Hatchet jobs on Tony Gosling in Private Eye/Washington Post
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- TonyGosling
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Dear all,
I've been used over the years to many many attacks on my character and professionalism.
Attacks on my website... distortion, defamation and bullying attacks on me
There have been other attempts at reputational destruction and character assassination which I have decided not to circulate or comment on out of consideration to the emotional state of those making them.
And I don't imagine this will be tha last. I and colleagues have had a good look at the journalistic bona fides of this writer - Adam Holland - and they don't look good. Basically Murdoch and a hidden political foundation.
I have just read the ''Daily Beast' blog by pro-zionist blogger Adam Holland.
http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewto ... 330#170330
The timing of these hatchet jobs is clearly aimed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the 7/7 London Bombings - an event for which I have been a leading critic of the British Security Services and Israeli government for lying about and potentially even being involved in perpetrating the attacks in order to further the cause amongst public, armed forces, press and politicians for wars and intervention abroad.
For the anniversary I wrote this
7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home ... but do we know what really happened that day?
http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewto ... 296#170296
And did a 30 minute radio special -
Ten years after 7/7: 13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings
Neither of which I was paid for - because I feel there is nobody at all doing this important investigative work either in the London press or UK police.
I worked for the BBC in London on the 1990s IRA bombing campaign so can be said to know a thng or two about such things.
And instigated then saw through the publication of the National Union of Journalists' (NUJ) Guide To Reporting Terrorism (attached) while on the NUJ Ethics Council, which was launched in 2010
http://www.bristolnuj.org.uk/2010/03/05 ... uidelines/
The wider context of this latest smear is that week specifically, and over the last few years generally, I have become known as a critic of what many see as Western propaganda and 'media wars'. Here are two interviews I gave in the week running up to the publication of the smear pieces.
BBC to cut 1000 jobs - DG Tony Hall must up his game to beat Murdoch - RT Tony Gosling
EU moves to ban Russian broadcasts - though UK didn't jam Nazi stations in WWII
I write and broadcast on this subject with rare insider experience of how mainstream media can become propagandistic, even aiding & protecting the reputation of criminals, corrupted by bad management and editorial decisions such as Peter Ripon's decision to spike the story of the decade http://www.theoldie.co.uk/savile-row I know many serving broadcast journalists who have been or are being bullied by managers or other senior staff, and who feel the same.
I'm accused of faking historical credentials, but did a year of history as part of my Bradford University Humanities BA, and write and speak on history.
Working, for example, on WWII secret history....
21 Aug 2015 Commemorating WWII SBU commando C.O. Harold Goulding DSO, Hayling Island
A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary
http://rt.com/op-edge/184228-battle-arn ... emoration/
as well as being invited to the Houses of Parliament two months ago to give a presentation on land ownership, Enclosure and the English Civil War....
People's Parliament: Land Theft or Divine Feudal Right? Who Owns Our Country? Tony Gosling
So I was disappointed to read the following in Fox News founding president Barry Diller's Daily Beast - [some of the most glaring inaccuracies corrected as we go]
Russia Today Has an Illuminati Correspondent. Really.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... eally.html
KREMLIN TV07.08.151:05 AM ET Adam Holland
No, seriously. He lives in England and thinks they’re everywhere.
In the aftermath of the French Revolution, many supporters of the ancien régime convinced themselves that the revolution had been carried out by secret cells within the Freemasons called the Illuminati. This belief was popularized in two widely read books published in 1798, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism by Abbé Augustin Barruel and Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe by John Robison.
The idea of a secret society undermining institutions for nefarious purposes provided the template for future conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theories involving Freemasons in particular continued to have considerable influence. In the 19th century, the ideas promoted in those books played a role in the creation of the United States' first third party, the Anti-Masonic Party. In France, they were widely believed among conservatives, and were promoted in Catholic schools and in the popular press. In the 20th century, opponents of the modern banking system found these conspiracy theory useful, as did the Nazis, the John Birch Society, and Hamas.
In targeting an adversary whose presence was widespread but whose activities were secret, the authors of these theories found a perfect scapegoat: one which was adaptable to almost any issue, and whose hidden hand could be blamed for any problem.
[ Even secret societies have leaks and the Freemasons and historical Illuminati were no exception. Those 'theories' about the danger of secret societies and cults, the Illuminati specifically, were criticised by a highly placed freemason whistleblower, John Robison, who was not a crank, but the highly credible and articulate secretary of the Edinburgh Royal Society, and in a position to know.
Far from just being a problem from the long-distant past, Masonic corruption seems to be very much alive and well, surfacing as part of recent Scotland Yard and SOCA reports, Tiberius and Riverside, into police corruption
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/cr ... 54670.html where they are considered one of “the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against”.
Yes, 'organised crime' ]
So it makes perfect sense that RT, Russia’s state-run news service aimed primarily at non-Russian audiences, employs a reporter who specializes in uncovering the hidden role the Illuminati plays in world affairs. His name is Tony Gosling.
[In five years or so, on and off, of reporting for RT including a detailed feature article looking at Freemasonry as a religious cult
Freemasonry: 'The firm within the firm'
http://rt.com/op-edge/freemasonry-opera ... us-uk-972/
I've mentioned the Illuminati just once, here.
G7 leaders "On another planet". summit in Bavarian Illuminati country
For those that go so far as to say the Illuminati never existed at all I point to the 'mystery' of appearance in dictionaries such as the Collins up to the present day
[] ]
Gosling writes a column for the RT website and frequently appears on RT’s broadcast channels, where he is presented as an investigative journalist, historian or social justice activist. In fact, he is none of those things. He is an arch-traditionalist adherent of the brand of conspiracy theory which he gets directly from Barruel and Robson’s books on the Illuminati (as he admits here and here), as well as from other pseudo-historical sources including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Gosling writes in contradictory terms about the Protocols, claiming that they aren’t anti-Semitic, have never been proven false and are worthy of study for what they say about Zionism, even while admitting in the same column that they are “almost certainly fake.”)
[On The Protocols of Zion I have been pushed again and again to say they are fake, I simply don't know for sure. 'They are almost certainly fake' is where I stand and I think that's a reasonable position to take. It may be pedantic to argue the point but, though its in general currency, anti-Semitic is not the correct term to use for critics of Zionism or the state of Israel. The word originates with the Biblical Shem and refers to broadly Arabic peoples whose ancestors are from the Holy Land, Sinai and Somalia, not the racially distinct Eastern European Jews who form the majority in modern Israel]
The bio accompanying Gosling’s RT columns claims that he worked in the aviation industry, was “trained by the BBC,” and describes him as “a British land rights activist, historian [and] investigative radio journalist. Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war.”
While the nature of his work in aviation and for the BBC are unclear, his c.v. is accurate with respect to his decades working to expose the hidden hand of a shadowy elite which is behind much of the world’s evils. A resident of Bristol, England, Gosling is best known locally for having been expelled from the local branch of the Green Party for making statements condemning what he sees as gay indoctrination of schoolchildren.
[Actually I am best known locally for my weekly politics show on Community Radio where I'm a volunteer
http://www.thisweek.org.uk and was commenting on a protest by parents at Easton schools
Anti-gay bullying books withdrawn
where gay relationship books were being used to teach very young children behind the backs of and against the wishes of parents. My support for the parents was misrepresented, and has been several times since, as a criticism of homosexuals for being gay which it self-evidently was not to anyone who bothers to look. That parts of the Green Party concurred with that view does not say much for the rigour of their internal procedures.]
His concern with Freemasonry seems to have started with his investigation of his hometown's Bristol Freemasons Hall. He has gone so far as to publish on a local activists’ website called Bristol Indymedia extensive photographs and notes he took during tours of the Bristol Freemasons Hall, along with his conclusion that six-pointed stars in the its carpets implicate the Masons in a Zionist plan to dominate the world. Gosling found similar evidence in the Freemasons’ use of a seven-stick candelabra, and in other purportedly Hebraic aspects of the Masons’ occult imagery.
[I was interested to see a giant portrait of Moses, flags of the twelve tribes of Israel and Stars of David all over the carpet within the bricked up windows of Bristol Freemasons Hall's Royal Arch Temple so few have seen, let alone photographed. And I think its a reasonable to suggest these higher degree Freemasons may have 'hijacked' Judaic motifs in their ceremonies.]
Where in his previous decades of investigating such matters Gosling relied on barely read websites, RT has in recent years provided him with both a regular column published on its own site, and frequent on-air interviews. This gives Gosling an international forum in which he can expound on his ideas about the Freemasons and Illuminati, such as the signs of an international conspiracy in the interior design choices made by his local Masonic Temple, which he explored in a column for RT called “Freemasonry: ‘the firm within the firm.’”
Gosling’s thesis is that the British royal family are involved in a nefarious international conspiracy because the interior design of his local masonic hall is too Jewish.”
In that column, Gosling writes, “Masons certainly hold strong beliefs about Western influences in the Holy Land. Those of the higher degrees privately profess a ‘fundamentalist’ fervor for Zionism… Indeed even in Bristol’s windowless ‘Royal Arch’ Masonic Temple, the furnishings are embossed throughout with golden Israeli ‘Star of David’ emblems...” Could Gosling actually be unaware of the fact that the use of six-pointed stars by Jews, Freemasons, and many other groups predated Zionism by millennia?
