Uploaded by Kostafleer on Sep 26, 2011
an independend investigation by the historian Dr. Daniele Ganser
05:09 Chapter 1: Three different 911 stories
24:03 Chapter 2: Who is telling the truth? The 911 debate in the USA
33:05 Chapter 3: Conspiracies
37:10 Chapter 4: WTC 7
55:25 Chapter 5: Pentagon
59:34 Chapter 6: Put options
The following indexes are not clickable
1:02:07 Chapter 07: Able danger
01:05:34 Chapter 08: Osama Bin Laden
01:13:53 Chapter 09: Northwoods
01:17:40 Chapter 10: Conclusion
01:20:35 Q&A: Anthrax Attacks and 911
01:21:44 Q&A: The 911 reinvestigation
01:23:03 Q&A: The press
01:27:44 Q&A: Scholars for truth