19Apr1995 A NOBLE LIE devastating Oklahoma City Bombing film

False flag operations are covert (black) operations conducted by special forces, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as though they are being carried out by an enemy. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colours; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. Generally considered a dishonourable and extremely cowardly act. False flag operations are not limited to war or counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during the Italian Strategy of Tension.

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Post by outsider »

I 'borrowed' the following from one of Craig Murray's commenters, 'Node', as it is a very good summary of similarities between Oklahoma City 'Bombing' and 9/11 (he gave me permission to use his 'avatar':
https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives ... ent-698650

'The Oklahoma City Bombing was an obvious inside job from the word go. I haven’t paid it much attention for years until watching an old Corbett Report tonight when I was struck by its uncanny similarity to the events of 911.

The alleged bomber had links to intelligence agencies.

Multiple reports of other bombs exploding in the building, including two unexploded ones discovered afterwards.

Whistle-blowers alleging a cover-up, tampered evidence, falsifying of witness statements in official investigation

Multiple reports from first responders flatly contradicting the official story.

Many credible advance warnings the Murrah Building would be bombed.

Initial news reporting of the incident completely at odds with what was later reported.

Somebody phoned in a report that “the Murrah Building has been bombed” 24 minutes before the first blast!!

FBI agent claimed he had been “tipped by pager” not to go into work that day.

Surveillance video is known to exist of the truck bomb being parked and 2 bombers leaving it before it exploded but it has never been released.

Many documents incriminating the Clintons were destroyed in the blast.

The Anti-terrorism and effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 was passed as a direct consequence of the bombing.


Brigadier General Ben Partin (expert in explosive weapons systems) produced a report on the damage : The evidence is conclusive that the Ryder truck bomb could not have accounted for the damage done to the Murrah Building …. Damage indicates contact explosives placed directly on the beams …. We are supposed to believe that a blast wave travelled through [column] B4 leaving the sheet rock almost untouched and completely destroyed the column further away ….

Dr Samual T. Cohen – Nuclear Physicist (inventor of the neutron bomb) : I believe that the demolitions charges in the building, that were placed inside at certain key concrete columns, did the primary damage to the Murrah Federal Building. It would have been absolutely impossible, and against the laws of nature, for a truck full of fertiliser and oil … no matter how much was used … to bring the building down.'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgfi1QZILxk '
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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More, courtesy of 'Node' on Craig Murray blog:
https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives ... _911_post/

'There was much more I could’ve included but it was harder to summarise in bullet points — technical detail pointing to pre-planned demolition, the links between ‘terrorists’ and security services, how the investigation was controlled by ‘safe hands’ (Larry Potts), even the comparison between McVie and Bin Laden, both of whom indisputably worked for the US military before supposedly turning renegade, but with strong evidence they both continued as ‘sheep-dipped- agents, both resulting in dubious ‘deaths.’

The Corbett Report is, as usual, excellent. It updates (2015) and summarises a few previous documentaries and adds new material about McVie’s background. Also, it comes with a transcript and sources, which enables me to give more detail about the 2 points you mentioned:


“…. the bombing also conveniently destroyed a number of documents that were proving to be problematic for the Clinton administration. Documents that had all somehow or other ended up being housed at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in April of 1995.
CRAIG ROBERTS: “Day 1, hour 2 of the bombing the most significant event that happened is when they said found other bombs in the building. The second most significant event is when they moved everybody back and held them back there were still people alive trapped in the building but they came in with 2 trucks and backed them up to the Murrah Building and a bunch of these guys dressed in blue jackets with no letters on the back started taking boxes of files out and started putting them on this truck.
DON BROWNING: We were told by a blonde female agent that there were files so serious to the government that until the files were located there would not be any recovery effort.
V.Z. LAWTON: If you remember the Whitewater investigation in Arkansas, all of the paperwork was stored in the Murrah Building. They had FBI just over in the fields to the west of the Murrah Building just picking up paper almost all day long.”

