Larry Silverstein and the John Patrick O'Neill Connection
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- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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- Location: Woking, Surrey, UK
Larry Silverstein and the John Patrick O'Neill Connection
See also
Who Killed John O'Neill
Who Killed John O'Neill
An Updated MIHOP
Who did 9/11? A question we all want to know answers to.
Meet the CIA of the 21st century. Privatized, independent and hidden from view.
AIG as Money Laundering Inc.
Marsh Crisis Consultancy as Terrorism Inc with Osama bin Laden played by Paul Bremer
Kroll as the privatized CIA Inc.
al-Cokeda as the drug dealers in the flight schools who are later called terrorists in the OCT.
Learn how they all work together.
Learn how they make fortunes on 9/11 with insider trading.
Learn how sophisticated psyops and black ops is.
Learn what the government and the OCTers don't want you to know
The video
Ty Rauber made it and it has one actor playing all the parts -a conspiracy theorist, a paranoid "they're after us" type, an OCTer, a philospher and they are all discussing 911-it's kind of like this forum. He ties Kroll, CIA, AIG together, speculated that Kroll is a sort of privatized CIA, running on drug money but able to do what the CIA can't because they aren't allowed. Some of this relates to the Hopsicker story.
Why are these Kroll types anti terrorism experts; where do they get the information? Then they show how people move between these corporations and CIA . Doesn't spend a lot of time on the hows and why's of the actual day, more about drugs insurance companies/ CIA and the piece de resistance - what Al Qaeda really is and what Mohammed Atta's function was, his opinion will make a lot of sense as to Atta's behavior.
This is all for the same video, I gave different links in case some didn't work:
Movie Downloads:
Who Killed John O'Neill
Who Killed John O'Neill
An Updated MIHOP
Who did 9/11? A question we all want to know answers to.
Meet the CIA of the 21st century. Privatized, independent and hidden from view.
AIG as Money Laundering Inc.
Marsh Crisis Consultancy as Terrorism Inc with Osama bin Laden played by Paul Bremer
Kroll as the privatized CIA Inc.
al-Cokeda as the drug dealers in the flight schools who are later called terrorists in the OCT.
Learn how they all work together.
Learn how they make fortunes on 9/11 with insider trading.
Learn how sophisticated psyops and black ops is.
Learn what the government and the OCTers don't want you to know
The video
Ty Rauber made it and it has one actor playing all the parts -a conspiracy theorist, a paranoid "they're after us" type, an OCTer, a philospher and they are all discussing 911-it's kind of like this forum. He ties Kroll, CIA, AIG together, speculated that Kroll is a sort of privatized CIA, running on drug money but able to do what the CIA can't because they aren't allowed. Some of this relates to the Hopsicker story.
Why are these Kroll types anti terrorism experts; where do they get the information? Then they show how people move between these corporations and CIA . Doesn't spend a lot of time on the hows and why's of the actual day, more about drugs insurance companies/ CIA and the piece de resistance - what Al Qaeda really is and what Mohammed Atta's function was, his opinion will make a lot of sense as to Atta's behavior.
This is all for the same video, I gave different links in case some didn't work:
Movie Downloads:
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
- Posts: 880
- Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:58 pm
- Location: Woking, Surrey, UK
FBI's the Late John O'Neil Was Investigating 9/11 Israelis
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
From Wayne Madsen Report Sept. 8:
"According to a source who knew the late FBI John O'Neill, the head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and the man who fought bureaucratic meddling in his investigation of the October 2000 USS Cole bombing and the Saudi connection to the funding of Al Qaeda, was also investigating Israeli "art students" and "movers" engaged in suspicious activity around sensitive facilities prior to the 911 attacks. O'Neill, who accepted the job as head of World Trade Center security just prior to 911 and after his retirement from the Bureau, was killed when the South Tower collapsed.
It is known that O'Neill was extremely upset at what he considered interference in his investigation of the Saudis and Israelis by the highest levels of the Bush administration and the FBI bureaucracy. WMR conducted a major investigation of the Israeli "art students" and "movers" story.
O'Neill was put under official FBI investigation after his briefcase, containing classified documents, was stolen at an FBI pre-retirement conference in Florida and recovered by police a few hours later in another Orlando hotel -- classified papers intact -- with a Montblanc pen, lighter, and cigar cutter missing. It is believed that among the documents contained in O'Neill's briefcase were reports about Israeli intelligence activity -- reports that originally emanated from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and later contained in a massive DEA report on the suspicious activities of the Israeli operatives in locations where the future 911 hijackers were also active.
The FBI continues to conduct a piecemeal approach to investigating Israeli "false flag" terrorist operations in the United States. However, on occasion, the FBI's surveillance of Israeli diplomat-spies also reveals their involvement with drug smuggling, particularly Ecstasy, and in one recent case -- pedophilia. The FBI has had the Israeli Consulate-General in Atlanta and its assigned diplomats (and intelligence agents) under electronic and physical surveillance since the consulate represents an important Israeli intelligence outpost responsible for the American Southeast. It is the Atlanta consulate that serves as a liaison to jailed Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who is imprisoned at the Butner Federal prison in North Carolina. The Atlanta consulate also interceded on behalf of Israeli agents disguised as "movers" and "art students" who were detained and arrested by Federal, state, and local police in Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, and other states in the region before and after the 911 attacks. One of those who ran interference for arrested Israeli movers is Atlanta Deputy Counsel Aviv Ezra, a reported intelligence agent who routinely visits Pollard in prison.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
From Wayne Madsen Report Sept. 8:
"According to a source who knew the late FBI John O'Neill, the head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and the man who fought bureaucratic meddling in his investigation of the October 2000 USS Cole bombing and the Saudi connection to the funding of Al Qaeda, was also investigating Israeli "art students" and "movers" engaged in suspicious activity around sensitive facilities prior to the 911 attacks. O'Neill, who accepted the job as head of World Trade Center security just prior to 911 and after his retirement from the Bureau, was killed when the South Tower collapsed.
It is known that O'Neill was extremely upset at what he considered interference in his investigation of the Saudis and Israelis by the highest levels of the Bush administration and the FBI bureaucracy. WMR conducted a major investigation of the Israeli "art students" and "movers" story.
O'Neill was put under official FBI investigation after his briefcase, containing classified documents, was stolen at an FBI pre-retirement conference in Florida and recovered by police a few hours later in another Orlando hotel -- classified papers intact -- with a Montblanc pen, lighter, and cigar cutter missing. It is believed that among the documents contained in O'Neill's briefcase were reports about Israeli intelligence activity -- reports that originally emanated from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and later contained in a massive DEA report on the suspicious activities of the Israeli operatives in locations where the future 911 hijackers were also active.
The FBI continues to conduct a piecemeal approach to investigating Israeli "false flag" terrorist operations in the United States. However, on occasion, the FBI's surveillance of Israeli diplomat-spies also reveals their involvement with drug smuggling, particularly Ecstasy, and in one recent case -- pedophilia. The FBI has had the Israeli Consulate-General in Atlanta and its assigned diplomats (and intelligence agents) under electronic and physical surveillance since the consulate represents an important Israeli intelligence outpost responsible for the American Southeast. It is the Atlanta consulate that serves as a liaison to jailed Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who is imprisoned at the Butner Federal prison in North Carolina. The Atlanta consulate also interceded on behalf of Israeli agents disguised as "movers" and "art students" who were detained and arrested by Federal, state, and local police in Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, and other states in the region before and after the 911 attacks. One of those who ran interference for arrested Israeli movers is Atlanta Deputy Counsel Aviv Ezra, a reported intelligence agent who routinely visits Pollard in prison.