[I press them on the Israel Palestine conflict almost whenever I knowingly meet a Mason and in my experience Freemasons I've spoken to tend to be pro-Israeli. Most seem to buy into the 'Christian Zionist' belief that Israeli state was put there by God. Orthodox Jews - who generally are more reliable than the more fundamentalist Zionists in my experience say the Star of David has only been used as a Jewish symbol for a couple of centuries.
http://www.truetorahjews.org/qanda/starofdavid ]
He goes on to criticize his local MP for failing, he says, to make public a list of Bristol’s Freemasons after Gosling demanded that he do so.
[Actually I asked Jack Lopresti MP on air politely for the Bristol Provincial Yearbook and he volunteered - apparently being subsequently overruled by Bristol's Provincial Grand Secretary Steve Rawlings.
Neither the visit not the Britol Provincial Yearbook were forthcoming.]
He says the public has a right to know whether government employees are part of the masonic conspiracy because “as a secret establishment club, Freemasonry rightly rings alarm bells.
[It's not just me saying this but the Home Affairs Select Committee
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/publi ... 92413.html
https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ... mmittee_in ]
By seizing only a handful of key positions in the criminal justice system, like any unscrupulous interest, it could corrupt the entire caboodle. The other nerve-jangling concern is that Freemasonry’s ‘Don’ just happens to be a little too close to one the top figures in Britain’s military and judicial chain-of-command; UGLE’s Grand Master, Prince Michael of Kent, is Queen Elizabeth II’s cousin.” (UGLE is the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body for England’s Freemasons, in case you’re wondering.)
So Gosling’s thesis is that the British royal family are involved in a nefarious international conspiracy because the interior design of his local masonic hall is too Jewish.
[Quite clearly one part of the Royal family, Prince Michael of Kent, IS running UGLE Freemasonry. King George VI and Edward VII were Masons too. the 'too Jewish' term is racist hate speak, though he tries to attribute it to me, is in fact Adam Holland's term.]
Gosling may not be a historian in the traditional sense: He has no degree in history, nor has he taught it or written a book about it. He does, however, devote much of his time to distorting history, both on his voluminous website, on RT, and in numerous other video interviews on outlets such as Iran’s Press TV.
[I have a BA in Humanities from Bradford University and did a year long history unit as part of that, so while I don't have a history degree per se and have never claimed to, I challenge historical norms with a broad and cogent analysis which includes a good knowledge of English Literature and separates fact from speculation, especially when the historical consensus does not make sense to me as arguably in the English Civil War. One of the problems with today's mainstream media is there is far too little historical context. eg
Operation Gladio - BBC Timewatch
Charles I: The Commoners' King - halting then reversing enclosure
and the 1944 battle of Arnhem, portrayed in the 1977 film 'A Bridge Too Far'.
A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary
http://rt.com/op-edge/184228-battle-arn ... emoration/ ]
Earlier this year, Gosling reported for RT on the G7 summit in Bavaria, a subject which the Russian network covered heavily because of the prominent role issues relating to Russia played there, given the repercussions of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. While this might have been an opportunity to break out of his comfort zone and report on a major event, Gosling stayed true to form, saying that the G7 locale was chosen as a convenience for the Bavarian Illuminati.
[That's not what I said, instead I pointed out the geographical proximity of the pro-Nazi Bank For International Setlements and mentioning the connections some have drawn between the historical Bavarian Illuminati and the French Revolution and two world wars. I didn't say it on RT but both of those wars were closely connected with the British & German Saxe-Gotha royal family whose ancestor Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, around 200 years ago, funded the historical Illuminati secret society.]
That unusual observation passed by without comment by his interviewer, who was perhaps aware of Gosling’s idiosyncratic area of expertise.
In December, 2014, Gosling was interviewed on RT concerning why the Western media reports about Russia’s economic problems. He concluded that this was done as part of a shadowy elite’s campaign of economic warfare against Russia.
[It was actually an interview about EU sanctions on Russia - because of the downing of MH17 and seperatists in Donbass, both of which the EU, wrongly in my opinion, blamed on Russia. ]
Asked in another RT interview to comment on allegations that London police improperly used the names of dead children in carrying out investigations, Gosling replied, “it’s almost like Scotland Yard is being run like some kind of secret cult, and we’ve got to break that cult if we're going to have justice and we’re going to have decent, fair policing.” Although he didn’t name the cult, it isn’t difficult to see which one he had in mind.
[And Scotland Yard and SOCA , remember?
Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/cr ... 54670.html ]
Interviewed on RT in November 2014 about the root causes of the violence in Ferguson, Missouri, Gosling blamed “a criminal elite” within the U.S. government who were trying to start a race war. He went on to claim that the same elite group was also behind the assassination of Martin Luther King and the Manson Family murders.
[And I'm not the first!]
While Gosling’s columns on RT’s website sometimes have a reasonable-sounding premise, such as one advocating that MI5, Britain’s domestic intelligence arm, stop spying on religious organizations (“MI5 must get out and stay out of our Places of Worship”), their content is typically a web of bizarre, unrelated assertions. That column in particular leads off by claiming without evidence that Abu Hamza, the violence-advocating former imam of London's Finsbury Park Mosque now serving a life year sentence for promoting terrorism, was a covert agent working for the British government.
[That's been proven through court evidence
Abu Hamza 'secretly worked for MI5' to 'keep streets of London safe'
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... -safe.html ]
Reading on, one learns that “the fingerprints of Britain’s intelligence agencies...are likely to be found at the scenes of all post-9/11 terror attacks in the UK,” and that this government campaign to frame Muslims is analogous to the Third Reich’s treatment of Jews before the Holocaust.
[Yup, evidence certainly seems to suggest that
MI5 failed to track Lee Rigby's jihadi killers after deciding they did not pose enough of a danger, official report set to reveal today
Fusilier Rigby was butchered by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale
Both men were known to MI5 but spies ruled they were not a major threat
Adebolajo posted extremist material on internet in months before murder
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... eveal.html ]
Gosling goes on to state that the 7/7 London Tube bombings were carried out by Britain’s foreign intelligence service, MI6, although, as usual, he doesn’t even try to substantiate that allegation. Changing subjects, he asserts (again without citing a single source) that the CIA used money stolen from Nazi Germany to set up Jim Jones’s People’s Temple, and that the Jonestown Massacre was a CIA covert op designed to silence Congressman Leo Ryan’s criticisms of U.S. intelligence agencies.
[ Again just more lies, with no quoting what I said because that would disprove what Holland's saying ... I'm saying
http://rt.com/op-edge/158684-islamist-h ... hamza-mi5/
And I quote the sources that link the CIA to Jonestown and Jim Jones to Dan Mitrione. Yes this is a murky, secretive world, but any interference by secret societies and services in peoples freedom to worship, particularly by running entrapment operations in mosques and churches really has to be identified and stopped ]
From there, he abruptly segues into an argument that the murderers of Royal Fusiliers drummer Lee Rigby, who was beheaded by jihadists last year, acted at the behest of MI5, and that those who investigated the crime were in on the conspiracy.
[ Again I didn't state that as a fact but as speculation, and informed guesswork. It's called Investigative Journalism.
Throughout this piece Holland has deliberately stated something on which I'm speculating, as something I'm supposed to have asserted as a known fact. Presumably hoping that readers will jot bother to check for themselves and that anyway that doesn't matter because the media which publishes his article has a reach which is orders of magnitude greater than mine. ]
Gosling concludes that intelligence agencies routinely use clerics or phony clerics to convince innocent believers to commit terrorist acts, and helpfully advises his readers “if you are approached by a dodgy spook or cleric, consider carefully whether you have the confidence to go to the press but meanwhile draw up a short sharp statement of fact, an affidavit, and, if appropriate take it straight to your local civil police”.
[Good advice, quite right ]
This dovetails nicely with his belief that Western intelligence agencies have assassinated pretty much everyone of note in the past half-centuryformer Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba, Princess Diana, Dr. David Kelly (the British weapons expert), UK politician Robin Cook, John Smith (Tony Blair’s predecessor as leader of the Labour party), Yasser Arafat, Slobodan Milosevic, Hugo Chavez, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, John Lennon, and Michael Jackson. All were killed by “forces lurking in the unaccountable grey areas of the NATO countries’ military intelligence services.”
[Yes and while the article is carefully fenced around with ample caveats needed for this sort of speculation, with plenty of question marks in the opening paragraphs Holland appears to have skipped over, there is strong evidence all these people, particularly Patrice Lumumba, Princess Diana and Dr David Kelly, were assassinated
MI6 Arranged Patrice Lumumba's Assassination, Daphne Park, Former British Spy, Claimed
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/0 ... 98226.html
Paris-London Connection: The Assassination of Princess Diana Paperback – 26 Jul 2012
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Paris-London-Co ... 980740754/
Why I know weapons expert Dr David Kelly was murdered, by the MP who spent a year investigating his death
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... death.html ]
In another RT column, Gosling argues that Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Brevik was assisted by co-conspirators in the upper echelons of the Norwegian police and media. Gosling apparently bases this claim on the fact that Brevik had been photographed in masonic attire.
