Mon05Nov - PARLIAMENT - Cancel All Debt with Muad'Dib

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Mon05Nov - PARLIAMENT - Cancel All Debt with Muad'Dib

Post by TonyGosling »


During a Jubilee year, it is REQUIRED under The Law, that:
ALL DEBTS ARE TO BE CANCELLED with the wealth and land redistributed and returned to the people (Leviticus 25:10), thereby eliminating poverty (Deuteronomy 15:4).

Are you tired of being a debt slave to the war criminal banksters and their war criminal puppet politicians, who steal from you, whilst doing NOTHING to protect you and your family's freedom, safety and prosperity?

Looking around us, we can all see now that things just keep getting worse... Economic collapse. Increasing poverty, crime and injustice. Senseless wars, strange diseases and disasters. False flag events THEY* orchestrate, such as 9/11, and 7/7, all rapidly leading us to WW3 and Armageddon.

The only logical conclusion that can be made when considering these facts, is that staying the course down this current path of self-destruction will not lead to survival.
The Perfect Royal Laws of Liberty, which were given to us by the Ruler of The Universe (God), forbids men from legislating, i.e. making up their own evil rules that benefit only the richest 1% at the expense of the remaining 99%... i.e. YOU (Deuteronomy 4:2).
God's Law is the ONLY TRUE Law of the land - The Royal Law that Elizabeth swore in her Coronation Oath (her binding contract with YOU) to maintain and uphold to the UTMOST of her power – which she has not done.

The Perfect Royal Laws of Liberty (God's Laws)
The ONLY solution, is to get rid of all this false legislation designed by the rich, to keep them in power whilst enslaving the rest of us and return to The Law given to us by The Ruler of the Universe (God) for our protection from evil, and His Law ONLY, under which ALL DEBTS MUST BE CANCELLED each Jubilee Year. Returning to God's Law is the only option, if you want to survive. That's the truth - NOTHING else will set everyone free.

Step 1: Please pass this message on to all of your friends, family and neighbours.

Step 2: Watch "The Nazi Banksters' Crimes Ripple Effect" (and other Ripple Effect films) at:
(Or find it via Google, or at:

Step 3: Plan to occupy Parliament on November 5th 2012 and support Muad'Dib in declaring a year of Jubilee to end our debt-slavery, and be prepared to stay for as long as it takes.

It is time for millions of us, to take full responsibility for our actions & circumstances, unite and peacefully gather at the Houses of Parliament in London – on the 5th of November 2012 – to support Muad'Dib in declaring a Year of Jubilee, to cancel all debts and end the corruption and treason,
making this a day that present and future generations will never forget.

Recently found innocent by a Jury of regular people, after being wrongfully arrested, falsely and maliciously imprisoned for over 150 days for making His "7/7 Ripple Effect" film and defending innocent people, Muad'Dib is back with TRUE and exact justice for all.

Cutting to the root of the problem, with the only solution. Come be a part of it.

* The Hierarchy Enslaving You – THEY. Get this flyer:

And this is the film

The Nazi Banksters' Crimes - Ripple Effect

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Post by Danny »

The mysterious group "Anonymous" have picked up on the event, and published this video on the net:-


It was mentioned and played during Muad'Dib's latest radio broadcast with ... d-muaddib/ ... t-muaddib/

Muad'Dib comes on around the 64 minute mark in Part One, and remains for the duration of Part Two.
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Post by Andrew. »


MUAD'DIB says "they are going to kill 6,000,000 people" on Critical Mass Radio.

And how to stop it.

[youtube] ... h_response[/youtube]
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Post by Danny »

Operation Jubilee – Rules of Engagement.

Protests like those in Greece and OWS, the recent surrounding of the Congress building in Madrid and most previous protests have failed, because the protesters allowed the police to provoke and arrest individuals, one or two at a time, whilst everyone else let them get away with it, with an “I’m alright Jack” attitude, until it’s their turn, of course.

Reverend Martin Niemöller famously stated – “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn’t speak up because I was a protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.”

The difference with Operation Jubilee, for it to succeed, is that it MUST be an all for one and one for all event; acting as one body, and any and all policemen who lay their hands on anyone protesting peacefully, especially Muad’Dib, will be citizen’s arrested, using their own handcuffs against them. This will help the protest to turn out differently, for once.

Both the people and the police need to know the rules that the people will be guided by. So that; if or when they attempt what they are likely to attempt (dragging away an individual); they will see that the people will do exactly what they said they would do, and that they have to keep their hands off peaceful protestors.

Any weapons used against the people will be confiscated, by the people.