ROGER CHARLES: “The government has claimed that they had absolutely no prior warning and yet we start off with the interesting little episode where two Air Force bomb squad guys, and these are very special Air Force bomb squad guys that we know were cleared to work for Presidential security, VIP security and so on. They were ordered from Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico to Oklahoma City arriving on Monday the 17th of April, 2 days before the bombing. Their orders were to go to a motel and wait there until contacted by the FBI.
I had become aware of this information in 1997, developed some confirming information but the key was that in the summer of 2001, two journalists had separate conversations with one of the individuals, one of the two individuals on this bomb squad team. He admitted he was there when asked in separate conversations by both journalists. ‘Why he was there?’ He responded ‘You’ll have to ask the FBI’.”
INTERVIEWEE: “There was this fairly large truck with a trailer behind it and it had a shield on the side of the door and it said Bomb Disposal or Bomb Squad below it.
20/20 REPORTER: Authorities now claim in federal investigative reports, that the huge ominous truck with it’s trailer was being used by deputy to run routine errands.
Other documents obtained by 20/20 show that someone called the Executive Secretariats Office at the Justice Department in Washington and said ‘The Murrah Building had been bombed but this was 24 minutes before the blast. No action was apparently taken.”

'DON BROWNING: We were told by a blonde female agent that there were files so serious to the government that until the files were located there would not be any recovery effort.
V.Z. LAWTON: If you remember the Whitewater investigation in Arkansas, all of the paperwork was stored in the Murrah Building. They had FBI just over in the fields to the west of the Murrah Building just picking up paper almost all day long.”

So s*d the survivors, the Clinton docs had to be safeguarded from exposure.
That adds many more to the Clinton's already heady 'death count' - what vile creatures they are.
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Post by outsider »

More, courtesy of 'Node' on Craig Murray blog:
https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives ... _911_post/

'There was much more I could’ve included but it was harder to summarise in bullet points — technical detail pointing to pre-planned demolition, the links between ‘terrorists’ and security services, how the investigation was controlled by ‘safe hands’ (Larry Potts), even the comparison between McVie and Bin Laden, both of whom indisputably worked for the US military before supposedly turning renegade, but with strong evidence they both continued as ‘sheep-dipped- agents, both resulting in dubious ‘deaths.’

The Corbett Report is, as usual, excellent. It updates (2015) and summarises a few previous documentaries and adds new material about McVie’s background. Also, it comes with a transcript and sources, which enables me to give more detail about the 2 points you mentioned:


“…. the bombing also conveniently destroyed a number of documents that were proving to be problematic for the Clinton administration. Documents that had all somehow or other ended up being housed at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in April of 1995.
CRAIG ROBERTS: “Day 1, hour 2 of the bombing the most significant event that happened is when they said found other bombs in the building. The second most significant event is when they moved everybody back and held them back there were still people alive trapped in the building but they came in with 2 trucks and backed them up to the Murrah Building and a bunch of these guys dressed in blue jackets with no letters on the back started taking boxes of files out and started putting them on this truck.
DON BROWNING: We were told by a blonde female agent that there were files so serious to the government that until the files were located there would not be any recovery effort.
V.Z. LAWTON: If you remember the Whitewater investigation in Arkansas, all of the paperwork was stored in the Murrah Building. They had FBI just over in the fields to the west of the Murrah Building just picking up paper almost all day long.”

ROGER CHARLES: “The government has claimed that they had absolutely no prior warning and yet we start off with the interesting little episode where two Air Force bomb squad guys, and these are very special Air Force bomb squad guys that we know were cleared to work for Presidential security, VIP security and so on. They were ordered from Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico to Oklahoma City arriving on Monday the 17th of April, 2 days before the bombing. Their orders were to go to a motel and wait there until contacted by the FBI.
I had become aware of this information in 1997, developed some confirming information but the key was that in the summer of 2001, two journalists had separate conversations with one of the individuals, one of the two individuals on this bomb squad team. He admitted he was there when asked in separate conversations by both journalists. ‘Why he was there?’ He responded ‘You’ll have to ask the FBI’.”
INTERVIEWEE: “There was this fairly large truck with a trailer behind it and it had a shield on the side of the door and it said Bomb Disposal or Bomb Squad below it.
20/20 REPORTER: Authorities now claim in federal investigative reports, that the huge ominous truck with it’s trailer was being used by deputy to run routine errands.
Other documents obtained by 20/20 show that someone called the Executive Secretariats Office at the Justice Department in Washington and said ‘The Murrah Building had been bombed but this was 24 minutes before the blast. No action was apparently taken.”