- Laurence de Mello
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Sat May 25, 2013 10:00 pm
- Location: Buenos Aires/London
Larry Silverstein and the John Patrick O'Neil Connection
John Patrick O'Neil born in New Jersey grew up as a child watching programs about crime. His favourite program was a TV drama called F.B.I, which dramatised true FBI case files. John after graduating from high school went off to college in Washington in 1971. While there, he got himself a job as a fingerprint clerk at the FBI's Washington head offices. In 1973 he achieved a good degree in Administration of Justice from The American University and later a Master's degree in forensics.
Noted by friends and colleagues as being a 'perfectionist' and always 'top of his class' his dream was to work for the FBI and that dream came true in 1976 when he was signed as an agent for what he believed to be the best investigative agency in the world, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Over the next 15 years O'Neil worked his way investigating organised crime, white- collar crime and later while at the Washington FBI office in counterintelligence. Bright, intelligent, ambitious and tenacious, everyone that worked with him said he was 'the best'. He was 'one of a kind', maverick was the term often associated with him. Good looking, beautifully dressed with very expensive tastes, although well liked and admired, there were those less talented than him and those that had things to hide that felt threatened by John O'Neil.
Due to his professional success, in 1991 O'Neil was promoted and was moved to the FBI's field office in Chicago, where he was given the important role as Assistant Special Agent in Charge. He also worked to promote inter-agency cooperation and enhance ties and breakdown bureaucracy between the FBI and local law enforcement. A task that some found counter-productive and 'irritating'. He was later known as one of the 'top American anti-terrorism experts' who eventually became the Assistant Director for The Federal Bureau of Investigation until late 2001.
O'Neil's connection with 9/11 really started back In 1993, after he was directly involved with the capture of Ramzi Yousef, the leader of the first WTC bomb plot. O'Neil went on to investigate the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings of Saudi Arabia. While investigating the Saudi bombings, he became frustrated by the lack of Saudi co operation and complained to then FBI director Lois Freeh that the Saudis were 'blowing smoke up your ass' which wasn't taken lightly and wasn't meant to be! O'Neil was not only a brilliant agent with real balls, but he could not be bought. His experience in Islamic militants, middle eastern cells and counterintelligence was superior to many other senior counterintelligence agents and it was for this that later he became the subject of a frontline documentary 'The man that knew'.
By 1997 he was moved to the New York office where he was one of the senior agents in charge of counterterrorism and national security. In 1998, two United States Embassies were bombed in quick succession one in Nairobi, Kenya, and the other in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. O'Neil immediately put his hand up to say he was willing to be involved in the investigation, as he already had vast knowledge of Islamic militants. However, people high up in Washington were starting to tire of O'Neil's successes and ways of obtaining information which one has to ask why! O'Neil was excluded from the Embassy bombings investigation and in his place, inferior and much less knowledgeable agents with no experience of the region were sent to 'pick up leads' O'Neil was infuriated by this as he felt he could fast track the investigation but to no avail.
In the year 2000 again investigations led him to the Arab world and Yemen, where he was sent to investigate the USS Cole Bombing
His trips to Yemen in the late 90's had opened up vital new sources of information for him and it was in Yemen that O'Neil made many important underworld Arab connections that started to feed him vital information, not only about the dynamics of the Islamic Militant cells, but who those cells were connected to and funded by. O'Neil kept his sources close to his chest as he knew even the best agencies had infiltrators.
On his arrival in Yemen in 2000 O'Neil complained about the 'lack of security' for his team surrounding his investigation for the USS Cole bombings.At this time the US Ambassador to Yemen was Barbara Bodine. The ambassador didn't like O'Neil and was petty about his style and approach. She was possessive about what she felt to be her territory and created obstacles to O'Neil's modus operandi. After the first month of investigation, O'Neil returned to The US with new information and 9 kilos less in weight. His friends said they noticed O'Neil was 'concerned', 'worried', 'edgy', certainly not his usual self. They believed he had received information from his connections which was connected to the CIA. Whatever O'Neil had learned. it was certainly something 'significant'. A few weeks later, O'Neil told his superiors that he needed to return to Yemen to conclude his investigation. Barbara Bodine and 'others' in Washington blocked his return and refused to authorise his permits required for travel to the Yemen region.
Bodine was later quoted as saying;
"Too much is being made of John O'Neill's being in Yemen or not," "John O'Neill did not discover Al Qaeda. He did not discover Osama bin Laden. So the idea that John or his people or the F.B.I. were somehow barred from doing their job is insulting to the U.S. government, which was working on Al Qaeda before John ever showed up. This is all my embassy did for ten months. The fact that not every single thing John O'Neill asked for was appropriate or possible does not mean that we did not support the investigation."
It was at this time things started to get confusing. O'Neil was accused of losing a briefcase of highly classified documents at a FBI conference when he 'popped outside' from a room with over 350 FBI agents to hear a badly connected cell phone call. When he returned minutes later, the case was gone. Strangely enough, the briefcase 'turned up' a few hours later with nothing missing or even touched! Forensic analysis proved this, as the papers were so highly sensitive they were subjected to tests. One has to ask, how could a briefcase be 'stolen' in the midst of 350 FBI agents? Oh, one may think; it must have been a mistake, wrong bag picked up by the wrong person, but if that was the case, why was the bag returned anonymously? Why did no one own up to the taking of the bag if it was a genuine error? He was then accused of being 'negligent' after losing a cell phone and a Palm. O Neil said that he never 'lost' anything and if anything went missing, it was taken by people that knew it was there.
He was then subjected to a series of internal FBI investigations. Colleagues of O'Neil came to his defence and suggest that he was the victim of a 'senior smear campaign' and that he had 'worried' people about what he had learned while in Yemen. Eventually O'Neil was forced into resigning from the FBI after constant hounding from his superiors and bypassing O'Neil when he should have been promoted. O'Neil knew his career with the FBI had come to a very dead end. But while he was contemplating his leave from the FBI he was headhunted by Jerome Hauer.
Hauer was a national security advisor with the Dept. of Health and Human Services and also the managing director with Kroll Associates a company that specializes in security and terrorism prevention. Hauer had a solid background in counter-terror and a specialized knowledge of biological warfare.
Hauer had previously been employed by his pal Mayor Giuliani from 1996 to 2000 as the director of The office of Emergency Management. Hauer came up with a job for O'Neil. Hauer told O'Neil that his 'client' Larry Silverstein wanted him to be Chief of Security at the WTC, this was now the end of August 2001. O'Neil liked the offer which was a generous one, US$350.000 P.A plus perks, but O'Neil wanted a few days off before he started his new job. He was told that Silverstein wanted him 'in the office no later than 11th September'. So September 11th was to be John O'Neil's first day at work in the WTC. Others since have said that O'Neil started his job on the 26th of August 2001 but that was when he was contracted. Confirmation of his start date can be heard in an interview with New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik;
"That Tuesday was his first or second day on the job,"
(Kerik in an interview with CNN's Larry King Live.)
Both of Larry's children, directors of Silverstein properties were miraculously late to work on 9/11. Larry would as a habit have breakfast each morning in the WTC, not that day though, Larry was miraculously lucky in that he had cancelled the mornings business meetings in favour of a last minute dermatologist's appointment and therefore none of the Silverstein family perished in the collapse that day, even though all three of them should have been at their desks. Not so lucky was Larry's newest employee, former FBI counterintelligence agent John O'Neil.
Out of the 2,780 victims of the WTC only 12 bodies were found physically intact, John O'Neil was one of those rare 12 bodies that were identifiable by sight. John's body was found at the bottom of a stairwell in the south tower on Sept 22nd where he had supposedly lain for 11 days, he was formally identified by Jerome Hauer.
Article Source:
Noted by friends and colleagues as being a 'perfectionist' and always 'top of his class' his dream was to work for the FBI and that dream came true in 1976 when he was signed as an agent for what he believed to be the best investigative agency in the world, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Over the next 15 years O'Neil worked his way investigating organised crime, white- collar crime and later while at the Washington FBI office in counterintelligence. Bright, intelligent, ambitious and tenacious, everyone that worked with him said he was 'the best'. He was 'one of a kind', maverick was the term often associated with him. Good looking, beautifully dressed with very expensive tastes, although well liked and admired, there were those less talented than him and those that had things to hide that felt threatened by John O'Neil.