THEY will try to lay down their fraudulent rules, falsely claiming they are laying down and enforcing the law, when they are NOT. If it isn’t in the Bible, it is NOT a law, but a fraudulent piece of man-made legislation. So tell them that, and ignore their unlawful fraudulent orders. If they try to enforce fraudulent legislation, they will be committing a crime against the people, and thus are criminals who must be arrested, irrespective of their appearance.

In order to prevent THEM from saying that the operation’s rules would be an excuse for anarchists to do as they like, any wrong-doers among the people, will also be arrested by the people. That will also take care of any agent provocateurs/undercover cops – the ones who throw things, etc, in order to provoke a police charge and brutality.

Peacefully protesting against treason, corruption and injustice is Lawful, and anybody who attempts to deny someone’s right to do so is committing a crime, and will be arrested.

Stay anonymous. Stay free and join Operation Jubilee.
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Post by Danny »

OPERATION JUBILEE - Land Ownership Inequality

It’s not only that the very rich have colossal wealth, they also overwhelmingly monopolise it. The richest 1% of the population own a quarter of total UK wealth, and the richest half control no less than 94% of total wealth. Ownership of land is even more skewed: 69% of it is owned by 0.3% of the population. ... ur-britain
In broad outline, the UK is 60 million acres in size, of which 41 million are designated “agricultural” land, 15 million are so-called natural wastage (forests, rivers, mountains and so on) and owned by institutions such as the Forestry Commission and the Ministry of Defence, and four million are the “urban plot”, the densely congested land on which most of the 61 million people of these islands live.

In sum, 69 per cent of the acreage of Britain is owned by 0.6 per cent of the population. Or, more pertinently, 158,000 families own 41 million acres of land, while 24 million families live on the four million acres of the urban plot. No other country in Europe, apart from Spain, has such an unequal concentration of land ownership. The single wealthiest landowner is the Duke of Westminster, who owns hundreds of acres of prime real estate and land in Belgravia and Mayfair.

As Cahill said, there is no shortage of available and uncultivated land in Britain – the landowners’ estates are vast and, in areas such as the Cotswolds and parts of Scotland, say, omnipresent. What Britain suffers from, especially in the south-east of England, is a shortage of land on which housing can be built. As a result, the urban plot becomes ever more congested, land values and property prices continue to grow – because scarcity of land attracts a premium value – and our young people, many of them debt-burdened from their university years or struggling to find work in a recession, cannot afford to buy a flat, let alone a house. This forces them into the twilight world of short-term rents and disreputable landlords.

REDISTRIBUTE THE LAND. CANCEL ALL DEBT. Land ownership typically implies house ownership. There are many obvious benefits of having land and a house. Please, consider what home ownership means to you. Some statistics estimate home ownership in the UK at about 68%, but most of those people probably have mortgages. Cancelling the debt will remove the mortgages and then these people can really own the houses, because their ownership will no longer be conditional on being able to make mortgage payments. The remaining 32%, which probably includes a lot of young people, who need the houses the most to be able to start business, families, and raise children, can be given land and houses outright – most people already live in houses and there are empty houses and land, so there should be enough land and houses for everyone. There is also a lot of land that is owned by organized religions and billionaires that don’t need all that land – that land can be used to build families, small businesses and communities in their place. While it is true that some pieces of land are better than others, there should be plenty of good land and houses for everyone and most people will end up much better off as a result than they are now. The savings on mortgages can be considered as credit to be used to boost the economy. Paying for rent and debt does not actually produce anything, but simply transfers wealth to those who own land and banks from those who don’t. By removing the burdens of rent and debt, people can focus on working towards actually creating wealth doing what they are best at and people should also have more money to spend on the products and services of others. Land ownership provides additional opportunities, because it gives people places to set up shops and small businesses. If people don’t have to take jobs to pay rent or mortgages, they can start businesses to develop their talents and have the time to nurture the businesses. People are more productive when they do what they enjoy doing and what they are best at and small businesses help build strong communities. Increases in productivity, additional economic opportunities that come with land ownership, and more available funds should translate into greater wealth for the whole nation that everyone should be able to benefit from.

If millions of people want to do it, it can be done. If millions of people gather at the Houses of Parliament all the questions of how exactly to carry out land redistribution and debt forgiveness can be resolved peacefully and justly. The presence of millions of people should persuade the military and the police that it is best to join their fellow countrymen and claim their share of the nation’s wealth and future, rather than continue being the tools of oppression of a small, greedy and corrupt elite. With millions of people openly participating, all questions regarding equal land distribution should be possible to resolve justly, since nobody would want to cheat others, because then they themselves could get cheated, and if someone does try to cheat others it should quickly become obvious to others and in the crowd of millions, a person trying to rip people off would be in a perilous situation. One point that people bring up is that over time, economic inequality happens again, and if it does it’s simply a matter of declaring another Jubilee. The matters of debt forgiveness are even simpler to resolve, because unlike with land, cancelling debt does not require a physical transfer of objects, but a simple shuffling of paperwork and computer numbers, the simplicity stemming from the fact that the bulk of paperwork will be considered void and computer databases simply wiped out.