'DON BROWNING: We were told by a blonde female agent that there were files so serious to the government that until the files were located there would not be any recovery effort.
V.Z. LAWTON: If you remember the Whitewater investigation in Arkansas, all of the paperwork was stored in the Murrah Building. They had FBI just over in the fields to the west of the Murrah Building just picking up paper almost all day long.”

So s*d the survivors, the Clinton docs had to be safeguarded from exposure.
That adds many more to the Clinton's already heady 'death count' - what vile creatures they are.
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Post by outsider »

‘Black Ops Agent Claims He Was Paid To Bomb OKC in the 1990s By Deep State; Hours Later Has A Car Crash’:
https://www.activistpost.com/2018/01/bl ... crash.html?
The original ‘9/11’. Many people have been aware for a very long time that the Oklahoma City bombing was a US ‘False Flag’ bombing, and that Mc Veigh was set up as a ‘Patsy’. Likewise, that the destruction came from explosives INSIDE the building, not from a truck bomb outside.
I wonder how long we’ll have to wait for someone to come clean about what really happened on 9/11?
Here’s an update on Robert ‘Cody’ Snodgres’ progress after he was badly injured in a car crash (?Accident?) hours after his initial live disclosure on air:
‘From Hospital After Serious Car Crash – Now Home Resting – Brief Recording Of Cody Describing Accident In This Story‘:
'And he (the devil) said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them'. Luke IV 5-7.
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Post by TonyGosling »

This 1995 Oklahoma City bombing doc is now available full-length

The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=14714

Timothy McVeigh. We've been told so much about him, the Oklahoma City bombing, and what it meant for America. But what if it's all a lie? Join us today for this special Corbett Report podcastumentary as we examine the multiple trucks, multiple bombs, government informants, faked executions and other pieces of information suggesting that McVeigh was not a "lone wolf bomber" at all but a sheepdipped special forces operative working for the government, exactly as he claimed.

http://bcfmradio.com/fdha7r4170fhkj/f78 ... 790780.mp3

http://bcfmradio.com/fdha7r4170fhkj/f78 ... 743030.mp3
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Oklahoma City Bombing: Was Timothy McVeigh a Patsy in a Sinister Black Flag Operation?
By Jeremy Kuzmarov on Apr 19, 2022 12:11 am
Could the detonation of a superbomb within the Murrah Federal Building have provided a blueprint for the destruction of the World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11?

At 9:02 a.m. on April 19, 1995�27 years ago todday�a bomb reduced to rubble the Alfred A. Murrah Federal Buildingg in Oklahoma City, resulting in the deaths of 168 people, including 19 children at a second-floor day-care center, and injuring of hundreds more.

The bomb was allegedly detonated in a Ryder truck rented by Timothy McVeigh, a former Army veteran from New York State, who was subsequently arrested 80 miles north of Oklahoma City after driving a Mercury Marquis with no license plate.

McVeigh allegedly rented the truck under the alias Robert Kling, though McVeigh’s lawyers at his trial tried to prove that Kling was not in fact McVeigh.

The motive for the bombing allegedly was anger over an assault by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) on the compound of the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas, two years earlier which had resulted in the deaths of 85 people, many of them innocent children.[1]

The Murrah Building housed ATF offices, though the plan for the siege at Waco had been planned at the ATF office in New Orleans, and all the ATF agents were conveniently out of the office at the time of the blast�they had been tipped off not to come into work thatt day.[2]

Oddly, numerous ATF employees were very close to the building and appeared on scene mere minutes after the explosion looking for bomb fragments.

This contradicts the claims of ATF Agent Luke Franey that the agents were not in the office that morning because they had been working late on an unspecified criminal case the night before (another agent claimed they were all playing in a golf tournament in Shawnee).[3]

The ATF claimed in a news release that Alex McCauley, Resident Agent in Charge, was in an elevator during the bombing and survived a five-story plunge.

However, when Eugene Duane James searched for survivors in the elevators, he found the elevators frozen between floors, but empty, after blasting through them with a blowtorch. The safety cables were intact and there had been no free fall�which modern elevaators do not do.[4]

...An Inside Job? [�]

The post Oklahoma City Bombing: Was Timothy McVeigh a Patsy in a Sinister Black Flag Operation? appeared first on CovertAction Magazine.

In Peace and Solidarity,
Chris Agee
Executive Editor
CovertAction Magazine
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