. Just as Cain could not hide his dirty deed from the eyes of God, neither will our once great nation be able to hide their wickedness. The general public are far too apathetic here for their own good. Their utterly selfish complacency must end. The successive evil governments ruling over us for the last decade, need to know that there are members of the public who will not tolerate them falsely apportioning blame for their own deeds on four young innocent brothers. I say again, make no mistake, these innocent lads were deviously groomed, as unsuspecting and innocent patsies, by the security services. Instead of countenancing the perpetuation of the evil, the government needs to attribute the blame exactly where it belongs, on themselves.

The likelihood of ever getting a confession of guilt on this from the UK government, in our lifetime seems pretty remote, unless you and ALL the others involved are told the truth and demand justice. However, that remoteness should not be an excuse for accepting the government’s false accusations as truth. All our politicians areprofessional liars, without exception, and age-old habits will always die hard, but surely, we as citizens, living in the so-called United Kingdom of ours, should cease all this pretence forthwith, and at least do our bit in an attempt to bring the wretched hypocrisy and evil ways of the powers that be to an overdue end.

In the end, a far greater power will ensure that happens. By their deliberate deception and dastardly deed, the nation’s leading politicians, irrespective of parties, have successfully duped the masses for a decade. 7/7 was one of the worst state-sponsored crimes of the modern era.

Whoever did that so-called immature paint daubing act last year, perhaps he or she was trying to offer a simple but poignant message for the government to hear, saying something like this:

“Enough is enough. We know of all your wicked ways, you have been weighed on the scales and your days are numbered”.

Yours sincerely

Tony Farrell
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Was London attack false flag operation? - Part 4 Mastermind behind attacks is co-worker MI6
The official story of 7/7 collapses further and further: The great mastermind behind 7/7 is a co-worker of the British secret service MI6; large money transactions have taken place that point to foreknowledge of the attacks; the British government shares a rich history with terrorists; news about a bomb under a railway carriage points to more than fanatical rucksack tourists.

By Daan de Wit
This article has been translated into English by Marienella Meulensteen.

With the arrest of the notorious Haroon Rashid Aswat, a big fish was caught. The press gladly ran with the story and readers were impressed by the success of the terrorist sleuths. 'The British counterpart of Osama bin Laden' now becomes the possible mastermind and the missing link behind the attacks of 7/7, accused in a court case that is filed against him. The thing is that it is not what it appears to be.

Alleged mastermind behind 7/7 attacks is MI6 co-worker
Forbes writes :'Aswat has been named in US and British media reports as the alleged mastermind behind the July 7 suicide bomb attacks in London, but this has not been confirmed by police.' The case is getting a remarkable amount of play in the U.S., but not in England. The English let him walk time after time. According to terrorism expert John Loftus, the reason is that Aswat is an employee of MI6, the British secret service. In an interview with Dayside of TV channel Fox he says that the British first told the Americans that Aswat was dead. They believe it and discontinue the lawsuit against him. But also the American Department of Justice is obstructive and 'blocked efforts [to have Aswat convicted] by its prosecutors in Seattle in 2002'. However, the man surfaces alive and well in South Africa. Loftus: '[...] the Brits know that the CIA wants to get ahold of Haroon. So what happens? He takes off again, goes right to London. He isn't arrested when he lands, he isn't arrested when he leaves'. Interviewer Mike Jerrick exclaims: 'Even though he's on a watch list'. The transcript of the show continues:
'LOFTUS: He's on the watch list.The only reason he could get away with that was if he was working for British intelligence. He was a wanted man.
JERRICK: And then takes off the day before the bombings, I understand it--
LOFTUS: And goes to Pakistan.
JERRICK: And Pakistan, they jail him.
LOFTUS: The Pakistanis arrest him. They jail him. He's released within 24 hours. [...]'. Aswat is a free man again, returns to South Africa, then to Zimbabwe and subsequently to Zambia where he is arrested. He is now in London where he is awaiting an American trial because he is suspected of planning to establish a training camp for terrorists in 1999 in the American state of Oregon. While only last month the Sydney Morning Herald wrote that Scotland Yard was hunting for Aswat, it now appears that the Brits have no interest in the alleged mastermind. Maybe it is also in this case that having the situation under control means the end of the fun: Scotland Yard was 'not interested in speaking to Aswat about the London attacks', writes the N.Y. Post on August 8.

U.S. Federal Reserve conducts extraordinary transactions before 7/7
Besides the exercises-that-suddenly-became-reality and the presence in London of experience expert Rudolph Giuliani, there are another two clear links between 9/11 and 7/7, and they concern money and foreknowledge. On September 11, millions were earned by extraordinary speculation on, among others, two airline companies that were involved in the attacks. As we wrote in our Panorama magazine article about September 11, that money has never been cashed in on. Also, just before the attacks of 7/7 it was speculated with success that the stocks would plummet; besides that, the Federal Bank of the U.S. conducted remarkable financial transactions.
Just before 7/7 a number of conspicuous transactions took place. Large amounts of money were poured into the financial markets so that Wall Street converted the reaction of the exchanges on 7/7 from a large loss to a small gain: 'The one virtuoso performance of July 7 was that of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, and the European Central Bank, which flooded equity and capital markets with liquidity through such vehicles as the Plunge Protection Team (PPT), turning a big Wall Street loss into a small gain', writes Webster Tarpley. A blogger named The Cunning Realist has done some research and proves with some remarkable statistics (1 2) that the Federal Bank of the U.S., shortly before the attacks on July 7, pumped $35 billion into the market to soften eventual blows. The blogger who publicizes this news has a job looking at charts like these and compared the transactions of the Fed with other years, but had to conclude that in this case it showed 'extraordinary activity'. 'The terrorist attacks in London took place on Thursday. The Fed dramatically increased the pool of liquidity available for stocks to a multi-year high 48 hours before that --- an ideal amount of time for that liquidity to filter into the market --- and kept it elevated for the next few days. And indeed, it worked'.

Speculators profited from the attacks on 7/7 before 7/7
Insider Joseph Farah writes about the successful stock speculations just before 7/7: '[...] it appears some profited by short selling the British pound in the 10 days leading up to the attacks. The pound fell about 6 percent (approximately 1.82 to 1.72) against the dollar for no apparent reason - until, of course, the terror attacks sent the British markets reeling still further. [...] "This was an almost unprecedented weakness and far too sharp to be a coincidence," one economist with more than 35 years of experience in the investment industry [said ...]. The problem is that short selling of this kind can be done with near total anonymity. "Trade currency futures through a Swiss or Austrian bank via an offshore company incorporated in Cre te and you have a totally untraceable transaction," the economist noted. "No one will ever know who made the really big money off this situation, but I guarantee you this - someone did."' The question now is whether this was a dead Bin Laden from a cave in Pakistan or Western Financial experts who followed the markets hand-in-hand with the CIA.

Close ties between MI5 and terrorists
The close ties between the British secret service and Arabic terrorists like the aforementioned Haroon Rashid Aswat are not particularly unique. Already in 2002 we wrote in our September 11 article for Panorama that Bin Laden had paid a visit in 1996 to the British secret service MI5. Also in 2002, the BBC writes about the ties between MI5 and Abu Qatada, who is described in the article as 'Osama Bin Laden's European Ambassador'. 'He pledged to MI5 that he would not "bite the hand that fed him".' That 'fed' can also be taken literally: 'Mr Qatada and his family are being lodged, fed and clothed by British intelligence services', reports the BBC in quoting Time Magazine. 'He also promised to "report anyone damaging the interests of thi s country". Instead, he was recruiting for Al-Qaeda training camps', writes The Times. 'Tony Blair is bound to be asked about MI5's history with Abu Qatada and other militant clerics who have used Britain as their base'.

MI6 pays Al-Qaeda £100,000 to murder Qadaffy
Also in 2002, former MI5 agent David Shayler revealed that 'In 1996 Britain's exterior intelligence service, MI6, actually funded and worked with Al-Qaeda in a plot to assassinate and overthrow Libya's Muhammar Qaddafy', writes Mike Ruppert on page 137 of his book Crossing The Rubicon. It cost Shayler six months in jail, and Tony Blair even issued a D[efense] notice to keep the information under wraps, notes Ruppert, who refers to an article in The Observer, where despite that notice, information is still to be found: 'British intelligence paid large sums of money to an Al-Qaeda cell in Libya in a doomed attempt to assassinate Colonel Qadaffy in 1996 and thwarted early attemp ts to bring Osama bin Laden to justice'. It concerned £100,000, according to Shayler in the Observer article. While it was Qadaffy, mind you, who two years earlier was the first who had Bin Laden put on the wanted list of Interpol, writes Ruppert. Qadaffy held Bin Laden responsible for the murder of two German anti-terrorism agents in Libya. One of the members of the assassination cell was Anas al-Liby, a notorious terrorist with an American bounty on his head to the tune of $25 million. The Observer:'Astonishingly, despite suspicions that he was a high-level Al-Qaeda operative, al-Liby was given political asylum in Britain and lived in Manchester until May of 2000 when he eluded a police raid on his house and fled abroad. The raid discovered a 180-page Al-Qaeda 'manual for jihad' containing instructions for terrorist attacks'.Also part of the case against David Shayler was his statement tha t MI5 withheld information that could have prevented the attacks in London in 1993 and 1994, writes The Scotsman.

Londonistan recruiting ground for fanatical black sheep
'"MI-6 is in bed with al Qaeda", Shayler told the crowd', writes Webster Tarpley in his account of the London part of the 9/11 tour of truth (see also this report of the speeches by Tarpley and DaanSpeak in Amsterdam). In his book 9/11 - Synthetic Terror - Made in USA, Tarpley writes in a chapter titled Al-Qaeda and Londonistan: 'There is every reason to believe that London is one of the main recruiting grounds for patsies, dupes, fanatics, double agents, and other roustabouts of the terrorist scene'. To prove this he gives various examples, like this citation from the Daily Telegraph: 'Britain is now an international center for Islamic militancy on a huge scale [...] and the capital is the home to a bewildering variety of radical Islamic fundamentalist movements, many of which make no secret of their commitment to violence and terrorism to achieve their goals'. In an article from October 2001 with the title Why the Real Name Is 'Osama Bin London', the often well-received EIR cites someone who speaks for Bin Laden in a London-based Arabic newspaper as saying: 'that "we have a covenant of peace with the British government"'. In 2000 EIR wrote a memo to the then American Secretary of State, titled: 'Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism'. Tarpley in his book: 'Imam Qureshi of Brixton and others were allowed by the British authorities to preach anti-US sermons to the some 4,000 Muslim inmates in British prisons, and thus to recruit new parties for the world-wide terror machine'. The examples are so numerous that it is a subject in and of itself.

Bomb under rail carriage on 7/7 undermines official version of attack
On his website, Alex Jones refers to an interesting article by the Cambridge Evening News in which an eyewitness testifies: 'As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been. "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.' Mark Honigsbaum of The Guardian also talks in this radio report [RealPlayer] with witnesses about a bomb under the rail carriage.
If indeed this is about bombs under carriages, then the official story of the four rucksack terrorists falls apart even more. A bomb under a carriage requires that the bomber can enter a part of the London Underground where outsiders are not allowed to enter. This points even more in the direction of previous articles in this series that stressed facts indicating that an exercise was prepared that very accidentally became reality. In this scenario, the bombers, under the guise of preparing an exercise, can do their work without being disturbed. The rucksack terrorists would only serve as patsies, just like the hijackers on September 11, who did not destroy the three WTC towers with their planes (there also it probably involved preset bombs, and possibly remote controlled airplanes).
By openly preparing for a so-called exercise, you don't have to set up an enormous conspiracy: 'Thus the drill also helps keep the number of witting accomplices small. You don't need an entire agency made up of homicidal sociopaths', writes John Leonard. Then you place a short message from an unknown jihad organization on an obscure web page, in which you even misquote the Quran, and everyone will accept straight away that the Islamic warriors are the perpetrators. The text was on a server about which The Guardian writes: 'The server in Houston has intriguing connections. Everyone's Internet was founded by brothers Robert and Roy Marsh in 1998 and by 2002 had an income of more than $30m (now about £17m). Renowned for his charitable work, Roy Marsh counts among his friends President George Bush's former sister-in-law, Sharon Bu sh, and the president's navy secretary'.