[No, if you read the article my finger of police suspicion is based on them failing to follow Breivik's car despite the registration being phoned in to HQ or even launch the helicopter. Also Norwegian police's harassment of Oslo based author and blogger Torstein Viddal who was pointing these anomalies out.
http://rt.com/op-edge/breivik-norway-bomb-murder-738/ ]
In a column condemning British responses to Muslim extremism, Gosling argues that anti-extremist Muslim groups secretly work for (of course) the Bilderberg Group, via the Council for Foreign Relations, which, he claims, is merely a Bilderberg front.
[Nothing cited because, of course, I never said anything of the sort ]
Other RT columns find him in prophetic mode, such as one which blames “the same nasty cult” that secretly runs the Bilderberg Group and NATOby which Gosling clearly means the Illuminatifor the Holocaust, 9/11, and the Iraq War. He warns that the Illuminati are planning an apocalyptic war between “Zionists and Jihadis.”
[ I certainly do see secret power groups such as the Bildderberg as behaving exactly like a cult. But all the other stuff about me using 'code words' is pure nonsense presented as fact.]
So why does RT bother with him?
Leaving aside that the network has aired “experts” who, when the camera aren’t rolling moonlight as neo-Nazis or believe the Pope is from outer space and has stolen all the gold from Fort Knox, there’s a purpose to having an Illuminati correspondent on hand. Russia is engaged in a concerted information warfare campaign against the West, designed, as the former Soviet campaign was, to cultivate distrust of the Western or “mainstream” media. An obsession with Freemasonry and the Illuminati is the ur-conspiracy theory; unlike Holocaust denial or 9/11 trutherism (two other well-trod topics at RT), this one can appeal to a large and diverse demographic. The alleged victims of this global elite are white, black, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian, after all. And the perpetrators are everywhere. That’s the best part: No one but Gosling can be trusted because everyone else is potentially in thrall to the Illuminati.
[Actually investigative journalism is about outing secrets, pointing out anomalies in terrorist attacks like 9/11 and 7/7, of which there are many. When it comes to the subsequent cover-ups and failure of the criminal justice system to but banksters and war criminals in jail, ditto. Secret societies do need to be outed as the UK Parliament's Home Affairs Select Committee (see above) has pointed out, that's what;'s missing from today's bland, dumbed down media which way too often nowadays talks down to readers, viewers and listeners like they're ten year olds. ]
Follow up piece in Washington Post
[This follows a pattern - it does to the Holland article what the Holland article did to my original pieces - exaggerates and distorts even further. A hatchet job appears in a web publication or blog only for the lies to be 'amplified' in major mainstream press - in UK previous online smears on me have so far been republished in the Daily Mail and Private Eye. ]
Confessions of an American Illuminati
RT has an Illuminati correspondent, so I guess the jig is up on the great American conspiracy that secretly runs the world.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/postevery ... onfessions -of-an-american-illuminati/
By Daniel W. Drezner July 9
Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything.
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of the day after trading was paused for nearly four hours due to a “technical glitch” on July 8 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
As a fully paid-up member of the British-American Project, Council on Foreign Relations and the Evil League of Evil, I haven’t been this upset since that documentary “Capricorn One” was released in the 1970s.
You have to understand: The plan was working perfectly. The European Union is tearing itself apart over Greece. China’s stock market is melting down and China’s government seems powerless to stop it. The edifice of Vladimir Putin’s power structure in Russia gets shakier and shakier with each passing day. It’s not like the rest of the BRICS are doing that great, either.
And no one knew that the Plunge Protection Team/Trilateral Commission/Legion of Doom was secretly behind all the madness in a plan provided to us by the Underpants Gnomes to make a huge profit. Oh, sure, Vox’s Amanda Taub quoted a former opposition politician in Russia jokingly asserting, “the whole of power in Russia belongs to Putin, but the whole of responsibility for Russian problems belongs to Obama.” But no one believed that guy. China has been crying “hostile foreign forces” a lot recently, but no one in the Chinese educated classes really believed that assertion.
With no one the wiser, it seemed that the American Illuminati/Freemasons/Stonecutters master plan to simultaneously sabotage every other great power on the planet was finally coming to fruition. And then … Russia Today had to go and find an Illuminati correspondent:
RT, Russia’s state-run news service aimed primarily at non-Russian audiences, [has a contributor] who specializes in uncovering the hidden role the Illuminati plays in world affairs. His name is Tony Gosling.
Gosling writes a column for the RT website and frequently appears on RT’s broadcast channels, where he is presented as an investigative journalist, historian or social justice activist. In fact, he is none of those things. He is an arch-traditionalist adherent of the brand of conspiracy theory which he gets directly from … pseudo-historical sources including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. …
[ Hang on. That's one source I have never, ever used thanks.
CIA Document 1035-960: Foundation of a Weaponized Term (CIA promotion of the phrase "Conspiracy Theory" considered "One of the Most Successful Propaganda Initiatives of All Time")
http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/01/20/ci ... ized-term/
“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term
http://www.globalresearch.ca/conspiracy ... rm/5319708 ]
Where in his previous decades of investigating such matters Gosling relied on barely read websites, RT has in recent years provided him with both a regular column published on its own site, and frequent on-air interviews. This gives Gosling an international forum in which he can expound on his ideas about the Freemasons and Illuminati.
Great. Just great. We were this close to pulling off the Master Plan, and then RT had to go and sign up the one guy who would find out about the Illuminati!! Do any of you readers outside of Opus Dei/Bilderburg/Mugatu have any idea just how blasted’ hard it is to manage an actual conspiracy? How many moving parts there are to it? All it takes is one plucky, incredibly paranoid and anti-Semitic reporter to take down the entire cabal.
[ Anti-semitic eh? No, this is the dangerous and deliberate conflation of anti-Israeli - with anti Jewish. Pernicious, and a very dangerous misuse of journalism
George Galloway: dangerous Zionism = Judaism game - BBC Question Time Finchley (05Feb15)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-BVGlf3mdk ]
Oh, sure, we tried to cover their tracks. I, for one, thought it was pretty clever to try to suggest that the United States was under attack by combining attacks on the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines. Made it seem like the United States was also a victim of some sinister SPECTRE-like conspiracy.
We had hoped that this would throw Gosling off the scent. But first, Felix Salmon saw through that ruse and pointed out the many excellent reasons why this was all a tempest in a teapot (I knew the Illuminati should have accepted his membership application last year). Then some stupid flunkie got greedy and tried to bring Ariana Grande into things, and there’s no way that her badly-typed apology will fool someone dedicated to showing who really runs the world: a tight-knit clan of Rothschilds and Kochs and BuzzFeed interns.
In retrospect, I don’t think it was RT that was responsible for the whole conspiracy falling apart. No, there were deeper forces at work: the global erosion of trust in public institutions, the persistence of conspiracy theories regardless of pushback efforts, the growth of conspiracy-fueled narratives like Mr. Robot, and, of course, Donald Trump’s truth-telling existence. Us conspirators got cocky. Maybe jerry-rigging Carli Lloyd’s “miraculous” goal from midfield was the final straw of hubris.
Well, the jig is up now. It’s all true: It’s time to call together all the members of Skull and Bones, Aspen Strategy Group and the Army of the Twelve Monkeys and turn ourselves in. We had a good ride for centuries. But it’s time for a new secret cabal to run the world. Just keep it as far away from Ariana Grande as possible.
CORRECTION: This post and a quote from a Daily Beast article in it originally incorrectly identified Tony Gosling as an RT employee. In fact, he is a freelance correspondent.
[ as if that's the only correction lol ]
I've been used over the years to many many attacks on my character and professionalism.
Attacks on my website... distortion, defamation and bullying attacks on me
There have been other attempts at reputational destruction and character assassination which I have decided not to circulate or comment on out of consideration to the emotional state of those making them.
And I don't imagine this will be tha last. I and colleagues have had a good look at the journalistic bona fides of this writer - Adam Holland - and they don't look good. Basically Murdoch and a hidden political foundation.
I have just read the ''Daily Beast' blog by pro-zionist blogger Adam Holland.
http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewto ... 330#170330
The timing of these hatchet jobs is clearly aimed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the 7/7 London Bombings - an event for which I have been a leading critic of the British Security Services and Israeli government for lying about and potentially even being involved in perpetrating the attacks in order to further the cause amongst public, armed forces, press and politicians for wars and intervention abroad.
For the anniversary I wrote this
7/7 led to wars abroad and loss of freedoms at home ... but do we know what really happened that day?
http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewto ... 296#170296
And did a 30 minute radio special -
Ten years after 7/7: 13 holes in government & media account of 2005 London Bombings
Neither of which I was paid for - because I feel there is nobody at all doing this important investigative work either in the London press or UK police.
I worked for the BBC in London on the 1990s IRA bombing campaign so can be said to know a thng or two about such things.
And instigated then saw through the publication of the National Union of Journalists' (NUJ) Guide To Reporting Terrorism (attached) while on the NUJ Ethics Council, which was launched in 2010
http://www.bristolnuj.org.uk/2010/03/05 ... uidelines/
The wider context of this latest smear is that week specifically, and over the last few years generally, I have become known as a critic of what many see as Western propaganda and 'media wars'. Here are two interviews I gave in the week running up to the publication of the smear pieces.
