Ive been out of the UK "9/11-alternative thinking" loop for a while, since I am currently living in Cambodia. As such Im a little out of touch with the state of activism in the UK just now. If any of you who know me can find the time, an update would be much appreciated, both on your efforts, and your lives in general. You can either IM me here, or email me, mark@unconventionalrealms.com
Meanwhile, its nice to see so many familiar names still trying to work together to expose the true nature of the world we live, which is obviously far removed from that which mainstream consensus opinion largely considers to be truth.
Speaking of this dilemna, which clearly affects us all, I have recently written an e-book, in an effort to put this information in front of more people. All the details can be found at the following address.
The book addresses, in what I consider to be a very level headed fashion, various subjects that the mainstream media is all to hasty and purposeful in brushing aside. I have tried my best to dispose of the more speculative thinking that occasionally prevails and in doing so have also tried to ensure that all my facts where cited, are rock solid.
At this time, the website acts as more of an accompaniment to the book than anything else, although plans are afoot to include a blog, when I can better sort out the formatting required to incorporate this within the site. Meanwhile, Ive posted a couple of entries at what is a temporary location, here;
http://unconventionalrealms.com/homepag ... on-my-mind
Rather than going into too much detail here, if you wish to know more then please visit the website. The link Ive posted takes you to the homepage. Thereafter, a good place to start, as one might expect, is the introduction page ( click the "introduction" link on the menu bar.)
I'm sure that most of you are probably of the opinion that nothing much about the way the world currently works would really surprise you any more and as a generally knowledgeable community therefore, much of the information contained within the site is likely to be going over old ground.
As informed as I know you all are however, Im sure you will still find a few well researched surprises within the site, and the book.
Finally, if you choose to do nothing else when you visit the site, might I strongly reccommend to you the video in the "natural cancer fighters - Medical marijuana" page".
http://unconventionalrealms.com/food/na ... r-fighters
If you havent seen it yet, its something of an eye opener for sure.
All the best,
Mark Leah.