Wild stories in the press are retracted
Magdy el-Nashar is, alongside the aforementioned Haroon Rashid Aswat, another alleged mastermind of the attacks on 7/7, as appears from various press bulletins. Meanwhile, he has been found innocent after questioning in Egypt where he was on holiday: 'El-Nashar called his detention "a nightmare," especially when interrogators suggested he was "the mastermind behind the London bombings."', writes Newsday. He now wants to return to London: '"I want to go back again. But I am afraid, honestly, I am afraid. Propaganda against me made people think I am terrorist. My picture is everywhere. Some said I am the first man (behind the attacks). The most-wanted man. If I walk down the street and someone recognizes me, he might kill me," el-Nashar said. "I am innoce nt". The bulletin was hard for el-Nashar at first. To give an example, Het Parool wrote on July 15 on the front page with the headline ''Mastermind attacks arrested in Cairo'': 'In a suburb of Cairo, an Egyptian biochemist was arrested who possibly was the mastermind behind the terror attacks in London'.
Another example of journalistic damage is the item about the English boy who was wrongfully presented as a bombing suspect. With the surfacing of this information, another little fact proved to be an illusion: 'Evidence showing that all three of the London bombers of Pakistani descent visited Pakistan last year has been thrown into doubt', writes the BBC, because it was not a third alleged terrorist who had been to Pakistan, but instead a 16-year old boy who happens to have the same last name.
Both wild news items turned out to be incorrect after all and had to be retracted, but that does not help very much. The man-in-the-street knows only that two dangerous types from the Middle East have once again been picked up. Bad news has more of an impact and distribution than a story that is retracted, plus a correction never completely erases the impression that was created in the first place.

Exercise-that-becomes-reality is repeated phenomenon
The attacks in London on 7/7 were not the first example of exercises-that-just-happened-to-become-reality. Earlier there were the war games on September 11, partly under the supervision of Mayor Giuliani - the man who happened to be in London during the attacks. Tarpley adds another example: 'So it was with the Hinckley attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan, when a presidential succession exercise was scheduled for the next day, as I showed in my George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992; reprint by Progressive Press, 2004)'.
In the case of Reagan's demise, Bush would have become president. While Vice President Bush revealed a plaque at the hotel where President Kennedy spent his last night, John W. Hinckley Jr. [AVI] shot President Reagan, after which the rehearsal for the presidential succession for the next day was cancelled. Tarpley writes in his book that the day after the assault it came out that the shooter's brother was invited for dinner by Neil Bush, the son of the vice president. Neil's wife said to the Houston Post that the Hinckley family had donated a lot of money to the Bush campaign. The parents of the shooter Hinckley write in their memoirs that their son, after the assault in his cell before being transferred to an institution, in a series of notes "described an imaginary conspiracy --either with the political left or the political right [...] to assas inate the President."' The notes, together with dozens of other pages, were withheld by the FBI and were not admitted in the trial against the shoot
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by TonyGosling »

The following is from staid old dependable, Wikipedia.

(Same old MO, Guv'nor....) Quote,

In 1955, a sabotage unit, made of Jewish Egyptian citizens and recruited by Israel's secret police, operated against their native Egypt and attempted to destroy Egyptian relationships with western powers. The unit bombed American and British installations expecting that this would be considered the work of Egyptians. Egyptian authorities uncovered the spy ring and after a trial, two of the group's members received the death penalty. Cohen had aided the unit and was implicated, however no link between Cohen and the accused could be found.[2]


TonyGosling wrote:
A former officer in Israel's SAS, the Sayeret Matkal, Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to be arriving at a Great Eastern Hotel conference just as Shehzad Tanweer's Liverpool Street tube bomb was going off below the hotel. Netanyahu was reported that morning by Amy Teibel on Associated Press' Jerusalem Desk to have 'changed plans due to a warning' from Scotland Yard, and thankfully Bibi had not left his hotel.
The Israeli embassy have since denied having any warning but Israeli government Press Officer Dan Sheham told journalists, including the Scottish Sunday Herald's foreign affairs editor David Pratt, embassy security was 'beefed up' around 7am that day. The four simultaneous bombs, three on tube trains and one on a bus were supposed to have been a surprise attack.
An Israeli firm also had access to London's tube tunnels, winning a CCTV contract when parts of the Underground were privatised a few months before the attacks. Verint Systems looked like a good bet but someone didn't do due diligence because the fraudster chairman Kobi Alexander, of Verint's parent company, Comverse Technologies, was on the run. He was evading the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) somewhere in Africa after disappearing with $13m of company money.
Leeds based bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were both trustees of the Iqra bookshop in Bude Street, Beeston. The shop was managed day-to-day by former Royal Navy SBS special forces soldier Martin McDaid who ran a terror training camp in the Lake District in his spare time. Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight programmed Iqra youth worker Mark Hargreaves, said McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men to be terrorists.
But Hargreaves was not the only person at Iqra who had suspicions about McDaid's terror training: years before the bombings Leeds anti-war campaigner and computer expert Martin Gilbertson says he handed a 'dossier of evidence' to West Yorkshire police detailing his suspicions about Khan and Tanweer and giving police and MI5 two years notice the pair might be dangerous. Pressed in 2006 West Yorkshire police force don't just say they lost the documents. They deny ever having received them.
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Post by TonyGosling »

The Daily Beast prepared a little surprise for me on the 7/7 anniversary. Just to make sure any editor googling me would know what to think!
KREMLIN TV07.08.151:05 AM ET Adam Holland ... eally.html
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Post by TonyGosling »

7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home… but do we know what really happened that day?

Jul 15, 2015 ... -that-day/

For the London media 7/7 is ‘done and dusted’, but for Tony Gosling, who helped cover the IRA London bombing campaign for the BBC, nothing could be further from the truth


Tony Gosling
RINF Alternative News ... 296#170296
BRISTOL – At lunchtime of 7th July 2005 the Guardian’s Mark Honigsbaum was in the London Hilton Hotel opposite Edgware Road underground station uploading an audio report to the Guardian website. Mark had been talking to dazed and injured passengers as they emerged from the smoke and chaos below and listening back to the Guardian’s first report of the day is unsettling.

Despite the official story of Mohammad Sidique Khan blowing himself up in the carriage, Honigsbaum says ‘We believe there was an explosion this morning under the carriage of a train’. ‘The tiles, the covers on the floor suddenly flew up, raised up,’ he went on, derailing the Metropolitan Line carriages into the path of an oncominng train.

A former officer in Israel’s SAS, the Sayeret Matkal, Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to be arriving at a Great Eastern Hotel conference just as Shehzad Tanweer’s Liverpool Street tube bomb was going off below the hotel. Netanyahu was reported that morning by Amy Teibel on Associated Press’ Jerusalem Desk to have ‘changed plans due to a warning’ from Scotland Yard, and thankfully Bibi had not left his hotel.

The Israeli embassy have since denied having any warning but Israeli government Press Officer Dan Sheham told journalists, including the Scottish Sunday Herald’s foreign affairs editor David Pratt, embassy security was ‘beefed up’ around 7am that day. The four simultaneous bombs, three on tube trains and one on a bus were supposed to have been a surprise attack.

An Israeli firm also had access to London’s tube tunnels, winning a CCTV contract when parts of the Underground were privatised a few months before the attacks. Verint Systems looked like a good bet but someone didn’t do due diligence because the fraudster chairman Kobi Alexander, of Verint’s parent company, Comverse Technologies, was on the run. He was evading the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) somewhere in Africa after disappearing with $13m of company money.

Leeds based bombers Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were both trustees of the Iqra bookshop in Bude Street, Beeston. The shop was managed day-to-day by former Royal Navy SBS special forces soldier Martin McDaid who ran a terror training camp in the Lake District in his spare time. Speaking on the BBC’s Newsnight programmed Iqra youth worker Mark Hargreaves, said McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men to be terrorists.

But Hargreaves was not the only person at Iqra who had suspicions about McDaid’s terror training: years before the bombings Leeds anti-war campaigner and computer expert Martin Gilbertson says he handed a ‘dossier of evidence’ to West Yorkshire police detailing his suspicions about Khan and Tanweer and giving police and MI5 two years notice the pair might be dangerous. Pressed in 2006 West Yorkshire police force don’t just say they lost the documents. They deny ever having received them.

These four anomalies are just a handful from a litany of fragmented evidence which provides an alternative narrative to the Blair government tale of four ‘lone nutters’ being behind 7/7, hell bent on vengeance for Afghanistan and Iraq. They point to British government, MI5 and special forces complicity in the attacks as well as throwing considerable doubt on whether the four alleged bombers went to London that day intending to die or whether they were lured to London on some other pretext.

Irish journalist Hugh O’Shaughnessy quotes convicted terrorist who worked for the Italian State Vincenzo Vinciguerra: ‘The political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished: because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.’ After a 1972 bomb killed three Italian police officers, police commanders ‘foiled a thorough investigation of the Peteano affair for years,’ he claims. ‘It was more convenient to cover it up than to turn on those who killed their comrades.’

The ‘False Flag’ attack is where corrupt powers murder their own people and blame an enemy to create a ‘causus beli’ for intervention abroad or destroying civil liberties at home. Evidence that the 7/7 London Bombings were a false flag attack, to get the nation to back foreign invasions in the Middle East has been studiously ignored by government, media and judiciary alike.

The term ‘False Flag’ comes from naval warfare where a rival flag is raised on a warship causing the enemy to drop their guard and allowing the unscrupulous captain to creep close in for a surprise attack. Scholars and military historians believe Hitler’s own men set the 1933 Reichstag fire which was blamed on Dutch Communist Marinus van der Lubbe and the Goebbels media furore it created gave Hitler the excuse he needed to introduce dictatorial powers.

Hitler’s 1939 invasion of Poland, which triggered World War Two, was built on a lie too. In August 1939’s ‘Gleiwitz incident’ the SS murdered Poles then use their bodies to stage a fake Polish attack on a German radio station. The lie was spread through the same Nazi propaganda machine as a pretext to invade Poland.....................................
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Post by TonyGosling »

UK PM Cameron explains .01% doctrine: ‘Destroy nation-states to invent our own barbaric realm’ ... realm.html

Posted on July 26, 2015 by Carl Herman
hat tips: Nafeez Ahmed and Tony Gosling

On July 20, 2015, UK Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a major speech to justify ongoing wars on “extremism.” Supporting corporate media analyses are here, here, here, here; with some honesty from George Monbiot, with a 1-minute corporate media cry for more military armed attacks “on this evil”:

Cameron’s speech promotes the UK “Extremist Bill” that bans all media (such as you’re reading now), and sends police to close any organization dictated by government as “extremist” (honest analyses by Glenn Greenwald and via Washington’s Blog). UK Home Secretary Theresa May spins Orwellian for government dictatorial power to criminalize “extremism” in a 12-minute BBC interview.

Please notice this is clear advocacy of literal dictatorship for government dictating/saying what is and is not “extremism” and “promotes values”:

What corporate media won’t address are these Emperor’s New Clothes facts of the wars the UK, US, and Israel wage on “extremism” that absolutely prove Cameron, Obama, Bush, and other war-mongers are extreme War Criminals:
Two treaties from Earth’s two world wars make UK, US, Israel wars unlawful Wars of Aggression, the most extreme crime a nation can commit.
All reasons for current wars are disclosed by official government admission as having been known to be false as they were told.
The UK Chilcot Inquiry disclosed that all 27 Foreign Affairs Department attorneys conclude UK current wars unlawful, with not one available argument for justification from a single attorney.

Governments have been vicious killers over the last 100 years, using Orwellian “self-defense” rhetoric to cover offensive and illegal Wars of Aggression. The US has started 201 foreign armed attacks since WW2, causing the world’s peoples to conclude in polling that the US is indeed #1 as the most threatening nation to world peace. The US-started armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and working civilian women and men. US armed attacks have war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis, and continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression. Indeed, this history of lie-began wars of empire by the .01% class are powerfully documented from Roman historians.

The most decorated US Marine general in his day warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars, and W. Bush’s Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, chided Pulitzer-winning journalist, Ron Suskind, that government will continue with such actions to “create our own reality” no matter what anyone else might say.

Cameron and other former imperialist colonial nations support a .01% extremist doctrine that includes more criminal policies:
ongoing intentional poverty that kills ~20,000 children world-wide in gruesome slow-motion daily, with a total human death toll of ~1,000,000 every month. The total deaths from poverty in the last 15 years is conservatively greater than from all wars, revolutions, murders, accidents, and suicides in the 20th century. In the past 20 years, the total deaths from poverty probably eclipse all the above categories of death in all known human history. This is ongoing Crimes against Humanity ($1 to $3 trillion over ten years would end poverty while reducing population growth rates),
a .01% oligarch class that “legally” hide $20 to $30 trillion in offshore tax havens; ten to thirty times the amount to end global poverty forever, in a rigged-casino economy designed for “peak inequality,”
fundamental fraud to create what we use for money as debt with mechanics of adding negative numbers forever leading to today’s tragic-comic total debt that can only get worse with these mechanics,
real unemployment near 25% with families who find work having to work longer and longer hours to counter real inflation well above official reports,
“too big to fail” banks demand public subsidies (so-called “bailouts”) while gambling with over $200 TRILLION in derivatives, and deriving most of their income from subsidies and apparent market manipulations,
daily and never-ending Orwellian criminal-complicit lies of corporate media.

I could go on to literally ~100 areas of crucial concern.

