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by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:20 am
Forum: The Bigger Picture
Topic: Brown calls for new world order
Replies: 6
Views: 2992

Brown calls for new world order

A new world order.. Isn't that just a conspiracy theory? Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes the world financial crisis offers the opportunity to establish a "truly global society". Mr Brown will use a h...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:57 pm
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: Reading 'bomber' arrested with Waffen SS UK handbook
Replies: 2
Views: 2085

What were the three tennis balls for? Maybe he was on his way to put some weed killer on a lawn, where he was then going to play tennis later (hence tennis balls). (JOKE) :lol: :roll: Is this what the BBC meant when it reported ? Terrorism threat in UK 'growing'
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:48 pm
Forum: General
Topic: UK terror alert over "thousands" of extremists
Replies: 6
Views: 2566

Terrorism threat in UK 'growing' according to BBC

Talk about flogging a dead horse. The BBC one again is banging out the drum beat of fear. The BBC has no doubt been commissioned to put out this baseless rumour ridden MI5 briefed story. There are THOUSANDS of terrorists in Birmingham, Luton and London, AL-CIAda operatives with a direct line to Osam...
by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:23 pm
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: Guardian Columnist and Dubious 9/11 Theories...
Replies: 35
Views: 24070

TonyGosling wrote: If you can't add some reasoned argument to a discussion you'll be confined to critics corner.
And not a moment too soon Tony.

Apart from that when I read this article I smell two things, BS and desperation.
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:57 pm
Forum: The Bigger Picture
Topic: Behold a Black Horse - orchestrated food riots Rev 6:5-6
Replies: 38
Views: 105581

On the menu at the G8 On the menu at the G8 The menu for the G8 summit has been revealed. Tim Hayward doesn't know which is more depressing - the leaders' hypocrisy or the incompetent PR July 7, 2008 3:50 PM
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:40 pm
Forum: The Bigger Picture
Topic: Behold a Black Horse - orchestrated food riots Rev 6:5-6
Replies: 38
Views: 105581

huge meal after Gordon Brown called on people to eat less In praise of ... Japanese food Editorial The Guardian, Wednesday July 9, 2008 Poor Katsuhiro Nakamura. The chef - the first from Japan to win a Michelin star for his cooking, in Paris, a city convinced that it is hom...
by Sherlock Holmes
Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:06 pm
Forum: The Bigger Picture
Topic: Behold a Black Horse - orchestrated food riots Rev 6:5-6
Replies: 38
Views: 105581

Britain urging return to wartime food frugality

I just had a kebab and portion of chips... I'm guilty as hell much of salad went all over the floor. By DAVID SaTRINGER, Associated Press Writer Fri Jul 11, 2:31 PM ET LONDON - Waste not, want not. ADVERTISEMENT Evoking an era of ...
by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:39 am
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: Independent Review of WTC7 'Conspiracy Files'
Replies: 30
Views: 19668

Red Hot Poker - No it's a feather duster

It’s quite a desperate article, written from the depths of intellectual snobbery. Sadly this is the attitude of the vast majority, cynical, pompous and pathetic. I meet more and more of these people everyday it seems, members of the pseudo-intelligentsia. It’s the kind of mind-set that walks around ...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:38 am
Forum: The Bigger Picture
Topic: U.S. escalating covert operations against Iran - report
Replies: 2
Views: 1745

U.S. escalating covert operations against Iran - report

I can only think that breaking these kinds of news stories is simply another "Lone Gunman" attempt to frighten the Israeli lobby and to stoke up the general American public opinion against 'another' war. This a press release sanctioned by the left CIA.
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:05 pm
Forum: The Bigger Picture
Topic: Everything seemingly is spinning out of control
Replies: 5
Views: 4819

Everything seemingly is spinning out of control

I thought this was straight from the front page of prison planet -(Buy your storable food now - Armageddon days are here etc...). In fact it was the Associated Press and on the front page of Yahoo.... By ALAN FRAM and EILEEN PUTMAN, Ass...
by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:59 pm
Forum: Gathering
Topic: I've moved up north to ....Oxford
Replies: 2
Views: 26231

Yes certainly Sir, please do pop up!

I'll e-mail you Spiv...
by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:50 pm
Forum: Gathering
Topic: I've moved up north to ....Oxford
Replies: 2
Views: 26231

I've moved up north to ....Oxford

I've moved up north to Oxford, a distance of around 70 miles north-west from Sunny Southampton. Not sure how long I will be around. I know the Oxford crew are quite sociable so if you guys ever meet up please PM me and let me know I'll definately be up for a pint. I'm having a great time in Oxford, ...
by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:40 pm
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: Steven Jones published in Civil Engineering Journal
Replies: 13
Views: 9255

Yet again, Jones et al presume that the molten metal was steel (sigh!). Yes that explains it all then, batteries and aluminum from the airplanes. That explains the iron rich micro-spheres, the thermate chips, the free fall collapses of the two towers and building 7, and the massive pulverization of...
by Sherlock Holmes
Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:35 pm
Forum: General
Topic: London Police Show The Chinese How Brutality Should Be Done
Replies: 16
Views: 7619

Shouting, swearing, kneeing, punching, threatening, searching pockets without permission, purposefully issuing massively disproportionate pain & attempting to humiliate an innocent witness to events!! That is the new British bobby….The Chinese would be proud!
by Sherlock Holmes
Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:12 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Shock bracelet - to be put on airline passengers?
Replies: 7
Views: 3637

Clearly humour is lost on you. You are yet to prove that 9/11 or 7/7 were false flag operations. The burden of proof is very much on you and given that the large majority of your "evidence" for this is long since debunked, rehashed, repetative nonsense... [Edit: And it's Lincolnshire] Reg...
by Sherlock Holmes
Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:50 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Shock bracelet - to be put on airline passengers?
Replies: 7
Views: 3637