The largest land owners are self-proclaimed elites and organized religions; it is their holdings that will be used to pay for the bulk of the Jubilee. For millennia, organized religions have been parasites on society, hoarding treasures and land, while offering no benefit to society, and usually harming society through unjust persecutions, wasteful rituals, countless wars, and subversion of individual pursuits of virtue. If they really serve God, they don’t need expensive jewellery and lots of land to do it, so the land of organized religions can be redistributed. Corrupt elites hold high-level positions in state and private enterprise and consider themselves to be above the common people, hence the term elite. They also consider themselves above the law and use paid-for legislators, personal networks and expensive lawyers to apply different legal standards to themselves than to others. One particular example is the queen, who enjoys all kinds of special benefits at the expense of the nation. More commonly, the elites use expensive lawyers to give themselves a legal advantage whenever they feel they need it in their pursuit of multiplying their wealth at your expense, or when they commit crimes and get caught. The elites also control and include politicians, who twist the laws to give an even greater legal advantage to the elites, to funnel public funds to them, and to grant the elites privileges above the working people. The elites even have the audacity to claim that their ruthless profiteering is their contribution to society and they say it’s hard work so they deserve to have all that wealth, and that if you were as treacherous and conniving as they are, then you would have that much wealth too. Through their positions in society and government they control the military industrial complex and declare wars to build their empires on the blood of working people. They use their intelligence assets to carry out false flag attacks to manipulate the public into supporting and fighting their wars. They use their business as fronts for the drug trade and their banks to launder the drug money. Their control of military, intelligence, businesses and banking allows them to maintain control of Afghanistan to profit from poisoning the world with heroin and they similarly control and profit from other aspects of the global drug trade. The elites engineered the debt crisis to increase their control of world finance and to accelerate the transfer of wealth from the working people to themselves through bail-outs that benefit the “too big to fail” elites at the expense of everyone else after those very elites have reaped record profits to cause the crisis to begin with and to place virtually everyone else in debt to them. They are building a police state with legislation, surveillance and police for the sake of putting themselves above the working class people and maintaining their obscene wealth and power. Presiding over all this is an impostor monarch, crowned on a counterfeit Stone of Destiny, sworn to broken oaths, party to countless crimes, including murder of Princess Diana, and the largest land owner on the planet, enjoying special treatment and legal status above the people that she has sworn to serve. It’s their crimes that got us into this mess, so they are the ones that should pay. This should also hopefully be a lesson to others to prevent them from doing the same thing in the future. They have worked very hard to cheat people and if we do this Jubilee then all their cunning and deception will have been for nothing. If you think that it’s right for them to accumulate ridiculous wealth at your expense, if you are happy with your position as an employee, if you prefer to rent a house instead of owning it, if you like being in debt to them and paying interest to make them even richer, while you work to be able to make interest payments and to pay rent and they enjoy the products of your labour, if you support the wars they declare in your name, if you like paying taxes so they can use your money to place you under increasing amounts of surveillance and build a police state, so that they can charge you more fees, taxes and fines to funnel into more of their projects – if you think that this is the way things should be, then the Jubilee is not for you, and we suggest you allow the 5th of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what we see, if you feel as we feel, then meet us in front of Parliament on November 5th and together we shall give them a 5th of November that shall never ever be forgotten.

In the meanwhile, join the Anonymous Operation Jubilee and keep track of it to make sure we get millions of people to show up. Getting millions of people to show up is important to prevent the police and the military from bullying us. Stay Anonymous and help others be Anonymous for the sake of security. Consider again the benefits of having your own house and put in the amount of effort accordingly – it might take you a couple of decades of hard work to save up for a house, and here you might get it in a couple of weeks together with your debts wiped out. The more people show up, the less work it is per person and the safer it is, so get as many people to join as possible.

Anons world-wide, show solidarity with your UK brothers and spread the message, and if you like the idea, declare a Jubilee in your nation.
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Post by Danny »



Rally Millions To
Parliament, London
5 November 2012

Cancel All Debt
Stop War
Redistribute the Land
Eliminate Poverty
hashtag #OpJubilee
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Post by Andrew. »


Looks like the Jubilee concept has not gone unnoticed and is
percolating through society, although this manifestation of it is far
from a real solution to the problem:

What Is The Rolling Jubilee?

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