BBC to cut 1000 jobs - DG Tony Hall must up his game to beat Murdoch - RT Tony Gosling
EU moves to ban Russian broadcasts - though UK didn't jam Nazi stations in WWII
I write and broadcast on this subject with rare insider experience of how mainstream media can become propagandistic, even aiding & protecting the reputation of criminals, corrupted by bad management and editorial decisions such as Peter Ripon's decision to spike the story of the decade http://www.theoldie.co.uk/savile-row I know many serving broadcast journalists who have been or are being bullied by managers or other senior staff, and who feel the same.
I'm accused of faking historical credentials, but did a year of history as part of my Bradford University Humanities BA, and write and speak on history.
Working, for example, on WWII secret history....
21 Aug 2015 Commemorating WWII SBU commando C.O. Harold Goulding DSO, Hayling Island
A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary
http://rt.com/op-edge/184228-battle-arn ... emoration/
as well as being invited to the Houses of Parliament two months ago to give a presentation on land ownership, Enclosure and the English Civil War....
People's Parliament: Land Theft or Divine Feudal Right? Who Owns Our Country? Tony Gosling
So I was disappointed to read the following in Fox News founding president Barry Diller's Daily Beast - [some of the most glaring inaccuracies corrected as we go]
Russia Today Has an Illuminati Correspondent. Really.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... eally.html
KREMLIN TV07.08.151:05 AM ET Adam Holland
No, seriously. He lives in England and thinks they’re everywhere.
In the aftermath of the French Revolution, many supporters of the ancien régime convinced themselves that the revolution had been carried out by secret cells within the Freemasons called the Illuminati. This belief was popularized in two widely read books published in 1798, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism by Abbé Augustin Barruel and Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe by John Robison.
The idea of a secret society undermining institutions for nefarious purposes provided the template for future conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theories involving Freemasons in particular continued to have considerable influence. In the 19th century, the ideas promoted in those books played a role in the creation of the United States' first third party, the Anti-Masonic Party. In France, they were widely believed among conservatives, and were promoted in Catholic schools and in the popular press. In the 20th century, opponents of the modern banking system found these conspiracy theory useful, as did the Nazis, the John Birch Society, and Hamas.
In targeting an adversary whose presence was widespread but whose activities were secret, the authors of these theories found a perfect scapegoat: one which was adaptable to almost any issue, and whose hidden hand could be blamed for any problem.
[ Even secret societies have leaks and the Freemasons and historical Illuminati were no exception. Those 'theories' about the danger of secret societies and cults, the Illuminati specifically, were criticised by a highly placed freemason whistleblower, John Robison, who was not a crank, but the highly credible and articulate secretary of the Edinburgh Royal Society, and in a position to know.
Far from just being a problem from the long-distant past, Masonic corruption seems to be very much alive and well, surfacing as part of recent Scotland Yard and SOCA reports, Tiberius and Riverside, into police corruption
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/cr ... 54670.html where they are considered one of “the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against”.
Yes, 'organised crime' ]
So it makes perfect sense that RT, Russia’s state-run news service aimed primarily at non-Russian audiences, employs a reporter who specializes in uncovering the hidden role the Illuminati plays in world affairs. His name is Tony Gosling.
[In five years or so, on and off, of reporting for RT including a detailed feature article looking at Freemasonry as a religious cult
Freemasonry: 'The firm within the firm'
http://rt.com/op-edge/freemasonry-opera ... us-uk-972/
I've mentioned the Illuminati just once, here.
G7 leaders "On another planet". summit in Bavarian Illuminati country
For those that go so far as to say the Illuminati never existed at all I point to the 'mystery' of appearance in dictionaries such as the Collins up to the present day
[] ]
Gosling writes a column for the RT website and frequently appears on RT’s broadcast channels, where he is presented as an investigative journalist, historian or social justice activist. In fact, he is none of those things. He is an arch-traditionalist adherent of the brand of conspiracy theory which he gets directly from Barruel and Robson’s books on the Illuminati (as he admits here and here), as well as from other pseudo-historical sources including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Gosling writes in contradictory terms about the Protocols, claiming that they aren’t anti-Semitic, have never been proven false and are worthy of study for what they say about Zionism, even while admitting in the same column that they are “almost certainly fake.”)
[On The Protocols of Zion I have been pushed again and again to say they are fake, I simply don't know for sure. 'They are almost certainly fake' is where I stand and I think that's a reasonable position to take. It may be pedantic to argue the point but, though its in general currency, anti-Semitic is not the correct term to use for critics of Zionism or the state of Israel. The word originates with the Biblical Shem and refers to broadly Arabic peoples whose ancestors are from the Holy Land, Sinai and Somalia, not the racially distinct Eastern European Jews who form the majority in modern Israel]
The bio accompanying Gosling’s RT columns claims that he worked in the aviation industry, was “trained by the BBC,” and describes him as “a British land rights activist, historian [and] investigative radio journalist. Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and élite Bilderberg Conferences where the dark forces of corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war.”
While the nature of his work in aviation and for the BBC are unclear, his c.v. is accurate with respect to his decades working to expose the hidden hand of a shadowy elite which is behind much of the world’s evils. A resident of Bristol, England, Gosling is best known locally for having been expelled from the local branch of the Green Party for making statements condemning what he sees as gay indoctrination of schoolchildren.
[Actually I am best known locally for my weekly politics show on Community Radio where I'm a volunteer
http://www.thisweek.org.uk and was commenting on a protest by parents at Easton schools
Anti-gay bullying books withdrawn
where gay relationship books were being used to teach very young children behind the backs of and against the wishes of parents. My support for the parents was misrepresented, and has been several times since, as a criticism of homosexuals for being gay which it self-evidently was not to anyone who bothers to look. That parts of the Green Party concurred with that view does not say much for the rigour of their internal procedures.]
His concern with Freemasonry seems to have started with his investigation of his hometown's Bristol Freemasons Hall. He has gone so far as to publish on a local activists’ website called Bristol Indymedia extensive photographs and notes he took during tours of the Bristol Freemasons Hall, along with his conclusion that six-pointed stars in the its carpets implicate the Masons in a Zionist plan to dominate the world. Gosling found similar evidence in the Freemasons’ use of a seven-stick candelabra, and in other purportedly Hebraic aspects of the Masons’ occult imagery.
[I was interested to see a giant portrait of Moses, flags of the twelve tribes of Israel and Stars of David all over the carpet within the bricked up windows of Bristol Freemasons Hall's Royal Arch Temple so few have seen, let alone photographed. And I think its a reasonable to suggest these higher degree Freemasons may have 'hijacked' Judaic motifs in their ceremonies.]
Where in his previous decades of investigating such matters Gosling relied on barely read websites, RT has in recent years provided him with both a regular column published on its own site, and frequent on-air interviews. This gives Gosling an international forum in which he can expound on his ideas about the Freemasons and Illuminati, such as the signs of an international conspiracy in the interior design choices made by his local Masonic Temple, which he explored in a column for RT called “Freemasonry: ‘the firm within the firm.’”
Gosling’s thesis is that the British royal family are involved in a nefarious international conspiracy because the interior design of his local masonic hall is too Jewish.”
In that column, Gosling writes, “Masons certainly hold strong beliefs about Western influences in the Holy Land. Those of the higher degrees privately profess a ‘fundamentalist’ fervor for Zionism… Indeed even in Bristol’s windowless ‘Royal Arch’ Masonic Temple, the furnishings are embossed throughout with golden Israeli ‘Star of David’ emblems...” Could Gosling actually be unaware of the fact that the use of six-pointed stars by Jews, Freemasons, and many other groups predated Zionism by millennia?
[I press them on the Israel Palestine conflict almost whenever I knowingly meet a Mason and in my experience Freemasons I've spoken to tend to be pro-Israeli. Most seem to buy into the 'Christian Zionist' belief that Israeli state was put there by God. Orthodox Jews - who generally are more reliable than the more fundamentalist Zionists in my experience say the Star of David has only been used as a Jewish symbol for a couple of centuries.
http://www.truetorahjews.org/qanda/starofdavid ]
He goes on to criticize his local MP for failing, he says, to make public a list of Bristol’s Freemasons after Gosling demanded that he do so.
[Actually I asked Jack Lopresti MP on air politely for the Bristol Provincial Yearbook and he volunteered - apparently being subsequently overruled by Bristol's Provincial Grand Secretary Steve Rawlings.
Neither the visit not the Britol Provincial Yearbook were forthcoming.]
He says the public has a right to know whether government employees are part of the masonic conspiracy because “as a secret establishment club, Freemasonry rightly rings alarm bells.
[It's not just me saying this but the Home Affairs Select Committee
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/publi ... 92413.html
https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ... mmittee_in ]
By seizing only a handful of key positions in the criminal justice system, like any unscrupulous interest, it could corrupt the entire caboodle. The other nerve-jangling concern is that Freemasonry’s ‘Don’ just happens to be a little too close to one the top figures in Britain’s military and judicial chain-of-command; UGLE’s Grand Master, Prince Michael of Kent, is Queen Elizabeth II’s cousin.” (UGLE is the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body for England’s Freemasons, in case you’re wondering.)
So Gosling’s thesis is that the British royal family are involved in a nefarious international conspiracy because the interior design of his local masonic hall is too Jewish.