Running a modified form of walking you say? Intriguing, you must be some sort of professor of bio-mechanics...the idea that running has any resemblance to walking is truly ground breaking. :wink: And you must be some kind of Professor of "being a c***" :wink: . What were you actually a st...
by Sherlock Holmes
Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:20 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Terminal 5 fingerprinting breaches data laws
Replies: 5
Views: 3532

Here's a comment on the story from the Mail's web page. There is a real danger these days of terrorist activities,fake passports etc. and surely this measure would help reduce this risk. I am all for any measures taken for security reasons and those that don't like it should stay at home----and keep...
by Sherlock Holmes
Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:35 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Shock bracelet - to be put on airline passengers?
Replies: 7
Views: 3637

Re: Shock bracelet - to be put on airline passengers?

SHOCK BRACELET - TO BE PUT ON AIRLINE PASSENGERS? 5 min Video : All for your safety & convenience :roll: Yeah this technology is out there, it's been around for a while, c...
by Sherlock Holmes
Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:22 am
Forum: Gathering
Topic: I hate introductions (This thread contains sharing of ideas)
Replies: 43
Views: 75149

contrary to popular belief Larry Silverstein was far worse off after 9/11. As was the US government it self It is precisely this kind of blatant lie posing as debate which makes people like Northern Soul unacceptable on this site. It is obvious s/he is here to shill. Please mods move this thread to...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:01 pm
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: 25 Intolerable Contradictions: Undoing of 9/11 Official Tale
Replies: 1
Views: 2418

25 Intolerable Contradictions: The Final Undoing of the Official 9/11 Story Review of David Ray Griffin's book by Elizabeth Woodworth A review of "9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press," by Dr. David Ray Gr...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:47 pm
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: Griffin criticises Shenon's book.
Replies: 7
Views: 2778

Perhaps pick out a particular claim, a fairly important one to his case and I will attempt to show how it is a distortion, a lie, or whatever else. You know of course that DRG was the fact checker for Loose Change Final Cut? Which had spelling errors in the credits. Clearly he isn't what we'd call ...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:44 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Observer article on 9/11 Commission
Replies: 6
Views: 4492

Forgive me, this proves what exactly? I'm just not seeing what you're getting at, yes the Bush administration, CIA and so on did make mistakes in the run up to 9/11 and these have been highlighted in the commission report. Perhaps you could enlighten me. "...these have been highlighted in the ...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:38 pm
Forum: Strategy Of Tension, False Flag Terror, 9/11 & 7/7 Truth & WWIII News
Topic: Griffin criticises Shenon's book.
Replies: 7
Views: 2778

Of course his books always contain the same distortions. Very little changes from one to the next. Oh really? I've read three of Griffin's books to date, and haven't noticed these "distortions" that you speak of. Actually I've found Griffin's books, especially the last one I read "De...
by Sherlock Holmes
Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:38 am
Forum: General
Topic: Stubborn, Pig-Headed People.
Replies: 15
Views: 11049

Well some of us here were kicked off an Open University OUSA Atheist/Agnostics conference recently for bring up 9/11 & 7/7 truth. There was a massive rumble, nay actually it was huge rumble, one of the morons kept telling me how he had an O'Level Physics from 1966. Complete an utter old boy 'bee...
by Sherlock Holmes
Sun Mar 16, 2008 12:40 am
Forum: Anglo-Zionist Empire: Nation by Nation NWO War Gazetteer
Topic: Could Afghanistan Break NATO?
Replies: 199
Views: 427163

Gas Games in Central Asia

Gas Games in Central Asia 13/03/2008 Other losers in this geopolitical game are the United States and the European Union. Gazprom's compliance with the Central Asian states' demands for a higher price makes it difficult, if not impossible, for all ...
by Sherlock Holmes
Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:19 pm
Forum: Unexplained Deaths, 'Suicidings', 'Accidents', Plots & Assassinations
Topic: Mar2008 Police Inspector Neil Munro body on a Dorset beach
Replies: 17
Views: 37233

Dangerous times to be a honest cop in this country.

I think one of the regular posters to this forum has a son who is a Dorset copper.
by Sherlock Holmes
Fri Mar 14, 2008 5:57 pm
Forum: Articles
Topic: DNA taken amid claims of universal database 'by stealth'
Replies: 2
Views: 2971

Let it be known that on this day, Friday 14th March 2008, the government of the United Kingdom did issue the following statement in response to a popular petition by the people of this land. A popular petition that had a grand total of 813 signatories. ht...
by Sherlock Holmes
Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:36 am
Forum: Other Controversies
Topic: Apollo Moon Landings Faked?
Replies: 676
Views: 395155

Where are the footprints around the flag?

A story made the front page of recently, titled: We haven't been back in 36 years [photo] The comments ( ) make interesting reading: Especially the one about the footprints around the flag, or distinct lack of them.
by Sherlock Holmes
Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:12 am
Forum: Articles
Topic: Independent - Torture Undermines All US Credibility
Replies: 1
Views: 2490

Russia slams US report as biased

On a similar theme: Russia slams US report as biased The Russian foreign ministry said the U.S. State Department's annual report on human rights reflected the "double standards" of a country it claimed uses human rights...
by Sherlock Holmes
Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:53 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Prince Harry
Replies: 19
Views: 10880

UK-ordered air strike kills four Afghan civilians UK-ordered air strike kills four Afghan civilians By Luke Baker 2 hours, 15 minutes ago LONDON (Reuters) - Four civilians died in an air strike in Afghanistan, Britain's defense ministry said on Wednesday, and a military expert said the t...