Prime Minister Cameron’s speech is for .01% government “leader” dictatorial power to say what is “extremism” and shut-down speech, media, meetings, and organizations they say are gateway “extremist influencers,” despite admitting in the speech that those he will dictate as extremists do not violate any law.

This type of government is not under law, but dictatorial to literally say what is and is not allowed.

This also means that Cameron’s speech is a mirror revealing the .01% doctrine; easily read by changing just a few words of the text to reflect the wars and dictatorship Cameron speaks for are the real extremism.

To help make Cameron’s Orwellian language clear, excerpts of his revised speech under my satire:

“As Prime Minister, I want to work with you to demonize and defeat the poison of successful multi-racial, multi-faith freedom in the UK and around the world.

We seek to destroy nation-states to invent our own barbaric realm. We back violence to achieve this aim – mostly violence against Muslims – who don’t subscribe to our sick worldview.

We promote intolerant ideas to create a climate in which we .01% flouish:
Discrimination, sectarianism, and segregation.
Criminal conspiracy.
Israel .01% exercising malevolent power, and deliberately humiliating Muslims with aim to destroy Gaza.
Provoking invasions of nations with false flags (and here) like 9/11 and 7/7 for anti-Muslim backlash.
Creating terrorist groups like ISIL, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram to murder Muslims to provoke Muslim revenge.
Creating poverty to provoke terrorism (and here).

Let’s not delude ourselves. The root cause of the threat we face is the extremist ideology of freedom. In the autumn, we will publish our Counter-Extremism Strategy, setting out in detail what we will do to counter this threat:
We must confront and take freedom’s component parts to pieces – the worldview, recognition of our false flag campaigns, and the glamour of peace. We will continue to create, train, fund and arm ISIL to justify our domestic and foreign military presence.
We must link violence and non-violence to justify criminalizing anything we label “extremist,” “despicable,” “hatred-peddlers,” and even “creeping extremism.”
We’ll fund our own Muslim spokespersons, support campaigns, and provide political representation to shape debate how we wish.
We’ll target the young with our propaganda.

In conclusion, criminalizing “extremism” despite our targets breaking no law, and dictating that extremism includes non-violent actions will give us ongoing reason to expand our .01% way of life: never ending fear, wars, debt, lies, and psychopathic control over the 99.99%.”

The Corbett Report 39 minutes on the 7/7 London bombing cover-ups:

And Tom Secker’s 7/7 in 7 minutes:


Note: I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History, with all economics factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008 among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences. I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.


Carl Herman is a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History; also credentialed in Mathematics. He worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at

Note: has blocked public access to my articles on their site (and from other whistleblowers), so some links in my previous work are blocked. If you’d like to search for those articles other sites may have republished, use words from the article title within the blocked link. Or, go to, paste the expired link into the box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive. I’ll update as “hobby time” allows; including my earliest work from 2009 to 2011 (blocked author pages: here, here).
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Post by TonyGosling »

I just noticed the headline on UK indymedia

Activists call for Public Inquiry into 7/7 Bombings ... 26469.html


victims, families and activists are calling for an INDEPENDENT INQUIRY
as is David Davis!

So this headline is deeply mislesading

Activists call for Public Inquiry into 7/7 Bombings
On Tuesday 7 July, UK politicians and their corporate media allies gathered to insult the memories of those killed by the 7/7 bombs by staging a propaganda event which was designed to promote further mass killing of muslims. Activists meanwhile dropped a banner in Whitehall calling for a Public Inquiry into the events of 7/7.
Tony Blair defended the decision not to hold an Inquiry in 2005 saying, "We do essentially know what happened."
After nearly two years and the emergence of disturbing new evidence about the attacks David Davis, then shadow home secretary was moved to state the obvious,
".. the government have not told the British public the whole truth about the circumstances and mistakes leading up to the July 7 attacks.
"The case for an independent inquiry into the attacks of July 2005 is now overwhelming. It is the only way to achieve clarity for the British public, closure for the bereaved and ensure the security services and government learn the lessons to help prevent another attack."
However, as the parliamentary paedophile scandal has shown the elite will not disclose damaging information without a fight.
To estimate just how damaging the real story of 7/7 may be to the establishment, the key unanswered questions surrounding the event need to be reviewed, as Tom Secker does in his documentary film '7/7 Seeds of Deconstruction.'
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Lies and betrayal of victims families: 10 years after 7/7

Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

As global terrorist-in-chief Benjamin Netanyahu cavorts round London with the Queen why aren't Met pulling him in for questioning about his 7/7 bombs warning?

45,000 Brits sign petition to get Netanyahu arrested for war crimes on his London visit ... ar-crimes/
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by TonyGosling »