[Quite clearly one part of the Royal family, Prince Michael of Kent, IS running UGLE Freemasonry. King George VI and Edward VII were Masons too. the 'too Jewish' term is racist hate speak, though he tries to attribute it to me, is in fact Adam Holland's term.]
Gosling may not be a historian in the traditional sense: He has no degree in history, nor has he taught it or written a book about it. He does, however, devote much of his time to distorting history, both on his voluminous website, on RT, and in numerous other video interviews on outlets such as Iran’s Press TV.
[I have a BA in Humanities from Bradford University and did a year long history unit as part of that, so while I don't have a history degree per se and have never claimed to, I challenge historical norms with a broad and cogent analysis which includes a good knowledge of English Literature and separates fact from speculation, especially when the historical consensus does not make sense to me as arguably in the English Civil War. One of the problems with today's mainstream media is there is far too little historical context. eg
Operation Gladio - BBC Timewatch
Charles I: The Commoners' King - halting then reversing enclosure
and the 1944 battle of Arnhem, portrayed in the 1977 film 'A Bridge Too Far'.
A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th anniversary
http://rt.com/op-edge/184228-battle-arn ... emoration/ ]
Earlier this year, Gosling reported for RT on the G7 summit in Bavaria, a subject which the Russian network covered heavily because of the prominent role issues relating to Russia played there, given the repercussions of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. While this might have been an opportunity to break out of his comfort zone and report on a major event, Gosling stayed true to form, saying that the G7 locale was chosen as a convenience for the Bavarian Illuminati.
[That's not what I said, instead I pointed out the geographical proximity of the pro-Nazi Bank For International Setlements and mentioning the connections some have drawn between the historical Bavarian Illuminati and the French Revolution and two world wars. I didn't say it on RT but both of those wars were closely connected with the British & German Saxe-Gotha royal family whose ancestor Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, around 200 years ago, funded the historical Illuminati secret society.]
That unusual observation passed by without comment by his interviewer, who was perhaps aware of Gosling’s idiosyncratic area of expertise.
In December, 2014, Gosling was interviewed on RT concerning why the Western media reports about Russia’s economic problems. He concluded that this was done as part of a shadowy elite’s campaign of economic warfare against Russia.
[It was actually an interview about EU sanctions on Russia - because of the downing of MH17 and seperatists in Donbass, both of which the EU, wrongly in my opinion, blamed on Russia. ]
Asked in another RT interview to comment on allegations that London police improperly used the names of dead children in carrying out investigations, Gosling replied, “it’s almost like Scotland Yard is being run like some kind of secret cult, and we’ve got to break that cult if we're going to have justice and we’re going to have decent, fair policing.” Although he didn’t name the cult, it isn’t difficult to see which one he had in mind.
[And Scotland Yard and SOCA , remember?
Revealed: How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/cr ... 54670.html ]
Interviewed on RT in November 2014 about the root causes of the violence in Ferguson, Missouri, Gosling blamed “a criminal elite” within the U.S. government who were trying to start a race war. He went on to claim that the same elite group was also behind the assassination of Martin Luther King and the Manson Family murders.
[And I'm not the first!]
While Gosling’s columns on RT’s website sometimes have a reasonable-sounding premise, such as one advocating that MI5, Britain’s domestic intelligence arm, stop spying on religious organizations (“MI5 must get out and stay out of our Places of Worship”), their content is typically a web of bizarre, unrelated assertions. That column in particular leads off by claiming without evidence that Abu Hamza, the violence-advocating former imam of London's Finsbury Park Mosque now serving a life year sentence for promoting terrorism, was a covert agent working for the British government.
[That's been proven through court evidence
Abu Hamza 'secretly worked for MI5' to 'keep streets of London safe'
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... -safe.html ]
Reading on, one learns that “the fingerprints of Britain’s intelligence agencies...are likely to be found at the scenes of all post-9/11 terror attacks in the UK,” and that this government campaign to frame Muslims is analogous to the Third Reich’s treatment of Jews before the Holocaust.
[Yup, evidence certainly seems to suggest that
MI5 failed to track Lee Rigby's jihadi killers after deciding they did not pose enough of a danger, official report set to reveal today
Fusilier Rigby was butchered by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale
Both men were known to MI5 but spies ruled they were not a major threat
Adebolajo posted extremist material on internet in months before murder
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... eveal.html ]
Gosling goes on to state that the 7/7 London Tube bombings were carried out by Britain’s foreign intelligence service, MI6, although, as usual, he doesn’t even try to substantiate that allegation. Changing subjects, he asserts (again without citing a single source) that the CIA used money stolen from Nazi Germany to set up Jim Jones’s People’s Temple, and that the Jonestown Massacre was a CIA covert op designed to silence Congressman Leo Ryan’s criticisms of U.S. intelligence agencies.
[ Again just more lies, with no quoting what I said because that would disprove what Holland's saying ... I'm saying
http://rt.com/op-edge/158684-islamist-h ... hamza-mi5/
And I quote the sources that link the CIA to Jonestown and Jim Jones to Dan Mitrione. Yes this is a murky, secretive world, but any interference by secret societies and services in peoples freedom to worship, particularly by running entrapment operations in mosques and churches really has to be identified and stopped ]
From there, he abruptly segues into an argument that the murderers of Royal Fusiliers drummer Lee Rigby, who was beheaded by jihadists last year, acted at the behest of MI5, and that those who investigated the crime were in on the conspiracy.
[ Again I didn't state that as a fact but as speculation, and informed guesswork. It's called Investigative Journalism.
Throughout this piece Holland has deliberately stated something on which I'm speculating, as something I'm supposed to have asserted as a known fact. Presumably hoping that readers will jot bother to check for themselves and that anyway that doesn't matter because the media which publishes his article has a reach which is orders of magnitude greater than mine. ]
Gosling concludes that intelligence agencies routinely use clerics or phony clerics to convince innocent believers to commit terrorist acts, and helpfully advises his readers “if you are approached by a dodgy spook or cleric, consider carefully whether you have the confidence to go to the press but meanwhile draw up a short sharp statement of fact, an affidavit, and, if appropriate take it straight to your local civil police”.
[Good advice, quite right ]
This dovetails nicely with his belief that Western intelligence agencies have assassinated pretty much everyone of note in the past half-centuryformer Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba, Princess Diana, Dr. David Kelly (the British weapons expert), UK politician Robin Cook, John Smith (Tony Blair’s predecessor as leader of the Labour party), Yasser Arafat, Slobodan Milosevic, Hugo Chavez, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, John Lennon, and Michael Jackson. All were killed by “forces lurking in the unaccountable grey areas of the NATO countries’ military intelligence services.”
[Yes and while the article is carefully fenced around with ample caveats needed for this sort of speculation, with plenty of question marks in the opening paragraphs Holland appears to have skipped over, there is strong evidence all these people, particularly Patrice Lumumba, Princess Diana and Dr David Kelly, were assassinated
MI6 Arranged Patrice Lumumba's Assassination, Daphne Park, Former British Spy, Claimed
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/0 ... 98226.html
Paris-London Connection: The Assassination of Princess Diana Paperback – 26 Jul 2012
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Paris-London-Co ... 980740754/
Why I know weapons expert Dr David Kelly was murdered, by the MP who spent a year investigating his death
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... death.html ]
In another RT column, Gosling argues that Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Brevik was assisted by co-conspirators in the upper echelons of the Norwegian police and media. Gosling apparently bases this claim on the fact that Brevik had been photographed in masonic attire.
[No, if you read the article my finger of police suspicion is based on them failing to follow Breivik's car despite the registration being phoned in to HQ or even launch the helicopter. Also Norwegian police's harassment of Oslo based author and blogger Torstein Viddal who was pointing these anomalies out.
http://rt.com/op-edge/breivik-norway-bomb-murder-738/ ]
In a column condemning British responses to Muslim extremism, Gosling argues that anti-extremist Muslim groups secretly work for (of course) the Bilderberg Group, via the Council for Foreign Relations, which, he claims, is merely a Bilderberg front.
[Nothing cited because, of course, I never said anything of the sort ]
Other RT columns find him in prophetic mode, such as one which blames “the same nasty cult” that secretly runs the Bilderberg Group and NATOby which Gosling clearly means the Illuminatifor the Holocaust, 9/11, and the Iraq War. He warns that the Illuminati are planning an apocalyptic war between “Zionists and Jihadis.”
[ I certainly do see secret power groups such as the Bildderberg as behaving exactly like a cult. But all the other stuff about me using 'code words' is pure nonsense presented as fact.]
So why does RT bother with him?
Leaving aside that the network has aired “experts” who, when the camera aren’t rolling moonlight as neo-Nazis or believe the Pope is from outer space and has stolen all the gold from Fort Knox, there’s a purpose to having an Illuminati correspondent on hand. Russia is engaged in a concerted information warfare campaign against the West, designed, as the former Soviet campaign was, to cultivate distrust of the Western or “mainstream” media. An obsession with Freemasonry and the Illuminati is the ur-conspiracy theory; unlike Holocaust denial or 9/11 trutherism (two other well-trod topics at RT), this one can appeal to a large and diverse demographic. The alleged victims of this global elite are white, black, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian, after all. And the perpetrators are everywhere. That’s the best part: No one but Gosling can be trusted because everyone else is potentially in thrall to the Illuminati.