Due to his professional success, in 1991 O'Neil was promoted and was moved to the FBI's field office in Chicago, where he was given the important role as Assistant Special Agent in Charge. He also worked to promote inter-agency cooperation and enhance ties and breakdown bureaucracy between the FBI and local law enforcement. A task that some found counter-productive and 'irritating'. He was later known as one of the 'top American anti-terrorism experts' who eventually became the Assistant Director for The Federal Bureau of Investigation until late 2001.
O'Neil's connection with 9/11 really started back In 1993, after he was directly involved with the capture of Ramzi Yousef, the leader of the first WTC bomb plot. O'Neil went on to investigate the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings of Saudi Arabia. While investigating the Saudi bombings, he became frustrated by the lack of Saudi co operation and complained to then FBI director Lois Freeh that the Saudis were 'blowing smoke up your ass' which wasn't taken lightly and wasn't meant to be! O'Neil was not only a brilliant agent with real balls, but he could not be bought. His experience in Islamic militants, middle eastern cells and counterintelligence was superior to many other senior counterintelligence agents and it was for this that later he became the subject of a frontline documentary 'The man that knew'.
By 1997 he was moved to the New York office where he was one of the senior agents in charge of counterterrorism and national security. In 1998, two United States Embassies were bombed in quick succession one in Nairobi, Kenya, and the other in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. O'Neil immediately put his hand up to say he was willing to be involved in the investigation, as he already had vast knowledge of Islamic militants. However, people high up in Washington were starting to tire of O'Neil's successes and ways of obtaining information which one has to ask why! O'Neil was excluded from the Embassy bombings investigation and in his place, inferior and much less knowledgeable agents with no experience of the region were sent to 'pick up leads' O'Neil was infuriated by this as he felt he could fast track the investigation but to no avail.
In the year 2000 again investigations led him to the Arab world and Yemen, where he was sent to investigate the USS Cole Bombing
His trips to Yemen in the late 90's had opened up vital new sources of information for him and it was in Yemen that O'Neil made many important underworld Arab connections that started to feed him vital information, not only about the dynamics of the Islamic Militant cells, but who those cells were connected to and funded by. O'Neil kept his sources close to his chest as he knew even the best agencies had infiltrators.
On his arrival in Yemen in 2000 O'Neil complained about the 'lack of security' for his team surrounding his investigation for the USS Cole bombings.At this time the US Ambassador to Yemen was Barbara Bodine. The ambassador didn't like O'Neil and was petty about his style and approach. She was possessive about what she felt to be her territory and created obstacles to O'Neil's modus operandi. After the first month of investigation, O'Neil returned to The US with new information and 9 kilos less in weight. His friends said they noticed O'Neil was 'concerned', 'worried', 'edgy', certainly not his usual self. They believed he had received information from his connections which was connected to the CIA. Whatever O'Neil had learned. it was certainly something 'significant'. A few weeks later, O'Neil told his superiors that he needed to return to Yemen to conclude his investigation. Barbara Bodine and 'others' in Washington blocked his return and refused to authorise his permits required for travel to the Yemen region.
Bodine was later quoted as saying;
"Too much is being made of John O'Neill's being in Yemen or not," "John O'Neill did not discover Al Qaeda. He did not discover Osama bin Laden. So the idea that John or his people or the F.B.I. were somehow barred from doing their job is insulting to the U.S. government, which was working on Al Qaeda before John ever showed up. This is all my embassy did for ten months. The fact that not every single thing John O'Neill asked for was appropriate or possible does not mean that we did not support the investigation."
It was at this time things started to get confusing. O'Neil was accused of losing a briefcase of highly classified documents at a FBI conference when he 'popped outside' from a room with over 350 FBI agents to hear a badly connected cell phone call. When he returned minutes later, the case was gone. Strangely enough, the briefcase 'turned up' a few hours later with nothing missing or even touched! Forensic analysis proved this, as the papers were so highly sensitive they were subjected to tests. One has to ask, how could a briefcase be 'stolen' in the midst of 350 FBI agents? Oh, one may think; it must have been a mistake, wrong bag picked up by the wrong person, but if that was the case, why was the bag returned anonymously? Why did no one own up to the taking of the bag if it was a genuine error? He was then accused of being 'negligent' after losing a cell phone and a Palm. O Neil said that he never 'lost' anything and if anything went missing, it was taken by people that knew it was there.
He was then subjected to a series of internal FBI investigations. Colleagues of O'Neil came to his defence and suggest that he was the victim of a 'senior smear campaign' and that he had 'worried' people about what he had learned while in Yemen. Eventually O'Neil was forced into resigning from the FBI after constant hounding from his superiors and bypassing O'Neil when he should have been promoted. O'Neil knew his career with the FBI had come to a very dead end. But while he was contemplating his leave from the FBI he was headhunted by Jerome Hauer.
Hauer was a national security advisor with the Dept. of Health and Human Services and also the managing director with Kroll Associates a company that specializes in security and terrorism prevention. Hauer had a solid background in counter-terror and a specialized knowledge of biological warfare.
Hauer had previously been employed by his pal Mayor Giuliani from 1996 to 2000 as the director of The office of Emergency Management. Hauer came up with a job for O'Neil. Hauer told O'Neil that his 'client' Larry Silverstein wanted him to be Chief of Security at the WTC, this was now the end of August 2001. O'Neil liked the offer which was a generous one, US$350.000 P.A plus perks, but O'Neil wanted a few days off before he started his new job. He was told that Silverstein wanted him 'in the office no later than 11th September'. So September 11th was to be John O'Neil's first day at work in the WTC. Others since have said that O'Neil started his job on the 26th of August 2001 but that was when he was contracted. Confirmation of his start date can be heard in an interview with New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik;
"That Tuesday was his first or second day on the job,"
(Kerik in an interview with CNN's Larry King Live.)
Both of Larry's children, directors of Silverstein properties were miraculously late to work on 9/11. Larry would as a habit have breakfast each morning in the WTC, not that day though, Larry was miraculously lucky in that he had cancelled the mornings business meetings in favour of a last minute dermatologist's appointment and therefore none of the Silverstein family perished in the collapse that day, even though all three of them should have been at their desks. Not so lucky was Larry's newest employee, former FBI counterintelligence agent John O'Neil.
Out of the 2,780 victims of the WTC only 12 bodies were found physically intact, John O'Neil was one of those rare 12 bodies that were identifiable by sight. John's body was found at the bottom of a stairwell in the south tower on Sept 22nd where he had supposedly lain for 11 days, he was formally identified by Jerome Hauer.
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- scienceplease 2
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
- Posts: 1702
- Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:58 pm
- Laurence de Mello
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
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- Location: Buenos Aires/London
Miraculous Verification of body find!
ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN floors of material fell down at free fall speed on top of him and they found his body intact and 'recognisable' 17 days after the collapse, RECOGNISABLE! 107 floors on top of a body, intense heat, 17 days of decomposition in that environment and he was recognised! and by who? Jerome Hauer! ...
IMPORTANT :watch LAPD Chief Bratton squirm ...
IMPORTANT :watch LAPD Chief Bratton squirm
- scienceplease 2
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
- Posts: 1702
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Re: Miraculous Verification of body find!
I agree. Like so much of 9/11, it is not credible.Laurence de Mello wrote:ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN floors of material fell down at free fall speed on top of him and they found his body intact and 'recognisable' 17 days after the collapse, RECOGNISABLE! 107 floors on top of a body, intense heat, 17 days of decomposition in that environment and he was recognised! and by who? Jerome Hauer! ...