A hyperlinked version of my 10th anniversary 7/7 article

[html]<h2><span class="postbody">7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home ... but do we know what really happened that day?</span></h2>
<h3><span class="postbody">For the London media 7/7 is 'done and dusted', but for Tony Gosling, who helped cover the IRA London bombing campaign for the BBC, nothing could be further from the truth
<span class="postbody">Monday 6th July 2015 B</span><span class="postbody">RISTOL - At lunchtime of 7th July 2005 the Guardian's Mark Honigsbaum was in the London Hilton Hotel opposite Edgware Road underground station uploading an <a href=" ... 76,00.html" target="_blank">audio report to the Guardian website</a>. Mark had been talking to dazed and injured passengers as they emerged from the smoke and chaos below and listening back to the Guardian's first report of the day is unsettling.
Despite the official story of Mohammad Sidique Khan blowing himself up in the carriage, <a href=" ... akingstory" target="_blank">Honigsbaum says 'We believe there was an explosion this morning under the carriage of a train'. 'The tiles, the covers on the floor suddenly flew up, raised up,'</a> he went on, derailing the Metropolitan Line carriages into the path of an oncoming train.
<a href="" target="_blank">A former officer in Israel's SAS, the Sayeret Matkal, Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu</a> was due to be arriving at a Great Eastern Hotel conference just as Shehzad Tanweer's Liverpool Street tube bomb was going off below the hotel. <a href=" ... 00515.html" target="_blank">Netanyahu was reported that morning by Amy Teibel on Associated Press</a>' Jerusalem Desk to have <a href="" target="_blank">'changed plans due to a warning' from Scotland Yard</a>, and thankfully Bibi had not left his hotel.
The Israeli embassy have since denied having any warning but Israeli government Press Officer Dan Sheham told journalists, including the Scottish Sunday Herald's foreign affairs editor David Pratt, embassy security was 'beefed up' around 7am that day. <a href="" target="_blank">The three simultaneous tube train bombs at 08:50hrs, and the bus bomb an hour later, were supposed to have been a surprise attack.</a>.
An Israeli firm also had access to London's tube tunnels, <a href=" ... o-solution" target="_blank">winning a CCTV contract when parts of the Underground were privatised a few months before the attacks. Verint Systems looked like a good bet</a> but someone didn't do due diligence because the <a href=" ... 9820101123" target="_blank">fraudster chairman Kobi Alexander, of Verint's parent company, Comverse Technologies, was on the run. He was evading the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) somewhere in Africa after disappearing with $13m of company money</a>.
Leeds based bombers <a href=" ... wn-beeston" target="_blank">Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were both trustees of the Iqra bookshop in Bude Street, Beeston</a>. The shop was managed day-to-day <a href=" ... ier-550920" target="_blank">by former Royal Navy SBS special forces soldier Martin McDaid who ran a terror training camp in the Lake District in his spare time</a>. Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight programme <a href=" ... d-who.html" target="_blank">Iqra youth worker Mark Hargreaves, said McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men to be terrorists</a>.
But Hargreaves was not the only person at Iqra who had suspicions about McDaid's terror training: years before the bombings <a href=" ... d-who.html" target="_blank">Leeds anti-war campaigner and computer expert Martin Gilbertson says he handed a 'dossier of evidence' to West Yorkshire police detailing his suspicions about Khan and Tanweer and giving police and MI5 two years notice the pair might be dangerous</a>. Pressed in 2006 West Yorkshire police force don't just say they lost the documents. They deny ever having received them.
These four anomalies are just a handful from a litany of fragmented evidence which provides an alternative narrative to the Blair government tale of four 'lone nutters' being behind 7/7, hell bent on vengeance for Afghanistan and Iraq. They point to British government, MI5 and special forces complicity in the attacks as well as throwing considerable doubt on whether the four alleged bombers went to London that day intending to die or whether they were lured to London on some other pretext.
Irish journalist <a href=" ... n1992.html" target="_blank">Hugh O'Shaughnessy quotes convicted terrorist who worked for the Italian State Vincenzo Vinciguerra: 'The political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished</a>: because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.' After a 1972 bomb killed three Italian police officers, police commanders <a href=" ... n1992.html" target="_blank">'foiled a thorough investigation of the Peteano affair for years,' he claims. 'It was more convenient to cover it up than to turn on those who killed their comrades.'</a>
The 'False Flag' attack is where corrupt powers murder their own people and blame an enemy to create a 'causus beli' for intervention abroad or destroying civil liberties at home. Evidence that the 7/7 London Bombings were a false flag attack, to get the nation to back foreign invasions in the Middle East has been studiously ignored by government, media and judiciary alike.
<a href="" target="_blank">The term 'False Flag' comes from naval warfare</a> where a rival flag is raised on a warship causing the enemy to drop their guard and allowing the unscrupulous captain to creep close in for a surprise attack. Scholars and military historians believe Hitler's own men set the <a href="" target="_blank">1933 Reichstag fire which was blamed on Dutch Communist Marinus van der Lubbe</a> and the Goebbels media furore it created gave Hitler the excuse he needed to introduce dictatorial powers.
Hitler's 1939 invasion of Poland, which triggered World War Two, was built on a lie too. In <a href=" ... t-31-1939/" target="_blank">August 1939's 'Gleiwitz incident' the SS murdered Poles then use their bodies to stage a fake Polish attack on a German radio station</a>. The lie was spread through the same Nazi propaganda machine as a pretext to invade Poland. </span>
<h3><span class="postbody">Anomalies ignored by press and courts alike
<span class="postbody">Former Dorset policeman turned 'Disaster Management Consultant', Peter Power, told the world's media his 'terror drill' on the morning of 7/7 was at the same three tube stations, out of a total of 275 where the actual bombs exploded. <a href="" target="_blank">On Canadian TV he described this as a 'spooky coincidence'</a> which indeed it was at only around an eight billion to one chance (275 (<a href="" target="_blank">no. of tube stations in London</a>) x 3 x 365) of his 'drill' involving the same stations on the same day as the actual attacks.
<a href=" ... 9041228/bd" target="_blank">Daniel Obachicke, whose front page story for black newspaper 'The Voice' quickly disappeared off the internet, says he was on the Number 30 bus which exploded in Tavistock Square and wrote a book, 'The 4th Bomb'</a>, about his experience that day. <a href="" target="_blank">Daniel says he doesn't believe alleged bomber Hasib Hussain was on the no. 30 bus, instead attributing the bombing to a white Caucasian man in his mid twenties with a grey two-tone rucksack, acting suspiciously who got off the bus just before it exploded</a>.
Despite London's public transport being at the time one of the most 'camera'd up' networks in the world, no CCTV footage has ever been revealed which showing any of the four bombers either in, or getting onto, the tube trains and bus where they are supposed to have blown themselves up. This glaring surveillance omission is even more shocking when it comes to the days and weeks before the 7th July 2005. <a href="" target="_blank">Three of the four bombers had been under close surveillance by Britain's Security Service MI5 yet as the names emerged MI5 told the world, and victim's families, that all four were entirely unknown to them, or 'clean skins'</a>.
Were bodies of the victims dealt with, as one might expect, by the office of the London Coroner? No. <a href=" ... 20Mortuary" target="_blank">A makeshift mortuary, or morgue, was set up under military security in the grounds of Liverpool Street's 'Honourable Company of Artillery'</a>. Victims' families were kept waiting for almost a week, some desperately posting 'lost' pictures of their loved ones on lampposts, before being eventually informed family members were dead and asked to identify bodies.
52 people died on 7/7, not counting the alleged bombers. Yet, <a href="" target="_blank">rather than conduct a public enquiry where all deaths could be considered, an inquest, which is designed for investigating a single person's death was held five years late in 2010, overseen by coroner Lady Justice Heather Hallett who decided, incredibly, not to allow victims' families to ask any questions and to conduct it without a jury</a>. </span>
<h3><span class="postbody">Haroon Rashid Aswat </span></h3>
<span class="postbody">In the years running up to the 7/7 attacks leaders at Finsbury Park Mosque asked Scotland Yard and the Security Service MI5 to <a href=" ... olong.html" target="_blank">do something about the Al-Muhajiroun sect, translated as 'The Emigrants', who were 'infiltrating' their Mosque</a>. The faction, which first emerged during the Balkans crisis in the late 1990s, was <a href=" ... 1_timeline" target="_blank">led by hook-handed Abu Hamza who was often seen accompanied by his loyal assistant. Haroon Rashid Aswat</a>. Reported by Fox News as having made phone calls to all of the four alleged bombers in the week of the attacks <a href=" ... 1_timeline" target="_blank">many have asked, was Aswat arranging for the four to come from Leeds and Aylesbury to London?</a>
On the morning before the bombings <a href="" target="_blank">Aswat boarded a plane at Heathrow for Pakistan where he was promptly imprisoned and then mysteriously 'let go' presumably after a call from British intelligence. Some time later he caught another flight to Zambia</a> where he was again arrested, served a short term in the cells as a terror suspect then was released a second time, then finally <a href=" ... 1_timeline" target="_blank">handed over to the British police</a>. Some law enforcement agencies, it seems, wanted him held and questioned, others, more powerful, didn't.
American writer <a href="http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... le9643.htm" target="_blank">John Loftus, who US president Jimmy Carter made an FBI Special Prosecutor in the 1970s to hunt down Nazi war criminals hiding in the United States</a>, said <a href="" target="_blank">on Fox News he believed Haroon Aswat to be a 'double agent' secretly working for MI6 inside the extremist Al-Muhajiroun sect.</a>
But Aswat would face no questioning about those calls to the alleged 7/7 bombers in the weeks running up to the attack. Instead he was shipped from London's highest security Belmarsh prison <a href=" ... ct-5430878" target="_blank">to Broadmoor as a 'mental patient' with 'delusions'. A protracted legal process began</a> and, despite being certified clinically insane, <a href="" target="_blank">he was finally extradited to the United States in October 2014</a>.
He now faces charges <a href=" ... more-16439" target="_blank">dating back to 2000 for conspiring with his old friend Abu Hamza</a>, who has already been sentenced to life in prison, for 'plotting to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon'. Even if a private prosecution were brought in Britain by victims families to have Aswat questioned about the killing of their loved ones it would get nowhere. <a href="" target="_blank">The potential mastermind of the attacks is now out of Britain's legal jurisdiction</a>. </span>
<h3><span class="postbody">Justice?
<span class="postbody">So like the running sores of <a href=" ... 751000.stm" target="_blank">Hillsborough</a>, Dr <a href=" ... death.html" target="_blank">David Kelly</a> and <a href=" ... transcript" target="_blank">Jimmy Savile</a>, is 7/7 just another British Establishment cover-up? It took 25 years and three enquiries before there has been some closure for families of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, where 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death through South Yorkshire police negligence,
We know, through the cases of the <a href="" target="_blank">Guildford Four</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank">Birmingham Six</a> too, who were wrongly jailed for 20 and 16 years respectively, the criminal justice system has mechanisms to convict scapegoats when it falls down on the job. But <a href=" ... tions.html" target="_blank">what if the suspects are dead and never subjected to a trial or appeal</a>, except trial by television? <a href=" ... rdict.html" target="_blank">The real smoking gun for 7/7 is the lack of due judicial process</a> for the injured and those that lost their loved ones.
What victims' families have been demanding is an Independent Enquiry, but as one of the <a href="http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e14988.htm" target="_blank">studious online-only documentaries on 7/7, 'Ludicrous Diversion', points out, the 2005 Enquiries Act hands control of Public Enquiries from judges, over to government ministers</a>. It's like asking turkeys to come home for Christmas. The government would grant a truly independent review only if they were somehow forced to.
Graham Foulkes lost his 22 year old son David in the attacks. Subsequently his <a href=" ... 7-families" target="_blank">grief was compounded by having his mobile phone voicemail messages hacked into by Rupert Murdoch</a>'s News of The World. In 2009<a href="" target="_blank"> Graham told the BBC "David was my son, he was 22. We've had four years now of no answers to very important questions. The government have stonewalled everything. It's been very, very difficult and continues to be very, very difficult."</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"> "We were told at the time by the government that the four bombers were 'clean skins', they were completely unknown to the intelligence services, that attack had come 'out of the blue' and that therefore there was no way to stop it. But the evidence that's been presented in this trial proves that to be completely untrue. "</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"> "MI5 had a huge file on Mohammad Sidique Khan" he continued, "and I can go into that chapter and verse about how he'd been to Pakistan repeatedly, how he'd been to Cumbria, how he'd been to North Wales. MI5 had this huge file." "Their job is to collect the information, to collate it, to analyse it and to act. That didn't happen and my son died."</a>
<a href="" target="_blank"> "Systems and processes which were in place then and failed to prevent the bombers are the same systems and processes that are in place now. And the government have chosen to maintain that status quo. I think that's really worrying." Finally raising the question of whether official criminals have been perverting the course of justice. "Its also important that we find out why the government told such untruths."</a>
So how to cut through the establishment cover-up? The enormity of the <a href=" ... h-cover-up" target="_blank">Hillsborough cover-up only began to be acknowledged 25 years after the event. Even now police commander David Duckenfield</a> who many say made the fatal mistakes then entered into a conspiracy to Pervert The Course of Justice has not been tried for his crimes.
Even the finest 7/7 analysts have been forced to compromise: Before Nafeez Ahmed's seminal 2006 book on the attacks <a href=" ... 0715635832" target="_blank">'The London Bombings. An Independent Inquiry'</a> was published, editors at Duckworth insisted that the word 'alleged' be removed wherever Nafeez had written 'alleged bombers'. Apparently, innocent or guilty, there was <a href="" target="_blank">no need to protect the dead men's reputation</a>. The polar opposite to the sort of reputational protection afforded to wealthy war criminals and paedophiles.
In a press conference at the opening of legal proceedings into the bombings, <a href=" ... agery.html" target="_blank">victims and family members expressed disappointment that they had been tricked, denied any legal representation at the inquests and their questions would not be answered. "Again we've been shunted aside by officialdom... we've been led to believe that this would be an opportunity for us to have a voice, and now we don't." said one of the victim's group which included Rosalind Morley who lost her husband Colin, Ernest Adams lost his son James, Jackie Putnam, Liz Kenworthy, Janine Mitchell and Tim Coulson</a>. </span>
<h3><span class="postbody">Roots of the 7/7 cover up in the early 1990s
<span class="postbody">In 1990 and 1991 I had the privilege to work in the <a href=" ... t/24/radio" target="_blank">Marylebone High Street newsroom of BBC Greater London Radio 94.9</a> covering the IRA's <a href=" ... thanaitken" target="_blank">murder of Ian Gow MP</a> and their <a href=" ... mbing.html" target="_blank">bomb at the London Stock exchange</a>. The early 1990s was a time of enormous pressure on what was a delicate eco-system of investigative broadcast journalism.
<a href="" target="_blank">Journalists who worked on Thames TV's 'Death on the Rock'</a> could not understand why <a href=" ... n_the_Rock" target="_blank">the Thatcher government of the day had tried to get it banned because their actions led to the expose of the Tories' 'Shoot To Kill' policy getting an even bigger audience</a>. But when Thames TV lost its franchise to Carlton Television, which counted among its employees a young David Cameron, <a href="" target="_blank">some saw that a longer game was underway to castrate the fourth estate</a>.
The judiciary too was under assault with what journalist Ian Fraser and former Scotland Yard detective Rowan Bosworth-Davis have pointed out as a line being drawn in the sand for 'blue blood' city fraudsters beyond which the police could not step. <a href=" ... lar-crime/" target="_blank">There was an informal declaration of impunity for top City of London fraudsters after the orchestrated collapse of the 1992 Blue Arrow trial</a>. </span>
<h3><span class="postbody">Government is slipping out of our hands. </span></h3>
<span class="postbody">Forces way more powerful that the British people are now determining the direction of government policy and those forces want us to be part of an expansionist corporate NATO bloc gathering new resources to sell and service spiralling debt. The London media gives us our boogie-men, then discusses individually the rights and wrongs of each intervention but never <a href=" ... ange-syria" target="_blank">the knotty question of whether 'regime change' in country after sovereign country is really justified</a>.
Our politicians spend most of their time arguing over the latest public sector infrastructure to be auctioned off, at a loss of billions to the taxpayer, to the real rulers of the roost, the hedge funds and markets. Western 'democratic' Governments have been reduced to the role of 'official receivers'. Families and victims of the 7/7 London bombings are just one more group that have been sold short.
But the real masterminds and cover-up criminals of 7/7 are on a hiding to nothing. There is a limit to what propaganda can achieve and the London Bombings are a running sore with plenty of fingerprints for those that care to look. Is it such a gigantic leap of the imagination to suggest that the Anglo-American & Israeli establishment who have openly profited from the lies told and chaos wrought in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, might do the same in London?
Why have none of the London media brought up the troubling precedents of the scores of terror attacks across Europe including the <a href=" ... 2C_85_dead" target="_blank">1980 Bologna Railway Station bombing</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">1985 Brabant supermarket massacres</a> and <a href=" ... 17229.html" target="_blank">1980 Oktoberfest bombing in Germany</a> which are now attributed, and the perpetrators know few will have the stomach to look, to <a href="" target="_blank">NATO's Operation Gladio for which British MI6 and American CIA were the lead agencies</a>? After all the economic colonialism operated through <a href=" ... of-poverty" target="_blank">IMF 'structural adjustment'</a> does look remarkably like the austerity now meted out to the West's domestic populations.
Stories of suicide bombers, with all the connotations of fanaticism, are rarely questioned. Genuine suicide bombings are against hard targets such as military bases. Why die when you can leave a bomb in a bag? It was a 2004 'suicide bombing' that turned out to be no such thing that sparked the Shia insurgency in Iraq. <a href="" target="_blank">Baghdad's pro Al Sadr newspaper 'al Hawza' was forcibly closed down on 28th March 2004</a> by US governor Paul Bremer for printing a front page story quoting several eyewitnesses to a suicide bombing at a bus stop saying it was in fact a missile fired from a helicopter. Accompanied by pictures of tangled human body parts the how the explosion took place is habitually presented from anonymous official sources with no evidence to back it up.
Whether or not the four alleged London bombers were the driving force behind the 52 innocent deaths that day the one-sided presentation by press and to courts suggests they weren't. The evidence for their defence, that someone else was responsible for the deaths and explosions, has trickled out piecemeal and attempts, like mine, to draw it together are dwarfed by the massive resources poured into consolidating the official story by Western governments and the London media.
My own experience as a journalist in the city where I grew up is today's London media owners and editors treat certain stories such as the 7/7 London Bombings with a puritanical ferocity. The names of dissenting writers go into a 'box marked trouble' to be dealt with later. Journalists self-censor in the knowledge that pushing certain points will end their career. You can write about any old nonsense.... so long as you don't any of raise the handful of questions that really matter. </span>
<h3><span class="postbody">Technology has made it too easy to control the news </span></h3>
<span class="postbody">The end result of the 1990s 'purge' is a more sophisticated version of the Josef Goebbels school of journalism where theatre becomes news. Ridiculous anomalies, such as <a href="" target="_blank">BBC presenter Jane Standley's 9/11 announcement on BBC World of the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7</a>, twenty minutes before it actually happened and with WTC7 still clearly standing behind her, are labelled 'conspiracy theory' and simply ignored.
<a href=" ... ksecurity1" target="_blank">On July 8th the article Mark Honingsbaum had written on the afternoon of the bombings appeared in The Guardian newspaper</a> where he describes the bombs as exploding in the carriages making no reference to floor tiles being 'raised up'. When I noticed this a few months afterwards I called him up to ask about the anomaly. After a pause he said, 'Well Tony, all I can say is not everything I submit as copy ends up in the next day's newspaper'.
Or as a <a href="" target="_blank">certain former Indian propaganda broadcaster for the BBC, George Orwell</a> wrote, in Nineteen Eighty-Four: ''He who controls the past, controls the present, he who controls the present, controls the future. On the big stories London's mainstream media has become little more than a mouthpiece for unelected and unaccountable intelligence services working with their Goliath-like co-conspirators, the <a href=" ... wer-elite/" target="_blank">overmighty banks and multinational corporations of the Transatlantic elite</a>.
Only by fighting for a <a href=" ... f-disaster" target="_blank">Hillsborough style, victim-led enquiry </a>into the 7/7 London Bombings can England get and give true closure to the injured survivors and the families of the 52 murdered victims. To whom, one day, we may even be adding the four alleged bombers.</span>

<a href=" ... 775666.php" target="_blank"> ... 666.php</a>

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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Extended 7/7 interview
November 2015

Tales From Europe episode 2
Hannah Borno interviews Tony Gosling about the 7/7 bombings. Recorded on 2/11/2015. Broadcast on 4/11/2015 on

C also

See also Nazi Nick Kollerstrom's rather dishevelled but interesting talk
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by Jason16 »

My observations on this nasty event.

I attended a training course in Canary Wharf a few days before 7/7 where our car was stopped by armed policeman a few days after 7/7 there was no armed policeman stopping our car just ordinary security waving us through.
I thought this was strange if we were under a terrorist threat.

