UK military protocol for security & counter-intelligence

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UK military protocol for security & counter-intelligence

Post by TonyGosling »

Wikileaks more interesting leaks - which had passed me by :-)
Funny in a way it's potentially useful to all the population to be able to help in protecting the security of the country by being made aware of threats to systems - IMO utterly stupid to make this available in digital form in the first place.
Not suitable for homework really is it?
And yes, the PDF takes a while to download but it's only 50Mb so be patient and enjoy some insomnia killing bedtime reading for your Kindle perchance, would probably kill your printer with its 2000+ pages.

This significant, previously unpublished document (classified "RESTRICTED", 2389 pages), is the UK military protocol for all security and counter-intelligence operations. ... ages,_2001
The document includes instructions on dealing with leaks, investigative journalists, Parliamentarians, foreign agents, terrorists & criminals, sexual entrapments in Russia and China, diplomatic pouches, allies, classified documents & codewords, compromising radio and audio emissions, computer hackers—and many other related issues.
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