IMPORTANT :watch LAPD Chief Bratton squirm
I've only just realised that you are the author of the ezine article. (Great article, by the way). Can you tie down that quote that Larry wanted O Neil to start work by September 11th?
I like this WAC clip too... Jerome Hauer certainly is acting as a "gatekeeper" describing the official story of the WTC collapses on the day of 9/11 on MSM TV.
- Laurence de Mello
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- Location: Buenos Aires/London
Hello Scienceplease,
check this ... rrior.aspx
Developer Larry Silverstein, (see July 24, 2001), had been highly impressed with O’Neill but insisted he start in the post no later than the first week of September, when his firm Silverstein Properties is set to assume control of the buildings. O’Neill had agreed to this. (Weiss 2003, pp. 336-338, 345-346 and 349-351)
check this ... rrior.aspx
Developer Larry Silverstein, (see July 24, 2001), had been highly impressed with O’Neill but insisted he start in the post no later than the first week of September, when his firm Silverstein Properties is set to assume control of the buildings. O’Neill had agreed to this. (Weiss 2003, pp. 336-338, 345-346 and 349-351)
- scienceplease 2
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
- Posts: 1702
- Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:58 pm
Great stuff. I'll get the book. Looks like it will have to be shipped from the US.Laurence de Mello wrote: ... rrior.aspx
Developer Larry Silverstein, (see July 24, 2001), had been highly impressed with O’Neill but insisted he start in the post no later than the first week of September, when his firm Silverstein Properties is set to assume control of the buildings. O’Neill had agreed to this. (Weiss 2003, pp. 336-338, 345-346 and 349-351)
The reviewers of the book at Amazon, back in 2003, mention the "irony" of his death. I wonder if reviewers would take the same view if they knew about the unexplained WTC tower collapses and the disaster that the Iraq war turned out to be.
Does Weiss indicate where the information was obtained, I wonder? (I always like to find the ultimate source).
- Laurence de Mello
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- Location: Buenos Aires/London
Does Weiss indicate where the information was obtained, I wonder? (I always like to find the ultimate source).[/quote]
As Im sure you understand, investigative Journalists never like to reveal their sources, if we did that they would dry up over night. Be sure that people like Weiss are not going to put their professional credibility and neck on the line to write something unless the source was trusted.
If Weiss, an award winning and highly respected journalist in New York, had the courage to publish that information, It is Legit! .
As Im sure you understand, investigative Journalists never like to reveal their sources, if we did that they would dry up over night. Be sure that people like Weiss are not going to put their professional credibility and neck on the line to write something unless the source was trusted.
If Weiss, an award winning and highly respected journalist in New York, had the courage to publish that information, It is Legit! .
- scienceplease 2
- Trustworthy Freedom Fighter
- Posts: 1702
- Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:58 pm
Ok. Thanks for the positive spin on the credibility of the source!Laurence de Mello wrote: As Im sure you understand, investigative Journalists never like to reveal their sources, if we did that they would dry up over night. Be sure that people like Weiss are not going to put their professional credibility and neck on the line to write something unless the source was trusted.
If Weiss, an award winning and highly respected journalist in New York, had the courage to publish that information, It is Legit! .
The implications is that Silverstien is not just an opportunist catching wind of the plan to destroy the WTC as indicated by the Insurance Scam, contract condition to rebuild, the "Pull It" comment, ensuring both himself (and his daughter, I seem to remember) avoiding the WTC on 9/11. By specifying that John O Neil to be employed by Sept 11th and that he died in the attacks, means that Silverstien is not just a financial chancer but actually appears to be an accessory to murder.
I've seen WAC challenge Larry regarding WTC7. I haven't seen anyone challenging him on O Neil. I haven't heard anyone say to him, "Larry, did you employ John O'Neil? Did you authorise his salary of $350,000pa? Did you asked John O Neil to start work before Sept 11th? Is that because you needed him dead? Did you want him dead because of his specialist knowledge of Osama Bin Laden and AQ?" etc
- Laurence de Mello
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- TonyGosling
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Larry Silverstein and the John Patrick O'Neil Connection
By Laurence De Mello ... id=4140263
John Patrick O'Neil born in New Jersey grew up as a child watching programs about crime. His favourite program was a TV drama called F.B.I, which dramatised true FBI case files. John after graduating from high school went off to college in Washington in 1971. While there, he got himself a job as a fingerprint clerk at the FBI's Washington head offices. In 1973 he achieved a good degree in Administration of Justice from The American University and later a Master's degree in forensics. Noted by friends and colleagues as being a 'perfectionist' and always 'top of his class' his dream was to work for the FBI and that dream came true in 1976 when he was signed as an agent for what he believed to be the best investigative agency in the world, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Over the next 15 years O'Neil worked his way investigating organised crime, white- collar crime and later while at the Washington FBI office in counterintelligence. Bright, intelligent, ambitious and tenacious, everyone that worked with him said he was 'the best'. He was 'one of a kind', maverick was the term often associated with him. Good looking, beautifully dressed with very expensive tastes, although well liked and admired, there were those less talented than him and those that had things to hide that felt threatened by John O'Neil.
Due to his professional success, in 1991 O'Neil was promoted and was moved to the FBI's field office in Chicago, where he was given the important role as Assistant Special Agent in Charge. He also worked to promote inter-agency cooperation and enhance ties and breakdown bureaucracy between the FBI and local law enforcement. A task that some found counter-productive and 'irritating'. He was later known as one of the 'top American anti-terrorism experts' who eventually became the Assistant Director for The Federal Bureau of Investigation until late 2001.
O'Neil's connection with 9/11 really started back In 1993, after he was directly involved with the capture of Ramzi Yousef, the leader of the first WTC bomb plot. O'Neil went on to investigate the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings of Saudi Arabia. While investigating the Saudi bombings, he became frustrated by the lack of Saudi co operation and complained to then FBI director Lois Freeh that the Saudis were 'blowing smoke up your ass' which wasn't taken lightly and wasn't meant to be! O'Neil was not only a brilliant agent with real balls, but he could not be bought. His experience in Islamic militants, middle eastern cells and counterintelligence was superior to many other senior counterintelligence agents and it was for this that later he became the subject of a frontline documentary 'The man that knew'.
By 1997 he was moved to the New York office where he was one of the senior agents in charge of counterterrorism and national security. In 1998, two United States Embassies were bombed in quick succession one in Nairobi, Kenya, and the other in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. O'Neil immediately put his hand up to say he was willing to be involved in the investigation, as he already had vast knowledge of Islamic militants. However, people high up in Washington were starting to tire of O'Neil's successes and ways of obtaining information which one has to ask why? O'Neil was excluded from the Embassy bombings investigation and in his place, inferior and much less knowledgeable agents with no experience of the region were sent to 'pick up leads' O'Neil was infuriated by this as he felt he could fast track the investigation but to no avail.
In the year 2000 again investigations led him to the Arab world and Yemen, where he was sent to investigate the USS Cole Bombing
His trips to Yemen in the late 90's had opened up vital new sources of information for him and it was in Yemen that O'Neil made many important underworld Arab connections that started to feed him vital information, not only about the dynamics of the Islamic Militant cells, but who those cells were connected to and funded by. O'Neil kept his sources close to his chest as he knew even the best agencies had infiltrators.
On his arrival in Yemen in 2000 O'Neil complained about the 'lack of security' for his team surrounding his investigation for the USS Cole bombings.At this time the US Ambassador to Yemen was Barbara Bodine. The ambassador didn't like O'Neil and was petty about his style and approach. She was possessive about what she felt to be her territory and created obstacles to O'Neil's modus operandi. After the first month of investigation, O'Neil returned to The US with new information and 9 kilos less in weight. His friends said they noticed O'Neil was 'concerned', 'worried', 'edgy', certainly not his usual self. They believed he had received information from his connections which was connected to the CIA. Whatever O'Neil had learned, it was certainly something 'significant'. A few weeks later, O'Neil told his superiors that he needed to return to Yemen to conclude his investigation. Barbara Bodine and others in Washington blocked his return and refused to authorise his permits required for travel to the Yemen region.
