Fugitive Natalie Bracht & 5 kids, Tony Gosling arrested

Privatisation of Education as well as corporatisation and dumbing down of the National Curriculum. Exposure of organised criminal child abuse networks and their links with the establishment. Naming of individuals running the new privatised education 'charities' and their connections. Tactics used to ensure the silence and inaction of officials who fail to protect children. State ownership of children: Social Services failing to act against violent, abusive parents. Instead stealing children, with spurious excuses, ripping them away from good parents.

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Post by TonyGosling »

Natalie wanted to get to Germany because she felt that she would be out of the jurisdiction of the British Family Court system. I don't think she realised that she would be arrested over there. Whatever, she will be much happier to be in the hands of the German authorities than the British and it was not realistic for her to be on the run forever. At some point, preferably of her choosing, she was always going to have to turn and face her accusers. She would say that was much better happening in Germany than in the UK.

The key point in all this was when the authorities took her passports away. From then on she was a prisoner in the UK and slowly the Social Services legal net started tightening. Eventually we were told by Northumbria police just before we were unlawfully arrested, that she may well kill the children. I turned to the detective and said "have you ever met her?" Clearly they hadn't, that last statement was just made up by social services and used in secret by the High Court to order that the kids could be taken into 'care'. And we all know what that means. They may well get abused. Natalie knew that too. I'd like to know the name of the social worker or lawyer that made that little chestnut up. I think we all would.

Will having been on the run help her prove she is not mentally ill? IMO one of the best proofs that she's a level-headed mum is in the 'communique' she wrote just before she was discovered down in Somerset.

I'm also going to have a crack at getting some dosh for my picture used around Europe and use it to help start a legal defence fund.

BTW - I was told that she had been captured the day the police swooped on the Somerset Community. Not disinfo but a genuine mistake.

Note the use of the peculiar term 'counterparts', presumably by the police press office, in this story.

Missing Sunderland mum and daughters found safe and well
3:13pm Monday 24th November 2008

A MOTHER and her five daughters who have been missing for more than six months have been found safe and well.

Natalie Bracht and her chidren have been found in Munich, Germany.

Mrs Bracht, 35, left her home in Sunderland on May 17 with her daughters aged between five and 13.

Following a search carried out by Northumbria Police with the support of forces across the UK and elsewhere in Europe, Mrs Brachts and all five of the girls were found safe and well in Munich earlier today.

The children are now in the care of the German authorities.

Northumbria Police are working with their German counterparts and will be speaking with Mrs Bracht in due course.............

http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/3 ... _and_well/
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Post by TonyGosling »

Mit fünf Töchtern untergetaucht
von Jasmin Fischer
Düsseldorferin flüchtete vor britischem Jugendamt, weil man ihr die Kinder wegnehmen will.
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Post by fish5133 »

Wonder how a lady with 5 kids could slip through a police search and make her way to Germany :? Sounds a bit like the Von Trapp family.
Obviously the CCTVs werent working again.
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Post by Cromwell »

TonyGosling wrote: When I interviewed fugitive mum (with five daughters) Natalie Bracht she said she believed the next false flag terror attacks would be in Northern Ireland.
Tony, do you know what has become of Natalie Bracht ?

[This post moved from here ed.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Not a Dickie Bird.
I've tried asking her friends in Sunderland, others who were in touch with her when she was in the UK as well as several of my German journalist contacts.
They know nothing at all, not even her present whereabouts nor that of the children.

Any good ideas to further follow this up or specific contacts would be appreciated.
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Post by rookieracoon »

Hello TonyGosling,

I'm from germany,
2 weeks ago I watched a video where a (german) muslim-woman told her story how she (and her 5 daughters) was oppressed by british authorities etc., and how she escaped the plans to taking her childs away from her.

You can find this clip 55min. on "einladungzumparadies.de":
http://www.einladungzumparadies.de/vide ... 9.html#679

Or (splitted in 6 parts) on youtube, look for: "Nicht ohne meine fünf Töchter"
for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udqMjrLX ... re=related

This clip is from July 5th 2009 in Berlin, on a demonstration/ Manifestation about the murder of Marwa Sherbini (the egypt woman murdered at court in Dresden on 1st. of july by a racist hater) and against the discrimination of muslim woman.

I had never heard about the story but somehow Icouldn't believe it, so I made some research, learned that the woman is Natalie Bracht (her name is not told in the clip), found lots of uk-articles from 2008 (plus 2 on german newspapers), this article http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/06/401952.html ( Tony Gosling arrested in missing persons hunt) and some more...