[Actually investigative journalism is about outing secrets, pointing out anomalies in terrorist attacks like 9/11 and 7/7, of which there are many. When it comes to the subsequent cover-ups and failure of the criminal justice system to but banksters and war criminals in jail, ditto. Secret societies do need to be outed as the UK Parliament's Home Affairs Select Committee (see above) has pointed out, that's what;'s missing from today's bland, dumbed down media which way too often nowadays talks down to readers, viewers and listeners like they're ten year olds. ]
Follow up piece in Washington Post
[This follows a pattern - it does to the Holland article what the Holland article did to my original pieces - exaggerates and distorts even further. A hatchet job appears in a web publication or blog only for the lies to be 'amplified' in major mainstream press - in UK previous online smears on me have so far been republished in the Daily Mail and Private Eye. ]
Confessions of an American Illuminati
RT has an Illuminati correspondent, so I guess the jig is up on the great American conspiracy that secretly runs the world.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/postevery ... onfessions -of-an-american-illuminati/
By Daniel W. Drezner July 9
Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything.
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of the day after trading was paused for nearly four hours due to a “technical glitch” on July 8 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
As a fully paid-up member of the British-American Project, Council on Foreign Relations and the Evil League of Evil, I haven’t been this upset since that documentary “Capricorn One” was released in the 1970s.
You have to understand: The plan was working perfectly. The European Union is tearing itself apart over Greece. China’s stock market is melting down and China’s government seems powerless to stop it. The edifice of Vladimir Putin’s power structure in Russia gets shakier and shakier with each passing day. It’s not like the rest of the BRICS are doing that great, either.
And no one knew that the Plunge Protection Team/Trilateral Commission/Legion of Doom was secretly behind all the madness in a plan provided to us by the Underpants Gnomes to make a huge profit. Oh, sure, Vox’s Amanda Taub quoted a former opposition politician in Russia jokingly asserting, “the whole of power in Russia belongs to Putin, but the whole of responsibility for Russian problems belongs to Obama.” But no one believed that guy. China has been crying “hostile foreign forces” a lot recently, but no one in the Chinese educated classes really believed that assertion.
With no one the wiser, it seemed that the American Illuminati/Freemasons/Stonecutters master plan to simultaneously sabotage every other great power on the planet was finally coming to fruition. And then … Russia Today had to go and find an Illuminati correspondent:
RT, Russia’s state-run news service aimed primarily at non-Russian audiences, [has a contributor] who specializes in uncovering the hidden role the Illuminati plays in world affairs. His name is Tony Gosling.
Gosling writes a column for the RT website and frequently appears on RT’s broadcast channels, where he is presented as an investigative journalist, historian or social justice activist. In fact, he is none of those things. He is an arch-traditionalist adherent of the brand of conspiracy theory which he gets directly from … pseudo-historical sources including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. …
[ Hang on. That's one source I have never, ever used thanks.
CIA Document 1035-960: Foundation of a Weaponized Term (CIA promotion of the phrase "Conspiracy Theory" considered "One of the Most Successful Propaganda Initiatives of All Time")
http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/01/20/ci ... ized-term/
“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term
http://www.globalresearch.ca/conspiracy ... rm/5319708 ]
Where in his previous decades of investigating such matters Gosling relied on barely read websites, RT has in recent years provided him with both a regular column published on its own site, and frequent on-air interviews. This gives Gosling an international forum in which he can expound on his ideas about the Freemasons and Illuminati.
Great. Just great. We were this close to pulling off the Master Plan, and then RT had to go and sign up the one guy who would find out about the Illuminati!! Do any of you readers outside of Opus Dei/Bilderburg/Mugatu have any idea just how blasted’ hard it is to manage an actual conspiracy? How many moving parts there are to it? All it takes is one plucky, incredibly paranoid and anti-Semitic reporter to take down the entire cabal.
[ Anti-semitic eh? No, this is the dangerous and deliberate conflation of anti-Israeli - with anti Jewish. Pernicious, and a very dangerous misuse of journalism
George Galloway: dangerous Zionism = Judaism game - BBC Question Time Finchley (05Feb15)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-BVGlf3mdk ]
Oh, sure, we tried to cover their tracks. I, for one, thought it was pretty clever to try to suggest that the United States was under attack by combining attacks on the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines. Made it seem like the United States was also a victim of some sinister SPECTRE-like conspiracy.
We had hoped that this would throw Gosling off the scent. But first, Felix Salmon saw through that ruse and pointed out the many excellent reasons why this was all a tempest in a teapot (I knew the Illuminati should have accepted his membership application last year). Then some stupid flunkie got greedy and tried to bring Ariana Grande into things, and there’s no way that her badly-typed apology will fool someone dedicated to showing who really runs the world: a tight-knit clan of Rothschilds and Kochs and BuzzFeed interns.
In retrospect, I don’t think it was RT that was responsible for the whole conspiracy falling apart. No, there were deeper forces at work: the global erosion of trust in public institutions, the persistence of conspiracy theories regardless of pushback efforts, the growth of conspiracy-fueled narratives like Mr. Robot, and, of course, Donald Trump’s truth-telling existence. Us conspirators got cocky. Maybe jerry-rigging Carli Lloyd’s “miraculous” goal from midfield was the final straw of hubris.
Well, the jig is up now. It’s all true: It’s time to call together all the members of Skull and Bones, Aspen Strategy Group and the Army of the Twelve Monkeys and turn ourselves in. We had a good ride for centuries. But it’s time for a new secret cabal to run the world. Just keep it as far away from Ariana Grande as possible.
CORRECTION: This post and a quote from a Daily Beast article in it originally incorrectly identified Tony Gosling as an RT employee. In fact, he is a freelance correspondent.
[ as if that's the only correction lol ]
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
- Editor
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- Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:03 pm
- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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Looks like this article has now been removed from Washington Post website
TonyGosling wrote: Follow up piece in Washington Post
[This follows a pattern - it does to the Holland article what the Holland article did to my original pieces - exaggerates and distorts even further. A hatchet job appears in a web publication or blog only for the lies to be 'amplified' in major mainstream press - in UK previous online smears on me have so far been republished in the Daily Mail and Private Eye. ]
Confessions of an American Illuminati
RT has an Illuminati correspondent, so I guess the jig is up on the great American conspiracy that secretly runs the world.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/postevery ... lluminati/
By Daniel W. Drezner July 9
Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything.
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of the day after trading was paused for nearly four hours due to a “technical glitch” on July 8 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
As a fully paid-up member of the British-American Project, Council on Foreign Relations and the Evil League of Evil, I haven’t been this upset since that documentary “Capricorn One” was released in the 1970s.
CORRECTION: This post and a quote from a Daily Beast article in it originally incorrectly identified Tony Gosling as an RT employee. In fact, he is a freelance correspondent.
[ as if that's the only correction lol ]
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- Whitehall_Bin_Men
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- Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:03 pm
- Location: Westminster, LONDON, SW1A 2HB.
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not removed
https://www.washingtonpost.com/postever ... lluminati/
not removed
https://www.washingtonpost.com/postever ... lluminati/
TonyGosling wrote:Looks like this article has now been removed from Washington Post website
TonyGosling wrote: Follow up piece in Washington Post
[This follows a pattern - it does to the Holland article what the Holland article did to my original pieces - exaggerates and distorts even further. A hatchet job appears in a web publication or blog only for the lies to be 'amplified' in major mainstream press - in UK previous online smears on me have so far been republished in the Daily Mail and Private Eye. ]
Confessions of an American Illuminati
RT has an Illuminati correspondent, so I guess the jig is up on the great American conspiracy that secretly runs the world.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/postevery ... lluminati/
By Daniel W. Drezner July 9
Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to PostEverything.
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of the day after trading was paused for nearly four hours due to a “technical glitch” on July 8 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
As a fully paid-up member of the British-American Project, Council on Foreign Relations and the Evil League of Evil, I haven’t been this upset since that documentary “Capricorn One” was released in the 1970s.
CORRECTION: This post and a quote from a Daily Beast article in it originally incorrectly identified Tony Gosling as an RT employee. In fact, he is a freelance correspondent.
[ as if that's the only correction lol ]
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
- Whitehall_Bin_Men
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Not Paul Stott
Another Stott
Ken Stott this time
Now there's a thing!
Another of Makgill's agents was Kenneth A. Stott, who recruited spies from within the trade union movement. In September 1922, Stott claimed that he attended a meeting in Cologne of the Deutscher Uberseedienst (German Overseas Service). Stott claimed the organisation had "its own secret service, which sent couriers to collect information, working through extremists, Trade Unions and labour movements". This information was passed on to Morton.
Morton wrote to Makgill on 2nd February 1923, that "anything I can find out is always at your disposal". Morton was not always impressed with the information provided by Makgill's agents. On 28th May 1923 Morton wrote to Makgill: "They are the kind of reports which a policeman would put up to his inspector when told to watch people, but not one statement really carries us any further. All the names mentioned are the names of people known to be interested in Communist or Irish intrigues, and... there is nothing to show what these intrigues are, which is the important thing."