Bodine was later quoted as saying;
"Too much is being made of John O'Neill's being in Yemen or not," "John O'Neill did not discover Al Qaeda. He did not discover Osama bin Laden. So the idea that John or his people or the F.B.I. were somehow barred from doing their job is insulting to the U.S. government, which was working on Al Qaeda before John ever showed up. This is all my embassy did for ten months. The fact that not every single thing John O'Neill asked for was appropriate or possible does not mean that we did not support the investigation."
It was at this time things started to get confusing. O'Neil was accused of losing a briefcase of highly classified documents at a FBI conference when he 'popped outside' from a room with over 350 FBI agents to hear a badly connected cell phone call. When he returned minutes later the case was gone. Strangely enough, the briefcase 'turned up' a few hours later with nothing missing or even touched! Forensic analysis proved this, as the papers were so highly sensitive they were subjected to tests. One has to ask, how could a briefcase be 'stolen' in the midst of 350 FBI agents? Oh, one may think; it must have been a mistake, wrong bag picked up by the wrong person, but if that was the case, why was the bag returned anonymously? Why did no one own up to the taking of the bag if it was a genuine error? He was then accused of being 'negligent' after losing a cell phone and a Palm. O Neil said that he never 'lost' anything and if anything went missing, it was taken by people that knew it was there.
He was then subjected to a series of internal FBI investigations. Colleagues of O'Neil came to his defence and suggest that he was the victim of a 'senior smear campaign' and that he had 'worried' people about what he had learned while in Yemen. Eventually O'Neil was forced into resigning from the FBI after constant hounding from his superiors and bypassing O'Neil when he should have been promoted. O'Neil knew his career with the FBI had come to a very dead end. But while he was contemplating his leave from the FBI he was headhunted by Jerome Hauer.
Hauer was a national security advisor with the Dept. of Health and Human Services and also the managing director with Kroll Associates a company that specializes in security and terrorism prevention. Hauer had a solid background in counter-terror and a specialized knowledge of biological warfare.
Hauer had previously been employed by his pal Mayor Giuliani from 1996 to 2000 as the director of The office of Emergency Management. Hauer came up with a job for O'Neil. Hauer told O'Neil that his 'client' Larry Silverstein wanted him to be Chief of Security at the WTC, this was now the end of August 2001. O'Neil liked the offer which was a generous one, US$350.000 P.A plus perks, but O'Neil wanted a few days off before he started his new job. He was told that Silverstein wanted him 'in the office no later than 11th September'. So September 11th was to be John O'Neil's first day at work in the WTC. Others since have said that O'Neil started his job on the 26th of August 2001 but that was when he was contracted. Confirmation of his start date can be heard in an interview with New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik;
"That Tuesday was his first or second day on the job," (Kerik in an interview with CNN's Larry King Live.)
Both of Larry's children, directors of Silverstein properties were miraculously late to work on 9/11. Larry would as a habit have breakfast each morning in the WTC, not that day though, Larry was miraculously lucky in that he had cancelled the mornings business meetings in favour of a last minute dermatologist's appointment and therefore none of the Silverstein family perished in the collapse that day, even though all three of them should have been at their desks. Not so lucky was Larry's newest employee, former FBI counterintelligence agent John O'Neil.
Out of the 2,780 victims of the WTC only 12 bodies were found physically intact, John O'Neil was one of those rare 12 bodies that were identifiable by sight. John's body was found at the bottom of a stairwell in the south tower on Sept 22nd where he had supposedly lain for 11 days, he was formally identified by Jerome Hauer.
Article Source:
By Laurence De Mello ... id=4140263
John Patrick O'Neil born in New Jersey grew up as a child watching programs about crime. His favourite program was a TV drama called F.B.I, which dramatised true FBI case files. John after graduating from high school went off to college in Washington in 1971. While there, he got himself a job as a fingerprint clerk at the FBI's Washington head offices. In 1973 he achieved a good degree in Administration of Justice from The American University and later a Master's degree in forensics. Noted by friends and colleagues as being a 'perfectionist' and always 'top of his class' his dream was to work for the FBI and that dream came true in 1976 when he was signed as an agent for what he believed to be the best investigative agency in the world, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Over the next 15 years O'Neil worked his way investigating organised crime, white- collar crime and later while at the Washington FBI office in counterintelligence. Bright, intelligent, ambitious and tenacious, everyone that worked with him said he was 'the best'. He was 'one of a kind', maverick was the term often associated with him. Good looking, beautifully dressed with very expensive tastes, although well liked and admired, there were those less talented than him and those that had things to hide that felt threatened by John O'Neil.
Due to his professional success, in 1991 O'Neil was promoted and was moved to the FBI's field office in Chicago, where he was given the important role as Assistant Special Agent in Charge. He also worked to promote inter-agency cooperation and enhance ties and breakdown bureaucracy between the FBI and local law enforcement. A task that some found counter-productive and 'irritating'. He was later known as one of the 'top American anti-terrorism experts' who eventually became the Assistant Director for The Federal Bureau of Investigation until late 2001.
O'Neil's connection with 9/11 really started back In 1993, after he was directly involved with the capture of Ramzi Yousef, the leader of the first WTC bomb plot. O'Neil went on to investigate the 1996 Khobar Towers bombings of Saudi Arabia. While investigating the Saudi bombings, he became frustrated by the lack of Saudi co operation and complained to then FBI director Lois Freeh that the Saudis were 'blowing smoke up your ass' which wasn't taken lightly and wasn't meant to be! O'Neil was not only a brilliant agent with real balls, but he could not be bought. His experience in Islamic militants, middle eastern cells and counterintelligence was superior to many other senior counterintelligence agents and it was for this that later he became the subject of a frontline documentary 'The man that knew'.
By 1997 he was moved to the New York office where he was one of the senior agents in charge of counterterrorism and national security. In 1998, two United States Embassies were bombed in quick succession one in Nairobi, Kenya, and the other in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. O'Neil immediately put his hand up to say he was willing to be involved in the investigation, as he already had vast knowledge of Islamic militants. However, people high up in Washington were starting to tire of O'Neil's successes and ways of obtaining information which one has to ask why? O'Neil was excluded from the Embassy bombings investigation and in his place, inferior and much less knowledgeable agents with no experience of the region were sent to 'pick up leads' O'Neil was infuriated by this as he felt he could fast track the investigation but to no avail.
In the year 2000 again investigations led him to the Arab world and Yemen, where he was sent to investigate the USS Cole Bombing
His trips to Yemen in the late 90's had opened up vital new sources of information for him and it was in Yemen that O'Neil made many important underworld Arab connections that started to feed him vital information, not only about the dynamics of the Islamic Militant cells, but who those cells were connected to and funded by. O'Neil kept his sources close to his chest as he knew even the best agencies had infiltrators.
On his arrival in Yemen in 2000 O'Neil complained about the 'lack of security' for his team surrounding his investigation for the USS Cole bombings.At this time the US Ambassador to Yemen was Barbara Bodine. The ambassador didn't like O'Neil and was petty about his style and approach. She was possessive about what she felt to be her territory and created obstacles to O'Neil's modus operandi. After the first month of investigation, O'Neil returned to The US with new information and 9 kilos less in weight. His friends said they noticed O'Neil was 'concerned', 'worried', 'edgy', certainly not his usual self. They believed he had received information from his connections which was connected to the CIA. Whatever O'Neil had learned, it was certainly something 'significant'. A few weeks later, O'Neil told his superiors that he needed to return to Yemen to conclude his investigation. Barbara Bodine and others in Washington blocked his return and refused to authorise his permits required for travel to the Yemen region.