So here I'am and I think that she had her story modified due to a new public.

What I realy don't get: none of the articles tells that she is a muslim but that she was disguised like a muslim woman.

Now she claims to be muslim since 2005.

Also she tells that she grow up with a jewish background. Her ex-husband is jewish, but changed from left-liberal-minded to fundamentaistic-zionism (I learned that there are 2 fathers for her daughters).
Divided 2003, she got an offer for a job as a translator(for an authority?) and moved to UK in 2006, getting british passports (because her father is british) for herself and her daughters and a flat. When she started the job she found out that her work is against her beliefs and rejected the job. She made several other jobs for NGOs and lawyers. During this time authorities (Home office ?) started to control her daughters, doing interviews and so on. Also she tells about a Rabbi who contacted her several times, also that after a time offered her to change german passports versus Irsrale-passports. After a time she found out that her former husband also was involved. She tells a lot about how she and her daughters was controlled, in the end she got a phone-call from a mosque (she means a person she knows working there) with the warning that the authorities arre coming to take away her children.
At this point she (+daughters) left the flat. On the run she got help from different person, also groups of people and lived for a time at a "left"-community (don't know how to translate this).
She also tells about a reporter who was arrested after she had spoke with him.
Back in Gemany (Nov. 2008) the authorities took away her daughters and for 8 months she hadn't seen them, only got some letters from them where the girls tell that they miss her and dislike their circumstance.
Nathalei Bracht tells that the children now live in a Home near Munich.

So this is just a short overview, her speech tells much more details.

@ Tony,
to be honest: I think that she is mentaly ill and that she escaped to prevent that her kids was taking away from her. She is not criminal, in fact she managed to take her 5 daughters through UK over the channel to germany- without money and her story in the newspaper (I think that's impressive).

But for me it looks like she is graving for attention, that's why she renewed her story and got this speech on the Manifestation.
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Post by TonyGosling »

Sure is her alright.
Anybody that can translate all the cogent points into English please do.
Funny that they don't mention her name.


She did not say what religion she was... only that she believed that Jesus is a prophet, not the son of God.

She had a lot of contact with Mosques and carried a headscarf which she did not wear.

A Muslim in disguise?
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Post by TonyGosling »

YouTube have removed her for 'terms of use' violation.
Er.... why?

But it's still here
http://www.einladungzumparadies.de/vide ... 9.html#679
Babelfish wrote: Muslim family needs urgently support: „Not without my five
Babelfish link
http://www.linkezeitung.de/cms/index.ph ... &Itemid=32

fraubracht.jpgAZ: 551F1134808 with Munich district courts - demonstration in Munich to 8.8.2009

This family needs urgently our support: A Jewish woman converts to the Islam. With cheat and to slanders tries one to oppress it and destroy its family. In England you are to be removed the children. Completely obviously because of their change of faith. It was even tried to classify it as dangerous for its children and to represent it as psychologically ill.

From England the family succeeds in by left activists fleeing to Germany. In addition, in Germany the family does not come to the peace. It comes to the worst one: The district court Munich takes over the appraisal, the children Natalie broke decreased and put into an orphanage.

How the Islamic Web portal Dawa - writes news:

„The children suffer much from this condition. One tries the entire time convulsively/desperately to force a contact to the child father. This had been before never interested in its children. It was already on record with the Kasseler youth welfare office as a uninterested father, who submerged already times two years, no reporting address had and never maintenance paid.

It thereupon starting from 2005 the exclusive handling right forbids. He was allowed to see the children only in company of his own mother, which he nevertheless never noticed. “

The court is obviously pressurized in Munich from England. Thus a specialist said the affiliation Mrs. Brachts to the Islam with a hearing before court, is a danger for their children.

The children are in a desperate situation. Again Dawa news:

„The mother was allowed to only hear after six months their children; by telephone. Of it each child whole 5 minutes! The telephone calls run under observation. For security understands itself. One may not become emotional also is called it, otherwise the contact cannot be continued. This was allowed it of April then once weekly.

In the meantime she was allowed to see their children every 4-7 weeks each child separately for 20 minutes with stop watch and under double supervision. That means that she saw everyone of her children in the last eight months for only one hour.

The children are intimidated. They do not know which it to say may and which, then they do not say it. They have fear too much to say and them thereby their mother any longer to see not be allowed. “

It concerns here a shocking scandal. Mrs breaking must back-get their daughters immediately and unconditionally!

Racist discrimination and agitation against Muslims in Germany experienced a terrible high point with the murder at Marwa El-Sherbini in Dresden. That was the act of a single author instigated from the media to the insanity.