A chap I knew at work had a friend working at Canary Wharf on 7/7 who swears he saw two body bags being taken away by police. He added he would trust this chap with his life.
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Post by TonyGosling »

And now...
The government approved infographics

7 July London bombings: What happened that day?
3 July 2015

Ten years ago, four suicide bombers with rucksacks full of explosives attacked central London, killing 52 people and injuring hundreds more. It was the worst single terrorist atrocity on British soil. A decade on, we look back at how events unfolded on 7 July 2005.
The bombings
The bombers' journey began at 04:00 BST as three of the group - Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, and 18-year-old Hasib Hussain - left Leeds, West Yorkshire, in a rented car bound for Luton, Bedfordshire. There they met their fourth accomplice, 19-year-old Germaine Lindsay, before heading to the capital by train.
They went on to detonate four devices - three on the Underground and one on a double-decker bus.

09:47 Hussain triggers his device on a double-decker bus
08:49 Tanweer, Khan and Lindsay detonate their devices at Aldgate, Edgware Road and Russell Square
08:38 – 08:48 Three men enter the Underground

08:23 Bombers arrive at King’s Cross
06:51 – 07:24 Trio meet fourth bomber Lindsay and catch trainto London
04:00 Khan, Tanweer & Hussain leave Leeds in rented car

Edgware Road attack: six killed
Three of the four bombs went off just before 08:50 BST on Tube trains that had departed King's Cross.
Ringleader Mohammad Sidique Khan detonated his device on a westbound Circle Line train heading towards Paddington. The bomb exploded at Edgware Road in the second carriage close to the second set of double doors. It killed six people.
In 2011, inquests into the deaths heard that although the bomb went off at 08:50 BST, the emergency services only reached the station at 09:12.
Inquest testimony revealed the horror of the explosion's aftermath, but also tales of great bravery and survival. Daniel Biddle, who still has a 20p piece lodged in his thigh bone and has had other shrapnel, including his door keys, removed by surgeons, recalled seeing a "big, white flash".

Locations of those killed and those who survived the Edgware Road bombing

Catherine Al-Wafai
Ms Al-Wafai, who suffered small injuries to her arm and thigh, was on her way to a job interview when the blast happened, severely injuring a woman to her left. Covered in blood, Ms Al-Wafai walked away unaided from the scene. Emerging from the Tube, she found staff from a nearby Marks and Spencer store helping survivors. She only realised she had lost a shoe when she arrived home. 'I collapsed in the hallway and just curled up,' she said.

Professor John Tulloch was sitting on the opposite side of the carriage from Mohammed Sidique Khan. Mr Tulloch had returned from Australia a few days before the bombing and had yet to go home to Cardiff, so was carrying three bags with him. A hard suitcase by his feet saved him from serious injury. Prof Tulloch's left ear drum was perforated and shrapnel from the blast is still embedded in his head.

Daniel Biddle, running late for work, was standing close to plot ringleader Mohammad Sidique Khan when the bomb exploded. He described seeing Khan's arm move quickly and then a 'big, white flash'. The construction manager was blown from the carriage and lost both legs, his left eye and his spleen. He was helped by a fellow passenger who made tourniquets from his belt and shirt. A 20p piece remains lodged in Mr Biddle's thigh bone, and other shrapnel, including his door keys, was removed by surgeons.

David Gardner, a management accountant at the Evening Standard, lost his left leg and spleen in the attacks. He was blown off his seat and onto the carriage floor, where he drifted in and out of consciousness while fellow passenger Jason Rennie, an ex-Army officer, made a tourniquet for his badly-damaged left leg. Mr Gardner had been due to direct a performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and was reading the script when the bomb exploded.

Aldgate attack: seven killed
Shehzad Tanweer detonated his device on an eastbound Circle Line train between Liverpool Street and Aldgate. The explosion at the rear of the second carriage killed seven people.
Survivor Philip Duckworth was so close to Tanweer that he was blinded in one eye by a fragment of the bomber's shin-bone.

Location of those killed and those who survived the Aldgate bomb

Martine Wiltshire, nee Wright, who competed in the London 2012 Paralympics, was just feet away from the bomber when the device went off. She lost both legs in the blast. 'I recall a white light in front of my eyes and a feeling of being thrown from side to side,' she said. Ms Wiltshire wept as she told the inquest how she owed her life to off-duty police officer Elizabeth Kenworthy, who gave her a belt to apply as a tourniquet to stem the bleeding.

Airport worker Andrew Brown, who lost a leg in the bombing, blacked out for 15 minutes after the blast. When he came round he first thought he had been electrocuted, but only realised how badly wounded he was when he tried to stand up to assist others in the train. 'As soon as I was conscious, I became aware of people moaning and calling for help,' he said.

Philip Duckworth
The investment banker was so close to Shehzad Tanweer that he was blinded in one eye by a fragment of the bomber's shin-bone. Mr Duckworth described how he was thrown onto the tracks by the force of the blast and drifted in and out of consciousness. Coroner Lady Justice Hallett said his was 'an astonishing story' and that he had reduced the court to silence.

Bruce Lait
The professional dancer from Ipswich was sitting reading a newspaper next to his dance partner further along the carriage from the bomber. Mr Lait suffered minor burns, cuts and burst eardrums and remains partially deaf. He told the inquest how he held the hand of victim Fiona Stevenson until she died. 'I tried to comfort her,' he said.

Russell Square attack: 26 killed
The most deadly attack occurred on the Piccadilly Line between King's Cross and Russell Square.
Germaine Lindsay detonated his bomb next to the rear set of double doors in the front carriage of the packed train, just after it pulled out of King's Cross station. Twenty-six people were killed.
Survivor Paul Glennerster described how he "picked up" his badly damaged limb and "hopped" off the bombed train.

Location of those killed and those who survived the Russell Square blast

Paul Mitchell
Mr Mitchell, who was on his way to work on Regent Street, told the inquest the carriage had been crammed when 'an extremely loud pop and a very bright yellow light' went off. He was thrown to the ground by the force of the blast and recalls 'complete and utter pandemonium'. Mr Mitchell attributes his survival to fellow passenger Julie Gruen, who helped him tie a tourniquet around his damaged leg using her coat and a sanitary towel.

Lilian Ajayi
Ms Ajayi was going to sit down on a seat but gave it up for another female passenger. That passenger later died. She described hearing a 'boom' and then seeing scenes of the injured piled up 'like a laundry basket'. She recalled trying to help a man, but realised his leg injury was too severe to move him. She also did not want to tell him about the extent of his injuries, she said.

Paul Glennerster told the inquest how he 'picked up' his badly damaged limb and 'hopped' off the bombed train. The keen footballer managed to get himself on to the tracks before being stretchered to the surface. He was helped by train driver Thomas Nairn, who used his belt to apply a tourniquet to Mr Glennerster's leg. Mr Glennerster was praised by the coroner for his 'amazing presence of mind'.

Gill Hicks
Ms Hicks lost both legs in the blast but saved her own life by tying tourniquets to her severed limbs. She told the inquest she thought she was having a heart attack when the bomb exploded. She passed out and awoke on a seat to discover her injuries. She ripped her scarf in half and tied it around each leg before lifting what remained of them over the armrest of a seat. She was praised by the coroner for her 'indomitable spirit'.

Alison McCarthy, who joined the train at Finsbury Park, described how she passed out when the bomb went off. She woke up under injured people and bodies and her feet were embedded with glass. But she went on to help fellow passengers by applying tourniquets and keeping them conscious through conversation. 'It didn't occur to me to leave,' she said.

Philip Patsalos
Prof Patsalos, who lost a leg in the blast, told the inquest he survived because he was sitting in his 'favourite' seat. He told the coroner he would have been killed if he had been sitting in his second favourite seat, which was inches from where the bomb detonated. The epilepsy specialist at University College London's Institute of Neurology said: 'How I survived, I don't know. Somebody saved me... I'm grateful.'

Tavistock Square attack: 13 killed
The youngest of the bombers, Hasib Hussain, detonated his device on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square, not far from King's Cross. He killed 13 people.
The bombing, the fourth and final attack, took place at 09:47 BST - about an hour after the other explosions. Hussain was caught on CCTV moving in and around King's Cross station following the first three blasts. Mobile phone records showed he had tried in vain to contact his friends.
The number 30 bus was torn apart in front of the headquarters of the British Medical Association, where a conference was being held. While medical equipment was lacking, dozens of doctors offered lifesaving expertise.
The bus's driver, George Psaradakis, also recalled trying to help the injured. "Seeing my passengers in such a state really shocked me, I was overwhelmed," he said.


George Psaradakis
Greek-born bus driver Mr Psaradakis had been forced to depart from his normal number 30 route on the day of the blast because of police blocking the road. He told the inquest that up to 50 people had disembarked from the bus because of the route change moments before the explosion tore through the vehicle. Mr Psaradakis described trying to help the injured. 'Seeing my passengers in such a state really shocked me, I was overwhelmed,' he said.

Louise Barry
Ms Barry, who suffered injuries to her arm, leg and head, had been evacuated from the Underground at Edgware Road after one of the three earlier blasts, only to be caught in the explosion at Tavistock Square. The Australian at first thought she was having some kind of seizure, but then felt boiling water from the bus's radiator dripping on her arm. Thinking it was petrol, she described crawling through bodies to escape.

Camille Scott-Bradshaw
Ms Scott-Bradshaw, on a day trip to London from Lancashire for work, lost friend and colleague Marie Hartley in the explosion. The designer, who suffered severe leg injuries and damage to her hearing, tried to find her friend in the courtyard of a nearby building. 'I just remember looking over and I think, in the corner, there were bodies... and I could see Marie... I knew it was Marie because I could see her hair, her bracelet and her arms.'

Lisa French
Ms French decided not to sit next to bomber Hasib Hussain because there was not enough room for her laptop as well as his rucksack. The BT employee from Newcastle-upon-Tyne ended up sitting a few rows in front of him. She was knocked unconscious by the blast, but escaped with perforated ear drums, broken teeth, cuts and bruises. She broke down at the inquest as she described how a police officer stopped her going to help fellow passengers.

Source: All information taken from evidence provided at the 7 July inquests. All passenger positions are approximate and based on witness statements.
Produced by Lucy Rodgers, Salim Qurashi, Steven Connor
Tavistock Square Bus bomb
Tavistock Square Bus bomb
Tavistock Square 30 bus bmb
Tavistock Square 30 bus bmb
Russell Square tube
Russell Square tube
Edgware Road tube
Edgware Road tube
Aldgate tube
Aldgate tube
77 map
77 map
Alleged 77 bombers
Alleged 77 bombers
BBc official version - headline
BBc official version - headline
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Post by TonyGosling »

PJ London • a year ago ... t-day.html

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. "

– Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881)

The only bus to continue on its' way and changed the route, ended up in Tavistock Square, not a bus route, where it mysteriously exploded. A year later, QEII, Blair and all the big wigs, stood in Tavistock square and bowed their heads to the building where (the source seems to have been deleted) the Tavistock Institute, was first housed.

The Institute, Square and the whole Tavistock movement, was named after the family that funded it.

All references to "military" explosives used in the bombs, were deleted within 5 days.

And so the "fear of Terror" was introduced into Britain.

The IRA had carried out far more terror in the UK without the whole country going into "lock down".

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -- Woodrow Wilson

A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.

The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.” The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.

The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.”
It was, he says, ‘like having a bomb dropped on your life. There is a dark side to our world, a place beyond our control where governments and their agents can do what they want.

David Painter

"The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson: Kingdom of Fear; pg. 220.

"The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves." - Michael Parenti.
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Post by Whitehall_Bin_Men »

Great comment on Washington's Blog

The only bus to continue on its' way and changed the route, ended up in Tavistock Square, not a bus route, where it mysteriously exploded. A year later, QEII, Blair and all the big wigs, stood in Tavistock square and bowed their heads to the building where (the source seems to have been deleted) the Tavistock Institute, was first housed.

The Institute, Square and the whole Tavistock movement, was named after the family that funded it.

All references to "military" explosives used in the bombs, were deleted within 5 days.

And so the "fear of Terror" was introduced into Britain.

The IRA had carried out far more terror in the UK without the whole country going into "lock down".

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -- Woodrow Wilson

A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.

The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.” The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.

The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.”
It was, he says, ‘like having a bomb dropped on your life. There is a dark side to our world, a place beyond our control where governments and their agents can do what they want.

David Painter

"The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson: Kingdom of Fear; pg. 220.