Bodine was later quoted as saying;
"Too much is being made of John O'Neill's being in Yemen or not," "John O'Neill did not discover Al Qaeda. He did not discover Osama bin Laden. So the idea that John or his people or the F.B.I. were somehow barred from doing their job is insulting to the U.S. government, which was working on Al Qaeda before John ever showed up. This is all my embassy did for ten months. The fact that not every single thing John O'Neill asked for was appropriate or possible does not mean that we did not support the investigation."
It was at this time things started to get confusing. O'Neil was accused of losing a briefcase of highly classified documents at a FBI conference when he 'popped outside' from a room with over 350 FBI agents to hear a badly connected cell phone call. When he returned minutes later the case was gone. Strangely enough, the briefcase 'turned up' a few hours later with nothing missing or even touched! Forensic analysis proved this, as the papers were so highly sensitive they were subjected to tests. One has to ask, how could a briefcase be 'stolen' in the midst of 350 FBI agents? Oh, one may think; it must have been a mistake, wrong bag picked up by the wrong person, but if that was the case, why was the bag returned anonymously? Why did no one own up to the taking of the bag if it was a genuine error? He was then accused of being 'negligent' after losing a cell phone and a Palm. O Neil said that he never 'lost' anything and if anything went missing, it was taken by people that knew it was there.
He was then subjected to a series of internal FBI investigations. Colleagues of O'Neil came to his defence and suggest that he was the victim of a 'senior smear campaign' and that he had 'worried' people about what he had learned while in Yemen. Eventually O'Neil was forced into resigning from the FBI after constant hounding from his superiors and bypassing O'Neil when he should have been promoted. O'Neil knew his career with the FBI had come to a very dead end. But while he was contemplating his leave from the FBI he was headhunted by Jerome Hauer.
Hauer was a national security advisor with the Dept. of Health and Human Services and also the managing director with Kroll Associates a company that specializes in security and terrorism prevention. Hauer had a solid background in counter-terror and a specialized knowledge of biological warfare.
Hauer had previously been employed by his pal Mayor Giuliani from 1996 to 2000 as the director of The office of Emergency Management. Hauer came up with a job for O'Neil. Hauer told O'Neil that his 'client' Larry Silverstein wanted him to be Chief of Security at the WTC, this was now the end of August 2001. O'Neil liked the offer which was a generous one, US$350.000 P.A plus perks, but O'Neil wanted a few days off before he started his new job. He was told that Silverstein wanted him 'in the office no later than 11th September'. So September 11th was to be John O'Neil's first day at work in the WTC. Others since have said that O'Neil started his job on the 26th of August 2001 but that was when he was contracted. Confirmation of his start date can be heard in an interview with New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik;
"That Tuesday was his first or second day on the job," (Kerik in an interview with CNN's Larry King Live.)
Both of Larry's children, directors of Silverstein properties were miraculously late to work on 9/11. Larry would as a habit have breakfast each morning in the WTC, not that day though, Larry was miraculously lucky in that he had cancelled the mornings business meetings in favour of a last minute dermatologist's appointment and therefore none of the Silverstein family perished in the collapse that day, even though all three of them should have been at their desks. Not so lucky was Larry's newest employee, former FBI counterintelligence agent John O'Neil.
Out of the 2,780 victims of the WTC only 12 bodies were found physically intact, John O'Neil was one of those rare 12 bodies that were identifiable by sight. John's body was found at the bottom of a stairwell in the south tower on Sept 22nd where he had supposedly lain for 11 days, he was formally identified by Jerome Hauer.
Article Source:
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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Here is the book
The Man Who Warned America: The Life and Death of John O'Neill, the FBI's Embattled Counterterror Warrior – 17 Oct 2003 ... 0060508221
The Man Who Warned America: The Life and Death of John O'Neill, the FBI's Embattled Counterterror Warrior – 17 Oct 2003 ... 0060508221
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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- Posts: 18483
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- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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Why the Federal Bureau of Investigation does not investigate anymore?
Published on October 31, 2017
Tom McGregor
CNTV Commentator and Editor at CNTV (China Network Television) ... ublished=t
Editor's Note I have not verified the draft sent to me and cannot vouch for its authenticity, but since the person who sent the report claims that it was Mueller who halted a deeper FBI investigation on Osama Bin Laden, I believe it's worth taking a closer look at the moment. I want to emphasize that I'm not certain if claims in this report are true, but it's worth a read since the person said all other MSM media outlets have ignored him and I'm just giving him an opportunity to voice his opinion to demonstrate my tolerance for different viewpoints ...
Why the Federal Bureau of Investigation does not investigate anymore?
By Barry Lanza July 9, 2017
Before 911, I had problems with the F.B.I. because I married a family heavily involved in Iranian politics. My father-in-law moved to Paris in December 1977 to install the Islamic regime that was to be formed in Paris. He was 73, rich, well-connected and really did not want to get involved. He went to Chase Manhattan bank in the summer of 1977 to meet with officials there who opened up a trust for him and moved money there from Tehran for his security if he received retaliation. Mehdi Hessabi lived in Paris from 1920 to 1940, spoke French fluently and could live out his life in comfortable exile if it failed. Who would not mind retiring in Paris with a fortune? Where do I sign?
The Council of Foreign Relations had developed a policy to create Islamic fundamentalism to stop communism from spreading in the Middle East. Everyone remembers the US overtly backing the Taliban to beat the Russians and even Rambo had a film dedicated to the Taliban efforts to fight the evil invading Russians. Iran was next target to fight communism. Both Afghanistan and Iran would be remembered for ‘getting what America wanted but causing the biggest problem ever for American foreign policy because they succeeded’. Hitler was financed to stop communism and we remember what a humanitarian he was.
The French freemasons helped to gather the cast of characters who would be the next Iranian government. Different factions would fight for pole positions and put aside their differences to oust the Shah. In 1979, the new government started and the earlier deals also began to unwind. My wife’s relative General Pakravan was executed and my father-in-law Mehdi Hessabi had a death sentence in absentia. He was given amnesty in 1984 and decided to get a ‘new protector’ when he returned to Iran. His ‘old’ Jewish protector was mad and my father-in-law always hated the Jewish groups he dealt with earlier. They treated him like a slave. The U.S. wanted him to finance the Shah’s son. The U.S. had to find out who his new ‘protector’ was to make sure retaliation would not happen to his ‘old’ friends. I later said why bother me or my wife. I did nothing wrong. I was told ‘You can kill an old man but can you kill the power behind the old man.’ I was alone.
F.B.I. investigates me by turning my world upside down to see if I am working for someone that does not tell them what to do
As they could not get to the ‘old man’ in Iran, they went after my wife in the U.S. to get him ‘back in the fold’. I thought it was her imagination as she claimed her work was being tampered with and she was being followed everywhere. It then happened to me. I talked to my cousin who was big in the state department (U.S. Aid). He asked for a list of names involved and he asked me what I wanted for it. I told him it was gift for Uncle Sam. What I ended up doing was turning in the C.I.A./Mossad to the C.I.A. I WAS TRULY A MORON. They ended playing with my work at Mobil oil. I confronted my boss as I proved my work was tampered with. He admitted it and said he would pay me for 2 months if I submitted to an exit interview. The exit interview was with the head of security Wilson in their worldwide headquarters and two people who acted like their bodyguards (they were F.B.I. or ex-F.B.I., I found out later). The interview ended when he asked ‘How did I have all this information without leaving the country?’ I asked ‘what information?’ He waived his hands and the two guys behind grabbed my arms in a way I could not move and they took my out of the building without a word said.