Kenneth A. Stott continued to provide information to Morton. However, one of MI5's senior officers wrote in July 1923: "His methods are unscrupulous and peculiar... while Stott's knowledge of the Labour movement in this country is undoubtedly very extensive and complete... his knowledge of foreign espionage methods seems to be sketchy and coloured by imagination. He does not appear to realise the difference between commercial and military espionage."
Another Stott
Ken Stott this time
Now there's a thing!
Another of Makgill's agents was Kenneth A. Stott, who recruited spies from within the trade union movement. In September 1922, Stott claimed that he attended a meeting in Cologne of the Deutscher Uberseedienst (German Overseas Service). Stott claimed the organisation had "its own secret service, which sent couriers to collect information, working through extremists, Trade Unions and labour movements". This information was passed on to Morton.
Morton wrote to Makgill on 2nd February 1923, that "anything I can find out is always at your disposal". Morton was not always impressed with the information provided by Makgill's agents. On 28th May 1923 Morton wrote to Makgill: "They are the kind of reports which a policeman would put up to his inspector when told to watch people, but not one statement really carries us any further. All the names mentioned are the names of people known to be interested in Communist or Irish intrigues, and... there is nothing to show what these intrigues are, which is the important thing."
Kenneth A. Stott continued to provide information to Morton. However, one of MI5's senior officers wrote in July 1923: "His methods are unscrupulous and peculiar... while Stott's knowledge of the Labour movement in this country is undoubtedly very extensive and complete... his knowledge of foreign espionage methods seems to be sketchy and coloured by imagination. He does not appear to realise the difference between commercial and military espionage."
paul wright wrote:All this garbage talk from ignoramuses makes you entirely lovable and obviously on the correct path.
I relish it as much as you obviously should do
Banging you up the list of the apprehended as these redwatch MI agents would obviously wish
Tony is first in line to be demonised, imprisoned, messed over, from the truth movement. It's already happened once
How do we protect?
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
'Suppression of truth, human spirit and the holy chord of justice never works long-term. Something the suppressors never get.' David Southwell
Martin Van Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
Martin Van Creveld: I'll quote Henry Kissinger: "In campaigns like this the antiterror forces lose, because they don't win, and the rebels win by not losing."
- TonyGosling
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Just testing this out this one
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[html]<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/TonyGosling?ref_src ... fw">Tweets by TonyGosling</a> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/html]
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
- TonyGosling
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- Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:03 pm
- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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“Lawyers for Israel” censorship attempt quashed—victory for free speech
By Kevin Barrett - March 12, 201962016
Click here to listen to my interview with Tony Gosling recorded prior to OFCOM’s decision
Good news! Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling has won his battle with the Zionist censors. UK Lawyers for Israel had targeted his radio program, Politics This Week, in a complaint to OFCOM, the UK’s communications regulatory agency. The Zionist complaint against Tony alleged that his show is “being used for the propagation of conspiracy theories and extremist views.” Ofcom’s ruling in Tony’s favor is explained below. – Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
UK Lawyers for Israel broadcasting regulator complaint against BCfm Politics show dismissed by Ofcom
by Tony Gosling
I’m pleased to announce that Ofcom have ruled there was no breach of Rule 5.13 after a complaint – submitted by UK Lawyers For Israel – about this show generally and specifically our broadcast on Friday 23rd November last year. The complaint by UKLFI’s Jonathan Turner could have led to this show being taken off the air permanently – BCfm being fined or made bankrupt, or having our licence revoked.
The complaint included several falsehoods, including that we’d said;
• that the Manchester Arena bombing was carried out by MI5 and the Rothschild family
• that “Illuminati” infiltrate and control the government.
These are both malicious exaggerations. Jonathan Turner said – in his complaint – that “The Politics Show is filled with conspiracy theories, extremism, racism and propaganda and in breach of multiple provisions of the OFCOM Code.”
He said “We identified and analysed 14 breaches of the OFCOM Code in a single episode of a programme that is broadcast every week.
This must be a cause for alarm. OFCOM should ensure that an extremist is not permitted a platform to spread his message of conspiracy and hate.” So UK Lawyers for Israel tried to take me off the air for running a neo-Nazi propaganda show. An inversion of the truth which Ofcom have now refuted.
The actual OFCOM investigation boiled down to three issues
First – the peddling of conspiracy theories, which I explained is a meaningless term used to smear investigative journalists
– by conflating real conspiracies with fake ones
– it was introduced into the US media in 1967 by the CIA
– after the Warren commission into the 1963 assassination of John F Kennedy – to cover up the CIA’s role in the president’s murder.
Second – lack of balance with regard to the state of Israel
– in response I pointed out that on six occasions from August 2018 I’d aired extended interviews with five Israeli cabinet ministers – including the prime minister
– more than any UK radio programme
– This was the most serious of the complaints because it alleged the programme was racist and antisemitic
– In fact the prophet Mohammed
– instructed his followers to practice – much like the right of self defence in international law – the self-defence jihad
– this part of the Koran has been twisted by the Salafist and Takfiri doctrines to justify sabotage and terrorism against ones enemies, creation of a ‘Caliphate’
– even the killing of fellow Muslims – is fairly well understood
– We decided to look at the other side of the coin – extreme fundamentalist Zionist doctrines
– What some Jewish scholars call the twisting of old testament prophecy to justify war – and interviewed Canadian author David Livingstone
– Who’s just about to come out with another book examining these subjects
– Entitled Ordo Ab Chao
– Latin for Order From Chaos
– David argues some nihilistic Zionists actually want a Middle East war in order to evoke the Jewish messiah – but that they may end up evoking the antichrist instead.
This programme includes many justifications for creating the state of Israel
– not least of which last week is the Holocaust of six million
– suffered by European Jews under the Nazis – but history teaches us that all religions can be hijacked by ruthless people for political and criminal purposes
– and so November programme was taking a balanced look at the extremes of Zionist as against Islamist pseudo-religious doctrine. Which I’m pleased to say
– this station
– and last week Ofcom too – stood by.
The final comment Ofcom decided may have merit was that the programme was biased against MI5 – this programme aired on the week of parliament’s Intelligence and Security committee;
– chaired by Dominic Grieve MP’s report into the London and Manchester terror attacks
– every mainstream press headline was critical of MI5 including the Manchester press
– and the show did include contrary views supporting MI5’s innocence.
By Kevin Barrett - March 12, 201962016
Click here to listen to my interview with Tony Gosling recorded prior to OFCOM’s decision
Good news! Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling has won his battle with the Zionist censors. UK Lawyers for Israel had targeted his radio program, Politics This Week, in a complaint to OFCOM, the UK’s communications regulatory agency. The Zionist complaint against Tony alleged that his show is “being used for the propagation of conspiracy theories and extremist views.” Ofcom’s ruling in Tony’s favor is explained below. – Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
UK Lawyers for Israel broadcasting regulator complaint against BCfm Politics show dismissed by Ofcom
by Tony Gosling
I’m pleased to announce that Ofcom have ruled there was no breach of Rule 5.13 after a complaint – submitted by UK Lawyers For Israel – about this show generally and specifically our broadcast on Friday 23rd November last year. The complaint by UKLFI’s Jonathan Turner could have led to this show being taken off the air permanently – BCfm being fined or made bankrupt, or having our licence revoked.
The complaint included several falsehoods, including that we’d said;
• that the Manchester Arena bombing was carried out by MI5 and the Rothschild family
• that “Illuminati” infiltrate and control the government.
These are both malicious exaggerations. Jonathan Turner said – in his complaint – that “The Politics Show is filled with conspiracy theories, extremism, racism and propaganda and in breach of multiple provisions of the OFCOM Code.”
He said “We identified and analysed 14 breaches of the OFCOM Code in a single episode of a programme that is broadcast every week.
This must be a cause for alarm. OFCOM should ensure that an extremist is not permitted a platform to spread his message of conspiracy and hate.” So UK Lawyers for Israel tried to take me off the air for running a neo-Nazi propaganda show. An inversion of the truth which Ofcom have now refuted.
The actual OFCOM investigation boiled down to three issues
First – the peddling of conspiracy theories, which I explained is a meaningless term used to smear investigative journalists
– by conflating real conspiracies with fake ones
– it was introduced into the US media in 1967 by the CIA
– after the Warren commission into the 1963 assassination of John F Kennedy – to cover up the CIA’s role in the president’s murder.
Second – lack of balance with regard to the state of Israel
– in response I pointed out that on six occasions from August 2018 I’d aired extended interviews with five Israeli cabinet ministers – including the prime minister
– more than any UK radio programme
– This was the most serious of the complaints because it alleged the programme was racist and antisemitic
– In fact the prophet Mohammed
– instructed his followers to practice – much like the right of self defence in international law – the self-defence jihad
– this part of the Koran has been twisted by the Salafist and Takfiri doctrines to justify sabotage and terrorism against ones enemies, creation of a ‘Caliphate’
– even the killing of fellow Muslims – is fairly well understood
– We decided to look at the other side of the coin – extreme fundamentalist Zionist doctrines
– What some Jewish scholars call the twisting of old testament prophecy to justify war – and interviewed Canadian author David Livingstone
– Who’s just about to come out with another book examining these subjects
– Entitled Ordo Ab Chao
– Latin for Order From Chaos
– David argues some nihilistic Zionists actually want a Middle East war in order to evoke the Jewish messiah – but that they may end up evoking the antichrist instead.