The tendency against Muslims in Germany is extremely heated by people-rushing sides like „Politically Incorrect " or of right groups of fragments like „pro Cologne " in addition, of defaming and Pauschalisierung in completely normal civil media. That this everyday incitement of the masses is tolerated, is a scandal. The agitation carries frightening fruits: Reports reach us that women are insulted by headscarf on open road and even angespuckt.

But also on the part of the state Muslims are discriminated against. Thus for example the Higher Labor Court North-Rhine/Westphalia in Hamm confirmed the notice of a teacher because of stretchers of an headscarf because of neutrality lacking. Carrying the Christian Ordenstracht or the Jewish Kippa offence however not against it! A completely clearly discriminating against judgement that for many gläubige Islamic teachers a regular working life makes impossible. Here reread.

That now however on the part of the state one tries to destroy a family that has a new quality.

How can we help?

1. Islamic groups call to a protest demonstration in Munich:

To 08.08.2009
16:00 - 19:00 clock
City youth welfare office Munich
Prielmayerstr. 1
(Directly at the main station)
80335 Munich

2. Muslim activists calls in addition, Protestmails, faxes or letters on institutions down mentioned to send official ones and politicians. It is very important, the official ones of it in knowledge too set that a broad public is aware of this enormous procedure and is not determined, these without protest adds.

A list with addresses and mails finds it down.

3. Donations are very welcome in this case, since the legal security of this case is very expensive.

Islamic education and cultural center Braunschweig registered association.
Non-profit association
Hamburg STR. 283
38114 Braunschweig
District court Braunschweig
Register sheet VR200119

Bank: North German Landesbank
Account number: 150,472,165
BLZ: 250,500 00
Intended purpose: Donation for children

Donation from Abroad:

IBAN: DE46250500000150472165

4. We will try everything, so that the children of Mrs breaking can live again with it. We will however only be able to defeat the Rassimus, even if we defeat capitalism.

Capitalism is a system, that on the one hand on the exploitation of the working population, to who working class is based basedly and on the other hand on the competition between companies and nations. For the system is important it to try to play the workers against each other in order to weaken resistance against dismissals and shortening. Particularly now in this large crisis! Besides the west tries to hold itself with wars over water. These wars are led to a large part around resources in approaching and the middle east, around the oil. Also for this reason racism and the agitation are necessary against the Muslims for the capital. Without the prejudices and the defaming against the Muslims hardly soldiers would be, who pull other countries into the war and attacked.

Now become active:

Please writes down this very day with file references 551F1134808 with Munich district courts:

1. Christine Haderthauer
Bavarian state minister for work and social order, family and Mrs. Frauenbeauftragte of the state government
81627 Munich
Telephone (089) 41 26-2739

Email: christine.haderthauer@csu.deThis email address is protected from Spam Bots, you must Javascript activate, so that you can see it

...more at top link................

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Post by TonyGosling »

Looks like loving mum Natalie Bracht was right does it not?

Fears of further violence in Northern Ireland after four bombs discovered in a week
There are fears that Northern Ireland is facing a summer of violence after the discovery of four bombs in a week thought to have been planted by dissident republicans.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... -week.html
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
Published: 3:35PM BST 11 Aug 2010

Paul Cornish, security expert at the Chatham House think tank, said the attempted attacks were the “last ditch efforts of the most extreme elements” of Irish republicanism, who are not susceptible to negotiations.

Matt Baggott, the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), has warned that dissident republican groups opposed to the peace process are threatening another Omagh bombing in which the Real IRA murdered 29 people.

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"These are the same people, or the same mindset that ultimately led to the Omagh tragedy all those years ago," Mr Baggott said.

"They are absolutely reckless, they have no concern as to the fact that they are attacking kebab shop owners, mothers who have joined the PSNI with young children, they are putting elderly people out of their care homes and terrifying them in the early hours of the morning."

He added: "They have no solution for the future, except to go back to the past. And they are bringing that recklessness increasingly to our streets.”

The Real IRA claimed responsibility for an attack on the Strand Road police station in Londonderry last week, where a taxi driver was forced at gunpoint to drive a bomb containing 200lb of homemade explosives to the base.

The following day a bomb fell off the car of an army major in Bangor, Co Down and on Saturday a similar device was found under the car of a female Catholic police officer in Kilkeel, Co Down.

On Tuesday a bomb partially exploded under the car of a police station guard in Cookstown, Co Tyrone as he drove through a residential area on his way to work.