After a couple of months my problems increased, I went to Lawrence Walsh’s office. I said my father-in-law was a high up Iranian Freemasons. Two F.B.I. agents came out and grabbed my arms in the same way the F.B.I. agents did at Mobil. They asked me rapid fire questions. I said I did not know about their arms deal directly but knew about a three way arms deal through China. I give them information and a timeline since the revolution. Naturally, the F.B.I. lied on the Freedom of information Act(F.O.I.A.) they created and the F.B.I. headquarters in Washington, D.C. had papers on me at Lawrence Walsh office file while they lied they had no file on me at all. The C.I.A. also denied they had a file on me.
In 1992, C.I.A. Douglas Barbie on me at my work said the F.B.I. was extremely corrupt and even gave me details on J. Edgar Hoover. Later, I saw a National Geographic show on Hoover that confirmed what he said. The F.B.I. is a political organization who protect certain people and/or corporate interests. They do not investigate; they find out what conclusion is wanted and uses anything that points that way.
911 and the F.B.I.
In all fairness, there is tremendous pressure to name the guilty in such a tragedy. The problem is if they knew all the details earlier, it could have easily stopped 911. Who decided the official bogey man? High-priced lawyers, who represent and protect interests of those who are on retainer like various governments, and interests, make the call. The lawyers have networks in law enforcement, the press, the courts, etc. The Bin Laden family had connections in the U.S. and Saudi family. However, nobody liked this ‘black sheep’ of the family and Afghanistan had been in the midst of a civil war since the Mid-1990’s. The Afghans had no lawyers. At that time, only the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan had relations with the Taliban officially. The Iranians and the English financed the opposition. Bin Laden was blamed and naturally took credit to make this caveman feel important. The guy did 911 all from a cave in Tora Bora it is claimed. The war has not really ended. But then, the W.M.D. was confirmed by the U.S. and U.K. intelligence.
Here was where the F.B.I. failed on 911
1) They had their man, why look further, plus the powers-that-be would start firing people at the F.B.I. ‘who muddied the water’. Nobody at the FBI was fired on 911. ‘This is our story and we will stick to it.’ There were so many holes in the official story that nobody believes it even today.
2) It was reported that there was a high level of absenteeism at the twin towers. The F.B.I. should have interviewed them all.
3) There was a massive amount of short stock/future positions, especially on the airlines. Those positions should have been frozen and all involved should have been detained and questioned. The I.R.S. took my assets via docking my wife’s handicapped social security and my son’s assets via fake audits because I talked. If my information was considered bogus, how come I was invited and attended the 911 hearings. Even the victims were not invited. They had plenty of lawyers and bureaucrats invited that spoke at the 911 hearings who had no first or second knowledge of the event. No doubt the F.B.I. talked to them. BEFORE THE HEARINGS, THEY HANDED OUT LEAFLETS TO THE PRESS ON WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO SAY. They even blacked out the sections they did not want read. 1984 in 2003?
4) There were four separate terrorist cells at least. Each one operated independently in case if one guy got caught, he could not bring down the whole operation. Someone in the U.S. had to give the ‘GO’ signal to these cells. That person was never found or nor even mentioned. The terrorists on those planes were grunts and I doubt most of them knew it was a one way ticket or someone would chicken out. WHO IS THAT PERSON WHO SAID ‘GO’ AND WHY DID THE F.B.I. IGNORE HIM? The ‘GO’ MAN WAS THE KEY.
5) An Israeli crew operated out of van was filming the twin towers. The van was reported by a local person and the F.B.I. did grab them. They basically admitted they were there to film the tragedy. The F.B.I. bowed to political pressure and set them free clearing them of any charges. The next week, they went back to Israeli and admitted they were there to film 911 on Israeli TV. Did they short stocks?
6) Fox news, who is friendly with Israel, did a four part 4 hours expose on how Israeli had to know about 911 beforehand. The Jewish groups protected anyone who associated with them. Everyone else had to get power lawyers or make deals with those powers ‘who can make it go away’.
7) The Saudi had ‘ins’ with the Bush administration and the Bush administration controlled the F.B.I. at that time. The Jewish groups controlled Congress and the Saudis made deals the Jewish groups like bringing in SHELL oil to Saudi Arabia one month before the 911 hearings. Since 2003, the Saudis and Israel are best buddies. Now, in 2017, their 911 deal fell apart. The Saudis are still partners with the Israelis. Qatar?
I tipped on 911 and called Legit (F.B.I. in Germany). They refused to talk to me. Even the agent would not even give me her name to me over the phone. Colin Powell admitted they got tips from Germany and I am sure he was not talking about me. I forgot to grow a beard and beat my chest to get an interview. My bad.
9) Fifteen years later, the Saudis face massive lawsuits on 911 and Iran was convicted on a 911 related law suits in June 2017. Why didn’t they just say Bin Laden did it? The F.B.I. officially cleared Bin Laden in 2006 and the only major publication that pushed that news at that time was TIME magazine. When Bin Laden was killed, everyone seemed to forget that fact he was cleared. In 2016, the lawyers seem to recollect Bin Laden was cleared. I have talked to the 911 Iranian legal team trying to seize the building. The information to win the trial came from the F.B.I. JASTA is reviving the information the U.S. government hid from public view about Saudi Arabia. The JASTA people also got additional information that was overlooked as well by the 911 commission.
The FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists" web page does not state that Bin Laden is wanted for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."
"On September 20, 2001," according to the Guardian, "the Taliban offered to hand Osama bin Laden to a neutral Islamic country for trial if the US presented them with evidence that he was responsible for the attacks on New York and Washington. The US rejected the offer."
On September 23, 2001 the BBC reported that four of the hijack "suspects" - Waleed Al Shehri, Abdulaziz Al Omari, Saeed Alghamdi, and possibly Khalid Al Midhar - were alive, and that FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged "the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt."
FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot."
FBI Director Robert Mueller is now investigating Trump and Russia. The questions will be will he present evidence, bury evidence or create evidence. Naturally, the lawyers will decide the truth. AND YOU WONDER WHY TERRORISM IS GROWING..
Published on October 31, 2017
Tom McGregor
CNTV Commentator and Editor at CNTV (China Network Television) ... ublished=t
Editor's Note I have not verified the draft sent to me and cannot vouch for its authenticity, but since the person who sent the report claims that it was Mueller who halted a deeper FBI investigation on Osama Bin Laden, I believe it's worth taking a closer look at the moment. I want to emphasize that I'm not certain if claims in this report are true, but it's worth a read since the person said all other MSM media outlets have ignored him and I'm just giving him an opportunity to voice his opinion to demonstrate my tolerance for different viewpoints ...
Why the Federal Bureau of Investigation does not investigate anymore?
By Barry Lanza July 9, 2017
Before 911, I had problems with the F.B.I. because I married a family heavily involved in Iranian politics. My father-in-law moved to Paris in December 1977 to install the Islamic regime that was to be formed in Paris. He was 73, rich, well-connected and really did not want to get involved. He went to Chase Manhattan bank in the summer of 1977 to meet with officials there who opened up a trust for him and moved money there from Tehran for his security if he received retaliation. Mehdi Hessabi lived in Paris from 1920 to 1940, spoke French fluently and could live out his life in comfortable exile if it failed. Who would not mind retiring in Paris with a fortune? Where do I sign?
The Council of Foreign Relations had developed a policy to create Islamic fundamentalism to stop communism from spreading in the Middle East. Everyone remembers the US overtly backing the Taliban to beat the Russians and even Rambo had a film dedicated to the Taliban efforts to fight the evil invading Russians. Iran was next target to fight communism. Both Afghanistan and Iran would be remembered for ‘getting what America wanted but causing the biggest problem ever for American foreign policy because they succeeded’. Hitler was financed to stop communism and we remember what a humanitarian he was.