"The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves." - Michael Parenti.
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
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Post by TonyGosling »

Graham Foulkes: MI5 Manchester mistakes, 7/7 victim's father wants anti-terror overhaul

Second hour: Investigative reports: MI5 chiefs ‘missed key warnings’ about Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi: father of bomber worked with MI6; Lee Rigby killers brought into UK by MI6; Libyan Islamic Fighting group based in Manchester – links with MI6. London terrorist is Kent-born violent criminal Khalid Masood - probed by MI5 for extremism.  ISIS recruiter who radicalised London Bridge attackers was protected by MI5.  London 7/7 bombings – no public inquiry – interview with Graham Faulkes,  dad to David who died in 7/7: Phone hacking - 7/7 victim's father 'filled with horror'; the four bombers were well known to security services – authorities denied they said they were 'clean skins'; if dots had been joined attacks may well have been prevented; security services haven't learnt lessons; Martin McDaid former Special Services soldier – training some of the 7/7 London bombers including Mohammad Sidique Khan (MSK) – 'informer' working for MI5 has now vanished; Prevent Strategy; far right terrorists; should Chief Constables deal with terrorism. Manchester attacks – Dawn Waddy [NOT Kirsten Pollard - ed.] on Sky News about suspicious lady in concert hall. Phone hacking: 7/7 victim's father 'filled with horror': Graham Foulkes asks to meet Rupert Murdoch to discuss 'horrendous' allegations, saying police knew for some time about hacking.
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Royal fingerprints all over 'Damson Berry' Hamza and Finsbury Park 7/7 terror gang
Tony Gosling - 20th January 2018
So Abu Hamza was definitely working for MI5, under the codename 'Damson Berry'.
And the Queen wanted him out of the country. Why? Had her MI5 chums urged her to get Hamza and Aswat out of the UK legal jurisdiction?
So none of her subjects could bring private prosecutions against MI5 for running a terror cell in Finsbury Park Mosque in the early 2000s that ended up killing 56 people on 7/7?
We know the FP Imam begged the Met pre 7/7 to help him get rid of them from the mosque which Abu Hamza and his assistant Haroon Rashid Aswat were using as part of the Al Muhajiroun jihadi group.
We also know that Haroon Aswat was named by Scotalnd Yard in 2005 as the probable 'mastermind' of the 7/7 London Bombings having been in touch with all four alleged bombers in the couple of days before 7/7.
He's now also languishing in a US jail, also out of reach of any justice should any UK police prosecutors or victims' families wish to prosecute either of the men.
Does rather look like the Queen was right to be nervous about Frank Gardener saying on the Today programme "I can tell you that the Queen was pretty upset that there was no way to arrest him. She couldn't understand – surely there had been some law that he had broken?" Because what we're witnessing here is the Head of State, who likes to appear to the public and press as 'non political', using her considerable influence over government and the judiciary, to help terrorist suspects escape justice in the 7/7 London Bombings. Those terror suspects include both Haroon Aswat, Abu Hamza and MI5 handlers and officers who were managing the Finsbury Park Cell.
Technically the Queen could, and I believe should, be prosecuted under section 15 of the Terrorism Act 2000 for her political influence to prevent Hamza, and presumably Aswat too, being held to account.
A second count too of Perverting the Course of Justice. The Al Muhajiroun pair could possibly be assisted to turn 'Queen's evidence' to testify against MI5 officers in the 7/7 London Bombings and subsequent cover-up.
Just more proof, if it were needed, that we are living in a lawless nation. As with ex-Senator Stuart Syvret's exposure of the Jersey child sexual abuse, all roads lead to Buckingham Palace, Sandringham and Balmoral.

Abu Hamza says he was tipped off about 9/11 FOUR DAYS before attacks ... e-preacher
HATE preacher Abu Hamza says he was tipped off about 9/11 four days before the horrendous terror attack on New York City.
By CHLOE KERR PUBLISHED: 12:04, Mon, Jan 15, 2018
[]The hook-handed former imam claims he received a phonemail from terrorists in Afghanistan who told him “something big will happen very soon”.
The revelation comes from court documents as the 59-year-old is launching an appeal claiming conditions in the Supermax prison in Colorado, where he is being held, breach his human rights.
Hamza also claims British spies were hacking his phone at the time raising questions as to whether the UK was withholding information from America.
The court documents, seen by The Sunday Times, also reveal Hamza was an agent for MI5 and Special Branch, going by the code name Damson Berry.
Almost 3,000 people died after al-Qaeda terrorists flew hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre twin towers in New York and the Pentagon in September 2001.
The allegations come after a black and white photo of the hate preacher taken within the prison emerged recently.
The snap shows him without his hooks, looking scrawny with white hair and beard.
The convicted hate preacher has been in solitary confinement for two years and is appealing to be moved to a British prison.
He claims his conditions at the Supermax prison breach his human rights under Article 3 of the European Convention, which prevents from “inhuman and degrading treatment”.
After his conviction of 11 charges, he was put into solitary confinement and only allowed out of his cell for one hour each day.
Even when he gets fresh air he is kept in a cage away from other inmates.
Before he was extradited to the US in 2012, he was locked up in Belmarsh prison in south east London.
There he received frequent medical visits as he is a double amputee, blind in one eye and suffers from diabetes, psoriasis and a condition that means he sweats excessively.
However, he does not get the same treatment in Colorado.
The document claims: “The stumps in both arms are subject to regular outbreaks of infections, which have been increasing in severity.”
ADX Florence in Colorado holds 410 male inmates deemed too dangerous to be in one of the country’s high security jails.
In 2004, Hamza was arrested by British police after the US requested he be extradited to face charges. He was later charged by British authorities with sixteen offences for inciting violence and racial hatred
[Innocent] In 2004, Hamza was arrested by British police after the US requBoston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is also held in the Supermax.
In May 2014, Hamza was convicted of all 11 charges on terrorism offences at Manhattan’s Federal Court and sentenced to life imprisonment without any possibility of parole in January 2015. He wants to serve the remainder of his sentence in England.
One of his lawyers said: “We strongly believe that the conditions of his confinement violate the expectations of the European Convention on Human Rights and the promises that were made by the US government to the [British and European] courts as part of the extradition process.
“He would go back to Belmarsh in a second if he could.”

Should BBC have let Queen off the hook over Hamza? ... 74955.html
Corporation 'sorry' after revealing monarch 'lobbied Government to expel extremist'
Terri Judd, Ian Burrell Tuesday 25 September 2012 18:34 BST
The BBC was criticised last night for making an abject apology to the Queen after one of its senior journalists claimed that the monarch politically intervened in the case of the radical Islamist cleric Abu Hamza.
The BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said on breakfast radio that the Queen had lobbied a Home Secretary about what she saw as the unduly lenient treatment of Abu Hamza, questioning why he had not already been arrested.
Within four hours, the BBC – nine days into the stewardship of its new director-general George Entwistle – apologised to Buckingham Palace, saying that Gardner, one of the most respected journalists of his generation, had betrayed the Queen's confidence. The corporation "deeply regretted" his "wholly inappropriate" revelation, it said.
Republicans and some journalists criticised the BBC apology, insisting it was right that the public learnt of such interventions.
Gardner's disclosure is troublesome for Buckingham Palace because the Queen traditionally does not intervene in public policy. As a constitutional monarch, the 86-year-old is supposed to maintain political neutrality. She holds a private weekly audience with the prime minister of the day – she is on her 12th – and so the public rarely ever learns her opinion on any matter of consequence.
Kevin Marsh, a former editor of Today and former editor of the BBC College of Journalism who now runs the media teaching company OffspinMedia, said: "I can understand the new Director-General would want to close this down quickly but I thought the apology was a little excessive."
He added: "I was surprised when I heard Frank Gardner make the comment because he is terribly meticulous."
The revelation and subsequent apology elicited an angry response from Republic, the pressure group that lobbies for the abolition of the monarchy, which accused the BBC of a pro-royalist public relations exercise.
"The decision to disclose this one conversation while keeping all else secret smacks of a deliberate PR stunt to put the Queen on the right side of public opinion," Republic claimed.
Its chief executive Graham Smith accused the Queen of "meddling in the political process", adding: "We're told the Queen is above politics and never gets involved, yet she has apparently admitted that she has interfered in a controversial issue."
Gardner, who was not available for comment following the BBC apology yesterday, is understood not to have felt especially constrained by royal protocol given his specialism in security rather than Palace matters, and to have initially thought his disclosure of marginal significance.
Details of the Queen's comments emerged as it was revealed that the radical cleric, 54, and four other terror suspects could be sent to the US within days after the European Court of Human Rights threw out their request for an appeal to the Grand Chamber.
Discussing the issue on Radio 4's Today programme yesterday morning, Gardner said: "I can tell you that the Queen was pretty upset that there was no way to arrest him. She couldn't understand – surely there had been some law that he had broken?
"In the end, sure enough, there was. He was eventually convicted and sentenced for seven years for soliciting murder and racial hatred."
His surprised colleague, the presenter James Naughtie, replied that this revelation was "a corker". Gardner said: "She told me she spoke to the Home Secretary at the time and said, 'Surely this man must have broken some laws. Why is he still at large? He was conducting these radical activities and he called Britain a toilet. He was incredibly anti-British and yet he was sucking up money from this country for a long time.'"
Buckingham Palace declined to comment on private conversations.
Gardner did not specify which Home Secretary the Queen had lobbied, although David Blunkett, who held the post from 2001 to 2004, at the peak of Abu Hamza's infamy and before he was arrested, soon after denied it was him: "I can categorically state that the Queen never raised the issue of Abu Hamza with me. Not surprisingly because my views and attitude in relation to this individual were very well known."

Royal views: Upset and angry
Several years before fox hunting with dogs was banned in 2005, it is reported the Queen lobbied Tony Blair at Balmoral.
Her biographer Sally Bedell Smith wrote: "She patiently explained to him over dinner that hunting was an activity not only for the upper class but regular people as well."
Her Majesty was also enraged by the credit crunch, having lost a substantial portion of her personal fortune as the "awful" economic crisis began. At a briefing by LSE academics, she said: "Why did nobody notice it?"
Prince Charles, whose letters to ministers will soon be revealed following a High Court ruling, is far more dogged in pursuing influence over senior government figures. He has already summoned Chancellor George Osborne and the Education Secretary Michael Gove for secret meetings.
During the Blair years, he allegedly enraged the Prime Minister with his disgust for genetically modified food and his boycott of a state banquet for China's President Jiang Zemin. In 1984, he described a planned addition to the National Gallery as a "monstrous carbuncle".
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Post by TonyGosling »

[html]<h1 class="entry-title">7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home … but do we know what really happened that day?</h1>

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<span class="meta-prep meta-prep-author">Posted on</span> <a href=" ... t-day.html" title="7:47 pm" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">October 16, 2015</span></a> <span class="meta-sep">by</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href=" ... arl-herman" title="View all posts by Carl Herman">Carl Herman</a></span> </div><!-- .entry-meta -->

