Met. Police Islamic Liason Axed When It's Most Needed

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Met. Police Islamic Liason Axed When It's Most Needed

Post by TonyGosling »

D.I. Bob Lambert throws more doubts on the 7/7 myth.
Are they going to leave the lot to the Anti-anti-terrorist Branch now?
No wonder it's already generated so many comments. I see 7/7 also has a less than trustworthy advocate in the next day's paper!

We need to listen to the man from special branch
In this climate of anti-Muslim rage, counter-terrorist police are talking more sense than the government or media

* Seumas Milne
* The Guardian Comment,
* Thursday February 14 2008

A week after the Archbishop of Canterbury dared to float the idea that some role for Islamic arbitration could be recognised in British law, the anti-Muslim backlash grinds on. Never mind that Rowan Williams's proposal was hedged with qualifications, that elements of sharia already have legal status, that he used the existing practice of orthodox Jewish courts as a model, and insisted such an accommodation could not override equal legal rights for all, notably women. The media and political reaction has been hysterical and ugly: from the Sun's declaration that Williams had "handed al-Qaida a victory", to the Express claim that he had "surrendered to fanatics", to the endless replays of floggings in western-backed states like Saudi Arabia.

It was still going strong yesterday, as Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips insisted the archbishop had weakened Britain against the "Islamist enemy" and the Telegraph reported the Queen was "distressed". As well she might be. What has been demonstrated in the past week, as Williams should have realised, is that serious debate about equal rights for Muslims or integration as a two-way process is becoming impossible in an atmosphere of growing Islamophobic intolerance. Hardly had the Williams furore kicked off than the minister Phil Woolas had triggered headlines about a "Muslim inbreeding row" with remarks about the health risks of cousin marriages among Pakistanis - a practice traditionally favoured by British monarchs.......... ... .terrorism
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