The French freemasons helped to gather the cast of characters who would be the next Iranian government. Different factions would fight for pole positions and put aside their differences to oust the Shah. In 1979, the new government started and the earlier deals also began to unwind. My wife’s relative General Pakravan was executed and my father-in-law Mehdi Hessabi had a death sentence in absentia. He was given amnesty in 1984 and decided to get a ‘new protector’ when he returned to Iran. His ‘old’ Jewish protector was mad and my father-in-law always hated the Jewish groups he dealt with earlier. They treated him like a slave. The U.S. wanted him to finance the Shah’s son. The U.S. had to find out who his new ‘protector’ was to make sure retaliation would not happen to his ‘old’ friends. I later said why bother me or my wife. I did nothing wrong. I was told ‘You can kill an old man but can you kill the power behind the old man.’ I was alone.
F.B.I. investigates me by turning my world upside down to see if I am working for someone that does not tell them what to do
As they could not get to the ‘old man’ in Iran, they went after my wife in the U.S. to get him ‘back in the fold’. I thought it was her imagination as she claimed her work was being tampered with and she was being followed everywhere. It then happened to me. I talked to my cousin who was big in the state department (U.S. Aid). He asked for a list of names involved and he asked me what I wanted for it. I told him it was gift for Uncle Sam. What I ended up doing was turning in the C.I.A./Mossad to the C.I.A. I WAS TRULY A MORON. They ended playing with my work at Mobil oil. I confronted my boss as I proved my work was tampered with. He admitted it and said he would pay me for 2 months if I submitted to an exit interview. The exit interview was with the head of security Wilson in their worldwide headquarters and two people who acted like their bodyguards (they were F.B.I. or ex-F.B.I., I found out later). The interview ended when he asked ‘How did I have all this information without leaving the country?’ I asked ‘what information?’ He waived his hands and the two guys behind grabbed my arms in a way I could not move and they took my out of the building without a word said.
After a couple of months my problems increased, I went to Lawrence Walsh’s office. I said my father-in-law was a high up Iranian Freemasons. Two F.B.I. agents came out and grabbed my arms in the same way the F.B.I. agents did at Mobil. They asked me rapid fire questions. I said I did not know about their arms deal directly but knew about a three way arms deal through China. I give them information and a timeline since the revolution. Naturally, the F.B.I. lied on the Freedom of information Act(F.O.I.A.) they created and the F.B.I. headquarters in Washington, D.C. had papers on me at Lawrence Walsh office file while they lied they had no file on me at all. The C.I.A. also denied they had a file on me.
In 1992, C.I.A. Douglas Barbie on me at my work said the F.B.I. was extremely corrupt and even gave me details on J. Edgar Hoover. Later, I saw a National Geographic show on Hoover that confirmed what he said. The F.B.I. is a political organization who protect certain people and/or corporate interests. They do not investigate; they find out what conclusion is wanted and uses anything that points that way.
911 and the F.B.I.
In all fairness, there is tremendous pressure to name the guilty in such a tragedy. The problem is if they knew all the details earlier, it could have easily stopped 911. Who decided the official bogey man? High-priced lawyers, who represent and protect interests of those who are on retainer like various governments, and interests, make the call. The lawyers have networks in law enforcement, the press, the courts, etc. The Bin Laden family had connections in the U.S. and Saudi family. However, nobody liked this ‘black sheep’ of the family and Afghanistan had been in the midst of a civil war since the Mid-1990’s. The Afghans had no lawyers. At that time, only the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan had relations with the Taliban officially. The Iranians and the English financed the opposition. Bin Laden was blamed and naturally took credit to make this caveman feel important. The guy did 911 all from a cave in Tora Bora it is claimed. The war has not really ended. But then, the W.M.D. was confirmed by the U.S. and U.K. intelligence.
Here was where the F.B.I. failed on 911
1) They had their man, why look further, plus the powers-that-be would start firing people at the F.B.I. ‘who muddied the water’. Nobody at the FBI was fired on 911. ‘This is our story and we will stick to it.’ There were so many holes in the official story that nobody believes it even today.
2) It was reported that there was a high level of absenteeism at the twin towers. The F.B.I. should have interviewed them all.
3) There was a massive amount of short stock/future positions, especially on the airlines. Those positions should have been frozen and all involved should have been detained and questioned. The I.R.S. took my assets via docking my wife’s handicapped social security and my son’s assets via fake audits because I talked. If my information was considered bogus, how come I was invited and attended the 911 hearings. Even the victims were not invited. They had plenty of lawyers and bureaucrats invited that spoke at the 911 hearings who had no first or second knowledge of the event. No doubt the F.B.I. talked to them. BEFORE THE HEARINGS, THEY HANDED OUT LEAFLETS TO THE PRESS ON WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO SAY. They even blacked out the sections they did not want read. 1984 in 2003?
4) There were four separate terrorist cells at least. Each one operated independently in case if one guy got caught, he could not bring down the whole operation. Someone in the U.S. had to give the ‘GO’ signal to these cells. That person was never found or nor even mentioned. The terrorists on those planes were grunts and I doubt most of them knew it was a one way ticket or someone would chicken out. WHO IS THAT PERSON WHO SAID ‘GO’ AND WHY DID THE F.B.I. IGNORE HIM? The ‘GO’ MAN WAS THE KEY.
5) An Israeli crew operated out of van was filming the twin towers. The van was reported by a local person and the F.B.I. did grab them. They basically admitted they were there to film the tragedy. The F.B.I. bowed to political pressure and set them free clearing them of any charges. The next week, they went back to Israeli and admitted they were there to film 911 on Israeli TV. Did they short stocks?
6) Fox news, who is friendly with Israel, did a four part 4 hours expose on how Israeli had to know about 911 beforehand. The Jewish groups protected anyone who associated with them. Everyone else had to get power lawyers or make deals with those powers ‘who can make it go away’.
7) The Saudi had ‘ins’ with the Bush administration and the Bush administration controlled the F.B.I. at that time. The Jewish groups controlled Congress and the Saudis made deals the Jewish groups like bringing in SHELL oil to Saudi Arabia one month before the 911 hearings. Since 2003, the Saudis and Israel are best buddies. Now, in 2017, their 911 deal fell apart. The Saudis are still partners with the Israelis. Qatar?
I tipped on 911 and called Legit (F.B.I. in Germany). They refused to talk to me. Even the agent would not even give me her name to me over the phone. Colin Powell admitted they got tips from Germany and I am sure he was not talking about me. I forgot to grow a beard and beat my chest to get an interview. My bad.
9) Fifteen years later, the Saudis face massive lawsuits on 911 and Iran was convicted on a 911 related law suits in June 2017. Why didn’t they just say Bin Laden did it? The F.B.I. officially cleared Bin Laden in 2006 and the only major publication that pushed that news at that time was TIME magazine. When Bin Laden was killed, everyone seemed to forget that fact he was cleared. In 2016, the lawyers seem to recollect Bin Laden was cleared. I have talked to the 911 Iranian legal team trying to seize the building. The information to win the trial came from the F.B.I. JASTA is reviving the information the U.S. government hid from public view about Saudi Arabia. The JASTA people also got additional information that was overlooked as well by the 911 commission.
The FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists" web page does not state that Bin Laden is wanted for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Rex Tomb, the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."
"On September 20, 2001," according to the Guardian, "the Taliban offered to hand Osama bin Laden to a neutral Islamic country for trial if the US presented them with evidence that he was responsible for the attacks on New York and Washington. The US rejected the offer."
On September 23, 2001 the BBC reported that four of the hijack "suspects" - Waleed Al Shehri, Abdulaziz Al Omari, Saeed Alghamdi, and possibly Khalid Al Midhar - were alive, and that FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged "the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is in doubt."
FBI Director Robert Mueller, in a speech at the Commonwealth Club on April 19, 2002, said: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot."
FBI Director Robert Mueller is now investigating Trump and Russia. The questions will be will he present evidence, bury evidence or create evidence. Naturally, the lawyers will decide the truth. AND YOU WONDER WHY TERRORISM IS GROWING..
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/