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<p><i>For the London media 7/7 is ‘done and dusted’, but for guest author, </i><a href=" ... m"><i>Tony Gosling</i></a><i>, who helped cover the IRA London bombing campaign for the BBC, nothing could be further from the truth.</i></p>
<p><b><i>31-minute video:</i></b><i> </i><i>Ten years after 7/7: 13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings:</i></p>
<p><iframe width="640" height="480" src=" ... ure=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>
<p>Monday 6th July 2015 BRISTOL – At lunchtime of 7th July 2005 the Guardian’s Mark Honigsbaum was in the London Hilton Hotel opposite Edgware Road underground station uploading an <a href=" ... tml">audio report to the Guardian website</a>. Mark had been talking to dazed and injured passengers as they emerged from the smoke and chaos below and listening back to the Guardian’s first report of the day is unsettling.</p>
<p>Despite the official story of Mohammad Sidique Khan blowing himself up in the carriage, <a href=" ... Honigsbaum says ‘We believe there was an explosion this morning under the carriage of a train’. ‘The tiles, the covers on the floor suddenly flew up, raised up,’</a> he went on, derailing the Metropolitan Line carriages into the path of an oncoming train.</p>
<p><a href=" ... 8008697">A former officer in Israel’s SAS, the Sayeret Matkal, Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu</a> was due to be arriving at a Great Eastern Hotel conference just as Shehzad Tanweer’s Liverpool Street tube bomb was going off below the hotel. <a href=" ... >Netanyahu was reported that morning by Amy Teibel on Associated Press</a>‘ Jerusalem Desk to have <a href=" ... ">‘changed plans due to a warning’ from Scotland Yard</a>, and thankfully Bibi had not left his hotel.</p>
<p>The Israeli embassy have since denied having any warning but Israeli government Press Officer Dan Sheham told journalists, including the Scottish Sunday Herald’s foreign affairs editor David Pratt, embassy security was ‘beefed up’ around 7am that day.</p>
<p><a href=" ... 9.stm">The three simultaneous tube train bombs at 08:50hrs, and the bus bomb an hour later, were supposed to have been a surprise attack</a>. An Israeli firm also had access to London’s tube tunnels, <a href=" ... n">winning a CCTV contract when parts of the Underground were privatised a few months before the attacks. Verint Systems looked like a good bet</a> but someone didn’t do due diligence because the <a href=" ... >fraudster chairman Kobi Alexander, of Verint’s parent company, Comverse Technologies, was on the run. He was evading the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) somewhere in Africa after disappearing with $13m of company money</a>.</p>
<p>Leeds-based bombers <a href=" ... ">Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were both trustees of the Iqra bookshop in Bude Street, Beeston</a>. The shop was managed day-to-day <a href=" ... 550920">by former Royal Navy SBS special forces soldier Martin McDaid who ran a terror training camp in the Lake District in his spare time</a>.</p>
<p>Speaking on the BBC’s Newsnight programme <a href=" ... html">Iqra youth worker Mark Hargreaves, said McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men to be terrorists</a>. But Hargreaves was not the only person at Iqra who had suspicions about McDaid’s terror training: years before the bombings <a href=" ... tml">Leeds anti-war campaigner and computer expert Martin Gilbertson says he handed a ‘dossier of evidence’ to West Yorkshire police detailing his suspicions about Khan and Tanweer and giving police and MI5 two years notice the pair might be dangerous</a>.</p>
<p>Pressed in 2006 West Yorkshire police force don’t just say they lost the documents. They deny ever having received them.</p>
<p>These four anomalies are just a handful from a litany of fragmented evidence which provides an alternative narrative to the Blair government tale of four ‘lone nutters’ being behind 7/7, hell bent on vengeance for Afghanistan and Iraq. They point to British government, MI5 and special forces complicity in the attacks as well as throwing considerable doubt on whether the four alleged bombers went to London that day intending to die or whether they were lured to London on some other pretext.</p>
<p><a href=" ... tml">Irish journalist Hugh O’Shaughnessy quotes convicted terrorist who worked for the Italian State Vincenzo Vinciguerra: ‘The political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished: because the State cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.’</a></p>
<p>After a 1972 bomb killed three Italian police officers, police commanders <a href=" ... l">‘foiled a thorough investigation of the Peteano affair for years,’ he claims. ‘It was more convenient to cover it up than to turn on those who killed their comrades.’</a></p>
<p>The ‘False Flag’ attack is where corrupt powers murder their own people and blame an enemy to create a ‘<i>causus beli</i>‘ for intervention abroad or destroying civil liberties at home. Evidence that the 7/7 London Bombings were a false flag attack, to get the nation to back foreign invasions in the Middle East has been studiously ignored by government, media and judiciary alike.</p>
<p><a href=" ... 66786">The term ‘False Flag’ comes from naval warfare</a> where a rival flag is raised on a warship causing the enemy to drop their guard and allowing the unscrupulous captain to creep close in for a surprise attack. Scholars and military historians believe Hitler’s own men set the <a href=" ... .htm">1933 Reichstag fire which was blamed on Dutch Communist Marinus van der Lubbe</a> and the Goebbels media furore it created gave Hitler the excuse he needed to introduce dictatorial powers. Hitler’s 1939 invasion of Poland, which triggered World War Two, was built on a lie too. In <a href=" ... 9/">August 1939’s ‘Gleiwitz incident’ the SS murdered Poles then use their bodies to stage a fake Polish attack on a German radio station</a>. The lie was spread through the same Nazi propaganda machine as a pretext to invade Poland.</p>
<p><b>Anomalies ignored by press and courts alike</b></p>
<p>Former Dorset policeman turned ‘Disaster Management Consultant’, Peter Power, told the world’s media his ‘terror drill’ on the morning of 7/7 was at the same three tube stations, out of a total of 275 where the actual bombs exploded. <a href=" ... =11m1s">On Canadian TV he described this as a ‘spooky coincidence’</a> which indeed it was at only around an eight billion to one chance (275 (<a href=" ... 6.html">no. of tube stations in London</a>) x 3 x 365) of his ‘drill’ involving the same stations on the same day as the actual attacks.</p>
<p><a href=" ... bd">Daniel Obachicke, whose front page story for black newspaper ‘The Voice’ quickly disappeared off the internet, says he was on the Number 30 bus which exploded in Tavistock Square and wrote a book, ‘The 4th Bomb’</a>, about his experience that day. <a href=" ... 9U">Daniel says he doesn’t believe alleged bomber Hasib Hussain was on the no. 30 bus, instead attributing the bombing to a white Caucasian man in his mid twenties with a grey two-tone rucksack, acting suspiciously who got off the bus just before it exploded</a>.</p>
<p>Despite London’s public transport being at the time one of the most ‘camera’d up’ networks in the world, no CCTV footage has ever been revealed which showing any of the four bombers either in, or getting onto, the tube trains and bus where they are supposed to have blown themselves up. This glaring surveillance omission is even more shocking when it comes to the days and weeks before the 7th July 2005.</p>
<p><a href=" ... stm">Three of the four bombers had been under close surveillance by Britain’s Security Service MI5 yet as the names emerged MI5 told the world, and victim’s families, that all four were entirely unknown to them, or ‘clean skins’</a>.</p>
<p>Were bodies of the victims dealt with, as one might expect, by the office of the London Coroner? No. <a href=" ... ortuary">A makeshift mortuary, or morgue, was set up under military security in the grounds of Liverpool Street’s ‘Honourable Company of Artillery’</a>. Victims’ families were kept waiting for almost a week, some desperately posting ‘lost’ pictures of their loved ones on lampposts, before being eventually informed family members were dead and asked to identify bodies.</p>
<p>52 people died on 7/7, not counting the alleged bombers. Yet, <a href=" ... tm">rather than conduct a public enquiry where all deaths could be considered, an inquest, which is designed for investigating a single person’s death was held five years late in 2010, overseen by coroner Lady Justice Heather Hallett who decided, incredibly, not to allow victims’ families to ask any questions and to conduct it without a jury</a>.</p>
<p><b>Haroon Rashid Aswat</b></p>
<p>In the years running up to the 7/7 attacks, leaders at Finsbury Park Mosque asked Scotland Yard and the Security Service MI5 to <a href=" ... g.html">do something about the Al-Muhajiroun sect, translated as ‘The Emigrants’, who were ‘infiltrating’ their Mosque</a>. The faction, which first emerged during the Balkans crisis in the late 1990s, was <a href=" ... eline">led by hook-handed Abu Hamza who was often seen accompanied by his loyal assistant, Haroon Rashid Aswat</a>.</p>
<p>Reported by Fox News as having made phone calls to all of the four alleged bombers in the week of the attacks <a href=" ... line">many have asked, was Aswat arranging for the four to come from Leeds and Aylesbury to London?</a> On the morning before the bombings, <a href=" ... 917">Aswat boarded a plane at Heathrow for Pakistan where he was promptly imprisoned and then mysteriously ‘let go’ presumably after a call from British intelligence. Some time later he caught another flight to Zambia</a> where he was again arrested, served a short term in the cells as a terror suspect then was released a second time, then finally <a href=" ... ne">handed over to the British police</a>.</p>
<p>Some law enforcement agencies, it seems, wanted him held and questioned, others, more powerful, didn’t. American writer <a href=" ... .htm">John Loftus, who US president Jimmy Carter made an FBI Special Prosecutor in the 1970s to hunt down Nazi war criminals hiding in the United States</a>, said <a href=" ... 1NyMg8">on Fox News he believed Haroon Aswat to be a ‘double agent’ secretly working for MI6 inside the extremist Al-Muhajiroun sect.</a></p>
<p>But Aswat would face no questioning about those calls to the alleged 7/7 bombers in the weeks running up to the attack. Instead he was shipped from London’s highest security Belmarsh prison <a href=" ... 430878">to Broadmoor as a ‘mental patient’ with ‘delusions’. A protracted legal process began</a> and, despite being certified clinically insane, <a href=" ... 709341">he was finally extradited to the United States in October 2014</a>. He now faces charges <a href=" ... 39">dating back to 2000 for conspiring with his old friend Abu Hamza</a>, who has already been sentenced to life in prison, for ‘plotting to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon’.</p>
<p>Even if a private prosecution were brought in Britain by victims families to have Aswat questioned about the killing of their loved ones it would get nowhere. <a href=" ... 24991">The potential mastermind of the attacks is now out of Britain’s legal jurisdiction</a>.</p>
<p>So like the running sores of <a href=" ... borough</a>, Dr <a href=" ... tml">David Kelly</a> and <a href=" ... ipt">Jimmy Savile</a>, is 7/7 just another British Establishment cover-up?</p>
<p>It took 25 years and three enquiries before there has been some closure for families of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, where 96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death through South Yorkshire police negligence, We know, through the cases of the <a href=" ... >Guildford Four</a> and the <a href=" ... Birmingham Six</a> too, who were wrongly jailed for 20 and 16 years respectively, the criminal justice system has mechanisms to convict scapegoats when it falls down on the job.</p>
<p>But <a href=" ... html">what if the suspects are dead and never subjected to a trial or appeal</a>, except trial by television? <a href=" ... .html">The real smoking gun for 7/7 is the lack of due judicial process</a> for the injured and those that lost their loved ones. What victims’ families have been demanding is an Independent Enquiry, but as one of the <a href=" ... ">studious online-only documentaries on 7/7, ‘Ludicrous Diversion’, points out, the 2005 Enquiries Act hands control of Public Enquiries from judges, over to government ministers</a>.</p>
<p>It’s like asking turkeys to come home for Christmas. The government would grant a truly independent review only if they were somehow forced to.</p>
<p>Graham Foulkes lost his 22 year old son David in the attacks. Subsequently his <a href=" ... ies">grief was compounded by having his mobile phone voicemail messages hacked into by Rupert Murdoch</a>‘s News of The World. In 2009<a href=" ... HqeN0Yp8Yg"> Graham told the BBC “David was my son, he was 22. We’ve had four years now of no answers to very important questions. The government have stonewalled everything. It’s been very, very difficult and continues to be very, very difficult.”</a> <a href=" ... Yp8Yg">“We were told at the time by the government that the four bombers were ‘clean skins’, they were completely unknown to the intelligence services, that attack had come ‘out of the blue’ and that therefore there was no way to stop it. But the evidence that’s been presented in this trial proves that to be completely untrue. “</a> <a href=" ... p8Yg">“MI5 had a huge file on Mohammad Sidique Khan” he continued, “and I can go into that chapter and verse about how he’d been to Pakistan repeatedly, how he’d been to Cumbria, how he’d been to North Wales. MI5 had this huge file.” “Their job is to collect the information, to collate it, to analyse it and to act. That didn’t happen and my son died.”</a> <a href=" ... ">“Systems and processes which were in place then and failed to prevent the bombers are the same systems and processes that are in place now. And the government have chosen to maintain that status quo. I think that’s really worrying.” Finally raising the question of whether official criminals have been perverting the course of justice. “Its also important that we find out why the government told such untruths.”</a></p>
<p>So how to cut through the establishment cover-up? The enormity of the <a href=" ... llsborough cover-up only began to be acknowledged 25 years after the event. Even now police commander David Duckenfield</a> who many say made the fatal mistakes then entered into a conspiracy to Pervert The Course of Justice has not been tried for his crimes.</p>
<p>Even the finest 7/7 analysts have been forced to compromise: Before Nafeez Ahmed’s seminal 2006 book on the attacks <a href=" ... 5832">‘The London Bombings. An Independent Inquiry’</a> was published, editors at Duckworth insisted that the word ‘alleged’ be removed wherever Nafeez had written ‘alleged bombers’.</p>
<p>Apparently, innocent or guilty, there was <a href=" ... /libel">no need to protect the dead men’s reputation</a>. The polar opposite to the sort of reputational protection afforded to wealthy war criminals and paedophiles.</p>
<p>In a press conference at the opening of legal proceedings into the bombings, <a href=" ... l">victims and family members expressed disappointment that they had been tricked, denied any legal representation at the inquests and their questions would not be answered. “Again we’ve been shunted aside by officialdom… we’ve been led to believe that this would be an opportunity for us to have a voice, and now we don’t.” said one of the victim’s group which included Rosalind Morley who lost her husband Colin, Ernest Adams lost his son James, Jackie Putnam, Liz Kenworthy, Janine Mitchell and Tim Coulson</a>.</p>
<p><b>Roots of the 7/7 cover up in the early 1990s</b></p>
<p>In 1990 and 1991 I had the privilege to work in the <a href=" ... Marylebone High Street newsroom of BBC Greater London Radio 94.9</a> covering the IRA’s <a href=" ... en">murder of Ian Gow MP</a> and their <a href=" ... html">bomb at the London Stock exchange</a>.</p>
<p>The early 1990s was a time of enormous pressure on what was a delicate eco-system of investigative broadcast journalism. <a href=" ... ournalists who worked on Thames TV’s ‘Death on the Rock’</a> could not understand why <a href=" ... _Rock">the Thatcher government of the day had tried to get it banned because their actions led to the expose of the Tories’ ‘Shoot To Kill’ policy getting an even bigger audience</a>.</p>
<p>But when Thames TV lost its franchise to Carlton Television, which counted among its employees a young David Cameron, <a href=" ... mes/">some saw that a longer game was underway to castrate the fourth estate</a>. The judiciary too was under assault with what journalist Ian Fraser and former Scotland Yard detective Rowan Bosworth-Davis have pointed out as a line being drawn in the sand for ‘blue blood’ city fraudsters beyond which the police could not step. <a href=" ... me/">There was an informal declaration of impunity for top City of London fraudsters after the orchestrated collapse of the 1992 Blue Arrow trial</a>.</p>
<p><b>Government is slipping out of our hands.</b></p>
<p>Forces way more powerful that the British people are now determining the direction of government policy, and those forces want us to be part of an expansionist corporate NATO bloc gathering new resources to sell and service spiraling debt.</p>
<p>The London media gives us our boogie-men, then discusses individually the rights and wrongs of each intervention but never <a href=" ... syria">the knotty question of whether ‘regime change’ in country after sovereign country is really justified</a>.</p>
<p>Our politicians spend most of their time arguing over the latest public sector infrastructure to be auctioned off, at a loss of billions to the taxpayer, to the real rulers of the roost, the hedge funds and markets. Western ‘democratic’ Governments have been reduced to the role of ‘official receivers’. Families and victims of the 7/7 London bombings are just one more group that have been sold short.</p>
<p>But the real masterminds and cover-up criminals of 7/7 are on a hiding to nothing. There is a limit to what propaganda can achieve, and the London Bombings are a running sore with plenty of fingerprints for those that care to look.</p>
<p>Is it such a gigantic leap of the imagination to suggest that the Anglo-American & Israeli establishment who have openly profited from the lies told and chaos wrought in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, might do the same in London? Why have none of the London media brought up the troubling precedents of the scores of terror attacks across Europe including the <a href=" ... dead">1980 Bologna Railway Station bombing</a>, <a href=" ... gium">1985 Brabant supermarket massacres</a> and <a href=" ... html">1980 Oktoberfest bombing in Germany</a> which are now attributed, and the perpetrators know few will have the stomach to look, to <a href=" ... Cs">NATO’s Operation Gladio for which British MI6 and American CIA were the lead agencies</a>?</p>
<p>After all the economic colonialism operated through <a href=" ... verty">IMF ‘structural adjustment’</a> does look remarkably like the austerity now meted out to the West’s domestic populations. Stories of suicide bombers, with all the connotations of fanaticism, are rarely questioned. Genuine suicide bombings are against hard targets such as military bases. Why die when you can leave a bomb in a bag?</p>
<p>It was a 2004 ‘suicide bombing’ that turned out to be no such thing that sparked the Shia insurgency in Iraq. <a href=" ... >Baghdad’s pro Al Sadr newspaper ‘al Hawza’ was forcibly closed down on 28th March 2004</a> by US governor Paul Bremer for printing a front page story quoting several eyewitnesses to a suicide bombing at a bus stop saying it was in fact a missile fired from a helicopter.</p>
<p>Accompanied by pictures of tangled human body parts the how the explosion took place is habitually presented from anonymous official sources with no evidence to back it up. Whether or not the four alleged London bombers were the driving force behind the 52 innocent deaths that day, the one-sided presentation by press and to courts suggests they weren’t.</p>
<p>The evidence for their defence, that someone else was responsible for the deaths and explosions, has trickled out piecemeal and attempts, like mine, to draw it together are dwarfed by the massive resources poured into consolidating the official story by Western governments and the London media.</p>
<p>My own experience as a journalist in the city where I grew up is today’s London media owners and editors treat certain stories such as the 7/7 London Bombings with a puritanical ferocity. The names of dissenting writers go into a ‘box marked trouble’ to be dealt with later. Journalists self-censor in the knowledge that pushing certain points will end their careers. You can write about any old nonsense…. so long as you don’t any of raise the handful of questions that really matter.</p>
<p><b>Technology has made it too easy to control the news</b></p>
<p>The end result of the 1990s ‘purge’ is a more sophisticated version of the Josef Goebbels school of journalism where theatre becomes news. Ridiculous anomalies, such as <a href=" ... gYD3s">BBC presenter Jane Standley’s 9/11 announcement on BBC World of the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7</a>, twenty minutes before it actually happened and with WTC7 still clearly standing behind her, are labelled ‘conspiracy theory’ and simply ignored.</p>
<p><a href=" ... urity1">On July 8th the article Mark Honingsbaum had written on the afternoon of the bombings appeared in The Guardian newspaper</a> where he describes the bombs as exploding in the carriages making no reference to floor tiles being ‘raised up’. When I noticed this a few months afterwards I called him up to ask about the anomaly. After a pause he said, ‘Well Tony, all I can say is not everything I submit as copy ends up in the next day’s newspaper’.</p>
<p>Or as a <a href=" ... l">certain former Indian propaganda broadcaster for the BBC, George Orwell</a> wrote, in Nineteen Eighty-Four: ”He who controls the past, controls the present, he who controls the present, controls the future. On the big stories London’s mainstream media has become little more than a mouthpiece for unelected and unaccountable intelligence services working with their Goliath-like co-conspirators, the <a href=" ... overmighty banks and multinational corporations of the Transatlantic elite</a>.</p>
<p>Only by fighting for a <a href=" ... llsborough style, victim-led enquiry </a>into the 7/7 London Bombings can England get and give true closure to the injured survivors and the families of the 52 murdered victims. To whom, one day, we may even be adding the four alleged bombers.</p>
<p><b>ALSO: </b><a href=" ... ><b>Angela Belassie interviews Tony Gosling</b></a><b> about the worrying questions which have trickled out since the 7/7 London Bombings which happened a decade ago. One of the most important sides to this is the lack of closure felt by many of the families of the 52 victims of the bombs and those injured who want their lingering questions answered in an independent ‘Hillsborough style’ inquiry.</b></p>
<p>*<a href=" ... >10-minute interview</a> of Tony about his time at the BBC working on IRA terror by Bristol journalist, Angela Belassie.</p><div class="code-block code-block-1" style="margin: 8px auto; text-align: center; clear: both;">
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Re: Lies and betrayal of victims families: 10 years after 7/7