Police in the Republic have made a series of arrests and seized a handgun, a shotgun, ammunition, bomb-making components and six vehicles as part of an investigation into dissident republican activity.

The violence comes ahead of the loyalist Apprentice Boys annual parade in Londonderry next Saturday.

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said the incidents "do nothing to further any cause and are not just an attack on the individuals concerned but on a society that has made it clear that the road forward is one which has no place for violence in any form.”

Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Paterson ruled out talks with dissident republicans the Real IRA and the Continuity IRA, saying: "You cannot have any meaningful talks with people who are not committed to peaceful means. They are not listening."
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Post by TonyGosling »

British 'Jihadi' bride and mother-of-nine is back in the UK living on a canal boat and claiming benefits after denying leading all-female Islamic State unit in Syria
http://www.mr-mehra.com/2020/08/british ... -nine.html

Natalie Bracht, 45, was alleged to have travelled to Syria at the end of 2014
It was also claimed that she had married IS fighter Celso Rodrigues da Costa
Bracht denies she travelled to Syria but said she had volunteered for Cage
She was repatriated this year when the coronavirus pandemic hit
A British 'Jihadi' bride who denies leading an all-female Islamic State unit in Syria is now back in the UK living on a canal boat and claiming Universal Credit.
Natalie Bracht, 45, who holds dual British and Germany citizenship, was said to have travelled to Syria towards the end of 2014 before begging to be allowed to return to the UK in October 2018.
She had most recently been living in Heidelberg, Germany, but when the coronavirus pandemic hit, she was repatriated, according to The Sunday People.
Natalie Bracht, 45, was repatriated when the coronavirus pandemic hit and has been living in a canal boat and has claimed Universal Credit +3
Natalie Bracht, 45, was repatriated when the coronavirus pandemic hit and has been living in a canal boat and has claimed Universal Credit
After visiting the British consulate in Dusseldorf Bracht was given a ticket for a British Airways flight to London on April 3.
On arrival in the UK she was then questioned for more than three hours by Special Branch under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000.
The mother-of-nine told the paper: 'They asked me where I had stayed in Syria. I had to tell them a couple of times, "Guys, I wasn't in Syria."'
Bracht also said that she was asked for her thoughts on Brexit, elections and vaccines.
She said she had initially been put up in a £44-a-night Travelodge before moving onto a barge and claims she receives help from the Helping Households Under Great Stress organisation.
On arrival in the UK she was then questioned for more than three hours by Special Branch under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Pictured: File image of Natalie Bracht at King's Cross station, issued on November 18, 2008 +3
On arrival in the UK she was then questioned for more than three hours by Special Branch under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Pictured: File image of Natalie Bracht at King's Cross station, issued on November 18, 2008
Bracht now hopes to work as a busker and has claimed Universal Credit.
It was previously alleged that Bracht had married Celso Rodrigues da Costa, 31, an IS fighter from London after travelling to Syria and that she was among a group of Western women being held in Kurdish-controlled camps in northern Syria.
But she has now denied ever having joined Islamic State in Syria and said that living as a full-time terror suspect has made her stronger.
However, Bracht also said that she started volunteering in 2012 as an interpreter for the controversial campaign group Cage.
She translated letters for terror suspects held in prison all over the world because of concerns she had over Islamophobia.
Bracht, who holds dual British and Germany citizenship, was said to have travelled to Syria towards the end of 2014
Bracht, who holds dual British and Germany citizenship, was said to have travelled to Syria towards the end of 2014
She said: 'They are in prison, then they are free again and then they are not convicted but treated for the rest of their lives as full-time terror suspects. They never had convictions.'
Cage has said that it had no ­record of Bracht volunteering.
Bracht's comments come only weeks after Shamima Begum was involved in a legal battle to win back her British citizenship to return to the UK.
The 45-year-old said that Begum had been brainwashed on the internet and shouldn't have been allowed to leave the country in the first place.
The Home Office said: 'We do not comment on individual cases.'
It was previously alleged that Bracht had married Celso Rodrigues da Costa, 31, (pictured) an IS fighter from London after travelling to Syria +3
It was previously alleged that Bracht had married Celso Rodrigues da Costa, 31, (pictured) an IS fighter from London after travelling to Syria
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Post by Life »

Bigger Piucture
Russians in Italy during Covid, Uncle Sam using cleaned out passenger jets to flood US with weapons, Vatican hiding cobalt 60 bombs which Iran intend to cover Israel with to send all those wounded Israelis to Europe to spread plague...and they would miss out Northern Ireland? I think not
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