This programme includes many justifications for creating the state of Israel
– not least of which last week is the Holocaust of six million
– suffered by European Jews under the Nazis – but history teaches us that all religions can be hijacked by ruthless people for political and criminal purposes
– and so November programme was taking a balanced look at the extremes of Zionist as against Islamist pseudo-religious doctrine. Which I’m pleased to say
– this station
– and last week Ofcom too – stood by.
The final comment Ofcom decided may have merit was that the programme was biased against MI5 – this programme aired on the week of parliament’s Intelligence and Security committee;
– chaired by Dominic Grieve MP’s report into the London and Manchester terror attacks
– every mainstream press headline was critical of MI5 including the Manchester press
– and the show did include contrary views supporting MI5’s innocence.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
Dont see anything wrong in trying to understand and investigate who the "Jews who call themselves Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan" actually are. Book of Revelation
"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
"for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places " Eph.6 v 12
You beat them!
Well done!
- TonyGosling
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- Posts: 18483
- Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:03 pm
- Location: St. Pauls, Bristol, England
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Confessions of an American Illuminati
RT has an Illuminati correspondent, so I guess the jig is up on the great American conspiracy that secretly runs the world.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/postever ... lluminati/
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of the day after trading was paused for nearly four hours due to a “technical glitch” on July 8 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
By Daniel W. Drezner
Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to
July 9, 2015
As a fully paid-up member of the British-American Project, Council on Foreign Relations and the Evil League of Evil, I haven’t been this upset since that documentary “Capricorn One” was released in the 1970s.
You have to understand: The plan was working perfectly. The European Union is tearing itself apart over Greece. China’s stock market is melting down and China’s government seems powerless to stop it. The edifice of Vladimir Putin’s power structure in Russia gets shakier and shakier with each passing day. It’s not like the rest of the BRICS are doing that great, either.
And no one knew that the Plunge Protection Team/Trilateral Commission/Legion of Doom was secretly behind all the madness in a plan provided to us by the Underpants Gnomes to make a huge profit. Oh, sure, Vox’s Amanda Taub quoted a former opposition politician in Russia jokingly asserting, “the whole of power in Russia belongs to Putin, but the whole of responsibility for Russian problems belongs to Obama.” But no one believed that guy. China has been crying “hostile foreign forces” a lot recently, but no one in the Chinese educated classes really believed that assertion.
With no one the wiser, it seemed that the American Illuminati/Freemasons/Stonecutters master plan to simultaneously sabotage every other great power on the planet was finally coming to fruition. And then … Russia Today had to go and find an Illuminati correspondent:
RT, Russia’s state-run news service aimed primarily at non-Russian audiences, [has a contributor] who specializes in uncovering the hidden role the Illuminati plays in world affairs. His name is Tony Gosling.
Gosling writes a column for the RT website and frequently appears on RT’s broadcast channels, where he is presented as an investigative journalist, historian or social justice activist. In fact, he is none of those things. He is an arch-traditionalist adherent of the brand of conspiracy theory which he gets directly from … pseudo-historical sources including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. …
Where in his previous decades of investigating such matters Gosling relied on barely read websites, RT has in recent years provided him with both a regular column published on its own site, and frequent on-air interviews. This gives Gosling an international forum in which he can expound on his ideas about the Freemasons and Illuminati.
Great. Just great. We were this close to pulling off the Master Plan, and then RT had to go and sign up the one guy who would find out about the Illuminati!! Do any of you readers outside of Opus Dei/Bilderburg/Mugatu have any idea just how blasted’ hard it is to manage an actual conspiracy? How many moving parts there are to it? All it takes is one plucky, incredibly paranoid and anti-Semitic reporter to take down the entire cabal.
Oh, sure, we tried to cover their tracks. I, for one, thought it was pretty clever to try to suggest that the United States was under attack by combining attacks on the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines. Made it seem like the United States was also a victim of some sinister SPECTRE-like conspiracy.
We had hoped that this would throw Gosling off the scent. But first, Felix Salmon saw through that ruse and pointed out the many excellent reasons why this was all a tempest in a teapot (I knew the Illuminati should have accepted his membership application last year). Then some stupid flunkie got greedy and tried to bring Ariana Grande into things, and there’s no way that her badly-typed apology will fool someone dedicated to showing who really runs the world: a tight-knit clan of Rothschilds and Kochs and BuzzFeed interns.
In retrospect, I don’t think it was RT that was responsible for the whole conspiracy falling apart. No, there were deeper forces at work: the global erosion of trust in public institutions, the persistence of conspiracy theories regardless of pushback efforts, the growth of conspiracy-fueled narratives like Mr. Robot, and, of course, Donald Trump’s truth-telling existence. Us conspirators got cocky. Maybe jerry-rigging Carli Lloyd’s “miraculous” goal from midfield was the final straw of hubris.
Well, the jig is up now. It’s all true: It’s time to call together all the members of Skull and Bones, Aspen Strategy Group and the Army of the Twelve Monkeys and turn ourselves in. We had a good ride for centuries. But it’s time for a new secret cabal to run the world. Just keep it as far away from Ariana Grande as possible.
RT has an Illuminati correspondent, so I guess the jig is up on the great American conspiracy that secretly runs the world.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/postever ... lluminati/
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of the day after trading was paused for nearly four hours due to a “technical glitch” on July 8 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
By Daniel W. Drezner
Daniel W. Drezner is a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and a regular contributor to
July 9, 2015
As a fully paid-up member of the British-American Project, Council on Foreign Relations and the Evil League of Evil, I haven’t been this upset since that documentary “Capricorn One” was released in the 1970s.
You have to understand: The plan was working perfectly. The European Union is tearing itself apart over Greece. China’s stock market is melting down and China’s government seems powerless to stop it. The edifice of Vladimir Putin’s power structure in Russia gets shakier and shakier with each passing day. It’s not like the rest of the BRICS are doing that great, either.
And no one knew that the Plunge Protection Team/Trilateral Commission/Legion of Doom was secretly behind all the madness in a plan provided to us by the Underpants Gnomes to make a huge profit. Oh, sure, Vox’s Amanda Taub quoted a former opposition politician in Russia jokingly asserting, “the whole of power in Russia belongs to Putin, but the whole of responsibility for Russian problems belongs to Obama.” But no one believed that guy. China has been crying “hostile foreign forces” a lot recently, but no one in the Chinese educated classes really believed that assertion.
With no one the wiser, it seemed that the American Illuminati/Freemasons/Stonecutters master plan to simultaneously sabotage every other great power on the planet was finally coming to fruition. And then … Russia Today had to go and find an Illuminati correspondent:
RT, Russia’s state-run news service aimed primarily at non-Russian audiences, [has a contributor] who specializes in uncovering the hidden role the Illuminati plays in world affairs. His name is Tony Gosling.
Gosling writes a column for the RT website and frequently appears on RT’s broadcast channels, where he is presented as an investigative journalist, historian or social justice activist. In fact, he is none of those things. He is an arch-traditionalist adherent of the brand of conspiracy theory which he gets directly from … pseudo-historical sources including the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. …
Where in his previous decades of investigating such matters Gosling relied on barely read websites, RT has in recent years provided him with both a regular column published on its own site, and frequent on-air interviews. This gives Gosling an international forum in which he can expound on his ideas about the Freemasons and Illuminati.
Great. Just great. We were this close to pulling off the Master Plan, and then RT had to go and sign up the one guy who would find out about the Illuminati!! Do any of you readers outside of Opus Dei/Bilderburg/Mugatu have any idea just how blasted’ hard it is to manage an actual conspiracy? How many moving parts there are to it? All it takes is one plucky, incredibly paranoid and anti-Semitic reporter to take down the entire cabal.
Oh, sure, we tried to cover their tracks. I, for one, thought it was pretty clever to try to suggest that the United States was under attack by combining attacks on the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines. Made it seem like the United States was also a victim of some sinister SPECTRE-like conspiracy.
We had hoped that this would throw Gosling off the scent. But first, Felix Salmon saw through that ruse and pointed out the many excellent reasons why this was all a tempest in a teapot (I knew the Illuminati should have accepted his membership application last year). Then some stupid flunkie got greedy and tried to bring Ariana Grande into things, and there’s no way that her badly-typed apology will fool someone dedicated to showing who really runs the world: a tight-knit clan of Rothschilds and Kochs and BuzzFeed interns.
In retrospect, I don’t think it was RT that was responsible for the whole conspiracy falling apart. No, there were deeper forces at work: the global erosion of trust in public institutions, the persistence of conspiracy theories regardless of pushback efforts, the growth of conspiracy-fueled narratives like Mr. Robot, and, of course, Donald Trump’s truth-telling existence. Us conspirators got cocky. Maybe jerry-rigging Carli Lloyd’s “miraculous” goal from midfield was the final straw of hubris.
Well, the jig is up now. It’s all true: It’s time to call together all the members of Skull and Bones, Aspen Strategy Group and the Army of the Twelve Monkeys and turn ourselves in. We had a good ride for centuries. But it’s time for a new secret cabal to run the world. Just keep it as far away from Ariana Grande as possible.
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung ... rg/phpBB2/