Post by TonyGosling »

Ten years after 7/7: 13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings

Peter Borenius
9.13K subscribers
29,220 views 4 Jul 2015

7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home ... but do we know what really happened that day?
For the London media 7/7 is 'done and dusted', but for Tony Gosling, who helped cover the IRA London bombing campaign for the BBC, nothing could be further from the truth
Monday 6th July 2015

Litany of media, police & judicial failures: 10th anniversary of 7/7 London Bombings
Lies & betrayal of victims' families: 10th anniversary of 7/7 London Bombings

13 holes in government and media account of 7/7 London bombings
1. Train the alleged bombers are supposed to have caught from Luton was cancelled that day
2. Benjamin Netanyahu who was in London that day and Israeli embassy had a warning before the 'surprise attack' bombings according to AP journalist Amy Tiebel and Israeli embassy spokesperson Dan Sheham
3. After speaking to scores of survivors that day Guardian's Mark Honigsbaum describes bombs were 'under the carriage of a train'
4. French anti-terrorism expert Christophe Chaboud said tube train bombs were so powerful they were almost certainly C4 military explosives not home made TATP
5. Peter Power 'terror drills' at same three tube stations on same day, which he himself describes a 'spooky coincidence'? Only about one in eight billion chance Peter Power is telling the truth.
6. Peter power's drills were commissioned by Reed Elsevier, event organisers of Britain's biggest annual arms fair, Exel in docklands.
7. Chemical and Biological attack police drills going on before the attacks that morning.
8. Despite hundreds of CCTV cameras, no CCTV images of any of four alleged bombers getting on to or on any of four tube trains or bus
9. Daniel Obachike says he was on the no. 30 bus believes he identified the bomber who was a white male, and that alleged bomber Hasib Hussain was not on his bus.
10. No trial because bombers are dead but Lady justice Hallett's 2010 inquest into the 7/7 attacks was designed for a single death and held without a jury.
11. Victims' families stonewalled: questions were not answered by the inquests, families were not allowed to have legal representation at the inquests.
12. Potential mastermind, Islamist organiser Al-Muhajiroun's Haroon Aswat who spoke to the bombers in the days running up to the attacks is believed to have been working for MI6 and was never interviewed about 7/7, instead shipped out of UK legal jurisdiction.
13. Alleged bombers Mohamed Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were given terrorism training via Iqra bookshop in Beeston, Leeds by former Royal Navy Special Boat Service (SBS) soldier Martin McDaid

Anniversary of London 7/7 terrorist bombings: clip of London Underground control room staff discussing possible explosion on London underground; clip Mark Honigsbaum – Guardian journalist on the scene of 7/7 Edgware Road – bombs under train; powerful military grade explosives; Peter Power terror drill – clip of him discussing spooky coincidence of 3 stations being the same; terror drills and false flags; clip of civil servant who's worked for MoD and NHS Paul Oweson discussing chemical, biological exercises he saw on the day; no CCTV pictures of any alleged bombers on or getting on bombed tubes or buses on 7/7; clip of Daniel Obachike who says was on number 30 bus that was bombed; clip from 'Ludicrous Diversion' - independent inquiry needed; clip of families at press conference saying their questions haven't been answered; clip of Graham Foulkes lost his 22 year old son David in the 7/7 attacks – terrorists not clean skins. Fran Anderson special 7/7 report on bookshop where two alleged bombers were trustees: Mohamed Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, two alleged bombers, were trustees of Iqra Learning Centre and bookshop in Bude Road, Beeston, Leeds. It was run by day-to-day by Martin McDaid, an (ex?) Special Boat Service (SBS) RN Special Forces 'Muslim convert'. He also ran a terrorist training camp in the Lake District in which Khan is known to have attended; BBC Newsnight reported that youth worker at Iqra, Mark Hargreaves, says McDaid had a hidden agenda in grooming young Muslim men in terrorist skills and the bookshop received six-figure sums in government and EU grants.

J7: 7/7 Inquests Blog
7/7 Inquests: Examining and documenting the proceedings of the Coroner's Inquest into the London Bombings of 7 July 2005, including analysis of the hearing transcripts and the evidence presented.
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Peter Borenius
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Pinned by Peter Borenius
4 years ago
Cameras cameras everywhere but not a pic to see.
2 years ago
And let's remember that the authorities didn't find the bombers remains for days
They claimed that there was just chunks of flesh left, whilst none of the other injured had such damage.
The remains were never allowed to be viewed and security forces accompanied the remains to Pakistan and guarded the cemetery for some days.
The same with the bomber who was buried in Britain, the grave was guarded.
5 years ago
This is crazy but worth investigating...... why don't we have an independent review of this event and in particular the Israeli Minister and embassy??
6 years ago
Its very disturbing but strangely im not totally surprised. Sadly its the reality we live in now.
6 years ago
The CCTV of the Jag at Luton station gives the game away.
Peter Borenius
6 years ago
That bloody Prescott!
5 years ago
How does this CCTV help us understand 7/7?
4 years ago (edited)
I think the implication is that this CCTV footage probably shows the car of the bombers' MI5 handlers. (I'm sure the spooks from Millbank enjoy the cliche of British spies driving around in a classic jag.) The CCTV footage released handily includes a couple of substantial gaps chopped out that may possibly show the jag driver getting out to talk to the "bombers" as they arrive and possibly parking next to the second car (with the other three "bombers") after it arrives. If you haven't seen it it's definitely worth a look.

Maybe it even showed the jag driver passing across the backpacks to his selected patsies? Who knows, but why else would the authorities chop out two portions of about 90 seconds each from the footage before releasing it to the public? It certainly shows the jag initially parked in an odd position in the car park away from all other cars and then shows it moving towards the second (and last) of the patsy-mobiles to arrive exactly at the moment it comes into the car park. But I'm sure the authorities and the mainstream media would say that that is "just another coincidence"...
3 years ago
The railway man on the telephone said "Just spoken to Daren1 There,s been an explosion ! On..Near.. Or Under a train!
7 years ago
a false flag , surely not ?
3 years ago
Again...Hollingsbeam Explosion UNDER the train!
5 years ago
now it's 2017 and thers been another in machester
6 years ago
Who is the Daniel he mentions at 10.38 ???
5 years ago
the freemasons Tink can get away with anything
4 years ago
I think mendedez the guy that got shot on the train either had sumin 2 do with the bombing or knew sumin about it.he was an electrician,why wasn't he working in Brazil ??? Don't they use electricity there ??? Defenatley tied together somehow.
4 years ago
Wanted for questioning Peter Power Britons most wanted.
3 years ago
Vote Brexit Party, smash Pariament & the lords.
5 years ago
False flag
4 years ago
Jean Charles Mendez .
4 years ago
Omagh ?
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